Esempio n. 1
bool BitcoinMiner(primecoinBlock_t* primecoinBlock, CSieveOfEratosthenes*& psieve, unsigned int threadIndex, unsigned int nonceStep) {
	if (pctx == NULL) { pctx = BN_CTX_new(); }

	primecoinBlock->nonce = 1+threadIndex;
	const unsigned long maxNonce = 0xFFFFFFFF;

	uint32 nTime = getTimeMilliseconds() + 1000*600;
	uint32 loopCount = 0;

	mpz_class mpzHashFactor = 2310; //11 Hash Factor

	time_t unixTimeStart;
	uint32 nTimeRollStart = primecoinBlock->timestamp - 5;
   uint32 nLastRollTime = getTimeMilliseconds();
	uint32 nCurrentTick = nLastRollTime;
	while( nCurrentTick < nTime && primecoinBlock->serverData.blockHeight == jhMiner_getCurrentWorkBlockHeight(primecoinBlock->threadIndex) )
		nCurrentTick = getTimeMilliseconds();
      // Roll Time stamp every 10 secs.
		if ((primecoinBlock->xptMode) && (nCurrentTick < nLastRollTime || (nLastRollTime - nCurrentTick >= 10000)))
			// when using x.pushthrough, roll time
			time_t unixTimeCurrent;
			uint32 timeDif = unixTimeCurrent - unixTimeStart;
			uint32 newTimestamp = nTimeRollStart + timeDif;
			if( newTimestamp != primecoinBlock->timestamp )
				primecoinBlock->timestamp = newTimestamp;
				primecoinBlock->nonce = 1+threadIndex;
         nLastRollTime = nCurrentTick;

		primecoinBlock_generateHeaderHash(primecoinBlock, primecoinBlock->blockHeaderHash.begin());

		bool fNewBlock = true;
		unsigned int nTriedMultiplier = 0;
		// Primecoin: try to find hash divisible by primorial
        uint256 phash = primecoinBlock->blockHeaderHash;
        mpz_class mpzHash;
        mpz_set_uint256(mpzHash.get_mpz_t(), phash);
		while ((phash < hashBlockHeaderLimit || !mpz_divisible_p(mpzHash.get_mpz_t(), mpzHashFactor.get_mpz_t())) && primecoinBlock->nonce < maxNonce) {
			primecoinBlock->nonce += nonceStep;
			if (primecoinBlock->nonce >= maxNonce) { primecoinBlock->nonce = 2+threadIndex; }
			primecoinBlock_generateHeaderHash(primecoinBlock, primecoinBlock->blockHeaderHash.begin());
            phash = primecoinBlock->blockHeaderHash;
            mpz_set_uint256(mpzHash.get_mpz_t(), phash);

		mpz_class mpzPrimorial;mpz_class mpzFixedMultiplier;
		unsigned int nRoundTests = 0;unsigned int nRoundPrimesHit = 0;
		unsigned int nTests = 0;unsigned int nPrimesHit = 0;

		unsigned int nProbableChainLength;
		if (primeStats.tSplit) {
			unsigned int nPrimorialMultiplier = primeStats.nPrimorials[threadIndex%primeStats.nPrimorialsSize];
			Primorial(nPrimorialMultiplier, mpzPrimorial);
			mpzFixedMultiplier = mpzPrimorial / mpzHashFactor;
			MineProbablePrimeChain(psieve, primecoinBlock, mpzFixedMultiplier, fNewBlock, nTriedMultiplier, nProbableChainLength, nTests, nPrimesHit, threadIndex, mpzHash, nPrimorialMultiplier);
		} else {
			unsigned int nPrimorialMultiplier = primeStats.nPrimorials[threadSNum];
			Primorial(nPrimorialMultiplier, mpzPrimorial);
			mpzFixedMultiplier = mpzPrimorial / mpzHashFactor;
		MineProbablePrimeChain(psieve, primecoinBlock, mpzFixedMultiplier, fNewBlock, nTriedMultiplier, nProbableChainLength, nTests, nPrimesHit, threadIndex, mpzHash, nPrimorialMultiplier);
			threadSNum++;if (threadSNum>=primeStats.nPrimorialsSize) { threadSNum = 0; }
#ifdef _WIN32
		threadHearthBeat[threadIndex] = getTimeMilliseconds();
		if (appQuitSignal)
			printf( "Shutting down mining thread %d.\n", threadIndex);
			return false;
	if (appQuitSignal) { printf( "Shutting down mining thread %d.\n", threadIndex);return false; }

		nRoundTests += nTests;
		nRoundPrimesHit += nPrimesHit;

		primecoinBlock->nonce += nonceStep;
	return true;
Esempio n. 2
void BitcoinMiner(primecoinBlock_t* primecoinBlock, sint32 threadIndex)
	//printf("PrimecoinMiner started\n");
	if( pctx == NULL )
		pctx = BN_CTX_new();
	// Each thread has its own key and counter
	//CReserveKey reservekey(pwallet);
	unsigned int nExtraNonce = 0;

	static const unsigned int nPrimorialHashFactor = 7;
	unsigned int nPrimorialMultiplierStart = 7;

	static int startFactorList[4] =
	// there is a much better way to do all the primorial and fixedMutliplier calculation, but this has to suffice for now...
	nPrimorialMultiplierStart = startFactorList[(threadIndex&3)];

	unsigned int nPrimorialMultiplier = nPrimorialMultiplierStart;
	int64 nTimeExpected = 0;   // time expected to prime chain (micro-second)
	int64 nTimeExpectedPrev = 0; // time expected to prime chain last time
	bool fIncrementPrimorial = true; // increase or decrease primorial factor

	CSieveOfEratosthenes* psieve = NULL;

	primecoinBlock->nonce = 0;

	//uint32 nTime = GetTickCount() + 1000*60;
	// note: originally a wanted to loop as long as (primecoinBlock->workDataHash != jhMiner_getCurrentWorkHash()) did not happen
	//		 but I noticed it might be smarter to just check if the blockHeight has changed, since that is what is really important
	nPrimorialMultiplier = nPrimorialMultiplierStart;
	uint32 loopCount = 0;

	mpz_class bnHashFactor;
	Primorial(nPrimorialHashFactor, bnHashFactor);

	time_t unixTimeStart;
	uint32 nTimeRollStart = primecoinBlock->timestamp;

	while( primecoinBlock->serverData.blockHeight == jhMiner_getCurrentWorkBlockHeight(primecoinBlock->threadIndex) )

		if( primecoinBlock->xptMode )
			// when using x.pushthrough, roll time
			time_t unixTimeCurrent;
			uint32 timeDif = unixTimeCurrent - unixTimeStart;
			uint32 newTimestamp = nTimeRollStart + timeDif;
			if( newTimestamp != primecoinBlock->timestamp )
				primecoinBlock->timestamp = newTimestamp;
				primecoinBlock->nonce = 0;
				nPrimorialMultiplierStart = startFactorList[(threadIndex&3)];

		primecoinBlock_generateHeaderHash(primecoinBlock, primecoinBlock->blockHeaderHash.begin());
		// Search
		bool fNewBlock = true;
		unsigned int nTriedMultiplier = 0;
		uint256 phash = primecoinBlock->blockHeaderHash;
        mpz_class mpzHash;
        mpz_set_uint256(mpzHash.get_mpz_t(), phash);
		// Primecoin: try to find hash divisible by primorial
		while ((phash < hashBlockHeaderLimit || (mpzHash % bnHashFactor != 0)) && primecoinBlock->nonce < 0xffff0000)
			primecoinBlock_generateHeaderHash(primecoinBlock, primecoinBlock->blockHeaderHash.begin());
			phash = primecoinBlock->blockHeaderHash;
			mpz_set_uint256(mpzHash.get_mpz_t(), phash);
		//printf("Use nonce %d\n", primecoinBlock->nonce);
		if (primecoinBlock->nonce >= 0xffff0000)
			printf("Nonce overflow\n");
		// Primecoin: primorial fixed multiplier
		mpz_class bnPrimorial;
		unsigned int nRoundTests = 0;
		unsigned int nRoundPrimesHit = 0;
		//int64 nPrimeTimerStart = GetTimeMicros();
		//if (nTimeExpected > nTimeExpectedPrev)
		//	fIncrementPrimorial = !fIncrementPrimorial;
		//nTimeExpectedPrev = nTimeExpected;
		//// Primecoin: dynamic adjustment of primorial multiplier
		//if (fIncrementPrimorial)
		//	if (!PrimeTableGetNextPrime(&nPrimorialMultiplier))
		//		error("PrimecoinMiner() : primorial increment overflow");
		//else if (nPrimorialMultiplier > nPrimorialHashFactor)
		//	if (!PrimeTableGetPreviousPrime(&nPrimorialMultiplier))
		//		error("PrimecoinMiner() : primorial decrement overflow");

		//if( loopCount > 0 )
		//	primecoinBlock->nonce++;
		///*	if (!PrimeTableGetNextPrime(&nPrimorialMultiplier))
		//		error("PrimecoinMiner() : primorial increment overflow");*/

		Primorial(nPrimorialMultiplier, bnPrimorial);

		unsigned int nTests = 0;
		unsigned int nPrimesHit = 0;

		mpz_class bnMultiplierMin = bnPrimeMin * bnHashFactor / mpzHash + 2;
		while (bnPrimorial < bnMultiplierMin )
			if (!PrimeTableGetNextPrime(&nPrimorialMultiplier))
				error("PrimecoinMiner() : primorial minimum overflow");
			Primorial(nPrimorialMultiplier, bnPrimorial);
		mpz_class bnFixedMultiplier;
		if(bnPrimorial > bnHashFactor){
			bnFixedMultiplier = bnPrimorial / bnHashFactor;
			bnFixedMultiplier = 1;
		//printf("fixedMultiplier: %d nPrimorialMultiplier: %d\n", BN_get_word(&bnFixedMultiplier), nPrimorialMultiplier);
		// Primecoin: mine for prime chain
		unsigned int nProbableChainLength;
		if (MineProbablePrimeChain(&psieve, primecoinBlock, bnFixedMultiplier, fNewBlock, nTriedMultiplier, nProbableChainLength, nTests, nPrimesHit))
			// do nothing here, share is already submitted in MineProbablePrimeChain()
		//psieve = NULL;
		nRoundTests += nTests;
		nRoundPrimesHit += nPrimesHit;
		// added this
		/*if( nPrimorialMultiplier >= 800 )
			nPrimorialMultiplier = nPrimorialMultiplierStart;

		//if( nPrimorialMultiplier >= 800 )
		//	primecoinBlock->nonce++;
		//	nPrimorialMultiplier = nPrimorialMultiplierStart;

		//if( primecoinBlock->nonce >= 0x100 )
		//	printf("Base reset\n");
		//	primecoinBlock->nonce = 0;
		//	nPrimorialMultiplier = nPrimorialMultiplierStart;

Esempio n. 3
bool BitcoinMiner(primecoinBlock_t* primecoinBlock, CSieveOfEratosthenes*& psieve, const sint32 threadIndex, const unsigned int nonceStep)
	//printf("PrimecoinMiner started\n");
	if( pctx == NULL )
		pctx = BN_CTX_new();
	// Each thread has its own key and counter
	//CReserveKey reservekey(pwallet);
//	unsigned int nExtraNonce = 0;  unused?

   static const unsigned int MAX_NONCE = 0xFFFF0000; // From Primecoind sources.
	static const unsigned int nPrimorialHashFactor = 7;
//	const unsigned int nPrimorialMultiplierStart = 61;   unused?
//	const unsigned int nPrimorialMultiplierMax = 79;  unused?

	unsigned int nPrimorialMultiplier = primeStats.nPrimorialMultiplier;
//	uint64_t nTimeExpected = 0;   // time expected to prime chain (micro-second)   unused?
//	uint64_t nTimeExpectedPrev = 0; // time expected to prime chain last time   unused?
//	bool fIncrementPrimorial = true; // increase or decrease primorial factor   unused?
//	uint64_t nSieveGenTime = 0;   unused?

	// Generate a thread specific nonce.
	primecoinBlock->nonce = threadIndex;

	uint64 nTime = getTimeMilliseconds() + 1000*600;
//	uint64 nStatTime = getTimeMilliseconds() + 2000;  unused?
	// note: originally a wanted to loop as long as (primecoinBlock->workDataHash != jhMiner_getCurrentWorkHash()) did not happen
	//		 but I noticed it might be smarter to just check if the blockHeight has changed, since that is what is really important
	uint32 loopCount = 0;

	//mpz_class mpzHashFactor;
	//Primorial(nPrimorialHashFactor, mpzHashFactor);
	unsigned int nHashFactor = PrimorialFast(nPrimorialHashFactor);

	time_t unixTimeStart;
	uint32 nTimeRollStart = primecoinBlock->timestamp - 5;
   uint32 nLastRollTime = getTimeMilliseconds();
	uint32 nCurrentTick = nLastRollTime;
	while( nCurrentTick < nTime && primecoinBlock->serverData.blockHeight == jhMiner_getCurrentWorkBlockHeight(primecoinBlock->threadIndex) )
		nCurrentTick = getTimeMilliseconds();
      // Roll Time stamp every 10 secs.
		if ((primecoinBlock->xptMode) && (nCurrentTick < nLastRollTime || (nLastRollTime - nCurrentTick >= 10000)))
			// when using x.pushthrough, roll time
			time_t unixTimeCurrent;
			uint32 timeDif = unixTimeCurrent - unixTimeStart;
			uint32 newTimestamp = nTimeRollStart + timeDif;
			if( newTimestamp != primecoinBlock->timestamp )
				primecoinBlock->timestamp = newTimestamp;
				primecoinBlock->nonce = threadIndex;
				//nPrimorialMultiplierStart = startFactorList[(threadIndex&3)];
		      //nPrimorialMultiplier = nPrimorialMultiplierStart;
			nLastRollTime = nCurrentTick;

		primecoinBlock_generateHeaderHash(primecoinBlock, primecoinBlock->blockHeaderHash.begin());
		// Search
		bool fNewBlock = true;
		unsigned int nTriedMultiplier = 0;
		// Primecoin: try to find hash divisible by primorial
        uint256 phash = primecoinBlock->blockHeaderHash;
        mpz_class mpzHash;
        mpz_set_uint256(mpzHash.get_mpz_t(), phash);
		while ((phash < hashBlockHeaderLimit || !mpz_divisible_ui_p(mpzHash.get_mpz_t(), nHashFactor)) && primecoinBlock->nonce < MAX_NONCE) {
			primecoinBlock->nonce += nonceStep;
			primecoinBlock_generateHeaderHash(primecoinBlock, primecoinBlock->blockHeaderHash.begin());
            phash = primecoinBlock->blockHeaderHash;
            mpz_set_uint256(mpzHash.get_mpz_t(), phash);
		//printf("Use nonce %d\n", primecoinBlock->nonce);
		if (primecoinBlock->nonce >= MAX_NONCE)
			//JLR DBG
			printf("Nonce overflow\n");
		// Primecoin: primorial fixed multiplier
		mpz_class mpzPrimorial;
		unsigned int nRoundTests = 0;
		unsigned int nRoundPrimesHit = 0;
//		uint64 nPrimeTimerStart = getTimeMilliseconds();   unused?
		//if( loopCount > 0 )
		//	//primecoinBlock->nonce++;
		//	if (!PrimeTableGetNextPrime(nPrimorialMultiplier))
		//		error("PrimecoinMiner() : primorial increment overflow");

		Primorial(nPrimorialMultiplier, mpzPrimorial);

		unsigned int nTests = 0;
		unsigned int nPrimesHit = 0;
		mpz_class mpzMultiplierMin = mpzPrimeMin * nHashFactor / mpzHash + 1;
		while (mpzPrimorial < mpzMultiplierMin )
			if (!PrimeTableGetNextPrime(nPrimorialMultiplier))
				error("PrimecoinMiner() : primorial minimum overflow");
			Primorial(nPrimorialMultiplier, mpzPrimorial);
        mpz_class mpzFixedMultiplier;
        if (mpzPrimorial > nHashFactor) {
            mpzFixedMultiplier = mpzPrimorial / nHashFactor;
        } else {
            mpzFixedMultiplier = 1;
	//printf("fixedMultiplier: %d nPrimorialMultiplier: %d\n", BN_get_word(&bnFixedMultiplier), nPrimorialMultiplier);
		// Primecoin: mine for prime chain
		unsigned int nProbableChainLength;
		MineProbablePrimeChain(psieve, primecoinBlock, mpzFixedMultiplier, fNewBlock, nTriedMultiplier, nProbableChainLength, nTests, nPrimesHit, threadIndex, mpzHash, nPrimorialMultiplier);
#ifdef _WIN32
		threadHearthBeat[threadIndex] = getTimeMilliseconds();
		if (appQuitSignal)
			printf( "Shutting down mining thread %d.\n", threadIndex);
			return false;
		//	// do nothing here, share is already submitted in MineProbablePrimeChain()
		//	//primecoinBlock->nonce += 0x00010000;
		//	primecoinBlock->nonce++;
		//	nPrimorialMultiplier = primeStats.nPrimorialMultiplier;
		//	//break;
		//psieve = NULL;
		nRoundTests += nTests;
		nRoundPrimesHit += nPrimesHit;
		nPrimorialMultiplier = primeStats.nPrimorialMultiplier;
		// added this
		//if (fNewBlock)

		primecoinBlock->nonce += nonceStep;
		//primecoinBlock->timestamp = max(primecoinBlock->timestamp, (unsigned int) time(NULL));
	return true;