Esempio n. 1
int nmdWaitClusterUp(struct NativeMiniDfsCluster *cl)
    jthrowable jthr;
    JNIEnv *env = getJNIEnv();
    if (!env) {
        fprintf(stderr, "nmdWaitClusterUp: getJNIEnv failed\n");
        return -EIO;
    jthr = invokeMethod(env, NULL, INSTANCE, cl->obj,
            MINIDFS_CLUSTER, "waitClusterUp", "()V");
    if (jthr) {
        printExceptionAndFree(env, jthr, PRINT_EXC_ALL,
            "nmdWaitClusterUp: MiniDFSCluster#waitClusterUp ");
        return -EIO;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
int nmdGetNameNodePort(const struct NativeMiniDfsCluster *cl)
    JNIEnv *env = getJNIEnv();
    jvalue jVal;
    jthrowable jthr;

    if (!env) {
        fprintf(stderr, "nmdHdfsConnect: getJNIEnv failed\n");
        return -EIO;
    // Note: this will have to be updated when HA nativeMiniDfs clusters are
    // supported
    jthr = invokeMethod(env, &jVal, INSTANCE, cl->obj,
            MINIDFS_CLUSTER, "getNameNodePort", "()I");
    if (jthr) {
        printExceptionAndFree(env, jthr, PRINT_EXC_ALL,
            "nmdHdfsConnect: MiniDFSCluster#getNameNodePort");
        return -EIO;
    return jVal.i;
Esempio n. 3
struct NativeMiniDfsCluster* nmdCreate(struct NativeMiniDfsConf *conf)
    struct NativeMiniDfsCluster* cl = NULL;
    jobject bld = NULL, cobj = NULL, cluster = NULL;
    jvalue  val;
    JNIEnv *env = getJNIEnv();
    jthrowable jthr;
    jstring jconfStr = NULL;

    if (!env) {
        fprintf(stderr, "nmdCreate: unable to construct JNIEnv.\n");
        return NULL;
    cl = calloc(1, sizeof(struct NativeMiniDfsCluster));
    if (!cl) {
        fprintf(stderr, "nmdCreate: OOM");
        goto error;
    jthr = constructNewObjectOfClass(env, &cobj, HADOOP_CONF, "()V");
    if (jthr) {
        printExceptionAndFree(env, jthr, PRINT_EXC_ALL,
            "nmdCreate: new Configuration");
        goto error;
    if (conf->webhdfsEnabled) {
        jthr = newJavaStr(env, DFS_WEBHDFS_ENABLED_KEY, &jconfStr);
        if (jthr) {
            printExceptionAndFree(env, jthr, PRINT_EXC_ALL,
                                  "nmdCreate: new String");
            goto error;
        jthr = invokeMethod(env, NULL, INSTANCE, cobj, HADOOP_CONF,
                            "setBoolean", "(Ljava/lang/String;Z)V",
                            jconfStr, conf->webhdfsEnabled);
        if (jthr) {
            printExceptionAndFree(env, jthr, PRINT_EXC_ALL,
                                  "nmdCreate: Configuration::setBoolean");
            goto error;
    jthr = constructNewObjectOfClass(env, &bld, MINIDFS_CLUSTER_BUILDER,
                    "(L"HADOOP_CONF";)V", cobj);
    if (jthr) {
        printExceptionAndFree(env, jthr, PRINT_EXC_ALL,
            "nmdCreate: NativeMiniDfsCluster#Builder#Builder");
        goto error;
    jthr = invokeMethod(env, &val, INSTANCE, bld, MINIDFS_CLUSTER_BUILDER,
            "format", "(Z)L" MINIDFS_CLUSTER_BUILDER ";", conf->doFormat);
    if (jthr) {
        printExceptionAndFree(env, jthr, PRINT_EXC_ALL, "nmdCreate: "
        goto error;
    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, val.l);
    if (conf->webhdfsEnabled) {
        jthr = invokeMethod(env, &val, INSTANCE, bld, MINIDFS_CLUSTER_BUILDER,
                        "nameNodeHttpPort", "(I)L" MINIDFS_CLUSTER_BUILDER ";",
        if (jthr) {
            printExceptionAndFree(env, jthr, PRINT_EXC_ALL, "nmdCreate: "
            goto error;
        (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, val.l);
    jthr = invokeMethod(env, &val, INSTANCE, bld, MINIDFS_CLUSTER_BUILDER,
            "build", "()L" MINIDFS_CLUSTER ";");
    if (jthr) {
        printExceptionAndFree(env, jthr, PRINT_EXC_ALL,
                              "nmdCreate: Builder#build");
        goto error;
    cluster = val.l;
	  cl->obj = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, val.l);
    if (!cl->obj) {
        printPendingExceptionAndFree(env, PRINT_EXC_ALL,
            "nmdCreate: NewGlobalRef");
        goto error;
    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, cluster);
    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, bld);
    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, cobj);
    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jconfStr);
    return cl;

    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, cluster);
    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, bld);
    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, cobj);
    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jconfStr);
    return NULL;
Esempio n. 4
int nmdGetNameNodeHttpAddress(const struct NativeMiniDfsCluster *cl,
                               int *port, const char **hostName)
    JNIEnv *env = getJNIEnv();
    jvalue jVal;
    jobject jNameNode, jAddress;
    jthrowable jthr;
    int ret = 0;
    const char *host;
    if (!env) {
        fprintf(stderr, "nmdHdfsConnect: getJNIEnv failed\n");
        return -EIO;
    // First get the (first) NameNode of the cluster
    jthr = invokeMethod(env, &jVal, INSTANCE, cl->obj, MINIDFS_CLUSTER,
                        "getNameNode", "()L" HADOOP_NAMENODE ";");
    if (jthr) {
        printExceptionAndFree(env, jthr, PRINT_EXC_ALL,
                              "nmdGetNameNodeHttpAddress: "
        return -EIO;
    jNameNode = jVal.l;
    // Then get the http address (InetSocketAddress) of the NameNode
    jthr = invokeMethod(env, &jVal, INSTANCE, jNameNode, HADOOP_NAMENODE,
                        "getHttpAddress", "()L" JAVA_INETSOCKETADDRESS ";");
    if (jthr) {
        ret = printExceptionAndFree(env, jthr, PRINT_EXC_ALL,
                                    "nmdGetNameNodeHttpAddress: "
        goto error_dlr_nn;
    jAddress = jVal.l;
    jthr = invokeMethod(env, &jVal, INSTANCE, jAddress,
                        JAVA_INETSOCKETADDRESS, "getPort", "()I");
    if (jthr) {
        ret = printExceptionAndFree(env, jthr, PRINT_EXC_ALL,
                                    "nmdGetNameNodeHttpAddress: "
        goto error_dlr_addr;
    *port = jVal.i;
    jthr = invokeMethod(env, &jVal, INSTANCE, jAddress, JAVA_INETSOCKETADDRESS,
                        "getHostName", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
    if (jthr) {
        ret = printExceptionAndFree(env, jthr, PRINT_EXC_ALL,
                                    "nmdGetNameNodeHttpAddress: "
        goto error_dlr_addr;
    host = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jVal.l, NULL);
    *hostName = strdup(host);
    (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jVal.l, host);
    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jAddress);
    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jNameNode);
    return ret;
 * To retrieve the default configuration value for NameNode's hostName and port
 * TODO: This function currently is using JNI, 
 *       we need to do this without using JNI (HDFS-3917)
 * @param bld The hdfsBuilder handle
 * @param port Used to get the default value for NameNode's port
 * @param nn Used to get the default value for NameNode's hostName
 * @return 0 for success and non-zero value for failure
static int retrieveDefaults(const struct hdfsBuilder *bld, tPort *port,
                            char **nn)
    JNIEnv *env = 0;
    jobject jHDFSConf = NULL, jAddress = NULL;
    jstring jHostName = NULL;
    jvalue jVal;
    jthrowable jthr = NULL;
    int ret = 0;
    char buf[512];
    env = getJNIEnv();
    if (!env) {
        return EINTERNAL;
    jthr = constructNewObjectOfClass(env, &jHDFSConf, HADOOP_HDFS_CONF, "()V");
    if (jthr) {
        ret = printExceptionAndFree(env, jthr, PRINT_EXC_ALL,
                                    hdfsBuilderToStr(bld, buf, sizeof(buf)));
        goto done;
    jthr = invokeMethod(env, &jVal, STATIC, NULL,
        HADOOP_NAMENODE, "getHttpAddress",
    if (jthr) {
        ret = printExceptionAndFree(env, jthr, PRINT_EXC_ALL,
                                    hdfsBuilderToStr(bld, buf, sizeof(buf)));
        goto done;
    jAddress = jVal.l;
    jthr = invokeMethod(env, &jVal, INSTANCE, jAddress,
                        JAVA_INETSOCKETADDRESS, "getPort", "()I");
    if (jthr) {
        ret = printExceptionAndFree(env, jthr, PRINT_EXC_ALL,
                                    hdfsBuilderToStr(bld, buf, sizeof(buf)));
        goto done;
    *port = jVal.i;
    jthr = invokeMethod(env, &jVal, INSTANCE, jAddress,
                        "getHostName", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
    if (jthr) {
        ret = printExceptionAndFree(env, jthr, PRINT_EXC_ALL,
                                    hdfsBuilderToStr(bld, buf, sizeof(buf)));
        goto done;
    jHostName = jVal.l;
    jthr = newCStr(env, jHostName, nn);
    if (jthr) {
        ret = printExceptionAndFree(env, jthr, PRINT_EXC_ALL,
                                    hdfsBuilderToStr(bld, buf, sizeof(buf)));
        goto done;

    destroyLocalReference(env, jHDFSConf);
    destroyLocalReference(env, jAddress);
    destroyLocalReference(env, jHostName);
    return ret;