int checkRandomVillage(int p, struct gameState *postTest, int handPos) { int fail = 0; struct gameState preTest; memset(&preTest, 23, sizeof(struct gameState)); memcpy(&preTest, postTest, sizeof(struct gameState)); playVillage(p, postTest, handPos); //ensure the hand is the correct size if (preTest.handCount[p] != postTest->handCount[p]) { printFailure(p, preTest.handCount[p], handPos, __LINE__); fail++; } //ensure the number of actions are correct if (postTest->numActions != preTest.numActions + 2) { printFailure(p, preTest.handCount[p], handPos, __LINE__); fail++; } //ensure a card is discarded if (postTest->discardCount[p] != preTest.discardCount[p] + 1) { printFailure(p, preTest.handCount[p], handPos, __LINE__); fail++; } //ensure the correct card is discarded if (postTest->discard[p][postTest->discardCount[p] - 1] != village) { printFailure(p, preTest.handCount[p], handPos, __LINE__); fail++; } return fail; }
void echoFailure() { if (isTTY) { CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO cursor; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(console, &cursor); cursor.dwCursorPosition.X = COL(getColumns()); SetConsoleCursorPosition(console, cursor.dwCursorPosition); SetConsoleTextAttribute(console, FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); testPrintf("["); SetConsoleTextAttribute(console, FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); testPrintf(" FAIL "); SetConsoleTextAttribute(console, FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); testPrintf("]"); SetConsoleTextAttribute(console, FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_BLUE); testPrintf("\n"); } else printFailure(); failures++; }
static PKIX_PL_Cert * createCert(char *inFileName) { PKIX_PL_ByteArray *byteArray = NULL; PKIX_PL_Cert *cert = NULL; PKIX_Error *error = NULL; PRFileDesc *inFile = NULL; SECItem certDER; void *buf = NULL; PKIX_UInt32 len; SECStatus rv = SECFailure; = NULL; inFile = PR_Open(inFileName, PR_RDONLY, 0); if (!inFile){ printFailure("Unable to open cert file"); goto cleanup; } else { rv = SECU_ReadDERFromFile(&certDER, inFile, PR_FALSE); if (!rv){ buf = (void *); len = certDER.len; error = PKIX_PL_ByteArray_Create (buf, len, &byteArray, plContext); if (error){ printFailure("PKIX_PL_ByteArray_Create failed"); goto cleanup; } error = PKIX_PL_Cert_Create (byteArray, &cert, plContext); if (error){ printFailure("PKIX_PL_Cert_Create failed"); goto cleanup; } } else { printFailure("Unable to read DER from cert file"); goto cleanup; } } cleanup: if (inFile){ PR_Close(inFile); } if (rv == SECSuccess){ SECITEM_FreeItem(&certDER, PR_FALSE); } if (byteArray){ PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)(byteArray), plContext); } return (cert); }
int dumpcert(int argc, char *argv[]) { PKIX_PL_String *string = NULL; PKIX_PL_Cert *cert = NULL; PKIX_Error *error = NULL; char *ascii = NULL; PKIX_UInt32 length = 0; PKIX_UInt32 j = 0; PKIX_Boolean useArenas = PKIX_FALSE; PKIX_UInt32 actualMinorVersion; PKIX_TEST_STD_VARS(); if (argc == 1){ printUsage(); return (0); } useArenas = PKIX_TEST_ARENAS_ARG(argv[1]); PKIX_Initialize (PKIX_TRUE, /* nssInitNeeded */ useArenas, PKIX_MAJOR_VERSION, PKIX_MINOR_VERSION, PKIX_MINOR_VERSION, &actualMinorVersion, &plContext); cert = createCert(argv[1+j]); if (cert){ error = PKIX_PL_Object_ToString ((PKIX_PL_Object *)cert, &string, plContext); if (error){ printFailure("Unable to get string representation " "of cert"); goto cleanup; } error = PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded (string, PKIX_ESCASCII, (void **)&ascii, &length, plContext); if (error || !ascii){ printFailure("Unable to get ASCII encoding of string"); goto cleanup; } (void) printf("OUTPUT:\n%s\n", ascii); } else { printFailure("Unable to create certificate"); goto cleanup; } cleanup: if (cert){ PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)(cert), plContext); } if (string){ PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)(string), plContext); } if (ascii){ PKIX_PL_Free((PKIX_PL_Object *)(ascii), plContext); } PKIX_Shutdown(plContext); PKIX_TEST_RETURN(); endTests("DUMPCERT"); return (0); }
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { printf("Testing playVillage().\n"); int i, p, r, j; int k[10] = {adventurer, council_room, feast, gardens, mine, smithy, village, baron, great_hall, tribute}; int fail = 0; int tempHand[5]; int tempDeck[20]; int handSize = 5; int deckSize = 20; struct gameState G; for (i = 0; i < handSize; ++i) { tempHand[i] = village; } for (i = 0; i < deckSize; ++i) { if (i % 2 == 0) { tempDeck[i] = copper; }else if (i % 3 == 0) { tempDeck[i] = silver; }else if (i % 7 == 0) { tempDeck[i] = estate; }else { tempDeck[i] = gold; } } /*set up the game*/ memset(&G, 0, sizeof(struct gameState)); r = initializeGame(NUM_PLAYERS, k, SEED_NUMBER, &G); for (p = 0; p < NUM_PLAYERS; ++p) { memcpy(G.hand[p], tempHand, sizeof(int) * handSize); memcpy(G.deck[p], tempDeck, sizeof(int) * deckSize); G.handCount[p] = handSize; G.deckCount[p] = deckSize; for ( j = handSize -1; j >= 0; --j) { int oldHandCount = G.handCount[p]; int oldDiscardCount = G.discardCount[p]; int oldNumActions = G.numActions; playVillage(p, &G, j); //ensure the hand is the correct size if (oldHandCount != G.handCount[p]) { printFailure(p, j, oldHandCount); ID_LINE; fail++; } //ensure the number of actions are correct if (G.numActions != oldNumActions + 2) { printFailure(p, j, oldHandCount); ID_LINE; fail++; } //ensure a card is discarded if (G.discardCount[p] != oldDiscardCount + 1) { printFailure(p, j, oldHandCount); ID_LINE; fail++; } //ensure the correct card is discarded if (G.discard[p][G.discardCount[p] - 1] != village) { printFailure(p, j, oldHandCount); ID_LINE; fail++; } } } if (fail > 0) { printf("%d tests failed.\n", fail); }else { printf("ALL TESTS PASSED!\n"); } return 0; }