static int test_sample(uint8_t priv_a[32], uint8_t priv_b[32], uint8_t pub_a[64], uint8_t pub_b[64], uint8_t dhkey[32]) { uint8_t dhkey_a[32], dhkey_b[32]; int fails = 0; ecdh_shared_secret(pub_b, priv_a, dhkey_a); ecdh_shared_secret(pub_a, priv_b, dhkey_b); printf("\n"); print_buf("DHKey ", dhkey, 32); print_buf("DHKey A", dhkey_a, 32); print_buf("DHKey B", dhkey_b, 32); if (memcmp(dhkey_a, dhkey, 32)) { printf("DHKey A doesn't match!\n"); fails++; } else { printf("DHKey A matches :)\n"); } if (memcmp(dhkey_b, dhkey, 32)) { printf("DHKey B doesn't match!\n"); fails++; } else { printf("DHKey B matches :)\n"); } return fails; }
int push(struct buf *buf, int val) { unsigned int t_head = buf->head, t_tail = buf->tail; #ifdef DEBUG if (buf->full_fl == true || buf->empt_fl == true) { if (t_head != t_tail) { del(buf); fprintf(stderr, "buffer %p is corrupt\n", buf); return FAIL; } } print_buf(buf, "befor push"); #endif if (buf->full_fl == true) { return FULL; } if (t_tail == t_head && buf->empt_fl != true) { buf->full_fl = true; return FULL; } buf->data[t_head] = val; t_head++; buf->head = t_head & buf->mask; buf->empt_fl = false; #ifdef DEBUG print_buf(buf, "after push"); #endif return SUCC; }
/* Buf is assumed to be NIOS_PKT_LEN bytes */ static int nios_access(struct bladerf *dev, uint8_t *buf) { int status; void *driver; struct bladerf_usb *usb = usb_backend(dev, &driver); print_buf("NIOS II request:\n", buf, NIOS_PKT_LEN); /* Send the command */ status = usb->fn->bulk_transfer(driver, PERIPHERAL_EP_OUT, buf, NIOS_PKT_LEN, PERIPHERAL_TIMEOUT_MS); if (status != 0) { log_debug("Failed to send NIOS II request: %s\n", bladerf_strerror(status)); return status; } /* Retrieve the request */ status = usb->fn->bulk_transfer(driver, PERIPHERAL_EP_IN, buf, NIOS_PKT_LEN, PERIPHERAL_TIMEOUT_MS); if (status != 0) { log_debug("Failed to receive NIOS II response: %s\n", bladerf_strerror(status)); } print_buf("NIOS II response:\n", buf, NIOS_PKT_LEN); return status; }
int pop(struct buf *buf, int *val) { unsigned int t_head = buf->head, t_tail = buf->tail; #ifdef DEBUG if (buf->full_fl == true || buf->empt_fl == true) { if (t_head != t_tail) { del(buf); fprintf(stderr, "buffer %p is corrupt\n", buf); return FAIL; } } print_buf(buf, "befor pop"); #endif if (buf->empt_fl == true) { return EMPT; } if (t_tail == t_head && buf->full_fl != true) { /*last value in the buf*/ buf->empt_fl = true; return EMPT; } *val = buf->data[t_tail]; buf->data[t_tail] = 0; t_tail++; buf->tail = t_tail & buf->mask; buf->full_fl = false; #ifdef DEBUG print_buf(buf, "after pop"); #endif return SUCC; }
void loop() { delay(250); toggleLED(); if (isButtonPressed()) { if (servo1.attached()) detach(); else attach(); } if (!servo1.attached()) return; int32 average = averageAnalogReads(250); int16 angle1 = (int16)map(average, 0, 4095, MIN_ANGLE1, MAX_ANGLE1); int16 angle2 = (int16)map(average, 0, 4095, MIN_ANGLE2, MAX_ANGLE2); print_buf("pot reading = %d, angle 1 = %d, angle 2 = %d.", average, angle1, angle2); servo1.write(angle1); servo2.write(angle2); int16 read1 =; int16 read2 =; print_buf("write/read angle 1: %d/%d, angle 2: %d/%d", angle1, read1, angle2, read2); ASSERT(abs(angle1 - read1) <= 1); ASSERT(abs(angle2 - read2) <= 1); print_buf("pulse width 1: %d, pulse width 2: %d", servo1.readMicroseconds(), servo2.readMicroseconds()); Serial2.println("\n--------------------------\n"); }
/* Access device/module via the legacy NIOS II packet format. */ static int nios_access(struct bladerf *dev, uint8_t peripheral, usb_direction dir, struct uart_cmd *cmd, size_t len) { void *driver; struct bladerf_usb *usb = usb_backend(dev, &driver); int status; size_t i; uint8_t buf[16] = { 0 }; const uint8_t pkt_mode_dir = (dir == USB_DIR_HOST_TO_DEVICE) ? NIOS_PKT_LEGACY_MODE_DIR_WRITE : NIOS_PKT_LEGACY_MODE_DIR_READ; assert(len <= ((sizeof(buf) - 2) / 2)); /* Populate the buffer for transfer, given address data pairs */ buf[0] = NIOS_PKT_LEGACY_MAGIC; buf[1] = pkt_mode_dir | peripheral | (uint8_t)len; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { buf[i * 2 + 2] = cmd[i].addr; buf[i * 2 + 3] = cmd[i].data; } print_buf("NIOS II access request:\n", buf, 16); /* Send the command */ status = usb->fn->bulk_transfer(driver, PERIPHERAL_EP_OUT, buf, sizeof(buf), PERIPHERAL_TIMEOUT_MS); if (status != 0) { log_debug("Failed to submit NIOS II request: %s\n", bladerf_strerror(status)); return status; } /* Read back the ACK. The command data is only used for a read operation, * and is thrown away otherwise */ status = usb->fn->bulk_transfer(driver, PERIPHERAL_EP_IN, buf, sizeof(buf), PERIPHERAL_TIMEOUT_MS); if (dir == NIOS_PKT_LEGACY_MODE_DIR_READ && status == 0) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { cmd[i].data = buf[i * 2 + 3]; } } if (status == 0) { print_buf("NIOS II access response:\n", buf, 16); } else { log_debug("Failed to receive NIOS II response: %s\n", bladerf_strerror(status)); } return status; }
void flow(struct lfc *lfc, void *mydata, struct lfc_flow *flow, void *flowdata) { struct flowdata *fd = flowdata; print_buf(fd->up, fd->ups); print_buf(fd->down, fd->downs); }
static void shader_write_scale_dim(config_file_t *conf, const char *dim, enum gfx_scale_type type, float scale, unsigned abs, unsigned i) { char key[64]; print_buf(key, "scale_type_%s%u", dim, i); config_set_string(conf, key, scale_type_to_str(type)); print_buf(key, "scale_%s%u", dim, i); if (type == RARCH_SCALE_ABSOLUTE) config_set_int(conf, key, abs); else config_set_float(conf, key, scale); }
int cmd_spi(int argc, char * const argv[]) { struct w25qxx_init_t init; uint32_t i, buf_size; static uint8_t buf[256]; struct w25qxx_attr_t w25qxx; init.delayms = DelayMs; init.get_reamin = _get_reamin; init.xfer = xfer; SPI_QuickInit(SPI0_MOSI_PA7_MISO_PA6, kSPI_CPOL1_CPHA1, 100*1000);//配置PTA7为MOSI PTA6为MISO, 波特率为100K,但是实际波特率要根据匹配出来的寄存器值算,有些误差 GPIO_QuickInit(HW_GPIOA, 5, kGPIO_Mode_OPP); //PTA5 SS GPIO_WriteBit(HW_GPIOA, 5, 1); PORT_PinMuxConfig(HW_GPIOB,0,kPinAlt3); //PTB0 SCK w25qxx_init(&init); //外部flash初始化 w25qxx_get_attr(&w25qxx); buf_size = sizeof(buf); /*读取外部flash256个字节*/ printf("reading page...\n"); w25qxx_read(0, buf, buf_size); print_buf(buf,PAGE_SIZE); /*擦除整个外部flash芯片*/ printf("erase all chips...\r\n"); w25qxx_erase_chip(); printf("erase complete\r\n"); /*读取外部flash256个字节*/ printf("reading page...\n"); w25qxx_read(0, buf, buf_size); print_buf(buf,PAGE_SIZE); /*编程外部flash256个字节*/ printf("programing a page...\n"); for(i=0;i<256;i++) buf[i] = i; w25qxx_write(0, buf, buf_size); printf("clearing buffer..\n"); for(i=0;i<256;i++) buf[i] = 0; /*读取外部flash256个字节*/ printf("reading page...\n"); w25qxx_read(0, buf, buf_size); print_buf(buf,PAGE_SIZE); printf("demo end.\n"); return 0; }
static bool shader_parse_textures(config_file_t *conf, struct gfx_shader *shader) { const char *id; char *save; char textures[1024]; if (!config_get_array(conf, "textures", textures, sizeof(textures))) return true; for (id = strtok_r(textures, ";", &save); id && shader->luts < GFX_MAX_TEXTURES; shader->luts++, id = strtok_r(NULL, ";", &save)) { if (!config_get_array(conf, id, shader->lut[shader->luts].path, sizeof(shader->lut[shader->luts].path))) { RARCH_ERR("Cannot find path to texture \"%s\" ...\n", id); return false; } strlcpy(shader->lut[shader->luts].id, id, sizeof(shader->lut[shader->luts].id)); char id_filter[64]; print_buf(id_filter, "%s_linear", id); bool smooth = false; if (config_get_bool(conf, id_filter, &smooth)) shader->lut[shader->luts].filter = smooth ? RARCH_FILTER_LINEAR : RARCH_FILTER_NEAREST; else shader->lut[shader->luts].filter = RARCH_FILTER_UNSPEC; char id_wrap[64]; print_buf(id_wrap, "%s_wrap_mode", id); char wrap_mode[64]; if (config_get_array(conf, id_wrap, wrap_mode, sizeof(wrap_mode))) shader->lut[shader->luts].wrap = wrap_str_to_mode(wrap_mode); char id_mipmap[64]; print_buf(id_mipmap, "%s_mipmap", id); bool mipmap = false; if (config_get_bool(conf, id_mipmap, &mipmap)) shader->lut[shader->luts].mipmap = mipmap; else shader->lut[shader->luts].mipmap = false; } return true; }
static void shader_write_fbo(config_file_t *conf, const struct gfx_fbo_scale *fbo, unsigned i) { char key[64]; print_buf(key, "float_framebuffer%u", i); config_set_bool(conf, key, fbo->fp_fbo); print_buf(key, "srgb_framebuffer%u", i); config_set_bool(conf, key, fbo->srgb_fbo); if (!fbo->valid) return; shader_write_scale_dim(conf, "x", fbo->type_x, fbo->scale_x, fbo->abs_x, i); shader_write_scale_dim(conf, "y", fbo->type_y, fbo->scale_y, fbo->abs_y, i); }
static hg_return_t snappy_pull_cb(const struct hg_bulk_cb_info *hg_bulk_cb_info) { struct snappy_transfer_args *snappy_transfer_args = (struct snappy_transfer_args *) hg_bulk_cb_info->arg; hg_return_t ret = HG_SUCCESS; void *input; size_t input_length; size_t source_length = HG_Bulk_get_size(snappy_transfer_args->local_input_bulk_handle); /* Get pointer to input buffer from local handle */ HG_Bulk_access(hg_bulk_cb_info->local_handle, 0, source_length, HG_BULK_READ_ONLY, 1, &input, &input_length, NULL); printf("Transferred input buffer of length: %zu\n", input_length); print_buf(20, (int *) input); /* Allocate compressed buffer for compressing input data */ snappy_transfer_args->compressed_length = snappy_max_compressed_length(input_length); snappy_transfer_args->compressed = malloc(snappy_transfer_args->compressed_length); /* Compress data */ printf("Compressing buffer...\n"); snappy_transfer_args->ret = snappy_compress(input, input_length, snappy_transfer_args->compressed, &snappy_transfer_args->compressed_length); printf("Return value of snappy_compress is: %d\n", snappy_transfer_args->ret); printf("Compressed buffer length is: %zu\n", snappy_transfer_args->compressed_length); print_buf(5, (int *) snappy_transfer_args->compressed); /* Free bulk handles */ HG_Bulk_free(snappy_transfer_args->local_input_bulk_handle); if (snappy_validate_compressed_buffer(snappy_transfer_args->compressed, snappy_transfer_args->compressed_length) == SNAPPY_OK) { printf("Compressed buffer validated: compressed successfully\n"); } /* Now set up bulk transfer for "push to origin" callback */ HG_Bulk_create(HG_Get_info(snappy_transfer_args->handle)->hg_bulk_class, 1, &snappy_transfer_args->compressed, &snappy_transfer_args->compressed_length, HG_BULK_WRITE_ONLY, &snappy_transfer_args->local_compressed_bulk_handle); HG_Bulk_transfer(HG_Get_info(snappy_transfer_args->handle)->bulk_context, snappy_push_cb, snappy_transfer_args, HG_BULK_PUSH, HG_Get_info(snappy_transfer_args->handle)->addr, snappy_transfer_args->snappy_compress_input.compressed_bulk_handle, 0, /* origin */ snappy_transfer_args->local_compressed_bulk_handle, 0, /* local */ snappy_transfer_args->compressed_length, HG_OP_ID_IGNORE); return ret; }
void deal_packet( char *argc, const struct pcap_pkthdr *pcap_hdr, const char *buf) { uint64_t leng; leng = pcap_hdr->len; print_buf(buf, leng); }
void task_yield() { disable_irq(); struct task_t *current_task = task_current(); struct list_node_t *next_task_it; struct task_t *next_task; if ( task_is_active(current_task) ) { next_task_it = current_task_it->next; } else { next_task_it = list_first(active_tasks); } next_task = (struct task_t *)next_task_it->data; task_print("task_yield:", current_task, next_task); if ( current_task == next_task ) { return; }; if ( next_task == 0 ) { print_buf("ERROR: next_task=0\n"); }; current_task_it = next_task_it; task_switch(¤t_task->sp, next_task->sp); }
void talk_notes() { short i,item_hit; store_num_i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 120; i++) if ([i].personality != -1) store_num_i = i + 1; store_page_on = 0; if (store_num_i == 0) { ASB("Nothing in your talk journal."); print_buf(); return; } make_cursor_sword(); cd_create_dialog_parent_num(960,0); put_talk(); if (store_num_i == 1) { cd_activate_item(960,10,0); cd_activate_item(960,11,0); } item_hit = cd_run_dialog(); cd_kill_dialog(960); }
static void print_reply_hdr (Call *call, const char *buf, int len) { Call_Private_Data *priv = CALL_PRIVATE_DATA (call); const char *eoh; if (len <= 0 || priv->done_with_reply_hdr) return; eoh = strstr (buf, "\r\n\r\n"); if (eoh) { priv->done_with_reply_hdr = 1; eoh += 4; } else { /* no CRLFCRLF: non-conforming server */ eoh = strstr (buf, "\n\n"); if (eoh) { priv->done_with_reply_hdr = 1; eoh += 2; } else eoh = buf + len; } print_buf (call, "RH", buf, eoh - buf); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 2) { printf("%s %d.%d\n", version, hd_major, hd_miner); printf("Usage: %s [file]\n", argv[0]); return -1; } FILE *fp = fopen(argv[1], "r"); if (!fp) { printf("Failed to open file %s.\n", argv[1]); return -1; } fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); int size = ftell(fp); char *buf = (char*)malloc(size); if (!buf) { printf("Failed to allocate memory.\n"); return -1; } fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); int rsize = fread(buf, sizeof(char), size, fp); if (rsize != size) { printf("Reading error.\n"); return -1; } print_buf(buf, size); free(buf); fclose(fp); return 0; }
static int sipc4_check_header(struct sipc4_rx_data *data, char *buf, int rest) { struct sipc_rx_hdr *hdr = data->rx_hdr; int head_size = sipc4_get_header_size(data->format); int done_len = 0; int len; if (!hdr->start) { len = sipc4_check_hdlc_start(data, buf); if (len < 0) return len; memcpy(&hdr->start, hdlc_start, sizeof(hdlc_start)); hdr->len = 0; switch (data->format) { case SIPC4_FMT: /*case SIPC4_RAW:*/ /*case SIPC4_RFS:*/ print_buf(buf, 0, NULL); break; } buf += len; rest -= len; done_len += len; } if (hdr->len < head_size) { len = sipc_min(rest, head_size - hdr->len); memcpy(hdr->hdr + hdr->len, buf, len); hdr->len += len; done_len += len; } return done_len; }
static void print_request (Call *call) { size_t hdr_len, h_len, b_len; int i, first, end; char *hdr; first = IE_CONTENT; end = IE_CONTENT; if ((param.print_request & PRINT_HEADER) != 0) first = IE_METHOD; if ((param.print_request & PRINT_BODY) != 0) end = IE_LEN; for (i = first; i < end; ++i) { hdr = call->req.iov[i].iov_base; hdr_len = call->req.iov[i].iov_len; if (hdr_len) print_buf (call, (i < IE_CONTENT) ? "SH" : "SB", hdr, hdr_len); } for (h_len = 0, i = IE_METHOD; i < IE_CONTENT; ++i) h_len += call->req.iov[i].iov_len; for (b_len = 0, i = IE_CONTENT; i < IE_LEN; ++i) b_len += call->req.iov[i].iov_len; printf ("SS%ld: header %ld content %ld\n", call->id, (long) h_len, (long) b_len); }
std::list<shared_buffer> length_packer::split(net_buffer &oRecvBuffer) { std::list<shared_buffer> resPkgs; if (oRecvBuffer.length() <= 4) return resPkgs; uint32_t len; const char *pBuf = asio::buffer_cast<const char *>(oRecvBuffer.readable()); uint32_t buf_len = oRecvBuffer.length(); size_t bi = 0; deseralize(pBuf + bi, len); while (buf_len - bi >= sizeof(len) && buf_len - bi - sizeof(len) >= len) { LOG(INFO) << "length_packer::split() buffer is " << print_buf(asio::buffer_cast<const char *>(oRecvBuffer.readable()), oRecvBuffer.filled()); LOG(INFO) << "length_packer::split() " << "split pkg with len:" << len; bi += sizeof(len); shared_buffer sb(pBuf + bi, len); resPkgs.push_back(sb); bi += len; deseralize(pBuf + bi, len); } = bi; if( == oRecvBuffer.filled()) { = 0; oRecvBuffer.filled() = 0; } return resPkgs; }
static void handle_print( void ) { static char outname[ 256 ] = { "out.txt" }; static char comment[ 256 ] = { "BinView Output" }; static int range = 0, mode = 0, flags = 7; FILE *ofp; int rlen, ok; long p, plen; ok = print_ui( outname, &range, &mode, &flags, comment ); if ( !ok ) return; ofp = fopen( outname, mode ? "a" : "w" ); if ( !ofp ) return; fprintf( ofp, "%s\n", comment ); p = range ? 0 : pos; plen = range ? filesize : pagesize; fseek( fp, p, SEEK_SET ); while ( plen ) { rlen = fread( buf, 1, pagesize, fp ); if ( rlen <= 0 ) break; print_buf( buf, rlen, datatype, unsign, byteorder != natorder, linesize, p, flags, ofp ); p += rlen; plen -= rlen; } fclose( ofp ); fseek( fp, pos, SEEK_SET ); }
static qcdmbool qcdm_send (int fd, char *buf, size_t len) { int status; int eagain_count = 1000; size_t i = 0; if (debug) print_buf ("DM:ENC>>>", buf, len); while (i < len) { errno = 0; status = write (fd, &buf[i], 1); if (status < 0) { if (errno == EAGAIN) { eagain_count--; if (eagain_count <= 0) return FALSE; } else assert (errno == 0); } else i++; usleep (1000); } return TRUE; }
__interrupt void PORT1(void) { if (P1IFG & TASTE_LINKS) { BIT_CLR(P1IFG, TASTE_LINKS); print_buf("Hallo World\r\n"); } }
static size_t qcdm_wait_reply (int fd, char *buf, size_t len) { fd_set in; int result; struct timeval timeout = { 1, 0 }; char readbuf[1024]; ssize_t bytes_read; int total = 0, retries = 0; size_t decap_len = 0; FD_ZERO (&in); FD_SET (fd, &in); result = select (fd + 1, &in, NULL, NULL, &timeout); if (result != 1 || !FD_ISSET (fd, &in)) return 0; do { errno = 0; bytes_read = read (fd, &readbuf[total], 1); if ((bytes_read == 0) || (errno == EAGAIN)) { /* Haven't gotten the async control char yet */ if (retries > 20) return 0; /* 2 seconds, give up */ /* Otherwise wait a bit and try again */ usleep (100000); retries++; continue; } else if (bytes_read == 1) { qcdmbool more = FALSE; qcdmbool success; size_t used = 0; total++; decap_len = 0; success = dm_decapsulate_buffer (readbuf, total, buf, len, &decap_len, &used, &more); /* Discard used data */ if (used > 0) { total -= used; memmove (readbuf, &readbuf[used], total); } if (success && !more) { /* Success; we have a packet */ break; } } else { /* Some error occurred */ return 0; } } while (total < sizeof (readbuf)); if (debug) print_buf ("QCDM:DEC<<", buf, decap_len); return decap_len; }
static void et_read_poll_cb(struct libusb_transfer* transfer) { int len; char* br; int r; struct poll_data* adata=transfer->user_data; struct fpi_img_dev* dev=adata->dev; if(transfer->status!=LIBUSB_TRANSFER_COMPLETED) { /*WORKAROUND NEEDED, SOMETIME ALL FREEZES, RESET DEVICE AND REACTIVATE???*/ libusb_free_transfer(transfer); fp_dbg("ERROR"); fpi_imgdev_session_error(dev,-EIO); //return; goto _st; } len=transfer->actual_length-13; if(len!=512) { fp_dbg("Invalid return buffer, length: %d",transfer->actual_length); libusb_free_transfer(transfer); fpi_imgdev_session_error(dev,-EPROTO); return; } libusb_free_transfer(transfer); //Check poll cmd result br=(char*)&ret_buf[len]; r=et_verify_result(br); if(r) { fp_dbg("Invalid result: %s",print_buf(br)); fpi_imgdev_session_error(dev,-EPROTO); return; } //fp_dbg("0x%02hhX,0x%02hhX",ret_buf[0],ret_buf[1]); if((unsigned char)ret_buf[0]==0x82) { if(adata->init->rstage<20) { /*VERY UGLY workaround below, but I don't know how to deal with it. Sometime ret_buf[0] equals 0x82 at the first poll rounds, but really no finger on the scanner */ fp_dbg("POLL WORKAROUND"); goto _st; } //Finger detected //fp_dbg("FINGER DETECTED!"); //fp_dbg("BUF: %s",print_buf(ret_buf)); fpi_imgdev_report_finger_status(dev,TRUE); start_capture(dev); return; } //No finger detected _st: adata->init->rstage++; start_finger_detection(dev,adata); }
static int multipart_body_on_data(multipart_parser* p, const char *at, size_t length) { fprintf(stderr, "multipart_body_on_data:"); print_buf(at, length); return 0; }
static void dump_hex(char *buf, size_t *remain_size, uint8_t *input_buf, size_t input_size) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < input_size; i++) buf = print_buf(buf, remain_size, "%02X ", input_buf[i]); }
void dummy() { char * buf=(char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*256); memset(buf,0,256); buf[0]=1; buf[1]=0xC0; buf[2]='1923'; print_buf(buf); }
struct task_t *task_start(task_func_t *task_func) { struct task_t *task = (struct task_t *)malloc_alloc(sizeof(struct task_t)); char *p = malloc_alloc(0x800); p += 0x800; task->sp = (uint32 *)(p); // 2k stack task->msg = 0; task->state = TASK_STATE_ACTIVE; list_init(&task->input_channels); list_init(&task->output_channels); task_create(&task->sp, task_func); list_add_last(active_tasks, task); print_buf("task start:"); print_buf(" t="); print_ptr(task); print_buf(" t->sp="); print_ptr(task->sp); print_buf("\n"); return task; }
uint16_t mem_write(uint16_t id, uint16_t offset, const void *buf, uint16_t count) { #if 0 debug_puts("Writing to "); debug_puthex(id+offset); debug_nl(); print_buf(buf, count); debug_nl(); #endif spi_mem_write(id+offset, buf, count); return count; }