Esempio n. 1
void total_stat(CTXTdeclc double elapstime) {

    tbtn,		/* Table Basic Trie Nodes */
    abtn,		/* Asserted Basic Trie Nodes */
    tstn,		/* Time Stamp Trie Nodes */
    aln,		/* Answer List Nodes */
    tsi,		/* Time Stamp Indices (Index Entries/Nodes) */
    varsf,		/* Variant Subgoal Frames */
    prodsf,		/* Subsumptive Producer Subgoal Frames */
    conssf,		/* Subsumptive Consumer Subgoal Frames */
    asi,         	/* Answer Subst Info for conditional answers */
    tot_Key,            /* Keys used in incremental tabling */
    tot_CallNode,     tot_OutEdge,    tot_CallList,    tot_Call2List;

    tbtht,		/* Table Basic Trie Hash Tables */
    abtht,		/* Asserted Basic Trie Hash Tables */
    tstht;		/* Time Stamp Trie Hash Tables */
  size_t pnde_space_alloc, pnde_space_used, num_de_blocks, num_dl_blocks, num_pnde_blocks,    i;

  UInteger de_count, dl_count, de_space_alloc, de_space_used, total_alloc, total_used, 
    dl_space_alloc, dl_space_used, tablespace_sm_alloc, tablespace_sm_used, tablespace_sm_free, pspacetot, 
    //    incr_tablespace_sm_used,  
    trieassert_alloc, trieassert_used, tc_avail, gl_avail;
  UInteger total_table_space;
  int clref_count = 0; int predref_count = 0;

  abtn = node_statistics(&smAssertBTN);           abtht = hash_statistics(CTXTc &smAssertBTHT);
  trieassert_alloc =    NodeStats_SizeAllocNodes(abtn) + HashStats_SizeAllocTotal(abtht);
  trieassert_used =    NodeStats_SizeUsedNodes(abtn) + HashStats_SizeUsedTotal(abtht);

  de_space_alloc = allocated_de_space(current_de_block_gl,&num_de_blocks);
  de_space_used = de_space_alloc - unused_de_space();
  de_count = (de_space_used - num_de_blocks * sizeof(Cell)) /	     sizeof(struct delay_element);

  dl_space_alloc = allocated_dl_space(current_dl_block_gl,&num_dl_blocks);
  dl_space_used = dl_space_alloc - unused_dl_space();
  dl_count = (dl_space_used - num_dl_blocks * sizeof(Cell)) /	     sizeof(struct delay_list);

  pnde_space_alloc = allocated_pnde_space(current_pnde_block_gl,&num_pnde_blocks);
  pnde_space_used = pnde_space_alloc - unused_pnde_space();

  tbtn = node_statistics(&smTableBTN);            tbtht = hash_statistics(CTXTc &smTableBTHT);
  varsf = subgoal_statistics(CTXTc &smVarSF);     prodsf = subgoal_statistics(CTXTc &smProdSF);
  conssf = subgoal_statistics(CTXTc &smConsSF);   aln = node_statistics(&smALN);
  tstn = node_statistics(&smTSTN);                tstht = hash_statistics(CTXTc &smTSTHT);
  tsi = node_statistics(&smTSIN);                 asi = node_statistics(&smASI);
  tablespace_sm_alloc = CurrentTotalTableSpaceAlloc(tbtn,tbtht,varsf,prodsf,conssf,aln,tstn,tstht,tsi,asi);
  tablespace_sm_used = CurrentTotalTableSpaceUsed(tbtn,tbtht,varsf,prodsf, conssf,aln,tstn,tstht,tsi,asi);

  tot_CallNode  = node_statistics(&smCallNode);   tot_OutEdge   = node_statistics(&smOutEdge);
  tot_CallList  = node_statistics(&smCallList);   tot_Call2List = node_statistics(&smCall2List);
  tot_Key       = node_statistics(&smKey);
  incr_tablespace_sm_alloc = CurrentTotalIncrTableSpaceAlloc(tot_CallNode,tot_OutEdge,tot_CallList,tot_Call2List,tot_Key);
  //  incr_tablespace_sm_used = CurrentTotalIncrTableSpaceUsed(tot_CallNode,tot_OutEdge,tot_CallList,tot_Call2List,tot_Key);

  tablespace_sm_alloc = tablespace_sm_alloc + de_space_alloc + dl_space_alloc + pnde_space_alloc;
  tablespace_sm_used = tablespace_sm_used + de_space_used + dl_space_used + pnde_space_used;
  tablespace_sm_free = tablespace_sm_alloc - tablespace_sm_used;

  gl_avail = (top_of_localstk - top_of_heap - 1) * sizeof(Cell);
  tc_avail = (top_of_cpstack - (CPtr)top_of_trail - 1) * sizeof(Cell);

  pspacetot = 0;
  for (i=0; i<NUM_CATS_SPACE; i++) 
    if (i != TABLE_SPACE && i != INCR_TABLE_SPACE) pspacetot += pspacesize[i];

  total_table_space = pspacesize[TABLE_SPACE]+(pspacesize[INCR_TABLE_SPACE]-trieassert_alloc)

  total_alloc = pspacetot + total_table_space + trieassert_alloc 
    +  (pdl.size + glstack.size + tcpstack.size + complstack.size) * K ;
  total_used = pspacetot + total_table_space + trieassert_used - tablespace_sm_free + 
    ((UInteger) ((size_t)(pdlreg+1) - (size_t)pdl.high) + glstack.size*K - gl_avail) + (tcpstack.size * K - tc_avail + complstack.size) ;

//  printf("Memory (total)      " NIntfmt Intfmt " bytes: %'15" Intfmt " in use, %'15" Intfmt " free\n",
  printf("Memory (total)      " NLoc15Int " bytes: " NLoc15Int " in use, " NLoc15Int " free\n",
	 total_alloc, total_used, total_alloc - total_used);
  printf("  permanent space   " NLoc15Int " bytes: " NLoc15Int " in use, " NLoc15Int " free\n",
	 pspacetot + trieassert_alloc, pspacetot + trieassert_used, trieassert_alloc - trieassert_used);
  if (trieassert_alloc > 0)
    printf("    trie-asserted                        " NLoc15Int " in use, " NLoc15Int "\n",

  for (i=0; i<NUM_CATS_SPACE; i++) 
    if (pspacesize[i] > 0 && i != TABLE_SPACE && i != INCR_TABLE_SPACE)
      printf("    %s                           "NLoc15Int "\n",pspace_cat[i],pspacesize[i]);

  printf("  glob/loc space    "NLoc15Int " bytes: "NLoc15Int " in use, "NLoc15Int " free\n",
	 glstack.size * K, glstack.size * K - gl_avail, gl_avail);
  printf("    global                                 " NLoc15Int "\n",
	 (Integer)((top_of_heap - (CPtr)glstack.low + 1) * sizeof(Cell)));
  printf("    local                                  " NLoc15Int "\n",
	 (Integer)(((CPtr)glstack.high - top_of_localstk) * sizeof(Cell)));
  printf("  trail/cp space    "NLoc15Int " bytes: " NLoc15Int " in use, " NLoc15Int " free\n",
	 tcpstack.size * K, tcpstack.size * K - tc_avail, tc_avail);
  printf("    trail                                  " NLoc15Int "\n",
	 (Integer)((top_of_trail - (CPtr *)tcpstack.low + 1) * sizeof(CPtr)));
  printf("    choice point                           " NLoc15Int "\n",
	 (Integer)(((CPtr)tcpstack.high - top_of_cpstack) * sizeof(Cell)));
  printf("  SLG unific. space "NLoc15Int " bytes: "NLoc15Int " in use, "NLoc15Int " free\n",
	 (UInteger) pdl.size * K, (UInteger) ((size_t)(pdlreg+1) - (size_t)pdl.high),
	 (UInteger) (pdl.size * K - ((size_t)(pdlreg+1)-(size_t)pdl.high))); 
  printf("  SLG completion    "NLoc15Int " bytes: "NLoc15Int " in use, "NLoc15Int " free\n",
	 (UInteger)complstack.size * K,
	 (UInteger)COMPLSTACKBOTTOM - (UInteger)top_of_complstk,
	 (UInteger)complstack.size * K -
	 (UInteger) ((size_t)COMPLSTACKBOTTOM - (size_t)top_of_complstk));
  if (((size_t)COMPLSTACKBOTTOM - (size_t)top_of_complstk) > 0) {
    printf("        ("NLocInt " Incomplete table(s)",
	   (UInteger) (((UInteger)COMPLSTACKBOTTOM - (UInteger)top_of_complstk)/(COMPLFRAMESIZE*WORD_SIZE)));
    printf(" in %d SCCs)",count_sccs(CTXT));
  printf("  SLG table space   "NLoc15Int " bytes: " NLoc15Int " in use, " NLoc15Int " free\n",	
	 total_table_space, total_table_space - tablespace_sm_free, tablespace_sm_free);

  if (pspacesize[INCR_TABLE_SPACE]) {
    printf("    Incr table space                       " NLoc15Int " allocated\n",
	   pspacesize[INCR_TABLE_SPACE] + incr_tablespace_sm_alloc);
    printf("      Hash space                           " NLoc15Int " allocated\n",pspacesize[INCR_TABLE_SPACE]);
    printf("      Callnode spc  " NLoc15Int " bytes: " NLoc15Int " in use\n",
    printf("      Outedge space " NLoc15Int " bytes: " NLoc15Int " in use\n",
    printf("      CallList spc  " NLoc15Int " bytes: " NLoc15Int " in use\n",
    printf("      Call2List spc " NLoc15Int " bytes: " NLoc15Int " in use\n",
    printf("      Key space     " NLoc15Int " bytes: " NLoc15Int " in use\n",

  //  printf("  Incr tab space  %15" Intfmt " bytes: %15" Intfmt " in use, %15" Intfmt " free\n",
  //	 incr_tablespace_sm_alloc, incr_tablespace_sm_used,
  //	 incr_tablespace_sm_alloc-incr_tablespace_sm_used);


  //    if (flags[MAX_USAGE]) {
  //      /* Report Maximum Usages
  //         --------------------- */
  //      update_maximum_tablespace_stats(&tbtn,&tbtht,&varsf,&prodsf,&conssf,
  //				    &aln,&tstn,&tstht,&tsi,&asi);
  //    printf("  Maximum table space used:  %'d" Intfmt " bytes\n",
  //	   maximum_total_tablespace_usage());
  //    printf("\n");
  //  }

#if !defined(MULTI_THREAD) || defined(NON_OPT_COMPILE)
  printf("Tabling Operations\n");
  printf("  "NLocUInt" subsumptive call check/insert ops: "NLocUInt" producers, "NLocUInt" variants,\n"
	 "  "NLocUInt" properly subsumed ("NLocUInt" table entries), "NLocUInt" used completed table.\n"
	 "  "NLocUInt" relevant answer ident ops.  "NLocUInt" consumptions via answer list.\n",
	 NumSubOps_CallCheckInsert,		NumSubOps_ProducerCall,
	 NumSubOps_VariantCall,			NumSubOps_SubsumedCall,
	 NumSubOps_SubsumedCallEntry,		NumSubOps_CallToCompletedTable,
	 NumSubOps_IdentifyRelevantAnswers,	NumSubOps_AnswerConsumption);
    UInteger ttl_ops = ans_chk_ins + NumSubOps_AnswerCheckInsert,
	 	 ttl_ins = ans_inserts + NumSubOps_AnswerInsert;

    printf("  "NLocUInt " variant table call check/insert ops: \n",var_subg_chk_ins_gl);
    printf("    "NLocUInt " checks/inserts for tabled subgoals; "NLocUInt " checks/inserts for IDG leaf nodes \n",
    printf("    "NLocUInt " check/inserts for incremental recomputations\n",
	   (UInteger) 2*incr_table_recomputations_gl);
    printf("  "NLocUInt " distinct variant subgoals\n",var_subg_inserts_gl);
    printf("  "NLocUInt" answer check/insert ops: "NLocUInt " unique inserts, "NLocUInt" redundant.\n",
	   ttl_ops, ttl_ins, ttl_ops - ttl_ins);
  if (de_count > 0) {
    printf("    "NLocInt " DEs in the tables (space: "NLocInt " bytes allocated, "NLocInt" in use)\n",
	   de_count, de_space_alloc, de_space_used);
    printf("    "NLocInt " DLs in the tables (space: "NLocInt " bytes allocated, "NLocInt" in use)\n",
	   dl_count, dl_space_alloc, dl_space_used);

    if (total_call_node_count_gl) {
      //    printf("  Total number of IDG nodes created: %'d\n",total_call_node_count_gl);
      if (current_call_node_count_gl) {
	printf("  Currently "NLocint " IDG nodes, "NLocint " dependency edges\n",
	       (long) current_call_node_count_gl,(long) current_call_edge_count_gl);
      if (incr_table_recomputations_gl) {
	printf("    incremental table recomputations "NLocint "\n",(long) incr_table_recomputations_gl);
      if (dyn_incr_chk_ins_gl) {
	printf("    "NLocInt " call check/insert ops for incr dyn IDG nodes; "NLocInt " unique goals\n",

  if (abol_subg_ctr == 1)
    printf("  1 tabled subgoal explicitly abolished\n");
  else if (abol_subg_ctr > 1) 
    printf("  "NLocUInt " tabled subgoals explicitly abolished\n",abol_subg_ctr);

  if (abol_pred_ctr == 1) 
    printf("  1 tabled predicate explicitly abolished\n");
  else if (abol_pred_ctr > 1) 
    printf("  "NLocUInt " tabled predicates explicitly abolished\n",abol_pred_ctr);


  count_dynamic(&clref_count, &predref_count);
  printf("\n");printf("  Uncollected clauses %d predrefs %d\n",clref_count,predref_count);

  printf("Time: %.3f sec. cputime,  %.3f sec. elapsetime\n",
	 cputime_count_gl, elapstime);

Esempio n. 2
void total_stat(CTXTdeclc double elapstime) {

    tbtn,		/* Table Basic Trie Nodes */
    abtn,		/* Asserted Basic Trie Nodes */
    aln,		/* Answer List Nodes */
    varsf,		/* Variant Subgoal Frames */
    asi,		/* Answer Substitution Info */

    pri_tbtn,		/* Private Table Basic Trie Nodes */
    pri_tstn,		/* Private Time Stamp Trie Nodes */
    pri_aln,		/* Private Answer List Nodes */
    pri_asi,		/* Private Answer Substitution Info */
    pri_tsi,		/* Private Time Stamp Indices (Index Entries/Nodes) */
    pri_varsf,		/* Private Variant Subgoal Frames */
    pri_prodsf,		/* Private Subsumptive Producer Subgoal Frames */
    pri_conssf;		/* Private Subsumptive Consumer Subgoal Frames */

    abtht,		/* Asserted Basic Trie Hash Tables */
    tbtht,		/* Table Basic Trie Hash Tables */

    pri_tbtht,		/* Table Basic Trie Hash Tables */
    pri_tstht;		/* Time Stamp Trie Hash Tables */
    total_alloc, total_used,
    tablespace_sm_alloc, tablespace_sm_used,
    shared_tablespace_sm_alloc, shared_tablespace_sm_used,
    private_tablespace_sm_alloc, private_tablespace_sm_used,
    trieassert_alloc, trieassert_used,
    gl_avail, tc_avail,
    de_space_alloc, de_space_used,
    dl_space_alloc, dl_space_used,
    pnde_space_alloc, pnde_space_used,
    private_de_space_alloc, private_de_space_used,
    private_dl_space_alloc, private_dl_space_used,
    private_pnde_space_alloc, private_pnde_space_used,

  UInteger de_count;
    dl_count, private_de_count, private_dl_count, 

  tbtn = node_statistics(&smTableBTN);
  tbtht = hash_statistics(CTXTc &smTableBTHT);
  varsf = subgoal_statistics(CTXTc &smVarSF);
  aln = node_statistics(&smALN);
  asi = node_statistics(&smASI);

  pri_tbtn = node_statistics(private_smTableBTN);
  pri_tbtht = hash_statistics(CTXTc private_smTableBTHT);
  pri_varsf = subgoal_statistics(CTXTc private_smVarSF);
  pri_aln = node_statistics(private_smALN);
  pri_asi = node_statistics(private_smASI);
  pri_prodsf = subgoal_statistics(CTXTc private_smProdSF);
  pri_conssf = subgoal_statistics(CTXTc private_smConsSF);
  pri_tstn = node_statistics(private_smTSTN);
  pri_tstht = hash_statistics(CTXTc private_smTSTHT);
  pri_tsi = node_statistics(private_smTSIN);

  private_tablespace_sm_alloc = CurrentPrivateTableSpaceAlloc(pri_tbtn,pri_tbtht,pri_varsf,
  private_tablespace_sm_used = CurrentPrivateTableSpaceUsed(pri_tbtn,pri_tbtht,pri_varsf,

  shared_tablespace_sm_alloc = CurrentSharedTableSpaceAlloc(tbtn,tbtht,varsf,aln,asi);
  shared_tablespace_sm_used = CurrentSharedTableSpaceUsed(tbtn,tbtht,varsf,aln,asi);

  tablespace_sm_alloc = shared_tablespace_sm_alloc + private_tablespace_sm_alloc;
  tablespace_sm_used =  shared_tablespace_sm_used + private_tablespace_sm_used;

  abtn = node_statistics(&smAssertBTN);
  abtht = hash_statistics(CTXTc &smAssertBTHT);
  trieassert_alloc =
    NodeStats_SizeAllocNodes(abtn) + HashStats_SizeAllocTotal(abtht);
  trieassert_used =
    NodeStats_SizeUsedNodes(abtn) + HashStats_SizeUsedTotal(abtht);

  gl_avail = (top_of_localstk - top_of_heap - 1) * sizeof(Cell);
  tc_avail = (top_of_cpstack - (CPtr)top_of_trail - 1) * sizeof(Cell);
  de_space_alloc = allocated_de_space(current_de_block_gl,&num_de_blocks);
  de_space_used = de_space_alloc - unused_de_space();
  de_count = (de_space_used - num_de_blocks * sizeof(Cell)) /
	     sizeof(struct delay_element);

  dl_space_alloc = allocated_dl_space(current_dl_block_gl,&num_dl_blocks);
  dl_space_used = dl_space_alloc - unused_dl_space();
  dl_count = (dl_space_used - num_dl_blocks * sizeof(Cell)) /
	     sizeof(struct delay_list);

  pnde_space_alloc = allocated_pnde_space(current_pnde_block_gl,&num_pnde_blocks);
  pnde_space_used = pnde_space_alloc - unused_pnde_space();

  private_de_space_alloc = allocated_de_space(private_current_de_block,&num_de_blocks);
  private_de_space_used = private_de_space_alloc - unused_de_space_private(CTXT);
  private_de_count = (private_de_space_used - num_de_blocks * sizeof(Cell)) /
	     sizeof(struct delay_element);

  private_dl_space_alloc = allocated_dl_space(private_current_dl_block,&num_dl_blocks);
  private_dl_space_used = private_dl_space_alloc - unused_dl_space_private(CTXT);
  private_dl_count = (private_dl_space_used - num_dl_blocks * sizeof(Cell)) /
	     sizeof(struct delay_list);

  private_pnde_space_alloc = allocated_pnde_space(private_current_pnde_block,&num_pnde_blocks);
  private_pnde_space_used = private_pnde_space_alloc - unused_pnde_space_private(CTXT);

  tablespace_sm_alloc = tablespace_sm_alloc + de_space_alloc + dl_space_alloc + pnde_space_alloc;
  tablespace_sm_used =  tablespace_sm_used + de_space_used + dl_space_used + pnde_space_alloc;

  shared_tablespace_sm_alloc = shared_tablespace_sm_alloc + de_space_alloc + dl_space_alloc + pnde_space_alloc;
  shared_tablespace_sm_used =  shared_tablespace_sm_used + de_space_used + dl_space_used + pnde_space_used;

  private_tablespace_sm_alloc = private_tablespace_sm_alloc + private_de_space_alloc + 
    private_dl_space_alloc + private_pnde_space_alloc;

  private_tablespace_sm_used = private_tablespace_sm_used + private_de_space_used + 
    private_dl_space_used + private_pnde_space_used;

  pspacetot = 0;
  for (i=0; i<NUM_CATS_SPACE; i++) 
    if (i != TABLE_SPACE) pspacetot += pspacesize[i];

  total_alloc =
    pspacetot  +  trieassert_alloc  +  pspacesize[TABLE_SPACE] +
    de_space_alloc + dl_space_alloc + pnde_space_alloc; 

  total_used  =
    pspacetot  +  trieassert_used  + 
    pspacesize[TABLE_SPACE]-(tablespace_sm_alloc-tablespace_sm_used) +
    de_space_used + dl_space_used;

  printf("Thread-shared memory for process:\n");
  printf("  permanent space %15" Intfmt " bytes: %15" Intfmt " in use, %15" Intfmt " free\n",
	 pspacetot + trieassert_alloc, pspacetot + trieassert_used,
	 trieassert_alloc - trieassert_used);
  if (trieassert_alloc > 0)
    printf("    trie-asserted                     %15" Intfmt "         %15" Intfmt "\n",
  for (i=0; i<NUM_CATS_SPACE; i++) 
    if (pspacesize[i] > 0 && i != TABLE_SPACE)
      printf("    %s                      %15" Intfmt "\n",pspace_cat[i],pspacesize[i]);
  printf("  SLG table space %15" Intfmt " bytes: %15" Intfmt " in use, %15" Intfmt " free\n",
	 tablespace_sm_alloc - tablespace_sm_used);
  printf("  Shared SLG table space %15" Intfmt " bytes: %15" Intfmt " in use, %15" Intfmt " free\n",
	 shared_tablespace_sm_alloc - shared_tablespace_sm_used);
  printf("Total             %15" Intfmt " bytes: %15" Intfmt " in use, %15" Intfmt " free\n",
	 total_alloc, total_used, total_alloc - total_used);

  printf("Thread-private memory thread %"Intfmt":\n",xsb_thread_id);
  printf("  glob/loc space  %15" Intfmt " bytes: %15" Intfmt " in use, %15" Intfmt " free\n",
	 glstack.size * K, glstack.size * K - gl_avail, gl_avail);
  printf("    global                            %15" Intfmt " bytes\n",
	 (Integer)((top_of_heap - (CPtr)glstack.low + 1) * sizeof(Cell)));
  printf("    local                             %15" Intfmt " bytes\n",
	 (Integer)(((CPtr)glstack.high - top_of_localstk) * sizeof(Cell)));
  printf("  trail/cp space  %15" Intfmt " bytes: %15" Intfmt " in use, %15" Intfmt " free\n",
	 tcpstack.size * K, tcpstack.size * K - tc_avail, tc_avail);
  printf("    trail                             %15" Intfmt " bytes\n",
	 (Integer)((top_of_trail - (CPtr *)tcpstack.low + 1) * sizeof(CPtr)));
  printf("    choice point                      %15" Intfmt " bytes\n",
	 (Integer)(((CPtr)tcpstack.high - top_of_cpstack) * sizeof(Cell)));
  printf("  SLG unific. space %10" Intfmt " bytes: %15" Intfmt " in use, %15" Intfmt " free\n",
	 pdl.size * K, (size_t)(pdlreg+1) - (size_t)pdl.high,
	 pdl.size * K - ((size_t)(pdlreg+1)-(size_t)pdl.high)); 
  printf("  SLG completion  %15" Intfmt " bytes: %15" Intfmt " in use, %15" Intfmt " free\n",
	 (size_t)complstack.size * K,
	 (size_t)COMPLSTACKBOTTOM - (size_t)top_of_complstk,
	 (size_t)complstack.size * K -
	 ((size_t)COMPLSTACKBOTTOM - (size_t)top_of_complstk));
  if (((size_t)COMPLSTACKBOTTOM - (size_t)top_of_complstk) > 0) {
    printf("        (%" Intfmt " incomplete table(s)",
	   ((size_t)COMPLSTACKBOTTOM - (size_t)top_of_complstk)/(COMPLFRAMESIZE*WORD_SIZE));
    printf(" in %d SCCs)",count_sccs(CTXT));
  printf("  Private SLG table space %15" Intfmt " bytes: %15" Intfmt " in use, %15" Intfmt " free\n",
	 private_tablespace_sm_alloc - private_tablespace_sm_used);
#ifdef GC

/* TES: Max stack stuff is probably not real useful with multiple
   threads -- to even get it to work correcly you'd have to use locks.
   So omitted below.

#if !defined(MULTI_THREAD) || defined(NON_OPT_COMPILE)
  printf("Tabling Operations (shared and all private tables)\n");
  printf("  %"UIntfmt" subsumptive call check/insert ops: %"UIntfmt" producers, %"UIntfmt" variants,\n"
	 "  %"UIntfmt" properly subsumed (%"UIntfmt" table entries), %"UIntfmt" used completed table.\n"
	 "  %"UIntfmt" relevant answer ident ops.  %"UIntfmt" consumptions via answer list.\n",
	 NumSubOps_CallCheckInsert,		NumSubOps_ProducerCall,
	 NumSubOps_VariantCall,			NumSubOps_SubsumedCall,
	 NumSubOps_SubsumedCallEntry,		NumSubOps_CallToCompletedTable,
	 NumSubOps_IdentifyRelevantAnswers,	NumSubOps_AnswerConsumption);
    size_t ttl_ops = ans_chk_ins + NumSubOps_AnswerCheckInsert,
	  	  ttl_ins = ans_inserts + NumSubOps_AnswerInsert;

    printf("  %"UIntfmt" variant call check/insert ops: %"UIntfmt" producers, %"UIntfmt" variants.\n"
	   "  %"UIntfmt" answer check/insert ops: %"UIntfmt" unique inserts, %"UIntfmt" redundant.\n",
	   var_subg_chk_ins_gl, var_subg_inserts_gl, var_subg_chk_ins_gl - var_subg_inserts_gl,
	   ttl_ops, ttl_ins, ttl_ops - ttl_ins);

  if (de_count > 0) {
    printf(" %6"UIntfmt" DEs in the tables (space: %5"UIntfmt" bytes allocated, %5"UIntfmt" in use)\n",
	   de_count, de_space_alloc, de_space_used);
    printf(" %6"UIntfmt" DLs in the tables (space: %5"UIntfmt" bytes allocated, %5"UIntfmt" in use)\n",
	   dl_count, dl_space_alloc, dl_space_used);

    if (abol_subg_ctr == 1)
      printf("  1 tabled subgoal explicitly abolished\n");
    else if (abol_subg_ctr > 1) 
      printf("  %"UIntfmt" tabled subgoals explicitly abolished\n",abol_subg_ctr);

    if (abol_pred_ctr == 1) 
      printf("  1 tabled predicate explicitly abolished\n");
    else if (abol_pred_ctr > 1) 
      printf("  %"UIntfmt" tabled predicates explicitly abolished\n",abol_pred_ctr);


  printf("%"UIntfmt" thread suspensions have occured\n\n", num_suspends );
  printf("%"UIntfmt" deadlocks have occured\n\n", num_deadlocks );

  printf("Peak number of active user threads: %"UIntfmt"\n", max_threads_sofar );

  printf("%"UIntfmt" active user thread%s.\n",(UInteger)flags[NUM_THREADS],

  printf("Time: %.3f sec. cputime,  %.3f sec. elapsetime\n",
	 time_count, elapstime);
Esempio n. 3
void total_stat(CTXTdeclc double elapstime) {

    tbtn,		/* Table Basic Trie Nodes */
    abtn,		/* Asserted Basic Trie Nodes */
    tstn,		/* Time Stamp Trie Nodes */
    aln,		/* Answer List Nodes */
    tsi,		/* Time Stamp Indices (Index Entries/Nodes) */
    varsf,		/* Variant Subgoal Frames */
    prodsf,		/* Subsumptive Producer Subgoal Frames */
    conssf,		/* Subsumptive Consumer Subgoal Frames */
    asi;		/* Answer Subst Info for conditional answers */

    tbtht,		/* Table Basic Trie Hash Tables */
    abtht,		/* Asserted Basic Trie Hash Tables */
    tstht;		/* Time Stamp Trie Hash Tables */
  unsigned long
    total_alloc, total_used,
    tablespace_alloc, tablespace_used,
    trieassert_alloc, trieassert_used,
    gl_avail, tc_avail,
    de_space_alloc, de_space_used,
    dl_space_alloc, dl_space_used,
    pnde_space_alloc, pnde_space_used,

    num_de_blocks, num_dl_blocks, num_pnde_blocks,
    de_count, dl_count, 

  tbtn = node_statistics(&smTableBTN);
  tbtht = hash_statistics(&smTableBTHT);
  varsf = subgoal_statistics(CTXTc &smVarSF);
  prodsf = subgoal_statistics(CTXTc &smProdSF);
  conssf = subgoal_statistics(CTXTc &smConsSF);
  aln = node_statistics(&smALN);
  tstn = node_statistics(&smTSTN);
  tstht = hash_statistics(&smTSTHT);
  tsi = node_statistics(&smTSIN);
  asi = node_statistics(&smASI);

  tablespace_alloc = CurrentTotalTableSpaceAlloc(tbtn,tbtht,varsf,prodsf,
  tablespace_used = CurrentTotalTableSpaceUsed(tbtn,tbtht,varsf,prodsf,

  abtn = node_statistics(&smAssertBTN);
  abtht = hash_statistics(&smAssertBTHT);
  trieassert_alloc =
    NodeStats_SizeAllocNodes(abtn) + HashStats_SizeAllocTotal(abtht);
  trieassert_used =
    NodeStats_SizeUsedNodes(abtn) + HashStats_SizeUsedTotal(abtht);

  de_space_alloc = allocated_de_space(current_de_block_gl,&num_de_blocks);
  de_space_used = de_space_alloc - unused_de_space();
  de_count = (de_space_used - num_de_blocks * sizeof(Cell)) /
	     sizeof(struct delay_element);

  dl_space_alloc = allocated_dl_space(current_dl_block_gl,&num_dl_blocks);
  dl_space_used = dl_space_alloc - unused_dl_space();
  dl_count = (dl_space_used - num_dl_blocks * sizeof(Cell)) /
	     sizeof(struct delay_list);

  pnde_space_alloc = allocated_pnde_space(current_pnde_block_gl,&num_pnde_blocks);
  pnde_space_used = pnde_space_alloc - unused_pnde_space();

  tablespace_alloc = tablespace_alloc + de_space_alloc + dl_space_alloc + pnde_space_alloc;

  tablespace_used = tablespace_used + de_space_used + dl_space_used + pnde_space_used;

  gl_avail = (top_of_localstk - top_of_heap - 1) * sizeof(Cell);
  tc_avail = (top_of_cpstack - (CPtr)top_of_trail - 1) * sizeof(Cell);

  pspacetot = 0;
  for (i=0; i<NUM_CATS_SPACE; i++) 
    if (i != TABLE_SPACE && i != INCR_TABLE_SPACE) pspacetot += pspacesize[i];

  total_alloc =
    pspacetot  +  pspacesize[TABLE_SPACE] +
    pspacesize[INCR_TABLE_SPACE] +
    (pdl.size + glstack.size + tcpstack.size + complstack.size) * K +
    de_space_alloc + dl_space_alloc  + pnde_space_alloc;

  total_used  =
    pspacetot  +  pspacesize[TABLE_SPACE]-(tablespace_alloc-tablespace_used)
    - (trieassert_alloc - trieassert_used) +
    pspacesize[INCR_TABLE_SPACE] +
    (glstack.size * K - gl_avail) + (tcpstack.size * K - tc_avail) +
    de_space_used + dl_space_used;

  printf("Memory (total)    %12ld bytes: %12ld in use, %12ld free\n",
	 total_alloc, total_used, total_alloc - total_used);
  printf("  permanent space %12ld bytes: %12ld in use, %12ld free\n",
	 pspacetot + trieassert_alloc, pspacetot + trieassert_used,
	 trieassert_alloc - trieassert_used);
  if (trieassert_alloc > 0)
    printf("    trie-asserted                     %12ld         %12ld\n",

  for (i=0; i<NUM_CATS_SPACE; i++) 
    if (pspacesize[i] > 0 && i != TABLE_SPACE && i != INCR_TABLE_SPACE)
      printf("    %s                      %12ld\n",pspace_cat[i],pspacesize[i]);

  printf("  glob/loc space  %12ld bytes: %12ld in use, %12ld free\n",
	 glstack.size * K, glstack.size * K - gl_avail, gl_avail);
  printf("    global                            %12ld bytes\n",
	 (long)((top_of_heap - (CPtr)glstack.low + 1) * sizeof(Cell)));
  printf("    local                             %12ld bytes\n",
	 (long)(((CPtr)glstack.high - top_of_localstk) * sizeof(Cell)));
  printf("  trail/cp space  %12ld bytes: %12ld in use, %12ld free\n",
	 tcpstack.size * K, tcpstack.size * K - tc_avail, tc_avail);
  printf("    trail                             %12ld bytes\n",
	 (long)((top_of_trail - (CPtr *)tcpstack.low + 1) * sizeof(CPtr)));
  printf("    choice point                      %12ld bytes\n",
	 (long)(((CPtr)tcpstack.high - top_of_cpstack) * sizeof(Cell)));
  printf("  SLG unific. space %10ld bytes: %12ld in use, %12ld free\n",
	 pdl.size * K, (unsigned long)(pdlreg+1) - (unsigned long)pdl.high,
	 pdl.size * K - ((unsigned long)(pdlreg+1)-(unsigned long)pdl.high)); 
  printf("  SLG completion  %12ld bytes: %12ld in use, %12ld free\n",
	 (unsigned long)complstack.size * K,
	 (unsigned long)COMPLSTACKBOTTOM - (unsigned long)top_of_complstk,
	 (unsigned long)complstack.size * K -
	 ((unsigned long)COMPLSTACKBOTTOM - (unsigned long)top_of_complstk));
  if (pspacesize[INCR_TABLE_SPACE] > 0)
    printf("  Incr table space                    %12ld in use\n",
  printf("  SLG table space %12ld bytes: %12ld in use, %12ld free\n",
	 tablespace_alloc - tablespace_used);

  if (flags[TRACE_STA]) {
    /* Report Maximum Usages
       --------------------- */
    printf("  Maximum stack used: global %ld, local %ld, trail %ld, cp %ld,\n",
	   ttt.maxgstack_count, ttt.maxlstack_count, 
	   ttt.maxtrail_count, ttt.maxcpstack_count);
    printf("                      SLG completion %ld (%ld subgoals)\n",
	   (ttt.maxopenstack_count/sizeof(struct completion_stack_frame)));

    printf("  Maximum table space used:  %ld bytes\n",

#if !defined(MULTI_THREAD) || defined(NON_OPT_COMPILE)
  printf("Tabling Operations\n");
  printf("  %lu subsumptive call check/insert ops: %lu producers, %lu variants,\n"
	 "  %lu properly subsumed (%lu table entries), %lu used completed table.\n"
	 "  %lu relevant answer ident ops.  %lu consumptions via answer list.\n",
	 NumSubOps_CallCheckInsert,		NumSubOps_ProducerCall,
	 NumSubOps_VariantCall,			NumSubOps_SubsumedCall,
	 NumSubOps_SubsumedCallEntry,		NumSubOps_CallToCompletedTable,
	 NumSubOps_IdentifyRelevantAnswers,	NumSubOps_AnswerConsumption);
    unsigned long ttl_ops = ans_chk_ins + NumSubOps_AnswerCheckInsert,
	 	  ttl_ins = ans_inserts + NumSubOps_AnswerInsert;

    printf("  %lu variant call check/insert ops: %lu producers, %lu variants.\n"
	   "  %lu answer check/insert ops: %lu unique inserts, %lu redundant.\n",
	   subg_chk_ins, subg_inserts, subg_chk_ins - subg_inserts,
	   ttl_ops, ttl_ins, ttl_ops - ttl_ins);

  if (de_count > 0) {
    printf(" %6d DEs in the tables (space: %5ld bytes allocated, %5ld in use)\n",
	   de_count, de_space_alloc, de_space_used);
    printf(" %6d DLs in the tables (space: %5ld bytes allocated, %5ld in use)\n",
	   dl_count, dl_space_alloc, dl_space_used);

#ifdef GC

  printf("Time: %.3f sec. cputime,  %.3f sec. elapsetime\n",
	 ttt.time_count, elapstime);