Esempio n. 1
/* Entry point to ouput data metrics per panel. */
static void
print_json_data (FILE * fp, GHolder * h, GPercTotals totals,
                 const struct GPanel_ *panel)
  int sp = 0;
  /* use tabs to prettify output */
  if (conf.json_pretty_print)
    sp = 1;

  /* output open panel attribute */
  print_open_panel_attr (fp, module_to_id (h->module), sp);
  /* output panel metadata */
  print_meta_data (fp, h, sp);
  /* output panel data */
  print_data_metrics (fp, h, totals, sp, panel);
  /* output close panel attribute */
  print_close_panel_attr (fp, sp);
Esempio n. 2
/* Entry point to ouput data metrics per panel. */
static void
print_json_data (GJSON * json, GHolder * h, GPercTotals totals,
                 const struct GPanel_ *panel)
  int sp = 0;
  /* use tabs to prettify output */
  if (conf.json_pretty_print)
    sp = 1;

  /* output open panel attribute */
  popen_obj_attr (json, module_to_id (h->module), sp);
  /* output panel metadata */
  print_meta_data (json, h, sp);
  /* output panel data */
  print_data_metrics (json, h, totals, sp, panel);
  /* output close panel attribute */
  pclose_obj (json, sp, 1);
Esempio n. 3
int main() {

	// maximum c0 size
	int max_c0_size = 5;
	int max_level_in_ram = 13;
	int num_blocks_per_level = 2;
	int level1_mult = 2;

	// int datasize = 800000000;
	int datasize = 32;

	// Initialization of the tree
	lsmTree * testTree;
	lsmTree_init(&testTree, max_c0_size, num_blocks_per_level, max_level_in_ram, level1_mult);

	// The print_tree_param function

	/************************* Basic Tree Manipulations ************************/

	// Filling up the c0 tree, get size, and print the c0 tree
	int i;

	// The timer:
	clock_t begin, end;
	double time_spent;
	begin = clock();
	for (i=0; i < datasize; i++){
		put_with_key(testTree, rand()%100, random()%100);

	// Recored the time
	end = clock();
	time_spent = (double)(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
	printf("The total amount of seconds spent is %f\n", time_spent);

	// Print the meta data

	// Check that the tree size is consistent
	// printf("The tree size is consistent (0 means consistent)? %d \n", check_treeSize(testTree));

	// Print the full tree
	// Testing get_with_key
	printf("\nTesting get_with_key\n");
	printf("The value corresponding to key 86 is %ld\n", get_with_key(testTree, 86));
	printf("The value corresponding to key 500 is %ld\n", get_with_key(testTree, 500));

	// Testing update with key
	printf("\nTesting update_with_key\n");
	valueType old_value = update_with_key(testTree, 86, 100);
	printf("The old value of key 86 is %ld\n", old_value);

	old_value = update_with_key(testTree, 500, 500);
	printf("The old value of key 500 is %ld\n", old_value);	

	// Print the full tree

	// Testing the delete function
	old_value = delete_with_key(testTree, 86);
	printf("The old value of key 86 is %ld\n", old_value);

	old_value = delete_with_key(testTree, 1);
	printf("The old value of key 1 is %ld\n", old_value);

	// Print the full tree
	// Free the tree

    return 0;