int print_linkinfo(const struct sockaddr_nl *who, struct nlmsghdr *n, void *arg) { FILE *fp = (FILE*)arg; struct ifinfomsg *ifi = NLMSG_DATA(n); struct rtattr * tb[IFLA_MAX+1]; int len = n->nlmsg_len; unsigned m_flag = 0; if (n->nlmsg_type != RTM_NEWLINK && n->nlmsg_type != RTM_DELLINK) return 0; len -= NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(*ifi)); if (len < 0) return -1; if (filter.ifindex && ifi->ifi_index != filter.ifindex) return 0; if (filter.up && !(ifi->ifi_flags&IFF_UP)) return 0; parse_rtattr(tb, IFLA_MAX, IFLA_RTA(ifi), len); if (tb[IFLA_IFNAME] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "BUG: device with ifindex %d has nil ifname\n", ifi->ifi_index); } if (filter.label && (! || == AF_PACKET) && fnmatch(filter.label, RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_IFNAME]), 0)) return 0; if (tb[IFLA_GROUP]) { int group = *(int*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_GROUP]); if ( != -1 && group != return -1; } if (tb[IFLA_MASTER]) { int master = *(int*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_MASTER]); if (filter.master > 0 && master != filter.master) return -1; } else if (filter.master > 0) return -1; if (filter.kind) { if (tb[IFLA_LINKINFO]) { char *kind = parse_link_kind(tb[IFLA_LINKINFO]); if (strcmp(kind, filter.kind)) return -1; } else { return -1; } } if (n->nlmsg_type == RTM_DELLINK) fprintf(fp, "Deleted "); fprintf(fp, "%d: ", ifi->ifi_index); color_fprintf(fp, COLOR_IFNAME, "%s", tb[IFLA_IFNAME] ? rta_getattr_str(tb[IFLA_IFNAME]) : "<nil>"); if (tb[IFLA_LINK]) { SPRINT_BUF(b1); int iflink = *(int*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_LINK]); if (iflink == 0) fprintf(fp, "@NONE: "); else { if (tb[IFLA_LINK_NETNSID]) fprintf(fp, "@if%d: ", iflink); else { fprintf(fp, "@%s: ", ll_idx_n2a(iflink, b1)); m_flag = ll_index_to_flags(iflink); m_flag = !(m_flag & IFF_UP); } } } else { fprintf(fp, ": "); } print_link_flags(fp, ifi->ifi_flags, m_flag); if (tb[IFLA_MTU]) fprintf(fp, "mtu %u ", *(int*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_MTU])); if (tb[IFLA_QDISC]) fprintf(fp, "qdisc %s ", rta_getattr_str(tb[IFLA_QDISC])); if (tb[IFLA_MASTER]) { SPRINT_BUF(b1); fprintf(fp, "master %s ", ll_idx_n2a(*(int*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_MASTER]), b1)); } if (tb[IFLA_PHYS_PORT_ID]) { SPRINT_BUF(b1); fprintf(fp, "portid %s ", hexstring_n2a(RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_PHYS_PORT_ID]), RTA_PAYLOAD(tb[IFLA_PHYS_PORT_ID]), b1, sizeof(b1))); } if (tb[IFLA_OPERSTATE]) print_operstate(fp, rta_getattr_u8(tb[IFLA_OPERSTATE])); if (do_link && tb[IFLA_LINKMODE]) print_linkmode(fp, tb[IFLA_LINKMODE]); if (tb[IFLA_GROUP]) { SPRINT_BUF(b1); int group = *(int*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_GROUP]); fprintf(fp, "group %s ", rtnl_group_n2a(group, b1, sizeof(b1))); } if (filter.showqueue) print_queuelen(fp, tb); if (! || == AF_PACKET || show_details) { SPRINT_BUF(b1); fprintf(fp, "%s", _SL_); fprintf(fp, " link/%s ", ll_type_n2a(ifi->ifi_type, b1, sizeof(b1))); if (tb[IFLA_ADDRESS]) { color_fprintf(fp, COLOR_MAC, "%s", ll_addr_n2a(RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_ADDRESS]), RTA_PAYLOAD(tb[IFLA_ADDRESS]), ifi->ifi_type, b1, sizeof(b1))); } if (tb[IFLA_BROADCAST]) { if (ifi->ifi_flags&IFF_POINTOPOINT) fprintf(fp, " peer "); else fprintf(fp, " brd "); fprintf(fp, "%s", ll_addr_n2a(RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_BROADCAST]), RTA_PAYLOAD(tb[IFLA_BROADCAST]), ifi->ifi_type, b1, sizeof(b1))); } } if (tb[IFLA_LINK_NETNSID]) { int id = *(int*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_LINK_NETNSID]); if (id >= 0) fprintf(fp, " link-netnsid %d", id); else fprintf(fp, " link-netnsid unknown"); } if (tb[IFLA_PROMISCUITY] && show_details) fprintf(fp, " promiscuity %u ", *(int*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_PROMISCUITY])); if (tb[IFLA_LINKINFO] && show_details) print_linktype(fp, tb[IFLA_LINKINFO]); if (do_link && tb[IFLA_AF_SPEC] && show_details) print_af_spec(fp, tb[IFLA_AF_SPEC]); if ((do_link || show_details) && tb[IFLA_IFALIAS]) { fprintf(fp, "%s alias %s", _SL_, rta_getattr_str(tb[IFLA_IFALIAS])); } if (do_link && show_stats) { fprintf(fp, "%s", _SL_); __print_link_stats(fp, tb); } if ((do_link || show_details) && tb[IFLA_VFINFO_LIST] && tb[IFLA_NUM_VF]) { struct rtattr *i, *vflist = tb[IFLA_VFINFO_LIST]; int rem = RTA_PAYLOAD(vflist); for (i = RTA_DATA(vflist); RTA_OK(i, rem); i = RTA_NEXT(i, rem)) print_vfinfo(fp, i); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); fflush(fp); return 1; }
static int print_linkinfo(struct sockaddr_nl ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED *who, const struct nlmsghdr *n, void ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED *arg) { FILE *fp = (FILE*)arg; struct ifinfomsg *ifi = NLMSG_DATA(n); struct rtattr * tb[IFLA_MAX+1]; int len = n->nlmsg_len; unsigned m_flag = 0; if (n->nlmsg_type != RTM_NEWLINK && n->nlmsg_type != RTM_DELLINK) return 0; len -= NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(*ifi)); if (len < 0) return -1; if (filter.ifindex && ifi->ifi_index != filter.ifindex) return 0; if (filter.up && !(ifi->ifi_flags&IFF_UP)) return 0; memset(tb, 0, sizeof(tb)); parse_rtattr(tb, IFLA_MAX, IFLA_RTA(ifi), len); if (tb[IFLA_IFNAME] == NULL) { bb_error_msg("nil ifname"); return -1; } if (filter.label && (! || == AF_PACKET) && fnmatch(filter.label, RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_IFNAME]), 0) ) { return 0; } if (n->nlmsg_type == RTM_DELLINK) fprintf(fp, "Deleted "); fprintf(fp, "%d: %s", ifi->ifi_index, tb[IFLA_IFNAME] ? (char*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_IFNAME]) : "<nil>"); if (tb[IFLA_LINK]) { SPRINT_BUF(b1); int iflink = *(int*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_LINK]); if (iflink == 0) fprintf(fp, "@NONE: "); else { fprintf(fp, "@%s: ", ll_idx_n2a(iflink, b1)); m_flag = ll_index_to_flags(iflink); m_flag = !(m_flag & IFF_UP); } } else { fprintf(fp, ": "); } print_link_flags(fp, ifi->ifi_flags, m_flag); if (tb[IFLA_MTU]) fprintf(fp, "mtu %u ", *(int*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_MTU])); if (tb[IFLA_QDISC]) fprintf(fp, "qdisc %s ", (char*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_QDISC])); #ifdef IFLA_MASTER if (tb[IFLA_MASTER]) { SPRINT_BUF(b1); fprintf(fp, "master %s ", ll_idx_n2a(*(int*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_MASTER]), b1)); } #endif if (filter.showqueue) print_queuelen((char*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_IFNAME])); if (! || == AF_PACKET) { SPRINT_BUF(b1); fprintf(fp, "%c link/%s ", _SL_, ll_type_n2a(ifi->ifi_type, b1, sizeof(b1))); if (tb[IFLA_ADDRESS]) { fprintf(fp, "%s", ll_addr_n2a(RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_ADDRESS]), RTA_PAYLOAD(tb[IFLA_ADDRESS]), ifi->ifi_type, b1, sizeof(b1))); } if (tb[IFLA_BROADCAST]) { if (ifi->ifi_flags&IFF_POINTOPOINT) fprintf(fp, " peer "); else fprintf(fp, " brd "); fprintf(fp, "%s", ll_addr_n2a(RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_BROADCAST]), RTA_PAYLOAD(tb[IFLA_BROADCAST]), ifi->ifi_type, b1, sizeof(b1))); } } fputc('\n', fp); fflush(fp); return 0; }
int my_print_linkinfo(const struct sockaddr_nl *who, struct nlmsghdr *n, void *arg) { FILE *fp = (FILE*)arg; struct ifinfomsg *ifi = (struct ifinfomsg *)NLMSG_DATA(n); struct rtattr * tb[IFLA_MAX+1]; int len = n->nlmsg_len; unsigned m_flag = 0; unsigned char b1[1024]; if (n->nlmsg_type != RTM_NEWLINK && n->nlmsg_type != RTM_DELLINK) return 0; len -= NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(*ifi)); if (len < 0) return -1; parse_rtattr(tb, IFLA_MAX, IFLA_RTA(ifi), len); if (tb[IFLA_IFNAME] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "BUG: nil ifname\n"); return -1; } if (n->nlmsg_type == RTM_DELLINK) fprintf(fp, "Deleted "); fprintf(fp, "%d: %s", ifi->ifi_index, tb[IFLA_IFNAME] ? (char*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_IFNAME]) : "<nil>"); if (tb[IFLA_LINK]) { int iflink = *(int*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_LINK]); if (iflink == 0) fprintf(fp, "@NONE: "); else { fprintf(fp, "@%s: ", ll_idx_n2a(iflink, b1)); m_flag = ll_index_to_flags(iflink); m_flag = !(m_flag & IFF_UP); } } else { fprintf(fp, ": "); } print_link_flags(fp, ifi->ifi_flags, m_flag); if (tb[IFLA_MTU]) fprintf(fp, "mtu %u ", *(int*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_MTU])); if (tb[IFLA_QDISC]) fprintf(fp, "qdisc %s ", (char*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_QDISC])); #ifdef IFLA_MASTER if (tb[IFLA_MASTER]) { fprintf(fp, "master %s ", ll_idx_n2a(*(int*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_MASTER]), b1)); } #endif print_queuelen((char*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_IFNAME])); { fprintf(fp, "%s", _SL_); fprintf(fp, " link/%s ", ll_type_n2a(ifi->ifi_type, b1, sizeof(b1))); if (tb[IFLA_ADDRESS]) { fprintf(fp, "%s", ll_addr_n2a(RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_ADDRESS]), RTA_PAYLOAD(tb[IFLA_ADDRESS]), ifi->ifi_type, b1, sizeof(b1))); } if (tb[IFLA_BROADCAST]) { if (ifi->ifi_flags&IFF_POINTOPOINT) fprintf(fp, " peer "); else fprintf(fp, " brd "); fprintf(fp, "%s", ll_addr_n2a(RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_BROADCAST]), RTA_PAYLOAD(tb[IFLA_BROADCAST]), ifi->ifi_type, b1, sizeof(b1))); } } if (tb[IFLA_STATS]) { struct rtnl_link_stats slocal; struct rtnl_link_stats *s = RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_STATS]); if (((unsigned long)s) & (sizeof(unsigned long)-1)) { memcpy(&slocal, s, sizeof(slocal)); s = &slocal; } fprintf(fp, "%s", _SL_); fprintf(fp, " RX: bytes packets errors dropped overrun mcast %s%s", s->rx_compressed ? "compressed" : "", _SL_); fprintf(fp, " %-10u %-8u %-7u %-7u %-7u %-7u", s->rx_bytes, s->rx_packets, s->rx_errors, s->rx_dropped, s->rx_over_errors, s->multicast ); if (s->rx_compressed) fprintf(fp, " %-7u", s->rx_compressed); if (show_stats > 1) { fprintf(fp, "%s", _SL_); fprintf(fp, " RX errors: length crc frame fifo missed%s", _SL_); fprintf(fp, " %-7u %-7u %-7u %-7u %-7u", s->rx_length_errors, s->rx_crc_errors, s->rx_frame_errors, s->rx_fifo_errors, s->rx_missed_errors ); } fprintf(fp, "%s", _SL_); fprintf(fp, " TX: bytes packets errors dropped carrier collsns %s%s", s->tx_compressed ? "compressed" : "", _SL_); fprintf(fp, " %-10u %-8u %-7u %-7u %-7u %-7u", s->tx_bytes, s->tx_packets, s->tx_errors, s->tx_dropped, s->tx_carrier_errors, s->collisions); if (s->tx_compressed) fprintf(fp, " %-7u", s->tx_compressed); if (show_stats > 1) { fprintf(fp, "%s", _SL_); fprintf(fp, " TX errors: aborted fifo window heartbeat%s", _SL_); fprintf(fp, " %-7u %-7u %-7u %-7u", s->tx_aborted_errors, s->tx_fifo_errors, s->tx_window_errors, s->tx_heartbeat_errors ); } } fprintf(fp, "\n"); fflush(fp); return 0; }
int print_linkinfo(const struct sockaddr_nl *who, struct nlmsghdr *n, void *arg) { FILE *fp = (FILE*)arg; struct ifinfomsg *ifi = NLMSG_DATA(n); struct rtattr * tb[IFLA_MAX+1]; int len = n->nlmsg_len; unsigned m_flag = 0; if (n->nlmsg_type != RTM_NEWLINK && n->nlmsg_type != RTM_DELLINK) return 0; len -= NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(*ifi)); if (len < 0) return -1; if (filter.ifindex && ifi->ifi_index != filter.ifindex) return 0; if (filter.up && !(ifi->ifi_flags&IFF_UP)) return 0; parse_rtattr(tb, IFLA_MAX, IFLA_RTA(ifi), len); if (tb[IFLA_IFNAME] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "BUG: device with ifindex %d has nil ifname\n", ifi->ifi_index); } if (filter.label && (! || == AF_PACKET) && fnmatch(filter.label, RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_IFNAME]), 0)) return 0; if (n->nlmsg_type == RTM_DELLINK) fprintf(fp, "Deleted "); fprintf(fp, "%d: %s", ifi->ifi_index, tb[IFLA_IFNAME] ? (char*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_IFNAME]) : "<nil>"); if (tb[IFLA_LINK]) { SPRINT_BUF(b1); int iflink = *(int*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_LINK]); if (iflink == 0) fprintf(fp, "@NONE: "); else { fprintf(fp, "@%s: ", ll_idx_n2a(iflink, b1)); m_flag = ll_index_to_flags(iflink); m_flag = !(m_flag & IFF_UP); } } else { fprintf(fp, ": "); } print_link_flags(fp, ifi->ifi_flags, m_flag); if (tb[IFLA_MTU]) fprintf(fp, "mtu %u ", *(int*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_MTU])); if (tb[IFLA_QDISC]) fprintf(fp, "qdisc %s ", (char*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_QDISC])); #ifdef IFLA_MASTER if (tb[IFLA_MASTER]) { SPRINT_BUF(b1); fprintf(fp, "master %s ", ll_idx_n2a(*(int*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_MASTER]), b1)); } #endif if (tb[IFLA_OPERSTATE]) print_operstate(fp, *(__u8 *)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_OPERSTATE])); if (filter.showqueue) print_queuelen(fp, (char*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_IFNAME])); if (! || == AF_PACKET) { SPRINT_BUF(b1); fprintf(fp, "%s", _SL_); fprintf(fp, " link/%s ", ll_type_n2a(ifi->ifi_type, b1, sizeof(b1))); if (tb[IFLA_ADDRESS]) { fprintf(fp, "%s", ll_addr_n2a(RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_ADDRESS]), RTA_PAYLOAD(tb[IFLA_ADDRESS]), ifi->ifi_type, b1, sizeof(b1))); } if (tb[IFLA_BROADCAST]) { if (ifi->ifi_flags&IFF_POINTOPOINT) fprintf(fp, " peer "); else fprintf(fp, " brd "); fprintf(fp, "%s", ll_addr_n2a(RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_BROADCAST]), RTA_PAYLOAD(tb[IFLA_BROADCAST]), ifi->ifi_type, b1, sizeof(b1))); } } if (do_link && tb[IFLA_LINKINFO] && show_details) print_linktype(fp, tb[IFLA_LINKINFO]); if (do_link && tb[IFLA_IFALIAS]) fprintf(fp,"\n alias %s", (const char *) RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_IFALIAS])); if (do_link && tb[IFLA_STATS64] && show_stats) { struct rtnl_link_stats64 slocal; struct rtnl_link_stats64 *s = RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_STATS64]); if (((unsigned long)s) & (sizeof(unsigned long)-1)) { memcpy(&slocal, s, sizeof(slocal)); s = &slocal; } fprintf(fp, "%s", _SL_); fprintf(fp, " RX: bytes packets errors dropped overrun mcast %s%s", s->rx_compressed ? "compressed" : "", _SL_); fprintf(fp, " %-10llu %-8llu %-7llu %-7llu %-7llu %-7llu", (unsigned long long)s->rx_bytes, (unsigned long long)s->rx_packets, (unsigned long long)s->rx_errors, (unsigned long long)s->rx_dropped, (unsigned long long)s->rx_over_errors, (unsigned long long)s->multicast); if (s->rx_compressed) fprintf(fp, " %-7llu", (unsigned long long)s->rx_compressed); if (show_stats > 1) { fprintf(fp, "%s", _SL_); fprintf(fp, " RX errors: length crc frame fifo missed%s", _SL_); fprintf(fp, " %-7llu %-7llu %-7llu %-7llu %-7llu", (unsigned long long)s->rx_length_errors, (unsigned long long)s->rx_crc_errors, (unsigned long long)s->rx_frame_errors, (unsigned long long)s->rx_fifo_errors, (unsigned long long)s->rx_missed_errors); } fprintf(fp, "%s", _SL_); fprintf(fp, " TX: bytes packets errors dropped carrier collsns %s%s", s->tx_compressed ? "compressed" : "", _SL_); fprintf(fp, " %-10llu %-8llu %-7llu %-7llu %-7llu %-7llu", (unsigned long long)s->tx_bytes, (unsigned long long)s->tx_packets, (unsigned long long)s->tx_errors, (unsigned long long)s->tx_dropped, (unsigned long long)s->tx_carrier_errors, (unsigned long long)s->collisions); if (s->tx_compressed) fprintf(fp, " %-7llu", (unsigned long long)s->tx_compressed); if (show_stats > 1) { fprintf(fp, "%s", _SL_); fprintf(fp, " TX errors: aborted fifo window heartbeat%s", _SL_); fprintf(fp, " %-7llu %-7llu %-7llu %-7llu", (unsigned long long)s->tx_aborted_errors, (unsigned long long)s->tx_fifo_errors, (unsigned long long)s->tx_window_errors, (unsigned long long)s->tx_heartbeat_errors); } } if (do_link && !tb[IFLA_STATS64] && tb[IFLA_STATS] && show_stats) { struct rtnl_link_stats slocal; struct rtnl_link_stats *s = RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_STATS]); if (((unsigned long)s) & (sizeof(unsigned long)-1)) { memcpy(&slocal, s, sizeof(slocal)); s = &slocal; } fprintf(fp, "%s", _SL_); fprintf(fp, " RX: bytes packets errors dropped overrun mcast %s%s", s->rx_compressed ? "compressed" : "", _SL_); fprintf(fp, " %-10u %-8u %-7u %-7u %-7u %-7u", s->rx_bytes, s->rx_packets, s->rx_errors, s->rx_dropped, s->rx_over_errors, s->multicast ); if (s->rx_compressed) fprintf(fp, " %-7u", s->rx_compressed); if (show_stats > 1) { fprintf(fp, "%s", _SL_); fprintf(fp, " RX errors: length crc frame fifo missed%s", _SL_); fprintf(fp, " %-7u %-7u %-7u %-7u %-7u", s->rx_length_errors, s->rx_crc_errors, s->rx_frame_errors, s->rx_fifo_errors, s->rx_missed_errors ); } fprintf(fp, "%s", _SL_); fprintf(fp, " TX: bytes packets errors dropped carrier collsns %s%s", s->tx_compressed ? "compressed" : "", _SL_); fprintf(fp, " %-10u %-8u %-7u %-7u %-7u %-7u", s->tx_bytes, s->tx_packets, s->tx_errors, s->tx_dropped, s->tx_carrier_errors, s->collisions); if (s->tx_compressed) fprintf(fp, " %-7u", s->tx_compressed); if (show_stats > 1) { fprintf(fp, "%s", _SL_); fprintf(fp, " TX errors: aborted fifo window heartbeat%s", _SL_); fprintf(fp, " %-7u %-7u %-7u %-7u", s->tx_aborted_errors, s->tx_fifo_errors, s->tx_window_errors, s->tx_heartbeat_errors ); } } if (do_link && tb[IFLA_VFINFO_LIST] && tb[IFLA_NUM_VF]) { struct rtattr *i, *vflist = tb[IFLA_VFINFO_LIST]; int rem = RTA_PAYLOAD(vflist); for (i = RTA_DATA(vflist); RTA_OK(i, rem); i = RTA_NEXT(i, rem)) print_vfinfo(fp, i); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); fflush(fp); return 0; }
int print_linkinfo(const struct sockaddr_nl *who, struct nlmsghdr *n, void *arg) { FILE *fp = (FILE*)arg; struct ifinfomsg *ifi = NLMSG_DATA(n); struct rtattr * tb[IFLA_MAX+1]; int len = n->nlmsg_len; unsigned m_flag = 0; if (n->nlmsg_type != RTM_NEWLINK && n->nlmsg_type != RTM_DELLINK) return 0; len -= NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(*ifi)); if (len < 0) return -1; if (filter.ifindex && ifi->ifi_index != filter.ifindex) return 0; if (filter.up && !(ifi->ifi_flags&IFF_UP)) return 0; parse_rtattr(tb, IFLA_MAX, IFLA_RTA(ifi), len); if (tb[IFLA_IFNAME] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "BUG: device with ifindex %d has nil ifname\n", ifi->ifi_index); } if (filter.label && (! || == AF_PACKET) && fnmatch(filter.label, RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_IFNAME]), 0)) return 0; if (tb[IFLA_GROUP]) { int group = *(int*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_GROUP]); if (group != return -1; } if (n->nlmsg_type == RTM_DELLINK) fprintf(fp, "Deleted "); fprintf(fp, "%d: %s", ifi->ifi_index, tb[IFLA_IFNAME] ? rta_getattr_str(tb[IFLA_IFNAME]) : "<nil>"); if (tb[IFLA_LINK]) { SPRINT_BUF(b1); int iflink = *(int*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_LINK]); if (iflink == 0) fprintf(fp, "@NONE: "); else { fprintf(fp, "@%s: ", ll_idx_n2a(iflink, b1)); m_flag = ll_index_to_flags(iflink); m_flag = !(m_flag & IFF_UP); } } else { fprintf(fp, ": "); } print_link_flags(fp, ifi->ifi_flags, m_flag); if (tb[IFLA_MTU]) fprintf(fp, "mtu %u ", *(int*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_MTU])); if (tb[IFLA_QDISC]) fprintf(fp, "qdisc %s ", rta_getattr_str(tb[IFLA_QDISC])); if (tb[IFLA_MASTER]) { SPRINT_BUF(b1); fprintf(fp, "master %s ", ll_idx_n2a(*(int*)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_MASTER]), b1)); } if (tb[IFLA_OPERSTATE]) print_operstate(fp, rta_getattr_u8(tb[IFLA_OPERSTATE])); if (do_link && tb[IFLA_LINKMODE]) print_linkmode(fp, tb[IFLA_LINKMODE]); if (filter.showqueue) print_queuelen(fp, tb); if (! || == AF_PACKET) { SPRINT_BUF(b1); fprintf(fp, "%s", _SL_); fprintf(fp, " link/%s ", ll_type_n2a(ifi->ifi_type, b1, sizeof(b1))); if (tb[IFLA_ADDRESS]) { fprintf(fp, "%s", ll_addr_n2a(RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_ADDRESS]), RTA_PAYLOAD(tb[IFLA_ADDRESS]), ifi->ifi_type, b1, sizeof(b1))); } if (tb[IFLA_BROADCAST]) { if (ifi->ifi_flags&IFF_POINTOPOINT) fprintf(fp, " peer "); else fprintf(fp, " brd "); fprintf(fp, "%s", ll_addr_n2a(RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_BROADCAST]), RTA_PAYLOAD(tb[IFLA_BROADCAST]), ifi->ifi_type, b1, sizeof(b1))); } } if (do_link && tb[IFLA_LINKINFO] && show_details) print_linktype(fp, tb[IFLA_LINKINFO]); if (do_link && tb[IFLA_IFALIAS]) fprintf(fp,"\n alias %s", rta_getattr_str(tb[IFLA_IFALIAS])); if (do_link && show_stats) { if (tb[IFLA_STATS64]) print_link_stats64(fp, RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_STATS64])); else if (tb[IFLA_STATS]) print_link_stats(fp, RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_STATS])); } if (do_link && tb[IFLA_VFINFO_LIST] && tb[IFLA_NUM_VF]) { struct rtattr *i, *vflist = tb[IFLA_VFINFO_LIST]; int rem = RTA_PAYLOAD(vflist); for (i = RTA_DATA(vflist); RTA_OK(i, rem); i = RTA_NEXT(i, rem)) print_vfinfo(fp, i); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); fflush(fp); return 0; }