int main(){ //problem1(); //problem2(); problem8(); return(0); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Lab two problems problemOne(); problemTwo(); problemThree(); problemFour(); problemFive(); problemSix(); problemSeven(); problem8(); problem9(); problem10(); // Pass any applicable command line arguments to GLUT. These arguments // are platform dependent. glutInit(&argc, argv); // Set the initial window size glutInitWindowSize( 400, 400 ); // Create a window using a string and make it the current window. glutCreateWindow("CSE 618 Lab2"); // Indicate to GLUT that the flow of control should return to the program after // the window is closed and the GLUTmain loop is exited. glutSetOption(GLUT_ACTION_ON_WINDOW_CLOSE, GLUT_ACTION_GLUTMAINLOOP_RETURNS); // GLEW does not entirely support the Core GLUT Profile out of the box. // The following statement fixes the problem. glewExperimental = GL_TRUE; // Intilize GLEW. This must be done after glut is initialized. GLenum res = glewInit(); if (res != GLEW_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: '%s'\n", glewGetErrorString(res)); return false; // GLEW could not be initialized. } // Callback for window redisplay glutDisplayFunc(RenderSceneCB); glutReshapeFunc(ResizeCB); // Set window clear color glClearColor( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Unbind shader in use to enable fixed function pipeline functionality (compatability mode) glUseProgram(0); // Enter the GLUT main loop. Control will not return until the // window is closed. glutMainLoop(); return 0; } // end main