bool PhysicsDirect::submitClientCommand(const struct SharedMemoryCommand& command) { if (command.m_type==CMD_REQUEST_DEBUG_LINES) { return processDebugLines(command); } if (command.m_type==CMD_REQUEST_CAMERA_IMAGE_DATA) { return processCamera(command); } if (command.m_type == CMD_REQUEST_CONTACT_POINT_INFORMATION) { return processContactPointData(command); } if (command.m_type == CMD_REQUEST_VISUAL_SHAPE_INFO) { return processVisualShapeData(command); } if (command.m_type == CMD_REQUEST_AABB_OVERLAP) { return processOverlappingObjects(command); } bool hasStatus = m_data->m_commandProcessor->processCommand(command,m_data->m_serverStatus,&m_data->m_bulletStreamDataServerToClient[0],SHARED_MEMORY_MAX_STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE); m_data->m_hasStatus = hasStatus; /*if (hasStatus) { postProcessStatus(m_data->m_serverStatus); m_data->m_hasStatus = false; } */ return hasStatus; }
void ConfigFile::processXML(const xmlpp::Node* node){ if(node->get_name()!="UWSimScene") { OSG_WARN <<"ConfigFile::processXML: XML file is not an UWSimScene file."<< std::endl; } else{ xmlpp::Node::NodeList list = node->get_children(); for(xmlpp::Node::NodeList::iterator iter = list.begin(); iter != list.end(); ++iter) { xmlpp::Node* child=dynamic_cast<const xmlpp::Node*>(*iter); if(child->get_name()=="oceanState") processOceanState(child); else if(child->get_name()=="simParams") processSimParams(child); else if(child->get_name()=="camera") processCamera(child); else if(child->get_name()=="vehicle"){ Vehicle vehicle; processVehicle(child,vehicle); postprocessVehicle(vehicle); vehicles.push_back(vehicle); } else if(child->get_name()=="object"){ Object object; memset(object.offsetp,0,3*sizeof(double)); memset(object.offsetr,0,3*sizeof(double)); object.physicProperties.reset(); processObject(child,object); objects.push_back(object); } else if(child->get_name()=="rosInterfaces") processROSInterfaces(child); } } }
void DotSceneLoader::processScene(rapidxml::xml_node<>* XMLRoot) { // Process the scene parameters Ogre::String version = getAttrib(XMLRoot, "formatVersion", "unknown"); Ogre::String message = "[DotSceneLoader] Parsing dotScene file with version " + version; if (XMLRoot->first_attribute("ID")) message += ", id " + Ogre::String(XMLRoot->first_attribute("ID")->value()); if (XMLRoot->first_attribute("sceneManager")) message += ", scene manager " + Ogre::String(XMLRoot->first_attribute("sceneManager")->value()); if (XMLRoot->first_attribute("minOgreVersion")) message += ", min. Ogre version " + Ogre::String(XMLRoot->first_attribute("minOgreVersion")->value()); if (XMLRoot->first_attribute("author")) message += ", author " + Ogre::String(XMLRoot->first_attribute("author")->value()); Ogre::LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage(message); rapidxml::xml_node<>* pElement; // Process environment (?) pElement = XMLRoot->first_node("environment"); if (pElement) processEnvironment(pElement); // Process nodes (?) pElement = XMLRoot->first_node("nodes"); if (pElement) processNodes(pElement); // Process externals (?) pElement = XMLRoot->first_node("externals"); if (pElement) processExternals(pElement); // Process userDataReference (?) pElement = XMLRoot->first_node("userDataReference"); if (pElement) processUserDataReference(pElement); // Process octree (?) pElement = XMLRoot->first_node("octree"); if (pElement) processOctree(pElement); // Process light (?) //pElement = XMLRoot->first_node("light"); //if(pElement) // processLight(pElement); // Process camera (?) pElement = XMLRoot->first_node("camera"); if (pElement) processCamera(pElement); // Process terrain (?) pElement = XMLRoot->first_node("terrain"); if (pElement) processTerrain(pElement); }
//! [10] void Base3DView::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if(event->modifiers() == Qt::AltModifier) processCamera(event); else processMouseInput(event); m_lastPos = event->pos(); }
void DotSceneLoader::processScene(TiXmlElement* xmlRoot) { std::string version = getAttrib(xmlRoot, "formatVersion", "unknown"); std::string message = "[DotSceneLoader] Parsing dotScene file with version " + version; if(xmlRoot->Attribute("ID")) message += ", id " + std::string(xmlRoot->Attribute("ID")); if(xmlRoot->Attribute("sceneManager")) message += ", scene manager " + std::string(xmlRoot->Attribute("sceneManager")); if(xmlRoot->Attribute("minOgreVersion")) message += ", min. Ogre version " + std::string(xmlRoot->Attribute("minOgreVersion")); if(xmlRoot->Attribute("author")) message += ", author " + std::string(xmlRoot->Attribute("author")); TiXmlElement *element; // Process nodes (?) element = xmlRoot->FirstChildElement("nodes"); if(element) processNodes(element); // Process externals (?) element = xmlRoot->FirstChildElement("externals"); if(element) processExternals(element); // Process environment (?) element = xmlRoot->FirstChildElement("environment"); if(element) processEnvironment(element); // Process terrain (?) element = xmlRoot->FirstChildElement("terrain"); if(element) processTerrain(element); // Process userDataReference (?) element = xmlRoot->FirstChildElement("userDataReference"); if(element) processUserDataReference(element); // Process octree (?) element = xmlRoot->FirstChildElement("octree"); if(element) processOctree(element); // Process light (?) element = xmlRoot->FirstChildElement("light"); if(element) processLight(element); // Process camera (?) element = xmlRoot->FirstChildElement("camera"); if(element) processCamera(element); }
void DotSceneLoader::processEnvironment(rapidxml::xml_node<>* XMLNode) { rapidxml::xml_node<>* pElement; // Process camera (?) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("camera"); if (pElement) processCamera(pElement); // Process fog (?) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("fog"); if (pElement) processFog(pElement); // Process skyBox (?) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("skyBox"); if (pElement) processSkyBox(pElement); // Process skyDome (?) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("skyDome"); if (pElement) processSkyDome(pElement); // Process skyPlane (?) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("skyPlane"); if (pElement) processSkyPlane(pElement); // Process clipping (?) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("clipping"); if (pElement) processClipping(pElement); // Process colourAmbient (?) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("colourAmbient"); if (pElement) mSceneMgr->setAmbientLight(parseColour(pElement)); // Process colourBackground (?) //! @todo Set the background colour of all viewports (RenderWindow has to be provided then) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("colourBackground"); if (pElement) ;//mSceneMgr->set(parseColour(pElement)); // Process userDataReference (?) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("userDataReference"); if (pElement) processUserDataReference(pElement); }
void DotSceneLoader::processEnvironment(rapidxml::xml_node<>* XMLNode) { rapidxml::xml_node<>* pElement; // Process camera (?) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("camera"); if (pElement) processCamera(pElement); // Process fog (?) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("fog"); if (pElement) processFog(pElement); // Process skyBox (?) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("skyBox"); if (pElement) processSkyBox(pElement); // Process skyDome (?) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("skyDome"); if (pElement) processSkyDome(pElement); // Process skyPlane (?) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("skyPlane"); if (pElement) processSkyPlane(pElement); // Process clipping (?) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("clipping"); // Process colourAmbient (?) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("colourAmbient"); if (pElement) mSceneMgr->setAmbientLight(parseColour(pElement)); // Process colourBackground (?) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("colourBackground"); /* if (pElement) ;// mSceneMgr->set(parseColour(pElement)); */ // Process userDataReference (?) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("userDataReference"); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- void SceneResource::processScene( const Util::XmlNode * sceneNode) const { Util::String worldSizeStr(mXmlReader->getAttribute(sceneNode, "world_size")); IF_FALSE_EXCEPTION(!worldSizeStr.empty(), "Current scene donnot have world_size attribute!"); Util::real worldSize = boost::lexical_cast<Util::real>(worldSizeStr); EngineManager::getSingleton().getSceneManager()->setWorldSize(worldSize); const Util::XmlNode * cameraNode = mXmlReader->getFirstNode(sceneNode, "camera"); IF_NULL_EXCEPTION(cameraNode, "Current scene donnot have camera node!"); processCamera(cameraNode); const Util::XmlNode * snNode = mXmlReader->getFirstNode(sceneNode, "node"); while (snNode) { processSceneNode(snNode); snNode = mXmlReader->getNextSiblingNode(snNode); } }
bool Parser::processConfig() { std::string strEtiqueta; bool bFinBloque = false; while(!bFinBloque) { // Buscamos etiqueta. if(!ignorarChars()) return false; if(!readToken(strEtiqueta)) return false; if(strEtiqueta == "/config") bFinBloque = true; else { if(strEtiqueta == "renderer") { if(!processRenderer()) return false; } else if(strEtiqueta == "camera") { if(!processCamera()) return false; } else if(strEtiqueta == "image") { if(!processImage()) return false; } else { // Etiqueta desconocida, no perteneciente a la seccion config. return false; } } } return true; }
void DotSceneLoader::processNode(rapidxml::xml_node<>* XMLNode, Ogre::SceneNode *pParent) { // Construct the node's name Ogre::String name = m_sPrependNode + getAttrib(XMLNode, "name"); // Create the scene node Ogre::SceneNode *pNode; if (name.empty()) { // Let Ogre choose the name if (pParent) pNode = pParent->createChildSceneNode(); else pNode = mAttachNode->createChildSceneNode(); } else { // Provide the name if (pParent) pNode = pParent->createChildSceneNode(name); else pNode = mAttachNode->createChildSceneNode(name); } // Process other attributes Ogre::String id = getAttrib(XMLNode, "id"); bool isTarget = getAttribBool(XMLNode, "isTarget"); rapidxml::xml_node<>* pElement; // Process position (?) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("position"); if (pElement) { pNode->setPosition(parseVector3(pElement)); pNode->setInitialState(); } // Process rotation (?) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("rotation"); if (pElement) { pNode->setOrientation(parseQuaternion(pElement)); pNode->setInitialState(); } // Process scale (?) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("scale"); if (pElement) { pNode->setScale(parseVector3(pElement)); pNode->setInitialState(); } // Process lookTarget (?) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("lookTarget"); if (pElement) processLookTarget(pElement, pNode); // Process trackTarget (?) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("trackTarget"); if (pElement) processTrackTarget(pElement, pNode); // Process node (*) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("node"); while (pElement) { processNode(pElement, pNode); pElement = pElement->next_sibling("node"); } // Process entity (*) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("entity"); while (pElement) { processEntity(pElement, pNode); pElement = pElement->next_sibling("entity"); } // Process light (*) //pElement = XMLNode->first_node("light"); //while(pElement) //{ // processLight(pElement, pNode); // pElement = pElement->next_sibling("light"); //} // Process camera (*) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("camera"); while (pElement) { processCamera(pElement, pNode); pElement = pElement->next_sibling("camera"); } // Process particleSystem (*) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("particleSystem"); while (pElement) { processParticleSystem(pElement, pNode); pElement = pElement->next_sibling("particleSystem"); } // Process billboardSet (*) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("billboardSet"); while (pElement) { processBillboardSet(pElement, pNode); pElement = pElement->next_sibling("billboardSet"); } // Process plane (*) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("plane"); while (pElement) { processPlane(pElement, pNode); pElement = pElement->next_sibling("plane"); } // Process userDataReference (?) pElement = XMLNode->first_node("userDataReference"); if (pElement) processUserDataReference(pElement, pNode); }
static void processObject( Obj *obj, Scene *scene, mmap& materials ) { // Assume the object is named. string name; Obj *child; if( obj->getTypeName() == "id" ) { name = obj->getID(); child = NULL; } else if( obj->getTypeName() == "named" ) { name = obj->getName(); child = obj->getChild(); } else { ostrstream oss; oss << "Unknown input object "; obj->printOn( oss ); throw ParseError( string( oss.str() ) ); } if( name == "directional_light" ) { if( child == NULL ) { throw ParseError( "No info for directional_light" ); } scene->add( new DirectionalLight( scene, tupleToVec( getField( child, "direction" ) ).normalize(), tupleToVec( getColorField( child ) ) ) ); } else if( name == "point_light" ) { if( child == NULL ) { throw ParseError( "No info for point_light" ); } PointLight* pointLight = new PointLight(scene, tupleToVec(getField(child, "position")), tupleToVec(getColorField(child))); scene->add(pointLight); if (hasField(child, "constant_attenuation_coeff") && hasField(child, "linear_attenuation_coeff") && hasField(child, "quadratic_attenuation_coeff")) { pointLight->setAttenuationCoefficients( getField(child, "constant_attenuation_coeff")->getScalar(), getField(child, "linear_attenuation_coeff")->getScalar(), getField(child, "quadratic_attenuation_coeff")->getScalar()); } } else if (name == "ambient_light") { if (child == NULL) { throw ParseError("No info for ambient_light"); } AmbientLight* ambientLight = new AmbientLight(scene, tupleToVec(getColorField(child))); scene->add(ambientLight); } else if( name == "sphere" || name == "box" || name == "cylinder" || name == "cone" || name == "square" || name == "translate" || name == "rotate" || name == "scale" || name == "transform" || name == "trimesh" || name == "polymesh") { // polymesh is for backwards compatibility. processGeometry( name, child, scene, materials, &scene->transformRoot); //scene->add( geo ); } else if( name == "material" ) { processMaterial( child, &materials ); } else if( name == "camera" ) { processCamera( child, scene ); } else { throw ParseError( string( "Unrecognized object: " ) + name ); } }
void DotSceneLoader::processNode(TiXmlElement *xmlNode, Node *pParent) { // Construct the node's name std::string name = getAttrib(xmlNode, "name"); // Create the scene node Node *node; if(name.empty()) { // Let Ogre choose the name if(pParent) { node = scene->createNode(); pParent->addChild(node); } else { node = scene->createNode(); rootNode->addChild(node); } } else { // Provide the name if(pParent) { node = scene->createNode(/*name*/); pParent->addChild(node); } else { node = scene->createNode(/*name*/); rootNode->addChild(node); } } // Process other attributes std::string id = getAttrib(xmlNode, "id"); bool isTarget = getAttribBool(xmlNode, "isTarget"); TiXmlElement *element; // Process position (?) element = xmlNode->FirstChildElement("position"); if(element) { node->setPosition(parseVector3(element)); } // Process rotation (?) element = xmlNode->FirstChildElement("rotation"); if(element) { node->setOrientation(parseQuaternion(element)); } // Process scale (?) element = xmlNode->FirstChildElement("scale"); if(element) { node->setScale(parseVector3(element)); } // Process lookTarget (?) element = xmlNode->FirstChildElement("lookTarget"); if(element) processLookTarget(element, node); // Process trackTarget (?) element = xmlNode->FirstChildElement("trackTarget"); if(element) processTrackTarget(element, node); // Process node (*) element = xmlNode->FirstChildElement("node"); while(element) { processNode(element, node); element = element->NextSiblingElement("node"); } // Process entity (*) element = xmlNode->FirstChildElement("entity"); while(element) { processEntity(element, node); element = element->NextSiblingElement("entity"); } // Process light (*) element = xmlNode->FirstChildElement("light"); while(element) { processLight(element, node); element = element->NextSiblingElement("light"); } // Process camera (*) element = xmlNode->FirstChildElement("camera"); while(element) { processCamera(element, node); element = element->NextSiblingElement("camera"); } // Process particleSystem (*) element = xmlNode->FirstChildElement("particleSystem"); while(element) { processParticleSystem(element, node); element = element->NextSiblingElement("particleSystem"); } // Process billboardSet (*) element = xmlNode->FirstChildElement("billboardSet"); while(element) { processBillboardSet(element, node); element = element->NextSiblingElement("billboardSet"); } // Process plane (*) element = xmlNode->FirstChildElement("plane"); while(element) { processPlane(element, node); element = element->NextSiblingElement("plane"); } // Process userDataReference (?) element = xmlNode->FirstChildElement("userDataReference"); if(element) processUserDataReference(element, node); }
void JsonApiHandlerHttp::processApi(const string &data, const Params ¶msGET) { jsonParam.clear(); //parse the json data json_error_t jerr; json_t *jroot = json_loads(data.c_str(), 0, &jerr); if (!jroot || !json_is_object(jroot)) { cDebugDom("network") << "Error loading json : " << jerr.text << ". No JSON, trying with GET parameters."; jsonParam = paramsGET; if (jroot) { json_decref(jroot); jroot = nullptr; } } else { char *d = json_dumps(jroot, JSON_INDENT(4)); if (d) { cDebugDom("network") << d; free(d); } //decode the json root object into jsonParam jansson_decode_object(jroot, jsonParam); } //check for if username/password matches string user = Utils::get_config_option("calaos_user"); string pass = Utils::get_config_option("calaos_password"); if (Utils::get_config_option("cn_user") != "" && Utils::get_config_option("cn_pass") != "") { user = Utils::get_config_option("cn_user"); pass = Utils::get_config_option("cn_pass"); } if (user != jsonParam["cn_user"] || pass != jsonParam["cn_pass"]) { cDebugDom("network") << "Login failed!"; Params headers; headers.Add("Connection", "close"); headers.Add("Content-Type", "text/html"); string res = httpClient->buildHttpResponse(HTTP_400, headers, HTTP_400_BODY); sendData.emit(res); closeConnection.emit(0, string()); if (jroot) { json_decref(jroot); jroot = nullptr; } return; } //check action now if (jsonParam["action"] == "get_home") processGetHome(); else if (jsonParam["action"] == "get_state") processGetState(jroot); else if (jsonParam["action"] == "get_states") processGetStates(); else if (jsonParam["action"] == "query") processQuery(); else if (jsonParam["action"] == "get_param") processGetParam(); else if (jsonParam["action"] == "set_param") processSetParam(); else if (jsonParam["action"] == "del_param") processDelParam(); else if (jsonParam["action"] == "set_state") processSetState(); else if (jsonParam["action"] == "get_playlist") processGetPlaylist(); else if (jsonParam["action"] == "poll_listen") processPolling(); else if (jsonParam["action"] == "get_cover") processGetCover(); else if (jsonParam["action"] == "get_camera_pic") processGetCameraPic(); else if (jsonParam["action"] == "get_timerange") processGetTimerange(); else if (jsonParam["action"] == "camera") processCamera(); else { if (!jroot) { Params headers; headers.Add("Connection", "close"); headers.Add("Content-Type", "text/html"); string res = httpClient->buildHttpResponse(HTTP_400, headers, HTTP_400_BODY); sendData.emit(res); closeConnection.emit(0, string()); if (jroot) json_decref(jroot); return; } if (jsonParam["action"] == "config") processConfig(jroot); else if (jsonParam["action"] == "get_io") processGetIO(jroot); else if (jsonParam["action"] == "audio") processAudio(jroot); else if (jsonParam["action"] == "audio_db") processAudioDb(jroot); else if (jsonParam["action"] == "set_timerange") processSetTimerange(jroot); else if (jsonParam["action"] == "autoscenario") processAutoscenario(jroot); } if (jroot) json_decref(jroot); }
void StatePlaying::process(float dt) { PlaneObject *planeObject = m_objects->getPlaneObject(); // this should never happen but if it does leave if (planeObject == NULL) return; gConsole.process(); // call process and move on all objects in the object manager m_objects->update(dt); // process escape key and space bar processInput(); // update location of camera processCamera(dt); // allow water to process per frame movements water->process(dt); // as soon as the plane crashes, start the timer if (planeObject->isPlaneAlive() == false && m_planeCrashed == false) { m_planeCrashed = true; // set that the plane has crashed m_timeSinceCrashed = 0.0f; m_crowID = -1; } // once the timer hits 3 seconds, make the camera follow a crow if (m_planeCrashed) { m_timeSinceCrashed += dt; if (m_timeSinceCrashed >= 3.0f && m_crowID == -1) { // make the camera follow a crow around m_crowID = m_objects->getCrow(); if (m_crowID != -1) m_tetherCamera->setTargetObject(m_crowID); // play the failed sound m_failedSound = gSoundManager.requestSoundHandle("Failed.wav"); m_failedInstance = gSoundManager.requestInstance(m_failedSound); if(m_failedInstance != SoundManager::NOINSTANCE) { gSoundManager.setToListener(m_failedSound,m_failedInstance);,m_failedInstance); } } else if(m_failedInstance != SoundManager::NOINSTANCE) gSoundManager.setToListener(m_failedSound,m_failedInstance); } // render reflection if (Water::m_bReflection) { // render water reflection Plane plane( 0, 1, 0, -water->getWaterHeight()); //get water texture ready water->m_reflection.beginReflectedScene(plane); renderScene(true); water->m_reflection.endReflectedScene(); } }
bool PhysicsDirect::submitClientCommand(const struct SharedMemoryCommand& command) { if (command.m_type==CMD_REQUEST_DEBUG_LINES) { return processDebugLines(command); } if (command.m_type==CMD_REQUEST_CAMERA_IMAGE_DATA) { return processCamera(command); } bool hasStatus = m_data->m_commandProcessor->processCommand(command,m_data->m_serverStatus,&m_data->m_bulletStreamDataServerToClient[0],SHARED_MEMORY_MAX_STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE); m_data->m_hasStatus = hasStatus; if (hasStatus) { const SharedMemoryStatus& serverCmd = m_data->m_serverStatus; switch (m_data->m_serverStatus.m_type) { case CMD_RESET_SIMULATION_COMPLETED: { m_data->m_debugLinesFrom.clear(); m_data->m_debugLinesTo.clear(); m_data->m_debugLinesColor.clear(); for (int i=0;i<m_data->m_bodyJointMap.size();i++) { BodyJointInfoCache2** bodyJointsPtr = m_data->m_bodyJointMap.getAtIndex(i); if (bodyJointsPtr && *bodyJointsPtr) { BodyJointInfoCache2* bodyJoints = *bodyJointsPtr; for (int j=0;j<bodyJoints->m_jointInfo.size();j++) { if (bodyJoints->m_jointInfo[j].m_jointName) { free(bodyJoints->m_jointInfo[j].m_jointName); } if (bodyJoints->m_jointInfo[j].m_linkName) { free(bodyJoints->m_jointInfo[j].m_linkName); } } delete (*bodyJointsPtr); } } m_data->m_bodyJointMap.clear(); break; } case CMD_URDF_LOADING_COMPLETED: { if (serverCmd.m_dataStreamArguments.m_streamChunkLength > 0) { bParse::btBulletFile bf( &m_data->m_bulletStreamDataServerToClient[0], serverCmd.m_dataStreamArguments.m_streamChunkLength); bf.setFileDNAisMemoryDNA(); bf.parse(false); int bodyIndex = serverCmd.m_dataStreamArguments.m_bodyUniqueId; BodyJointInfoCache2* bodyJoints = new BodyJointInfoCache2; m_data->m_bodyJointMap.insert(bodyIndex,bodyJoints); for (int i = 0; i < bf.m_multiBodies.size(); i++) { int flag = bf.getFlags(); if ((flag & bParse::FD_DOUBLE_PRECISION) != 0) { Bullet::btMultiBodyDoubleData* mb = (Bullet::btMultiBodyDoubleData*)bf.m_multiBodies[i]; addJointInfoFromMultiBodyData(mb,bodyJoints, m_data->m_verboseOutput); } else { Bullet::btMultiBodyFloatData* mb = (Bullet::btMultiBodyFloatData*)bf.m_multiBodies[i]; addJointInfoFromMultiBodyData(mb,bodyJoints, m_data->m_verboseOutput); } } if (bf.ok()) { if (m_data->m_verboseOutput) { b3Printf("Received robot description ok!\n"); } } else { b3Warning("Robot description not received"); } } break; } default: { // b3Error("Unknown server status type"); } }; } return hasStatus; }