 * I wanted a function that would allow me to easily make a select statement from inside the MUD, so here it is.. 
 * It will mostly format the output in a boxed setup. Todo - break this out so you can use select, insert, update, or create
 * effectively becoming a remote interface to run queries of any type..
 * -Syn
void do_sqlgenselect(CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument)
	MYSQL_RES *res;
	char query[4096*2];
	snprintf(query, sizeof(query) -1, argument);
		stc("#W\n\rSomething went wrong, check the string and try again.\n\r#0",ch);
	res = mysql_store_result(&db);	
	unsigned int numfields = mysql_num_fields(res);	
	if((numfields == 0) || (numfields == NULL))
		stc("#W\n\rSomething went wrong, check the string and try again.\n\r#0",ch);
	if(argument == NULL)
		send_to_char("SQL SELECT query.. general syntax: SELECT <stuff> FROM <someplace> ORDER BY <root-order>\n\r",ch);
	if((res == NULL) || (!res))
		send_to_char("It might help if you entered a valid SQL SELECT query.. general syntax: SELECT <stuff> FROM <someplace> ORDER BY <root-order>\n\r",ch);
	process_result_set(ch, &db, res);
Esempio n. 2
static void process_call_result (MYSQL *conn, MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
int status;
int num_cols;

   * For each result, check number of columns.  If none, the result is
   * the final status packet and there is nothing to do. Otherwise,
   * fetch the result set.
  do {
    if ((num_cols = mysql_stmt_field_count (stmt)) > 0)
      /* announce whether result set contains parameters or data set */
      if (conn->server_status & SERVER_PS_OUT_PARAMS)
        printf ("OUT/INOUT parameter values:\n");
        printf ("Statement result set values:\n");

      if (process_result_set (stmt, num_cols))
        break; /* some error occurred */

    /* status is -1 = done, 0 = more results, >0 = error */
    status = mysql_stmt_next_result (stmt);
    if (status > 0)
      print_stmt_error (stmt, "Error checking for next result");
  } while (status == 0);
process_multi_statement (MYSQL *conn, char *stmt_str)
MYSQL_RES *res_set;
int       status;
int       keep_going = 1;

  if (mysql_query (conn, stmt_str) != 0)  /* the statement(s) failed */
    print_error (conn, "Could not execute statement(s)");

  /* the statement(s) succeeded; enter result-retrieval loop */
  do {
    /* determine whether current statement returned data */
    res_set = mysql_store_result (conn);
    if (res_set)      /* a result set was returned */
      /* process rows and free the result set */
      process_result_set (conn, res_set);
      mysql_free_result (res_set);
    else              /* no result set was returned */
       * does the lack of a result set mean that the statement didn't
       * return one, or that it should have but an error occurred?
      if (mysql_field_count (conn) == 0)
         * statement generated no result set (it was not a SELECT,
         * SHOW, DESCRIBE, etc.); just report rows-affected value.
        printf ("Number of rows affected: %lu\n",
                (unsigned long) mysql_affected_rows (conn));
      else  /* an error occurred */
        print_error (conn, "Could not retrieve result set");
        keep_going = 0;
    /* determine whether more results exist */
    /* 0 = yes, -1 = no, >0 = error */
    status = mysql_next_result (conn);
    if (status != 0)    /* no more results, or an error occurred */
      keep_going = 0;
      if (status > 0)   /* error */
        print_error (conn, "Could not execute statement");
  } while (keep_going);
Esempio n. 4
result_set db_do_select(DB_HANDLE conn,const char *stmt_str)
	MYSQL_RES *res_set;
	if (mysql_query(conn, stmt_str) != 0)
		print_error(conn, "Could not execute statement");
		return NULL;
	res_set = mysql_store_result(conn);
		result_set result = process_result_set(conn, res_set);
		return result;
	return NULL;
Esempio n. 5
process_statement (MYSQL *conn, char *stmt_str)
MYSQL_RES *res_set;

  if (mysql_query (conn, stmt_str) != 0)  /* the statement failed */
    print_error (conn, "Could not execute statement");

  /* the statement succeeded; determine whether it returned data */
  res_set = mysql_store_result (conn);
  if (res_set)      /* a result set was returned */
    /* process rows and free the result set */
    process_result_set (conn, res_set);
    mysql_free_result (res_set);
  else              /* no result set was returned */
     * does the lack of a result set mean that the statement didn't
     * return one, or that it should have but an error occurred?
    if (mysql_field_count (conn) == 0)
       * statement generated no result set (it was not a SELECT,
       * SHOW, DESCRIBE, etc.); just report rows-affected value.
      printf ("Number of rows affected: %lu\n",
              (unsigned long) mysql_affected_rows (conn));
    else  /* an error occurred */
      print_error (conn, "Could not retrieve result set");
Esempio n. 6
static package bf_mysql_query( Var arglist, Byte next, void *vdata, Objid progr)
  Var r;
  char error_string[MOOSQL_ERROR_LEN];
  MYSQL_CONN *wrapper;
  MYSQL_RES *res_set;
  Var tmp;
  Var end;
  int len = 0; 
  int continu = 1;
  if (!is_wizard(progr))
      return make_error_pack(E_PERM);
  Objid oid = arglist.v.list[1].v.obj;
  wrapper = resolve_mysql_connection(oid);
  if (wrapper == NULL || wrapper->conn == NULL || wrapper->active == 0)
      return make_error_pack(E_INVARG);
  const char *query = arglist.v.list[2].v.str;
  /* we do the query now. */
  if (mysql_query (wrapper->conn, query) != 0)   /* failed */
     /* there is an error, so we will return that string. similar to below which
      * returns a string for a successful query with no result set which is handled in
      * process_mysql_query */
     snprintf(error_string,MOOSQL_ERROR_LEN,"ERR: %s",mysql_error(wrapper->conn));
     r.type = TYPE_STR;
     r.v.str = str_dup(error_string);
     return make_var_pack(r);
  wrapper->last_query_time = time(0);
  r = new_list(1);
  r.v.list[1].type = TYPE_INT;
  r.v.list[1].v.num = 0;
  end = new_list(0);
  while (continu)
      res_set = process_mysql_query(wrapper,error_string);
      if (res_set == NULL) /* there was no result on this query */
	  tmp.type = TYPE_STR;
	  tmp.v.str = str_dup(error_string);
	  end = listappend(end,var_dup(tmp));
	  tmp = process_result_set(wrapper,res_set);
	  end = listappend(end,var_dup(tmp));
      if (mysql_more_results(wrapper->conn))
	  continu = 1;
	continu = 0;
  if (len <= 1) /* if there is only one result return it like in previous versions, a list of rows */
    return make_var_pack(end.v.list[1]);
  r.v.list[1].v.num = len;
  /* if there are more return it in this format {X, Y} where X is the number of results and Y is a list of results */
  r = listappend(r,end); 
  return make_var_pack(r);
  res_set = process_mysql_query(wrapper,error_string);

  if (res_set == NULL) /* there was either an error / no result on this query */
      r.type = TYPE_STR;
      r.v.str = str_dup(error_string);
      return make_var_pack(r);
  r = process_result_set(wrapper,res_set); 
  return make_var_pack(r);
