static int processdir(char *pathname) { DIR *dir; struct dirent *d; char procdir[LN_PATH_MAX]; if (chdir(pathname) < 0) { ln_log(LNLOG_SERR, LNLOG_CTOP, "cannot chdir to %s: %m\n", pathname); return -1; } if (!getcwd(procdir, LN_PATH_MAX)) { ln_log(LNLOG_SERR, LNLOG_CTOP, "cannot getcwd %s: %m\n", procdir); return -1; } if (!(dir = opendir("."))) { ln_log(LNLOG_SERR, LNLOG_CTOP, "cannot open %s: %m\n", pathname); return -1; } while ((d = readdir(dir))) { /* don't process dotfiles */ if (d->d_name[0] != '.') { (void)processfile(d->d_name); /* storearticle uses chdir! */ if (chdir(procdir) < 0) { /* Yes, I'm paranoid */ ln_log(LNLOG_SERR, LNLOG_CTOP, "cannot chdir to %s: %m\n", procdir); return -1; } } } closedir(dir); return 0; }
//============================================================== // process each input file void doifile(void) { char *pcat; // does the input file name have an extension? if ((pcat=strrchr(ifilename,'.'))== NULL || (pcat && strchr(pcat,fdiv))) strcat(ifilename,".mob"); // add ".mob" to input file name #ifdef SPARC in_stream = fopen(ifilename, "r"); #endif #ifdef LINUX in_stream = fopen(ifilename, "r"); #endif #ifdef DOS in_stream = fopen(ifilename, "rb"); #endif if (!in_stream) { printf("ERROR: Cannot open input file %s\n", ifilename); exit(1); } if (!ofopen) { ofopen = 1; strcpy (ofilename, ifilename); // form output file name from first input file name strcpy (strrchr(ofilename,'.'),".mac"); #ifdef SPARC out_stream = fopen(ofilename,"w"); #endif #ifdef LINUX out_stream = fopen(ofilename,"w"); #endif #ifdef DOS out_stream = fopen(ofilename, "wb"); #endif if (!out_stream) { printf("ERROR: Cannot open output file %s\n", ofilename); exit(1); } } filesize = fread(file_buffer, 1, FILE_BUF_SIZE, in_stream); fclose(in_stream); if (filesize == FILE_BUF_SIZE) { printf("Input file %s too big\n", ifilename); exit(1); } processfile(); }
int main() { FILE *fp; char inputfile[50]; int len; fp=fopen("imagelist.txt", "rt"); mkdir("output2"); system("cp output1/* ."); while (fgets(inputfile, 50, fp)) { len=strlen(inputfile); inputfile[len-1]='\0'; strcat(inputfile, ".txt"); processfile(inputfile); remove(inputfile); } fclose(fp); }
int main(int argc, char **argv){ int pipeflag = 0; char filename[200]; if(argc<3) { pipeflag = 1; } if(argc<2) { printf("mygrep takes atleast 2 arguments\n"); return 1; } int argvpos = handleoptions(argc, argv); //printf("optind : %d %s\n", argvpos, argv[optind]); if(argvpos) { //if(invflag) printf("Invert flag set\n"); //if(maxcount>0) printf("Max flag set\n"); } if(!pipeflag) strcpy(filename, argv[optind+1]); else strcpy(filename, "stdin"); processfile((const char*)argv[optind], filename, pipeflag); if(argvpos == 0) perror("mygrep"); return 0; }
LIST *svnrevinfo( FRAME *frame, int flags ) { LIST* filepaths = lol_get( frame->args, 0 ); LIST* revision_info; LISTITER iter = list_begin( filepaths ), end = list_end( filepaths ); int warnonmissing = lol_get( frame->args, 1 ) ? 1 : 0; int printrevisioninfo = lol_get( frame->args, 2 ) ? 1 : 0; int max_build, accum_build; int max_year, max_month, max_day; int modifiedfiles, filemodified; max_build = 0; accum_build = 0; /* for RCS / CVS */ max_year = max_month = max_day = 0; modifiedfiles = 0; for (; iter != end; iter = list_next( iter ) ) { /* phase 1: scan through all files and get the highest build number */ filemodified = 0; processfile(object_str(list_item( iter )), 0, warnonmissing, printrevisioninfo, &max_build, &accum_build, &max_year, &max_month, &max_day, &filemodified); modifiedfiles += filemodified; } /* for */ revision_info = list_push_back(L0, outf_int(max_build)); revision_info = list_push_back(revision_info, outf_int(max_year)); revision_info = list_push_back(revision_info, outf_int(max_month)); revision_info = list_push_back(revision_info, outf_int(max_day)); revision_info = list_push_back(revision_info, outf_int(modifiedfiles)); return revision_info; }
LIST *svnrevinfo( FRAME *frame, int flags ) { LIST* filepaths = lol_get( frame->args, 0 ); LIST* revision_info; int warnonmissing = lol_get( frame->args, 1 ) ? 1 : 0; int printrevisioninfo = lol_get( frame->args, 2 ) ? 1 : 0; int max_build, accum_build; int max_year, max_month, max_day; int modifiedfiles, filemodified; max_build = 0; accum_build = 0; /* for RCS / CVS */ max_year = max_month = max_day = 0; modifiedfiles = 0; for (; filepaths; filepaths = filepaths->next) { /* phase 1: scan through all files and get the highest build number */ filemodified = 0; processfile(object_str(filepaths->value), 0, warnonmissing, printrevisioninfo, &max_build, &accum_build, &max_year, &max_month, &max_day, &filemodified); modifiedfiles += filemodified; } /* for */ revision_info = list_new(0, outf_int(max_build)); revision_info = list_new(revision_info, outf_int(max_year)); revision_info = list_new(revision_info, outf_int(max_month)); revision_info = list_new(revision_info, outf_int(max_day)); revision_info = list_new(revision_info, outf_int(modifiedfiles)); return revision_info; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *ptr; char option; struct stat st; char *conffile = NULL; const char *const myname = "rnews"; ln_log_open(myname); if (!initvars(argv[0], 0)) init_failed(myname); while ((option = getopt(argc, argv, GLOBALOPTS "")) != -1) { if (parseopt(myname, option, optarg, &conffile)) continue; switch(option) { default: usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (readconfig(conffile) != 0) { ln_log(LNLOG_SERR, LNLOG_CTOP, "Reading configuration failed: %m.\n"); exit(2); } if (conffile) free(conffile); if (filterfile && !readfilter(filterfile)) { ln_log(LNLOG_SERR, LNLOG_CTOP, "%s: Cannot read filterfile %s, aborting.", argv[0], filterfile); log_unlink(lockfile, 0); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!init_post()) init_failed(myname); umask((mode_t) 077); if (attempt_lock(LOCKWAIT)) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } rereadactive(); readlocalgroups(); if (!argv[optind]) fprocessfile(stdin); /* process stdin */ while ((ptr = argv[optind++])) { if (stat(ptr, &st) == 0) { if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) processdir(ptr); else if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) processfile(ptr); else ln_log(LNLOG_SERR, LNLOG_CTOP, "%s: cannot open %s\n", argv[0], ptr); } else ln_log(LNLOG_SERR, LNLOG_CTOP, "%s: cannot stat %s\n", argv[0], ptr); } writeactive(); /* write groupinfo file */ freeallfilter(filter); log_unlink(lockfile, 0); exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *outname = NULL; FILE *fp; int index; int process_self = 0; int verbose = 0; int ignore_eol = 0; int max_build, accum_build; int max_year, max_month, max_day; int ismodified, filemodified, modificationcount; char prefix[MAX_SYMBOLLENGTH], suffix[MAX_SYMBOLLENGTH]; char *const_basename = NULL; char modified_suffix[2]; int output_language = LANG_C_CPP; /* flag for C/C++, Java or C# output */ char *namespace_name = NULL; /* java package or C# namespace to put revision info in */ char *propname = NULL; char *startComment = NULL; char *endComment = NULL; char *continueComment = NULL; if (argc <= 1) about(); /* collect the options */ prefix[0] = '\0'; suffix[0] = '\0'; for (index = 1; index < argc; index++) { /* check for options */ if (argv[index][0] == '-' #if defined __WIN32__ || defined _Win32 || defined _WIN32 || argv[index][0] == '/' #endif ) { switch (argv[index][1]) { case 'f': { size_t len; char *ptr = strchr(&argv[index][2], '#'); len = (ptr != NULL) ? (int)(ptr - &argv[index][2]) : (int)strlen(&argv[index][2]); if (len >= MAX_SYMBOLLENGTH) len = MAX_SYMBOLLENGTH - 1; strncpy(prefix, &argv[index][2], len); prefix[len] = '\0'; ptr = (ptr != NULL) ? ptr + 1 : strchr(argv[index], '\0'); len = strlen(ptr); if (len >= MAX_SYMBOLLENGTH) len = MAX_SYMBOLLENGTH - 1; strncpy(suffix, ptr, len); suffix[len] = '\0'; break; } /* case */ case 'i': process_self = 1; break; case 'j': output_language = LANG_JAVA; namespace_name = &argv[index][2]; break; case 'c': output_language = LANG_CS; namespace_name = &argv[index][2]; break; case 'P': output_language = LANG_PROP; break; case 'O': output_language = LANG_ORACLE; namespace_name = &argv[index][2]; break; case 'p': propname = &argv[index][2]; break; case 'm': const_basename = &argv[index][2]; break; case 'o': outname = &argv[index][2]; break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; case 'n': ignore_eol = 1; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Invalid option '%s'\n", argv[index]); about(); } /* switch */ } /* if */ } /* for */ if (outname == NULL) { switch (output_language) { case LANG_C_CPP: outname = "svnrev.h"; break; case LANG_JAVA: outname = ""; break; case LANG_CS: outname = "SvnRevision.cs"; break; case LANG_PROP: outname = ""; break; case LANG_ORACLE: outname = "svnrev.sql"; break; } /* switch */ } /* if */ /* scan through the existing svnrev file to find the "build" count */ if (const_basename == NULL || *const_basename == '\0') const_basename = "SVN_REV"; assert(outname != NULL); modificationcount = scanmodifications(outname, const_basename); if (!process_self && *outname != '\0') remove(outname); /* phase 1: scan through all files and get the highest build number */ max_build = 0; accum_build = 0; /* for RCS / CVS */ max_year = max_month = max_day = 0; ismodified = 0; for (index = 1; index < argc; index++) { /* skip the options (already handled) */ if (argv[index][0] == '-' #if defined __WIN32__ || defined _Win32 || defined _WIN32 || argv[index][0] == '/' #endif ) continue; filemodified = 0; if (strcasecmp(argv[index], outname)!=0) processfile(argv[index], 0, ignore_eol, &max_build, &accum_build, &max_year, &max_month, &max_day, &filemodified); if (filemodified && verbose) fprintf(stderr, "\tNotice: modified file '%s'\n", argv[index]); ismodified = ismodified || filemodified; } /* for */ /* also run over the existing header file, if any */ if (process_self && *outname != '\0') processfile(outname, 1, ignore_eol, &max_build, &accum_build, &max_year, &max_month, &max_day, NULL/*&ismodified*/); if (accum_build > max_build) max_build = accum_build; modified_suffix[0] = (char)(ismodified ? 'M' : '\0'); modified_suffix[1] = '\0'; /* phase 2: write a file with this highest build number */ if (*outname == '\0') { fp = stdout; } else if ((fp = fopen(outname, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create output file '%s'\n", outname); return 2; } /* if */ if (*outname != '\0') { switch (output_language) { case LANG_C_CPP: case LANG_JAVA: case LANG_CS: startComment = "/* "; endComment = " */"; continueComment = " * "; break; case LANG_ORACLE: startComment = "-- "; endComment = "-- "; continueComment = "-- "; break; case LANG_PROP: startComment = "# "; endComment = "# "; continueComment = "# "; break; } /* switch */ /* don't print the comments to stdout */ fprintf(fp, "%sThis file was generated by the \"svnrev\" utility\n" "%s(\n" "%sYou should not modify it manually, as it may be re-generated.\n" "%s\n" "%s$Revision: %d%s$\n" "%s$Date: %04d-%02d-%02d$\n" "%s\n\n", startComment, continueComment, continueComment, continueComment, continueComment, max_build, modified_suffix, continueComment, max_year, max_month, max_day,endComment); } /* if */ switch (output_language) { case LANG_C_CPP: fprintf(fp, "#ifndef %s_H\n", const_basename); fprintf(fp, "#define %s_H\n\n", const_basename); fprintf(fp, "#define %s\t\t%d\n", const_basename, max_build); fprintf(fp, "#define %sSTR\t\"%s%d%s%s\"\n", const_basename, prefix, max_build, modified_suffix, suffix); fprintf(fp, "#define %sDATE\t\"%04d-%02d-%02d\"\n", const_basename, max_year, max_month, max_day); fprintf(fp, "#define %sSTAMP\t%04d%02d%02dL\n", const_basename, max_year, max_month, max_day); fprintf(fp, "#define %sMODIFIED\t%d\n", const_basename, ismodified ? modificationcount + 1 : 0); fprintf(fp, "\n#endif /* %s_H */\n", const_basename); break; case LANG_JAVA: if (namespace_name == NULL || *namespace_name == '\0') namespace_name = "com.compuphase"; fprintf(fp, "package %s;\n\n", namespace_name); fprintf(fp, "public interface SvnRevision\n"); fprintf(fp, "{\n"); fprintf(fp, " public final static int %s = %d;\n", const_basename, max_build); fprintf(fp, " public final static String %sSTR = \"%s%d%s%s\";\n", const_basename, prefix, max_build, modified_suffix, suffix); fprintf(fp, " public final static String %sDATE = \"%04d-%02d-%02d\";\n", const_basename, max_year, max_month, max_day); fprintf(fp, " public final static long %sSTAMP = %04d%02d%02dL;\n", const_basename, max_year, max_month, max_day); fprintf(fp, " public final static int %sMODIFIED = %d;\n", const_basename, ismodified ? modificationcount + 1 : 0); fprintf(fp, "}\n\n"); break; case LANG_CS: { char *cls; if (namespace_name == NULL || (cls = strrchr(namespace_name, '.')) == NULL) { namespace_name = "compuphase"; cls = "svnrev"; } else { *cls++ = '\0'; } /* if */ fprintf(fp, "using System;\n\n"); fprintf(fp, "namespace %s\n{\n", namespace_name); fprintf(fp, "\tpublic static partial class %s\n", cls); fprintf(fp, "\t{\n"); fprintf(fp, "\t\tpublic const Int32 %s = %d;\n", const_basename, max_build); fprintf(fp, "\t\tpublic const String %sSTR = \"%s%d%s%s\";\n", const_basename, prefix, max_build, modified_suffix, suffix); fprintf(fp, "\t\tpublic const String %sDATE = \"%04d-%02d-%02d\";\n", const_basename, max_year, max_month, max_day); fprintf(fp, "\t\tpublic const Int64 %sSTAMP = %04d%02d%02d;\n", const_basename, max_year, max_month, max_day); fprintf(fp, "\t\tpublic const Int32 %sMODIFIED = %d;\n", const_basename, ismodified ? modificationcount + 1 : 0); fprintf(fp, "\t}\n}\n"); update_prop_file(propname, max_build); break; } /* case */ case LANG_PROP: fprintf(fp, "%s = %d\n", const_basename, max_build); fprintf(fp, "%sSTR = %s%d%s%s\n", const_basename, prefix, max_build, modified_suffix, suffix); fprintf(fp, "%sDATE = %04d-%02d-%02d\n", const_basename, max_year, max_month, max_day); fprintf(fp, "%sSTAMP = %04d%02d%02dL\n", const_basename, max_year, max_month, max_day); fprintf(fp, "%sMODIFIED = %d\n", const_basename, ismodified ? modificationcount + 1 : 0); break; case LANG_ORACLE: if (namespace_name == NULL || *namespace_name == '\0') namespace_name = "compuphase"; fprintf( fp, "create or replace package %s\n", namespace_name); fprintf( fp, "as\n" ); fprintf(fp, "\t%s CONSTANT INT := %d;\n", const_basename, max_build); fprintf(fp, "\t%sSTR CONSTANT VARCHAR2(200) := \"%s%d%s%s\";\n", const_basename, prefix, max_build, modified_suffix, suffix); fprintf(fp, "\t%sDATE CONSTANT DATE := TO_DATE('%04d-%02d-%02d','YYYY-MM-DD');\n", const_basename, max_year, max_month, max_day); fprintf(fp, "\t%sSTAMP CONSTANT INT := %04d%02d%02d;\n", const_basename, max_year, max_month, max_day); fprintf(fp, "\t%sMODIFIED CONSTANT INT := %d;\n", const_basename, ismodified ? modificationcount + 1 : 0); fprintf(fp, "END %s;\n/\n\nshow errors\n\n", namespace_name); break; } /* switch */ if (*outname != '\0') fclose(fp); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *srcfile, *destfile; char *end, *sfile; int i, passflags, codelen, nfiles; printf("6502 Cross Assembler, version 0.7\n"); inittree(); codebuf=(unsigned char *)malloc(512); i=1; codeorig=0; machine=0; passflags=0; sfile=NULL; while(*argv[i]=='-' && i<argc) { switch(argv[i][1]) { case 'o': codeorig=strtol(argv[i+1], &end, 16); i++; break; case 'l': passflags|=1; break; case 't': passflags|=4; break; case 's': sfile=argv[i]+2; break; case 'm': switch(argv[i][2]) { case 'c': machine=8; break; case 'r': machine=16; break; default: machine=0; } break; } i++; } codelen=0; nfiles=0; if(sfile != NULL) listfile=fopen(sfile, "w"); else listfile=stdout; while(i<argc) { printf("Assembling file %s:\n", argv[i]); srcfile=fopen(argv[i++], "r"); codelen=processfile(srcfile, codelen, passflags); fclose(srcfile); nfiles++; } destfile=fopen("asmout", "wb"); fwrite(codebuf, sizeof(unsigned char), destadr, destfile); fclose(destfile); printf("Assembly complete, processed %d files, output size %d bytes\n", nfiles, codelen); deletetree(symboltab); return(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *outname = NULL; FILE *fp; FILE *input_file; char *input_file_name = NULL; char *path_prefix = NULL; int index; int process_self = 0; int verbose = 0; int max_build, accum_build; int max_year, max_month, max_day; int ismodified, filemodified; char prefix[MAX_SYMBOLLENGTH], suffix[MAX_SYMBOLLENGTH]; char modified_suffix[2]; int write_java = 0; /* flag for Java output, 0=.h output, output */ /* java package to put revision info in. * REVIEW - I assume if you want Java output you will specify a package. */ char *java_package = NULL; if (argc <= 1) about(); /* collect the options */ prefix[0] = '\0'; suffix[0] = '\0'; for (index = 1; index < argc; index++) { /* check for options */ if (argv[index][0] == '-' #if defined __WIN32__ || defined _Win32 || defined _WIN32 || argv[index][0] == '/' #endif ) { switch (argv[index][1]) { case 'f': { int len; char *ptr = strchr(&argv[index][2], '#'); len = (ptr != NULL) ? (int)(ptr - &argv[index][2]) : (int)strlen(&argv[index][2]); if (len >= MAX_SYMBOLLENGTH) len = MAX_SYMBOLLENGTH - 1; strncpy(prefix, &argv[index][2], len); prefix[len] = '\0'; ptr = (ptr != NULL) ? ptr + 1 : strchr(argv[index], '\0'); len = (int)strlen(ptr); if (len >= MAX_SYMBOLLENGTH) len = MAX_SYMBOLLENGTH - 1; strncpy(suffix, ptr, len); suffix[len] = '\0'; break; } /* case */ case 'i': process_self = 1; break; case 'j': write_java=1; java_package = &argv[index][2]; break; case 'o': outname = &argv[index][2]; break; case 'r': input_file_name = &argv[index][2]; break; case 'p': path_prefix = &argv[index][2]; break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Invalid option '%s'\n", argv[index]); about(); } /* switch */ } /* if */ } /* for */ if (outname == NULL) outname = write_java ? "" : "uni_revision.h"; if (!process_self && *outname != '\0') remove(outname); /* phase 1: scan through all files and get the highest build number */ max_build = 0; accum_build = 0; /* for RCS / CVS */ max_year = max_month = max_day = 0; ismodified = 0; if(input_file_name) { input_file = fopen(input_file_name, "r"); if (input_file != NULL) { apr_dir_t *dir; apr_finfo_t finfo; apr_status_t rv; apr_pool_t *pool; char *file_path; char dir_path[256]; /* line */ int offset = 0; if(path_prefix) offset = sprintf(dir_path, "%s", path_prefix); else offset = sprintf(dir_path, "../../"); apr_initialize(); apr_pool_create(&pool,NULL); while (fgets(dir_path + offset, sizeof(dir_path) - offset, input_file) != NULL ) { /* read a line */ size_t len = strlen(dir_path)-1; if(dir_path[len] == '\n') dir_path[len] = 0; rv = apr_dir_open(&dir,dir_path,pool); if(rv == APR_SUCCESS) { while (apr_dir_read(&finfo, APR_FINFO_NAME, dir) == APR_SUCCESS) { /* get next file */ if(finfo.filetype != APR_REG) continue; apr_filepath_merge(&file_path,dir_path,,0,pool); filemodified = 0; if (strcasecmp(file_path, outname)!=0) processfile(file_path, 0, &max_build, &accum_build, &max_year, &max_month, &max_day, &filemodified); if (filemodified && verbose) fprintf(stderr, "\tNotice: modified file '%s'\n", file_path); ismodified = ismodified || filemodified; } apr_dir_close(dir); } else { fprintf(stderr, "No such directory '%s'\n", dir_path); } } fclose (input_file); apr_pool_destroy(pool); apr_terminate(); } else { fprintf(stderr, "No such input file '%s'\n", input_file_name); } } else { for (index = 1; index < argc; index++) { /* skip the options (already handled) */ if (argv[index][0] == '-' #if defined __WIN32__ || defined _Win32 || defined _WIN32 || argv[index][0] == '/' #endif ) continue; filemodified = 0; if (strcasecmp(argv[index], outname)!=0) processfile(argv[index], 0, &max_build, &accum_build, &max_year, &max_month, &max_day, &filemodified); if (filemodified && verbose) fprintf(stderr, "\tNotice: modified file '%s'\n", argv[index]); ismodified = ismodified || filemodified; } /* for */ } /* also run over the existing header file, if any */ if (process_self && *outname != '\0') processfile(outname, 1, &max_build, &accum_build, &max_year, &max_month, &max_day, NULL/*&ismodified*/); if (accum_build > max_build) max_build = accum_build; modified_suffix[0] = ismodified ? 'M' : '\0'; modified_suffix[1] = '\0'; /* phase 2: write a file with this highest build number */ if (*outname == '\0') { fp = stdout; } else if ((fp = fopen(outname, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create output file '%s'\n", outname); return 2; } /* if */ if (*outname != '\0') { /* don't print the comments to stdout */ fprintf(fp, "/* This file was generated by the \"svnrev\" utility\n" " * (\n" " * You should not modify it manually, as it may be re-generated.\n" " *\n" " * $Revision: %d%s$\n" " * $Date: %04d-%02d-%02d$\n" " */\n\n", max_build, modified_suffix, max_year, max_month, max_day); } /* if */ fprintf(fp, "#ifndef UNI_REVISION_H\n"); fprintf(fp, "#define UNI_REVISION_H\n\n"); fprintf(fp, "#define UNI_REVISION\t\t%d\n", max_build); fprintf(fp, "#define UNI_REVISION_STRING\t\"%s%d%s%s\"\n", prefix, max_build, modified_suffix, suffix); fprintf(fp, "#define UNI_REVISION_DATE\t\"%04d-%02d-%02d\"\n", max_year, max_month, max_day); fprintf(fp, "#define UNI_REVISION_STAMP\t%04d%02d%02dL\n", max_year, max_month, max_day); fprintf(fp, "#define UNI_REVISION_MODIFIED\t%d\n", ismodified); fprintf(fp, "\n#endif /* UNI_REVISION_H */\n"); if (*outname != '\0') fclose(fp); return 0; }