Esempio n. 1
em2d::Images get_projections(const ParticlesTemp &ps,
                             const RegistrationResults &registration_values,
                             int rows, int cols,
                             const ProjectingOptions &options, Strings names) {
  IMP_LOG_VERBOSE("Generating projections from registration results"
                  << std::endl);

  if (options.save_images && (names.size() < registration_values.size())) {
    IMP_THROW("get_projections: Insufficient number of image names provided",

  unsigned long n_projs = registration_values.size();
  em2d::Images projections(n_projs);
  // Precomputation of all the possible projection masks for the particles
  MasksManagerPtr masks(
      new MasksManager(options.resolution, options.pixel_size));
  for (unsigned long i = 0; i < n_projs; ++i) {
    IMP_NEW(em2d::Image, img, ());
    img->set_size(rows, cols);
    String name = "";
    if (options.save_images) name = names[i];
    get_projection(img, ps, registration_values[i], options, masks, name);
    projections[i] = img;
  return projections;
Esempio n. 2
int main(void)
    int switcher;


    puts("Что вы хотели бы сделать?");
    puts("1.Проверить принадлежность одной окружности другой.");
    puts("2.Изменить порядок цифр в двузначном числе.");
    puts("3.Вывести расписание уроков в школе.");
    puts("4.Сделать проекции трёхмерного массива.");
    puts("5.Посмотреть список праздников в определённом месяце.");


    switch (switcher){
    case 49:{system("cls");circle_checking();puts("");system("pause");system("cls");goto repeat;}
    case 50:{system("cls");inversion_of_number();puts("");system("pause");system("cls");goto repeat;}
    case 51:{system("cls");timetable();puts("");system("pause");system("cls");goto repeat;}
    case 52:{system("cls");projections();puts("");system("pause");system("cls");goto repeat;}
    case 53:{system("cls");holidays();puts("");system("pause");system("cls");goto repeat;}
    case 54:{return 0;}
    default:{puts("Неправильное значение. Пожалуйста, введите ещё раз.");break;}
    } while(switcher<49||switcher>54);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
template<typename PointInT> void
pcl::TextureMapping<PointInT>::textureMeshwithMultipleCameras (pcl::TextureMesh &mesh, const pcl::texture_mapping::CameraVector &cameras)

  if (mesh.tex_polygons.size () != 1)

  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr mesh_cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);

  pcl::fromPCLPointCloud2 (, *mesh_cloud);

  std::vector<pcl::Vertices> faces;

  for (int current_cam = 0; current_cam < static_cast<int> (cameras.size ()); ++current_cam)
    PCL_INFO ("Processing camera %d of %d.\n", current_cam+1, cameras.size ());
    // transform mesh into camera's frame
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr camera_cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
    pcl::transformPointCloud (*mesh_cloud, *camera_cloud, cameras[current_cam].pose.inverse ());

    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXY>::Ptr projections (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXY>);
    std::vector<pcl::Vertices>::iterator current_face;
    std::vector<bool> visibility;
    visibility.resize (mesh.tex_polygons[current_cam].size ());
    std::vector<UvIndex> indexes_uv_to_points;
    // for each current face

    //TODO change this
    pcl::PointXY nan_point;
    nan_point.x = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN ();
    nan_point.y = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN ();
    UvIndex u_null;
    u_null.idx_cloud = -1;
    u_null.idx_face = -1;

    int cpt_invisible=0;
    for (int idx_face = 0; idx_face <  static_cast<int> (mesh.tex_polygons[current_cam].size ()); ++idx_face)
      //project each vertice, if one is out of view, stop
      pcl::PointXY uv_coord1;
      pcl::PointXY uv_coord2;
      pcl::PointXY uv_coord3;

      if (isFaceProjected (cameras[current_cam],
        // face is in the camera's FOV

        // add UV coordinates
        projections->points.push_back (uv_coord1);
        projections->points.push_back (uv_coord2);
        projections->points.push_back (uv_coord3);

        // remember corresponding face
        UvIndex u1, u2, u3;
        u1.idx_cloud = mesh.tex_polygons[current_cam][idx_face].vertices[0];
        u2.idx_cloud = mesh.tex_polygons[current_cam][idx_face].vertices[1];
        u3.idx_cloud = mesh.tex_polygons[current_cam][idx_face].vertices[2];
        u1.idx_face = idx_face; u2.idx_face = idx_face; u3.idx_face = idx_face;
        indexes_uv_to_points.push_back (u1);
        indexes_uv_to_points.push_back (u2);
        indexes_uv_to_points.push_back (u3);

        //keep track of visibility
        visibility[idx_face] = true;
        projections->points.push_back (nan_point);
        projections->points.push_back (nan_point);
        projections->points.push_back (nan_point);
        indexes_uv_to_points.push_back (u_null);
        indexes_uv_to_points.push_back (u_null);
        indexes_uv_to_points.push_back (u_null);
        //keep track of visibility
        visibility[idx_face] = false;

    // projections contains all UV points of the current faces
    // indexes_uv_to_points links a uv point to its point in the camera cloud
    // visibility contains tells if a face was in the camera FOV (false = skip)

    // TODO handle case were no face could be projected
    if (visibility.size () - cpt_invisible !=0)
        //create kdtree
        pcl::KdTreeFLANN<pcl::PointXY> kdtree;
        kdtree.setInputCloud (projections);

        std::vector<int> idxNeighbors;
        std::vector<float> neighborsSquaredDistance;
        // af first (idx_pcan < current_cam), check if some of the faces attached to previous cameras occlude the current faces
        // then (idx_pcam == current_cam), check for self occlusions. At this stage, we skip faces that were already marked as occluded
        cpt_invisible = 0;
        for (int idx_pcam = 0 ; idx_pcam <= current_cam ; ++idx_pcam)
          // project all faces
          for (int idx_face = 0; idx_face <  static_cast<int> (mesh.tex_polygons[idx_pcam].size ()); ++idx_face)

            if (idx_pcam == current_cam && !visibility[idx_face])
              // we are now checking for self occlusions within the current faces
              // the current face was already declared as occluded.
              // therefore, it cannot occlude another face anymore => we skip it

            // project each vertice, if one is out of view, stop
            pcl::PointXY uv_coord1;
            pcl::PointXY uv_coord2;
            pcl::PointXY uv_coord3;

            if (isFaceProjected (cameras[current_cam],
              // face is in the camera's FOV
              //get its circumsribed circle
              double radius;
              pcl::PointXY center;
              // getTriangleCircumcenterAndSize (uv_coord1, uv_coord2, uv_coord3, center, radius);
              getTriangleCircumcscribedCircleCentroid(uv_coord1, uv_coord2, uv_coord3, center, radius); // this function yields faster results than getTriangleCircumcenterAndSize

              // get points inside
              if (kdtree.radiusSearch (center, radius, idxNeighbors, neighborsSquaredDistance) > 0 )
                // for each neighbor
                for (size_t i = 0; i < idxNeighbors.size (); ++i)
                  if (std::max (camera_cloud->points[mesh.tex_polygons[idx_pcam][idx_face].vertices[0]].z,
                                std::max (camera_cloud->points[mesh.tex_polygons[idx_pcam][idx_face].vertices[1]].z, 
                     < camera_cloud->points[indexes_uv_to_points[idxNeighbors[i]].idx_cloud].z)
                    // neighbor is farther than all the face's points. Check if it falls into the triangle
                    if (checkPointInsideTriangle(uv_coord1, uv_coord2, uv_coord3, projections->points[idxNeighbors[i]]))
                      // current neighbor is inside triangle and is closer => the corresponding face
                      visibility[indexes_uv_to_points[idxNeighbors[i]].idx_face] = false;
                      //TODO we could remove the projections of this face from the kd-tree cloud, but I fond it slower, and I need the point to keep ordered to querry UV coordinates later

    // now, visibility is true for each face that belongs to the current camera
    // if a face is not visible, we push it into the next one.

    if (static_cast<int> (mesh.tex_coordinates.size ()) <= current_cam)
      std::vector<Eigen::Vector2f> dummy_container;
      mesh.tex_coordinates.push_back (dummy_container);
    mesh.tex_coordinates[current_cam].resize (3 * visibility.size ());

    std::vector<pcl::Vertices> occluded_faces;
    occluded_faces.resize (visibility.size ());
    std::vector<pcl::Vertices> visible_faces;
    visible_faces.resize (visibility.size ());

    int cpt_occluded_faces = 0;
    int cpt_visible_faces = 0;

    for (size_t idx_face = 0 ; idx_face < visibility.size () ; ++idx_face)
      if (visibility[idx_face])
        // face is visible by the current camera copy UV coordinates
        mesh.tex_coordinates[current_cam][cpt_visible_faces * 3](0) = projections->points[idx_face*3].x;
        mesh.tex_coordinates[current_cam][cpt_visible_faces * 3](1) = projections->points[idx_face*3].y;

        mesh.tex_coordinates[current_cam][cpt_visible_faces * 3 + 1](0) = projections->points[idx_face*3 + 1].x;
        mesh.tex_coordinates[current_cam][cpt_visible_faces * 3 + 1](1) = projections->points[idx_face*3 + 1].y;

        mesh.tex_coordinates[current_cam][cpt_visible_faces * 3 + 2](0) = projections->points[idx_face*3 + 2].x;
        mesh.tex_coordinates[current_cam][cpt_visible_faces * 3 + 2](1) = projections->points[idx_face*3 + 2].y;

        visible_faces[cpt_visible_faces] = mesh.tex_polygons[current_cam][idx_face];

        // face is occluded copy face into temp vector
        occluded_faces[cpt_occluded_faces] = mesh.tex_polygons[current_cam][idx_face];
    mesh.tex_coordinates[current_cam].resize (cpt_visible_faces*3);

    occluded_faces.resize (cpt_occluded_faces);
    mesh.tex_polygons.push_back (occluded_faces);

    visible_faces.resize (cpt_visible_faces);
    mesh.tex_polygons[current_cam].clear ();
    mesh.tex_polygons[current_cam] = visible_faces;

    int nb_faces = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int> (mesh.tex_polygons.size ()); i++)
      nb_faces += static_cast<int> (mesh.tex_polygons[i].size ());

  // we have been through all the cameras.
  // if any faces are left, they were not visible by any camera
  // we still need to produce uv coordinates for them

  if (mesh.tex_coordinates.size() <= cameras.size ())
   std::vector<Eigen::Vector2f> dummy_container;

  for(size_t idx_face = 0 ; idx_face < mesh.tex_polygons[cameras.size()].size() ; ++idx_face)
    Eigen::Vector2f UV1, UV2, UV3;
    UV1(0) = -1.0; UV1(1) = -1.0;
    UV2(0) = -1.0; UV2(1) = -1.0;
    UV3(0) = -1.0; UV3(1) = -1.0;

Esempio n. 4
bool SpillTree<MetricType, StatisticType, MatType, HyperplaneType, SplitType>::
    SplitPoints(const double tau,
                const double rho,
                const arma::Col<size_t>& points,
                arma::Col<size_t>& leftPoints,
                arma::Col<size_t>& rightPoints)
  arma::vec projections(points.n_elem);
  size_t left = 0, right = 0, leftFrontier = 0, rightFrontier = 0;

  // Count the number of points to the left/right of the splitting hyperplane.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < points.n_elem; i++)
    // Store projection value for future use.
    projections[i] = hyperplane.Project(dataset->col(points[i]));
    if (projections[i] <= 0)
      if (projections[i] > -tau)
      if (projections[i] < tau)

  const double p1 = (double) (left + rightFrontier) / points.n_elem;
  const double p2 = (double) (right + leftFrontier) / points.n_elem;

  if ((p1 <= rho || rightFrontier == 0) &&
      (p2 <= rho || leftFrontier == 0))
    // Perform the actual splitting considering the overlapping buffer.  Points
    // with projection value in the range (-tau, tau) are included in both,
    // leftPoints and rightPoints.
    leftPoints.resize(left + rightFrontier);
    rightPoints.resize(right + leftFrontier);
    for (size_t i = 0, rc = 0, lc = 0; i < points.n_elem; i++)
      if (projections[i] < tau || projections[i] <= 0)
        leftPoints[lc++] = points[i];
      if (projections[i] > -tau)
        rightPoints[rc++] = points[i];
    // Return true, because it is a overlapping node.
    return true;

  // Perform the actual splitting ignoring the overlapping buffer.  Points
  // with projection value less than or equal to zero are included in leftPoints
  // and points with projection value greater than zero are included in
  // rightPoints.
  for (size_t i = 0, rc = 0, lc = 0; i < points.n_elem; i++)
    if (projections[i] <= 0)
      leftPoints[lc++] = points[i];
      rightPoints[rc++] = points[i];
  // Return false, because it isn't a overlapping node.
  return false;
bool fill_hole(std::vector<std::size_t> const & hole, UniGraph const & graph,
    mve::TriangleMesh::ConstPtr mesh, mve::MeshInfo const & mesh_info,
    std::vector<std::vector<VertexProjectionInfo> > * vertex_projection_infos,
    std::vector<TexturePatch::Ptr> * texture_patches) {

    mve::TriangleMesh::FaceList const & mesh_faces = mesh->get_faces();
    mve::TriangleMesh::VertexList const & vertices = mesh->get_vertices();

    std::map<std::size_t, std::set<std::size_t> > tmp;
    for (std::size_t const face_id : hole) {
        std::size_t const v0 = mesh_faces[face_id * 3];
        std::size_t const v1 = mesh_faces[face_id * 3 + 1];
        std::size_t const v2 = mesh_faces[face_id * 3 + 2];


    std::size_t const num_vertices = tmp.size();
    /* Only fill small holes. */
    if (num_vertices > MAX_HOLE_NUM_FACES) return false;

    /* Calculate 2D parameterization using the technique from libremesh/patch2d,
     * which was published as sourcecode accompanying the following paper:
     * Isotropic Surface Remeshing
     * Simon Fuhrmann, Jens Ackermann, Thomas Kalbe, Michael Goesele

    std::size_t seed = -1;
    std::vector<bool> is_border(num_vertices, false);
    std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t> > adj_verts_via_border(num_vertices);
    /* Index structures to map from local <-> global vertex id. */
    std::map<std::size_t, std::size_t> g2l;
    std::vector<std::size_t> l2g(num_vertices);
    /* Index structure to determine column in matrix/vector. */
    std::vector<std::size_t> idx(num_vertices);

    std::size_t num_border_vertices = 0;

    bool disk_topology = true;
    std::map<std::size_t, std::set<std::size_t> >::iterator it = tmp.begin();
    for (std::size_t j = 0; j < num_vertices; ++j, ++it) {
        std::size_t vertex_id = it->first;
        g2l[vertex_id] = j;
        l2g[j] = vertex_id;

        /* Check topology in original mesh. */
        if (mesh_info[vertex_id].vclass != mve::MeshInfo::VERTEX_CLASS_SIMPLE) {
            /* Complex/Border vertex in original mesh */
            disk_topology = false;

        /* Check new topology and determine if vertex is now at the border. */
        std::vector<std::size_t> const & adj_faces = mesh_info[vertex_id].faces;
        std::set<std::size_t> const & adj_hole_faces = it->second;
        std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t> > fan;
        for (std::size_t k = 0; k < adj_faces.size(); ++k) {
            std::size_t adj_face = adj_faces[k];
            if (graph.get_label(adj_faces[k]) == 0 &&
                adj_hole_faces.find(adj_face) != adj_hole_faces.end()) {
                std::size_t curr = adj_faces[k];
                std::size_t next = adj_faces[(k + 1) % adj_faces.size()];
                std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t> pair(curr, next);

        std::size_t gaps = 0;
        for (std::size_t k = 0; k < fan.size(); k++) {
            std::size_t curr = fan[k].first;
            std::size_t next = fan[(k + 1) % fan.size()].first;
            if (fan[k].second != next) {

                for (std::size_t l = 0; l < 3; ++l) {
                    if(mesh_faces[curr * 3 + l] == vertex_id) {
                        std::size_t second = mesh_faces[curr * 3 + (l + 2) % 3];
                    if(mesh_faces[next * 3 + l] == vertex_id) {
                        std::size_t first = mesh_faces[next * 3 + (l + 1) % 3];

        is_border[j] = gaps == 1;

        /* Check if vertex is now complex. */
        if (gaps > 1) {
            /* Complex vertex in hole */
            disk_topology = false;

        if (is_border[j]) {
            idx[j] = num_border_vertices++;
            seed = vertex_id;
        } else {
            idx[j] = j - num_border_vertices;

    /* No disk or genus zero topology */
    if (!disk_topology || num_border_vertices == 0) return false;

    std::vector<std::size_t> border; border.reserve(num_border_vertices);
    std::size_t prev = seed;
    std::size_t curr = seed;
    while (prev == seed || curr != seed) {
        std::size_t next = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max();
        std::vector<std::size_t> const & adj_verts = adj_verts_via_border[g2l[curr]];
        for (std::size_t adj_vert : adj_verts) {
            if (adj_vert != prev && adj_vert != curr) {
                next = adj_vert;
        if (next != std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max()) {
            prev = curr;
            curr = next;
        } else {
            /* No new border vertex */

        /* Loop within border */
        if (border.size() > num_border_vertices) break;

    if (border.size() != num_border_vertices) return false;

    float total_length = 0.0f;
    float total_projection_length = 0.0f;
    for (std::size_t j = 0; j < border.size(); ++j) {
        std::size_t vi0 = border[j];
        std::size_t vi1 = border[(j + 1) % border.size()];
        std::vector<VertexProjectionInfo> const & vpi0 = vertex_projection_infos->at(vi0);
        std::vector<VertexProjectionInfo> const & vpi1 = vertex_projection_infos->at(vi0);
        /* According to the previous checks (vertex class within the origial
         * mesh and boundary) there already has to be at least one projection
         * of each border vertex. */
        assert(!vpi0.empty() && !vpi1.empty());
        math::Vec2f vp0(0.0f), vp1(0.0f);
        for (VertexProjectionInfo const & info0 : vpi0) {
            for (VertexProjectionInfo const & info1 : vpi1) {
                if (info0.texture_patch_id == info1.texture_patch_id) {
                    vp0 = info0.projection;
                    vp1 = info1.projection;
        total_projection_length += (vp0 - vp1).norm();
        math::Vec3f const & v0 = vertices[vi0];
        math::Vec3f const & v1 = vertices[vi1];
        total_length += (v0 - v1).norm();
    float radius = total_projection_length / (2.0f * MATH_PI);

    if (total_length < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) return false;

    float length = 0.0f;
    std::vector<math::Vec2f> projections(num_vertices);
    for (std::size_t j = 0; j < border.size(); ++j) {
        float angle = 2.0f * MATH_PI * (length / total_length);
        projections[g2l[border[j]]] = math::Vec2f(std::cos(angle), std::sin(angle));
        math::Vec3f const & v0 = vertices[border[j]];
        math::Vec3f const & v1 = vertices[border[(j + 1) % border.size()]];
        length += (v0 - v1).norm();

    typedef Eigen::Triplet<float, int> Triplet;
    std::vector<Triplet> coeff;
    std::size_t matrix_size = num_vertices - border.size();

    Eigen::VectorXf xx(matrix_size), xy(matrix_size);

    if (matrix_size != 0) {
        Eigen::VectorXf bx(matrix_size);
        Eigen::VectorXf by(matrix_size);
        for (std::size_t j = 0; j < num_vertices; ++j) {
            if (is_border[j]) continue;

            std::size_t const vertex_id = l2g[j];

            /* Calculate "Mean Value Coordinates" as proposed by Michael S. Floater */
            std::map<std::size_t, float> weights;
            std::vector<std::size_t> const & adj_faces = mesh_info[vertex_id].faces;
            for (std::size_t adj_face : adj_faces) {
                std::size_t v0 = mesh_faces[adj_face * 3];
                std::size_t v1 = mesh_faces[adj_face * 3 + 1];
                std::size_t v2 = mesh_faces[adj_face * 3 + 2];
                if (v1 == vertex_id) std::swap(v1, v0);
                if (v2 == vertex_id) std::swap(v2, v0);

                math::Vec3f v01 = vertices[v1] - vertices[v0];
                float v01n = v01.norm();
                math::Vec3f v02 = vertices[v2] - vertices[v0];
                float v02n = v02.norm();

                /* Ensure numerical stability */
                if (v01n * v02n < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) return false;

                float alpha = std::acos( / (v01n * v02n));
                weights[g2l[v1]] += std::tan(alpha / 2.0f) / v01n;
                weights[g2l[v2]] += std::tan(alpha / 2.0f) / v02n;

            std::map<std::size_t, float>::iterator it;
            float sum = 0.0f;
            for (it = weights.begin(); it != weights.end(); ++it)
                sum += it->second;
            assert(sum > 0.0f);
            for (it = weights.begin(); it != weights.end(); ++it)
                it->second /= sum;

            bx[idx[j]] = 0.0f;
            by[idx[j]] = 0.0f;
            for (it = weights.begin(); it != weights.end(); ++it) {
                if (is_border[it->first]) {
                    std::size_t border_vertex_id = border[idx[it->first]];
                    bx[idx[j]] += projections[g2l[border_vertex_id]][0] * it->second;
                    by[idx[j]] += projections[g2l[border_vertex_id]][1] * it->second;
                } else {
                    coeff.push_back(Triplet(idx[j], idx[it->first], -it->second));

        for (std::size_t j = 0; j < matrix_size; ++j) {
            coeff.push_back(Triplet(j, j, 1.0f));

        typedef Eigen::SparseMatrix<float> SpMat;
        SpMat A(matrix_size, matrix_size);
        A.setFromTriplets(coeff.begin(), coeff.end());

        Eigen::SparseLU<SpMat> solver;
        xx = solver.solve(bx);
        xy = solver.solve(by);

    float const max_hole_patch_size = MAX_HOLE_PATCH_SIZE;
    int image_size = std::min(std::floor(radius * 1.1f) * 2.0f, max_hole_patch_size);
    /* Ensure a minimum scale of one */
    image_size += 2 * (1 + texture_patch_border);
    int scale = image_size / 2 - texture_patch_border;
    for (std::size_t j = 0, k = 0; j < num_vertices; ++j) {
        if (is_border[j]) {
            projections[j] = projections[j] * scale + image_size / 2;
        } else {
            projections[j] = math::Vec2f(xx[k], xy[k]) * scale + image_size / 2;

    mve::ByteImage::Ptr image = mve::ByteImage::create(image_size, image_size, 3);
    //DEBUG image->fill_color(*math::Vec4uc(0, 255, 0, 255));
    std::vector<math::Vec2f> texcoords; texcoords.reserve(hole.size());
    for (std::size_t const face_id : hole) {
        for (std::size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
            std::size_t const vertex_id = mesh_faces[face_id * 3 + j];
            math::Vec2f const & projection = projections[g2l[vertex_id]];
    TexturePatch::Ptr texture_patch = TexturePatch::create(0, hole, texcoords, image);
    std::size_t texture_patch_id;
    #pragma omp critical
        texture_patch_id = texture_patches->size() - 1;

    for (std::size_t j = 0; j < num_vertices; ++j) {
        std::size_t const vertex_id = l2g[j];
        std::vector<std::size_t> const & adj_faces = mesh_info[vertex_id].faces;
        std::vector<std::size_t> faces; faces.reserve(adj_faces.size());
        for (std::size_t adj_face : adj_faces) {
            if (graph.get_label(adj_face) == 0) {
        VertexProjectionInfo info = {texture_patch_id, projections[j], faces};
        #pragma omp critical

    return true;
generate_texture_patches(UniGraph const & graph, std::vector<TextureView> const & texture_views,
    mve::TriangleMesh::ConstPtr mesh, mve::VertexInfoList::ConstPtr vertex_infos,
    std::vector<std::vector<VertexProjectionInfo> > * vertex_projection_infos,
    std::vector<TexturePatch> * texture_patches) {

    util::WallTimer timer;

    mve::TriangleMesh::FaceList const & mesh_faces = mesh->get_faces();
    mve::TriangleMesh::VertexList const & vertices = mesh->get_vertices();

    std::size_t num_patches = 0;

    std::cout << "\tRunning... " << std::flush;
    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < texture_views.size(); ++i) {

        std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t> > subgraphs;
        int const label = i + 1;
        graph.get_subgraphs(label, &subgraphs);

        std::list<TexturePatchCandidate> candidates;
        for (std::size_t j = 0; j < subgraphs.size(); ++j) {
            candidates.push_back(generate_candidate(label, texture_views[i], subgraphs[j], mesh));

        /* Merge candidates which contain the same image content. */
        std::list<TexturePatchCandidate>::iterator it, sit;
        for (it = candidates.begin(); it != candidates.end(); ++it) {
            for (sit = candidates.begin(); sit != candidates.end();) {
                Rect<int> bounding_box = sit->bounding_box;
                if (it != sit && bounding_box.is_inside(&it->bounding_box)) {
                    TexturePatch::Faces & faces = it->texture_patch.get_faces();
                    TexturePatch::Faces & ofaces = sit->texture_patch.get_faces();
                    faces.insert(faces.end(), ofaces.begin(), ofaces.end());

                    TexturePatch::Texcoords & texcoords = it->texture_patch.get_texcoords();
                    TexturePatch::Texcoords & otexcoords = sit->texture_patch.get_texcoords();
                    math::Vec2f offset;
                    offset[0] = sit->bounding_box.min_x - it->bounding_box.min_x;
                    offset[1] = sit->bounding_box.min_y - it->bounding_box.min_y;
                    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < otexcoords.size(); ++i) {
                        texcoords.push_back(otexcoords[i] + offset);

                    sit = candidates.erase(sit);
                } else {

        it = candidates.begin();
        for (; it != candidates.end(); ++it) {
            std::size_t texture_patch_id;

            #pragma omp critical
                texture_patch_id = num_patches++;

            std::vector<std::size_t> const & faces = it->texture_patch.get_faces();
            std::vector<math::Vec2f> const & texcoords = it->texture_patch.get_texcoords();
            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < faces.size(); ++i) {
                std::size_t const face_id = faces[i];
                std::size_t const face_pos = face_id * 3;
                for (std::size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
                    std::size_t const vertex_id = mesh_faces[face_pos  + j];
                    math::Vec2f const projection = texcoords[i * 3 + j];

                    VertexProjectionInfo info = {texture_patch_id, projection, {face_id}};

                    #pragma omp critical


    std::size_t num_holes = 0;
    std::size_t num_hole_faces = 0;

    //if (!settings.skip_hole_filling) {
        std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t> > subgraphs;
        graph.get_subgraphs(0, &subgraphs);

        #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < subgraphs.size(); ++i) {
            std::vector<std::size_t> const & subgraph = subgraphs[i];

            std::map<std::size_t, std::set<std::size_t> > tmp;
            for (std::size_t const face_id : subgraph) {
                std::size_t const v0 = mesh_faces[face_id * 3];
                std::size_t const v1 = mesh_faces[face_id * 3 + 1];
                std::size_t const v2 = mesh_faces[face_id * 3 + 2];

            std::size_t const num_vertices = tmp.size();
            /* Only fill small holes. */
            if (num_vertices > 100) {
                //std::cerr << "Hole to large" << std::endl;

            /* Calculate 2D parameterization using the technique from libremesh/patch2d,
             * which was published as sourcecode accompanying the following paper:
             * Isotropic Surface Remeshing
             * Simon Fuhrmann, Jens Ackermann, Thomas Kalbe, Michael Goesele

            std::size_t seed = -1;
            std::vector<bool> is_border(num_vertices, false);
            std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t> > adj_verts_via_border(num_vertices);
            /* Index structures to map from local <-> global vertex id. */
            std::map<std::size_t, std::size_t> g2l;
            std::vector<std::size_t> l2g(num_vertices);
            /* Index structure to determine column in matrix/vector. */
            std::vector<std::size_t> idx(num_vertices);

            std::size_t num_border_vertices = 0;

            bool disk_topology = true;
            std::map<std::size_t, std::set<std::size_t> >::iterator it = tmp.begin();
            for (std::size_t j = 0; j < num_vertices; ++j, ++it) {
                std::size_t vertex_id = it->first;
                g2l[vertex_id] = j;
                l2g[j] = vertex_id;

                /* Check topology in original mesh. */
                if (vertex_infos->at(vertex_id).vclass != mve::VERTEX_CLASS_SIMPLE) {
                    //std::cerr << "Complex/Border vertex in original mesh" << std::endl;
                    disk_topology = false;

                /* Check new topology and determine if vertex is now at the border. */
                std::vector<std::size_t> const & adj_faces = vertex_infos->at(vertex_id).faces;
                std::set<std::size_t> const & adj_hole_faces = it->second;
                std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t> > fan;
                for (std::size_t k = 0; k < adj_faces.size(); ++k) {
                    std::size_t adj_face = adj_faces[k];
                    if (graph.get_label(adj_faces[k]) == 0 &&
                        adj_hole_faces.find(adj_face) != adj_hole_faces.end()) {
                        std::size_t curr = adj_faces[k];
                        std::size_t next = adj_faces[(k + 1) % adj_faces.size()];
                        std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t> pair(curr, next);

                std::size_t gaps = 0;
                for (std::size_t k = 0; k < fan.size(); k++) {
                    std::size_t curr = fan[k].first;
                    std::size_t next = fan[(k + 1) % fan.size()].first;
                    if (fan[k].second != next) {

                        for (std::size_t l = 0; l < 3; ++l) {
                            if(mesh_faces[curr * 3 + l] == vertex_id) {
                                std::size_t second = mesh_faces[curr * 3 + (l + 2) % 3];
                            if(mesh_faces[next * 3 + l] == vertex_id) {
                                std::size_t first = mesh_faces[next * 3 + (l + 1) % 3];

                is_border[j] = gaps == 1;

                /* Check if vertex is now complex. */
                if (gaps > 1) {
                    //std::cerr << "Complex vertex in hole" << std::endl;
                    disk_topology = false;

                if (is_border[j]) {
                    idx[j] = num_border_vertices++;
                    seed = vertex_id;
                } else {
                    idx[j] = j - num_border_vertices;

            if (!disk_topology) continue;
            if (num_border_vertices == 0) {
                //std::cerr << "Genus zero topology" << std::endl;

            std::vector<std::size_t> border; border.reserve(num_border_vertices);
            std::size_t prev = seed;
            std::size_t curr = seed;
            while (prev == seed || curr != seed) {
                std::size_t next = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max();
                std::vector<std::size_t> const & adj_verts = adj_verts_via_border[g2l[curr]];
                for (std::size_t adj_vert : adj_verts) {
                    if (adj_vert != prev && adj_vert != curr) {
                        next = adj_vert;
                if (next != std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max()) {
                    prev = curr;
                    curr = next;
                } else {
                    //std::cerr << "No new border vertex" << std::endl;

                if (border.size() > num_border_vertices) {
                    //std::cerr << "Loop within border" << std::endl;

            if (border.size() != num_border_vertices) {

            float total_length = 0.0f;
            float total_projection_length = 0.0f;
            for (std::size_t j = 0; j < border.size(); ++j) {
                std::size_t vi0 = border[j];
                std::size_t vi1 = border[(j + 1) % border.size()];
                std::vector<VertexProjectionInfo> const & vpi0 = vertex_projection_infos->at(vi0);
                std::vector<VertexProjectionInfo> const & vpi1 = vertex_projection_infos->at(vi0);
                /* According to the previous checks (vertex class within the origial
                 * mesh and boundary) there already has to be at least one projection
                 * of each border vertex. */
                assert(!vpi0.empty() && !vpi1.empty());
                math::Vec2f vp0(0.0f), vp1(0.0f);
                for (VertexProjectionInfo const & info0 : vpi0) {
                    for (VertexProjectionInfo const & info1 : vpi1) {
                        if (info0.texture_patch_id == info1.texture_patch_id) {
                            vp0 = info0.projection;
                            vp1 = info1.projection;
                total_projection_length += (vp0 - vp1).norm();
                math::Vec3f const & v0 = vertices[vi0];
                math::Vec3f const & v1 = vertices[vi1];
                total_length += (v0 - v1).norm();
            float radius = total_projection_length / (2.0f * MATH_PI);

            float length = 0.0f;
            std::vector<math::Vec2f> projections(num_vertices);
            for (std::size_t j = 0; j < border.size(); ++j) {
                float angle = 2.0f * MATH_PI * (length / total_length);
                projections[g2l[border[j]]] = math::Vec2f(std::cos(angle), std::sin(angle));
                math::Vec3f const & v0 = vertices[border[j]];
                math::Vec3f const & v1 = vertices[border[(j + 1) % border.size()]];
                length += (v0 - v1).norm();

            typedef Eigen::Triplet<float, int> Triplet;
            std::vector<Triplet> coeff;
            std::size_t matrix_size = num_vertices - border.size();

            Eigen::VectorXf xx(matrix_size), xy(matrix_size);

            if (matrix_size != 0) {
                Eigen::VectorXf bx(matrix_size);
                Eigen::VectorXf by(matrix_size);
                for (std::size_t j = 0; j < num_vertices; ++j) {
                    if (is_border[j]) continue;

                    std::size_t const vertex_id = l2g[j];

                    /* Calculate "Mean Value Coordinates" as proposed by Michael S. Floater */
                    std::map<std::size_t, float> weights;
                    std::vector<std::size_t> const & adj_faces = vertex_infos->at(vertex_id).faces;
                    for (std::size_t adj_face : adj_faces) {
                        std::size_t v0 = mesh_faces[adj_face * 3];
                        std::size_t v1 = mesh_faces[adj_face * 3 + 1];
                        std::size_t v2 = mesh_faces[adj_face * 3 + 2];
                        if (v1 == vertex_id) std::swap(v1, v0);
                        if (v2 == vertex_id) std::swap(v2, v0);

                        math::Vec3f v01 = vertices[v1] - vertices[v0];
                        float v01n = v01.norm();
                        math::Vec3f v02 = vertices[v2] - vertices[v0];
                        float v02n = v02.norm();
                        float alpha = std::acos( / (v01n * v02n));
                        weights[g2l[v1]] += std::tan(alpha / 2.0f) / v01n;
                        weights[g2l[v2]] += std::tan(alpha / 2.0f) / v02n;

                    std::map<std::size_t, float>::iterator it;
                    float sum = 0.0f;
                    for (it = weights.begin(); it != weights.end(); ++it)
                        sum += it->second;
                    for (it = weights.begin(); it != weights.end(); ++it)
                        it->second /= sum;

                    bx[idx[j]] = 0.0f;
                    by[idx[j]] = 0.0f;
                    for (it = weights.begin(); it != weights.end(); ++it) {
                        if (is_border[it->first]) {
                            std::size_t border_vertex_id = border[idx[it->first]];
                            bx[idx[j]] += projections[g2l[border_vertex_id]][0] * it->second;
                            by[idx[j]] += projections[g2l[border_vertex_id]][1] * it->second;
                        } else {
                            coeff.push_back(Triplet(idx[j], idx[it->first], -it->second));
                for (std::size_t j = 0; j < matrix_size; ++j) {
                    coeff.push_back(Triplet(j, j, 1.0f));

                typedef Eigen::SparseMatrix<float> SpMat;
                SpMat A(matrix_size, matrix_size);
                A.setFromTriplets(coeff.begin(), coeff.end());

                Eigen::SparseLU<SpMat> solver;
                xx = solver.solve(bx);
                xy = solver.solve(by);

            int image_size = std::floor(radius * 1.1f) * 2 + 4;
            int scale = image_size / 2 - texture_patch_border;
            for (std::size_t j = 0, k = 0; j < num_vertices; ++j) {
                if (!is_border[j]) {
                    projections[j] = math::Vec2f(xx[k], xy[k]) * scale + image_size / 2;
                } else {
                    projections[j] = projections[j] * scale + image_size / 2;

            mve::ByteImage::Ptr image = mve::ByteImage::create(image_size, image_size, 3);
            //DEBUG image->fill_color(*math::Vec4uc(0, 255, 0, 255));
            std::vector<math::Vec2f> texcoords; texcoords.reserve(subgraph.size());
            for (std::size_t const face_id : subgraph) {
                for (std::size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
                    std::size_t const vertex_id = mesh_faces[face_id * 3 + j];
                    math::Vec2f const & projection = projections[g2l[vertex_id]];
            TexturePatch texture_patch(0, subgraph, texcoords, image);
            std::size_t texture_patch_id;
            #pragma omp critical
                texture_patch_id = num_patches++;

                num_hole_faces += subgraph.size();

            for (std::size_t j = 0; j < num_vertices; ++j) {
                std::size_t const vertex_id = l2g[j];
                std::vector<std::size_t> const & adj_faces = vertex_infos->at(vertex_id).faces;
                std::vector<std::size_t> faces; faces.reserve(adj_faces.size());
                for (std::size_t adj_face : adj_faces) {
                    if (graph.get_label(adj_face) == 0) {
                VertexProjectionInfo info = {texture_patch_id, projections[j], faces};
                #pragma omp critical


    std::cout << "done. (Took " << timer.get_elapsed_sec() << "s)" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\t" << num_patches << " texture patches." << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\t" << num_holes << " holes (" << num_hole_faces << " faces)." << std::endl;