int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ApplicationsLib::LogogSetup logo_setup; TCLAP::CmdLine cmd( "Scales a property of a mesh.\n\n" "OpenGeoSys-6 software, version " + BaseLib::BuildInfo::git_describe + ".\n" "Copyright (c) 2012-2019, OpenGeoSys Community " "(", ' ', BaseLib::BuildInfo::git_describe); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> out_mesh_arg( "o", "out-mesh", "the mesh is stored to a file of this name", true, "", "filename for mesh output"); cmd.add(out_mesh_arg); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> property_arg( "p", "property-name", "the name of the property the values are stored for", true, "", "property name as string"); cmd.add(property_arg); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> mesh_arg("m", "mesh", "the mesh is read from this file", true, "", "file name"); cmd.add(mesh_arg); std::vector<std::string> allowed_units{ "mm/a", "mm/month", "m/s" }; TCLAP::ValuesConstraint<std::string> allowed_units_constraints{ allowed_units}; TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> unit_arg("u", "input-unit", "input unit of the data", true, "m/s", &allowed_units_constraints); cmd.add(unit_arg); cmd.parse(argc, argv); std::unique_ptr<MeshLib::Mesh> mesh( MeshLib::IO::readMeshFromFile(mesh_arg.getValue())); double scale(1.0); if (unit_arg.getValue() == "m/s") { scale = 1.0; } else if (unit_arg.getValue() == "mm/a") { scale = 1e-3 / (365.25 * 86400); } else if (unit_arg.getValue() == "mm/month") { scale = 1e-3 * (12.0 / (365.25 * 86400)); } MeshLib::scaleMeshPropertyVector(*mesh, property_arg.getValue(), scale); MeshLib::IO::writeMeshToFile(*mesh, out_mesh_arg.getValue()); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ApplicationsLib::LogogSetup logo_setup; TCLAP::CmdLine cmd( "Generates properties for mesh elements of an input mesh deploying a " "ASC raster file.\n\n" "OpenGeoSys-6 software, version " + BaseLib::BuildInfo::ogs_version + ".\n" "Copyright (c) 2012-2019, OpenGeoSys Community " "(", ' ', BaseLib::BuildInfo::ogs_version); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> out_mesh_arg( "o", "out-mesh", "the mesh is stored to a file of this name", false, "", "filename for mesh output"); cmd.add(out_mesh_arg); TCLAP::ValueArg<bool> refinement_raster_output_arg( "", "output-refined-raster", "write refined raster to a new ASC file", false, false, "0"); cmd.add(refinement_raster_output_arg); TCLAP::ValueArg<unsigned> refinement_arg( "r", "refine", "refinement factor that raises the resolution of the raster data", false, 1, "factor (default = 1)"); cmd.add(refinement_arg); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> raster_arg("", "raster-file", "the name of the ASC raster file", true, "", "file name"); cmd.add(raster_arg); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> property_arg( "p", "property-name", "the name of the property the values are stored for", true, "", "property name as string"); cmd.add(property_arg); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> mesh_arg("m", "mesh", "the mesh is read from this file", true, "", "file name"); cmd.add(mesh_arg); cmd.parse(argc, argv); // read mesh std::unique_ptr<MeshLib::Mesh> dest_mesh( MeshLib::IO::readMeshFromFile(mesh_arg.getValue())); // read raster and if required manipulate it auto raster = std::unique_ptr<GeoLib::Raster>( FileIO::AsciiRasterInterface::getRasterFromASCFile( raster_arg.getValue())); GeoLib::RasterHeader header(raster->getHeader()); if (refinement_arg.getValue() > 1) { raster->refineRaster(refinement_arg.getValue()); if (refinement_raster_output_arg.getValue()) { // write new asc file std::string new_raster_fname( BaseLib::dropFileExtension(raster_arg.getValue())); new_raster_fname += "-" + std::to_string(header.n_rows) + "x" + std::to_string(header.n_cols) + ".asc"; FileIO::AsciiRasterInterface::writeRasterAsASC(*raster, new_raster_fname); } } std::unique_ptr<MeshLib::Mesh> src_mesh( MeshLib::RasterToMesh::convert(*raster, MeshLib::MeshElemType::QUAD, MeshLib::UseIntensityAs::DATAVECTOR, property_arg.getValue())); // do the interpolation MeshLib::Mesh2MeshPropertyInterpolation mesh_interpolation( *src_mesh, property_arg.getValue()); mesh_interpolation.setPropertiesForMesh(*dest_mesh); if (!out_mesh_arg.getValue().empty()) { MeshLib::IO::writeMeshToFile(*dest_mesh, out_mesh_arg.getValue()); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }