Esempio n. 1
static uint16_t uwsgi_mongrel2_json_add(struct wsgi_request *wsgi_req, json_t * node, const char *json_key, char *key, uint16_t keylen, char **extra, size_t * extra_len) {

	char *json_val;
	json_t *json_value = json_object_get(node, json_key);
	if (json_is_string(json_value)) {
		json_val = (char *) json_string_value(json_value);
		// invalid value ?
		if (strlen(json_val) > 0xffff)
			return 0;
		if (extra) {
			*extra = json_val;
			*extra_len = strlen(json_val);
		return proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, key, keylen, json_val, strlen(json_val));

	return 0;

Esempio n. 2
static int uwsgi_mongrel2_json_parse(json_t * root, struct wsgi_request *wsgi_req) {

	char *json_val;
	char *query_string = NULL;
	size_t query_string_len = 0;
	size_t script_name_len = 0;
	void *json_iter;
	char *json_key;
	json_t *json_value;

	if ((json_val = uwsgi_mongrel2_json_get_string(root, "METHOD"))) {
		if (!strcmp(json_val, "JSON")) {
			return -1;
		wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "REQUEST_METHOD", 14, json_val, strlen(json_val));

	// pretty easy, we get the file and we map it to wsgi_req->post_file, uWSGI read api will automatically use this
	if ((json_val = uwsgi_mongrel2_json_get_string(root, "x-mongrel2-upload-done"))) {
		wsgi_req->post_file = fopen(json_val, "r");
		if (!wsgi_req->post_file) {
			return -1;
	else if (uwsgi_mongrel2_json_get_string(root, "x-mongrel2-upload-start")) {
		return -1;

	wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += uwsgi_mongrel2_json_add(wsgi_req, root, "VERSION", "SERVER_PROTOCOL", 15, NULL, NULL);
	wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += uwsgi_mongrel2_json_add(wsgi_req, root, "QUERY", "QUERY_STRING", 12, &query_string, &query_string_len);
	if (query_string == NULL) {
		// always set QUERY_STRING
		wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "QUERY_STRING", 12, "", 0);

	// set SCRIPT_NAME to an empty value
	wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "SCRIPT_NAME", 11, "", 0);

	if ((json_val = uwsgi_mongrel2_json_get_string(root, "PATH"))) {
		wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "PATH_INFO", 9, json_val + script_name_len, strlen(json_val + script_name_len));
		if (query_string_len) {
			char *request_uri = uwsgi_concat3n(json_val, strlen(json_val), "?", 1, query_string, query_string_len);
			wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "REQUEST_URI", 11, request_uri, strlen(json_val) + 1 + query_string_len);
		else {
			wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "REQUEST_URI", 11, json_val, strlen(json_val));

	if ((json_val = uwsgi_mongrel2_json_get_string(root, "URL_SCHEME"))) {
                wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "UWSGI_SCHEME", 12, json_val, strlen(json_val));

	if ((json_val = uwsgi_mongrel2_json_get_string(root, "host"))) {
		char *colon = strchr(json_val, ':');
		if (colon) {
			wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "SERVER_PORT", 11, colon + 1, strlen(colon + 1));
		else {
			wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "SERVER_PORT", 11, "80", 2);

	if ((json_val = uwsgi_mongrel2_json_get_string(root, "x-forwarded-for"))) {
		char *colon = strchr(json_val, ',');
		if (colon) {
			wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "REMOTE_ADDR", 11, colon + 1, (colon + 1) - json_val);
		else {
			wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "REMOTE_ADDR", 11, json_val, strlen(json_val));

	if ((json_val = uwsgi_mongrel2_json_get_string(root, "content-length"))) {
		wsgi_req->post_cl = atoi(json_val);

	wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "SERVER_NAME", 11, uwsgi.hostname, uwsgi.hostname_len);

	json_iter = json_object_iter(root);

	while (json_iter) {
		json_key = (char *) json_object_iter_key(json_iter);
		// is it a header ?
		if (json_key[0] >= 97) {
			json_value = json_object_iter_value(json_iter);
			if (json_is_string(json_value)) {
				json_val = (char *) json_string_value(json_value);
				wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_header(wsgi_req, json_key, strlen(json_key), json_val, strlen(json_val));
		json_iter = json_object_iter_next(root, json_iter);

	return 0;

Esempio n. 3
// dumb/fake tnetstring implementation...all is a string
static int uwsgi_mongrel2_tnetstring_parse(struct wsgi_request *wsgi_req, char *buf, int len) {

	char *ptr = buf;
	char *watermark = buf + len;
	char *key = NULL;
	size_t keylen = 0;
	char *val = NULL;
	size_t vallen = 0;
	uint16_t script_name_len = 0;
	char *query_string = NULL;
	uint16_t query_string_len = 0;
	int async_upload = 0;

	// set an empty SCRIPT_NAME
	wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "SCRIPT_NAME", 11, "", 0);

	while (ptr < watermark) {

		ptr = uwsgi_netstring(ptr, len - (ptr - buf), &key, &keylen);
		if (ptr == NULL)
		// empty keys are not allowed
		if (keylen == 0)

		if (ptr >= watermark)

		ptr = uwsgi_netstring(ptr, len - (ptr - buf), &val, &vallen);
		if (ptr == NULL)

		if (key[0] < 97) {
			if (!uwsgi_strncmp("METHOD", 6, key, keylen)) {
				if (!uwsgi_strncmp("JSON", 4, val, vallen)) {
					return -1;
				wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "REQUEST_METHOD", 14, val, vallen);
			else if (!uwsgi_strncmp("VERSION", 7, key, keylen)) {
				wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "SERVER_PROTOCOL", 15, val, vallen);
			else if (!uwsgi_strncmp("QUERY", 5, key, keylen)) {
				wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "QUERY_STRING", 12, val, vallen);
				query_string = val;
				query_string_len = vallen;
			else if (!uwsgi_strncmp("PATH", 4, key, keylen)) {
				wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "PATH_INFO", 9, val + script_name_len, vallen - script_name_len);
				if (query_string_len) {
					char *request_uri = uwsgi_concat3n(val, vallen, "?", 1, query_string, query_string_len);
					wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "REQUEST_URI", 11, request_uri, vallen + 1 + query_string_len);
				else {
					wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "REQUEST_URI", 11, val, vallen);
		else {
			// add header
			if (!uwsgi_strncmp("host", 4, key, keylen)) {
				char *colon = memchr(val, ':', vallen);
				if (colon) {
					wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "SERVER_PORT", 11, colon + 1, vallen - ((colon + 1) - val));
				else {
					wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "SERVER_PORT", 11, "80", 2);
			else if (!uwsgi_strncmp("content-length", 14, key, keylen)) {
				wsgi_req->post_cl = uwsgi_str_num(val, vallen);
			else if (!uwsgi_strncmp("x-mongrel2-upload-done", 22, key, keylen)) {
				char *post_filename = uwsgi_concat2n(val, vallen, "", 0);
				wsgi_req->post_file = fopen(post_filename, "r");
				if (!wsgi_req->post_file) {
					wsgi_req->do_not_log = 1;
				async_upload += 2;
			else if (!uwsgi_strncmp("x-forwarded-for", 15, key, keylen)) {
				char *colon = memchr(val, ',', vallen);
				if (colon) {
					wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "REMOTE_ADDR", 11, colon + 1, (colon + 1) - val);
				else {
					wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "REMOTE_ADDR", 11, val, vallen);
			else if (!uwsgi_strncmp("x-mongrel2-upload-start", 23, key, keylen)) {
				async_upload += 1;
			wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_header(wsgi_req, key, keylen, val, vallen);

	wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "SERVER_NAME", 11, uwsgi.hostname, uwsgi.hostname_len);

	if (query_string == NULL) {
		// always set QUERY_STRING
		wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "QUERY_STRING", 12, "", 0);

	// reject uncomplete upload
	if (async_upload == 1) {
		return -1;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 4
File: scgi.c Progetto: bennypk/uwsgi
static int scgi_parse(struct wsgi_request *wsgi_req) {
	char *buf = wsgi_req->proto_parser_buf;
	size_t len = wsgi_req->proto_parser_pos;
	size_t i;
	size_t scgi_len = 0;
	for(i=0;i<len;i++) {
		if (buf[i] == ':') {
			scgi_len = uwsgi_str_num(buf, i);
			if (scgi_len == 0) return -1;
			goto keyval;
	return 0;


	if (i + scgi_len + 1 > len) {
		return 0;


	size_t vars = i;
	char *key = buf + i;
	size_t keylen = 0;
	char *value = NULL;
	size_t vallen = 0;
	for(i=vars;i<vars+scgi_len;i++) {
		if (key == NULL) {
			key = buf + i;
		else if (keylen > 0 && value == NULL) {
			value = buf + i;
		if (buf[i] == 0) {
			if (value) {
				vallen = (buf+i) - value;
				uint16_t pktsize = proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, key, keylen, value, vallen);
                		if (pktsize == 0) return -1;
                		wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += pktsize;
				key = NULL;
				value = NULL;
				keylen = 0;
				vallen = 0;
			else {
				keylen = (buf+i) - key;
				value = NULL;

	if (buf[i] == ',') {
		if (len > i+1) {
			wsgi_req->proto_parser_remains = len-(i+1);
                        wsgi_req->proto_parser_remains_buf = buf + i + 1;			
		return 1;
	return -1;