static void testx(const psl_ctx_t *psl, const char *domain, const char *encoding, const char *lang, const char *expected_result) { const char *result; char *lower = NULL; int rc; /* just to cover special code paths for valgrind checking */ psl_str_to_utf8lower(domain, encoding, lang, NULL); if ((rc = psl_str_to_utf8lower(domain, encoding, lang, &lower)) == PSL_SUCCESS) domain = lower; /* non-ASCII domains fail here if no runtime IDN library is configured, so skip it */ #if defined(WITH_LIBIDN) || defined(WITH_LIBIDN2) || defined(WITH_LIBICU) else if (domain) { /* if we do not runtime support, test failure have to be skipped */ failed++; printf("psl_str_to_utf8lower(%s)=%d\n", domain ? domain : "NULL", rc); return; } #endif result = psl_registrable_domain(psl, domain); if ((result && expected_result && !strcmp(result, expected_result)) || (!result && !expected_result)) { ok++; } else { failed++; printf("psl_registrable_domain(%s)=%s (expected %s)\n", domain ? domain : "NULL", result ? result : "NULL", expected_result ? expected_result : "NULL"); } free(lower); }
static void test(const psl_ctx_t *psl, const char *domain, const char *expected_result) { const char *result; char *lower; /* our test data is fixed to UTF-8 (english), so provide it here */ if (psl_str_to_utf8lower(domain, "utf-8", "en", &lower) == PSL_SUCCESS) domain = lower; result = psl_registrable_domain(psl, domain); if ((result && expected_result && !strcmp(result, expected_result)) || (!result && !expected_result)) { ok++; } else { failed++; printf("psl_registrable_domain(%s)=%s (expected %s)\n", domain, result ? result : "NULL", expected_result ? expected_result : "NULL"); } free(lower); }
int main(int argc, const char *const *argv) { int mode = 1; const char *const *arg, *psl_file = NULL, *cookie_domain = NULL; psl_ctx_t *psl = (psl_ctx_t *) psl_builtin(); /* set current locale according to the environment variables */ #include <locale.h> setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); for (arg = argv + 1; arg < argv + argc; arg++) { if (!strncmp(*arg, "--", 2)) { if (!strcmp(*arg, "--is-public-suffix")) mode = 1; else if (!strcmp(*arg, "--print-unreg-domain")) mode = 2; else if (!strcmp(*arg, "--print-reg-domain")) mode = 3; else if (!strcmp(*arg, "--print-info")) mode = 99; else if (!strcmp(*arg, "--is-cookie-domain-acceptable") && arg < argv + argc - 1) { mode = 4; cookie_domain = *(++arg); } else if (!strcmp(*arg, "--use-builtin-data")) { psl_free(psl); if (psl_file) { fprintf(stderr, "Dropped data from %s\n", psl_file); psl_file = NULL; } if (!(psl = (psl_ctx_t *) psl_builtin())) printf("No builtin PSL data available\n"); } else if (!strcmp(*arg, "--load-psl-file") && arg < argv + argc - 1) { psl_free(psl); if (psl_file) { fprintf(stderr, "Dropped data from %s\n", psl_file); psl_file = NULL; } if (!(psl = psl_load_file(psl_file = *(++arg)))) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load PSL data from %s\n\n", psl_file); psl_file = NULL; } } else if (!strcmp(*arg, "--help")) { fprintf(stdout, "`psl' explores the Public Suffix List\n\n"); usage(0, stdout); } else if (!strcmp(*arg, "--version")) { printf("psl %s\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); printf("libpsl %s\n", psl_get_version()); printf("\n"); printf("Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Tim Ruehsen\n"); printf("License: MIT\n"); exit(0); } else if (!strcmp(*arg, "--")) { arg++; break; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option '%s'\n", *arg); usage(1, stderr); } } else break; } if (mode != 99) { if (!psl) { fprintf(stderr, "No PSL data available - aborting\n"); exit(2); } if (arg >= argv + argc) { char buf[256], *domain, *lower; size_t len; psl_error_t rc; /* read URLs from STDIN */ while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin)) { for (domain = buf; isspace(*domain); domain++); /* skip leading spaces */ if (*domain == '#' || !*domain) continue; /* skip empty lines and comments */ for (len = strlen(domain); len && isspace(domain[len - 1]); len--); /* skip trailing spaces */ domain[len] = 0; if ((rc = psl_str_to_utf8lower(domain, NULL, NULL, &lower)) != PSL_SUCCESS) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to convert to lowercase UTF-8 (%d)\n", domain, rc); else if (mode == 1) printf("%s: %d (%s)\n", domain, psl_is_public_suffix(psl, lower), lower); else if (mode == 2) printf("%s: %s\n", domain, psl_unregistrable_domain(psl, lower)); else if (mode == 3) printf("%s: %s\n", domain, psl_registrable_domain(psl, lower)); else if (mode == 4) { char *cookie_domain_lower; if ((rc = psl_str_to_utf8lower(domain, NULL, NULL, &cookie_domain_lower)) != PSL_SUCCESS) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to convert cookie domain '%s' to lowercase UTF-8 (%d)\n", domain, cookie_domain, rc); else printf("%s: %d\n", domain, psl_is_cookie_domain_acceptable(psl, lower, cookie_domain)); free(cookie_domain_lower); } free(lower); } psl_free(psl); exit(0); } } if (mode == 1) { for (; arg < argv + argc; arg++) printf("%s: %d\n", *arg, psl_is_public_suffix(psl, *arg)); } else if (mode == 2) { for (; arg < argv + argc; arg++) printf("%s: %s\n", *arg, psl_unregistrable_domain(psl, *arg)); } else if (mode == 3) { for (; arg < argv + argc; arg++) printf("%s: %s\n", *arg, psl_registrable_domain(psl, *arg)); } else if (mode == 4) { for (; arg < argv + argc; arg++) printf("%s: %d\n", *arg, psl_is_cookie_domain_acceptable(psl, *arg, cookie_domain)); } else if (mode == 99) { if (psl && psl != psl_builtin()) { printf("suffixes: %d\n", psl_suffix_count(psl)); printf("exceptions: %d\n", psl_suffix_exception_count(psl)); printf("wildcards: %d\n", psl_suffix_wildcard_count(psl)); } psl_free(psl); psl = (psl_ctx_t *) psl_builtin(); if (psl) { printf("builtin suffixes: %d\n", psl_suffix_count(psl)); printf("builtin exceptions: %d\n", psl_suffix_exception_count(psl)); printf("builtin wildcards: %d\n", psl_suffix_wildcard_count(psl)); printf("builtin filename: %s\n", psl_builtin_filename()); printf("builtin compile time: %ld (%s)\n", psl_builtin_compile_time(), time2str(psl_builtin_compile_time())); printf("builtin file time: %ld (%s)\n", psl_builtin_file_time(), time2str(psl_builtin_file_time())); printf("builtin SHA1 file hash: %s\n", psl_builtin_sha1sum()); } else printf("No builtin PSL data available\n"); } psl_free(psl); return 0; }
static void test_psl(void) { /* punycode generation: idn ?? */ /* octal code generation: echo -n "??" | od -b */ static const struct test_data { const char *domain; int result; } test_data[] = { { "", 0 }, { "", 1 }, { "", 0 }, { "", 1 }, { "", 1 }, { "", 0 }, { "", 0 }, /* exception from *.ck */ { "", 0 }, { "", 1 }, { "", 0 }, { "\345\225\206\346\240\207", 1 }, /* xn--czr694b or ?? */ { "www.\345\225\206\346\240\207", 0 }, /* some special test follow ('name' and '' are public, but e.g. is not) */ { "name", 1 }, { ".name", 1 }, { "", 0 }, { "", 0 }, { "", 1 }, { "", 1 }, { "", 0 }, { "", 0 }, { ".", 1 }, /* special case */ { "", 1 }, /* special case */ { NULL, 1 }, /* special case */ { "adfhoweirh", 1 }, /* unknown TLD */ }; unsigned it; int result, ver; psl_ctx_t *psl; psl = psl_load_file(PSL_FILE); printf("loaded %d suffixes and %d exceptions\n", psl_suffix_count(psl), psl_suffix_exception_count(psl)); for (it = 0; it < countof(test_data); it++) { const struct test_data *t = &test_data[it]; result = psl_is_public_suffix(psl, t->domain); if (result == t->result) { ok++; } else { failed++; printf("psl_is_public_suffix(%s)=%d (expected %d)\n", t->domain, result, t->result); } } /* do some checks to cover more code paths in libpsl */ psl_is_public_suffix(NULL, "xxx"); if ((ver = psl_check_version_number(0)) == 0) { printf("psl_check_version_number(0) is 0\n"); failed++; } else { if (((result = psl_check_version_number(ver)) != ver)) { printf("psl_check_version_number(%06X) is %06X\n", ver, result); failed++; } if (((result = psl_check_version_number(ver - 1)) != 0)) { printf("psl_check_version_number(%06X) is %06X\n", ver - 1, result); failed++; } if (((result = psl_check_version_number(ver + 1)) != ver)) { printf("psl_check_version_number(%06X) is %06X\n", ver, result); failed++; } } psl_str_to_utf8lower("", "utf-8", "en", NULL); psl_str_to_utf8lower(NULL, "utf-8", "en", NULL); { char *lower = NULL; psl_str_to_utf8lower("", NULL, "de", &lower); free(lower); lower = NULL; psl_str_to_utf8lower("\", NULL, "de", &lower); free(lower); lower = NULL; psl_str_to_utf8lower("\", "iso-8859-1", NULL, &lower); free(lower); lower = NULL; psl_str_to_utf8lower(NULL, "utf-8", "en", &lower); free(lower); lower = NULL; } psl_get_version(); psl_dist_filename(); psl_builtin_filename(); psl_builtin_outdated(); psl_builtin_file_time(); psl_builtin_sha1sum(); psl_suffix_wildcard_count(NULL); psl_suffix_wildcard_count(psl); psl_suffix_wildcard_count(psl_builtin()); psl_suffix_count(NULL); psl_suffix_exception_count(NULL); psl_load_file(NULL); psl_load_fp(NULL); psl_registrable_domain(NULL, ""); psl_registrable_domain(psl, NULL); psl_registrable_domain(psl, ""); psl_unregistrable_domain(NULL, ""); psl_unregistrable_domain(psl, NULL); psl_is_public_suffix2(NULL, "", PSL_TYPE_ANY); psl_is_public_suffix2(psl, NULL, PSL_TYPE_ANY); psl_free(psl); }