Esempio n. 1
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR setPirFanActive(enum pir_t pir) {
	if (PIR1 <= pir && pir <= PIR2) {
		pirFanStatus[pir] = true;
		if (pirFanStatus[pir] != oldPirFanstatus[pir]) {
			TESTP("PIR Fan:%d ", pir);
			publishSensorData(SENSOR_FAN_PIR_ACTIVE1 - 1 + pir, "PIR FAN ON", "1");
			oldPirFanstatus[pir] = true;
		os_timer_setfn(&pirFanTmer[pir], (os_timer_func_t *) pirFanTimeoutCb, pir);
		os_timer_arm(&pirFanTmer[pir], sysCfg.settings[SETTING_FAN_PIR1_ON_TIME-1+pir]*1000*60, false); // Minutes
	} else  {
		ERRORP("Bad PIR # %d", pir);
Esempio n. 2
static void setPirLightActive(enum pir_t pir) {
	if (PIR1 <= pir && pir <= PIR2) {
		pirLightStatus[pir] = true;
		if (pirLightStatus[pir] != oldPirLightstatus[pir]) {
			TESTP("PIR Lt:%d ", pir);
			publishSensorData(SENSOR_LIGHT_PIR_ACTIVE1 - 1 + pir, "PIR LIGHT ON", "1");
			oldPirLightstatus[pir] = true;
		os_timer_setfn(&pirLightTmer[pir], (os_timer_func_t *) pirLightTimeoutCb, pir);
		os_timer_arm(&pirLightTmer[pir], sysCfg.settings[SETTING_LIGHT_PIR1_ON_TIME-1+pir]*1000*60, false); // Minutes
	} else  {
		ERRORP("Bad PIR # %d", pir);
Esempio n. 3
static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR pirFanTimeoutCb(uint32 args) {
	enum pir_t pir = args;
	TESTP("pirFanTimeoutCb %d\n", pir);
	publishSensorData(SENSOR_FAN_PIR_ACTIVE1 - 1 + pir, "PIR FAN ON", "0");
	oldPirFanstatus[pir] = pirFanStatus[pir] = false;
Esempio n. 4
static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR pirLightTimeoutCb(uint32 args) {
	enum pir_t pir = args;
	TESTP("pirLightTimeoutCb %d\n", pir);
	publishSensorData(SENSOR_LIGHT_PIR_ACTIVE1 - 1 + pir, "PIR LIGHT ON", "0");
	oldPirLightstatus[pir] = pirLightStatus[pir] = false;
//main ros code
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    //setup topic names
    std::string twist_topic;
    //setup node and image transport
    ros::init(argc, argv, "hardware_interface");

    ros::NodeHandle node;

    //setup dynamic reconfigure gui
    dynamic_reconfigure::Server<hardware_interface::hardware_interface_paramsConfig> srv;
    dynamic_reconfigure::Server<hardware_interface::hardware_interface_paramsConfig>::CallbackType f;
    f = boost::bind(&setparamsCallback, _1, _2);
    //Initialize serial port
    motor_port.serial_open(params.serial_port.c_str(), 19200);
    //create brodcaster
    tf::TransformBroadcaster odom_broadcaster;
    //initalize odometry
    g_odom_x = 0.0;
    g_odom_y = 0.0;
    g_odom_th = 0.0;
    g_vx = 0.0;
    g_vy = 0.0;
    g_v_theta = 0.0;
    //initalize variables for max accel
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        last_wheel_speed_[i] = 0;
    vel_last_time_ = ros::Time::now();
    //get twist topic name
    twist_topic = node.resolveName("twist");

    //check to see if user has defined an image to subscribe to 
    if (twist_topic == "/twist") 
        ROS_WARN("hardware_interface: twist has not been remapped! Typical command-line usage:\n"
                 "\t$ ./hardware_interface twist:=<image topic> [transport]");
    //create twist subscription
    twist_sub = node.subscribe( twist_topic , 1, motionCallback  );
    //advertise publishers
    sensor_pub = node.advertise<hardware_interface::BaseData>("hardware_interface/sensor_data", 5);
    odom_pub = node.advertise<nav_msgs::Odometry>("/odom", 1000);
    //collect motor base sensor data at this rate
    ros::Rate loop_rate(SENSOR_RATE);
    while (ros::ok())
        //check callbacks
        //handel timeout
        if( watchdog_timer_ < ros::Time::now() && motors_enabled_)
            //have not receved a new message so stop robot
            ROS_WARN("Watchdog timed out!");
            motors_enabled_ = false;
        //collect and publish sensor data
        //publish odometry with no movement
        updateOdomMsg(g_vx, g_vy, g_v_theta);
        //send the transform
        //publish odom message
        //wait for next spin
    return 0;