Esempio n. 1
void LCMFrontEnd::publishHead()

  RBIS state;
  RBIM cov;
  state_estimator->getHeadState(state, cov);
  publishState(state, cov);
// Imu callback function
void EkfNode::imuSubCB(const sensor_msgs::Imu& msg){
  double dtSys = dtSystem(msg.header.stamp);
  double z = msg.angular_velocity.z;
  // If first Run, only initialize lastSystTime_
  if (!firstRunSys_) { 
    // Update system and IMU measurement models for ekf_map_
    // Update system and IMU measurement models for ekf_odom_
    // and publish odom message and update transform tree
  firstRunSys_ = false;
Esempio n. 3
void LCMFrontEnd::smooth(double dt)
  if (state_estimator == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: can't smooth with LCMFrontEnd before setStateEstimator\n");

  fprintf(stderr, "performing smoothing forward pass\n");

  int64_t override_val = numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
  fprintf(stderr, "overriding utime history span from %jd to %jd", state_estimator->utime_history_span, override_val);
  state_estimator->utime_history_span = override_val;

  fprintf(stderr, "turning off pose and filter state publishing going forwards\n");
  bool set_publish_filter_state = publish_filter_state;
  publish_filter_state = false;
  bool set_publish_pose = publish_pose;
  publish_pose = false;

  while (true) {
    int ret = lcm_recv->handle();
    if (ret != 0) {
      printf("log is done\n");

  publish_filter_state = set_publish_filter_state;
  publish_pose = set_publish_pose;

  fprintf(stderr, "performing smoothing backwards pass\n");

  updateHistory::historyMapIterator current_it;

  fprintf(stderr, "republishing smoothed pose messages\n");
  for (current_it = state_estimator->history.updateMap.begin();
      current_it != state_estimator->history.updateMap.end(); current_it++) {
    RBISUpdateInterface * current_update = current_it->second;
    if (current_update->sensor_id == RBISUpdateInterface::ins) {
      RBIS state = current_update->posterior_state;
      RBIM cov = current_update->posterior_covariance;

      publishState(state, cov);
// DecaWave callback function
void EkfNode::dwSubCB(const snowmower_msgs::DecaWaveMsg& msg){
  double dtSys = dtSystem(msg.header.stamp);
  ROS_INFO_STREAM("dtSys = " << dtSys);
  Vector4d z;
  z << msg.dist[0], msg.dist[1], msg.dist[2],msg.dist[3];
  ROS_INFO_STREAM("dw = \n" << z);
  // If first Run, only initialize lastSystTime_
  if (!firstRunSys_) { 
    // Update system and decawave measurement models for ekf_map_
    // Update only the system model for ekf_odom_ (decawave is not used in odom)
    // and publish odom message and update transform tree
  firstRunSys_ = false;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSsmStatePolicyBase::PrepareCommandList
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CSsmStatePolicyBase::PrepareCommandList(
    TSsmState aState,
    TInt aReason,
    TInt /*aReason*/,
    TRequestStatus& aStatus )
    INFO_3( "State %04x.%04x, reason %04x", aState.MainState(), aState.SubState(), aReason );

	TSsmState publishState(
	    aState.MainState(), TargetSubState( aState.SubState() ) );

	// Build the commandlist from resource.
	// Substate id is used as a command list id.
	    publishState.SubState(), publishState, aStatus );
Esempio n. 6
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	int ret = libusb_init(0);
	if (ret)
		ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Cannot initialize libusb, error: " << ret);
		return 1;
	ros::init(argc, argv, "kinect_aux_node");
	ros::NodeHandle n;
	int deviceIndex;
	n.param<int>("device_index", deviceIndex, 0);
	if (!dev)
		ROS_ERROR_STREAM("No valid aux device found");
		return 2;
	pub_imu = n.advertise<sensor_msgs::Imu>("imu", 15);
	pub_tilt_angle = n.advertise<std_msgs::Float64>("cur_tilt_angle", 15);
	pub_tilt_status = n.advertise<std_msgs::UInt8>("cur_tilt_status", 15);
	sub_tilt_angle = n.subscribe("tilt_angle", 1, setTiltAngle);
	sub_led_option = n.subscribe("led_option", 1, setLedOption);
	while (ros::ok())
	return 0;
// Wheel Encoder callback function
void EkfNode::encSubCB(const snowmower_msgs::EncMsg& msg){
  double dtSys = dtSystem(msg.header.stamp);
  double dtEnc = dtEncoder(msg.header.stamp);
  ROS_INFO_STREAM("dtSys = " << dtSys);
  ROS_INFO_STREAM("dtEnc = " << dtEnc);
  Vector2i z;
  z << msg.right, msg.left;
  // If first Run, only initialize zPre_, lastSysTime_, and lastEncTime_.
  if (!firstRunEnc_) {
    // Update system and encoder measurement models for ekf_map_
    ekf_map_.measurementUpdateEncoders(z, zPre_, dtEnc);
    // Update system and encoder measurement models for ekf_odom_
    ekf_odom_.measurementUpdateEncoders(z, zPre_, dtEnc);
    // and publish odom message and update transform tree
  // Store current measurement as zPre_
  zPre_ = z;
  firstRunEnc_ = false;
  firstRunSys_ = false;
Esempio n. 8
  void Footcoords::filter(const geometry_msgs::WrenchStamped::ConstPtr& lfoot,
                          const geometry_msgs::WrenchStamped::ConstPtr& rfoot)
    bool success_to_update = false;
    // lowpass filter
    double lfoot_force = applyLowPassFilter(lfoot->wrench.force.z, prev_lforce_);
    double rfoot_force = applyLowPassFilter(rfoot->wrench.force.z, prev_rforce_);
    lforce_list_.push_back(ValueStamped::Ptr(new ValueStamped(lfoot->header, lfoot_force)));
    rforce_list_.push_back(ValueStamped::Ptr(new ValueStamped(rfoot->header, rfoot_force)));
    // ROS_INFO("lforce_list: %lu", lforce_list_.size());
    // ROS_INFO("rforce_list: %lu", rforce_list_.size());
    // ROS_INFO("%f -> %f", lfoot->wrench.force.z, lfoot_force);
    // ROS_INFO("%f -> %f", rfoot->wrench.force.z, rfoot_force);
    // update prev value
    prev_lforce_ = lfoot_force;
    prev_rforce_ = rfoot_force;

    if (allValueLargerThan(lforce_list_, force_thr_) &&
        allValueLargerThan(rforce_list_, force_thr_)) {
      // on ground
      support_status_ = BOTH_GROUND;
      success_to_update = computeMidCoords(lfoot->header.stamp);
    else if (allValueSmallerThan(lforce_list_, force_thr_) && 
             allValueSmallerThan(rforce_list_, force_thr_)) {
      before_on_the_air_ = true;
      support_status_ = AIR;
      success_to_update = computeMidCoords(lfoot->header.stamp);
      // do not update odom_on_ground
    else if (allValueLargerThan(lforce_list_, force_thr_)) {
      // only left
      support_status_ = LLEG_GROUND;
      success_to_update = computeMidCoordsFromSingleLeg(lfoot->header.stamp, true);
    else if (allValueLargerThan(rforce_list_, force_thr_)) {
      // only right
      support_status_ = RLEG_GROUND;
      success_to_update = computeMidCoordsFromSingleLeg(lfoot->header.stamp, false);
    else {
      // unstable
      support_status_ = UNSTABLE;
    if (success_to_update) {
    lforce_list_.removeBefore(lfoot->header.stamp - ros::Duration(sampling_time_));
    rforce_list_.removeBefore(rfoot->header.stamp - ros::Duration(sampling_time_));
   * \brief Executes the callback from the command_vel topic.
   * Set the current velocity target.
   * \param msg JointVelocities
  void topicCallback_CommandVel(const brics_actuator::JointVelocities::ConstPtr& msg)
	  ROS_DEBUG("Received new velocity command");
	  if (!initialized_)
			ROS_WARN("Skipping command: powercubes not initialized");
		if (pc_ctrl_->getPC_Status() != PowerCubeCtrl::PC_CTRL_OK)

	  PowerCubeCtrl::PC_CTRL_STATUS status;
	  std::vector<std::string> errorMessages;
	  pc_ctrl_->getStatus(status, errorMessages);

	  /// ToDo: don't rely on position of joint names, but merge them (check between msg.joint_uri and member variable JointStates)

	  unsigned int DOF = pc_params_->GetDOF();
	  std::vector<std::string> jointNames = pc_params_->GetJointNames();
	  std::vector<double> cmd_vel(DOF);
	  std::string unit = "rad";

	  /// check dimensions
	  if (msg->velocities.size() != DOF)
		  ROS_ERROR("Skipping command: Commanded velocities and DOF are not same dimension.");

	  /// parse velocities
	  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DOF; i++)
		  /// check joint name
		  if (msg->velocities[i].joint_uri != jointNames[i])
			  ROS_ERROR("Skipping command: Received joint name %s doesn't match expected joint name %s for joint %d.",msg->velocities[i].joint_uri.c_str(),jointNames[i].c_str(),i);

		  /// check unit
		  if (msg->velocities[i].unit != unit)
			  ROS_ERROR("Skipping command: Received unit %s doesn't match expected unit %s.",msg->velocities[i].unit.c_str(),unit.c_str());

		  /// if all checks are successful, parse the velocity value for this joint
		  ROS_DEBUG("Parsing velocity %f for joint %s",msg->velocities[i].value,jointNames[i].c_str());
		  cmd_vel[i] = msg->velocities[i].value;
	  /// command velocities to powercubes
	  if (!pc_ctrl_->MoveVel(cmd_vel))
     	error_ = true;
			error_msg_ = pc_ctrl_->getErrorMessage();
		  ROS_ERROR("Skipping command: %s",pc_ctrl_->getErrorMessage().c_str());

	  ROS_DEBUG("Executed velocity command");
  // Initialization process
void EkfNode::init() {
   * Initialize firstRun, time, and frame names
  // Set first run to true for encoders. Once a message is received, this will
  // be set to false.
  firstRunEnc_ = true;
  firstRunSys_ = true;
  // Set Times
  ros::Time currTime = ros::Time::now();
  lastEncTime_ = currTime;
  lastSysTime_ = currTime;
  // Use the ROS parameter server to initilize parameters
  if(!private_nh_.getParam("base_frame", base_frame_))
    base_frame_ = "base_link";
  if(!private_nh_.getParam("odom_frame", base_frame_))
    odom_frame_ = "odom";
  if(!private_nh_.getParam("map_frame", map_frame_))
    map_frame_ = "map";

   * Initialize state for ekf_odom_ and ekf_map_
  // Create temp array to initialize state
  double state_temp[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
  // And a std::vector, which will be used to initialize an Eigen Matrix
  std::vector<double> state (state_temp, state_temp + sizeof(state_temp) / sizeof(double));
  // Check the parameter server and initialize state
  if(!private_nh_.getParam("state", state)) {
    ROS_WARN_STREAM("No state found. Using default.");
  // Check to see if the size is not equal to 6
  if (state.size() != 6) {
    ROS_WARN_STREAM("state isn't 6 elements long!");
  // And initialize the Matrix
  typedef Matrix<double, 6, 1> Vector6d;
  Vector6d stateMat(;
  std::cout << "state_map = " << std::endl;
  std::cout << stateMat << std::endl;

  // Odom is always initialized at all zeros.
  stateMat << 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0;
  std::cout << "state_odom = " << std::endl;
  std::cout << stateMat << std::endl;

   * Initialize covariance for ekf_odom_ and ekf_map_
  // Create temp array to initialize covariance
  double cov_temp[] = {0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
		       0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0,
		       0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0,
		       0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0,
		       0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0,
		       0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01};
  // And a std::vector, which will be used to initialize an Eigen Matrix
  std::vector<double> cov (cov_temp, cov_temp + sizeof(cov_temp) / sizeof(double));
  // Check the parameter server and initialize cov
  if(!private_nh_.getParam("covariance", cov)) {
    ROS_WARN_STREAM("No covariance found. Using default.");
  // Check to see if the size is not equal to 36
  if (cov.size() != 36) {
    ROS_WARN_STREAM("cov isn't 36 elements long!");
  // And initialize the Matrix
  typedef Matrix<double, 6, 6, RowMajor> Matrix66;
  Matrix66 covMat(;
  std::cout << "covariance = " << std::endl;
  std::cout << covMat << std::endl;

  // Initialize odom covariance the same as the map covariance (this isn't
  // correct. But, since it is all an estimate anyway, it should be fine.

   * Initialize Q for ekf_odom_ and ekf_map_
  // Create temp array to initialize Q
  double Q_temp[] = {0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
		     0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0,
		     0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0,
		     0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0,
		     0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0,
		     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01};
  // And a std::vector, which will be used to initialize an Eigen Matrix
  std::vector<double> Q (Q_temp, Q_temp + sizeof(Q_temp) / sizeof(double));
  // Check the parameter server and initialize Q
  if(!private_nh_.getParam("Q", Q)) {
    ROS_WARN_STREAM("No Q found. Using default.");
  // Check to see if the size is not equal to 36
  if (Q.size() != 36) {
    ROS_WARN_STREAM("Q isn't 36 elements long!");
  // And initialize the Matrix
  Matrix66 QMat(;
  std::cout << "Q = " << std::endl;
  std::cout << QMat << std::endl;

   * Initialize Decawave for ekf_map_ (not used in ekf_odom_)
  // Create temp array to initialize R for DecaWave
  double RDW_temp[] = {0.01, 0, 0, 0,
		       0, 0.01, 0, 0,
		       0, 0, 0.01, 0,
		       0, 0, 0, 0.01};
  // And a std::vector, which will be used to initialize an Eigen Matrix
  std::vector<double> RDW (RDW_temp, RDW_temp + sizeof(RDW_temp) / sizeof(double));
  // Check the parameter server and initialize RDW
  if(!private_nh_.getParam("DW_R", RDW)) {
    ROS_WARN_STREAM("No DW_R found. Using default.");
  // Check to see if the size is not equal to 16
  if (RDW.size() != 16) {
    ROS_WARN_STREAM("DW_R isn't 16 elements long!");
  // And initialize the Matrix
  typedef Matrix<double, 4, 4, RowMajor> Matrix44;
  Matrix44 RDWMat(;
  std::cout << "RDecaWave = " << std::endl;
  std::cout << RDWMat << std::endl;

  // Create temp array to initialize beacon locations for DecaWave
  double DWBL_temp[] = {0, 0,
		       5, 0,
		       5, 15,
		       0, 15};
  // And a std::vector, which will be used to initialize an Eigen Matrix
  std::vector<double> DWBL (DWBL_temp, DWBL_temp + sizeof(DWBL_temp) / sizeof(double));
  // Check the parameter server and initialize DWBL
  if(!private_nh_.getParam("DW_Beacon_Loc", DWBL)) {
    ROS_WARN_STREAM("No DW_Beacon_Loc found. Using default.");
  // Check to see if the size is not equal to 8
  if (DWBL.size() != 8) {
    ROS_WARN_STREAM("DW_Beacon_Loc isn't 8 elements long!");
  // And initialize the Matrix
  typedef Matrix<double, 4, 2, RowMajor> Matrix42;
  Matrix42 DWBLMat(;
  std::cout << "DW_Beacon_Loc = " << std::endl;
  std::cout << DWBLMat << std::endl;

  MatrixXd DecaWaveBeaconLoc(4,2);
  MatrixXd DecaWaveOffset(2,1);
  double DW_offset_x;
  double DW_offset_y;
  if(!private_nh_.getParam("DW_offset_x", DW_offset_x))
    DW_offset_x = 0.0;
  if(!private_nh_.getParam("DW_offset_y", DW_offset_y))
    DW_offset_y = 0.0;
  DecaWaveOffset << DW_offset_x, DW_offset_y;
  std::cout << "DecaWaveOffset = " << std::endl;
  std::cout << DecaWaveOffset << std::endl;

  ekf_map_.initDecaWave(RDWMat, DWBLMat, DecaWaveOffset);
  // Decawave is not used in odom, so no need to initialize

   * Initialize Encoders for ekf_odom_ and ekf_map_
  // Create temp array to initialize R for DecaWave
  double REnc_temp[] = {0.01, 0,
			0, 0.01};
  // And a std::vector, which will be used to initialize an Eigen Matrix
  std::vector<double> REnc (REnc_temp, REnc_temp + sizeof(REnc_temp) / sizeof(double));
  // Check the parameter server and initialize RDW
  if(!private_nh_.getParam("Enc_R", REnc)) {
    ROS_WARN_STREAM("No Enc_R found. Using default.");
  // Check to see if the size is not equal to 4
  if (REnc.size() != 4) {
    ROS_WARN_STREAM("Enc_R isn't 4 elements long!");
  // And initialize the Matrix
  typedef Matrix<double, 2, 2, RowMajor> Matrix22;
  Matrix22 REncMat(;
  std::cout << "R_Enc = " << std::endl;
  std::cout << REncMat << std::endl;

  double b, tpmRight, tpmLeft;
  if(!private_nh_.getParam("track_width", b))
    b = 1;
  if(!private_nh_.getParam("tpm_right", tpmRight))
    tpmRight = 1;
  if(!private_nh_.getParam("tpm_left", tpmLeft))
    tpmLeft = 1;
  ekf_map_.initEnc(REncMat, b, tpmRight, tpmLeft);
  ekf_odom_.initEnc(REncMat, b, tpmRight, tpmLeft);
  std::cout << "track_width = " << b << std::endl;
  std::cout << "tpm_right   = " << tpmRight << std::endl;
  std::cout << "tpm_left    = " << tpmLeft << std::endl;

   * Initialize IMU for ekf_odom_ and ekf_map_
  double RIMU;
  if(!private_nh_.getParam("R_IMU", RIMU))
    RIMU = 0.01;
  std::cout << "R_IMU = " << RIMU << std::endl;

  // Publish the initialized state and exit initialization.
  ROS_INFO_STREAM("Finished with initialization.");
 * Updates path logic.
void PathHandler::updatePath()
	geometry_msgs::Twist command;


	// no path? nothing to handle
	if (getPathSize() == 0)

	// update our position if possible.
	if (updateCurrentPosition() == false)
		ROS_ERROR("Failed to update robot position.");

	if (mCurrentPathIndex < getPathSize() - 1) // we are moving along a line segment in the path
		geometry_msgs::Point robotPos;
		robotPos.x = mRobotPosition.getOrigin().x();
		robotPos.y = mRobotPosition.getOrigin().y();
		geometry_msgs::Point closestOnPath = closestPointOnLine(robotPos, mPath[mCurrentPathIndex].position, mPath[mCurrentPathIndex + 1].position);

		//ROS_INFO("robotPos[%lf, %lf], closestOnPath[%lf, %lf]", robotPos.x, robotPos.y, closestOnPath.x, closestOnPath.y);

		if (distanceBetweenPoints(closestOnPath, robotPos) > mResetDistanceTolerance)
			ROS_INFO("Drove too far away from path, re-sending goal.");
			mFollowState = FOLLOW_STATE_IDLE;

		geometry_msgs::Point pointOnPath = getPointOnPathWithDist(closestOnPath, mLookForwardDistance);

		//ROS_INFO("closestOnPath[%lf, %lf], pointOnPath[%lf, %lf]", closestOnPath.x, closestOnPath.y, pointOnPath.x, pointOnPath.y);

		double angle = angleTo(pointOnPath);

		/*double robotYaw = tf::getYaw(mRobotPosition.getRotation()); // only used for printing
		ROS_INFO("Follow state: %d Robot pos: (%lf, %lf, %lf). Target pos: (%lf, %lf, %lf). RobotYaw: %lf. FocusYaw: %lf", mFollowState, mRobotPosition.getOrigin().getX(),
				mRobotPosition.getOrigin().getY(), mRobotPosition.getOrigin().getZ(), pointOnPath.x,
				pointOnPath.y, pointOnPath.z, robotYaw, angle);*/

		//ROS_INFO("Angle to path: %f", angle);

		command.linear.x = getScaledLinearSpeed(angle);
		command.angular.z = getScaledAngularSpeed(angle);

		if (distanceBetweenPoints(closestOnPath, mPath[mCurrentPathIndex + 1].position) < mDistanceTolerance)
			//ROS_INFO("Moving to next line segment on path.");

		publishLocalPath(command.linear.x * 3, angle);
	else // only rotate for final yaw
		double yaw = tf::getYaw(mPath[getPathSize() - 1].orientation);
		btVector3 orientation = btVector3(cos(yaw), sin(yaw), 0.0).rotate(btVector3(0,0,1), -tf::getYaw(mRobotPosition.getRotation()));
		double angle = atan2(orientation.getY(), orientation.getX());

		//ROS_INFO("Angle to final orientation: %f", angle);

		if (fabs(angle) > mFinalYawTolerance)
			command.angular.z = getScaledAngularSpeed(angle, true);
			// path is done!

		publishLocalPath(1.0, angle);
