char *ANT_directory_iterator_recursive::next_match_wildcard(void)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
	ANT_disk_directory *current_file_list;
	size_t path_length;

	while (get_next_candidate())
		if (internals->file_data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
			if (!(strcmp(internals->file_data.cFileName, ".") == 0 || strcmp(internals->file_data.cFileName, "..") == 0))
				current_file_list = file_list;
				path_length = strlen(current_file_list->path) - 4;
				sprintf(file_list->path, "%*.*s/%s/*.*", (int)path_length, (int)path_length, current_file_list->path, internals->file_data.cFileName);
			if (PathMatchSpec(internals->file_data.cFileName, wildcard))
				return internals->file_data.cFileName;
	return NULL;
	char *file;
	long match = FALSE, at_end = 1;

	while (!match)
		if (at_end == 0 || file_list->glob_index >= file_list->matching_files.gl_pathc)
			if (pop_directory())
				return next_match_wildcard();
				return NULL;
		// check if the matching path is a directory
		else if (file_list->matching_files.gl_pathv[file_list->glob_index][strlen(file_list->matching_files.gl_pathv[file_list->glob_index]) - 1] == '/')
			if (true)
				/* tmp is here as push_directory() will trash current file_list*/
				char *tmp=file_list->matching_files.gl_pathv[file_list->glob_index];
				if ((file = first_match_wildcard(tmp)) != NULL)
					return file;
			if ((match = PathMatchSpec(file_list->matching_files.gl_pathv[file_list->glob_index], wildcard)) != 0)
		at_end = !(file_list->glob_index++ == file_list->matching_files.gl_pathc);
	return file_list->matching_files.gl_pathv[file_list->glob_index++];
Esempio n. 2
File: main.cpp Progetto: CCJY/coliru
        static void add_directory(std::string directory, bool recursively = false){


            if(recursively){ add_recursively(directory); }

Esempio n. 3
File: main.cpp Progetto: CCJY/coliru
        static void add_recursively(std::string parent) {



                if (DIR *dp = opendir(parent.c_str()))
                    while (struct dirent *ep = readdir(dp))
                        if (ep->d_name[0] != '.')
                            add_recursively(parent + "/" + ep->d_name);
                    throw std::runtime_error(parent + std::string(": Couldn't open the directory."));

Esempio n. 4
static svn_error_t *
new_node_record(void **node_baton,
                apr_hash_t *headers,
                void *revision_baton,
                apr_pool_t *pool)
  struct revision_baton *rb = revision_baton;
  const struct svn_delta_editor_t *commit_editor = rb->pb->commit_editor;
  void *commit_edit_baton = rb->pb->commit_edit_baton;
  struct node_baton *nb;
  apr_hash_index_t *hi;
  void *child_baton;
  const char *nb_dirname;

  nb = apr_pcalloc(rb->pool, sizeof(*nb));
  nb->rb = rb;
  nb->is_added = FALSE;
  nb->copyfrom_path = NULL;
  nb->copyfrom_url = NULL;
  nb->copyfrom_rev = SVN_INVALID_REVNUM;
  nb->prop_changes = apr_hash_make(rb->pool);

  /* If the creation of commit_editor is pending, create it now and
     open_root on it; also create a top-level directory baton. */

  if (!commit_editor)
      /* The revprop_table should have been filled in with important
         information like svn:log in set_revision_property. We can now
         use it all this information to create our commit_editor. But
         first, clear revprops that we aren't allowed to set with the
         commit_editor. We'll set them separately using the RA API
         after closing the editor (see close_revision). */

      svn_hash_sets(rb->revprop_table, SVN_PROP_REVISION_AUTHOR, NULL);
      svn_hash_sets(rb->revprop_table, SVN_PROP_REVISION_DATE, NULL);

                                    get_shim_callbacks(rb, rb->pool)));
      SVN_ERR(svn_ra_get_commit_editor3(rb->pb->session, &commit_editor,
                                        &commit_edit_baton, rb->revprop_table,
                                        commit_callback, revision_baton,
                                        NULL, FALSE, rb->pool));

      rb->pb->commit_editor = commit_editor;
      rb->pb->commit_edit_baton = commit_edit_baton;

                                       rb->rev - rb->rev_offset - 1,
                                       rb->pool, &child_baton));

      LDR_DBG(("Opened root %p\n", child_baton));

      /* child_baton corresponds to the root directory baton here */
      push_directory(rb, child_baton, "", TRUE /*is_added*/,
                     NULL, SVN_INVALID_REVNUM);

  for (hi = apr_hash_first(rb->pool, headers); hi; hi = apr_hash_next(hi))
      const char *hname = svn__apr_hash_index_key(hi);
      const char *hval = svn__apr_hash_index_val(hi);

      /* Parse the different kinds of headers we can encounter and
         stuff them into the node_baton for writing later */
      if (strcmp(hname, SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_NODE_PATH) == 0)
        nb->path = apr_pstrdup(rb->pool, hval);
      if (strcmp(hname, SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_NODE_KIND) == 0)
        nb->kind = strcmp(hval, "file") == 0 ? svn_node_file : svn_node_dir;
      if (strcmp(hname, SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_NODE_ACTION) == 0)
          if (strcmp(hval, "add") == 0)
            nb->action = svn_node_action_add;
          if (strcmp(hval, "change") == 0)
            nb->action = svn_node_action_change;
          if (strcmp(hval, "delete") == 0)
            nb->action = svn_node_action_delete;
          if (strcmp(hval, "replace") == 0)
            nb->action = svn_node_action_replace;
      if (strcmp(hname, SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_TEXT_DELTA_BASE_MD5) == 0)
        nb->base_checksum = apr_pstrdup(rb->pool, hval);
      if (strcmp(hname, SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_NODE_COPYFROM_REV) == 0)
        nb->copyfrom_rev = atoi(hval);
      if (strcmp(hname, SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_NODE_COPYFROM_PATH) == 0)
        nb->copyfrom_path = apr_pstrdup(rb->pool, hval);

  nb_dirname = svn_relpath_dirname(nb->path, pool);
  if (svn_path_compare_paths(nb_dirname,
                             rb->db->relpath) != 0)
      char *ancestor_path;
      apr_size_t residual_close_count;
      apr_array_header_t *residual_open_path;
      int i;
      apr_size_t n;

      /* Before attempting to handle the action, call open_directory
         for all the path components and set the directory baton
         accordingly */
      ancestor_path =
                                         rb->db->relpath, pool);
      residual_close_count =
      residual_open_path =
                                                     nb_dirname), pool);

      /* First close all as many directories as there are after
         skip_ancestor, and then open fresh directories */
      for (n = 0; n < residual_close_count; n ++)
          /* Don't worry about destroying the actual rb->db object,
             since the pool we're using has the lifetime of one
             revision anyway */
          LDR_DBG(("Closing dir %p\n", rb->db->baton));
          SVN_ERR(commit_editor->close_directory(rb->db->baton, rb->pool));
          rb->db = rb->db->parent;

      for (i = 0; i < residual_open_path->nelts; i ++)
          char *relpath_compose =
                             APR_ARRAY_IDX(residual_open_path, i, const char *),
                                                rb->rev - rb->rev_offset - 1,
                                                rb->pool, &child_baton));
          LDR_DBG(("Opened dir %p\n", child_baton));
          push_directory(rb, child_baton, relpath_compose, TRUE /*is_added*/,
                         NULL, SVN_INVALID_REVNUM);
Esempio n. 5
/* Walk a path string, either changing directories or finding the right path

   If mode is WALK_CHDIR, the result of this function is entering into the new
   directory on success, or the old directory being returned on failure.

   If mode is WALK_OPEN, the result of this function is the directory remains
   unchanged and a pointer to the directory entry for the requested file or
   directory is returned.  If it is a file, the directory entry for the file
   itself is returned.  If it is a directory, the directory entry of the first
   file or directory inside that directory is returned. 
   The type specifier allows a person to specify that only a directory or file
   should be returned.  This works for WALK_OPEN only. */
static int recurse_path(const char * const path, int mode, directory_entry_t **dirent, int type)
    int ret = DFS_ESUCCESS;
    char token[MAX_FILENAME_LEN+1];
    char *cur_path = (char *)path;
    uint32_t dir_stack[MAX_DIRECTORY_DEPTH];
    uint32_t dir_loc = directory_top;
    int last_type = TYPE_ANY;
    int ignore = 1; // Do not, by default, read again during the first while

    /* Save directory stack */
    memcpy(dir_stack, directories, sizeof(uint32_t) * MAX_DIRECTORY_DEPTH);

    /* Grab first token, make sure it isn't root */
    cur_path = get_next_token(cur_path, token);

    if(strcmp(token, "/") == 0)
        /* It is an absolute path */

        /* Ensure that we remember this as a directory */
        last_type = TYPE_DIR;

        /* We need to read through the first while loop */
        ignore = 0;

    /* Loop through the rest */
    while(cur_path || ignore)
        /* Grab out the next token */
        if(!ignore) { cur_path = get_next_token(cur_path, token); }
        ignore = 0;

        if( (token[0] == '/' || token[0] == '.') )
	    if(token[1] == '.')
		pop_directory();/* Up one directory */

            last_type = TYPE_DIR;
            /* Find directory entry, push */
            directory_entry_t *tmp_node = find_dirent(token, peek_directory());

                /* Grab node, make sure it is a directory, push subdirectory, try again! */
                directory_entry_t node;
                grab_sector(tmp_node, &node);

                uint32_t flags = get_flags(&node);

                if(FILETYPE(flags) == FLAGS_DIR)
                    /* Push subdirectory onto stack and loop */
                    last_type = TYPE_DIR;
                    if(mode == WALK_CHDIR)
                        /* Not found, this is a file */
                        ret = DFS_ENOFILE;
                        last_type = TYPE_FILE;

                        /* Only count if this is the last thing we are doing */
                            /* Push file entry onto stack in preparation of a return */
                            /* Not found, this is a file */
                            ret = DFS_ENOFILE;
                /* Not found! */
                ret = DFS_ENOFILE;

    if(type != TYPE_ANY && type != last_type)
        /* Found an entry, but it was the wrong type! */
        ret = DFS_ENOFILE;

    if(mode == WALK_OPEN)
        /* Must return the node found if we found one */
        if(ret == DFS_ESUCCESS && dirent)
            *dirent = peek_directory();

    if(mode == WALK_OPEN || ret != DFS_ESUCCESS)
        /* Restore stack */
        directory_top = dir_loc;
        memcpy(directories, dir_stack, sizeof(uint32_t) * MAX_DIRECTORY_DEPTH);

    return ret;