static void bootstrap() { const int moduleClock = 12000000; const int KHzInHz = 1000; const int baud = 115200; mcgInit(); sdramInit(); svcInit_SetSVCPriority(15); setSysTickPriority(14); setPendSVPriority(14); uartInit(UART2_BASE_PTR, moduleClock/KHzInHz, baud); lcdcInit(); lcdcConsoleInit(&console); adc_init(); vfs_init(); ledInitAll(); pushbuttonInitAll(); TSI_Init(); TSI_Calibrate(); init_memory(); //uinit(); intSerialIOInit(); flexTimerInit(); sysTickInit(); }
int main(void) { /* Initialize all of the LEDs */ ledInitAll(); /* Initialize both of the pushbuttons */ pushbuttonInitAll(); rotate(); return 0; }
int main(void) { int number_presses = 0; /* Initialize all of the LEDs */ ledInitAll(); /* Initialize both of the pushbuttons */ pushbuttonInitAll(); /* initially orange LED should be on and all others should be off */ ledOrangeOn(); while(1) { if (sw1In()) { /* avoid contact bounce */ delay(DELAY_LIMIT); number_presses++; if (number_presses == 4) { number_presses = 0; } if (number_presses == 0) { ledOrangeOn(); } else { ledOrangeOff(); } if (number_presses == 1) { ledYellowOn(); } else { ledYellowOff(); } if (number_presses == 2) { ledGreenOn(); } else { ledGreenOff(); } if (number_presses == 3) { ledBlueOn(); } else { ledBlueOff(); } /* wait until button released before checking if pushed again */ while(sw1In()) { ; } } } return 0; }
static void bootstrap() { const int moduleClock = 60000000; const int KHzInHz = 1000; const int baud = 115200; mcgInit(); sdramInit(); svcInit_SetSVCPriority(7); uartInit(UART2_BASE_PTR, moduleClock/KHzInHz, baud); lcdcInit(); lcdcConsoleInit(&console); adc_init(); vfs_init(); ledInitAll(); pushbuttonInitAll(); TSI_Init(); TSI_Calibrate(); init_memory(); uinit(); privUnprivileged(); }
void initialize_io_button(void) { pushbuttonInitAll(); }