static void regexp_match_error(struct state *state, struct lens *lens, int count, struct split *split) { // FIXME: Split the regexp and encoding back // into something resembling a tree level char *text = NULL; char *pat = NULL; lns_format_atype(lens, &pat); text = enc_format(split->enc + split->start, split->end - split->start); if (count == -1) { put_error(state, lens, "Failed to match \n %s\n with tree\n %s", pat, text); } else if (count == -2) { put_error(state, lens, "Internal error matching\n %s\n with tree\n %s", pat, text); } else if (count == -3) { /* Should have been caught by the typechecker */ put_error(state, lens, "Syntax error in tree schema\n %s", pat); } free(pat); free(text); }
int db_weapon(t_engine *e, t_db_ind *ind) { int i; char *buf; int n; if (!xml_next("weapons")) return (put_error("Weapons not found in xml")); for (i = 0; i < ind->nb[TYPE_WEAPONS]; i++) { if (!xml_next("weapon")) return (put_error("Not enough weapon in xml")); if (!(e->db.weapons[i].name = xml_getstr("name"))) return (put_error("Weapon without name !")); e->db.weapons[i].dmg = xml_getint("damage"); e->db.weapons[i].rof = xml_getint("rof"); e->db.weapons[i].range = xml_getint("range"); buf = xml_getstr("projectile"); for (n = 0; n < e->db.nb_instants; n++) if (!strcmp(e->db.instants[n].name, buf)) break; free(buf); if (n && n >= e->db.nb_instants) return (put_error("Weapon with Projectile not found")); e->db.weapons[i].projectile = &e->db.instants[n]; if (!xml_next("types")) return (put_error("Weapon without type was found")); e->db.weapons[i].allowed = db_get_types(e); xml_out(); xml_out(); } xml_out(); return (0); }
static void init_img(t_glob *glob, t_img *image, int sizex, int sizey) { if ((image->img = mlx_new_image(glob->graph->mlx_ptr, sizex, sizey)) == 0) put_error("Cannot create image\n", 1); image->data = mlx_get_data_addr(image->img, &(image->bpp), &(image->sizeline), &(glob->graph->endian)); if (image->data == NULL) put_error("Cannot create image container\n", 1); }
int is_doable(t_nest *nest) { if (!nest->rooms) put_error(1); if (check_star_end(nest)) put_error(1); if (!nest->pipes) put_error(1); if (startend_pipe(nest)) put_error(1); return (1); }
static void init(t_glob *glob) { if ((glob->graph->mlx_ptr = mlx_init()) == 0) put_error("Cannot init mlx\n", 1); init_img(glob, &(glob->graph->aff_img), AFF_SIZEX, AFF_SIZEY); init_img(glob, &(glob->graph->calc_img), CALC_SIZEX, CALC_SIZEY); init_img(glob, &(glob->graph->loader), 60, 60); if ((glob->graph->win_ptr = mlx_new_window(glob->graph->mlx_ptr, AFF_SIZEX, AFF_SIZEY, "Raytracer")) == 0) put_error("Cannot create window\n", 1); }
/*ARGSUSED*/ int menu_import(WINDOW *win, node_t *current, node_t *list) { char inv_path[MAXPATHLEN]; struct stat s; char *fstabname; data_t *d; for(;;) { inv_path[0] = '\0'; if(get_string(win, "Path to inventory to be imported: ", inv_path, MAXPATHLEN) == ERR) { put_error("Error: invalid input"); continue; } if(strlen(inv_path) == 0) { clear_line(stdscr, LINES - 1); return BOOL_FALSE; } if(stat(inv_path, &s) < 0 || !S_ISDIR(s.st_mode)) { put_error("Error: invalid path"); continue; } clear_line(stdscr, LINES - 1); fstabname = GetFstabFullPath(inv_path); if(fstabname == NULL) { put_footer("internal memory error: import inventory", ALIGN_LEFT); exit(1); } while(current->next != NULL) { current = current->next; } generate_fstab_menu(inv_path, current, 0, fstabname); free(fstabname); while(current->next != NULL) { current = current->next; d = current->data; d->text[1] = 'I'; d->imported = BOOL_TRUE; } redraw_screen = BOOL_TRUE; break; } return BOOL_FALSE; }
int sh_cd(char **argv, char ***envp) { char *dest_path; char option; int i; option = 'L'; i = 0; while (argv[++i] && argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1]) { if ((option = get_option(argv[i])) == -1) return (-1); } if (!(dest_path = get_path(argv + i, envp, option)) || !dest_path[0]) return (-1); if (!chdir(dest_path)) { free(dest_path); return (pwd_update(envp)); } else { put_error("cd", argv[i]); free(dest_path); return (-1); } }
int my_loop(const char *format, int (**fptr)(va_list), va_list ap, char *tab) { int i; int j; int retour; i = 0; while (format[i] != '\0') { if (format[i] == '%') { j = 0; while (j != 10) { if (tab[j] == format[i + 1]) retour = fptr[j](ap); j = j + 1; } if (j == 10) i = put_error(format, i, tab); i = i + 1; } else my_putchar(format[i]); i = i + 1; } return (retour); }
int key_mode(int key, t_app *app) { if (key == 14) { if (app->maj) app->show_depth = !app->show_depth; else app->a_depth = !app->a_depth; } else if (key == 15) app->a_light = !app->a_light; else if (key == 12) app->a_culling = !app->a_culling; else if (key == 13) app->rem_no_visible = !app->rem_no_visible; else if (key == 17) app->a_picking = !app->a_picking; else if (key == 16) app->a_prof = !app->a_prof; else if (key == 53) put_error(); else return (0); render(app); return (1); }
void loop_client(t_client *client) { int type; int i; static int type_enum[TYPE_SIZE] = TYPE_ENUM; static char *(*type_funct[TYPE_SIZE])(t_client *) = TYPE_FUNCT; char *error; while (42) { print_prompt(client); while ((type = ft_select(client)) == -1) ; refresh(); if (type == QUIT) break ; error = NULL; i = 0; while (i < TYPE_SIZE) { if (type == type_enum[i]) error = type_funct[i](client); i++; } put_error(client, error); } }
int args_h(char **cmd, t_history **history) { t_history *list; int i; i = -1; list = advance_history(*history, cmd[1]); if (!cmd[1]) while (list != NULL) { printf("%s\n", list->command); list = list->next; } else { if (put_error(cmd[1], 1)) return (EXIT_FAILURE); while (list && ++i < atoi(cmd[1])) { printf("%s\n", list->command); list = list->next; } } return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int args_r(char **cmd, t_history **history) { t_history *list; int i; i = -1; list = *history; if (!cmd[1]) while (list != NULL) { show_param_history(list); list = list->prev; } else { if (put_error(cmd[1], 1)) return (EXIT_FAILURE); while (list && ++i < atoi(cmd[1])) { show_param_history(list); list = list->prev; } } return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
/** Cmd pong Used when you need to ping the service, and see if its up Responds with "pong" if available. */ int cmd_pong(int arc, char **argv){ #ifdef USE_MYSQL _mysql_updateStats(g_conn, "init"); #endif cmd_sendresponse(put_error(200,"Pong"), 200); cmd_done(); return 1; }
size_t xfwrite(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream) { size_t ret; ret = fwrite(ptr, size, nmemb, stream); if (ret < 0) return (put_error("Write failed on file descriptor")); return (ret); }
SDL_Surface *get_surf(t_info *info, unsigned int id) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < NB_ITEMS; i++) if (gl_items[i].id == id) return (info->img[i]); printf("id %d\n", (int)id); put_error("pewt"); return (0); }
t_vec4 *new_vec4(t_vec4 v) { t_vec4 *rt; rt = (t_vec4*)ft_memalloc(sizeof(t_vec4)); if (rt == 0) put_error(); *rt = v; rt->next = 0; return (rt); }
static int read_other(t_app *app, char *array) { if (ft_strncmp(array, "##start", 7) == 0 && !app->read_mode) { if (app->have_start) put_error("Error : Il y a plusieur ##start"); app->read_mode = 1; } else if (ft_strncmp(array, "##end", 5) == 0 && !app->read_mode) { if (app->have_end) put_error("Error : Il y a plusieur ##end"); app->read_mode = 2; } else if (array[0] == '#' || array[0] == 'L') ; else return (0); return (1); }
int update_sound_param(t_trame *req, t_cfg *cfg) { int param[2]; if (req->len != sizeof(int) * 2) return (put_error("size missmatch of trame for change cfg.")); memcpy((void*)param, req->msg, req->len); cfg->Sound[0] = param[0]; cfg->Sound[1] = param[1]; return (0); }
int xSDL_BlitSurface(SDL_Surface *src, SDL_Rect *srcrect, SDL_Surface *dest, SDL_Rect *destrect) { if (SDL_BlitSurface(src, srcrect, dest, destrect) < 0) { put_error(SDL_GetError()); return (-1); } return (0); }
FILE *xfopen(char *s, char *mode) { FILE *fd; fd = fopen(s, mode); if (!fd) { put_error("Failed to open file'"); return (0); } return (fd); }
Err load_gamespace(t_info *info) { info->game.gamespace = SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(info->mysdl.screen); if (!info->game.gamespace) { put_error(SDL_GetError()); exit(1); } info->game.pos_x = 0; info->game.pos_y = 0; return (update_gamespace(info)); }
int main(int ac, char **av) { t_app app; if (ac < 2) put_error(); ft_bzero(&app, sizeof(t_app)); = ac; app.av = av; app_init(&app); app_run(&app); return (0); }
int args_c(char **cmd, t_history **history) { int fd; if (cmd[1]) if (put_error(cmd[1], 1)) return (EXIT_FAILURE); if ((fd = open(".history", O_TRUNC, 0, NO)) == -1) return (EXIT_FAILURE); close(fd); *history = NULL; return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
static void search_complete(sp_search *search, void *userdata) { if (sp_search_error(search) == SP_ERROR_OK){ get_search(search); } else cmd_sendresponse(put_error(400, sp_error_message(sp_search_error(search))), 400); sp_search_release(search); cmd_done(); }
int recv_client_req(t_client *clt, t_trame *req) { SDLNet_SocketSet sset; sset = SDLNet_AllocSocketSet(1); SDLNet_TCP_AddSocket(sset, clt->sock); while (32) { if (SDLNet_CheckSockets(sset, (Uint32)-1) < 0) return (put_error("recv_client_req failed")); if (SDLNet_SocketReady(clt->sock) && get_msg(clt, req)) return (0); else if (clt->loss > NET_MAXLOSS) return (1); } return (0); }
int check_history(t_global *global, char **cmd) { if (!cmd[1]) show_history(global->hist, NULL); else if (cmd[1] && !put_error(cmd[1], 0) && !cmd[2]) show_history(global->hist, cmd[1]); else if (cmd[1] && cmd[2] && cmd[3]) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Too many arguments.\n", cmd[0]); return (EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (cmd[1] || (cmd[1] && cmd[2])) { if (param_history(&global->hist, cmd)) return (EXIT_FAILURE); } return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
void init_pixel_format(t_info *info) { const SDL_VideoInfo *VideoInfo; info->mysdl.video_flags = SDL_HWPALETTE; info->mysdl.video_flags |= SDL_RESIZABLE; if ((VideoInfo = SDL_GetVideoInfo()) == NULL) put_error(SDL_GetError()); if (VideoInfo->hw_available) { info->mysdl.video_flags |= SDL_HWSURFACE; info->mysdl.video_flags |= SDL_DOUBLEBUF; } else info->mysdl.video_flags |= SDL_SWSURFACE; if (VideoInfo->blit_hw) info->mysdl.video_flags |= SDL_HWACCEL; }
int db_base_instant(t_engine *e, t_db_ind *ind) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ind->nb[TYPE_INSTANTS]; i++) { if (!xml_next("instant")) return (put_error("Not found instants in xml")); e->db.instants[i].name = xml_getstr("name"); e->db.instants[i].idsprite = unpack_sprite(xml_getstr("sprite")); e->db.instants[i].idtaunt = unpack_taunt(xml_getstr("taunt")); e->db.instants[i].damage = xml_getint("damage"); e->db.instants[i].splash = xml_getint("splash"); e->db.instants[i].speed = xml_getint("speed"); e->db.instants[i].time = xml_getint("time"); xml_out(); } return (0); }
Err init_sdl(t_info *info) { if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO | SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_TIMER) < 0) { put_error(SDL_GetError()); return (-1); } #if SDL_BYTEORDER == SDL_BIG_ENDIAN info->mysdl.rmask = 0xff000000; info->mysdl.gmask = 0x00ff0000; info->mysdl.bmask = 0x0000ff00; info->mysdl.amask = 0x000000ff; #else info->mysdl.rmask = 0x000000ff; info->mysdl.gmask = 0x0000ff00; info->mysdl.bmask = 0x00ff0000; info->mysdl.amask = 0xff000000; #endif atexit(SDL_Quit); init_pixel_format(info); return (0); }
int check_link_name_suite(char *buffer, int a, int b) { char t[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-"; while (buffer[a] != '\n') { if (buffer[a] == '\0') return (0); if (buffer[a] == t[b]) { b = 0; a++; } else if (t[b] == '\0') put_error("Invalid link name"); else { a = skip_comment_line(buffer, a); b++; } } return (1); }