Esempio n. 1
static void save_cylinder_info(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive)
	int i, nr;

	nr = nr_cylinders(dive);
	for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
		cylinder_t *cylinder = dive->cylinder + i;
		int volume = cylinder->type.size.mliter;
		const char *description = cylinder->type.description;
		int o2 = cylinder->gasmix.o2.permille;
		int he = cylinder->gasmix.he.permille;

		put_string(b, "cylinder");
		if (volume)
			put_milli(b, " vol=", volume, "l");
		put_pressure(b, cylinder->type.workingpressure, " workpressure=", "bar");
		show_utf8(b, " description=", description, "");
		if (o2) {
			put_format(b, " o2=%u.%u%%", FRACTION(o2, 10));
			if (he)
				put_format(b, " he=%u.%u%%", FRACTION(he, 10));
		put_pressure(b, cylinder->start, " start=", "bar");
		put_pressure(b, cylinder->end, " end=", "bar");
		put_string(b, "\n");
Esempio n. 2
static void save_one_device(void *_f, const char *model, uint32_t deviceid,
			    const char *nickname, const char *serial_nr, const char *firmware)
	struct membuffer *b = _f;

	/* Nicknames that are empty or the same as the device model are not interesting */
	if (nickname) {
		if (!*nickname || !strcmp(model, nickname))
			nickname = NULL;

	/* Serial numbers that are empty are not interesting */
	if (serial_nr && !*serial_nr)
		serial_nr = NULL;

	/* Firmware strings that are empty are not interesting */
	if (firmware && !*firmware)
		firmware = NULL;

	/* Do we have anything interesting about this dive computer to save? */
	if (!serial_nr && !nickname && !firmware)

	put_format(b, "<divecomputerid");
	show_utf8(b, model, " model='", "'", 1);
	put_format(b, " deviceid='%08x'", deviceid);
	show_utf8(b, serial_nr, " serial='", "'", 1);
	show_utf8(b, firmware, " firmware='", "'", 1);
	show_utf8(b, nickname, " nickname='", "'", 1);
	put_format(b, "/>\n");
Esempio n. 3
static void show_utf8(struct membuffer *b, const char *prefix, const char *value, const char *postfix)
	if (value) {
		put_format(b, "%s\"", prefix);
		quote(b, value);
		put_format(b, "\"%s", postfix);
Esempio n. 4
static void save_one_event(struct membuffer *b, struct event *ev)
	put_format(b, "  <event time='%d:%02d min'", FRACTION(ev->time.seconds, 60));
	show_index(b, ev->type, "type='", "'");
	show_index(b, ev->flags, "flags='", "'");
	show_index(b, ev->value, "value='", "'");
	show_utf8(b, ev->name, " name='", "'", 1);
	put_format(b, " />\n");
Esempio n. 5
static void put_gasmix(struct membuffer *b, struct gasmix *mix)
	int o2 = mix->o2.permille;
	int he = mix->he.permille;

	if (o2) {
		put_format(b, " o2='%u.%u%%'", FRACTION(o2, 10));
		if (he)
			put_format(b, " he='%u.%u%%'", FRACTION(he, 10));
Esempio n. 6
static void show_date(struct membuffer *b, timestamp_t when)
	struct tm tm;

	utc_mkdate(when, &tm);

	put_format(b, "date %04u-%02u-%02u\n",
		   tm.tm_year + 1900, tm.tm_mon + 1, tm.tm_mday);
	put_format(b, "time %02u:%02u:%02u\n",
		   tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec);
Esempio n. 7
 * The name of a dive is the date and the dive number (and possibly
 * the uniqueness suffix).
 * Note that the time of the dive may not be the same as the
 * time of the directory structure it is created in: the dive
 * might be part of a trip that straddles a month (or even a
 * year).
 * We do *not* want to use localized weekdays and cause peoples save
 * formats to depend on their locale.
static void create_dive_name(struct dive *dive, struct membuffer *name, struct tm *dirtm)
	struct tm tm;
	static const char weekday[7][4] = { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" };

	utc_mkdate(dive->when, &tm);
	if (tm.tm_year != dirtm->tm_year)
		put_format(name, "%04u-", tm.tm_year + 1900);
	if (tm.tm_mon != dirtm->tm_mon)
		put_format(name, "%02u-", tm.tm_mon+1);

	put_format(name, "%02u-%s-%02u:%02u:%02u",
		tm.tm_mday, weekday[tm.tm_wday],
		tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec);
Esempio n. 8
void save_dives_buffer(struct membuffer *b, const bool select_only)
	int i;
	struct dive *dive;
	dive_trip_t *trip;

	put_format(b, "<divelog program='subsurface' version='%d'>\n<settings>\n", VERSION);

	if (prefs.save_userid_local)
		put_format(b, "  <userid>%s</userid>\n", prefs.userid);

	/* save the dive computer nicknames, if any */
	call_for_each_dc(b, save_one_device);
	if (autogroup)
		put_format(b, "  <autogroup state='1' />\n");
	put_format(b, "</settings>\n<dives>\n");

	for (trip = dive_trip_list; trip != NULL; trip = trip->next)
		trip->index = 0;

	/* save the dives */
	for_each_dive(i, dive) {
		if (select_only) {

			if (!dive->selected)
			save_one_dive(b, dive);

		} else {
			trip = dive->divetrip;

			/* Bare dive without a trip? */
			if (!trip) {
				save_one_dive(b, dive);

			/* Have we already seen this trip (and thus saved this dive?) */
			if (trip->index)

			/* We haven't seen this trip before - save it and all dives */
			trip->index = 1;
			save_trip(b, trip);
	put_format(b, "</dives>\n</divelog>\n");
Esempio n. 9
void put_milli(struct membuffer *b, const char *pre, int value, const char *post)
	int i;
	char buf[4];
	const char *sign = "";
	unsigned v;

	v = value;
	if (value < 0) {
		sign = "-";
		v = -value;
	for (i = 2; i >= 0; i--) {
		buf[i] = (v % 10) + '0';
		v /= 10;
	buf[3] = 0;
	if (buf[2] == '0') {
		buf[2] = 0;
		if (buf[1] == '0')
			buf[1] = 0;

	put_format(b, "%s%s%u.%s%s", pre, sign, v, buf, post);
Esempio n. 10
static void create_trip_name(dive_trip_t *trip, struct membuffer *name, struct tm *tm)
	put_format(name, "%02u-", tm->tm_mday);
	if (trip->location) {
		char ascii_loc[MAXTRIPNAME+1], *p = trip->location;
		int i;

		for (i = 0; i < MAXTRIPNAME; ) {
			char c = *p++;
			switch (c) {
			case 0:
			case ',':
			case '.':

			case 'a' ... 'z':
			case 'A' ... 'Z':
				ascii_loc[i++] = c;
		if (i > 1) {
			put_bytes(name, ascii_loc, i);
Esempio n. 11
static void save_one_event(struct membuffer *b, struct event *ev)
	put_format(b, "  <event time='%d:%02d min'", FRACTION(ev->time.seconds, 60));
	show_index(b, ev->type, "type='", "'");
	show_index(b, ev->flags, "flags='", "'");
	show_index(b, ev->value, "value='", "'");
	show_utf8(b, ev->name, " name='", "'", 1);
	if (event_is_gaschange(ev)) {
		if (ev->gas.index >= 0) {
			show_index(b, ev->gas.index, "cylinder='", "'");
			put_gasmix(b, &ev->gas.mix);
		} else if (!event_gasmix_redundant(ev))
			put_gasmix(b, &ev->gas.mix);
	put_format(b, " />\n");
Esempio n. 12
static void save_weightsystem_info(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive)
	int i, nr;

	nr = nr_weightsystems(dive);

	for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
		weightsystem_t *ws = dive->weightsystem + i;
		int grams = ws->weight.grams;
		const char *description = ws->description;

		put_format(b, "  <weightsystem");
		put_milli(b, " weight='", grams, " kg'");
		show_utf8(b, description, " description='", "'", 1);
		put_format(b, " />\n");
Esempio n. 13
int put_duration(struct membuffer *b, duration_t duration, const char *pre, const char *post)
	if (!duration.seconds)
		return 0;

	put_format(b, "%s%u:%02u%s", pre, FRACTION(duration.seconds, 60), post);
	return 1;
Esempio n. 14
int put_salinity(struct membuffer *b, int salinity, const char *pre, const char *post)
	if (!salinity)
		return 0;

	put_format(b, "%s%d%s", pre, salinity / 10, post);
	return 1;
Esempio n. 15
void writeMarkers(struct membuffer *b, const bool selected_only)
	int i, dive_no = 0;
	struct dive *dive;
	char pre[1000], post[1000];

	for_each_dive (i, dive) {
		if (selected_only) {
			if (!dive->selected)
		struct dive_site *ds = get_dive_site_for_dive(dive);
		if (!ds || !dive_site_has_gps_location(ds))
		put_degrees(b, ds->latitude, "temp = new google.maps.Marker({position: new google.maps.LatLng(", "");
		put_degrees(b, ds->longitude, ",", ")});\n");
		put_string(b, "markers.push(temp);\ntempinfowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({content: '<div id=\"content\">'+'<div id=\"siteNotice\">'+'</div>'+'<div id=\"bodyContent\">");
		snprintf(pre, sizeof(pre), "<p>%s ", translate("gettextFromC", "Date:"));
		put_HTML_date(b, dive, pre, "</p>");
		snprintf(pre, sizeof(pre), "<p>%s ", translate("gettextFromC", "Time:"));
		put_HTML_time(b, dive, pre, "</p>");
		snprintf(pre, sizeof(pre), "<p>%s ", translate("gettextFromC", "Duration:"));
		snprintf(post, sizeof(post), " %s</p>", translate("gettextFromC", "min"));
		put_duration(b, dive->duration, pre, post);
		put_string(b, "<p> ");
		put_HTML_quoted(b, translate("gettextFromC", "Max. depth:"));
		put_HTML_depth(b, dive, " ", "</p>");
		put_string(b, "<p> ");
		put_HTML_quoted(b, translate("gettextFromC", "Air temp.:"));
		put_HTML_airtemp(b, dive, " ", "</p>");
		put_string(b, "<p> ");
		put_HTML_quoted(b, translate("gettextFromC", "Water temp.:"));
		put_HTML_watertemp(b, dive, " ", "</p>");
		snprintf(pre, sizeof(pre), "<p>%s <b>", translate("gettextFromC", "Location:"));
		put_string(b, pre);
		put_HTML_quoted(b, get_dive_location(dive));
		put_string(b, "</b></p>");
		snprintf(pre, sizeof(pre), "<p> %s ", translate("gettextFromC", "Notes:"));
		put_HTML_notes(b, dive, pre, " </p>");
		put_string(b, "</p>'+'</div>'+'</div>'});\ninfowindows.push(tempinfowindow);\n");
		put_format(b, "google.maps.event.addListener(markers[%d], 'mouseover', function() {\ninfowindows[%d].open(map,markers[%d]);}", dive_no, dive_no, dive_no);
		put_format(b, ");google.maps.event.addListener(markers[%d], 'mouseout', function() {\ninfowindows[%d].close();});\n", dive_no, dive_no);
Esempio n. 16
void save_one_dive_to_mb(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive)
	struct divecomputer *dc;

	put_string(b, "<dive");
	if (dive->number)
		put_format(b, " number='%d'", dive->number);
	if (dive->tripflag == NO_TRIP)
		put_format(b, " tripflag='NOTRIP'");
	if (dive->rating)
		put_format(b, " rating='%d'", dive->rating);
	if (dive->visibility)
		put_format(b, " visibility='%d'", dive->visibility);
	save_tags(b, dive->tag_list);
	if (dive->dive_site_uuid)
		put_format(b, " divesiteid='%8x'", dive->dive_site_uuid);
	show_date(b, dive->when);
	put_format(b, " duration='%u:%02u min'>\n",
		   FRACTION(dive->dc.duration.seconds, 60));
	save_overview(b, dive);
	save_cylinder_info(b, dive);
	save_weightsystem_info(b, dive);
	save_dive_temperature(b, dive);
	/* Save the dive computer data */
	for_each_dc(dive, dc)
		save_dc(b, dive, dc);
		save_picture(b, picture);
	put_format(b, "</dive>\n");
Esempio n. 17
static void save_one_event(struct membuffer *b, struct event *ev)
	put_format(b, "event %d:%02d", FRACTION(ev->time.seconds, 60));
	show_index(b, ev->type, "type=", "");
	show_index(b, ev->flags, "flags=", "");
	show_index(b, ev->value, "value=", "");
	show_utf8(b, " name=", ev->name, "");
	put_string(b, "\n");
Esempio n. 18
void put_degrees(struct membuffer *b, degrees_t value, const char *pre, const char *post)
	int udeg = value.udeg;
	const char *sign = "";

	if (udeg < 0) {
		udeg = -udeg;
		sign = "-";
	put_format(b,"%s%s%u.%06u%s", pre, sign, FRACTION(udeg, 1000000), post);
Esempio n. 19
static void save_dc(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive, struct divecomputer *dc)
	show_utf8(b, "model ", dc->model, "\n");
	if (dc->deviceid)
		put_format(b, "deviceid %08x\n", dc->deviceid);
	if (dc->diveid)
		put_format(b, "diveid %08x\n", dc->diveid);
	if (dc->when && dc->when != dive->when)
		show_date(b, dc->when);
	if (dc->duration.seconds && dc->duration.seconds != dive->dc.duration.seconds)
		put_duration(b, dc->duration, "duration ", "min\n");

	save_depths(b, dc);
	save_temperatures(b, dc);
	save_airpressure(b, dc);
	save_salinity(b, dc);
	put_duration(b, dc->surfacetime, "surfacetime ", "min\n");

	save_events(b, dc->events);
	save_samples(b, dc->samples, dc->sample);
Esempio n. 20
static void save_dc(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive, struct divecomputer *dc)
	put_format(b, "  <divecomputer");
	show_utf8(b, dc->model, " model='", "'", 1);
	if (dc->deviceid)
		put_format(b, " deviceid='%08x'", dc->deviceid);
	if (dc->diveid)
		put_format(b, " diveid='%08x'", dc->diveid);
	if (dc->when && dc->when != dive->when)
		show_date(b, dc->when);
	if (dc->duration.seconds && dc->duration.seconds != dive->dc.duration.seconds)
		put_duration(b, dc->duration, " duration='", " min'");
	if (dc->divemode != OC) {
		for (enum dive_comp_type i = 0; i < NUM_DC_TYPE; i++)
			if (dc->divemode == i)
				show_utf8(b, divemode_text[i], " dctype='", "'", 1);
		if (dc->no_o2sensors)
			put_format(b," no_o2sensors='%d'", dc->no_o2sensors);
	put_format(b, ">\n");
	save_depths(b, dc);
	save_temperatures(b, dc);
	save_airpressure(b, dc);
	save_salinity(b, dc);
	put_duration(b, dc->surfacetime, "  <surfacetime>", " min</surfacetime>\n");
	save_extra_data(b, dc->extra_data);
	save_events(b, dc->events);
	save_samples(b, dc->samples, dc->sample);

	put_format(b, "  </divecomputer>\n");
Esempio n. 21
 * Note that we don't save the date and time or dive
 * number: they are encoded in the filename.
static void create_dive_buffer(struct dive *dive, struct membuffer *b)
	put_format(b, "duration %u:%02u min\n", FRACTION(dive->dc.duration.seconds, 60));
	SAVE("rating", rating);
	SAVE("visibility", visibility);
	cond_put_format(dive->tripflag == NO_TRIP, b, "notrip\n");
	save_tags(b, dive->tag_list);

	save_overview(b, dive);
	save_cylinder_info(b, dive);
	save_weightsystem_info(b, dive);
	save_dive_temperature(b, dive);
Esempio n. 22
void insert_javascript(struct membuffer *b, const bool selected_only)
	put_string(b, "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"");
	put_string(b, getGoogleApi());
	put_string(b, "&amp;sensor=false\">\n</script>\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\nvar map;\n");
	put_format(b, "function initialize() {\nvar mapOptions = {\n\t%s,", map_options);
	put_string(b, "rotateControl: false,\n\tstreetViewControl: false,\n\tmapTypeControl: false\n};\n");
	put_string(b, "map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(\"map-canvas\"),mapOptions);\nvar markers = new Array();");
	put_string(b, "\nvar infowindows = new Array();\nvar temp;\nvar tempinfowindow;\n");
	writeMarkers(b, selected_only);
	put_string(b, "\nfor(var i=0;i<markers.length;i++)\n\tmarkers[i].setMap(map);\n}\n");
	put_string(b, "google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);</script>\n");
Esempio n. 23
static void save_picture(struct membuffer *b, struct picture *pic)
	put_string(b, "  <picture filename='");
	put_quoted(b, pic->filename, true, false);
	put_string(b, "'");
	if (pic->offset.seconds) {
		int offset = pic->offset.seconds;
		char sign = '+';
		if (offset < 0) {
			sign = '-';
			offset = -offset;
		put_format(b, " offset='%c%u:%02u min'", sign, FRACTION(offset, 60));
	if (pic->latitude.udeg || pic->longitude.udeg) {
		put_degrees(b, pic->latitude, " gps='", " ");
		put_degrees(b, pic->longitude, "", "'");
	if (hashstring(pic->filename))
		put_format(b, " hash='%s'", hashstring(pic->filename));

	put_string(b, "/>\n");
void DiveLogExportDialog::export_depths(const char *filename, const bool selected_only)
	FILE *f;
	struct dive *dive;
	depth_t depth;
	int i;
	const char *unit = NULL;

	struct membuffer buf = {};

	for_each_dive (i, dive) {
		if (selected_only && !dive->selected)

			int n = dive->dc.samples;
			struct sample *s = dive->dc.sample; = 0;
			while (--n >= 0 && (int32_t)s->time.seconds <= picture->offset.seconds) { = s->;
			put_format(&buf, "%s\t%.1f", picture->filename, get_depth_units(, NULL, &unit));
			put_format(&buf, "%s\n", unit);

	f = subsurface_fopen(filename, "w+");
	if (!f) {
		report_error(tr("Can't open file %s").toUtf8().data(), filename);
	} else {
		flush_buffer(&buf, f); /*check for writing errors? */
Esempio n. 25
static void save_trip(struct membuffer *b, dive_trip_t *trip)
	int i;
	struct dive *dive;

	put_format(b, "<trip");
	show_date(b, trip->when);
	show_utf8(b, trip->location, " location=\'", "\'", 1);
	put_format(b, ">\n");
	show_utf8(b, trip->notes, "<notes>", "</notes>\n", 0);

	 * Incredibly cheesy: we want to save the dives sorted, and they
	 * are sorted in the dive array.. So instead of using the dive
	 * list in the trip, we just traverse the global dive array and
	 * check the divetrip pointer..
	for_each_dive(i, dive) {
		if (dive->divetrip == trip)
			save_one_dive_to_mb(b, dive);

	put_format(b, "</trip>\n");
Esempio n. 26
static void save_cylinder_info(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive)
	int i, nr;

	nr = nr_cylinders(dive);

	for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
		cylinder_t *cylinder = dive->cylinder + i;
		int volume = cylinder->type.size.mliter;
		const char *description = cylinder->type.description;

		put_format(b, "  <cylinder");
		if (volume)
			put_milli(b, " size='", volume, " l'");
		put_pressure(b, cylinder->type.workingpressure, " workpressure='", " bar'");
		show_utf8(b, description, " description='", "'", 1);
		put_gasmix(b, &cylinder->gasmix);
		put_pressure(b, cylinder->start, " start='", " bar'");
		put_pressure(b, cylinder->end, " end='", " bar'");
		if (cylinder->cylinder_use != OC_GAS)
			show_utf8(b, cylinderuse_text[cylinder->cylinder_use], " use='", "'", 1);
		put_format(b, " />\n");
Esempio n. 27
static void save_dc(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive, struct divecomputer *dc)
	put_format(b, "  <divecomputer");
	show_utf8(b, dc->model, " model='", "'", 1);
	if (dc->deviceid)
		put_format(b, " deviceid='%08x'", dc->deviceid);
	if (dc->diveid)
		put_format(b, " diveid='%08x'", dc->diveid);
	if (dc->when && dc->when != dive->when)
		show_date(b, dc->when);
	if (dc->duration.seconds && dc->duration.seconds != dive->dc.duration.seconds)
		put_duration(b, dc->duration, " duration='", " min'");
	put_format(b, ">\n");
	save_depths(b, dc);
	save_temperatures(b, dc);
	save_airpressure(b, dc);
	save_salinity(b, dc);
	put_duration(b, dc->surfacetime, "  <surfacetime>", " min</surfacetime>\n");

	save_events(b, dc->events);
	save_samples(b, dc->samples, dc->sample);

	put_format(b, "  </divecomputer>\n");
Esempio n. 28
static int tree_insert(git_treebuilder *dir, const char *name, int mkunique, git_oid *id, unsigned mode)
	int ret;
	struct membuffer uniquename = { 0 };

	if (mkunique && git_treebuilder_get(dir, name)) {
		char hex[8];
		git_oid_nfmt(hex, 7, id);
		hex[7] = 0;
		put_format(&uniquename, "%s~%s", name, hex);
		name = mb_cstring(&uniquename);
	ret = git_treebuilder_insert(NULL, dir, name, id, mode);
	return ret;
Esempio n. 29
static void save_sample(struct membuffer *b, struct sample *sample, struct sample *old)
	put_format(b, "  <sample time='%u:%02u min'", FRACTION(sample->time.seconds, 60));
	put_milli(b, " depth='", sample->, " m'");
	put_temperature(b, sample->temperature, " temp='", " C'");
	put_pressure(b, sample->cylinderpressure, " pressure='", " bar'");

	 * We only show sensor information for samples with pressure, and only if it
	 * changed from the previous sensor we showed.
	if (sample->cylinderpressure.mbar && sample->sensor != old->sensor) {
		put_format(b, " sensor='%d'", sample->sensor);
		old->sensor = sample->sensor;

	/* the deco/ndl values are stored whenever they change */
	if (sample->ndl.seconds != old->ndl.seconds) {
		put_format(b, " ndl='%u:%02u min'", FRACTION(sample->ndl.seconds, 60));
		old->ndl = sample->ndl;
	if (sample->in_deco != old->in_deco) {
		put_format(b, " in_deco='%d'", sample->in_deco ? 1 : 0);
		old->in_deco = sample->in_deco;
	if (sample->stoptime.seconds != old->stoptime.seconds) {
		put_format(b, " stoptime='%u:%02u min'", FRACTION(sample->stoptime.seconds, 60));
		old->stoptime = sample->stoptime;

	if (sample-> != old-> {
		put_milli(b, " stopdepth='", sample->, " m'");
		old->stopdepth = sample->stopdepth;

	if (sample->cns != old->cns) {
		put_format(b, " cns='%u%%'", sample->cns);
		old->cns = sample->cns;

	if (sample->po2 != old->po2) {
		put_milli(b, " po2='", sample->po2, " bar'");
		old->po2 = sample->po2;
	show_index(b, sample->heartbeat, "heartbeat='", "'");
	show_index(b, sample->bearing, "bearing='", "'");
	put_format(b, " />\n");
Esempio n. 30
 * Samples are saved as densely as possible while still being readable,
 * since they are the bulk of the data.
 * For parsing, look at the units to figure out what the numbers are.
static void save_sample(struct membuffer *b, struct sample *sample, struct sample *old)
	put_format(b, "%3u:%02u", FRACTION(sample->time.seconds, 60));
	put_milli(b, " ", sample->, "m");
	put_temperature(b, sample->temperature, " ", "°C");
	put_pressure(b, sample->cylinderpressure, " ", "bar");

	 * We only show sensor information for samples with pressure, and only if it
	 * changed from the previous sensor we showed.
	if (sample->cylinderpressure.mbar && sample->sensor != old->sensor) {
		put_format(b, " sensor=%d", sample->sensor);
		old->sensor = sample->sensor;

	/* the deco/ndl values are stored whenever they change */
	if (sample->ndl.seconds != old->ndl.seconds) {
		put_format(b, " ndl=%u:%02u", FRACTION(sample->ndl.seconds, 60));
		old->ndl = sample->ndl;
	if (sample->in_deco != old->in_deco) {
		put_format(b, " in_deco=%d", sample->in_deco ? 1 : 0);
		old->in_deco = sample->in_deco;
	if (sample->stoptime.seconds != old->stoptime.seconds) {
		put_format(b, " stoptime=%u:%02u", FRACTION(sample->stoptime.seconds, 60));
		old->stoptime = sample->stoptime;

	if (sample-> != old-> {
		put_milli(b, " stopdepth=", sample->, "m");
		old->stopdepth = sample->stopdepth;

	if (sample->cns != old->cns) {
		put_format(b, " cns=%u%%", sample->cns);
		old->cns = sample->cns;

	if (sample->po2.mbar != old->po2.mbar) {
		put_milli(b, " po2=", sample->po2.mbar, "bar");
		old->po2 = sample->po2;
	show_index(b, sample->heartbeat, "heartbeat=", "");
	show_index(b, sample->bearing.degrees, "bearing=", "°");
	put_format(b, "\n");