Esempio n. 1
SEXP mdmr_fstats_to_pvals(SEXP SFmat)
    try {
        arma::mat Fmat(1,1);
        const double* old_fptr = sbm_to_arma_xd(SFmat, Fmat);
        double nvoxs = static_cast<double>(Fmat.n_cols);
        double nperms = static_cast<double>(Fmat.n_rows);
        Rcpp::NumericVector pvals(nvoxs);
        // original F-stats
        arma::rowvec realFs = Fmat.row(0);
        double i;
        for (i = 0; i < nvoxs; ++i)
            pvals[i] = arma::as_scalar(arma::sum(Fmat.col(i) >= realFs(i))/nperms);
        free_arma(Fmat, old_fptr);
        return Rcpp::wrap( pvals );;
    } catch(std::exception &ex) {
    } catch(...) {
        ::Rf_error("c++ exception (unknown reason)");
    return R_NilValue;
Esempio n. 2
static int trim_ns(bam1_t *b, void *data) {
    int ret = 0;
    opts_t *op((opts_t *)data);
    std::vector<uint8_t> aux(bam_get_aux(b), bam_get_aux(b) + bam_get_l_aux(b));
    int tmp;
    uint8_t *const seq(bam_get_seq(b));
    uint32_t *const cigar(bam_get_cigar(b));
    //op->n_cigar = b->core.n_cigar;
    op->resize(b->l_data); // Make sure it's big enough to hold everything.
    memcpy(op->data, b->data, b->core.l_qname);

    // Get #Ns at the beginning
    for(tmp = 0; bam_seqi(seq, tmp) == dlib::htseq::HTS_N; ++tmp);
    const int n_start(tmp);

    if(tmp == b->core.l_qseq - 1) // all bases are N -- garbage read
         ret |= op->skip_all_ns;

    // Get #Ns at the end
    for(tmp = b->core.l_qseq - 1; bam_seqi(seq, tmp) == dlib::htseq::HTS_N; --tmp);
    const int n_end(b->core.l_qseq - 1 - tmp);

    // Get new length for read
    int final_len(b->core.l_qseq - n_end - n_start);
    if(final_len < 0) final_len = 0;
    if(final_len < op->min_trimmed_len) // Too short.
        ret |= 1;
    // Copy in qual and all of aux.

    if(n_end) {
        if((tmp = bam_cigar_oplen(cigar[b->core.n_cigar - 1]) - n_end) == 0) {
            LOG_DEBUG("Entire cigar operation is the softclip. Decrease the number of new cigar operations.\n");
        } else {
            LOG_DEBUG("Updating second cigar operation in-place.\n");
            cigar[b->core.n_cigar - 1] = bam_cigar_gen(tmp, BAM_CSOFT_CLIP);

    // Get new n_cigar.
    if((tmp = bam_cigar_oplen(*cigar) - n_start) == 0) {
        memcpy(op->data + b->core.l_qname, cigar + 1, (--b->core.n_cigar) << 2); // << 2 for 4 bit per cigar op
    } else {
        if(n_start) *cigar = bam_cigar_gen(tmp, BAM_CSOFT_CLIP);
        memcpy(op->data + b->core.l_qname, cigar, b->core.n_cigar << 2);
    uint8_t *opseq(op->data + b->core.l_qname + (b->core.n_cigar << 2)); // Pointer to the seq region of new data field.
    for(tmp = 0; tmp < final_len >> 1; ++tmp)
        opseq[tmp] = (bam_seqi(seq, ((tmp << 1) + n_start)) << 4) | (bam_seqi(seq, (tmp << 1) + n_start + 1));
    if(final_len & 1)
        opseq[tmp] = (bam_seqi(seq, ((tmp << 1) + n_start)) << 4);

    tmp = bam_get_l_aux(b);
    memcpy(opseq + ((final_len + 1) >> 1), bam_get_qual(b) + n_start, final_len + tmp);
    // Switch data strings
    std::swap(op->data, b->data);
    b->core.l_qseq = final_len;
    memcpy(bam_get_aux(b),, aux.size());
    b->l_data = (bam_get_aux(b) - b->data) + aux.size();
    if(n_end) bam_aux_append(b, "NE", 'i', sizeof(int), (uint8_t *)&n_end);
    if(n_start) bam_aux_append(b, "NS", 'i', sizeof(int), (uint8_t *)&n_start);
    const uint32_t *pvar((uint32_t *)dlib::array_tag(b, "PV"));
    tmp = b->core.flag & BAM_FREVERSE ? n_end: n_start;
    if(pvar) {
        std::vector<uint32_t>pvals(pvar + tmp, pvar + final_len + tmp);
        bam_aux_del(b, (uint8_t *)(pvar) - 6);
        dlib::bam_aux_array_append(b, "PV", 'I', sizeof(uint32_t), final_len, (uint8_t *);
    const uint32_t *fvar((uint32_t *)dlib::array_tag(b, "FA"));
    if(fvar) {
        std::vector<uint32_t>fvals(fvar + tmp, fvar + final_len + tmp);
        bam_aux_del(b, (uint8_t *)(fvar) - 6);
        dlib::bam_aux_array_append(b, "FA", 'I', sizeof(uint32_t), final_len, (uint8_t *);
    return ret;