Esempio n. 1
void PhyFixed::updateJoint(real timestep)
	// If the joint is disabled, we don't do anything here
	if (!m_shared->enabled) {

	// Updating the global matrices and the dof

	UNUSED_PARAM( timestep );
	//--- Restrict the movement on the centre of the joint along all tree orthonormal direction
	NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow( m_priv->joint, &m_shared->globalMatrixChild.w_pos[0], &m_shared->globalMatrixParent.w_pos[0], &m_shared->globalMatrixParent.x_ax[0] );
	NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness( m_priv->joint, 1.0f );
	NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow( m_priv->joint, &m_shared->globalMatrixChild.w_pos[0], &m_shared->globalMatrixParent.w_pos[0], &m_shared->globalMatrixParent.y_ax[0] );
	NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness( m_priv->joint, 1.0f );
	NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow( m_priv->joint, &m_shared->globalMatrixChild.w_pos[0], &m_shared->globalMatrixParent.w_pos[0], &m_shared->globalMatrixParent.z_ax[0] );
	NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness( m_priv->joint, 1.0f );

	//--- In order to constraint the rotation about X and Y axis of the joint
	//--- we use LinearRow (that are stronger) getting a point far from objects along
	//--- the Z axis. Doing this if the two object rotates about X or Y axes then
	//--- the difference between qChild and qParent augments and then Newton Engine will apply
	//--- a corresponding force (that applyied outside the centre of the object will become
	//--- a torque) that will blocks any rotation about X and Y axis
	real len = 5000.0;
	wVector qChild( m_shared->globalMatrixChild.w_pos + m_shared->globalMatrixChild.z_ax.scale(len) );
	wVector qParent( m_shared->globalMatrixParent.w_pos + m_shared->globalMatrixParent.z_ax.scale(len) );
	NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow( m_priv->joint, &qChild[0], &qParent[0], &m_shared->globalMatrixParent.x_ax[0] );
	NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness( m_priv->joint, 1.0 );
	NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow( m_priv->joint, &qChild[0], &qParent[0], &m_shared->globalMatrixParent.y_ax[0] );
	NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness( m_priv->joint, 1.0 );

	NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow( m_priv->joint, 0.0f, &m_shared->globalMatrixParent.z_ax[0] );
	NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness( m_priv->joint, 1.0f );

	//--- In order to do the same with third axis (Z), I need others point along different axis
/*	qChild = wVector( m_shared->globalMatrixChild.w_pos + m_shared->globalMatrixChild.y_ax.scale(len) );
	qParent = wVector( m_shared->globalMatrixParent.w_pos + m_shared->globalMatrixParent.y_ax.scale(len) );
	NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow( m_priv->joint, &qChild[0], &qParent[0], &m_shared->globalMatrixParent.z_ax[0] );
	NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness( m_priv->joint, 1.0 );*/

	//--- Retrive forces applied to the joint by the constraints
	Shared* const d = m_shared.getModifiableShared();
	d->forceOnJoint.x = NewtonUserJointGetRowForce (m_priv->joint, 0);
	d->forceOnJoint.y = NewtonUserJointGetRowForce (m_priv->joint, 1);
	d->forceOnJoint.z = NewtonUserJointGetRowForce (m_priv->joint, 2);

Esempio n. 2
void cUIMenu::FixMenuPos( eeVector2i& Pos, cUIMenu * Menu, cUIMenu * Parent, cUIMenuSubMenu * SubMenu ) {
	eeAABB qScreen( 0.f, 0.f, cUIManager::instance()->MainControl()->Size().Width(), cUIManager::instance()->MainControl()->Size().Height() );
	eeAABB qPos( Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.x + Menu->Size().Width(), Pos.y + Menu->Size().Height() );

	if ( NULL != Parent && NULL != SubMenu ) {
		eeVector2i addToPos( 0, 0 );

		if ( NULL != SubMenu ) {
			addToPos.y = SubMenu->Size().Height();

		eeVector2i sPos = SubMenu->Pos();
		SubMenu->ControlToScreen( sPos );

		eeVector2i pPos = Parent->Pos();
		Parent->ControlToScreen( pPos );

		eeAABB qParent( pPos.x, pPos.y, pPos.x + Parent->Size().Width(), pPos.y + Parent->Size().Height() );

		Pos.x		= qParent.Right;
		Pos.y		= sPos.y;
		qPos.Left	= Pos.x;
		qPos.Right	= qPos.Left + Menu->Size().Width();
		qPos.Top	= Pos.y;
		qPos.Bottom	= qPos.Top + Menu->Size().Height();

		if ( !qScreen.Contains( qPos ) ) {
			Pos.y		= sPos.y + SubMenu->Size().Height() - Menu->Size().Height();
			qPos.Top	= Pos.y;
			qPos.Bottom	= qPos.Top + Menu->Size().Height();

			if ( !qScreen.Contains( qPos ) ) {
				Pos.x 		= qParent.Left - Menu->Size().Width();
				Pos.y 		= sPos.y;
				qPos.Left	= Pos.x;
				qPos.Right	= qPos.Left + Menu->Size().Width();
				qPos.Top	= Pos.y;
				qPos.Bottom	= qPos.Top + Menu->Size().Height();

				if ( !qScreen.Contains( qPos ) ) {
					Pos.y		= sPos.y + SubMenu->Size().Height() - Menu->Size().Height();
					qPos.Top	= Pos.y;
					qPos.Bottom	= qPos.Top + Menu->Size().Height();
	} else {
		if ( !qScreen.Contains( qPos ) ) {
			Pos.y		-= Menu->Size().Height();
			qPos.Top	-= Menu->Size().Height();
			qPos.Bottom	-= Menu->Size().Height();

			if ( !qScreen.Contains( qPos ) ) {
				Pos.x		-= Menu->Size().Width();
				qPos.Left	-= Menu->Size().Width();
				qPos.Right	-= Menu->Size().Width();

				if ( !qScreen.Contains( qPos ) ) {
					Pos.y		+= Menu->Size().Height();
					qPos.Top	+= Menu->Size().Height();
					qPos.Bottom	+= Menu->Size().Height();