Esempio n. 1
inline static bool isPenValid() {
    if( !painter ) {
      qcErrorMsg( QString("Usage of QPen is not allowed at this point!") );
      return false;
    return true;
Esempio n. 2
 static int mediate( VMGlobals *g, int i ) {
   if( !globalPainter() ) {
     qcErrorMsg( QString("Usage of QPen is not allowed at this point!") );
     return errFailed;
   PyrSlot *stack = g->sp - i + 1;
   int ret = (*FN)( stack, i > 1 ? stack+1 : 0, g );
   return ret;
Esempio n. 3
void QcScrollArea::setWidget( QObjectProxy *proxy )
  QWidget *w = qobject_cast<QWidget*>( proxy->object() );
  if( !w ) {
    qcErrorMsg( "QcScrollArea::setCanvas: given proxy does not contain a valid widget." );
  QScrollArea::setWidget( w );
  setWidgetResizable( true );
Esempio n. 4
void QcWaveform::load( const QString& filename )
  qcDebugMsg( 1, "QcWaveform::load( filename )" );

  SF_INFO new_info;
  memset( &new_info, 0, sizeof(SF_INFO) );

  SNDFILE *new_sf = sf_open( filename.toStdString().c_str(), SFM_READ, &new_info );

  if( !new_sf ) {
    qcErrorMsg(QString("Could not open soundfile: ") + filename);

  doLoad( new_sf, new_info, 0, new_info.frames );
Esempio n. 5
// WARNING: QtCollider::lockLang() must be called before
void QtCollider::runLang (
  PyrObjectHdr *receiver,
  PyrSymbol *method,
  const QList<QVariant> & args,
  PyrSlot *result )
  VMGlobals *g = gMainVMGlobals;
  g->canCallOS = true;
  ++g->sp;  SetObject(g->sp, receiver);
  Q_FOREACH( QVariant var, args ) {
    if( !QtCollider::set( g->sp, var ) ) {
      qcErrorMsg("Failed to write a slot when trying to run interpreter!");
      SetNil( g->sp );
Esempio n. 6
void QcWaveform::doLoad( SNDFILE *new_sf, const SF_INFO &new_info, sf_count_t beg, sf_count_t dur )
  // set up soundfile to scale data in range [-1,1] to int range
  // when reading floating point data as int
  sf_command( new_sf, SFC_SET_SCALE_FLOAT_INT_READ, NULL, SF_TRUE );

  // check beginning and duration validity

  if( beg < 0 || dur < 1 || beg + dur > new_info.frames ) {
    qcErrorMsg("Invalid beginning and/or duration.");
    sf_close( new_sf );

  // cleanup previous state

  // NOTE we have to delete SoundCacheStream before closing the soundfile, as it might be still
  // loading it
  // TODO: should SoundCacheStream open the soundfile on its own?

  delete _cache;
  if( sf ) sf_close( sf );

  sf = new_sf;
  sfInfo = new_info;
  _beg = _rangeBeg = beg;
  _dur = _rangeDur = dur;
  _rangeEnd = _rangeBeg + _rangeDur;


  _cache = new SoundCacheStream();
  connect( _cache, SIGNAL(loadProgress(int)),
           this, SIGNAL(loadProgress(int)) );
  connect( _cache, SIGNAL(loadProgress(int)),
           this, SLOT(update()) );
  connect( _cache, SIGNAL(loadingDone()), this, SIGNAL(loadingDone()) );
  connect( _cache, SIGNAL(loadingDone()), this, SLOT(redraw()) );

  _cache->load( sf, sfInfo, beg, dur, kMaxFramesPerCacheUnit, kMaxRawFrames );

Esempio n. 7
  bool beginPainting( QPainter *p )
    if( painter ) {
      qcErrorMsg( QString("Painting already in progress!") );
      return false;

    painter = p;

    painter->setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, true );
    QColor black( 0,0,0 );
    QPen pen( black );
    pen.setCapStyle( Qt::FlatCap );
    painter->setPen( pen );
    painter->setBrush( black );

    path = QPainterPath();

    return true;