Esempio n. 1
File: vis.c Progetto: qbism/super8
int Vis_Main( int argc, char **argv )
    int			i;
    double		start, end;

    printf ("---- vis ----\n");

    fastvis = false;
    verbose = false;
    rvis = true;
    noambientslime = true;
    noreuse = false;
    farplane = 0;

    if (ismcbsp)
        noambient = true;

    for (i=1 ; i<argc ; i++)
        if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-norvis"))
            rvis = false;
            printf ("rvis optimization disabled\n");
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-fast"))
            printf ("fastvis = true\n");
            fastvis = true;
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-level"))
            testlevel = atoi(argv[i+1]);
            printf ("testlevel = %i\n", testlevel);
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-v"))
            printf ("verbose = true\n");
            verbose = true;
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-noreuse"))
            printf ("vis rows reusage disabled\n");
            noreuse = true;
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-noambient"))
            noambient = true;
            printf ("all ambient sounds disabled\n");
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-noambientwater"))
            noambientwater = true;
            printf ("ambient water sounds disabled\n");
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-ambientslime"))
            noambientslime = false;
            printf ("ambient slime sounds enabled\n");
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-noambientlava"))
            noambientlava = true;
            printf ("ambient lava sounds disabled\n");
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-noambientsky"))
            noambientsky = true;
            printf ("ambient sky sounds disabled\n");
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-farplane"))
            farplane = atoi (argv[i+1]);
            printf ("farplane = %f\n", farplane);
        else if (argv[i][0] == '-')
            Error ("Unknown option \"%s\"", argv[i]);

    if (i != argc - 1)
        Error ("%s",
               "usage: hmap2 -vis [options] bspfile\n"
               "Compiles visibility data in a .bsp, needs a .prt file\n"
               "What the options do:\n"
               "-level 0-4      quality, default 4\n"
               "-fast           fast but bad quality vis\n"
               "-v              verbose\n"
               "-norvis         disable rvis optimization, 0.001% better quality and 30% slower\n"
               "-ambientslime   do not convert slime channel to water (requires engine support)\n"
               "-noambient      disable ambient sounds (water bubbling, wind, etc)\n"
               "-noambientwater disable ambient water sounds (water)\n"
               "-noambientslime disable ambient slime sounds (water, or -ambientslime)\n"
               "-noambientlava  disable ambient lava sounds (unused by quake)\n"
               "-noambientsky   disable ambient sky sounds (wind)\n"
               "-noreuse        disable merging of identical vis data (less compression)\n"
               "-farplane       limit visible distance (warning: not a good idea without fog)\n"

    // init memory
    Q_InitMem ();

    start = I_DoubleTime ();

    LoadBSPFile (filename_bsp);
    LoadPortals (filename_prt);

    uncompressed = qmalloc(bitlongs*portalleafs*sizeof(long));
    memset (uncompressed, 0, bitlongs*portalleafs*sizeof(long));

//	CalcPassages ();

    CalcVis ();

    printf ("row size: %i\n",bitbytes);
    printf ("c_reused: %i\n",c_reused);
    printf ("c_chains: %i\n",c_chains);

    visdatasize = vismap_p - dvisdata;
    printf ("reused bytes: %i\n",c_reused*bitbytes);
    printf ("visdatasize:%i compressed from %i\n", visdatasize, originalvismapsize);

    if (!noambient)
        CalcAmbientSounds ();

    WriteBSPFile (filename_bsp, false);

//	unlink (portalfile);

    end = I_DoubleTime ();
    printf ("%5.2f seconds elapsed\n\n", end-start);

    // print memory stats
    Q_PrintMem ();

    // free allocated memory
    Q_ShutdownMem ();

    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
parse_select_query(qmessage_header_t * qm_header)
  int size;
  int i;
  char parsing_failed;
  smessage_header_t * smsg_header;
  squery_data_t * squery_data;
  field_t * field;
  field_data_t * field_data, * fd_tmp;
  expression_t * expr;
  expression_data_t * expr_data; 
  qtable_entry_t * qtable_entry;
  smsg_header = (smessage_header_t *)(qm_header + 1);
  /* Check whether a query with same id and same query root exists. */
  if(get_query_entry(qm_header->qid, &qm_header->qroot)) {
    PRINTF("[DEBUG]: A Query exists with the same id and same root.\n");
    return -1;

  /* the memory size needed to be allocated. */
  parsing_failed = FALSE;
  size = sizeof(squery_data_t) + 
         (smsg_header->nfields * sizeof(field_data_t)) + 
         (smsg_header->nexprs * sizeof(expression_data_t));

  /* Allocate memory for the SELECT query. */
  squery_data = (squery_data_t *)qmalloc(size);
  if(squery_data == NULL) {
    PRINTF("[DEBUG]: Can not allocate memory. query_id %d\n", qm_header->qid);
    return -1;
  /* set SELECT query header infomations. */
  squery_data->qid = qm_header->qid;
  squery_data->nfields = smsg_header->nfields;
  squery_data->nexprs = smsg_header->nexprs;
  squery_data->in_buffer_id = smsg_header->in_buffer;
  squery_data->out_buffer_id = smsg_header->out_buffer;

  memcpy(&squery_data->epoch_duration, &smsg_header->epoch_duration, 
  memcpy(&squery_data->nepochs, &smsg_header->nepochs, sizeof(nw_uint16_t));
  memset(&squery_data->current_epoch, 0, sizeof(nw_uint16_t));

  /* store field data. */
  field = (field_t *)(smsg_header + 1);
  field_data = (field_data_t *)(squery_data + 1);
  for(i=0; i<squery_data->nfields; i++, field++, field_data++) {
    field_data->id = field->id;
    field_data->in_result = field->in_result; 
    field_data->op = field->op;
    /* fill data value with zero */
    memset(&field_data->data, 0, sizeof(attr_data_t));


  /* store expressions */
  expr = (expression_t *)(field);
  expr_data = (expression_data_t *)(field_data);
  for(i=0; i<squery_data->nexprs; i++, expr++, expr_data++) {
    fd_tmp = ((field_data_t *)(squery_data + 1)) + expr->l_value_index;
    if(!get_attr_entry(fd_tmp->id)) {
      parsing_failed = TRUE;
      PRINTF("[DEBUG]: Error! Found unsupported attribute. attribute_id %d\n", 
    expr_data->l_valuep = fd_tmp;
    expr_data->op = expr->op;
    /* copy right value data */
    memcpy(expr_data->r_value.data_bytes, expr->r_value.data_bytes, 

  if(parsing_failed) {
    PRINTF("[DEBUG]: Parsing SELECT query failed. query_id %d\n", qm_header->qid);
    return -1;
  qtable_entry = add_query_entry(squery_data->qid, QTYPE_SELECT,  
  if(!qtable_entry) {
    PRINTF("[DEBUG]: Error adding to query table. query_id %d\n", qm_header->qid);
    return -1;

             CLOCK_SECOND * ntoh_leuint16(&squery_data->epoch_duration), 
             execute_select_query, qtable_entry);

  return 0;
Esempio n. 3
File: vis.c Progetto: qbism/super8
sep_t *Findpassages (viswinding_t *source, viswinding_t *pass)
    int			i, j, k, l;
    plane_t		plane;
    vec3_t		v1, v2;
    double		d;
    double		length;
    int			counts[3];
    qboolean	fliptest;
    sep_t		*sep, *list;

    list = NULL;

    // hush warnings about uninitialized plane.type (which isn't used here)
    memset(&plane, 0, sizeof(plane));

// check all combinations
    for (i=0 ; i<source->numpoints ; i++)
        l = (i+1)%source->numpoints;
        VectorSubtract (source->points[l] , source->points[i], v1);

        // fing a vertex of pass that makes a plane that puts all of the
        // vertexes of pass on the front side and all of the vertexes of
        // source on the back side
        for (j=0 ; j<pass->numpoints ; j++)
            VectorSubtract (pass->points[j], source->points[i], v2);
            CrossProduct(v1, v2, plane.normal);

            // if points don't make a valid plane, skip it
            length = DotProduct( plane.normal, plane.normal );

            if (length < ON_EPSILON)

            length = 1/sqrt(length);
            VectorScale( plane.normal, length, plane.normal );
            plane.dist = DotProduct (pass->points[j], plane.normal);

            // find out which side of the generated seperating plane has the
            // source portal
            fliptest = false;
            for (k=0 ; k<source->numpoints ; k++)
                if (k == i || k == l)
                d = DotProduct (source->points[k], plane.normal) - plane.dist;
                if (d < -ON_EPSILON)
                {   // source is on the negative side, so we want all
                    // pass and target on the positive side
                    fliptest = false;
                else if (d > ON_EPSILON)
                {   // source is on the positive side, so we want all
                    // pass and target on the negative side
                    fliptest = true;
            if (k == source->numpoints)
                continue;		// planar with source portal

            // flip the normal if the source portal is backwards
            if (fliptest)
                VectorNegate (plane.normal, plane.normal);
                plane.dist = -plane.dist;

            // if all of the pass portal points are now on the positive side,
            // this is the seperating plane
            counts[0] = counts[1] = counts[2] = 0;
            for (k=0 ; k<pass->numpoints ; k++)
                if (k==j)
                d = DotProduct (pass->points[k], plane.normal) - plane.dist;
                if (d < -ON_EPSILON)
                else if (d > ON_EPSILON)
            if (k != pass->numpoints)
                continue;	// points on negative side, not a seperating plane

            if (!counts[0])
                continue;	// planar with pass portal

            // save this out

            sep = qmalloc(sizeof(*sep));
            sep->next = list;
            list = sep;
            sep->plane = plane;

    return list;
Esempio n. 4
File: vis.c Progetto: qbism/super8
void LoadPortals (char *name)
    int			i, j;
    portal_t	*p;
    leaf_t		*l;
    char		magic[80];
    FILE		*f;
    int			numpoints;
    viswinding_t *w;
    int			leafnums[2];
    plane_t		plane;
    vec3_t		origin;
    vec_t		radius;

    if (!strcmp(name,"-"))
        f = stdin;
        f = fopen(name, "r");
        if (!f)
            Error ("LoadPortals: couldn't read %s\n",name);

    if (fscanf (f,"%79s\n%i\n%i\n",magic, &portalleafs, &numportals) != 3)
        Error ("LoadPortals: failed to read header");
    if (strcmp(magic,PORTALFILE))
        Error ("LoadPortals: not a portal file");

    printf ("%4i portalleafs\n", portalleafs);
    printf ("%4i numportals\n", numportals);

    bitbytes = (portalleafs+7)>>3;
    bitlongs = (portalleafs+(8*sizeof(long)-1))/(8*sizeof(long));

// each file portal is split into two memory portals
    portals = qmalloc(2*numportals*sizeof(portal_t));
    memset (portals, 0, 2*numportals*sizeof(portal_t));

    leafs = qmalloc(portalleafs*sizeof(leaf_t));
    memset (leafs, 0, portalleafs*sizeof(leaf_t));

    originalvismapsize = portalleafs*((portalleafs+7)/8);

    vismap = vismap_p = dvisdata;
    vismap_end = vismap + MAX_MAP_VISIBILITY;

    for (i=0, p=portals ; i<numportals ; i++)
        if (fscanf (f, "%i %i %i ", &numpoints, &leafnums[0], &leafnums[1])
                != 3)
            Error ("LoadPortals: reading portal %i", i);
        if (numpoints > MAX_POINTS_ON_VISWINDING)
            Error ("LoadPortals: portal %i has too many points", i);
        if ((unsigned)leafnums[0] > (unsigned)portalleafs
                || (unsigned)leafnums[1] > (unsigned)portalleafs)
            Error ("LoadPortals: reading portal %i", i);

        w = p->winding = NewVisWinding (numpoints);
        w->original = true;
        w->numpoints = numpoints;

        for (j=0 ; j<numpoints ; j++)
            double	v[3];
            int		k;

            // scanf into double, then assign to vec_t
            if (fscanf (f, "(%lf %lf %lf ) ", &v[0], &v[1], &v[2]) != 3)
                Error ("LoadPortals: reading portal %i", i);
            for (k=0 ; k<3 ; k++)
                w->points[j][k] = v[k];
        fscanf (f, "\n");

        // calc plane
        PlaneFromVisWinding (w, &plane);

        // calc origin and radius
        VisWindingCentre (w, origin, &radius);

        // create forward portal
        l = &leafs[leafnums[0]];
        if (l->numportals == MAX_PORTALS_ON_LEAF)
            Error ("Leaf with too many portals");
        l->portals[l->numportals] = p;

        p->winding = w;
        VectorCopy (origin, p->origin);
        p->radius = radius;
        VectorNegate (plane.normal, p->plane.normal);
        p->plane.dist = -plane.dist;
        if (p->plane.normal[0] == 1)
            p->plane.type = PLANE_X;
        else if (p->plane.normal[1] == 1)
            p->plane.type = PLANE_Y;
        else if (p->plane.normal[2] == 1)
            p->plane.type = PLANE_Z;
            p->plane.type = PLANE_ANYX;
        p->leaf = leafnums[1];

        // create backwards portal
        l = &leafs[leafnums[1]];
        if (l->numportals == MAX_PORTALS_ON_LEAF)
            Error ("Leaf with too many portals");
        l->portals[l->numportals] = p;

        p->winding = w;
        VectorCopy (origin, p->origin);
        p->radius = radius;
        p->plane = plane;
        if (p->plane.normal[0] == 1)
            p->plane.type = PLANE_X;
        else if (p->plane.normal[1] == 1)
            p->plane.type = PLANE_Y;
        else if (p->plane.normal[2] == 1)
            p->plane.type = PLANE_Z;
            p->plane.type = PLANE_ANYX;
        p->leaf = leafnums[0];

    fclose (f);
Esempio n. 5
qboolean Eclass_hasModel(eclass_t *e, vec3_t &vMin, vec3_t &vMax)
	if (e->modelpath != NULL)
		if (e->model == NULL)
			e->model = reinterpret_cast<entitymodel_t*>(qmalloc(sizeof(entitymodel_t)));
		char *pModelBuff = strdup(e->modelpath);
		char *pSkinBuff = NULL;
		if (e->skinpath)
			pSkinBuff = strdup(e->skinpath);

		CStringList Models;
		CStringList Skins;
		char* pToken = strtok(pModelBuff, ";\0");
		while (pToken != NULL)
			pToken = strtok(NULL, ";\0");

		if (pSkinBuff != NULL)
			pToken = strtok(pSkinBuff, ";\0");
			while (pToken != NULL)
				pToken = strtok(NULL, ";\0");

		entitymodel *model = e->model;
		int i = 0;
		for (; i < Models.GetCount(); i++)
			char *pSkin = NULL;
			if (i < Skins.GetCount())
				pSkin = Skins.GetAt(Skins.FindIndex(i)).GetBuffer(0);
			LoadModel(Models.GetAt(Models.FindIndex(i)), e, vMin, vMax, model, pSkin);
			model->pNext = reinterpret_cast<entitymodel_t*>(qmalloc(sizeof(entitymodel_t)));
			model = model->pNext;

		// at this poitn vMin and vMax contain the min max of the model
		// which needs to be centered at origin 0, 0, 0


		if (vMax[0] - vMin[0] < 2)
			vMin[0] -= 1;
			vMax[0] += 1;

		if (vMin[1] - vMax[1] < 2)
			vMin[1] -= 1;
			vMax[1] += 1;

		if (vMax[2] - vMin[2] < 2)
			vMax[2] -= 1;
			vMax[2] += 1;

		vec3_t vTemp;
		VectorAdd(vMin, vMax, vTemp);
		VectorScale(vTemp, 0.5, vTemp);
		model = e->model;
		while (model != NULL)
			for (i = 0; i < model->nTriCount; i++)
				for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
					;//VectorSubtract(model->pTriList[i].v[j], vTemp, model->pTriList[i].v[j]);
			model = model->pNext;

		e->modelpath = NULL;

			e->skinpath = NULL;

	return (e->model != NULL && e->model->nTriCount > 0);
Esempio n. 6
void DoTower(void)
	brush_t*	brush1 = NULL;
	brush_t*	brush2 = NULL;
	brush_t*	newBrush = NULL;
	brush_t*	tempBrush = NULL;
	face_t*		topFace = NULL;
	face_t*		bottomFace = NULL;
	face_t*		curFace;
	face_t*		faceList;
	int			zFlag = 0;
	int			i = 0; // loop counter

	if (g_qeglobals.d_select_count != 2)
		Sys_Printf ("Error: you must have exactly 2 brushes selected\n");
		Sys_Beep ();
	brush1 =;
	brush2 =>next;
//	establish brush1 as the upper brush
	if (brush2->maxs[2] > brush1->mins[2])
		tempBrush = brush1;
		brush1 = brush2;
		brush2 = tempBrush;
//	test to insure brushes do not "overlap" in the Z direction
	if (brush2->maxs[2] > brush1->mins[2])
		Sys_Printf ("Brushes are not separated in the Z direction!");
//  find the bottom Z plane (topFace) in 1 and top Z plane in 2 (bottomFace)
	topFace = brush1->brush_faces;
	while (topFace != NULL)
		zFlag = 0;
		for (i = 0; i<3; i++)
			if (abs(topFace->planepts[i][2] - brush1->mins[2]) < TOWER_EPSILON)
		if (zFlag == 3)
			topFace = topFace->next;
	if (topFace == NULL)
		Sys_Printf("Couldn't find flat bottom-face in top brush", 0);
	bottomFace = brush2->brush_faces;
	while (bottomFace != NULL)
		zFlag = 0;
		for (i = 0; i<3; i++)
			if (abs(bottomFace->planepts[i][2] - brush2->maxs[2]) < TOWER_EPSILON)
		if (zFlag == 3)
			bottomFace = bottomFace->next;
	if (bottomFace == NULL)
		Sys_Printf ("Couldn't find flat top-face in bottom brush", 0);
//	count vertices on top and bottom planes to make sure they are equal
	if (topFace->face_winding->numpoints != bottomFace->face_winding->numpoints)

		Sys_Printf ("Top and Bottom faces don't have same #'s of vertices!", 0);
//  put top and bottom faces on brush
//  reverse winding for top and bottom
	faceList = Face_Alloc();
	for ( i = 0; i<3; i++)
	curFace = Face_Alloc();
	for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++)
	curFace->next = faceList;
	faceList = curFace;
	curFace = MakePlaneList(topFace, bottomFace);
	if (curFace == NULL)
		Sys_Printf ("Couldn't make planes for tower!", 0);
		faceList->next->next = curFace;

	newBrush = (brush_t*)qmalloc(sizeof(brush_t));
	newBrush->brush_faces = faceList;
	Brush_AddToList (newBrush, &selected_brushes);

	Entity_LinkBrush (world_entity, newBrush);

//	UNDO_FinishBrushAdd("&Undo Tower");

Esempio n. 7
// FIXME: this code is a TOTAL clusterfuck
void LoadModel(const char *pLocation, eclass_t *e, vec3_t &vMin, vec3_t &vMax, entitymodel *&pModel, const char *pSkin)
	// this assumes a path only and uses tris.md2
	// for the model and skin.pcx for the skin
	char cPath[1024];
	char cSkin[1024];
	char cFullLocation[1024];
	//struct _finddata_t fileinfo;

	vMin[0] = vMin[1] = vMin[2] = 99999;
	vMax[0] = vMax[1] = vMax[2] = -99999;

	bool bMD3 = false;
	bool bASE = false;

	strcpy( cFullLocation, pLocation );

	if (strstr(pLocation, ".md3"))
		bMD3 = true;
	else if (strstr(pLocation, ".md2") != NULL)
		sprintf( cFullLocation, "%stris.md2", pLocation);
	else if (strstr(pLocation, ".ase") != NULL)
		bASE = true;

	sprintf( cPath, "%s/%s", ValueForKey(g_qeglobals.d_project_entity, "basepath"), cFullLocation);

	Sys_Printf("Loading model %s...", cPath);
	unsigned char* p = NULL;
	bool bOpen = (LoadFile(cPath, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&p)) > 0);
	if (!bOpen)
		Sys_Printf(" failed. Trying PAK file...");
		//    sprintf (cPath, "%stris.md2", pLocation);
		strcpy (cPath, cFullLocation);
		bOpen = (PakLoadAnyFile(cPath, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&p)) > 0);

	if (bOpen)
		Sys_Printf(" successful.\n");

		if (bASE)
			CString strOut;
			::GetTempPath(1024, strOut.GetBuffer(1024));
			strOut += "Temp.ase";
			CopyFile(cPath, strOut, false);
			CString strIn = strOut;
			FindReplace(strOut, ".ase", ".md3");
			strcpy(cPath, strIn);
			strcpy(cSkin, strOut);
			Q3Data_ProduceTempMD3(ValueForKey(g_qeglobals.d_project_entity, "basepath"), cPath, cSkin);
			CString strModel = cPath;
			if (LoadFile(strOut.GetBuffer(0), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&p)) == 0)
			Sys_Printf(" Conversion from ASE failed.\n");
			bMD3 = true;

		if (bMD3)
			md3Header_t header;
			md3Surface_t *pSurface;
			header = *(md3Header_t *)p;
			if (pSkin != NULL)
				strcpy(cSkin, pSkin);
				cSkin[0] = '\0';
			int n = header.numFrames;
			pSurface = (md3Surface_t *) (p + header.ofsSurfaces);
			for (int z = 0; z < header.numSurfaces; z++ )
				int nTris = pSurface->numTriangles;

				//unsigned char* pTris = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(pSurface);
				//pTris += pSurface->ofsTriangles;

				if (nTris > 0)
					int nStart = 0;
					if (pModel->pTriList == NULL)
						pModel->nModelPosition = 0;
						pModel->pTriList = new trimodel[nTris];
						pModel->nTriCount = nTris;
						// already have one so we need to reallocate
						int nNewCount = pModel->nTriCount + nTris;
						trimodel* pNewModels = new trimodel[nNewCount];
						for (int i = 0; i < pModel->nTriCount; i++)
							memcpy(&pNewModels[i], &pModel->pTriList[i], sizeof(trimodel));
						nStart = pModel->nTriCount;
						pModel->nTriCount = nNewCount;
						//nTris = nNewCount;
						delete [] pModel->pTriList;
						pModel->pTriList = pNewModels;

					md3Triangle_t *pTris = reinterpret_cast<md3Triangle_t*>((reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(pSurface) + pSurface->ofsTriangles));
					md3XyzNormal_t *pXyz = reinterpret_cast<md3XyzNormal_t*>((reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(pSurface) + pSurface->ofsXyzNormals));
					if (e->nFrame < pSurface->numFrames)
						pXyz += (e->nFrame * pSurface->numVerts);

					md3St_t *pST = reinterpret_cast<md3St_t*>((reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(pSurface) + pSurface->ofsSt)); 

					for (int i = 0; i < nTris; i++)
						for (int k = 0; k < 3; k ++)
							for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
								//e->pTriList[i].v[k][j] = (f->verts[tri.index_xyz[k]].v[j] * f->scale[j] + f->translate[j]);
								pModel->pTriList[nStart].v[k][j] = pXyz[pTris[i].indexes[k]].xyz[j] * MD3_XYZ_SCALE;
							pModel->pTriList[nStart].st[k][0] = pST[pTris[i].indexes[k]].st[0];
							pModel->pTriList[nStart].st[k][1] = pST[pTris[i].indexes[k]].st[1];
							ExtendBounds (pModel->pTriList[nStart].v[k], vMin, vMax);


				md3Shader_t *pShader = reinterpret_cast<md3Shader_t*>((reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(pSurface) + pSurface->ofsShaders)); 
				sprintf (cPath, "%s/%s", ValueForKey(g_qeglobals.d_project_entity, "basepath"), pShader->name);
				pModel->nTextureBind = Texture_LoadSkin(cPath, &pModel->nSkinWidth, &pModel->nSkinHeight);
				if (pModel->nTextureBind == -1)
					Sys_Printf("Model skin load failed on texture %s\n", cPath);
				pSurface = (md3Surface_t *) ((( char * ) pSurface) + pSurface->ofsEnd);
				pModel->pNext = reinterpret_cast<entitymodel_t*>(qmalloc(sizeof(entitymodel_t)));
				pModel = pModel->pNext;

			dmdl_t model;
			daliasframe_t *f;
			unsigned char* pTris = p;
			dstvert_t *pST = NULL;
			int nTris = 0;

			// grab model params
			memcpy(&model, p, sizeof(dmdl_t));
			f = (daliasframe_t*)(p + model.ofs_frames);
			pTris += model.ofs_tris;
			pST = reinterpret_cast<dstvert_t*>(p + model.ofs_st);
			nTris = model.num_tris;

				strcpy (cSkin, pSkin);
				if ((cSkin[strlen(cSkin)-1] == '\\') || (cSkin[strlen(cSkin)-1] == '/'))
					strcat(cSkin, "skin.pcx\0");
				strcpy(cSkin, (char *)(p + model.ofs_skins));

			sprintf (cPath, "%s/%s", ValueForKey(g_qeglobals.d_project_entity, "basepath"), cSkin);
			pModel->nTextureBind = Texture_LoadSkin(cPath, &pModel->nSkinWidth, &pModel->nSkinHeight);
			if (pModel->nTextureBind == -1)
				Sys_Printf("Model skin load failed on texture %s\n", cPath);
			int nStart = 0;
			if (pModel->pTriList == NULL)
				pModel->nModelPosition = 0;
				pModel->pTriList = new trimodel[nTris];
				pModel->nTriCount = nTris;
				// already have one so we need to reallocate
				int nNewCount = pModel->nTriCount + nTris;
				trimodel* pNewModels = new trimodel[nNewCount];
				for (int i = 0; i < pModel->nTriCount; i++)
					memcpy(&pNewModels[i], &pModel->pTriList[i], sizeof(trimodel));
				nStart = pModel->nTriCount;
				pModel->nTriCount = nNewCount;
				nTris = nNewCount;
				delete [] pModel->pTriList;
				pModel->pTriList = pNewModels;

			for (int i = nStart; i < nTris; i++)
				dtriangle_t tri;
				memcpy(&tri, pTris, sizeof(dtriangle_t));
				for (int k = 0; k < 3; k ++)
					for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
						pModel->pTriList[i].v[k][j] = (f->verts[tri.index_xyz[k]].v[j] * f->scale[j] + f->translate[j]);

					pModel->pTriList[i].st[k][0] = pST[tri.index_st[k]].s / pModel->nSkinWidth;
					pModel->pTriList[i].st[k][1] = pST[tri.index_st[k]].t / pModel->nSkinHeight;;
					ExtendBounds (pModel->pTriList[i].v[k], vMin, vMax);
				pTris += sizeof(dtriangle_t);
		Sys_Printf(" failed.\n");

#if 0
	if (pModel->pTriList != NULL && pModel->nTriCount > 0 && !bMD3)
		if(fabs(vMin[2]) < ((vMax[2]-vMin[2]) / 10.0))	// > 90% above 0 point.
			pModel->nModelPosition = 1;
		//	sprintf (cPath, "%s/%sskin.pcx", ValueForKey(g_qeglobals.d_project_entity, "basepath"), pLocation);
		sprintf (cPath, "%s/%s", ValueForKey(g_qeglobals.d_project_entity, "basepath"), cSkin);
		pModel->nTextureBind = Texture_LoadSkin(cPath, &pModel->nSkinWidth, &pModel->nSkinHeight);
		if (pModel->nTextureBind == -1)
			//      sprintf (cPath, "%sskin.pcx", pLocation);
			strcpy (cPath, cSkin);
			pModel->nTextureBind = Texture_LoadSkin(cPath, &pModel->nSkinWidth, &pModel->nSkinHeight);

Esempio n. 8

Creates a new entity out of the selected_brushes list.
If the entity class is fixed size, the brushes are only
used to find a midpoint.  Otherwise, the brushes have
their ownershi[ transfered to the new entity.
entity_t	*Entity_Create (eclass_t *c)
	entity_t	*e;
	brush_t		*b;
	vec3_t		mins, maxs;
	int			i;

	// check to make sure the brushes are ok

	for ( ; b != &selected_brushes ; b=b->next)
		if (b->owner != world_entity)
			Sys_Printf ("Entity NOT created, brushes not all from world\n");
			Sys_Beep ();
			return NULL;

	// create it

	e = (entity_t*)qmalloc(sizeof(*e));
	e->brushes.onext = e->brushes.oprev = &e->brushes;
	e->eclass = c;
	SetKeyValue (e, "classname", c->name);
	// add the entity to the entity list
	e->next =; = e;
	e->next->prev = e;
	e->prev = &entities;

	if (c->fixedsize)
		// just use the selection for positioning
		b =;
		for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
			e->origin[i] = b->mins[i] - c->mins[i];

		// create a custom brush
		VectorAdd (c->mins, e->origin, mins);
		VectorAdd (c->maxs, e->origin, maxs);

	  b = Brush_Create (mins, maxs, &c->texdef);

		Entity_LinkBrush (e, b);

		// delete the current selection
		Select_Delete ();

		// select the new brush
		b->next = b->prev = &selected_brushes; = selected_brushes.prev = b;

		Brush_Build( b );
		// change the selected brushes over to the new entity
		for ( ; b != &selected_brushes ; b=b->next)
			Entity_UnlinkBrush (b);
			Entity_LinkBrush (e, b);
			Brush_Build( b );	// so the key brush gets a name

	Sys_UpdateWindows (W_ALL);
	return e;
Esempio n. 9
bool_t model_md2_save(const model_t *orig_model, xbuf_t *xbuf, char **out_error)
	char *error;
	int skinwidth, skinheight;
	char **skinfilenames;
	const skininfo_t *skininfo;
	model_t *model;
	const mesh_t *mesh;
	md2_data_t *md2data;
	md2_header_t *header;
	dtriangle_t *dtriangles;
	int i, j, k;

	model = model_merge_meshes(orig_model);

	mesh = &model->meshes[0];

	skinwidth = (texwidth != -1) ? texwidth : 0;
	skinheight = (texheight != -1) ? texheight : 0;
	for (i = 0, skininfo = model->skininfo; i < model->num_skins; i++, skininfo++)
		for (j = 0; j < skininfo->num_skins; j++)
			int offset = skininfo->skins[j].offset;

			if (!mesh->skins[offset].components[SKIN_DIFFUSE])
				if (out_error)
					*out_error = msprintf("Model has missing skin.");
				return false;

			if (skinwidth && skinheight && (skinwidth != mesh->skins[offset].components[SKIN_DIFFUSE]->width || skinheight != mesh->skins[offset].components[SKIN_DIFFUSE]->height))
				if (out_error)
					*out_error = msprintf("Model has skins of different sizes. Use -texwidth and -texheight to resize all images to the same size");
				return false;
			skinwidth = mesh->skins[offset].components[SKIN_DIFFUSE]->width;
			skinheight = mesh->skins[offset].components[SKIN_DIFFUSE]->height;

		/* if fullbright texture is a different size, resample it to match the diffuse texture */
			if (mesh->skins[offset].components[SKIN_FULLBRIGHT] && (mesh->skins[offset].components[SKIN_FULLBRIGHT]->width != skinwidth || mesh->skins[offset].components[SKIN_FULLBRIGHT]->height != skinheight))
				image_rgba_t *image = image_resize(mem_globalpool, mesh->skins[offset].components[SKIN_FULLBRIGHT], skinwidth, skinheight);
				mesh->skins[offset].components[SKIN_FULLBRIGHT] = image;

	if (!skinwidth || !skinheight)
		if (out_error)
			*out_error = msprintf("Model has no skin. Use -texwidth and -texheight to set the skin dimensions, or -tex to import a skin");
		return false;

/* create 8-bit skins and save them to PCX files */
	skinfilenames = (char**)qmalloc(sizeof(char*) * model->num_skins);

	for (i = 0, skininfo = model->skininfo; i < model->num_skins; i++, skininfo++)
		image_paletted_t *pimage;

		int offset = skininfo->skins[0].offset; /* skingroups not supported, just take the first skin from the group */

		skinfilenames[i] = md2_create_skin_filename(skininfo->skins[0].name);

		pimage = image_palettize(mem_globalpool, &palette_quake2, mesh->skins[offset].components[SKIN_DIFFUSE], mesh->skins[offset].components[SKIN_FULLBRIGHT]);

	/* FIXME - this shouldn't be a fatal error */
		if (!image_paletted_save(skinfilenames[i], pimage, &error))
			if (out_error)
				*out_error = msprintf("Failed to write %s: %s", skinfilenames[i], error);
			for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
			return false;


/* optimize vertices for md2 format */
	md2data = md2_process_vertices(model, mesh, skinwidth, skinheight);

/* write header */
	header = (md2_header_t*)xbuf_reserve_data(xbuf, sizeof(md2_header_t));

	memcpy(header->ident, "IDP2", 4);
	header->version       = LittleLong(8);
	header->skinwidth     = LittleLong(skinwidth);
	header->skinheight    = LittleLong(skinheight);
	header->framesize     = LittleLong(sizeof(daliasframe_t) + sizeof(dtrivertx_t) * md2data->numvertices);
	header->num_skins     = LittleLong(model->num_skins);
	header->num_vertices  = LittleLong(md2data->numvertices);
	header->num_st        = LittleLong(md2data->numtexcoords);
	header->num_tris      = LittleLong(mesh->num_triangles);
	header->num_glcmds    = 0; /* filled in later */
	header->num_frames    = LittleLong(model->num_frames);
	header->offset_skins  = 0;
	header->offset_st     = 0;
	header->offset_tris   = 0;
	header->offset_frames = 0;
	header->offset_glcmds = 0;
	header->offset_end    = 0;

/* write skins */
	header->offset_skins = LittleLong(xbuf_get_bytes_written(xbuf));

	for (i = 0; i < model->num_skins; i++)
		md2_skin_t md2skin;
		strlcpy(, skinfilenames[i], sizeof(;

		xbuf_write_data(xbuf, sizeof(md2_skin_t), &md2skin);

/* write texcoords */
	for (i = 0; i < md2data->numtexcoords; i++)
		md2data->texcoords[i].s = LittleShort(md2data->texcoords[i].s);
		md2data->texcoords[i].t = LittleShort(md2data->texcoords[i].t);

	header->offset_st = LittleLong(xbuf_get_bytes_written(xbuf));

	xbuf_write_data(xbuf, sizeof(dstvert_t) * md2data->numtexcoords, md2data->texcoords);

/* write triangles */
	dtriangles = (dtriangle_t*)qmalloc(sizeof(dtriangle_t) * mesh->num_triangles);
	for (i = 0; i < mesh->num_triangles; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			dtriangles[i].index_xyz[j] = LittleShort(md2data->vertex_lookup[mesh->triangle3i[i*3+j]]);
			dtriangles[i].index_st[j] = LittleShort(md2data->texcoord_lookup[mesh->triangle3i[i*3+j]]);

	header->offset_tris = LittleLong(xbuf_get_bytes_written(xbuf));

	xbuf_write_data(xbuf, sizeof(dtriangle_t) * mesh->num_triangles, dtriangles);

/* write frames */
	header->offset_frames = LittleLong(xbuf_get_bytes_written(xbuf));

	for (i = 0; i < model->num_frames; i++)
		daliasframe_t md2frame;

		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			md2frame.scale[j] = LittleFloat(md2data->frames[i].scale[j]);
			md2frame.translate[j] = LittleFloat(md2data->frames[i].translate[j]);

		strlcpy(, model->frameinfo[i].frames[0].name, sizeof(;

		xbuf_write_data(xbuf, sizeof(daliasframe_t), &md2frame);

	/* write vertices */
		for (j = 0; j < md2data->numvertices; j++)
			const dtrivertx_t *md2vertex = md2data->original_vertices + md2data->vertices[j] * model->num_frames + i;
			dtrivertx_t vtx;

			for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
				vtx.v[k] = md2vertex->v[k];

			vtx.lightnormalindex = md2vertex->lightnormalindex;

			xbuf_write_data(xbuf, sizeof(dtrivertx_t), &vtx);

/* write glcmds */
	triangles = dtriangles;
	num_tris = mesh->num_triangles;

	md2_build_glcmds(md2data->texcoords, skinwidth, skinheight);

	header->num_glcmds = LittleLong(numcommands);
	header->offset_glcmds = LittleLong(xbuf_get_bytes_written(xbuf));

	for (i = 0; i < numcommands; i++)
		commands[i] = LittleLong(commands[i]);
	xbuf_write_data(xbuf, sizeof(int) * numcommands, commands);

/* write end */
	header->offset_end = LittleLong(xbuf_get_bytes_written(xbuf));

/* done */

	for (i = 0; i < model->num_skins; i++)

	return true;
Esempio n. 10
eclass_t *Eclass_InitFromText (char *text)
	char	*t;
	int		len;
	int		r, i;
	char	parms[256], *p;
	eclass_t	*e;
	char	color[128];

	e = qmalloc(sizeof(*e));
	memset (e, 0, sizeof(*e));

	text += strlen("/*QUAKED ");

// grab the name
	text = COM_Parse (text);
	e->name = qmalloc (strlen(com_token)+1);
	strcpy (e->name, com_token);
	debugname = e->name;

// grab the color, reformat as texture name
	r = sscanf (text," (%f %f %f)", &e->color[0], &e->color[1], &e->color[2]);
	if (r != 3)
		return e;
	sprintf (color, "(%f %f %f)", e->color[0], e->color[1], e->color[2]);
	strcpy (e->, color);

	while (*text != ')')
		if (!*text)
			return e;

// get the size
	text = COM_Parse (text);
	if (com_token[0] == '(')
	{	// parse the size as two vectors
		e->fixedsize = true;
		r = sscanf (text,"%f %f %f) (%f %f %f)", &e->mins[0], &e->mins[1], &e->mins[2],
			&e->maxs[0], &e->maxs[1], &e->maxs[2]);
		if (r != 6)
			return e;

		for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)
			while (*text != ')')
				if (!*text)
					return e;
	{	// use the brushes

// get the flags

// copy to the first /n
	p = parms;
	while (*text && *text != '\n')
		*p++ = *text++;
	*p = 0;

// any remaining words are parm flags
	p = parms;
	for (i=0 ; i<8 ; i++)
		p = COM_Parse (p);
		if (!p)
		strcpy (e->flagnames[i], com_token);

// find the length until close comment
	for (t=text ; t[0] && !(t[0]=='*' && t[1]=='/') ; t++)

// copy the comment block out
	len = t-text;
	e->comments = qmalloc (len+1);
	memcpy (e->comments, text, len);
#if 0
	for (i=0 ; i<len ; i++)
		if (text[i] == '\n')
			e->comments[i] = '\r';
			e->comments[i] = text[i];
	e->comments[len] = 0;

	return e;
Esempio n. 11
static void md2_build_glcmds(const dstvert_t *texcoords, int skinwidth, int skinheight)
	int i, j;
	int startv;
	int len, bestlen, besttype = -1;
	int best_xyz[1024];
	int best_st[1024];
	int best_tris[1024];
	int type;

	numcommands = 0;
	used = (int*)qmalloc(sizeof(int) * num_tris);
	memset(used, 0, sizeof(int) * num_tris);
	for (i = 0; i < num_tris; i++)
	/* pick an unused triangle and start the trifan */
		if (used[i])

		bestlen = 0;
		for (type = 0; type < 2; type++)
			for (startv = 0; startv < 3; startv++)
				if (type == 1)
					len = md2_strip_length(i, startv);
					len = md2_fan_length(i, startv);

				if (len > bestlen)
					besttype = type;
					bestlen = len;
					for (j = 0; j < bestlen + 2; j++)
						best_st[j] = strip_st[j];
						best_xyz[j] = strip_xyz[j];
					for (j = 0; j < bestlen; j++)
						best_tris[j] = strip_tris[j];

	/* mark the tris on the best strip/fan as used */
		for (j = 0; j < bestlen; j++)
			used[best_tris[j]] = 1;

		if (besttype == 1)
			commands[numcommands++] = (bestlen+2);
			commands[numcommands++] = -(bestlen+2);

		for (j = 0; j < bestlen + 2; j++)
			union { float f; int i; } u;
			u.f = (texcoords[best_st[j]].s + 0.5f) / skinwidth;
			commands[numcommands++] = u.i;
			u.f = (texcoords[best_st[j]].t + 0.5f) / skinheight;
			commands[numcommands++] = u.i;
			commands[numcommands++] = best_xyz[j];

	commands[numcommands++] = 0; /* end of list marker */

Esempio n. 12
static md2_data_t *md2_process_vertices(const model_t *model, const mesh_t *mesh, int skinwidth, int skinheight)
	md2_data_t *data;
	int i, j, k;

	data = (md2_data_t*)qmalloc(sizeof(md2_data_t));

/* convert texcoords to integer and combine duplicates */
	data->texcoords = (dstvert_t*)qmalloc(sizeof(dstvert_t) * mesh->num_vertices);
	data->numtexcoords = 0;
	data->texcoord_lookup = (int*)qmalloc(sizeof(int) * mesh->num_vertices);

	for (i = 0; i < mesh->num_vertices; i++)
		dstvert_t md2texcoord;

		md2texcoord.s = (int)(mesh->texcoord2f[i*2+0] * skinwidth);
		md2texcoord.t = (int)(mesh->texcoord2f[i*2+1] * skinheight);

		for (j = 0; j < data->numtexcoords; j++)
			if (md2texcoord.s == data->texcoords[j].s && md2texcoord.t == data->texcoords[j].t)
		if (j == data->numtexcoords)
			data->texcoords[data->numtexcoords++] = md2texcoord;
		data->texcoord_lookup[i] = j;

/* compress vertices */
	data->frames = (daliasframe_t*)qmalloc(sizeof(daliasframe_t) * model->num_frames);
	data->original_vertices = (dtrivertx_t*)qmalloc(sizeof(dtrivertx_t) * mesh->num_vertices * model->num_frames);

	for (i = 0; i < model->num_frames; i++)
		daliasframe_t *md2frame = &data->frames[i];
		const float *v, *n;
		float mins[3], maxs[3], iscale[3];

	/* calculate bounds of frame */
		v = mesh->vertex3f + model->frameinfo[i].frames[0].offset * mesh->num_vertices * 3;
		for (j = 0; j < mesh->num_vertices; j++, v += 3)
			for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
				mins[k] = (j == 0) ? v[k] : min(mins[k], v[k]);
				maxs[k] = (j == 0) ? v[k] : max(maxs[k], v[k]);

		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			md2frame->scale[j] = (maxs[j] - mins[j]) * (1.0f / 255.0f);
			md2frame->translate[j] = mins[j];

			iscale[j] = md2frame->scale[j] ? (1.0f / md2frame->scale[j]) : 0.0f;

	/* compress vertices */
		v = mesh->vertex3f + model->frameinfo[i].frames[0].offset * mesh->num_vertices * 3;
		n = mesh->normal3f + model->frameinfo[i].frames[0].offset * mesh->num_vertices * 3;
		for (j = 0; j < mesh->num_vertices; j++, v += 3, n += 3)
			dtrivertx_t *md2vertex = &data->original_vertices[j * model->num_frames + i];

			for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
				float pos = (v[k] - md2frame->translate[k]) * iscale[k];

				pos = (float)floor(pos + 0.5f);
				pos = bound(0.0f, pos, 255.0f);

				md2vertex->v[k] = (unsigned char)pos;

			md2vertex->lightnormalindex = compress_normal(n);

/* combine duplicate vertices */
	data->vertices = (int*)qmalloc(sizeof(int) * mesh->num_vertices);
	data->numvertices = 0;
	data->vertex_lookup = (int*)qmalloc(sizeof(int) * mesh->num_vertices);

	for (i = 0; i < mesh->num_vertices; i++)
		const dtrivertx_t *v1 = data->original_vertices + i * model->num_frames;

	/* see if a vertex at this position already exists */
		for (j = 0; j < data->numvertices; j++)
			const dtrivertx_t *v2 = data->original_vertices + data->vertices[j] * model->num_frames;

			for (k = 0; k < model->num_frames; k++)
				if (v1[k].v[0] != v2[k].v[0] || v1[k].v[1] != v2[k].v[1] || v1[k].v[2] != v2[k].v[2] || v1[k].lightnormalindex != v2[k].lightnormalindex)
			if (k == model->num_frames)
		if (j == data->numvertices)
		/* no match, add this one */
			data->vertices[data->numvertices++] = i;
		data->vertex_lookup[i] = j;

	return data;
Esempio n. 13
group_t* Group_Alloc(char *name)
  group_t *g = (group_t*)qmalloc(sizeof(group_t));
	SetKeyValue( g->epairs, "group", name );
  return g;
Esempio n. 14
static bool save_var (const char *filename, const char *section, const char *key, const char *value)
  char line[1024], *ptr;
  MemStream old_rc;
  bool found;
  FILE *rc;

  rc = fopen (filename, "rb");

  if (rc != NULL)
    guint32 len;
    void *buf;

    fseek (rc, 0, SEEK_END);
    len = ftell (rc);
    rewind (rc);
    buf = qmalloc (len);
    fread (buf, len, 1, rc);
    old_rc.Write (buf, len);
    free (buf);
    fclose (rc);
    old_rc.Seek (0, SEEK_SET);

  // TTimo: changed to binary writing. It doesn't seem to affect linux version, and win32 version was happending a lot of '\n'
  rc = fopen (filename, "wb");

  if (rc == NULL)
    return false;

  // First we need to find the section
  found = false;
  while (old_rc.ReadString (line, 1024) != NULL)
    fputs (line, rc);

    if (line[0] == '[')
      ptr = strchr (line, ']');
      *ptr = '\0';

      if (strcmp (&line[1], section) == 0)
	found = true;

  if (!found)
    fputs ("\n", rc);
    fprintf (rc, "[%s]\n", section);

  fprintf (rc, "%s=%s\n", key, value);

  while (old_rc.ReadString (line, 1024) != NULL)
    ptr = strchr (line, '=');

    if (ptr != NULL)
      *ptr = '\0';

      if (strcmp (line, key) == 0)
      *ptr = '=';
      fputs (line, rc);
      fputs (line, rc);

  while (old_rc.ReadString (line, 1024) != NULL)
    fputs (line, rc);

  fclose (rc);
  return true;
Esempio n. 15
eclass_t *Eclass_InitFromText (char *text)
	char	*t;
	int		len;
	int		r, i;
	char	parms[256], *p;
	eclass_t	*e;
	char	color[128];

	e = (eclass_t*)qmalloc(sizeof(*e));
	memset (e, 0, sizeof(*e));

	text += strlen("/*QUAKED ");

	// grab the name
	text = COM_Parse (text);
	e->name = (char*)qmalloc (strlen(com_token)+1);
	strcpy (e->name, com_token);
	debugname = e->name;

	// grab the color, reformat as texture name
	r = sscanf (text," (%f %f %f)", &e->color[0], &e->color[1], &e->color[2]);
	if (r != 3)
		return e;
	sprintf (color, "(%f %f %f)", e->color[0], e->color[1], e->color[2]);
	//strcpy (e->, color);

	while (*text != ')')
		if (!*text)
			return e;

	// get the size	
	text = COM_Parse (text);
	if (com_token[0] == '(')
	{	// parse the size as two vectors
		e->fixedsize = true;
		r = sscanf (text,"%f %f %f) (%f %f %f)", &e->mins[0], &e->mins[1], &e->mins[2],
			&e->maxs[0], &e->maxs[1], &e->maxs[2]);
		if (r != 6)
			return e;

		for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)
			while (*text != ')')
				if (!*text)
					return e;
	{	// use the brushes

	// get the flags

	// copy to the first /n
	p = parms;
	while (*text && *text != '\n')
		*p++ = *text++;
	*p = 0;

	// any remaining words are parm flags
	p = parms;
	for (i=0 ; i<8 ; i++)
		p = COM_Parse (p);
		if (!p)
		strcpy (e->flagnames[i], com_token);

	// find the length until close comment
	for (t=text ; t[0] && !(t[0]=='*' && t[1]=='/') ; t++)

	// copy the comment block out
	len = t-text;
	e->comments = (char*)qmalloc (len+1);
	memcpy (e->comments, text, len);
#if 0
	for (i=0 ; i<len ; i++)
		if (text[i] == '\n')
			e->comments[i] = '\r';
			e->comments[i] = text[i];
	e->comments[len] = 0;

	setSpecialLoad(e, "model=", e->modelpath);
	setSpecialLoad(e, "skin=", e->skinpath);
	char *pFrame = NULL;
	setSpecialLoad(e, "frame=", pFrame);
	if (pFrame != NULL)
		e->nFrame = atoi(pFrame);

		setSpecialLoad(e, "texture=", e->skinpath);

	// setup show flags
	e->nShowFlags = 0;
	if (strcmpi(e->name, "light") == 0)
		e->nShowFlags |= ECLASS_LIGHT;

	if (  (strnicmp(e->name, "info_player", strlen("info_player")) == 0)
		||(strnicmp(e->name, "path_corner", strlen("path_corner")) == 0) 
		||(strnicmp(e->name, "team_ctf", strlen("team_ctf")) == 0) )
		e->nShowFlags |= ECLASS_ANGLE;
	if (strcmpi(e->name, "path") == 0)
		e->nShowFlags |= ECLASS_PATH;
	if (strcmpi(e->name, "misc_model") == 0)
		e->nShowFlags |= ECLASS_MISCMODEL;

	return e;
Esempio n. 16
void ParseBrushFace (entity_t *ent, mbrush_t **brushpointer, brushtype_t brushtype)
	int			i, j, sv, tv, hltexdef, facecontents, faceflags, facevalue, q2brushface, q3brushface, bpface;
	vec_t		planepts[3][3], t1[3], t2[3], d, rotate, scale[2], vecs[2][4], ang, sinv, cosv, ns, nt, bp[2][3];
	mface_t		*f, *f2;
	plane_t	plane;
	texinfo_t	tx;
	mbrush_t	*b;

	if (brushtype == BRUSHTYPE_PATCHDEF2 || brushtype == BRUSHTYPE_PATCHDEF3)
	// read the three point plane definition
	if (strcmp (token, "(") )
		Error ("parsing brush on line %d\n", scriptline);
	GetToken (false);
	planepts[0][0] = atof(token);
	GetToken (false);
	planepts[0][1] = atof(token);
	GetToken (false);
	planepts[0][2] = atof(token);
	GetToken (false);
	if (!strcmp(token, ")"))
		GetToken (false);
		if (strcmp(token, "("))
			Error("parsing brush on line %d\n", scriptline);
		GetToken (false);
		planepts[1][0] = atof(token);
		GetToken (false);
		planepts[1][1] = atof(token);
		GetToken (false);
		planepts[1][2] = atof(token);
		GetToken (false);
		if (strcmp(token, ")"))
			Error("parsing brush on line %d\n", scriptline);

		GetToken (false);
		if (strcmp(token, "("))
			Error("parsing brush on line %d\n", scriptline);
		GetToken (false);
		planepts[2][0] = atof(token);
		GetToken (false);
		planepts[2][1] = atof(token);
		GetToken (false);
		planepts[2][2] = atof(token);
		GetToken (false);
		if (strcmp(token, ")"))
			Error("parsing brush on line %d\n", scriptline);

		// convert points to a plane
		VectorSubtract(planepts[0], planepts[1], t1);
		VectorSubtract(planepts[2], planepts[1], t2);
		CrossProduct(t1, t2, plane.normal);
		plane.dist = DotProduct(planepts[1], plane.normal);
		// oh, it's actually a 4 value plane
		plane.normal[0] = planepts[0][0];
		plane.normal[1] = planepts[0][1];
		plane.normal[2] = planepts[0][2];
		plane.dist = -atof(token);
		GetToken (false);
		if (strcmp(token, ")"))
			Error("parsing brush on line %d\n", scriptline);

	// read the texturedef
	memset (&tx, 0, sizeof(tx));
	GetToken (false);
	bpface = false;
	hltexdef = false;
	if (!strcmp(token, "("))
		// brush primitives, utterly insane
		bpface = true;
		// (
		// (
		bp[0][0] = atof(token);
		bp[0][1] = atof(token);
		bp[0][2] = atof(token);
		// )
		// (
		bp[1][0] = atof(token);
		bp[1][1] = atof(token);
		bp[1][2] = atof(token);
		// )
		GetToken (false);
		GetToken (false);
		tx.miptex = FindMiptex (token);
		rotate = 0;
		scale[0] = 1;
		scale[1] = 1;
		// if the texture name contains a / then this is a q2/q3 brushface
		// strip off the path, wads don't use a path on texture names
		tx.miptex = FindMiptex (token);
		GetToken (false);
		if (!strcmp(token, "["))
			hltexdef = true;
			// S vector
			vecs[0][0] = (vec_t)atof(token);
			vecs[0][1] = (vec_t)atof(token);
			vecs[0][2] = (vec_t)atof(token);
			vecs[0][3] = (vec_t)atof(token);
			// ]
			// [
			// T vector
			vecs[1][0] = (vec_t)atof(token);
			vecs[1][1] = (vec_t)atof(token);
			vecs[1][2] = (vec_t)atof(token);
			vecs[1][3] = (vec_t)atof(token);
			// ]

			// rotation (unused - implicit in tex coords)
			rotate = 0;
			vecs[0][3] = (vec_t)atof(token); // LordHavoc: float coords
			GetToken (false);
			vecs[1][3] = (vec_t)atof(token); // LordHavoc: float coords
			GetToken (false);
			rotate = atof(token); // LordHavoc: float coords

		GetToken (false);
		scale[0] = (vec_t)atof(token); // LordHavoc: was already float coords
		GetToken (false);
		scale[1] = (vec_t)atof(token); // LordHavoc: was already float coords
	// q3 .map properties, currently unused but parsed
	facecontents = 0;
	faceflags = 0;
	facevalue = 0;
	q2brushface = false;
	q3brushface = false;
	if (GetToken (false))
		q2brushface = true;
		facecontents = atoi(token);
		if (GetToken (false))
			faceflags = atoi(token);
			if (GetToken (false))
				q2brushface = false;
				q3brushface = true;
				facevalue = atoi(token);
	// skip trailing info (the 3 q3 .map parameters for example)
	while (GetToken (false));

	if (DotProduct(plane.normal, plane.normal) < 0.1)
		printf ("WARNING: brush plane with no normal on line %d\n", scriptline);

	if (bpface)
		// fake proper texture vectors from QuakeEd style
		TextureAxisFromPlane(&plane, vecs[0], vecs[1], true);
		// FIXME: deal with the bp stuff here
		printf("warning: brush primitive texturing not yet supported (line %d)\n", scriptline);
		// generic texturing
		tx.vecs[0][0] = vecs[0][0];
		tx.vecs[0][1] = vecs[0][1];
		tx.vecs[0][2] = vecs[0][2];
		tx.vecs[0][3] = vecs[0][3];
		tx.vecs[1][0] = vecs[1][0];
		tx.vecs[1][1] = vecs[1][1];
		tx.vecs[1][2] = vecs[1][2];
		tx.vecs[1][3] = vecs[1][3];
		if (hltexdef)
			for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
				d = 1.0 / (scale[i] ? scale[i] : 1.0);
				for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
					tx.vecs[i][j] = vecs[i][j] * d;
				tx.vecs[i][3] = vecs[i][3] /*+ DotProduct(origin, tx.vecs[i])*/;
// Sajt: ripped the commented out bit from the HL compiler code, not really sure what it is exactly doing
// 'origin': origin set on bmodel by origin brush or origin key
			// fake proper texture vectors from QuakeEd style
			TextureAxisFromPlane(&plane, vecs[0], vecs[1], q3brushface);

			// rotate axis
				 if (rotate ==  0) {sinv = 0;cosv = 1;}
			else if (rotate == 90) {sinv = 1;cosv = 0;}
			else if (rotate == 180) {sinv = 0;cosv = -1;}
			else if (rotate == 270) {sinv = -1;cosv = 0;}
			else {ang = rotate * (Q_PI / 180);sinv = sin(ang);cosv = cos(ang);}

			// LordHavoc: I don't quite understand this
			for (sv = 0;sv < 2 && !vecs[0][sv];sv++);
			for (tv = 0;tv < 2 && !vecs[1][tv];tv++);

			for (i = 0;i < 2;i++)
				// rotate
				ns = cosv * vecs[i][sv] - sinv * vecs[i][tv];
				nt = sinv * vecs[i][sv] + cosv * vecs[i][tv];
				vecs[i][sv] = ns;
				vecs[i][tv] = nt;
				// scale and store into texinfo
				d = 1.0 / (scale[i] ? scale[i] : 1.0);
				for (j = 0;j < 3;j++)
					tx.vecs[i][j] = vecs[i][j] * d;
				tx.vecs[i][3] = vecs[i][3];

	// LordHavoc: fix for CheckFace: point off plane errors in some maps (most notably QOOLE ones),
	// and hopefully preventing most 'portal clipped away' warnings
	VectorNormalize (plane.normal);
	for (j = 0;j < 3;j++)
		plane.normal[j] = (Q_rint((vec_t) plane.normal[j] * (vec_t) 8.0)) * (vec_t) (1.0 / 8.0);
	VectorNormalize (plane.normal);
	plane.dist = DotProduct (t3, plane.normal);
	d = (Q_rint(plane.dist * 8.0)) * (1.0 / 8.0);
	//if (fabs(d - plane.dist) >= (0.4 / 8.0))
	//	printf("WARNING: correcting minor math errors in brushface on line %d\n", scriptline);
	plane.dist = d;

	VectorNormalize (plane.normal);
	plane.dist = DotProduct (t3, plane.normal);

	VectorCopy(plane.normal, v);
	//for (j = 0;j < 3;j++)
	//	v[j] = (Q_rint((vec_t) v[j] * (vec_t) 32.0)) * (vec_t) (1.0 / 32.0);
	VectorNormalize (v);
	d = (Q_rint(DotProduct (t3, v) * 8.0)) * (1.0 / 8.0);

	// if deviation is too high, warn  (frequently happens on QOOLE maps)
	if (fabs(DotProduct(v, plane.normal) - 1.0) > (0.5 / 32.0)
	 || fabs(d - plane.dist) >= (0.25 / 8.0))
		printf("WARNING: minor misalignment of brushface on line %d\n"
			   "normal     %f %f %f (l: %f d: %f)\n"
			   "rounded to %f %f %f (l: %f d: %f r: %f)\n",
			   (vec_t) plane.normal[0], (vec_t) plane.normal[1], (vec_t) plane.normal[2], (vec_t) sqrt(DotProduct(plane.normal, plane.normal)), (vec_t) DotProduct (t3, plane.normal),
			   (vec_t) v[0], (vec_t) v[1], (vec_t) v[2], (vec_t) sqrt(DotProduct(v, v)), (vec_t) DotProduct(t3, v), (vec_t) d);
	//VectorCopy(v, plane.normal);
	//plane.dist = d;

	b = *brushpointer;
	if (b)
		// if the three points are all on a previous plane, it is a
		// duplicate plane
		for (f2 = b->faces ; f2 ; f2=f2->next)
			for (i = 0;i < 3;i++)
				d = DotProduct(planepts[i],f2->plane.normal) - f2->plane.dist;
				if (d < -ON_EPSILON || d > ON_EPSILON)
			if (i==3)
		if (f2)
			printf ("WARNING: brush with duplicate plane (first point is at %g %g %g, .map file line number %d)\n", planepts[0][0], planepts[0][1], planepts[0][2], scriptline);
		b = &mapbrushes[nummapbrushes];
		b->next = ent->brushes;
		ent->brushes = b;
		*brushpointer = b;

	f = qmalloc(sizeof(mface_t));
	f->next = b->faces;
	b->faces = f;
	f->plane = plane;
	f->texinfo = FindTexinfo (&tx);
Esempio n. 17

If onlypairs is set, the classname info will not
be looked up, and the entity will not be added
to the global list.  Used for parsing the project.
entity_t	*Entity_Parse (qboolean onlypairs, brush_t* pList)
	entity_t	*ent;
	eclass_t	*e;
	brush_t		*b;
	vec3_t		mins, maxs;
	epair_t		*ep;
	qboolean	has_brushes;
#ifdef SOF
	float		scale;

	if (!GetToken (true))
		return NULL;

	if (strcmp (token, "{") )
		Error ("ParseEntity: { not found");
	ent = (entity_t*)qmalloc (sizeof(*ent));
	ent->brushes.onext = ent->brushes.oprev = &ent->brushes;

		if (!GetToken (true))
			Warning ("ParseEntity: EOF without closing brace");
      return NULL;
		if (!strcmp (token, "}") )
		if (!strcmp (token, "{") )
			b = Brush_Parse ();
      if (b != NULL)
			  b->owner = ent;

			  // add to the end of the entity chain
			  b->onext = &ent->brushes;
			  b->oprev = ent->brushes.oprev;
			  ent->brushes.oprev->onext = b;
			  ent->brushes.oprev = b;
			ep = ParseEpair ();
				// update: the original code here may have been simple, but it meant that every map load/save
				//	the key/value pair fields were reversed in the save file, which messes up SourceSafe when it
				//	tries to delta the two versions during check-in... -slc
#if 0
				ep->next = ent->epairs;
				ent->epairs = ep;
				// join this onto the END of the chain instead...
				if (ent->epairs == NULL)	// special case for if there isn't a chain yet... :-)
					ep->next = ent->epairs;
					ent->epairs = ep;
					for (epair_t* ep2 = ent->epairs ; ep2 ; ep2=ep2->next)
						if (ep2->next == NULL)
							// found the end, so...
							ep2->next = ep;							
							ep->next = NULL;
	} while (1);

	if (onlypairs)
		return ent;

	if (ent->brushes.onext == &ent->brushes)
		has_brushes = false;
		has_brushes = true;

	GetVectorForKey (ent, "origin", ent->origin);

	e = Eclass_ForName (ValueForKey (ent, "classname"), has_brushes);
	ent->eclass = e;
	if (e->fixedsize)
	{	// fixed size entity
		if (ent->brushes.onext != &ent->brushes)
			printf ("Warning: Fixed size entity with brushes\n");
#if 0
			while (ent->brushes.onext != &ent->brushes)
			{	// FIXME: this will free the entity and crash!
				Brush_Free (b);
      ent-> = ent->brushes.prev = &ent->brushes;

    // create a custom brush
		VectorAdd (e->mins, ent->origin, mins);
		VectorAdd (e->maxs, ent->origin, maxs);

    float a = 0;
    if (strnicmp(e->name, "misc_model",10) == 0)
      char* p = ValueForKey(ent, "model");
      if (p != NULL && strlen(p) > 0)
        vec3_t vMin, vMax;
        a = FloatForKey (ent, "angle");
		gEntityToSetBoundsOf = ent;
        if (GetCachedModel(ent, p, vMin, vMax))
	      // create a custom brush
	      VectorAdd (ent->md3Class->mins, ent->origin, mins);
	      VectorAdd (ent->md3Class->maxs, ent->origin, maxs);
#ifdef SOF
	if (strnicmp(e->name, "misc_",			5) == 0 ||
		strnicmp(e->name, "light_",			6) == 0 ||
		strnicmp(e->name, "m_",				2) == 0 ||
		strnicmp(e->name, "item_weapon_",	12)== 0 ||
		strnicmp(e->name, "item_ammo_",		10)== 0
		a = FloatForKey (ent, "angle");
		b = Brush_Create (mins, maxs, &e->texdef);
		b->owner = ent;

		b->onext = ent->brushes.onext;
		b->oprev = &ent->brushes;
		ent->brushes.onext->oprev = b;
		ent->brushes.onext = b;

#ifdef SOF
		scale = FloatForKey (ent, "scale");
		if (scale)
		  Brush_Scale2(e, b, scale, ent->origin,false);

//		if (a)
//		{
//			vec3_t vAngle;
//			vAngle[0] = vAngle[1] = 0;
//			vAngle[2] = a;
//			Brush_Rotate(b, vAngle, ent->origin, false);
//		}

		b->owner = ent;

		b->onext = ent->brushes.onext;
		b->oprev = &ent->brushes;
		ent->brushes.onext->oprev = b;
		ent->brushes.onext = b;
		// do this AFTER doing the brush stuff just above, so don't join to the other "if (a)"...
		if (a)
			// pick any old value to rotate away to, then back from, to avoid 0/360 weirdness on key-compares
			SetKeyValue(ent, "angle", "0",			false);	// false = no tracking, ie just set the angle and nothing else			
			SetKeyValue(ent, "angle", va("%g",a),	true);	// true = do tracking, ie actually do the brush rotate
	{	// brush entity
		if (ent-> == &ent->brushes)
			printf ("Warning: Brush entity with no brushes\n");

	// add all the brushes to the main list
  if (pList)
	  for (b=ent->brushes.onext ; b != &ent->brushes ; b=b->onext)
		  b->next = pList->next;
		  pList->next->prev = b;
		  b->prev = pList;
		  pList->next = b;

	return ent;