Esempio n. 1
void prot_user_get_level_reply( struct qqclient* qq, qqpacket* p )
	bytebuffer *buf = p->buf;
	uchar cmd;
	cmd = get_byte( buf );
	get_int( buf );	//self number
//	DBG("cmd=%d", cmd );
	switch( cmd ){
	case 0x88:
		get_int( buf );	//00000003 unknown
		qq->level = get_word( buf ); //level
		qq->active_days = get_word( buf ); //active days
		get_word( buf ); //unknown
		qq->upgrade_days = get_word( buf ); //upgrade days
		DBG("level: %d  active_days: %d  upgrade_days: %d", qq->level, 
			qq->active_days, qq->upgrade_days );
		char event[32];
		sprintf( event, "level^$%d^$%d^$%d", qq->level, 
			qq->active_days, qq->upgrade_days );
		qqclient_put_event( qq, event );
		DBG("unknown cmd: 0x%x", cmd );
Esempio n. 2
EXPORT uint libqq_refresh( qqclient* qq )
	char event[16];
	qqclient_set_process( qq, qq->process );
	sprintf( event, "status^$%d", qq->mode );
	qqclient_put_event( qq, event );
	buddy_put_event( qq );
	group_put_event( qq );
	qun_put_event( qq );
	qqclient_set_process( qq, qq->process );
	return qq->number;
Esempio n. 3
EXPORT uint webqq_get_number( user* u )
	qqclient* qq = (qqclient*)u->qq;
	char event[16];
	qqclient_set_process( qq, qq->process );
	sprintf( event, "status^$%d", qq->mode );
	qqclient_put_event( qq, event );
	buddy_put_event( qq );
	group_put_event( qq );
	qun_put_event( qq );
	qqclient_set_process( qq, qq->process );
	return qq->number;
Esempio n. 4
void prot_user_change_status_reply( struct qqclient* qq, qqpacket* p )
	bytebuffer *buf = p->buf;
	if( get_byte( buf ) == '0' ){
		qq->self->status = qq->mode;
		DBG("change status to %d", qq->mode );
		char event[16];
		sprintf( event, "status^$%d", qq->mode );
		qqclient_put_event( qq, event );
		DBG("change status failed.");
Esempio n. 5
void prot_user_keep_alive_reply( struct qqclient* qq, qqpacket* p )
	bytebuffer *buf = p->buf;
	get_byte( buf );	//00
	int onlines;
	onlines = get_int( buf );
	int ip;
	ip = get_int( buf ); //client ip
	ushort port = get_word( buf ); //client port
	get_word( buf );	//unknown 00 3c
	uint server_time;
	server_time = get_int( buf );
	//...5 zeros 
	time_t t;
	t = CN_TIME( server_time );
	char event[64];
	sprintf( event, "keepalive^$%u", qq->number );
	qqclient_put_event( qq, event );
//	DBG("keepalive: %u ", qq->number );
	port = ip= 0;
Esempio n. 6
int packetmgr_check_packet( struct qqclient* qq, int timeout )
	qqpacketmgr *mgr = &qq->packetmgr;
	qqpacket* p;
	time_t timeout_time = time(NULL) - timeout;
	//when locked, cannot recv packet till unlock.
		p = loop_search( &mgr->sent_loop, (void*)timeout_time, timeout_searcher );
		if( p ){
			loop_remove( &mgr->sent_loop, p );
		if( p ){
			if( p->send_times >= 10 ){
				MSG("[%u] Failed to send the packet. command: %x\n", qq->number, p->command );
				if( p->command == QQ_CMD_SEND_IM ){
					buddy_msg_callback( qq, 10000, time(NULL), "刚才某条消息发送失败。" );
				//make an event to tell the program that we have a
				char event[64];
				sprintf( event, "sendfailed^$%d^$%d", p->command, p->seqno );
				qqclient_put_event( qq, event );
				delete_func( p );
				mgr->failed_packets ++;
				//To avoid too many failed packets, just shut it down.
				if( mgr->failed_packets > 5 || qq->process != P_LOGIN ){
					qqclient_set_process( qq, P_ERROR );
				DBG("[%u] resend packet cmd: %x", qq->number, p->command );
				packetmgr_put_urge( qq, p, 1 );
	}while( 0 && p );
	return 0;