Esempio n. 1
void qsortdsi ( int first , int last , double *data , int *slave )
   int lower, upper, itemp ;
   double ftemp, split ;

   split = data[(first+last)/2] ;
   lower = first ;
   upper = last ;

   do {
      while ( split > data[lower] )
         ++lower ;
      while ( split < data[upper] )
         --upper ;
      if (lower == upper) {
         ++lower ;
         --upper ;
      else if (lower < upper) {
         itemp = slave[lower] ;
         slave[lower] = slave[upper] ;
         slave[upper] = itemp ;
         ftemp = data[lower] ;
         data[lower++] = data[upper] ;
         data[upper--] = ftemp ;
      } while ( lower <= upper ) ;

   if (first < upper)
      qsortdsi ( first , upper , data , slave ) ;
   if (lower < last)
      qsortdsi ( lower , last , data , slave ) ;
ParzDens_3::ParzDens_3 ( int n_tset , double *tset0 , double *tset1 , double *tset2 , int n_div )
   int i, *indices ;
   double std ;

   nd = n_tset ;

   d0 = (double *) malloc ( 3 * nd * sizeof(double) ) ;
   indices = (int *) malloc ( nd * sizeof(int) ) ;
   d1 = d0 + nd ;
   d2 = d1 + nd ;

   Convert the data to a normal distribution

   for (i=0 ; i<nd ; i++) {
      indices[i] = i ;
      d0[i] = tset0[i] ;
   qsortdsi ( 0 , nd-1 , d0 , indices ) ;
   for (i=0 ; i<nd ; i++)
      d0[indices[i]] = inverse_normal_cdf ( (i + 1.0) / (nd + 1) ) ;

   for (i=0 ; i<nd ; i++) {
      indices[i] = i ;
      d1[i] = tset1[i] ;
   qsortdsi ( 0 , nd-1 , d1 , indices ) ;
   for (i=0 ; i<nd ; i++)
      d1[indices[i]] = inverse_normal_cdf ( (i + 1.0) / (nd + 1) ) ;

   for (i=0 ; i<nd ; i++) {
      indices[i] = i ;
      d2[i] = tset2[i] ;
   qsortdsi ( 0 , nd-1 , d2 , indices ) ;
   for (i=0 ; i<nd ; i++)
      d2[indices[i]] = inverse_normal_cdf ( (i + 1.0) / (nd + 1) ) ;

   free ( indices ) ;

   std = 2.0 / n_div ;
   var0 = var1 = var2 = std * std ;

   factor = 1.0 / (nd * 2.0 * PI * sqrt(2.0 * PI) * sqrt(var0 * var1 * var2) ) ;
int rr (
   int type ,         // Type of study (SCREEN_RR_? in CONST.H): continuous, tails, discrete)
   int npred ,        // Number of predictors
   int *preds ,       // Their indices are here
   int targetvar ,    // Index of target variable
   int nbins_pred ,   // Number of predictor bins
   int nbins_target , // Number of target bins, 0 for 2 sign-based bins
   double tail_frac , // Tail fraction
   int mcpt_type ,    // 1=complete, 2=cyclic
   int mcpt_reps ,    // Number of MCPT replications, <=1 for no MCPT
   int max_pred       // Max number of predictors in optimal subset
   int i, j, k, n, ret_val, ivar, irep, varnum, max_threads, bins_dim ;
   int *index, *stepwise_mcpt_count, *solo_mcpt_count, *stepwise_ivar, *original_stepwise_ivar ;
   int *pred_bin, *redun_pred_bin, *target_bin, *bin_counts ;
   int *work_bin, nkept, best_ivar, *which_preds, *tail_n, *target_bin_ptr ;
   double *casework, *sorted, *mutual, *pred_thresholds, *target_thresholds, *target, *work_target ;
   double *crit, *relevance, *original_relevance, *current_crits, *sorted_crits, best_crit, dtemp ;
   double *pred_bounds, *target_bounds, *pred_marginal, *redun_pred_marginal, *target_marginal ;
   double *stepwise_crit, *original_stepwise_crit ;
   double sum_relevance, *original_sum_relevance, *sum_redundancy ;
   char msg[4096], msg2[4096] ;

   casework = NULL ;
   mutual = NULL ;
   index = NULL ;
   pred_thresholds = NULL ;
   target_thresholds = NULL ;
   pred_bin = NULL ;
   redun_pred_bin = NULL ;
   redun_pred_marginal = NULL ;
   work_bin = NULL ;
   target_bin = NULL ;
   bin_counts = NULL ;
   target = NULL ;
   tail_n = NULL ;

   if (max_pred > npred)   // Watch out for careless user
      max_pred = npred ;

   ret_val = 0 ;

   max_threads = MAX_THREADS ;

   Print header

   audit ( "" ) ;
   audit ( "" ) ;
   audit ( "******************************************************************************" ) ;
   audit ( "*                                                                            *" ) ;
   audit ( "* Computing relevance minus redundancy for optimal predictor subset          *" ) ;
   if (type == SCREEN_RR_CONTINUOUS)
      audit ( "*      Predictors and target are continuous                                  *" ) ;
   else if (type == SCREEN_RR_TAILS) {
      sprintf_s ( msg, "*   %5.3lf predictor tails used                                             *", tail_frac ) ;
      audit ( msg ) ;
      sprintf_s ( msg, "*      %2d target bins                                                        *", nbins_target ) ;
      audit ( msg ) ;
   else if (type == SCREEN_RR_DISCRETE) {
      sprintf_s ( msg, "*      %2d predictor bins                                                     *", nbins_pred ) ;
      audit ( msg ) ;
      sprintf_s ( msg, "*      %2d target bins                                                        *", nbins_target ) ;
      audit ( msg ) ;
   sprintf_s ( msg, "*   %5d predictor candidates                                               *", npred ) ;
   audit ( msg ) ;
   sprintf_s ( msg, "* %7d best predictors will be printed                                    *", max_pred ) ;
   audit ( msg ) ;
   if (mcpt_reps > 1) {
      if (mcpt_type == 1)
         sprintf_s ( msg, "*   %5d replications of complete Monte-Carlo Permutation Test              *", mcpt_reps ) ;
      else if (mcpt_type == 2)
         sprintf_s ( msg, "*   %5d replications of cyclic Monte-Carlo Permutation Test                *", mcpt_reps ) ;
      audit ( msg ) ;
   else {
      sprintf_s ( msg, "*         No Monte-Carlo Permutation Test                                    *" ) ;
      audit ( msg ) ;
   audit ( "*                                                                            *" ) ;
   audit ( "******************************************************************************" ) ;

   Allocate memory needed for all types (CONTINUOUS, TAILS, DISCRETE)

   casework = (double *) malloc ( 2 * n_cases * sizeof(double) ) ;  // Pred, sorted
   sorted = casework + n_cases ;

   mutual = (double *) malloc ( 10 * npred * sizeof(double) ) ;
   crit = mutual + npred ;
   current_crits = crit + npred ;
   sorted_crits = current_crits + npred ;
   stepwise_crit = sorted_crits + npred ;
   original_stepwise_crit = stepwise_crit + npred ;
   relevance = original_stepwise_crit + npred ;
   original_relevance = relevance + npred ;
   sum_redundancy = original_relevance + npred ;
   original_sum_relevance = sum_redundancy + npred ;

   index = (int *) malloc ( 6 * npred * sizeof(int) ) ;
   stepwise_mcpt_count = index + npred ;
   solo_mcpt_count = stepwise_mcpt_count + npred ;
   which_preds = solo_mcpt_count + npred ;
   stepwise_ivar = which_preds + npred ;
   original_stepwise_ivar = stepwise_ivar + npred ;

   if (casework == NULL  ||  mutual == NULL  ||  index == NULL) {
      audit ( "ERROR: Insufficient memory for Relevance minus Redundancy" ) ;
      goto FINISH ;

   For CONTINUOUS, allocate and save target

   if (type == SCREEN_RR_CONTINUOUS) {
      target = (double *) malloc ( 2 * n_cases * sizeof(double) ) ;
      work_target = target + n_cases ;
      if (target == NULL) {
         audit ( "ERROR: Insufficient memory for Relevance minus Redundancy" ) ;
         ret_val = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY ;
         goto FINISH ;
      for (i=0 ; i<n_cases ; i++)             // Extract target from database
         target[i] = database[i*n_vars+targetvar] ;

   For binning types (TAILS, DISCRETE), allocate that memory and compute all bin information

   else if (type == SCREEN_RR_TAILS  ||  type == SCREEN_RR_DISCRETE) {
      pred_thresholds = (double *) malloc ( 2 * nbins_pred * npred * sizeof(double) ) ; // pred_thresholds, pred_marginal
      pred_marginal = pred_thresholds + npred * nbins_pred ; // Not needed for computation but nice to print for user
      pred_bin = (int *) malloc ( npred * n_cases * sizeof(int) ) ;
      work_bin = (int *) malloc ( n_cases * sizeof(int) ) ;

      if (type == SCREEN_RR_TAILS) {
         assert ( nbins_pred == 2 ) ;
         k = 3 ;  // We go trinary for redundancy
         k = nbins_pred ;

      if (k >= nbins_target)
         bins_dim = k * k ;
         bins_dim = k * nbins_target ;
      bin_counts = (int *) malloc ( max_threads * bins_dim * sizeof(int) ) ;

      tail_n = (int *) malloc ( npred * sizeof(int) ) ;  // We use tail_n[0] if DISCRETE, so we need it for eitherz

      if (type == SCREEN_RR_TAILS) {
         target_thresholds = (double *) malloc ( 2 * nbins_target * npred * sizeof(double) ) ; // target_thresholds, target_marginal
         target_marginal = target_thresholds + nbins_target * npred ;
         target_bin = (int *) malloc ( npred * n_cases * sizeof(int) ) ; // Target bin separate for each predictor
         redun_pred_bin = (int *) malloc ( npred * n_cases * sizeof(int) ) ; // Trinary for redundancy calculation
         redun_pred_marginal = (double *) malloc ( 3 * npred * sizeof(double) ) ; // Trinary
      else if (type == SCREEN_RR_DISCRETE) {
         target_thresholds = (double *) malloc ( 2 * nbins_target * sizeof(double) ) ; // target_thresholds, target_marginal
         target_marginal = target_thresholds + nbins_target ;
         target_bin = (int *) malloc ( n_cases * sizeof(int) ) ; // Target bin the same for all predictors

      if (pred_thresholds == NULL  ||  target_thresholds == NULL  ||
          pred_bin == NULL  ||  work_bin == NULL  ||  target_bin == NULL  ||  bin_counts == NULL) {
         audit ( "ERROR: Insufficient memory for Relevance minus Redundancy" ) ;
         ret_val = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY ;
         goto FINISH ;

   Make an initial pass through the data to find predictor thresholds and
   permanently save bin indices for predictors and target.
   If tails-only, we must save the associated target subset indices, separately for each predictor.
   If not tails only, do target when ivar=-1.

      for (ivar=-1 ; ivar<npred ; ivar++) {
         if (ivar == -1) {                   // If this is target pass
            if (type == SCREEN_RR_TAILS) // But user specified tails only
               continue ;                    // then we process the targets separately for each predictor's subset
            varnum = preds[ivar] ;

         if (user_pressed_escape()) {
            audit ( "ERROR: User pressed ESCape during RELEVANCE MINUS REDUNDANCY" ) ;
            ret_val = ERROR_ESCAPE ;
            goto FINISH ;

         // At this point, one of three things holds:
         //   Case 1: ivar=-1 (which implies not TAILS): This is the target
         //   Case 2: ivar>=0, not TAILS: This is a predictor
         //   Case 3: ivar>=0, TAILS: This is a predictor AND we must save the corresponding target

         // ------> Case 1: ivar=-1 (which implies not TAILS): This is the target

         if (ivar == -1) {
            for (i=0 ; i<n_cases ; i++)               // Extract target from database
               casework[i] = database[i*n_vars+targetvar] ;
            target_bounds = target_thresholds ;
            k = nbins_target ;
            partition ( n_cases , casework , &k , target_bounds , target_bin ) ;
            if (k <nbins_target) {
               sprintf_s ( msg, "ERROR: Numerous ties reduced target bins to %d", k ) ;
               audit ( msg ) ;
               ret_val = ERROR_SYNTAX ;
               goto FINISH ;
            assert ( k == nbins_target ) ;
            tail_n[0] = n_cases ;       // Later code is simplified if we save this as if TAILS

         // ------> Case 2: ivar>=0, not TAILS: This is a predictor

         else if (ivar >= 0  &&  type != SCREEN_RR_TAILS) {
            for (i=0 ; i<n_cases ; i++)               // Extract predictor from database
               casework[i] = database[i*n_vars+varnum] ;
            pred_bounds = pred_thresholds + ivar * nbins_pred ;
            k = nbins_pred ;
            partition ( n_cases , casework , &k , pred_bounds , pred_bin+ivar*n_cases ) ;
            if (k <nbins_pred) {
               sprintf_s ( msg, "ERROR: Numerous ties reduced predictor %s bins to %d", var_names[preds[ivar]], k ) ;
               audit ( msg ) ;
               ret_val = ERROR_SYNTAX ;
               goto FINISH ;
            assert ( k == nbins_pred ) ;

         // ------> Case 3: ivar>=0, TAILS: This is a predictor AND we must save the corresponding target

         else if (ivar >= 0  &&  type == SCREEN_RR_TAILS) {
            // Compute predictor bounds per tail fraction
            for (i=0 ; i<n_cases ; i++)               // Extract predictor from database
               casework[i] = database[i*n_vars+varnum] ;
            qsortd ( 0 , n_cases-1 , casework ) ;
            pred_bounds = pred_thresholds + ivar * nbins_pred ;
            k = (int) (tail_frac * (n_cases+1)) - 1 ;
            if (k < 0)
               k = 0 ;
            pred_bounds[0] = casework[k] ;
            pred_bounds[1] = casework[n_cases-1-k] ;
            // Compute and save predictor bin indices; Also save target for soon computing its bounds and indices
            n = 0 ;
            for (i=0 ; i<n_cases ; i++) {
               if (database[i*n_vars+varnum] <= pred_bounds[0]) {
                  pred_bin[ivar*n_cases+n] = 0 ;
                  redun_pred_bin[ivar*n_cases+i] = 0 ;  // Need this for intra-predictor redundancy
               else if (database[i*n_vars+varnum] >= pred_bounds[1]) {
                  pred_bin[ivar*n_cases+n] = 1 ;
                  redun_pred_bin[ivar*n_cases+i] = 1 ;
               else {
                  redun_pred_bin[ivar*n_cases+i] = 2 ;
                  continue ;
               casework[n] = database[i*n_vars+targetvar] ;
               ++n ;
            tail_n[ivar] = n ;

            // Compute the target bounds based on this 'predictor tail' subset of the entire dataset
            target_bounds = target_thresholds + ivar * nbins_target ;
            k = nbins_target ;
            partition ( n , casework , &k , target_bounds , target_bin+ivar*n_cases ) ;
            if (k <nbins_target) {
               sprintf_s ( msg, "ERROR: Numerous ties reduced target bins to %d", k ) ;
               audit ( msg ) ;
               ret_val = ERROR_SYNTAX ;
               goto FINISH ;

            assert ( 1 == 0 ) ;

         } // For ivar (reading each variable)

   All thresholds (predictor and target) are computed and saved.
   The predictor and target bin indices are also saved.
   If not TAILS, the saved target bin indices are based on the entire dataset,
   and the saved target thresholds are similarly for the entire dataset.
   But if TAILS, each predictor candidate will have its own target subset
   and thresholds corresponding to that subset.

   Print the thresholds for the user's edification

      audit ( "" ) ;
      audit ( "" ) ;
      audit ( "The bounds that define bins are now shown" ) ;
      audit ( "" ) ;

      if (type == SCREEN_RR_TAILS) {
         audit ( "Target bounds are shown (after :) separately for each predictor candidate" ) ;
         audit ( "" ) ;
         audit ( "       Variable  Predictor bounds... : Target bounds" ) ;
         audit ( "" ) ;

      else {
         audit ( "Target bounds are based on the entire dataset..." ) ;
         sprintf_s ( msg , "%12.5lf", target_thresholds[0] ) ;
         for (i=1 ; i<nbins_target-1 ; i++) {
            sprintf_s ( msg2 , "  %12.5lf", target_thresholds[i] ) ;
            strcat_s ( msg , msg2 ) ;

         audit ( msg ) ;
         audit ( "" ) ;
         audit ( "       Variable  Bounds..." ) ;
         audit ( "" ) ;

      for (ivar=0 ; ivar<npred ; ivar++) {
         pred_bounds = pred_thresholds + ivar * nbins_pred ;
         sprintf_s ( msg, "%15s  %12.5lf", var_names[preds[ivar]], pred_bounds[0] ) ;
         k = (type == SCREEN_RR_TAILS) ? 2 : nbins_pred-1 ;
         for (i=1 ; i<k ; i++) {
            sprintf_s ( msg2 , "  %12.5lf", pred_bounds[i] ) ;
            strcat_s ( msg , msg2 ) ;
         if (type == SCREEN_RR_TAILS) {
            target_bounds = target_thresholds + ivar * nbins_target ;
            sprintf_s ( msg2 , "  :  %12.5lf", target_bounds[0] ) ;
            strcat_s ( msg , msg2 ) ;
            for (i=1 ; i<nbins_target-1 ; i++) {
               sprintf_s ( msg2 , "  %12.5lf", target_bounds[i] ) ;
               strcat_s ( msg , msg2 ) ;
            } // If TAILS
         audit ( msg ) ;
         } // For all predictors

   Compute marginals

      for (ivar=0 ; ivar<npred ; ivar++) {

         for (i=0 ; i<nbins_pred ; i++)
            pred_marginal[ivar*nbins_pred+i] = 0.0 ;

         if (ivar==0  ||  type == SCREEN_RR_TAILS) {
            for (i=0 ; i<nbins_target ; i++)
               target_marginal[ivar*nbins_target+i] = 0.0 ;

         for (i=0 ; i<n_cases ; i++) {
            ++pred_marginal[ivar*nbins_pred+pred_bin[ivar*n_cases+i]] ;
            if (type == SCREEN_UNIVAR_TAILS) {
               ++target_marginal[ivar*nbins_target+target_bin[ivar*n_cases+i]] ;
               if (i == tail_n[ivar]-1)
                  break ;
            else if (ivar == 0)                           // Do target just once
               ++target_marginal[target_bin[i]] ;
            } // For all cases

         if (type == SCREEN_RR_TAILS) {  // Trinary
            for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
               redun_pred_marginal[ivar*3+i] = 0.0 ;
            for (i=0 ; i<n_cases ; i++)
               ++redun_pred_marginal[ivar*3+redun_pred_bin[ivar*n_cases+i]] ;

      for (ivar=0 ; ivar<npred ; ivar++) {  // Divide counts by number of cases to get marginal

         if (type == SCREEN_UNIVAR_TAILS) {
            assert ( nbins_pred == 2 ) ;
            for (i=0 ; i<nbins_pred ; i++)
               pred_marginal[ivar*nbins_pred+i] /= tail_n[ivar] ;
            for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
               redun_pred_marginal[ivar*3+i] /= n_cases ;
         else {
            for (i=0 ; i<nbins_pred ; i++)
               pred_marginal[ivar*nbins_pred+i] /= n_cases ;

         if (ivar==0  ||  type == SCREEN_UNIVAR_TAILS) {
            for (i=0 ; i<nbins_target ; i++)
               target_marginal[ivar*nbins_target+i] /= tail_n[ivar] ;

   Print the marginals for the user's edification

      audit ( "" ) ;
      audit ( "" ) ;
      audit ( "The marginal distributions are now shown." ) ;
      audit ( "If the data is continuous, the marginals will be nearly equal." ) ;
      audit ( "Widely unequal marginals indicate potentially problematic ties." ) ;
      audit ( "" ) ;

      if (type == SCREEN_UNIVAR_TAILS) {
         audit ( "Target marginals are shown (after :) separately for each predictor candidate" ) ;
         audit ( "" ) ;
         audit ( "       Variable  Predictor marginals... : Target marginals" ) ;
         audit ( "" ) ;

      else {
         audit ( "Target marginals are based on the entire dataset..." ) ;
         sprintf_s ( msg , "%12.5lf", target_marginal[0] ) ;
         for (i=1 ; i<nbins_target ; i++) {
            sprintf_s ( msg2 , "  %12.5lf", target_marginal[i] ) ;
            strcat_s ( msg , msg2 ) ;

         audit ( msg ) ;
         audit ( "" ) ;
         audit ( "       Variable    Marginal..." ) ;
         audit ( "" ) ;

      for (ivar=0 ; ivar<npred ; ivar++) {
         sprintf_s ( msg, "%15s  %12.5lf", var_names[preds[ivar]], pred_marginal[ivar*nbins_pred+0] ) ;
         for (i=1 ; i<nbins_pred ; i++) {
            sprintf_s ( msg2 , "  %12.5lf", pred_marginal[ivar*nbins_pred+i] ) ;
            strcat_s ( msg , msg2 ) ;
         if (type == SCREEN_UNIVAR_TAILS) {
            sprintf_s ( msg2 , "  :  %12.5lf", target_marginal[ivar*nbins_target+0] ) ;
            strcat_s ( msg , msg2 ) ;
            for (i=1 ; i<nbins_target ; i++) {
               sprintf_s ( msg2 , "  %12.5lf", target_marginal[ivar*nbins_target+i] ) ;
               strcat_s ( msg , msg2 ) ;
            } // If TAILS
         audit ( msg ) ;
         } // For all predictors

      disallow_menu = 0 ;
      mouse_cursor_arrow () ;
      end_progbar () ;
      } // If binning type (TAILS, DISCRETE)


   Outer-most loop does MCPT replications


   if (mcpt_reps < 1)
      mcpt_reps = 1 ;

   for (irep=0 ; irep<mcpt_reps ; irep++) {

   Shuffle target if in permutation run (irep>0)

      if (irep) {                  // If doing permuted runs, shuffle

         if (mcpt_type == 1) {      // Complete
            if (type == SCREEN_UNIVAR_CONTINUOUS) {
               i = n_cases ;        // Number remaining to be shuffled
               while (i > 1) {      // While at least 2 left to shuffle
                  j = (int) (unifrand_fast () * i) ;
                  if (j >= i)
                     j = i - 1 ;
                  dtemp = target[--i] ;
                  target[i] = target[j] ;
                  target[j] = dtemp ;
               } // If not using bins
            else if (type == SCREEN_UNIVAR_TAILS) {   // Each predictor has its own target subset
               for (ivar=0 ; ivar<npred ; ivar++) {
                  target_bin_ptr = target_bin + ivar * n_cases ;
                  i = tail_n[ivar] ;           // Number remaining to be shuffled
                  while (i > 1) {              // While at least 2 left to shuffle
                     j = (int) (unifrand_fast () * i) ;
                     if (j >= i)
                        j = i - 1 ;
                     k = target_bin_ptr[--i] ;
                     target_bin_ptr[i] = target_bin_ptr[j] ;
                     target_bin_ptr[j] = k ;
               } // Else if TAILS
            else {
               i = n_cases ;          // Number remaining to be shuffled
               while (i > 1) {        // While at least 2 left to shuffle
                  j = (int) (unifrand_fast () * i) ;
                  if (j >= i)
                     j = i - 1 ;
                  k = target_bin[--i] ;
                  target_bin[i] = target_bin[j] ;
                  target_bin[j] = k ;
               } // Else discrete using entire dataset
            } // Type 1, Complete
         else if (mcpt_type == 2) { // Cyclic
            if (type == SCREEN_UNIVAR_CONTINUOUS) {
               j = (int) (unifrand_fast () * n_cases) ;
               if (j >= n_cases)
                  j = n_cases - 1 ;
               for (i=0 ; i<n_cases ; i++)
                  casework[i] = target[(i+j)%n_cases] ;
               for (i=0 ; i<n_cases ; i++)
                  target[i] = casework[i]  ;

               } // If continuous
            else if (type == SCREEN_UNIVAR_TAILS) {   // Each predictor has its own target subset
               for (ivar=0 ; ivar<npred ; ivar++) {
                  target_bin_ptr = target_bin + ivar * n_cases ;
                  k = tail_n[ivar] ;
                  j = (int) (unifrand_fast () * k) ;
                  if (j >= k)
                     j = k - 1 ;
                  for (i=0 ; i<k ; i++)
                     work_bin[i] = target_bin_ptr[(i+j)%k] ;
                  for (i=0 ; i<k ; i++)
                     target_bin_ptr[i] = work_bin[i]  ;
               } // Else if TAILS
            else {
               j = (int) (unifrand_fast () * n_cases) ;
               if (j >= n_cases)
                  j = n_cases - 1 ;
               for (i=0 ; i<n_cases ; i++)
                  work_bin[i] = target_bin[(i+j)%n_cases] ;
               for (i=0 ; i<n_cases ; i++)
                  target_bin[i] = work_bin[i]  ;
               } // Else discrete using entire dataset
            } // Type 2, Cyclic

         } // If in permutation run (irep > 0)


   First step: Compute and save criterion for all individual candidates


      for (i=0 ; i<npred ; i++)   // We'll test all candidates
         which_preds[i] = i ;

      if (type == SCREEN_RR_TAILS)
         ret_val = rr_threaded ( type , database , n_vars , preds , NULL ,
                                 mcpt_reps , max_threads , n_cases , tail_n , npred , which_preds ,
                                 nbins_pred , pred_bin , pred_marginal ,
                                 nbins_target , target_bin , target_marginal ,
                                 crit , bins_dim , bin_counts ) ;
         ret_val = rr_threaded ( type , database , n_vars , preds , target ,
                                 mcpt_reps , max_threads , n_cases , NULL , npred , which_preds ,
                                 nbins_pred , pred_bin , pred_marginal ,
                                 nbins_target , target_bin , target_marginal ,
                                 crit , bins_dim , bin_counts ) ;

      if (user_pressed_escape()  &&  ret_val == 0)
         ret_val = ERROR_ESCAPE ;

      if (ret_val) {
         audit ( "ERROR: User pressed ESCape during RELEVANCE MINUS REDUNDANCY" ) ;
         goto FINISH ;

   The individual mutual information for each predictor has been computed and saved in crit.
   Update 'best' information for this replication.
   Print a sorted table if this is the first replication.  Else update MCPT count.

      for (ivar=0 ; ivar<npred ; ivar++) {
         relevance[ivar] = crit[ivar] ;   // Will need this for Step 2, addition of more predictors
         if (ivar == 0  ||  crit[ivar] > best_crit) {
            best_crit = crit[ivar] ;
            best_ivar = ivar ;

      stepwise_crit[0] = best_crit ;  // Criterion for first var is largest MI
      stepwise_ivar[0] = best_ivar ;  // It's this candidate
      sum_relevance = best_crit ;

      if (irep == 0) {            // Original, unpermuted data

         original_stepwise_crit[0] = best_crit ;  // Criterion for first var is largest MI
         original_stepwise_ivar[0] = best_ivar ;  // It's this candidate
         original_sum_relevance[0] = sum_relevance ;
         stepwise_mcpt_count[0] = 1 ;             // Initialize cumulative MCPT

         // We need original_relevance for printing final table.  Other crits are just for this table.
         for (ivar=0 ; ivar<npred ; ivar++) {
            index[ivar] = ivar ;
            original_relevance[ivar] = sorted_crits[ivar] = current_crits[ivar] = crit[ivar] ;
            solo_mcpt_count[ivar] = 1 ;           // Initialize solo MCPT
         qsortdsi ( 0 , npred-1 , sorted_crits , index ) ;
         audit ( "" ) ;
         audit ( "" ) ;
         sprintf_s ( msg, "Initial candidates, in order of decreasing mutual information with %s", var_names[targetvar] ) ;
         audit ( msg ) ;
         audit ( "" ) ;
         audit ( "       Variable         MI" ) ;
         audit ( "" ) ;
         for (i=npred-1 ; i>=0 ; i--) {
            k = index[i] ;
            sprintf_s ( msg, "%15s %12.4lf",
                      var_names[preds[k]], current_crits[k] ) ;
            audit ( msg ) ;
         } // If irep=0 (original, unpermuted run)

      else {                                     // Count for MCPT
         if (sum_relevance >= original_sum_relevance[0])
            ++stepwise_mcpt_count[0] ;
         for (ivar=0 ; ivar<npred ; ivar++) {
            if (relevance[ivar] >= original_relevance[ivar])
               ++solo_mcpt_count[ivar] ;
         } // Permuted


   Second step: Iterate to add more candidates

   Note that redundancy of a candidate can change as predictors are added.
   This is because the kept set is increasing, so sum_redundancy changes.


      for (i=0 ; i<npred ; i++)
         sum_redundancy[i] = 0.0 ; // sum_redundancy[i] is the total redundancy of candidate i with kept set

      for (nkept=1 ; nkept<max_pred ; nkept++) {  // Main outermost loop

   Print candidates kept so far (if in unpermuted rep)

         if (irep == 0) {        // Original, unpermuted
            audit ( "" ) ;
            audit ( "" ) ;
            audit ( "Predictors so far   Relevance   Redundancy   Criterion" ) ;
            audit ( "" ) ;
            for (i=0 ; i<nkept ; i++) {
               k = stepwise_ivar[i] ;
               // Cannot print sum_redundancy/nkept here because sum froze but nkept keeps increasing
               sprintf_s ( msg, "%15s %12.4lf %12.4lf %12.4lf",
                         var_names[preds[k]], relevance[k], relevance[k] - stepwise_crit[i], stepwise_crit[i] ) ;
               audit ( msg ) ;

   Build in which_preds the candidates not yet selected

         k = 0 ;                           // Candidate vector is all except those already kept
         for (i=0 ; i<npred ; i++) {
            for (j=0 ; j<nkept ; j++) {
               if (stepwise_ivar[j] == i)
                  break ;
            if (j == nkept)
               which_preds[k++] = i ;
         assert ( k == npred - nkept ) ;

   Compute the MI of the most recently added predictor with each remaining candidate

         if (user_pressed_escape()) {
            ret_val = ERROR_ESCAPE ;
            audit ( "ERROR: User pressed ESCape or other serious error during RELEVANCE MINUS REDUNDANCY" ) ;
            goto FINISH ;

         k = stepwise_ivar[nkept-1] ;   // Index in preds of most recently added candidate
         if (type == SCREEN_RR_TAILS)  // redun_pred_? is trinary
            ret_val = rr_threaded ( type , database , n_vars , preds , NULL ,
                                    mcpt_reps , max_threads , n_cases , NULL , npred-nkept , which_preds ,
                                    3 , redun_pred_bin , redun_pred_marginal ,
                                    3 , redun_pred_bin+k*n_cases , redun_pred_marginal+k*3 ,
                                    crit , bins_dim , bin_counts ) ;
         else {
            if (type == SCREEN_RR_CONTINUOUS) {
               for (i=0 ; i<n_cases ; i++)
                  casework[i] = database[i*n_vars+preds[k]] ;
            ret_val = rr_threaded ( type , database , n_vars , preds , casework ,
                                    mcpt_reps , max_threads , n_cases , NULL , npred-nkept , which_preds ,
                                    nbins_pred , pred_bin , pred_marginal ,
                                    nbins_pred , pred_bin+k*n_cases , pred_marginal+k*nbins_pred ,
                                    crit , bins_dim , bin_counts ) ;

         if (user_pressed_escape()  &&  ret_val == 0)
            ret_val = ERROR_ESCAPE ;

         if (ret_val) {
            audit ( "ERROR: User pressed ESCape or other serious error during RELEVANCE MINUS REDUNDANCY" ) ;
            goto FINISH ;
   The redundancy of each remaining candidate with the most recently added predictor is now in crit.
   Cumulate the sum of redundancy.
   Then compute the criteria, sorting and printing if this is the unpermuted replication.

         for (i=0 ; i<npred-nkept ; i++) {
            k = which_preds[i] ;   // Index in preds of this candidate
            sum_redundancy[k] += crit[i] ;
            index[i] = k ;
            sorted_crits[i] = current_crits[i] = relevance[k] - sum_redundancy[k] / nkept ;
            if (i == 0  ||  current_crits[i] > best_crit) {
               best_crit = current_crits[i] ;
               best_ivar = k ;

         stepwise_crit[nkept] = best_crit ;
         stepwise_ivar[nkept] = best_ivar ;
         sum_relevance += relevance[best_ivar] ;

         if (irep == 0) {        // Original, unpermuted
            original_stepwise_crit[nkept] = best_crit ;
            original_stepwise_ivar[nkept] = best_ivar ;
            original_sum_relevance[nkept] = sum_relevance ;
            stepwise_mcpt_count[nkept] = 1 ;

            qsortdsi ( 0 , npred-nkept-1 , sorted_crits , index ) ;
            audit ( "" ) ;
            audit ( "" ) ;
            audit ( "Additional candidates, in order of decreasing relevance minus redundancy" ) ;
            audit ( "" ) ;
            audit ( "       Variable     Relevance   Redundancy   Criterion" ) ;
            audit ( "" ) ;
            for (i=npred-nkept-1 ; i>=0 ; i--) {
               k = index[i] ;
               sprintf_s ( msg, "%15s %12.4lf %12.4lf %12.4lf",
                         var_names[preds[k]], relevance[k], sum_redundancy[k] / nkept,
                         relevance[k] - sum_redundancy[k] / nkept ) ;
               audit ( msg ) ;
            } // If irep=0 (original, unpermuted run)

         else {                                     // Count for MCPT
            if (sum_relevance >= original_sum_relevance[nkept])
               ++stepwise_mcpt_count[nkept] ;
            } // Permuted

         } // Second step (for nkept): Iterate to add predictors to kept set

      } // For all MCPT replications


   All computation is finished.  Print.


   audit ( "" ) ;
   audit ( "" ) ;

   Print final list of candidates and p-values

   audit ( "" ) ;
   audit ( "" ) ;
   sprintf_s ( msg, "----------> Final results predicting %s <----------", var_names[targetvar] ) ;
   audit ( msg ) ;
   audit ( "" ) ;
   if (mcpt_reps > 1)
      audit ( "Final predictors    Relevance   Redundancy   Criterion    Solo pval  Group pval" ) ;
      audit ( "Final predictors    Relevance   Redundancy   Criterion" ) ;
   audit ( "" ) ;
   for (i=0 ; i<nkept ; i++) {
      // Cannot print sum_redundancy/nkept here because sum froze but nkept keeps increasing
      k = original_stepwise_ivar[i] ;
      if (mcpt_reps > 1)
         sprintf_s ( msg, "%15s %12.4lf %12.4lf %12.4lf    %8.3lf    %8.3lf",
                   var_names[preds[k]], original_relevance[k], original_relevance[k] - original_stepwise_crit[i], original_stepwise_crit[i],
                   (double) solo_mcpt_count[k] / (double) mcpt_reps,
                   (double) stepwise_mcpt_count[i] / (double) mcpt_reps ) ;
         sprintf_s ( msg, "%15s %12.4lf %12.4lf %12.4lf",
                   var_names[preds[k]], original_relevance[k], original_relevance[k] - original_stepwise_crit[i], original_stepwise_crit[i] ) ;
      audit ( msg ) ;

   Finished.  Clean up and exit.


   if (casework != NULL)
      free ( casework ) ;
   if (mutual != NULL)
      free ( mutual ) ;
   if (index != NULL)
      free ( index ) ;
   if (pred_thresholds != NULL)
      free ( pred_thresholds ) ;
   if (target_thresholds != NULL)
      free ( target_thresholds ) ;
   if (pred_bin != NULL)
      free ( pred_bin ) ;
   if (redun_pred_bin != NULL)
      free ( redun_pred_bin ) ;
   if (redun_pred_marginal != NULL)
      free ( redun_pred_marginal ) ;
   if (work_bin != NULL)
      free ( work_bin ) ;
   if (target_bin != NULL)
      free ( target_bin ) ;
   if (bin_counts != NULL)
      free ( bin_counts ) ;
   if (target != NULL)
      free ( target ) ;
   if (tail_n != NULL)
      free ( tail_n ) ;
   return ret_val ;
ParzDens_2::ParzDens_2 ( int n_tset , double *tset0 , double *tset1 , int n_div )
   int i, j, k, k0, k1, k2, *indices ;
   double *x, *y, *z, xbot, xinc, ybot, yinc, xlow, xhigh, ylow, yhigh, std ;
   double diff0, diff1, sum ;

   nd = n_tset ;

   bilin = NULL ;
   d0 = (double *) malloc ( 2 * nd * sizeof(double) ) ;
   indices = (int *) malloc ( nd * sizeof(int) ) ;
   d1 = d0 + nd ;

   Convert the data to a normal distribution

   for (i=0 ; i<nd ; i++) {
      indices[i] = i ;
      d0[i] = tset0[i] ;
   qsortdsi ( 0 , nd-1 , d0 , indices ) ;
   for (i=0 ; i<nd ; i++)
      d0[indices[i]] = inverse_normal_cdf ( (i + 1.0) / (nd + 1) ) ;

   for (i=0 ; i<nd ; i++) {
      indices[i] = i ;
      d1[i] = tset1[i] ;
   qsortdsi ( 0 , nd-1 , d1 , indices ) ;
   for (i=0 ; i<nd ; i++)
      d1[indices[i]] = inverse_normal_cdf ( (i + 1.0) / (nd + 1) ) ;

   free ( indices ) ;

   std = 2.0 / n_div ;
   var0 = var1 = std * std ;
   xhigh = yhigh = 3.0 + 2.0 * std ;
   xlow = ylow = -xhigh ;

   factor = 1.0 / (nd * 2.0 * PI * sqrt ( var0 * var1 ) ) ;

   if (nd <= 100)
      return ;

   // We have a lot of cases, so prepare for bilinear interpolation
   x = (double *) malloc ( P2RES * sizeof(double) ) ;
   y = (double *) malloc ( P2RES * sizeof(double) ) ;
   z = (double *) malloc ( P2RES * P2RES * sizeof(double) ) ;

   if (x == NULL  ||  y == NULL  ||  z == NULL) {
      if (x != NULL)
         free ( x ) ;
      if (y != NULL)
         free ( y ) ;
      if (z != NULL)
         free ( z ) ;
      return ;  // If insufficient memory, do not interpolate

   k0 = (int) (0.1 * P2RES) ;
   xinc = (-1.5 - xlow) / k0 ;
   for (i=0 ; i<k0 ; i++)
      x[i] = xlow + i * xinc ;

   k1 = (int) (0.8 * P2RES) ;
   xbot = x[k0-1] ;
   xinc = (1.5 - xbot) / (k1 + 1) ;
   for (i=0 ; i<k1 ; i++)
      x[i+k0] = xbot + (i+1) * xinc ;

   xbot = x[k0+k1-1] ;
   k2 = P2RES - k0 - k1 ;
   xinc = (xhigh - xbot) / k2 ;
   for (i=0 ; i<k2 ; i++)
      x[i+k0+k1] = xbot + (i+1) * xinc ;

   k0 = (int) (0.1 * P2RES) ;
   yinc = (-1.5 - ylow) / k0 ;
   for (i=0 ; i<k0 ; i++)
      y[i] = ylow + i * yinc ;

   k1 = (int) (0.8 * P2RES) ;
   ybot = y[k0-1] ;
   yinc = (1.5 - ybot) / (k1 + 1) ;
   for (i=0 ; i<k1 ; i++)
      y[i+k0] = ybot + (i+1) * yinc ;

   ybot = y[k0+k1-1] ;
   k2 = P2RES - k0 - k1 ;
   yinc = (yhigh - ybot) / k2 ;
   for (i=0 ; i<k2 ; i++)
      y[i+k0+k1] = ybot + (i+1) * yinc ;

   for (i=0 ; i<P2RES ; i++) {
      for (j=0 ; j<P2RES ; j++) {
         sum = 0.0 ;
         for (k=0 ; k<nd ; k++) {
            diff0 = x[i] - d0[k] ;
            diff1 = y[j] - d1[k] ;
            sum += exp ( -0.5 * (diff0 * diff0 / var0 + diff1 * diff1 / var1 ));
         z[i*P2RES+j] = factor * sum ;

   bilin = new Bilinear ( P2RES , x , P2RES , y , z , 1 ) ;

   free ( x ) ;
   free ( y ) ;
   free ( z ) ;
ParzDens_1::ParzDens_1 ( int n_tset , double *tset , int n_div )
   int i, j, *indices ;
   double std, *x, *y, xbot, xinc, diff, sum ;

   nd = n_tset ;
   spline = NULL ;

   d = (double *) malloc ( nd * sizeof(double) ) ;

   indices = (int *) malloc ( nd * sizeof(int) ) ;

   Convert the data to a normal distribution

   for (i=0 ; i<nd ; i++) {
      indices[i] = i ;
      d[i] = tset[i] ;
   qsortdsi ( 0 , nd-1 , d , indices ) ;
   for (i=0 ; i<nd ; i++)
      d[indices[i]] = inverse_normal_cdf ( (i + 1.0) / (nd + 1) ) ;
   free ( indices ) ;

   std = 2.0 / n_div ;
   var = std * std ;
   high = 3.0 + 3.0 * std ;
   low = -high ;

   factor = 1.0 / (nd * sqrt (2.0 * PI * var) ) ;

   if (nd <= 100)
      return ;

   // We have a lot of cases, so prepare for cubic spline interpolation
   x = (double *) malloc ( 1001 * sizeof(double) ) ;
   y = (double *) malloc ( 1001 * sizeof(double) ) ;

   xinc = (-1.5 - low) / 100.0 ;

   for (i=0 ; i<100 ; i++)
      x[i] = low + i * xinc ;

   xbot = x[99] ;
   xinc = (1.5 - xbot) / 801.0 ;
   for (i=0 ; i<800 ; i++)
      x[i+100] = xbot + (i+1) * xinc ;

   xbot = x[899] ;
   xinc = (high - xbot) / 101.0 ;
   for (i=0 ; i<101 ; i++)
      x[i+900] = xbot + (i+1) * xinc ;

   for (i=0 ; i<1001 ; i++) {
      sum = 0.0 ;
      for (j=0 ; j<nd ; j++) {
         diff = x[i] - d[j] ;
         sum += exp ( -0.5 * diff * diff / var ) ;
      y[i] = factor * sum ;

   spline = new CubicSpline ( 1001 , x , y ) ;

   free ( x ) ;
   free ( y ) ;
int main (
   int argc ,    // Number of command line arguments (includes prog name)
   char *argv[]  // Arguments (prog name is argv[0])

   int i, j, k, depzero, indepzero, nvars, ncases, maxkept, ivar, *kept ;
   int n_indep_vars, idep, icand, iz, ibest, *sortwork, nkept, *last_indices ;
   double *data, *work, temp, p, error_entropy ;
   double *save_info, bestcrit ;
   double criterion, entropy, bound, *crits, *scores ;
   short int *bins_dep, *bins_indep, *xbins ;
   char filename[256], **names, depname[256] ;
   char trial_name[256] ;
   FILE *fp ;

   Process command line parameters

#if 1
   if (argc != 7) {
      printf ( "\nUsage: MI_BIN  datafile  n_indep  depname  depzero  indepzero  maxkept" ) ;
      printf ( "\n  datafile - name of the text file containing the data" ) ;
      printf ( "\n             The first line is variable names" ) ;
      printf ( "\n             Subsequent lines are the data." ) ;
      printf ( "\n             Delimiters can be space, comma, or tab" ) ;
      printf ( "\n  n_indep - Number of independent vars, starting with the first" ) ;
      printf ( "\n  depname - Name of the 'dependent' variable" ) ;
      printf ( "\n            It must be AFTER the first n_indep variables" ) ;
      printf ( "\n  depzero - If nonzero, dependent variable is split >0 vs <=0" ) ;
      printf ( "\n            Else split is by optimal partition" ) ;
      printf ( "\n  indepzero - Ditto, for independent variables" ) ;
      printf ( "\n  maxkept - Stepwise will allow at most this many predictors" ) ;
      return EXIT_FAILURE ;

   strcpy ( filename , argv[1] ) ;
   n_indep_vars = atoi ( argv[2] ) ;
   strcpy ( depname , argv[3] ) ;
   depzero = atoi ( argv[4] ) ;
   indepzero = atoi ( argv[5] ) ;
   maxkept = atoi ( argv[6] ) ;
   strcpy ( filename , "..\\VARS.TXT" ) ;
   strcpy ( depname , "DAY_RETURN" ) ;
   n_indep_vars = 8 ;
   depzero = 1 ;
   indepzero = 1 ;
   maxkept = 99 ;

   _strupr ( depname ) ;

   Open the text file to which results will be written

   fp = fopen ( "MI_BIN.LOG" , "wt" ) ;
   if (fp == NULL) { // Should never happen
      printf ( "\nCannot open MI_BIN.LOG file for writing!" ) ;
      return EXIT_FAILURE ;

   Read the file and locate the index of the 'dependent' variable

   if (readfile ( filename , &nvars , &names , &ncases , &data ))
      return EXIT_FAILURE ;

   for (idep=0 ; idep<nvars ; idep++) {
      if (! strcmp ( depname , names[idep] ))
         break ;

   if (idep == nvars) {
      printf ( "\nERROR... Dependent variable %s is not in file", depname ) ;
      return EXIT_FAILURE ;

   if (idep < n_indep_vars) {
      printf ( "\nERROR... Dependent variable %s must be beyond independent vars",
               depname ) ;
      return EXIT_FAILURE ;

   Allocate scratch memory

   bins_dep - Bin ids for the 'dependent' variable
   bins_indep - Bin ids for the 'independent' variables
   kept - Array of indices of variables kept so far
   crits - Ditto, criterion
   scores - Current (regularly updated) min I(Y;X|Z) for choosing best candidate
   last_indices - For each candidate, last index among Zs used to compute scores
   sortwork - Temporary use for printing variable's information sorted
   save_info - Ditto, this is univariate information, to be sorted

   work = (double *) malloc ( ncases * sizeof(double) ) ;
   assert ( work != NULL ) ;
   bins_dep = (short int *) malloc ( ncases * sizeof(short int) ) ;
   assert ( bins_dep != NULL ) ;
   bins_indep = (short int *) malloc ( ncases * n_indep_vars * sizeof(short int) ) ;
   assert ( bins_indep != NULL ) ;
   kept = (int *) malloc ( n_indep_vars * sizeof(int) ) ;
   assert ( kept != NULL ) ;
   crits = (double *) malloc ( n_indep_vars * sizeof(double) ) ;
   assert ( crits != NULL ) ;
   scores = (double *) malloc ( n_indep_vars * sizeof(double) ) ;
   assert ( scores != NULL ) ;
   last_indices = (int *) malloc ( n_indep_vars * sizeof(int) ) ;
   assert ( last_indices != NULL ) ;
   sortwork = (int *) malloc ( n_indep_vars * sizeof(int) ) ;
   assert ( sortwork != NULL ) ;
   save_info = (double *) malloc ( n_indep_vars * sizeof(double) ) ;
   assert ( save_info != NULL ) ;

   Compute the bin membership of all variables.
   If the user requested, we treat the variable as binary (two bins)
   using <=0 and >0 as the definition of bin membership.
   Otherwise we use partition() to do the split.

   if (depzero) {   // The dependent variable is split at zero
      for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++) {
         if (data[i*nvars+idep] > 0.0)
            bins_dep[i] = (short int) 1 ;
            bins_dep[i] = (short int) 0 ;
      fprintf ( fp , "\n%s has been split at zero", names[idep] ) ;
   else {                  // The dependent variable is to be partitioned
      for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++)
         work[i] = data[i*nvars+idep] ;
      k = 2 ;
      partition ( ncases , work , &k , NULL , bins_dep ) ;
      fprintf ( fp , "\n%s has been optimally partitioned", names[idep] ) ;

   if (indepzero) {   // The independent variable is split at zero
      fprintf ( fp , "\nIndependent variables have been split at zero");
      for (ivar=0 ; ivar<n_indep_vars ; ivar++) {
         for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++) {
            if (data[i*nvars+ivar] > 0.0)
               bins_indep[ivar*ncases+i] = (short int) 1 ;
               bins_indep[ivar*ncases+i] = (short int) 0 ;
   else {
      fprintf ( fp , "\nIndependent variables have been given an optimal split");
      for (ivar=0 ; ivar<n_indep_vars ; ivar++) {
         for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++)
            work[i] = data[i*nvars+ivar] ;
         k = 2 ;
         partition ( ncases , work , &k , NULL , bins_indep+ivar*ncases ) ;

   Compute and save the mutual information for the dependent variable with
   each individual independent variable candidate.  Print the results,
   sort them, and print them again, this time sorted.
   Also compute the error entropy so we can use it for the Fano bound.
   We need to save the criterion of each in save_info because this is the array
   that will be sorted, and we also save it in scores because this is the array
   that will be used for future 'best variable' selection.
   While we're at it, initialize last_indices to -1 for each variable.
   This is explained in the big comment block later.

   entropy = mutinf_b ( ncases , bins_dep , NULL , NULL ) ;
   fprintf ( fp , "\n\n\nMutual information of %s  (Entropy = %.4lf)",
             depname, entropy ) ;

   fprintf ( fp , "\n\nInitial candidates, in order of appearance in data file" ) ;
   fprintf ( fp , "\n" ) ;
   fprintf ( fp , "\n                       Variable   Information   Fano's bound" ) ;

   for (icand=0 ; icand<n_indep_vars ; icand++) { // Try all candidates
      xbins = bins_indep + icand * ncases ; // This X candidate is here

      // Compute the error entropy
      k = 0 ;
      for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++) {
         if (bins_dep[i] == xbins[i])
            ++k ;
      if (k > 0  &&  k < ncases) {
         p = (double) k / (double) ncases ;
         error_entropy = -p * log(p) - (1.0 - p) * log(1.0-p) ;
         error_entropy = 0.0 ;

      criterion = mutinf_b ( ncases , bins_dep , xbins , NULL ) ;
      bound = (entropy - criterion - error_entropy) / log ( 2.0 ) ;
      if (bound < 0.0)
         bound = 0.0 ;
      printf ( "\n%s = %.5lf  (%.5lf)", names[icand], criterion, bound ) ;
      fprintf ( fp , "\n%31s %11.5lf  %13.5lf", names[icand], criterion, bound ) ;
      sortwork[icand] = icand ;
      scores[icand] = save_info[icand] = criterion ;
      last_indices[icand] = -1 ;
      } // Initial list of all candidates

   fprintf ( fp , "\n" ) ;
   fprintf ( fp , "\nInitial candidates, in order of decreasing mutual information" ) ;
   fprintf ( fp , "\n" ) ;
   fprintf ( fp , "\n                       Variable   Information" ) ;

   qsortdsi ( 0 , n_indep_vars-1 , save_info , sortwork ) ;
   for (icand=0 ; icand<n_indep_vars ; icand++) { // Do all candidates
      k = sortwork[n_indep_vars-1-icand] ;        // Index of sorted candidate
      fprintf ( fp , "\n%31s   %.5lf", names[k], save_info[n_indep_vars-1-icand] ) ;

   Initialize the 'kept' set to be the best variable, and then begin the
   main outer loop that adds variables one at a time.

   The criterion for picking the best next candidate (we want the max criterion)
   is the minimum value of I(Y;X|Z) across the set of variables kept so far.
   In this expression, Y is the dependent variable, X is the candidate, and
   Z is a member of the kept set.  I(Y;X|Z) is large when X adds information
   about Y above and beyond what Z already adds.  It is small if X adds nothing
   useful.  So by letting Z be each member of the kept set, one at a time,
   and using the minimum I(Y;X|Z) found, we avoid adding a new variable whose
   information is already supplied.

   There is a cute trick for avoiding having to check every candidate against
   every Z.  When a new Z is tested in computing the minimum across all Z,
   the minimum obviously cannot increase.  So if the minimum across Z so far
   is already worse than the best candidate criterion so far, there is no
   point in continuing to test more Zs for a candidate.  This candidate has
   already lost the competition for this round.  Of course, we need to keep
   track of, for each candidate, the place where we have stopped testing it
   against Zs.  This is because on a later round of adding a variable, the
   best so far may be small, and a candidate whose testing was stopped early
   on a prior round may need to be tested against more Zs to see if it might
   be the best now.

   kept[0] = sortwork[n_indep_vars-1] ;   // Index of best single candidate
   crits[0] = save_info[n_indep_vars-1] ; // Its criterion value
   nkept = 1 ;

   if (maxkept > n_indep_vars)  // Guard against silly user
      maxkept = n_indep_vars ;

   while (nkept < maxkept) {

      printf ( "\n\nLatest candidate: %s", names[kept[nkept-1]] ) ;

      fprintf ( fp , "\n" ) ;
      fprintf ( fp , "\nVariables so far                 Criterion" ) ;
      for (i=0 ; i<nkept ; i++)
         fprintf ( fp , "\n%31s %10.5lf", names[kept[i]], crits[i] ) ;
      fprintf ( fp , "\n" ) ;
      fprintf ( fp , "\nSearching for an additional candidate..." ) ;
      fprintf ( fp , "\n" ) ;
      fprintf ( fp , "\n                       Variable  Criterion" ) ;

      bestcrit = -1.e60 ;
      for (icand=0 ; icand<n_indep_vars ; icand++) { // Try all candidates
         for (i=0 ; i<nkept ; i++) {  // Is this candidate already kept?
            if (kept[i] == icand)
               break ;
         if (i < nkept)  // If this candidate 'icand' is already kept
            continue ;   // Skip it

         strcpy ( trial_name , names[icand] ) ;   // Its name for printing
         printf ( "\n  Testing candidate %s  Starting score=%.5lf  Tested thru %d",
                  trial_name, scores[icand], last_indices[icand] ) ;

         // Compute I(Y;X|Z) for each Z in the kept set, and keep track of min
         // We've already done them through last_indices[icand], so start
         // with the next one up.  Allow for early exit if icand already loses.
         for (iz=last_indices[icand]+1 ; iz<nkept ; iz++) {
            if (scores[icand] <= bestcrit) // Has this candidate already lost?
               break ;                     // If so, no need to keep doing Zs
            j = kept[iz] ;                 // Index of variable in the kept set
            temp = mutinf_b ( ncases , bins_dep , bins_indep + icand * ncases ,
                              bins_indep + j * ncases ) ; // I(Y;X|Z)
            if (temp < scores[icand])
               scores[icand] = temp ;
            last_indices[icand] = iz ;
            printf ( "\n    With kept %s I(Y;X|Z)=%.5lf  score=%.5lf",
                     names[j], temp, scores[icand] ) ;
            } // For all kept variables, computing min conditional mutual information

         criterion = scores[icand] ;
         printf ( "\n  %s = %.5lf", trial_name, criterion ) ;
         fprintf ( fp , "\n%31s %10.5lf", trial_name, criterion ) ;

         if (criterion > bestcrit) { // Did we just set a new record?
            bestcrit = criterion ;   // If so, update the record
            ibest = icand ;          // Keep track of the winning candidate

         } // For all candidates

      // We now have the best candidate
      if (bestcrit <= 0.0)
         break ;
      kept[nkept] = ibest ;
      crits[nkept] = bestcrit ;
      printf ( "\nAdded %s = %.5lf", names[ibest], bestcrit ) ;
      ++nkept ;
      } // While adding new variables

   fprintf ( fp , "\n" ) ;
   fprintf ( fp , "\nFinal set                        Criterion" ) ;
   for (i=0 ; i<nkept ; i++)
      fprintf ( fp , "\n%31s %10.5lf", names[kept[i]], crits[i] ) ;

   fclose ( fp ) ;
   free ( work ) ;
   free ( bins_dep ) ;
   free ( bins_indep ) ;
   free ( kept ) ;
   free ( crits ) ;
   free ( scores ) ;
   free ( last_indices ) ;
   free ( sortwork ) ;
   free ( save_info ) ;
   free_data ( nvars , names , data ) ;
   printf ( "\n\nPress any key..." ) ;
   _getch () ;
   return EXIT_SUCCESS ;
Esempio n. 7
int main (
   int argc ,    // Number of command line arguments (includes prog name)
   char *argv[]  // Arguments (prog name is argv[0])

   int i, j, k, nvars, ncases, irep, nreps, ivar, nties, ties ;
   int n_indep_vars, idep, icand, *index, *mcpt_max_counts, *mcpt_same_counts, *mcpt_solo_counts ;
   double *data, *work, dtemp, *save_info, criterion, *crits ;
   char filename[256], **names, depname[256] ;
   FILE *fp ;
   MutualInformationAdaptive *mi_adapt ;

   Process command line parameters

#if 1
   if (argc != 5) {
      printf ( "\nUsage: MI_ONLY  datafile  n_indep  depname  nreps" ) ;
      printf ( "\n  datafile - name of the text file containing the data" ) ;
      printf ( "\n             The first line is variable names" ) ;
      printf ( "\n             Subsequent lines are the data." ) ;
      printf ( "\n             Delimiters can be space, comma, or tab" ) ;
      printf ( "\n  n_indep - Number of independent vars, starting with the first" ) ;
      printf ( "\n  depname - Name of the 'dependent' variable" ) ;
      printf ( "\n            It must be AFTER the first n_indep variables" ) ;
      printf ( "\n  nreps - Number of Monte-Carlo permutations, including unpermuted" ) ;
      exit ( 1 ) ;

   strcpy ( filename , argv[1] ) ;
   n_indep_vars = atoi ( argv[2] ) ;
   strcpy ( depname , argv[3] ) ;
   nreps = atoi ( argv[4] ) ;
   strcpy ( filename , "..\\SYNTH.TXT" ) ;
   n_indep_vars = 7 ;
   strcpy ( depname , "SUM1234" ) ;
   nreps = 100 ;

   _strupr ( depname ) ;

   These are used by MEM.CPP for runtime memory validation

   _fullpath ( mem_file_name , "MEM.LOG" , 256 ) ;
   fp = fopen ( mem_file_name , "wt" ) ;
   if (fp == NULL) { // Should never happen
      printf ( "\nCannot open MEM.LOG file for writing!" ) ;
      return EXIT_FAILURE ;
   fclose ( fp ) ;
   mem_keep_log = 0 ;  // Change this to 1 to keep a memory use log (slows execution!)
   mem_max_used = 0 ;

   Open the text file to which results will be written

   fp = fopen ( "MI_ONLY.LOG" , "wt" ) ;
   if (fp == NULL) { // Should never happen
      printf ( "\nCannot open MI_ONLY.LOG file for writing!" ) ;
      return EXIT_FAILURE ;

   Read the file and locate the index of the dependent variable

   if (readfile ( filename , &nvars , &names , &ncases , &data ))
      return EXIT_FAILURE ;

   for (idep=0 ; idep<nvars ; idep++) {
      if (! strcmp ( depname , names[idep] ))
         break ;

   if (idep == nvars) {
      printf ( "\nERROR... Dependent variable %s is not in file", depname ) ;
      return EXIT_FAILURE ;

   if (idep < n_indep_vars) {
      printf ( "\nERROR... Dependent variable %s must be beyond independent vars",
               depname ) ;
      return EXIT_FAILURE ;

   Check each variable for ties.  This is not needed for the algorithm,
   but it is good to warn the user, because more than a very few tied values
   in any variable seriously degrades performance of the adaptive partitioning algorithm.

   MEMTEXT ( "MI_ONLY: Work" ) ;
   work = (double *) MALLOC ( ncases * sizeof(double) ) ;
   assert ( work != NULL ) ;

   ties = 0 ;
   assert ( work != NULL ) ;
   for (ivar=0 ; ivar<nvars ; ivar++) {
      if (ivar > n_indep_vars  &&  ivar != idep)
         continue ; // Check only the variables selected by the user
      for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++)
         work[i] = data[i*nvars+ivar] ;
      qsortd ( 0 , ncases-1 , work ) ;
      nties = 0 ;
      for (i=1 ; i<ncases ; i++) {
         if (work[i] == work[i-1])
            ++nties ;
      if ((double) nties / (double) ncases > 0.05) {
         ++ties ;
         fprintf ( fp , "\nWARNING... %s has %.2lf percent ties!",
                   names[ivar], 100.0 * nties / (double) ncases ) ;
      } // For all variables
   if (ties) {
      fprintf ( fp , "\nThe presence of ties will seriously degrade" ) ;
      fprintf ( fp , "\nperformance of the adaptive partitioning algorithm\n\n" ) ;

   Allocate scratch memory and create the MutualInformation object using the
   dependent variable

   crits - Mutual information criterion
   index - Indices that sort the criterion
   save_info - Ditto, this is univariate information, to be sorted
   mi_adapt - The MutualInformation object, constructed with the 'dependent' variable

   MEMTEXT ( "MI_ONLY work allocs plus MutualInformation" ) ;
   crits = (double *) MALLOC ( n_indep_vars * sizeof(double) ) ;
   assert ( crits != NULL ) ;
   index = (int *) MALLOC ( n_indep_vars * sizeof(int) ) ;
   assert ( index != NULL ) ;
   mcpt_max_counts = (int *) MALLOC ( n_indep_vars * sizeof(int) ) ;
   assert ( mcpt_max_counts != NULL ) ;
   mcpt_same_counts = (int *) MALLOC ( n_indep_vars * sizeof(int) ) ;
   assert ( mcpt_same_counts != NULL ) ;
   mcpt_solo_counts = (int *) MALLOC ( n_indep_vars * sizeof(int) ) ;
   assert ( mcpt_solo_counts != NULL ) ;
   save_info = (double *) MALLOC ( n_indep_vars * sizeof(double) ) ;
   assert ( save_info != NULL ) ;

   for (irep=0 ; irep<nreps ; irep++) {

      for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++)            // Get the 'dependent' variable
         work[i] = data[i*nvars+idep] ;

//    Shuffle dependent variable if in permutation run (irep>0)

      if (irep) {                   // If doing permuted runs, shuffle
         i = ncases ;              // Number remaining to be shuffled
         while (i > 1) {            // While at least 2 left to shuffle
            j = (int) (unifrand () * i) ;
            if (j >= i)
               j = i - 1 ;
            dtemp = work[--i] ;
            work[i] = work[j] ;
            work[j] = dtemp ;

      // Here we use a tiny split theshold (instead of the usual 6.0) so that it picks up
      // small amounts of mutual information (perhaps including noise).
      // If we used 6.0, nearly all permutations of any reasonably sized dataset
      // would have a computed mutual information of zero.  It's safe picking up
      // some noise because the permutation test will account for this.

      mi_adapt = new MutualInformationAdaptive ( ncases , work , 1 , 0.1 ) ; // Deliberately tiny for low information
      assert ( mi_adapt != NULL ) ;

   Compute and save the mutual information for the dependent variable
   with each individual independent variable candidate.

      for (icand=0 ; icand<n_indep_vars ; icand++) { // Try all candidates
         for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++)
            work[i] = data[i*nvars+icand] ;

         criterion = mi_adapt->mut_inf ( work , 1 ) ;

         save_info[icand] = criterion ; // We will sort this when all candidates are done
         if (irep == 0) {               // If doing original (unpermuted), save criterion
            index[icand] = icand ;      // Will need original indices when criteria are sorted
            crits[icand] = criterion ;
            mcpt_max_counts[icand] = mcpt_same_counts[icand] = mcpt_solo_counts[icand] = 1 ;  // This is >= itself so count it now
         else {
            if (criterion >= crits[icand])
               ++mcpt_solo_counts[icand] ;
         } // Initial list of all candidates

      delete mi_adapt ;
      mi_adapt = NULL ;

      if (irep == 0)  // Find the indices that sort the candidates per criterion
         qsortdsi ( 0 , n_indep_vars-1 , save_info , index ) ;

      else {
         qsortd ( 0 , n_indep_vars-1 , save_info ) ;
         for (icand=0 ; icand<n_indep_vars ; icand++) {
            if (save_info[icand] >= crits[index[icand]])
               ++mcpt_same_counts[index[icand]] ;
            if (save_info[n_indep_vars-1] >= crits[index[icand]]) // Valid only for largest
               ++mcpt_max_counts[index[icand]] ;

      }  // For all reps

   fprintf ( fp , "\nAdaptive partitioning mutual information of %s", depname);

   fprintf ( fp , "\n" ) ;
   fprintf ( fp , "\n" ) ;
   fprintf ( fp , "\nPredictors, in order of decreasing mutual information" ) ;
   fprintf ( fp , "\n" ) ;
   fprintf ( fp , "\n                       Variable   Information   Solo pval   Min pval   Max pval" ) ;

   for (icand=0 ; icand<n_indep_vars ; icand++) { // Do all candidates
      k = index[n_indep_vars-1-icand] ;           // Index of sorted candidate
      fprintf ( fp , "\n%31s %11.5lf %12.4lf %10.4lf %10.4lf", names[k], crits[k],
                (double) mcpt_solo_counts[k] / nreps,
                (double) mcpt_same_counts[k] / nreps,
                (double) mcpt_max_counts[k] / nreps ) ;

   MEMTEXT ( "MI_ONLY: Finish" ) ;
   fclose ( fp ) ;
   FREE ( work ) ;
   FREE ( crits ) ;
   FREE ( index ) ;
   FREE ( mcpt_max_counts ) ;
   FREE ( mcpt_same_counts ) ;
   FREE ( mcpt_solo_counts ) ;
   FREE ( save_info ) ;
   free_data ( nvars , names , data ) ;

   MEMCLOSE () ;
   printf ( "\n\nPress any key..." ) ;
   _getch () ;
   return EXIT_SUCCESS ;
Esempio n. 8
int main (
   int argc ,    // Number of command line arguments (includes prog name)
   char *argv[]  // Arguments (prog name is argv[0])

   int i, j, k, nvars, ncases, irep, nreps, nbins, nbins_dep, nbins_indep, *count ;
   int n_indep_vars, idep, icand, *index, *mcpt_max_counts, *mcpt_same_counts, *mcpt_solo_counts ;
   short int *bins_dep, *bins_indep ;
   double *data, *work, dtemp, *save_info, criterion, *crits ;
   double *ab, *bc, *b ;
   char filename[256], **names, depname[256] ;
   FILE *fp ;

   Process command line parameters

#if 1
   if (argc != 6) {
      printf ( "\nUsage: TRANSFER  datafile  n_indep  depname  nreps" ) ;
      printf ( "\n  datafile - name of the text file containing the data" ) ;
      printf ( "\n             The first line is variable names" ) ;
      printf ( "\n             Subsequent lines are the data." ) ;
      printf ( "\n             Delimiters can be space, comma, or tab" ) ;
      printf ( "\n  n_indep - Number of independent vars, starting with the first" ) ;
      printf ( "\n  depname - Name of the 'dependent' variable" ) ;
      printf ( "\n            It must be AFTER the first n_indep variables" ) ;
      printf ( "\n  nbins - Number of bins for all variables" ) ;
      printf ( "\n  nreps - Number of Monte-Carlo permutations, including unpermuted" ) ;
      exit ( 1 ) ;

   strcpy ( filename , argv[1] ) ;
   n_indep_vars = atoi ( argv[2] ) ;
   strcpy ( depname , argv[3] ) ;
   nbins = atoi ( argv[4] ) ;
   nreps = atoi ( argv[5] ) ;
   strcpy ( filename , "..\\SYNTH.TXT" ) ;
   n_indep_vars = 7 ;
   strcpy ( depname , "SUM1234" ) ;
   nbins = 2 ;
   nreps = 1 ;

   _strupr ( depname ) ;

   These are used by MEM.CPP for runtime memory validation

   _fullpath ( mem_file_name , "MEM.LOG" , 256 ) ;
   fp = fopen ( mem_file_name , "wt" ) ;
   if (fp == NULL) { // Should never happen
      printf ( "\nCannot open MEM.LOG file for writing!" ) ;
      return EXIT_FAILURE ;
   fclose ( fp ) ;
   mem_keep_log = 1 ;  // Change this to 1 to keep a memory use log (slows execution!)
   mem_max_used = 0 ;

   Open the text file to which results will be written

   fp = fopen ( "TRANSFER.LOG" , "wt" ) ;
   if (fp == NULL) { // Should never happen
      printf ( "\nCannot open TRANSFER.LOG file for writing!" ) ;
      return EXIT_FAILURE ;

   Read the file and locate the index of the dependent variable

   if (readfile ( filename , &nvars , &names , &ncases , &data ))
      return EXIT_FAILURE ;

   for (idep=0 ; idep<nvars ; idep++) {
      if (! strcmp ( depname , names[idep] ))
         break ;

   if (idep == nvars) {
      printf ( "\nERROR... Dependent variable %s is not in file", depname ) ;
      return EXIT_FAILURE ;

   if (idep < n_indep_vars) {
      printf ( "\nERROR... Dependent variable %s must be beyond independent vars",
               depname ) ;
      return EXIT_FAILURE ;

   Allocate scratch memory

   crits - Transfer Entropy criterion
   index - Indices that sort the criterion
   save_info - Ditto, this is univariate criteria, to be sorted

   MEMTEXT ( "TRANSFER work allocs" ) ;
   work = (double *) MALLOC ( ncases * sizeof(double) ) ;
   assert ( work != NULL ) ;
   crits = (double *) MALLOC ( n_indep_vars * sizeof(double) ) ;
   assert ( crits != NULL ) ;
   index = (int *) MALLOC ( n_indep_vars * sizeof(int) ) ;
   assert ( index != NULL ) ;
   bins_indep = (short int *) MALLOC ( ncases * sizeof(short int) ) ;
   assert ( bins_indep != NULL ) ;
   bins_dep = (short int *) MALLOC ( ncases * sizeof(short int) ) ;
   assert ( bins_dep != NULL ) ;
   mcpt_max_counts = (int *) MALLOC ( n_indep_vars * sizeof(int) ) ;
   assert ( mcpt_max_counts != NULL ) ;
   mcpt_same_counts = (int *) MALLOC ( n_indep_vars * sizeof(int) ) ;
   assert ( mcpt_same_counts != NULL ) ;
   mcpt_solo_counts = (int *) MALLOC ( n_indep_vars * sizeof(int) ) ;
   assert ( mcpt_solo_counts != NULL ) ;
   save_info = (double *) MALLOC ( n_indep_vars * sizeof(double) ) ;
   assert ( save_info != NULL ) ;
   count = (int *) MALLOC ( nbins * nbins * nbins * sizeof(int) ) ;
   assert ( count != NULL ) ;
   ab = (double *) MALLOC ( nbins * nbins * sizeof(double) ) ;
   assert ( ab != NULL ) ;
   bc = (double *) MALLOC ( nbins * nbins * sizeof(double) ) ;
   assert ( bc != NULL ) ;
   b = (double *) MALLOC ( nbins * sizeof(double) ) ;
   assert ( b != NULL ) ;

   Get the dependent variable and partition it

   for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++)            // Get the 'dependent' variable
      work[i] = data[i*nvars+idep] ;

   nbins_dep = nbins ;
   partition ( ncases , work , &nbins_dep , NULL , bins_dep ) ;

   Replication loop is here

   for (irep=0 ; irep<nreps ; irep++) {

   Compute and save the transfer entropy of the dependent variable
   with each individual independent variable candidate.

      for (icand=0 ; icand<n_indep_vars ; icand++) { // Try all candidates
         for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++)
            work[i] = data[i*nvars+icand] ;

         //    Shuffle independent variable if in permutation run (irep>0)

         if (irep) {                   // If doing permuted runs, shuffle
            i = ncases ;               // Number remaining to be shuffled
            while (i > 1) {            // While at least 2 left to shuffle
               j = (int) (unifrand () * i) ;
               if (j >= i)
                  j = i - 1 ;
               dtemp = work[--i] ;
               work[i] = work[j] ;
               work[j] = dtemp ;

         nbins_indep = nbins ;
         partition ( ncases , work , &nbins_indep , NULL , bins_indep ) ;

         criterion = trans_ent ( ncases , nbins_indep , nbins_dep ,
                                 bins_indep , bins_dep ,
                                 0 , 1 , 1 , count , ab , bc , b ) ;

         save_info[icand] = criterion ; // We will sort this when all candidates are done
         if (irep == 0) {               // If doing original (unpermuted), save criterion
            index[icand] = icand ;      // Will need original indices when criteria are sorted
            crits[icand] = criterion ;
            mcpt_max_counts[icand] = mcpt_same_counts[icand] = mcpt_solo_counts[icand] = 1 ;  // This is >= itself so count it now
         else {
            if (criterion >= crits[icand])
               ++mcpt_solo_counts[icand] ;
         } // Initial list of all candidates

      if (irep == 0)  // Find the indices that sort the candidates per criterion
         qsortdsi ( 0 , n_indep_vars-1 , save_info , index ) ;

      else {
         qsortd ( 0 , n_indep_vars-1 , save_info ) ;
         for (icand=0 ; icand<n_indep_vars ; icand++) {
            if (save_info[icand] >= crits[index[icand]])
               ++mcpt_same_counts[index[icand]] ;
            if (save_info[n_indep_vars-1] >= crits[index[icand]]) // Valid only for largest
               ++mcpt_max_counts[index[icand]] ;

      }  // For all reps

   fprintf ( fp , "\nTransfer entropy of %s", depname);

   fprintf ( fp , "\n" ) ;
   fprintf ( fp , "\n" ) ;
   fprintf ( fp , "\nPredictors, in order of decreasing transfer entropy" ) ;
   fprintf ( fp , "\n" ) ;
   fprintf ( fp , "\n                       Variable   Information   Solo pval   Min pval   Max pval" ) ;

   for (icand=0 ; icand<n_indep_vars ; icand++) { // Do all candidates
      k = index[n_indep_vars-1-icand] ;           // Index of sorted candidate
      fprintf ( fp , "\n%31s %11.5lf %12.4lf %10.4lf %10.4lf", names[k], crits[k],
                (double) mcpt_solo_counts[k] / nreps,
                (double) mcpt_same_counts[k] / nreps,
                (double) mcpt_max_counts[k] / nreps ) ;

   MEMTEXT ( "TRANSFER: Finish" ) ;
   fclose ( fp ) ;
   FREE ( work ) ;
   FREE ( crits ) ;
   FREE ( index ) ;
   FREE ( bins_indep ) ;
   FREE ( bins_dep ) ;
   FREE ( mcpt_max_counts ) ;
   FREE ( mcpt_same_counts ) ;
   FREE ( mcpt_solo_counts ) ;
   FREE ( save_info ) ;
   FREE ( count ) ;
   FREE ( ab ) ;
   FREE ( bc ) ;
   FREE ( b ) ;
   free_data ( nvars , names , data ) ;

   MEMCLOSE () ;
   printf ( "\n\nPress any key..." ) ;
   _getch () ;
   return EXIT_SUCCESS ;
Esempio n. 9
int main (
   int argc ,    // Number of command line arguments (includes prog name)
   char *argv[]  // Arguments (prog name is argv[0])

   int i, j, k, nvars, ncases, ndiv, maxkept, ivar, nties, ties ;
   int n_indep_vars, idep, icand, iother, ibest, *sortwork, nkept, *kept ;
   double *data, *work ;
   double *save_info, *univar_info, *pair_info, bestredun, redun, bestcrit ;
   double criterion, relevance, redundancy, *crits, *reduns ;
   char filename[256], **names, depname[256] ;
   char trial_name[256], *pair_found ;
   FILE *fp ;
   MutualInformationParzen *mi_parzen ;
   MutualInformationAdaptive *mi_adapt ;

   Process command line parameters

#if 1
   if (argc != 6) {
      printf ( "\nUsage: MI_CONT  datafile  n_indep  depname  ndiv  maxkept" ) ;
      printf ( "\n  datafile - name of the text file containing the data" ) ;
      printf ( "\n             The first line is variable names" ) ;
      printf ( "\n             Subsequent lines are the data." ) ;
      printf ( "\n             Delimiters can be space, comma, or tab" ) ;
      printf ( "\n  n_indep - Number of independent vars, starting with the first" ) ;
      printf ( "\n  depname - Name of the 'dependent' variable" ) ;
      printf ( "\n            It must be AFTER the first n_indep variables" ) ;
      printf ( "\n  ndiv - Normally zero, to employ adaptive partitioning" ) ;
      printf ( "\n         Specify 5 (for very few cases) to 15 (for an" ) ;
      printf ( "\n         enormous number of cases) to use Parzen windows" ) ;
      printf ( "\n  maxkept - Stepwise will allow at most this many predictors" ) ;
      exit ( 1 ) ;

   strcpy ( filename , argv[1] ) ;
   n_indep_vars = atoi ( argv[2] ) ;
   strcpy ( depname , argv[3] ) ;
   ndiv = atoi ( argv[4] ) ;
   maxkept = atoi ( argv[5] ) ;
   strcpy ( filename , "..\\VARS.TXT" ) ;
   n_indep_vars = 8 ;
   strcpy ( depname , "DAY_RETURN" ) ;
   ndiv = 0 ;
   maxkept = 5 ;

   _strupr ( depname ) ;

   These are used by MEM.CPP for runtime memory validation

   _fullpath ( mem_file_name , "MEM.LOG" , 256 ) ;
   fp = fopen ( mem_file_name , "wt" ) ;
   if (fp == NULL) { // Should never happen
      printf ( "\nCannot open MEM.LOG file for writing!" ) ;
      return EXIT_FAILURE ;
   fclose ( fp ) ;
   mem_keep_log = 1 ;
   mem_max_used = 0 ;

   Open the text file to which results will be written

   fp = fopen ( "MI_CONT.LOG" , "wt" ) ;
   if (fp == NULL) { // Should never happen
      printf ( "\nCannot open MI_CONT.LOG file for writing!" ) ;
      return EXIT_FAILURE ;

   Read the file and locate the index of the 'dependent' variable

   if (readfile ( filename , &nvars , &names , &ncases , &data ))
      return EXIT_FAILURE ;

   for (idep=0 ; idep<nvars ; idep++) {
      if (! strcmp ( depname , names[idep] ))
         break ;

   if (idep == nvars) {
      printf ( "\nERROR... Dependent variable %s is not in file", depname ) ;
      return EXIT_FAILURE ;

   if (idep < n_indep_vars) {
      printf ( "\nERROR... Dependent variable %s must be beyond independent vars",
               depname ) ;
      return EXIT_FAILURE ;

   If adaptive partitioning is specified, check each variable for ties.
   This is not needed for the algorithm, but it is good to warn the
   user, because more than a very few tied values in any variable seriously
   degrades performance of the adaptive partitioning algorithm.

   MEMTEXT ( "MI_CONT: Work" ) ;
   work = (double *) MALLOC ( ncases * sizeof(double) ) ;
   assert ( work != NULL ) ;

   if (ndiv == 0) {  // If adaptive partitioning, check for ties
      ties = 0 ;
      assert ( work != NULL ) ;
      for (ivar=0 ; ivar<nvars ; ivar++) {
         if (ivar > n_indep_vars  &&  ivar != idep)
            continue ; // Check only the variables selected by the user
         for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++)
            work[i] = data[i*nvars+ivar] ;
         qsortd ( 0 , ncases-1 , work ) ;
         nties = 0 ;
         for (i=1 ; i<ncases ; i++) {
            if (work[i] == work[i-1])
               ++nties ;
         if ((double) nties / (double) ncases > 0.05) {
            ++ties ;
            fprintf ( fp , "\nWARNING... %s has %.2lf percent ties!",
                      names[ivar], 100.0 * nties / (double) ncases ) ;
         } // For all variables
      if (ties) {
         fprintf ( fp , "\nThe presence of ties will seriously degrade" ) ;
         fprintf ( fp , "\nperformance of the adaptive partitioning algorithm\n\n" ) ;
      } // If adaptive partitioning, so testing for ties in the data

   Allocate scratch memory and create the MutualInformation object using the
   dependent variable

   kept - Array of indices of variables kept so far
   crits - Ditto, criterion
   reduns - Ditto, redundancy
   sortwork - Temporary use for printing variable's information sorted
   save_info - Ditto, this is univariate information, to be sorted
   univar_info - Also univariate information, but not sorted, for use in stepwise
   pair_found - Flag: is there valid info in the corresponding element of the next array
   pair_info - Preserve pairwise information of indeps to avoid expensive recalculation
   mi_parzen - The MutualInformation object, constructed with the 'dependent' variable
   mi_adapt - Ditto, but used if adaptive partitioning

   MEMTEXT ( "MI_CONT 6 allocs plus MutualInformation" ) ;
   kept = (int *) MALLOC ( n_indep_vars * sizeof(int) ) ;
   assert ( kept != NULL ) ;
   crits = (double *) MALLOC ( n_indep_vars * sizeof(double) ) ;
   assert ( crits != NULL ) ;
   reduns = (double *) MALLOC ( n_indep_vars * sizeof(double) ) ;
   assert ( reduns != NULL ) ;
   sortwork = (int *) MALLOC ( n_indep_vars * sizeof(int) ) ;
   assert ( sortwork != NULL ) ;
   save_info = (double *) MALLOC ( n_indep_vars * sizeof(double) ) ;
   assert ( save_info != NULL ) ;
   univar_info = (double *) MALLOC ( n_indep_vars * sizeof(double) ) ;
   assert ( univar_info != NULL ) ;
   pair_found = (char *) MALLOC ( (n_indep_vars * (n_indep_vars+1) / 2) * sizeof(char) ) ;
   assert ( pair_found != NULL ) ;
   pair_info = (double *) MALLOC ( (n_indep_vars * (n_indep_vars+1) / 2) * sizeof(double) ) ;
   assert ( pair_info != NULL ) ;

   for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++)            // Get the 'dependent' variable
      work[i] = data[i*nvars+idep] ;

   if (ndiv > 0) {
      mi_parzen = new MutualInformationParzen ( ncases , work , ndiv ) ;
      mi_adapt = NULL ;
      assert ( mi_parzen != NULL ) ;
   else {
      mi_adapt = new MutualInformationAdaptive ( ncases , work , 0 , 6.0 ) ;
      mi_parzen = NULL ;
      assert ( mi_adapt != NULL ) ;

   memset ( pair_found , 0 , (n_indep_vars * (n_indep_vars+1) / 2) * sizeof(char) ) ;

   if (ndiv > 0)
      fprintf ( fp , "\nParzen mutual information of %s (ndiv=%d)", depname, ndiv);
      fprintf ( fp , "\nAdaptive partitioning mutual information of %s", depname);

   fprintf ( fp , "\n" ) ;
   fprintf ( fp , "\n---------------------------------------------------------------" ) ;
   fprintf ( fp , "\n" ) ;

   Compute and save the mutual information for the dependent variable with
   each individual independent variable candidate.  Print the results,
   sort them, and print them again, this time sorted.

   fprintf ( fp , "\nInitial candidates, in order of appearance in data file" ) ;
   fprintf ( fp , "\n" ) ;
   fprintf ( fp , "\n                       Variable   Information" ) ;

   for (icand=0 ; icand<n_indep_vars ; icand++) { // Try all candidates
      for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++)
         work[i] = data[i*nvars+icand] ;

      if (ndiv > 0)
         criterion = mi_parzen->mut_inf ( work ) ;
         criterion = mi_adapt->mut_inf ( work , 0 ) ;

      printf ( "\n%s = %.5lf", names[icand], criterion ) ;
      fprintf ( fp , "\n%31s   %.5lf", names[icand], criterion ) ;

      sortwork[icand] = icand ;
      save_info[icand] = univar_info[icand] = criterion ;
      } // Initial list of all candidates

   if (mi_parzen != NULL) {
      delete mi_parzen ;
      mi_parzen = NULL ;
   if (mi_adapt != NULL) {
      delete mi_adapt ;
      mi_adapt = NULL ;

   fprintf ( fp , "\n" ) ;
   fprintf ( fp , "\nInitial candidates, in order of decreasing mutual information" ) ;
   fprintf ( fp , "\n" ) ;
   fprintf ( fp , "\n                       Variable   Information" ) ;

   qsortdsi ( 0 , n_indep_vars-1 , save_info , sortwork ) ;
   for (icand=0 ; icand<n_indep_vars ; icand++) { // Do all candidates
      k = sortwork[n_indep_vars-1-icand] ;        // Index of sorted candidate
      fprintf ( fp , "\n%31s   %.5lf", names[k], save_info[n_indep_vars-1-icand] ) ;

   Initialize the 'kept' set to be the best variable, and then begin the
   main outer loop that adds variables one at a time

   kept[0] = sortwork[n_indep_vars-1] ;  // Index of best single candidate
   crits[0] = save_info[n_indep_vars-1] ;
   reduns[0] = 0.0 ;
   nkept = 1 ;

   if (maxkept > n_indep_vars)  // Guard against silly user
      maxkept = n_indep_vars ;

   while (nkept < maxkept) {

      fprintf ( fp , "\n" ) ;
      fprintf ( fp , "\nVariables so far                 Relevance  Redundancy  Criterion" ) ;
      for (i=0 ; i<nkept ; i++)
         fprintf ( fp , "\n%31s %10.5lf %10.5lf %10.5lf",
                   names[kept[i]], crits[i] + reduns[i], reduns[i], crits[i] ) ;
      fprintf ( fp , "\n" ) ;
      fprintf ( fp , "\nSearching for an additional candidate..." ) ;
      fprintf ( fp , "\n" ) ;
      fprintf ( fp , "\n                       Variable  Relevance  Redundancy  Criterion" ) ;

      bestcrit = -1.e60 ;
      for (icand=0 ; icand<n_indep_vars ; icand++) { // Try all candidates
         for (i=0 ; i<nkept ; i++) {  // Is this candidate already kept?
            if (kept[i] == icand)
               break ;
         if (i < nkept)  // If this candidate 'icand' is already kept
            continue ;   // Skip it

         strcpy ( trial_name , names[icand] ) ;   // Its name for printing
         for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++)               // Get its cases
            work[i] = data[i*nvars+icand] ;

         if (ndiv > 0) {
            mi_parzen = new MutualInformationParzen ( ncases , work , ndiv ) ;
            mi_adapt = NULL ;
            assert ( mi_parzen != NULL ) ;
         else {
            mi_adapt = new MutualInformationAdaptive ( ncases , work , 0 , 6.0 ) ;
            mi_parzen = NULL ;
            assert ( mi_adapt != NULL ) ;

         relevance = univar_info[icand] ; // We saved it during initial printing
         printf ( "\n%s relevance = %.5lf", trial_name, relevance ) ;

         // Compute the redundancy of this candidate
         // This is the mean of its redundancy with all kept variables
         redundancy = 0.0 ;
         for (iother=0 ; iother<nkept ; iother++) {  // Process entire kept set
            j = kept[iother] ;           // Index of a variable in the kept set
            if (icand > j)               // pair_found and pair_info are
               k = icand*(icand+1)/2+j ; // symmetric, so k is the index
            else                         // into them
               k = j*(j+1)/2+icand ;
            if (pair_found[k])           // If we already computed it
               redun = pair_info[k] ;    // Don't do it again
            else {                       // First time for this pair, so compute
               for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++)       // Get its cases
                  work[i] = data[i*nvars+j] ;   // Variable already in kept set
               if (ndiv > 0)
                  redun = mi_parzen->mut_inf ( work ) ;
                  redun = mi_adapt->mut_inf ( work , 0 ) ;
               pair_found[k] = 1 ;       // Flag that this pair has been computed
               pair_info[k] = redun ;    // And save the MI for this pair
               } // Else must compute redundancy
            redundancy += redun ;
            printf ( "\n  %s <-> %s redundancy = %.5lf", names[icand], names[j], redun ) ;
            } // For all kept variables, computing mean redundancy

         if (mi_parzen != NULL) {
            delete mi_parzen ;
            mi_parzen = NULL ;

         if (mi_adapt != NULL) {
            delete mi_adapt ;
            mi_adapt = NULL ;

         redundancy /= nkept ;  // It is the mean across all kept
         printf ( "\nRedundancy = %.5lf", redundancy ) ;

         criterion = relevance - redundancy ;
         fprintf ( fp , "\n%31s %10.5lf %10.5lf %10.5lf",
                   trial_name, relevance, redundancy, criterion ) ;

         if (criterion > bestcrit) { // Did we just set a new record?
            bestcrit = criterion ;   // If so, update the record
            bestredun = redundancy ; // Needed for printing results later
            ibest = icand ;          // Keep track of the winning candidate

         } // For all candidates

      // We now have the best candidate
      if (bestcrit <= 0.0)
         break ;
      kept[nkept] = ibest ;
      crits[nkept] = bestcrit ;
      reduns[nkept] = bestredun ;
      ++nkept ;
      } // While adding new variables

   fprintf ( fp , "\n" ) ;
   fprintf ( fp , "\nFinal set                        Relevance  Redundancy  Criterion" ) ;
   for (i=0 ; i<nkept ; i++)
      fprintf ( fp , "\n%31s %10.5lf %10.5lf %10.5lf",
                names[kept[i]], crits[i] + reduns[i], reduns[i], crits[i] ) ;

   MEMTEXT ( "MI_CONT: Finish" ) ;
   fclose ( fp ) ;
   FREE ( work ) ;
   FREE ( kept ) ;
   FREE ( crits ) ;
   FREE ( reduns ) ;
   FREE ( sortwork ) ;
   FREE ( save_info ) ;
   FREE ( univar_info ) ;
   FREE ( pair_found ) ;
   FREE ( pair_info ) ;
   if (mi_parzen != NULL)
      delete mi_parzen ;
   if (mi_adapt != NULL)
      delete mi_adapt ;
   free_data ( nvars , names , data ) ;

   MEMCLOSE () ;
   printf ( "\n\nPress any key..." ) ;
   _getch () ;
   return EXIT_SUCCESS ;