Vector<uint64_t,3> count_block_wins(const section_t section, const Vector<uint8_t,4> block, RawArray<const Vector<super_t,2>> flat_data) { // Prepare const auto base = block_size*Vector<int,4>(block); const auto shape = block_shape(section.shape(),block); const auto rmin0 = safe_rmin_slice(section.counts[0],base[0]+range(shape[0])), rmin1 = safe_rmin_slice(section.counts[1],base[1]+range(shape[1])), rmin2 = safe_rmin_slice(section.counts[2],base[2]+range(shape[2])), rmin3 = safe_rmin_slice(section.counts[3],base[3]+range(shape[3])); GEODE_ASSERT(shape.product()==flat_data.size()); const RawArray<const Vector<super_t,2>,4> block_data(shape,; // Count Vector<uint64_t,3> counts; for (int i0=0;i0<shape[0];i0++) for (int i1=0;i1<shape[1];i1++) for (int i2=0;i2<shape[2];i2++) for (int i3=0;i3<shape[3];i3++) counts += Vector<uint64_t,3>(popcounts_over_stabilizers(quadrants(rmin0[i0],rmin1[i1],rmin2[i2],rmin3[i3]),block_data(i0,i1,i2,i3))); return counts; }
template<typename PointInT, typename PointNT, typename PointOutT> void pcl::OURCVFHEstimation<PointInT, PointNT, PointOutT>::computeRFAndShapeDistribution (PointInTPtr & processed, PointCloudOut & output, std::vector<pcl::PointIndices> & cluster_indices) { PointCloudOut ourcvfh_output; for (size_t i = 0; i < centroids_dominant_orientations_.size (); i++) { std::vector < Eigen::Matrix4f, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Matrix4f> > transformations; PointInTPtr grid (new pcl::PointCloud<PointInT>); sgurf (centroids_dominant_orientations_[i], dominant_normals_[i], processed, transformations, grid, cluster_indices[i]); for (size_t t = 0; t < transformations.size (); t++) { pcl::transformPointCloud (*processed, *grid, transformations[t]); transforms_.push_back (transformations[t]); valid_transforms_.push_back (true); std::vector < Eigen::VectorXf > quadrants (8); int size_hists = 13; int num_hists = 8; for (int k = 0; k < num_hists; k++) quadrants[k].setZero (size_hists); Eigen::Vector4f centroid_p; centroid_p.setZero (); Eigen::Vector4f max_pt; pcl::getMaxDistance (*grid, centroid_p, max_pt); max_pt[3] = 0; double distance_normalization_factor = (centroid_p - max_pt).norm (); float hist_incr; if (normalize_bins_) hist_incr = 100.0f / static_cast<float> (grid->points.size () - 1); else hist_incr = 1.0f; float * weights = new float[num_hists]; float sigma = 0.01f; //1cm float sigma_sq = sigma * sigma; for (int k = 0; k < static_cast<int> (grid->points.size ()); k++) { Eigen::Vector4f p = grid->points[k].getVector4fMap (); p[3] = 0.f; float d = p.norm (); //compute weight for all octants float wx = 1.f - std::exp (-((p[0] * p[0]) / (2.f * sigma_sq))); //how is the weight distributed among two semi-cubes float wy = 1.f - std::exp (-((p[1] * p[1]) / (2.f * sigma_sq))); float wz = 1.f - std::exp (-((p[2] * p[2]) / (2.f * sigma_sq))); //distribute the weights using the x-coordinate if (p[0] >= 0) { for (size_t ii = 0; ii <= 3; ii++) weights[ii] = 0.5f - wx * 0.5f; for (size_t ii = 4; ii <= 7; ii++) weights[ii] = 0.5f + wx * 0.5f; } else { for (size_t ii = 0; ii <= 3; ii++) weights[ii] = 0.5f + wx * 0.5f; for (size_t ii = 4; ii <= 7; ii++) weights[ii] = 0.5f - wx * 0.5f; } //distribute the weights using the y-coordinate if (p[1] >= 0) { for (size_t ii = 0; ii <= 1; ii++) weights[ii] *= 0.5f - wy * 0.5f; for (size_t ii = 4; ii <= 5; ii++) weights[ii] *= 0.5f - wy * 0.5f; for (size_t ii = 2; ii <= 3; ii++) weights[ii] *= 0.5f + wy * 0.5f; for (size_t ii = 6; ii <= 7; ii++) weights[ii] *= 0.5f + wy * 0.5f; } else { for (size_t ii = 0; ii <= 1; ii++) weights[ii] *= 0.5f + wy * 0.5f; for (size_t ii = 4; ii <= 5; ii++) weights[ii] *= 0.5f + wy * 0.5f; for (size_t ii = 2; ii <= 3; ii++) weights[ii] *= 0.5f - wy * 0.5f; for (size_t ii = 6; ii <= 7; ii++) weights[ii] *= 0.5f - wy * 0.5f; } //distribute the weights using the z-coordinate if (p[2] >= 0) { for (size_t ii = 0; ii <= 7; ii += 2) weights[ii] *= 0.5f - wz * 0.5f; for (size_t ii = 1; ii <= 7; ii += 2) weights[ii] *= 0.5f + wz * 0.5f; } else { for (size_t ii = 0; ii <= 7; ii += 2) weights[ii] *= 0.5f + wz * 0.5f; for (size_t ii = 1; ii <= 7; ii += 2) weights[ii] *= 0.5f - wz * 0.5f; } int h_index = static_cast<int> (std::floor (size_hists * (d / distance_normalization_factor))); for (int j = 0; j < num_hists; j++) quadrants[j][h_index] += hist_incr * weights[j]; } //copy to the cvfh signature PointCloudOut vfh_signature; vfh_signature.points.resize (1); vfh_signature.width = vfh_signature.height = 1; for (int d = 0; d < 308; ++d) vfh_signature.points[0].histogram[d] = output.points[i].histogram[d]; int pos = 45 * 3; for (int k = 0; k < num_hists; k++) { for (int ii = 0; ii < size_hists; ii++, pos++) { vfh_signature.points[0].histogram[pos] = quadrants[k][ii]; } } ourcvfh_output.points.push_back (vfh_signature.points[0]); delete[] weights; } } output = ourcvfh_output; }