Esempio n. 1
void commands(struct clients *client_t)
	char rspsoneBuf[MAX_LINE * 2] = {0};
	struct data_st *recv_pdt = client_t->recv_data;
	if ((recv_pdt->data_len > 0) && (recv_pdt->data != NULL)) {

		// SYSADMIN: 用于管理员调试
		if ( strncasecmp(recv_pdt->data, "SYSADMIN ", 9) == 0 ) {

		// LOGIN: 用于表示客户端登录 LOGIN account:abalam password:123qwe ios_token:111 get_friend_list:1 \r\n\r\n
		if ( strncasecmp(recv_pdt->data, "LOGIN ", 6) == 0 ) {
			char *pbuf = recv_pdt->data + 5;
			char myuid[128] = {0};
			int ret = login_cmd(client_t, pbuf, strlen(pbuf));
			if (ret != 0) {
				// 认证失败
				snprintf(rspsoneBuf, sizeof(rspsoneBuf), "%s FAIL%s", TAG_LOGIN, DATA_END);

				safe_write(client_t, rspsoneBuf, strlen(rspsoneBuf));				

			// init recv data

			return ;

		// HELO: 用于表示客户端信息 helo uid:0000001 ios_token:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx fid:0000220
		if ( strncasecmp(recv_pdt->data, "HELO ", 5) == 0 ) {
			char *pbuf = recv_pdt->data + 5;
			char myuid[128] = {0};
			int ret = helo_cmd(client_t, pbuf, strlen(pbuf), myuid, sizeof(myuid));
			if (ret == 0) {
				// 检查是否有离线消息
				int offline_msg_num = has_offline_msg(myuid);
				snprintf(rspsoneBuf, sizeof(rspsoneBuf), "%s OK %d%s", TAG_HELO, offline_msg_num, DATA_END);
			} else {
				snprintf(rspsoneBuf, sizeof(rspsoneBuf), "%s FAIL 0%s", TAG_HELO, DATA_END);

			// init recv data

			safe_write(client_t, rspsoneBuf, strlen(rspsoneBuf));

			return ;

		// ALIVE: keep alive 保持在线
		if ( strncasecmp(recv_pdt->data, "ALIVE ", 6) == 0 ) {
			char *pbuf = recv_pdt->data + 6;
			snprintf(rspsoneBuf, sizeof(rspsoneBuf), "%s OK %s", TAG_ALIVE, DATA_END);	

			// init recv data

			safe_write(client_t, rspsoneBuf, strlen(rspsoneBuf));


		// QUIT: 用户退出
		if ( strncasecmp(recv_pdt->data, "QUIT ", 5) == 0 ) {
			char *pbuf = recv_pdt->data + 5;
			int ret = quit_cmd(client_t, pbuf, strlen(pbuf));
			if (ret == 0) {
				snprintf(rspsoneBuf, sizeof(rspsoneBuf), "%s OK %s", TAG_QUIT, DATA_END);	
			} else {
				snprintf(rspsoneBuf, sizeof(rspsoneBuf), "%s FAIL %s", TAG_QUIT, DATA_END);

			// init recv data

			//safe_write(client_t, rspsoneBuf, strlen(rspsoneBuf));

			return ;

		// SENDADDFRDREQ: 发送请求加为好友信息
		if ( strncasecmp(recv_pdt->data, "SENDADDFRDREQ ", 14) == 0 ) {
			char *pbuf = recv_pdt->data + 14;
			char mid[MAX_LINE] = {0};
			int ret = sendreq_addfriend(client_t, pbuf, strlen(pbuf), mid, sizeof(mid));
			if (ret == 0) {
				snprintf(rspsoneBuf, sizeof(rspsoneBuf), "%s OK %s", TAG_SENDADDFRIENDREQ, DATA_END);
			} else {
				snprintf(rspsoneBuf, sizeof(rspsoneBuf), "%s FAIL %s", TAG_SENDADDFRIENDREQ, DATA_END);

			// init recv data

			safe_write(client_t, rspsoneBuf, strlen(rspsoneBuf));
		// SENDTXT: 发送送信息给对方 
		if ( strncasecmp(recv_pdt->data, "SENDTXT ", 8) == 0 ) {
			char *pbuf = recv_pdt->data + 8;
			char mid[MAX_LINE] = {0};
			int ret = sendtxt_cmd(client_t, pbuf, strlen(pbuf), mid, sizeof(mid));
			if (ret == 0) {
				snprintf(rspsoneBuf, sizeof(rspsoneBuf), "%s OK %s%s", TAG_SENDTXT, mid, DATA_END);
			} else {
				snprintf(rspsoneBuf, sizeof(rspsoneBuf), "%s FAIL %s%s", TAG_SENDTXT, mid, DATA_END);
			// init recv data
			safe_write(client_t, rspsoneBuf, strlen(rspsoneBuf));
		// SENDIMG: 发送送图片给对方
		if ( strncasecmp(recv_pdt->data, "SENDIMG ", 8) == 0 ) {
			char *pbuf = recv_pdt->data + 8;
			char mid[MAX_LINE] = {0};
			char thumb_img_url[MAX_LINE] = {0};
			char qid[MAX_LINE] = {0};
			int ret = sendimg_cmd(client_t, pbuf, strlen(pbuf), mid, sizeof(mid), thumb_img_url, sizeof(thumb_img_url), qid, sizeof(qid));
			if (ret == 0) {
				snprintf(rspsoneBuf, sizeof(rspsoneBuf), "%s OK %s %s %s%s", TAG_SENDIMG, mid, qid, thumb_img_url, DATA_END); 
			} else {
				snprintf(rspsoneBuf, sizeof(rspsoneBuf), "%s FAIL %s %s %s%s", TAG_SENDIMG, mid, qid, thumb_img_url, DATA_END);
			// init recv data
			safe_write(client_t, rspsoneBuf, strlen(rspsoneBuf));

		// SENDAUDIO: 发送送音频给对方
		if ( strncasecmp(recv_pdt->data, "SENDAUDIO ", 10) == 0 ) {
			char *pbuf = recv_pdt->data + 10;
			char mid[MAX_LINE] = {0};
			char qid[MAX_LINE] = {0};
			char audio_url[MAX_LINE] = {0};
			int ret = sendaudio_cmd(client_t, pbuf, strlen(pbuf), mid, sizeof(mid), audio_url, sizeof(audio_url), qid, sizeof(qid));
			if (ret == 0) {
				snprintf(rspsoneBuf, sizeof(rspsoneBuf), "%s OK %s %s %s %s", TAG_SENDAUDIO, mid, qid, audio_url, DATA_END); 
			} else {
				snprintf(rspsoneBuf, sizeof(rspsoneBuf), "%s FAIL %s %s %s %s", TAG_SENDAUDIO, mid, qid, audio_url, DATA_END);
			// init recv data
			safe_write(client_t, rspsoneBuf, strlen(rspsoneBuf));
Esempio n. 2
static bool dot_quit_cmd(UAContext *ua, const char *cmd)
   quit_cmd(ua, cmd);
   return true;
Esempio n. 3
 * .die (seg fault)
 * .dump (sm_dump)
 * .exit (no arg => .quit)
bool dot_admin_cmds(UAContext *ua, const char *cmd)
   pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
   STORERES *store = NULL;
   CLIENTRES *client = NULL;
   bool dir=false;
   bool do_deadlock=false;
   const char *remote_cmd;
   int i;
   JCR *jcr = NULL;
   int a;
   if (strncmp(ua->argk[0], ".die", 4) == 0) {
      if (find_arg(ua, "deadlock") > 0) {
         do_deadlock = true;
         remote_cmd = ".die deadlock";
      } else {
         remote_cmd = ".die";
   } else if (strncmp(ua->argk[0], ".dump", 5) == 0) {
      remote_cmd = "sm_dump";
   } else if (strncmp(ua->argk[0], ".exit", 5) == 0) {
      remote_cmd = "exit";
   } else {
      ua->error_msg(_("Unknown command: %s\n"), ua->argk[0]);
      return true;
   /* General debug? */
   for (i = 1; i < ua->argc; i++) {
      if (bstrcasecmp(ua->argk[i], "dir") ||
          bstrcasecmp(ua->argk[i], "director")) {
         dir = true;
      if (bstrcasecmp(ua->argk[i], "client") ||
          bstrcasecmp(ua->argk[i], "fd")) {
         client = NULL;
         if (ua->argv[i]) {
            client = (CLIENTRES *)GetResWithName(R_CLIENT, ua->argv[i]);
         if (!client) {
            client = select_client_resource(ua);

      if (bstrcasecmp(ua->argk[i], NT_("store")) ||
          bstrcasecmp(ua->argk[i], NT_("storage")) ||
          bstrcasecmp(ua->argk[i], NT_("sd"))) {
         store = NULL;
         if (ua->argv[i]) {
            store = (STORERES *)GetResWithName(R_STORAGE, ua->argv[i]);
         if (!store) {
            store = get_storage_resource(ua);

   if (!dir && !store && !client) {
       * We didn't find an appropriate keyword above, so
       * prompt the user.
      start_prompt(ua, _("Available daemons are: \n"));
      add_prompt(ua, _("Director"));
      add_prompt(ua, _("Storage"));
      add_prompt(ua, _("Client"));
      switch(do_prompt(ua, "", _("Select daemon type to make die"), NULL, 0)) {
      case 0:                         /* Director */
      case 1:
         store = get_storage_resource(ua);
      case 2:
         client = select_client_resource(ua);

   if (store) {
      switch (store->Protocol) {
      case APT_NDMPV2:
      case APT_NDMPV3:
      case APT_NDMPV4:
         ua->warning_msg(_("Storage has non-native protocol.\n"));
         do_storage_cmd(ua, store, remote_cmd);

   if (client) {
      do_client_cmd(ua, client, remote_cmd);

   if (dir) {
      if (strncmp(remote_cmd, ".die", 4) == 0) {
         if (do_deadlock) {
            ua->send_msg(_("The Director will generate a deadlock.\n"));
         ua->send_msg(_("The Director will segment fault.\n"));
         a = jcr->JobId; /* ref NULL pointer */
         jcr->JobId = 1000; /* another ref NULL pointer */
         jcr->JobId = a;

      } else if (strncmp(remote_cmd, ".dump", 5) == 0) {
         sm_dump(false, true);
      } else if (strncmp(remote_cmd, ".exit", 5) == 0) {
         quit_cmd(ua, cmd);

   return true;
Esempio n. 4
/* Thread for tcp_node to accept standard input and transfer that standard input to queue for tcp_node or ip_node to handle */
void* _handle_tcp_node_stdin(void* node){

	tcp_node_t tcp_node = (tcp_node_t)node;
	char line[LINE_MAX];
	char cmd[LINE_MAX];

	fd_set input;
	int ret, fgets_ret;
	unsigned i; 	

	/* let's just wait for 1/5 of a second for every stdin read */
	struct timeval tv;
	tv.tv_sec  = 1;
	tv.tv_usec = 0; 

	/* holder for the args that we're iterating over */
	tcp_api_args_t args;
	plain_list_el_t el;

	while (tcp_node_running(tcp_node)&&tcp_node_ip_running(tcp_node)){
		/* NOTE: this call fd_fgets (src/util/utils.c) is now non-blocking sort-of, 
			it blocks for the amount of time defined in the struct timeval tv, 
			and then returns control. It returns -1 if an error occurred, 0
			if there's nothing to read, and 1 if there's something to read */
		/* if less than 0, fgets() returned NULL */
		if( (fgets_ret = fd_fgets(&input, line, sizeof(line), stdin, &tv)) < 0 ){
			quit_cmd(line, tcp_node);
		/* >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> check all your spawned threads <<<<<<<<<< */
			/* this is defined in include/utils/list.h and it just
				iterates over the passed in list, setting the 
				given argument (thread) to the data of each 
				list element */

			plain_list_t list = tcp_node_thread_list(tcp_node);
			PLAIN_LIST_ITER(list, el) //in utils.h
				args = (tcp_api_args_t)el->data;
					if(args->result < 0){	
						char* error_string = strerror(-(args->result));
						printf("Error: %s returned %s\n", args->function_call, error_string);
					else if(args->result==0)
						printf("%s on socket %d successful.\n", args->function_call, args->socket);
						printf("%s on socket %d returned value: %d\n", args->function_call, args->socket, args->result);
					plain_list_remove(list, el);

		/* >>>>>>>>>>>>> now check what you read on stdin <<<<<<<<<<< */

			/* didn't read anything */
			if(fgets_ret == 0)
			/* otherwise line has been set by fgets in fd_fgets() */
			ret = sscanf(line, "%s", cmd);
			if (ret != 1){
				fprintf(stderr, "syntax error (first argument must be a command)\n");
			for (i=0; i < sizeof(cmd_table) / sizeof(cmd_table[0]); i++){
				if (!strcmp(cmd, cmd_table[i].command)){
					cmd_table[i].handler(line, tcp_node);
			if (i == sizeof(cmd_table) / sizeof(cmd_table[0])){
				fprintf(stderr, "error: no valid command specified\n");
	print(("exiting stdin thread"), CLOSING_PRINT);