Esempio n. 1
double lebesgue_constant ( int n, double x[], int nfun, double xfun[] )


    LEBESGUE_CONSTANT estimates the Lebesgue constant for a set of points.


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    03 March 2014


    John Burkardt.


    Jean-Paul Berrut, Lloyd Trefethen,
    Barycentric Lagrange Interpolation,
    SIAM Review,
    Volume 46, Number 3, September 2004, pages 501-517.


    Input, int N, the number of interpolation points.

    Input, double X[N], the interpolation points.

    Input, int NFUN, the number of evaluation points.

    Input, double XFUN[NFUN], the evaluation points.

    Output, double LEBESGUE_CONSTANT, an estimate of the Lebesgue constant 
    for the points.
  double *lfun;
  double lmax;

  lfun = lebesgue_function ( n, x, nfun, xfun );

  lmax = r8vec_max ( nfun, lfun );

  free ( lfun );

  return lmax;
Esempio n. 2
void test01 ( )


    TEST01 samples the solution at the initial time.


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    16 January 2015


    John Burkardt
    double a;
    double d;
    int n;
    double *p;
    const double r8_pi = 3.141592653589793;
    int seed;
    double t;
    double *u;
    double *v;
    double *w;
    double *x;
    double xyz_hi;
    double xyz_lo;
    double *y;
    double *z;

    a = r8_pi / 4.0;
    d = r8_pi / 2.0;

    printf ( "\n" );
    printf ( "TEST01\n" );
    printf ( "  Estimate the range of velocity and pressure\n" );
    printf ( "  at the initial time T = 0, in a region that is the\n" );
    printf ( "  cube centered at (0,0,0) with 'radius' 1.0.\n" );
    printf ( "  Parameter A = %g\n", a );
    printf ( "  Parameter D = %g\n", d );

    n = 1000;

    p = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) );
    u = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) );
    v = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) );
    w = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) );

    xyz_lo = -1.0;
    xyz_hi = +1.0;
    seed = 123456789;

    x = r8vec_uniform_ab_new ( n, xyz_lo, xyz_hi, &seed );
    y = r8vec_uniform_ab_new ( n, xyz_lo, xyz_hi, &seed );
    z = r8vec_uniform_ab_new ( n, xyz_lo, xyz_hi, &seed );
    t = 0.0;

    uvwp_ethier ( a, d, n, x, y, z, t, u, v, w, p );

    printf ( "\n" );
    printf ( "           Minimum       Maximum\n" );
    printf ( "\n" );
    printf ( "  U:    %14.6g  %14.6g\n", r8vec_min ( n, u ), r8vec_max ( n, u ) );
    printf ( "  V:    %14.6g  %14.6g\n", r8vec_min ( n, v ), r8vec_max ( n, v ) );
    printf ( "  W:    %14.6g  %14.6g\n", r8vec_min ( n, w ), r8vec_max ( n, w ) );
    printf ( "  P:    %14.6g  %14.6g\n", r8vec_min ( n, p ), r8vec_max ( n, p ) );

    free ( p );
    free ( u );
    free ( v );
    free ( w );
    free ( x );
    free ( y );
    free ( z );

Esempio n. 3
void test01 ( )




    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    22 May 2014


    John Burkardt
  double c;
  char command_filename[] = "symmetric_commands.txt";
  FILE *command_unit;
  char data_filename[] = "symmetric_data.txt";
  int i;
  int n = 51;
  double ratio;
  double t;
  double *x;
  double x_max;
  double x_min;
  double *xy;
  double *y;
  double y_max;
  double y_min;

  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "TEST01\n" );
  printf ( "  NACA4_SYMMETRIC evaluates y(x) for a NACA\n" );
  printf ( "  symmetric airfoil defined by a 4-digit code.\n" );

  c = 10.0;
  t = 0.15;
  x = r8vec_linspace_new ( n, 0.0, c );
  y = naca4_symmetric ( t, c, n, x );
  Reorganize data into a single object.
  xy = ( double * ) malloc ( 2 * 2 * n * sizeof ( double ) );

  for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
    xy[0+i*2] = x[i];
    xy[1+i*2] = -y[i];
  for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
    xy[0+(n+i)*2] = x[n-1-i];
    xy[1+(n+i)*2] = y[n-1-i];
  Determine size ratio.
  x_min = r8vec_min ( n, x );
  x_max = r8vec_max ( n, x );
  y_max = r8vec_max ( n, y );
  y_min = - y_max;
  ratio = ( y_max - y_min ) / ( x_max - x_min );
  Save data to a file.
  r8mat_write ( data_filename, 2, 2 * n, xy );
  printf ( "  Data saved in file '%s'\n", data_filename );
  Create the command file.
  command_unit = fopen ( command_filename, "wt" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "set term png\n" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "set grid\n" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "set style data lines\n" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "set size ratio %g\n", ratio );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "set timestamp\n" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "unset key\n" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "set output 'symmetric.png'\n" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "set xlabel '<---X--->'\n" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "set ylabel '<---Y--->'\n" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "set title 'NACA Symmetric Airfoil'\n" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "plot '%s' using 1:2 with lines lw 3\n", 
    data_filename );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "quit\n" );

  fclose ( command_unit );

  printf ( "  Created command file '%s'\n", command_filename );

  free ( x );
  free ( y );

Esempio n. 4
void test02 ( )


    TEST02 tests NACA4_CAMBERED.


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    21 May 2014


    John Burkardt
  double c;
  char command_filename[] = "cambered_commands.txt";
  FILE *command_unit;
  char data_filename[] = "cambered_data.txt";
  int i;
  double m;
  int n = 51;
  double p;
  double ratio;
  double t;
  double x_max;
  double x_min;
  double *xc;
  double *xl;
  double *xu;
  double *xy;
  double y_max;
  double y_min;
  double *yl;
  double *yu;

  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "TEST02\n" );
  printf ( "  NACA4_CAMBERED evaluates (xu,yu) and (xl,yl) for a NACA\n" );
  printf ( "  cambered airfoil defined by a 4-digit code.\n" );

  m = 0.02;
  p = 0.4;
  t = 0.12;
  c = 10.0;

  xc = r8vec_linspace_new ( n, 0.0, c );

  xu = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) );
  xl = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) );
  yu = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) );
  yl = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) );

  naca4_cambered ( m, p, t, c, n, xc, xu, yu, xl, yl );
  Reorganize data into a single object.
  xy = ( double * ) malloc ( 2 * 2 * n * sizeof ( double ) );

  for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
    xy[0+i*2] = xl[i];
    xy[1+i*2] = yl[i];
  for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
    xy[0+(n+i)*2] = xu[n-1-i];
    xy[1+(n+i)*2] = yu[n-1-i];
  Determine size ratio.
  x_min = r8_min ( r8vec_min ( n, xl ), r8vec_min ( n, xu ) );
  x_max = r8_max ( r8vec_max ( n, xl ), r8vec_max ( n, xu ) );
  y_min = r8_min ( r8vec_min ( n, yl ), r8vec_min ( n, yu ) );
  y_max = r8_max ( r8vec_max ( n, yl ), r8vec_max ( n, yu ) );
  ratio = ( y_max - y_min ) / ( x_max - x_min );
  Save data to a file.
  r8mat_write ( data_filename, 2, 2 * n, xy );
  printf ( "  Data saved in file '%s'\n", data_filename );
  Create the command file.
  command_unit = fopen ( command_filename, "wt" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "set term png\n" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "set grid\n" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "set style data lines\n" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "set size ratio %g\n", ratio );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "set timestamp\n" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "unset key\n" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "set output 'cambered.png'\n" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "set xlabel '<---X--->'\n" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "set ylabel '<---Y--->'\n" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "set title 'NACA Cambered Airfoil'\n" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "plot '%s' using 1:2 with lines lw 3\n", 
    data_filename );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "quit\n" );

  fclose ( command_unit );

  printf ( "  Created command file '%s'\n", command_filename );

  free ( xc );
  free ( xl );
  free ( xu );
  free ( xy );
  free ( yl );
  free ( yu );

Esempio n. 5
void test02 ( void )


    TEST02 evaluates the objective function at each starting point.


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. 


    17 February 2012


    John Burkardt
  double *a;
  double *b;
  double *f;
  double *fs;
  int i;
  int know;
  int m;
  int n = 100000;
  int problem;
  int problem_num;
  int seed;
  char title[100];
  double *x;
  double *xs;

  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "TEST02\n" );
  printf ( "  For each problem, evaluate the function at many points.\n" );
  printf ( "  Number of sample points = %d\n", n );
  Get the number of problems.
  problem_num = p00_problem_num ( );

  for ( problem = 1; problem <= problem_num; problem++ )
    printf ( "\n" );
    printf ( "  Problem %d\n", problem );

    p00_title ( problem, title );

    printf ( "  %s\n", title );

    m = p00_m ( problem );

    printf ( "  M =     %d\n", m );

    a = ( double * ) malloc ( m * sizeof ( double ) );
    b = ( double * ) malloc ( m * sizeof ( double ) );
    p00_ab ( problem, m, a, b );

    printf ( "\n" );
    printf ( "    I      A(i)      B(i)\n" );
    printf ( "\n" );

    for ( i = 0; i < m; i++ )
      printf ( "  %4d  %10g  %10g\n", i, a[i], b[i] );

    seed = 123456789;
    x = r8col_uniform_new ( m, n, a, b, &seed );
    f = p00_f ( problem, m, n, x );

    printf ( "\n" );
    printf ( "  Max(F) = %g\n", r8vec_max ( n, f ) );
    printf ( "  Min(F) = %g\n", r8vec_min ( n, f ) );

    know = 0;
    xs = p00_sol ( problem, m, &know );
    if ( know != 0 )
      fs = p00_f ( problem, m, 1, xs );
      printf ( "  F(X*)  = %g\n", fs[0] );
      free ( fs );
      free ( xs );
      printf ( "  X* is not given.\n" );

    free ( a );
    free ( b );
    free ( f );
    free ( x );
Esempio n. 6
void uvp_stokes1_test ( )


    UVP_STOKES1_TEST samples the solution #1.


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    24 January 2015


    John Burkardt
  int n = 1000;
  double *p;
  int seed;
  double *u;
  double *v;
  double *x;
  double xy_hi;
  double xy_lo;
  double *y;

  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "UVP_STOKES1_TEST\n" );
  printf ( "  Exact Stokes solution #1:\n" );
  printf ( "  Estimate the range of velocity and pressure\n" );
  printf ( "  using a region that is the unit square.\n" );

  xy_lo = 0.0;
  xy_hi = 1.0;
  seed = 123456789;

  x = r8vec_uniform_ab_new ( n, xy_lo, xy_hi, &seed );
  y = r8vec_uniform_ab_new ( n, xy_lo, xy_hi, &seed );

  u = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) );
  v = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) );
  p = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) );

  uvp_stokes1 ( n, x, y, u, v, p );

  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "           Minimum       Maximum\n" );
  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "  U:  %14.6g  %14.6g\n", r8vec_min ( n, u ), r8vec_max ( n, u ) );
  printf ( "  V:  %14.6g  %14.6g\n", r8vec_min ( n, v ), r8vec_max ( n, v ) );
  printf ( "  P:  %14.6g  %14.6g\n", r8vec_min ( n, p ), r8vec_max ( n, p ) );

  free ( p );
  free ( u );
  free ( v );
  free ( x );
  free ( y );

void xk_contour ( )


    XK_CONTOUR displays contour plots of a 1D stochastic diffusivity function.


    The diffusivity function is compute by DIFFUSIVITY_1D_XK.


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    06 August 2013


    John Burkardt


    Dongbin Xiu, George Karniadakis,
    Modeling uncertainty in steady state diffusion problems via
    generalized polynomial chaos,
    Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,
    Volume 191, 2002, pages 4927-4948.
  double *dc;
  double dc_max;
  double dc0;
  char command_filename[] = "xk_commands.txt";
  FILE *command_unit;
  char data_filename[] = "xk_data.txt";
  FILE *data_unit;
  int j;
  int m;
  int n;
  int seed;
  double *omega;
  double *x;
  double x_min;
  double x_max;

  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "XK_CONTOUR\n" );
  printf ( "  Plot the stochastic diffusivity function\n" );
  printf ( "  defined by DIFFUSIVITY_1D_XK.\n" );
  Set up the spatial grid.
  n = 51;
  x_min = -1.0;
  x_max = +1.0;
  x = r8vec_linspace_new ( n, x_min, x_max );
  Sample the OMEGA values.
  m = 5;
  seed = 123456789;
  omega = r8vec_normal_01_new ( m, &seed );
  Compute the diffusivity field.
  dc0 = 10.0;
  dc = diffusivity_1d_xk ( dc0, m, omega, n, x );
  Create data file.
  data_unit = fopen ( data_filename, "wt" );
  for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
    fprintf ( data_unit, "  %14.6g  %14.6g\n", x[j], dc[j] );
  fclose ( data_unit );
  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "  Created graphics data file '%s'\n", data_filename );
  Create the command file.
  dc_max = r8vec_max ( n, dc );

  command_unit = fopen ( command_filename, "wt" );

  fprintf ( command_unit, "# %s\n", command_filename );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "#\n" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "# Usage:\n" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "#  gnuplot < %s\n", command_filename );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "#\n" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "set term png\n" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "set output 'xk_contour.png'\n" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "set xlabel '<---X--->'\n" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "set ylabel '<---DC(X)--->'\n" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "set yrange [0.0:%g]\n", dc_max );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "set title 'XK Stochastic diffusivity function'\n" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "set grid\n" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "set style data lines\n" );
  fprintf ( command_unit, "plot '%s' using 1:2 lw 3 linecolor rgb 'red'\n", data_filename );

  fclose ( command_unit );

  printf ( "  Created graphics command file '%s'\n", command_filename );

  free ( dc );
  free ( omega );
  free ( x );

Esempio n. 8
void test02 ( void )


    TEST02 samples each function using each grid.


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. 


    30 January 2012


    John Burkardt
  double *f;
  double f_ave;
  double f_max;
  double f_min;
  int f_num;
  int fi;
  char ft[100];
  int g_num;
  int gi;
  int gn;
  char gt[100];
  double *gx;
  double *gy;

  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "TEST02\n" );
  printf ( "  Sample each function over each grid.\n" );

  g_num = g00_num ( );
  f_num = f00_num ( );

  for ( fi = 1; fi <= f_num; fi++ )
    f00_title ( fi, ft );
    printf ( "\n" );
    printf ( "  %2d  %s\n", fi, ft );
    printf ( "        Grid Title                     " );
    printf ( "Min(F)          Ave(F)           Max(F)\n" );
    printf ( "\n" );

    for ( gi = 1; gi <= g_num; gi++ )
      g00_title ( gi, gt );
      gn = g00_size ( gi );

      gx = ( double * ) malloc ( gn * sizeof ( double ) );
      gy = ( double * ) malloc ( gn * sizeof ( double ) );

      g00_xy ( gi, gn, gx, gy );

      f = ( double * ) malloc ( gn * sizeof ( double ) );

      f00_f0 ( fi, gn, gx, gy, f );

      f_max = r8vec_max ( gn, f );
      f_min = r8vec_min ( gn, f );
      f_ave = r8vec_sum ( gn, f );
      f_ave = f_ave / ( double ) ( gn );

      printf ( "  %4d  %25s  %14g  %14g  %14g\n", gi, gt, f_min, f_ave, f_max );

      free ( f );
      free ( gx );
      free ( gy );
void test01 ( )


    TEST01 generates a field and estimates its range.


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    19 January 2015


    John Burkardt
  int n;
  double c;
  int seed;
  double *u;
  double *v;
  double *x;
  double xy_hi;
  double xy_lo;
  double *y;

  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "TEST01\n" );
  printf ( "  Sample a spiral velocity field and estimate\n" );
  printf ( "  the range of the solution values.\n" );

  n = 1000;

  xy_lo = +0.0;
  xy_hi = +1.0;
  seed = 123456789;

  x = r8vec_uniform_ab_new ( n, xy_lo, xy_hi, &seed );
  y = r8vec_uniform_ab_new ( n, xy_lo, xy_hi, &seed );
  c = 1.0;

  u = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) );
  v = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) );
  uv_spiral ( n, x, y, c, u, v );

  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "           Minimum       Maximum\n" );
  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "  U:    %14.6g  %14.6g\n", r8vec_min ( n, u ), r8vec_max ( n, u ) );
  printf ( "  V:    %14.6g  %14.6g\n", r8vec_min ( n, v ), r8vec_max ( n, v ) );

  free ( u );
  free ( v );
  free ( x );
  free ( y );
