rpHCPId rpHcpI_seqToHcpId ( rSequence seq ) { rpHCPId id = {0}; if( NULL != seq ) { if( !rSequence_getRU8( seq, RP_TAGS_HCP_ID_ORG, &(id.id.orgId) ) || !rSequence_getRU8( seq, RP_TAGS_HCP_ID_SUBNET, &(id.id.subnetId) ) || !rSequence_getRU32( seq, RP_TAGS_HCP_ID_UNIQUE, &(id.id.uniqueId) ) || !rSequence_getRU8( seq, RP_TAGS_HCP_ID_PLATFORM, &(id.id.platformId) ) || !rSequence_getRU8( seq, RP_TAGS_HCP_ID_CONFIG, &(id.id.configId) ) ) { id.raw = 0; } } return id; }
void test_memmap ( void ) { processLibProcEntry* entries = NULL; RU32 entryIndex = 0; rList regions = NULL; rSequence region = NULL; RU32 nRegions = 0; RU8 type = 0; RU8 protect = 0; RU64 ptr = 0; RU64 size = 0; entries = processLib_getProcessEntries( TRUE ); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_EQUAL_FATAL( entries, NULL ); CU_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL_FATAL( entries[ entryIndex ].pid, 0 ); regions = processLib_getProcessMemoryMap( entries[ entryIndex ].pid ); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_EQUAL( regions, NULL ); while( rList_getSEQUENCE( regions, RP_TAGS_MEMORY_REGION, ®ion ) ) { CU_ASSERT_TRUE( rSequence_getRU8( region, RP_TAGS_MEMORY_TYPE, &type ) ); CU_ASSERT_TRUE( rSequence_getRU8( region, RP_TAGS_MEMORY_ACCESS, &protect ) ); CU_ASSERT_TRUE( rSequence_getPOINTER64( region, RP_TAGS_BASE_ADDRESS, &ptr ) ); CU_ASSERT_TRUE( rSequence_getRU64( region, RP_TAGS_MEMORY_SIZE, &size ) ); nRegions++; } CU_ASSERT_TRUE( 2 < nRegions ); rSequence_free( regions ); rpal_memory_free( entries ); }
RPRIVATE_TESTABLE RBOOL unloadModule ( rpHCPContext* hcpContext, rSequence seq ) { RBOOL isSuccess = FALSE; RpHcp_ModuleId moduleId = (RU8)(-1); RU32 moduleIndex = (RU32)(-1); if( NULL != seq && NULL != hcpContext ) { if( rSequence_getRU8( seq, RP_TAGS_HCP_MODULE_ID, &moduleId ) ) { for( moduleIndex = 0; moduleIndex < RP_HCP_CONTEXT_MAX_MODULES; moduleIndex++ ) { if( moduleId == hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].id ) { break; } } } } if( (RU32)(-1) != moduleIndex && RP_HCP_CONTEXT_MAX_MODULES != moduleIndex ) { #ifdef RP_HCP_LOCAL_LOAD if( hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].isOsLoaded ) { // We do not unload modules loaded by the OS in debug since // they are used to debug modules during development. return FALSE; } #endif if( rEvent_set( hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].isTimeToStop ) && rpal_thread_wait( hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].hThread, ( 30 * 1000 ) ) ) { isSuccess = TRUE; _cleanupModuleEntry( &( hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ] ) ); } } return isSuccess; }
static RBOOL updateCollectorConfigs ( rList newConfigs ) { RBOOL isSuccess = FALSE; RU8 unused = 0; RU32 i = 0; rSequence tmpConf = NULL; RU32 confId = 0; if( rpal_memory_isValid( newConfigs ) ) { rpal_debug_info( "updating collector configurations." ); for( i = 0; i < ARRAY_N_ELEM( g_collectors ); i++ ) { if( NULL != g_collectors[ i ].conf ) { rpal_debug_info( "freeing collector %d config.", i ); rSequence_free( g_collectors[ i ].conf ); g_collectors[ i ].conf = NULL; } } while( rList_getSEQUENCE( newConfigs, RP_TAGS_HBS_CONFIGURATION, &tmpConf ) ) { if( rSequence_getRU32( tmpConf, RP_TAGS_HBS_CONFIGURATION_ID, &confId ) && confId < ARRAY_N_ELEM( g_collectors ) ) { if( rSequence_getRU8( tmpConf, RP_TAGS_IS_DISABLED, &unused ) ) { g_collectors[ confId ].isEnabled = FALSE; } else { g_collectors[ confId ].isEnabled = TRUE; g_collectors[ confId ].conf = rSequence_duplicate( tmpConf ); rpal_debug_info( "set new collector %d config.", confId ); } } } isSuccess = TRUE; } return isSuccess; }
static RU32 _scanProcessWith ( RU32 pid, YaraMatchContext* matchContext, YR_RULES* rules, rEvent isTimeToStop ) { RU32 scanError = (RU32)(-1); rList modules = NULL; rSequence module = NULL; _MemRange* memRanges = NULL; RU32 i = 0; rList memoryMap = NULL; rSequence memoryRegion = NULL; RU8 memAccess = 0; RU64 mem = 0; RU64 memSize = 0; RPU8 buffer = NULL; // First pass is to scan known modules if( NULL != ( modules = processLib_getProcessModules( pid ) ) ) { rpal_debug_info( "scanning process %d module memory with yara", pid ); // We also generate an optimized list of module ranges for later if( NULL != ( memRanges = rpal_memory_alloc( sizeof( _MemRange ) * rList_getNumElements( modules ) ) ) ) { while( ( NULL == isTimeToStop || !rEvent_wait( isTimeToStop, MSEC_FROM_SEC( 5 ) ) ) && rList_getSEQUENCE( modules, RP_TAGS_DLL, &module ) ) { if( rSequence_getPOINTER64( module, RP_TAGS_BASE_ADDRESS, &mem ) && rSequence_getRU64( module, RP_TAGS_MEMORY_SIZE, &memSize ) ) { memRanges[ i ].base = mem; memRanges[ i ].size = memSize; i++; matchContext->regionBase = mem; matchContext->regionSize = memSize; matchContext->moduleInfo = module; if( processLib_getProcessMemory( pid, (RPVOID)NUMBER_TO_PTR( mem ), memSize, (RPVOID*)&buffer, TRUE ) ) { rpal_debug_info( "yara scanning module region of size 0x%lx", memSize ); if( NULL != rules || rMutex_lock( g_global_rules_mutex ) ) { if( ERROR_SUCCESS != ( scanError = yr_rules_scan_mem( NULL == rules ? g_global_rules : rules, buffer, (size_t)memSize, SCAN_FLAGS_FAST_MODE | SCAN_FLAGS_PROCESS_MEMORY, _yaraMemMatchCallback, matchContext, 60 ) ) ) { rpal_debug_warning( "Yara module scan error: %d 0x%lx 0x%lx: %d", pid, mem, memSize, scanError ); } if( NULL == rules ) { rMutex_unlock( g_global_rules_mutex ); } } rpal_memory_free( buffer ); rpal_debug_info( "finished region" ); } } } } rList_free( modules ); } // Optimize the memory ranges if( rpal_memory_isValid( memRanges ) && !rpal_sort_array( memRanges, i, sizeof( _MemRange ), (rpal_ordering_func)rpal_order_RU64 ) ) { rpal_memory_free( memRanges ); memRanges = NULL; } // Second pass is to go through executable non-module areas if( NULL != ( memoryMap = processLib_getProcessMemoryMap( pid ) ) ) { rpal_debug_info( "scanning process %d non-module memory with yara", pid ); while( ( NULL == isTimeToStop || !rEvent_wait(isTimeToStop, MSEC_FROM_SEC( 5 ) ) ) && rList_getSEQUENCE( memoryMap, RP_TAGS_MEMORY_REGION, &memoryRegion ) ) { if( rSequence_getPOINTER64( memoryRegion, RP_TAGS_BASE_ADDRESS, &mem ) && rSequence_getRU64( memoryRegion, RP_TAGS_MEMORY_SIZE, &memSize ) && rSequence_getRU8( memoryRegion, RP_TAGS_MEMORY_ACCESS, &memAccess ) && ( PROCESSLIB_MEM_ACCESS_EXECUTE == memAccess || PROCESSLIB_MEM_ACCESS_EXECUTE_READ == memAccess || PROCESSLIB_MEM_ACCESS_EXECUTE_READ_WRITE == memAccess || PROCESSLIB_MEM_ACCESS_EXECUTE_WRITE_COPY == memAccess ) ) { // If it's in a known module, skip if( (RU32)( -1 ) != rpal_binsearch_array_closest( memRanges, i, sizeof( _MemRange ), &mem, (rpal_ordering_func)rpal_order_RU64, TRUE ) ) { continue; } matchContext->regionBase = mem; matchContext->regionSize = memSize; matchContext->moduleInfo = NULL; if( processLib_getProcessMemory( pid, (RPVOID)NUMBER_TO_PTR(mem), memSize, (RPVOID*)&buffer, TRUE ) ) { rpal_debug_info( "yara scanning memory region of size 0x%lx", memSize ); if( NULL != rules || rMutex_lock( g_global_rules_mutex ) ) { if( ERROR_SUCCESS != ( scanError = yr_rules_scan_mem( NULL == rules ? g_global_rules : rules, buffer, (size_t)memSize, SCAN_FLAGS_FAST_MODE | SCAN_FLAGS_PROCESS_MEMORY, _yaraMemMatchCallback, matchContext, 60 ) ) ) { rpal_debug_warning( "Yara memory scan error: %d 0x%lx 0x%lx: %d", pid, mem, memSize, scanError ); } if( NULL == rules ) { rMutex_unlock( g_global_rules_mutex ); } } rpal_memory_free( buffer ); } } } rList_free( memoryMap ); } if( rpal_memory_isValid( memRanges ) ) { rpal_memory_free( memRanges ); } return scanError; }
RBOOL collector_22_init ( HbsState* hbsState, rSequence config ) { RBOOL isSuccess = FALSE; rList patterns = NULL; rSequence pattern = NULL; RPCHAR strA = NULL; RPWCHAR strW = NULL; RPNCHAR tmpN = NULL; RU8 patternId = 0; RU32 i = 0; if( NULL != hbsState && NULL != ( g_extensions = obsLib_new( 0, 0 ) ) ) { if( rSequence_getLIST( config, RP_TAGS_PATTERNS, &patterns ) ) { while( rList_getSEQUENCE( patterns, RP_TAGS_RULE, &pattern ) ) { if( rSequence_getRU8( pattern, RP_TAGS_RULE_NAME, &patternId ) ) { if( 64 < patternId || 0 == patternId ) { rpal_debug_critical( "rule id must be below 64 and 1-based." ); continue; } // Base the pattern id to 0 patternId--; if( rSequence_getSTRINGA( pattern, RP_TAGS_EXTENSION, &strA ) && NULL != ( tmpN = rpal_string_aton( strA ) ) ) { _addPattern( g_extensions, tmpN, TRUE, NUMBER_TO_PTR( patternId ) ); rpal_memory_free( tmpN ); } if( rSequence_getSTRINGW( pattern, RP_TAGS_EXTENSION, &strW ) && NULL != ( tmpN = rpal_string_wton( strW ) ) ) { _addPattern( g_extensions, tmpN, TRUE, NUMBER_TO_PTR( patternId ) ); rpal_memory_free( tmpN ); } if( rSequence_getSTRINGA( pattern, RP_TAGS_STRING_PATTERN, &strA ) && NULL != ( tmpN = rpal_string_aton( strA ) ) ) { _addPattern( g_extensions, tmpN, FALSE, NUMBER_TO_PTR( patternId ) ); rpal_memory_free( tmpN ); } if( rSequence_getSTRINGW( pattern, RP_TAGS_STRING_PATTERN, &strW ) && NULL != ( tmpN = rpal_string_wton( strW ) ) ) { _addPattern( g_extensions, tmpN, FALSE, NUMBER_TO_PTR( patternId ) ); rpal_memory_free( tmpN ); } } } if( NULL != ( g_mutex = rMutex_create() ) && NULL != ( g_procContexts = rpal_vector_new() ) && notifications_subscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_FILE_CREATE, NULL, 0, NULL, processFileIo ) && notifications_subscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_FILE_DELETE, NULL, 0, NULL, processFileIo ) && notifications_subscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_FILE_MODIFIED, NULL, 0, NULL, processFileIo ) && notifications_subscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_FILE_READ, NULL, 0, NULL, processFileIo ) && notifications_subscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_NEW_PROCESS, NULL, 0, NULL, processNewProcesses ) && notifications_subscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_EXISTING_PROCESS, NULL, 0, NULL, processNewProcesses ) && notifications_subscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_TERMINATE_PROCESS, NULL, 0, NULL, processTerminateProcesses ) ) { isSuccess = TRUE; } } } if( !isSuccess ) { notifications_unsubscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_FILE_CREATE, NULL, processFileIo ); notifications_unsubscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_FILE_DELETE, NULL, processFileIo ); notifications_unsubscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_FILE_MODIFIED, NULL, processFileIo ); notifications_unsubscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_FILE_READ, NULL, processFileIo ); notifications_unsubscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_NEW_PROCESS, NULL, processNewProcesses ); notifications_unsubscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_EXISTING_PROCESS, NULL, processNewProcesses ); notifications_unsubscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_TERMINATE_PROCESS, NULL, processTerminateProcesses ); obsLib_free( g_extensions ); g_extensions = NULL; if( NULL != g_procContexts ) { for( i = 0; i < g_procContexts->nElements; i++ ) { rpal_memory_free( ( (ProcExtInfo*)g_procContexts->elements[ i ] )->processPath ); rpal_memory_free( g_procContexts->elements[ i ] ); } } rpal_vector_free( g_procContexts ); g_procContexts = NULL; rMutex_free( g_mutex ); g_mutex = NULL; } return isSuccess; }
RBOOL processMessage ( rSequence seq ) { RBOOL isSuccess = FALSE; RU8 command = 0; rSequence idSeq = NULL; rpHCPId tmpId = { 0 }; rpHCPId emptyId = { 0 }; RU64 tmpTime = 0; rThread hQuitThread = 0; rpHCPIdentStore identStore = {0}; RPU8 token = NULL; RU32 tokenSize = 0; OBFUSCATIONLIB_DECLARE( store, RP_HCP_CONFIG_IDENT_STORE ); if( NULL != seq ) { if( rSequence_getRU8( seq, RP_TAGS_OPERATION, &command ) ) { rpal_debug_info( "Received command 0x%0X.", command ); switch( command ) { case RP_HCP_COMMAND_LOAD_MODULE: isSuccess = loadModule( &g_hcpContext, seq ); break; case RP_HCP_COMMAND_UNLOAD_MODULE: isSuccess = unloadModule( &g_hcpContext, seq ); break; case RP_HCP_COMMAND_SET_HCP_ID: if( rSequence_getSEQUENCE( seq, RP_TAGS_HCP_IDENT, &idSeq ) ) { tmpId = seqToHcpId( idSeq ); if( 0 != rpal_memory_memcmp( &emptyId, &tmpId, sizeof( emptyId ) ) ) { g_hcpContext.currentId = tmpId; OBFUSCATIONLIB_TOGGLE( store ); if( rSequence_getBUFFER( seq, RP_TAGS_HCP_ENROLLMENT_TOKEN, &token, &tokenSize ) ) { identStore.agentId = tmpId; if( saveHcpId( (RPNCHAR)store, &identStore, token, tokenSize ) ) { isSuccess = TRUE; } if( NULL != g_hcpContext.enrollmentToken ) { rpal_memory_free( g_hcpContext.enrollmentToken ); g_hcpContext.enrollmentToken = NULL; } if( NULL != ( g_hcpContext.enrollmentToken = rpal_memory_alloc( tokenSize ) ) ) { rpal_memory_memcpy( g_hcpContext.enrollmentToken, token, tokenSize ); g_hcpContext.enrollmentTokenSize = tokenSize; isSuccess = TRUE; } } else { rpal_debug_warning( "hcp id is missing token" ); } OBFUSCATIONLIB_TOGGLE( store ); } } break; case RP_HCP_COMMAND_SET_GLOBAL_TIME: if( rSequence_getTIMESTAMP( seq, RP_TAGS_TIMESTAMP, &tmpTime ) ) { rpal_time_setGlobalOffset( tmpTime - rpal_time_getLocal() ); isSuccess = TRUE; } break; case RP_HCP_COMMAND_QUIT: if( 0 != ( hQuitThread = rpal_thread_new( thread_quitAndCleanup, NULL ) ) ) { rpal_thread_free( hQuitThread ); isSuccess = TRUE; } break; case RP_HCP_COMMAND_UPGRADE: isSuccess = upgradeHcp( seq ); break; default: break; } if( isSuccess ) { rpal_debug_info( "Command was successful." ); } else { rpal_debug_warning( "Command was not successful." ); } } } return isSuccess; }
RPRIVATE_TESTABLE RBOOL loadModule ( rpHCPContext* hcpContext, rSequence seq ) { RBOOL isSuccess = FALSE; RU32 moduleIndex = (RU32)(-1); RPU8 tmpBuff = NULL; RU32 tmpSize = 0; RPU8 tmpSig = NULL; RU32 tmpSigSize = 0; rpal_thread_func pEntry = NULL; rpHCPModuleContext* modContext = NULL; OBFUSCATIONLIB_DECLARE( entryName, RP_HCP_CONFIG_MODULE_ENTRY ); OBFUSCATIONLIB_DECLARE( recvMessage, RP_HCP_CONFIG_MODULE_RECV_MESSAGE ); if( NULL != seq && NULL != hcpContext ) { for( moduleIndex = 0; moduleIndex < RP_HCP_CONTEXT_MAX_MODULES; moduleIndex++ ) { if( 0 == hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].hThread ) { // Found an empty spot break; } } } if( RP_HCP_CONTEXT_MAX_MODULES != moduleIndex && (RU32)(-1) != moduleIndex ) { // We got an empty spot for our module if( rSequence_getRU8( seq, RP_TAGS_HCP_MODULE_ID, &(hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].id ) ) && rSequence_getBUFFER( seq, RP_TAGS_BINARY, &tmpBuff, &tmpSize ) && rSequence_getBUFFER( seq, RP_TAGS_SIGNATURE, &tmpSig, &tmpSigSize ) && CRYPTOLIB_SIGNATURE_SIZE == tmpSigSize ) { // We got the data, now verify the buffer signature if( CryptoLib_verify( tmpBuff, tmpSize, getRootPublicKey(), tmpSig ) ) { // Ready to load the module rpal_debug_info( "loading module in memory" ); hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].hModule = MemoryLoadLibrary( tmpBuff, tmpSize ); if( NULL != hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].hModule ) { OBFUSCATIONLIB_TOGGLE( entryName ); pEntry = (rpal_thread_func)MemoryGetProcAddress( hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].hModule, (RPCHAR)entryName ); OBFUSCATIONLIB_TOGGLE( entryName ); if( NULL != pEntry ) { modContext = &(hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].context); modContext->pCurrentId = &( hcpContext->currentId ); modContext->func_sendHome = doSend; modContext->isTimeToStop = rEvent_create( TRUE ); modContext->rpalContext = rpal_Context_get(); modContext->isOnlineEvent = hcpContext->isCloudOnline; if( NULL != modContext->isTimeToStop ) { hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].isTimeToStop = modContext->isTimeToStop; OBFUSCATIONLIB_TOGGLE( recvMessage ); hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].func_recvMessage = (rpHCPModuleMsgEntry)MemoryGetProcAddress( hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].hModule, (RPCHAR)recvMessage ); OBFUSCATIONLIB_TOGGLE( recvMessage ); hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].hThread = rpal_thread_new( pEntry, modContext ); if( 0 != hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].hThread ) { CryptoLib_hash( tmpBuff, tmpSize, &(hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].hash ) ); hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].isOsLoaded = FALSE; isSuccess = TRUE; } else { rpal_debug_warning( "Error creating handler thread for new module." ); } } } else { rpal_debug_warning( "Could not find new module's entry point." ); } } else { rpal_debug_warning( "Error loading module in memory." ); } } else { rpal_debug_warning( "New module signature invalid." ); } } else { rpal_debug_warning( "Could not find core module components to load." ); } // Main cleanup if( !isSuccess ) { if( NULL != modContext ) { IF_VALID_DO( modContext->isTimeToStop, rEvent_free ); } if( NULL != hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].hModule ) { MemoryFreeLibrary( hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ].hModule ); } rpal_memory_zero( &(hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ] ), sizeof( hcpContext->modules[ moduleIndex ] ) ); } } else { rpal_debug_error( "Could not find a spot for new module, or invalid module id!" ); } return isSuccess; }
static RPVOID lookForHiddenModulesIn ( rEvent isTimeToStop, RU32 processId ) { rList mods = NULL; rList map = NULL; rSequence region = NULL; RU8 memType = 0; RU8 memProtect = 0; RU64 memBase = 0; RU64 memSize = 0; RPU8 pMem = NULL; RBOOL isPrefetched = FALSE; RBOOL isCurrentExec = FALSE; RBOOL isHidden = FALSE; rSequence procInfo = NULL; #ifdef RPAL_PLATFORM_WINDOWS PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER pDos = NULL; PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pNt = NULL; #endif if( NULL != ( mods = processLib_getProcessModules( processId ) ) ) { if( NULL != ( map = processLib_getProcessMemoryMap( processId ) ) ) { // Now we got all the info needed for a single process, compare while( rpal_memory_isValid( isTimeToStop ) && !rEvent_wait( isTimeToStop, 0 ) && ( isPrefetched || rList_getSEQUENCE( map, RP_TAGS_MEMORY_REGION, ®ion ) ) ) { if( isPrefetched ) { isPrefetched = FALSE; } if( rSequence_getRU8( region, RP_TAGS_MEMORY_TYPE, &memType ) && rSequence_getRU8( region, RP_TAGS_MEMORY_ACCESS, &memProtect ) && rSequence_getPOINTER64( region, RP_TAGS_BASE_ADDRESS, &memBase ) && rSequence_getRU64( region, RP_TAGS_MEMORY_SIZE, &memSize ) ) { if( PROCESSLIB_MEM_TYPE_PRIVATE == memType || PROCESSLIB_MEM_TYPE_MAPPED == memType ) { if( PROCESSLIB_MEM_ACCESS_EXECUTE == memProtect || PROCESSLIB_MEM_ACCESS_EXECUTE_READ == memProtect || PROCESSLIB_MEM_ACCESS_EXECUTE_READ_WRITE == memProtect || PROCESSLIB_MEM_ACCESS_EXECUTE_WRITE_COPY == memProtect ) { isCurrentExec = TRUE; } else { isCurrentExec = FALSE; } if( !isMemInModule( memBase, memSize, mods ) ) { // Exec memory found outside of a region marked to belong to // a module, keep looking in for module. if( ( 1024 * 1024 * 10 ) >= memSize && processLib_getProcessMemory( processId, NUMBER_TO_PTR( memBase ), memSize, (RPVOID*)&pMem ) ) { isHidden = FALSE; #ifdef RPAL_PLATFORM_WINDOWS // Let's just check for MZ and PE for now, we can get fancy later. pDos = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)pMem; if( IS_WITHIN_BOUNDS( (RPU8)pMem, sizeof( IMAGE_DOS_HEADER ), pMem, memSize ) && IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE == pDos->e_magic ) { pNt = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)( (RPU8)pDos + pDos->e_lfanew ); if( IS_WITHIN_BOUNDS( pNt, sizeof( *pNt ), pMem, memSize ) && IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE == pNt->Signature ) { if( isCurrentExec ) { // If the current region is exec, we've got a hidden module. isHidden = TRUE; } else { // We need to check if the next section in memory is // executable and outside of known modules since the PE // headers may have been marked read-only before the .text. if( rList_getSEQUENCE( map, RP_TAGS_MEMORY_REGION, ®ion ) ) { isPrefetched = TRUE; if( ( PROCESSLIB_MEM_TYPE_PRIVATE == memType || PROCESSLIB_MEM_TYPE_MAPPED == memType ) && ( PROCESSLIB_MEM_ACCESS_EXECUTE == memProtect || PROCESSLIB_MEM_ACCESS_EXECUTE_READ == memProtect || PROCESSLIB_MEM_ACCESS_EXECUTE_READ_WRITE == memProtect || PROCESSLIB_MEM_ACCESS_EXECUTE_WRITE_COPY == memProtect ) ) { isHidden = TRUE; } } } } } #elif defined( RPAL_PLATFORM_LINUX ) || defined( RPAL_PLATFORM_MACOSX ) if( isCurrentExec && 0x7F == ( pMem )[ 0 ] && 'E' == ( pMem )[ 1 ] && 'L' == ( pMem )[ 2 ] && 'F' == ( pMem )[ 3 ] ) { isHidden = TRUE; } #endif rpal_memory_free( pMem ); if( isHidden && !rEvent_wait( isTimeToStop, 0 ) ) { rpal_debug_info( "found a hidden module in %d.", processId ); if( NULL != ( procInfo = processLib_getProcessInfo( processId ) ) ) { if( !rSequence_addSEQUENCE( region, RP_TAGS_PROCESS, procInfo ) ) { rSequence_free( procInfo ); } } rSequence_addTIMESTAMP( region, RP_TAGS_TIMESTAMP, rpal_time_getGlobal() ); notifications_publish( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_HIDDEN_MODULE_DETECTED, region ); break; } rpal_thread_sleep( 10 ); } } } } } rList_free( map ); } rList_free( mods ); } return NULL; }