ObjectNode* genTree(int branching, int maxDepth, int density, float scaleFactor, float seasonProb, float height,
	const mat4& initTrans, const mat4& initSkew)
	ObjectNode* tree = new ObjectNode(nullptr,initTrans, initSkew);

	mat4 tempRotate = rX(M_PI/2.0);
	mat4 tempTrans = distort(1.0, 0.2, 1.0);
	mat4 tempSkew = distort(1.0, 5.0, 1.0);
	mat4 tempMove = translate(0.0, -2.0, 0.0);
	tree->addChild( *new ObjectNode(	Global::treeCone, tempMove * tempTrans * tempRotate,
									tempSkew * tempRotate)	);

	tempTrans = distort(0.3, height, 0.3);
	tempMove[1][3] = height - 2.0;
	tree->addChild( *new ObjectNode(Global::treeCylinder, tempMove * tempTrans * tempRotate, tempRotate) );

	tempMove[1][3] = height * 0.6 + 0.1;
	tree->addChild( *genBranch(branching, maxDepth, density, scaleFactor, seasonProb, tempMove) );

	mat4 rotMat = rY(2.0 * M_PI/4.0);
	tempSkew = rZ(M_PI/4.0);
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
		tempSkew = rotMat * tempSkew;
		tree->addChild( *genBranch(branching, maxDepth, density, scaleFactor, seasonProb,
			tempMove * tempSkew, tempSkew) );

	tree->addChild( *genLeafBunch(M_PI/2.0, 3.0, 0.5, density,
		translate(0.0, height, 0.0) * scale(0.7)) );

	return tree;
ObjectNode* genBranch(int branching, int maxDepth, int density, float scaleFactor, float seasonProb,
	const mat4& initTrans, const mat4& initSkew, int currentDepth)
	mat4 tempTrans = distort(0.2, 1.0, 0.2);
	mat4 tempMove = translate(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
	mat4 tempSkew = distort(5.0, 1.0, 5.0);
	mat4 tempRotate = rX(M_PI/2.0);
	ObjectNode* branch = new ObjectNode(nullptr, initTrans, initSkew);
	branch->addChild(*new ObjectNode(	Global::treeCone, tempMove * tempTrans * tempRotate,
										tempSkew * tempRotate )		);

	if (currentDepth < maxDepth) {
		const int branchFact = branching;
		mat4 tempRotate = rZ(M_PI/6.0);
		mat4 rotMat = rY(2.0 * M_PI / branchFact);
		tempTrans = scale(scaleFactor);
		tempMove = translate(0.0, 1.5, 0.0);
		mat4 twist = rY(M_PI / branchFact) * tempMove;
		mat4 loopTemp = rotMat * tempRotate;

		for (int i = 0; i < branchFact; ++i) {
			loopTemp = rotMat * loopTemp;
			branch->addChild( *genBranch( branching, maxDepth, density, scaleFactor, seasonProb,
				twist * loopTemp * tempTrans, loopTemp, currentDepth + 1 ) );
	return branch;
Direction PlayerState::getRelativeXZDirection(const RealCoords & rc)
  const double diffX = rX(rc) - rX(position);
  const double diffZ = rZ(rc) - rZ(position);

  if (std::abs(diffX) > std::abs(diffZ))
    // We compare on the x axis
    if (diffX > 0)  return BLOCK_XPLUS;
    else            return BLOCK_XMINUS;
    // We compare on the z axis
    if (diffZ > 0) return BLOCK_ZPLUS;
    else           return BLOCK_ZMINUS;
ObjectNode* genWheel(const mat4& initTrans, const mat4& initSkew) {
	ObjectNode* wheel = new ObjectNode(nullptr, initTrans, initSkew);

	mat4 rotMat = rX(M_PI/2.0);
	mat4 tempTransform = distort(0.1, 0.1, 0.6);
	wheel->addChild( *new ObjectNode(Global::wheelCylinder, rotMat * tempTransform, rotMat, rotateWheel) );
	mat4 tempRotate = rZ(M_PI/4.0);
	wheel->addChild( *new ObjectNode(	Global::wheelCylinder, tempRotate * rotMat * tempTransform,
										tempRotate * rotMat, rotateWheel							) );
	tempRotate = rZ(M_PI/2.0);
	wheel->addChild( *new ObjectNode(	Global::wheelCylinder, tempRotate * rotMat * tempTransform,
										tempRotate * rotMat, rotateWheel							) );
	tempRotate = rZ(-M_PI/4.0);
	wheel->addChild( *new ObjectNode(	Global::wheelCylinder, tempRotate * rotMat *  tempTransform,
										tempRotate * rotMat, rotateWheel							) );

	wheel->addChild( *new ObjectNode(	Global::wheelTube, distort(1.0, 1.0, 0.2), MatMath::ID,
										rotateWheel		) );

	return wheel;
ObjectNode* genChair(const mat4& initTrans, const mat4& initSkew) {
	ObjectNode* chair = new ObjectNode(nullptr, initTrans, initSkew);

	chair->addChild( *new ObjectNode(Global::furnCube1, distort(0.5, 0.2, 0.4)) );
	chair->addChild( *new ObjectNode(	Global::furnCube1, translate(-0.5, 0.5, 0.0) *
		rZ(M_PI/8.0) * distort(0.15, 0.45, 0.4), rZ(M_PI/8.0))		);
	chair->addChild( *new ObjectNode(	Global::furnCube1, translate(0.0, 0.3, 0.45) *
										distort(0.4, 0.1, 0.1))						);
	chair->addChild( *new ObjectNode(	Global::furnCube1, translate(0.0, 0.3, -0.45) *
										distort(0.4, 0.1, 0.1))						);
	chair->addChild( *new ObjectNode(	Global::treeCylinder, translate(-0.4, -0.3, 0.3) *
		scale(0.1) * rX(M_PI/2.0), rX(M_PI/2.0))		);
	chair->addChild( *new ObjectNode(	Global::treeCylinder, translate(0.4, -0.3, 0.3) *
		scale(0.1) * rX(M_PI/2.0), rX(M_PI/2.0))	);
	chair->addChild( *new ObjectNode(	Global::treeCylinder, translate(0.4, -0.3, -0.3) *
		scale(0.1) * rX(M_PI/2.0), rX(M_PI/2.0))	);
	chair->addChild( *new ObjectNode(	Global::treeCylinder, translate(-0.4, -0.3, -0.3) *
		scale(0.1) * rX(M_PI/2.0), rX(M_PI/2.0))	);

	return chair;
Esempio n. 6
void timer(int t)
//animates the scene
	if (Global::animating) {
		Global::sunVec = rZ(M_PI/2000.0) * Global::sunVec;
		if (Global::sun != nullptr) Global::sun->animate(M_PI/250.0);
		//By keeping a pointer to the car scene, I can call animate() on it without incurring the overhead
		//of calling the function recursively on the rest of the object tree, Global::when only the car is animated.
		if (Global::root != nullptr) Global::root->animate(M_PI/250.0);
	glutTimerFunc(20, timer, 0);
ObjectNode* genLeafBunch(float rho, float radius, float prob, int numLeaves,
	const mat4& initTrans, const mat4& initSkew)
	ObjectNode* bunch = new ObjectNode(nullptr, initTrans, initSkew);

	mat4 rotMat = MatMath::ID;
	mat4 tempTrans = translate(0.0, radius, 0.0);
	mat4 tempRotate = rY(	randNum(0.0, 2.0 * M_PI) ) *
									rZ(randNum(0.0, rho)	);
	ObjectNode* temp = new ObjectNode(nullptr, tempRotate * tempTrans, tempRotate);
	for (int i = 1; i < numLeaves; ++i) {
		rotMat = rY(	randNum(0.0, 2.0 * M_PI) ) *
								rX( randNum(0.0, M_PI/2.0)	);
		tempRotate = rY(	randNum(0.0, 2.0 * M_PI) ) *
									rX( randNum(0.0, rho)	);
		temp = new ObjectNode(nullptr, tempRotate * tempTrans * rotMat, tempRotate * rotMat);

	return bunch;
//Model Animations
mat4 rotateSun(float theta) {
	return rZ(theta/8.0f);
ObjectNode* genFirePlace(const mat4& initTrans, const mat4& initSkew) {
	return new ObjectNode(Global::furnTube, initTrans * rZ(M_PI/4.0), initSkew * rZ(M_PI/4.0));
mat4 rotateWheel(float theta) {
	return rZ(25 * theta);
ObjectNode* genLeaf(float prob, const mat4& initTrans, const mat4& initSkew) {
	const int colorInd = bernoulli() < prob ? 1 : 0;
	return new ObjectNode(	Global::leaf[colorInd], initTrans * rZ(M_PI/12.0),
							initSkew * rZ(M_PI/12.0)							);
//Begin ConeGen
void ConeGen::generate(int numEdgePoints, const color4& baseColor, const color4& pointColor) {
	int numPoints = numEdgePoints + 1;
	//numEdgePoints + 2 points, 2 colors, 2 * numEdgePoints + 1 normals
	//numEdgePoints wedges, 2 triangles per wedge, 3 vertices per triangle, 3 attributes per vertex
	numElements = 3 * numEdgePoints + 5;
	numVertices = numPoints + 2 * numEdgePoints;
	numIndices = numVertices * 3;

	elements = new vec4[numElements];
	data = new vec4[3 * numVertices];
	indices = new unsigned char[numIndices];

	sizeData = numVertices * 3 * sizeof(vec4);
	sizeIndices = numIndices * sizeof(GLubyte);

	colors = numVertices * sizeof(vec4);
	normals = numVertices * 2 * sizeof(vec4);

	const float theta = 2.0 * M_PI / numEdgePoints;

	//set vertices
	for (int i = 0; i < numEdgePoints; ++i)
		elements[i] = point4(cos(i * theta), sin(i * theta), 1.0, 1.0);
	elements[numEdgePoints] = point4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	elements[numPoints] = point4(0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0);
	//set colors
	elements[numEdgePoints + 2] = baseColor; elements[numEdgePoints + 3] = pointColor;
	//set normals
	elements[numEdgePoints + 4] = MatMath::zNORM;
	int temp = numEdgePoints + 5;
	mat4 tempRotate;
	const normal4 tempNorm1 = normal4(0.4472, 0.0, -0.1056, 0.0);
	const normal4 tempNorm2 = rZ(theta/2.0) * tempNorm1;
	for (int i = 0; i < numEdgePoints; ++i) {
		tempRotate = rZ(i * theta);
		elements[i + temp] = tempRotate * tempNorm1;
		elements[i + numEdgePoints + temp] = tempRotate * tempNorm2;

	for (int i = 0; i < numEdgePoints; ++i)
		data[i] = elements[i];
	data[numEdgePoints] = elements[numEdgePoints];
	for (int i = 0; i < numEdgePoints; ++i)
		data[i + numPoints] = elements[i];
	for (int i = 0; i < numEdgePoints; ++i)
		data[i + 2 * numEdgePoints + 1] = elements[numPoints];
	for (int i = 3 * numEdgePoints + 1; i < 5 * numEdgePoints + 2; ++i)
		data[i] = baseColor;
	for (int i = 5 * numEdgePoints + 2; i < 6 * numEdgePoints + 2; ++i)
		data[i] = pointColor;
	for (int i = 6 * numEdgePoints + 2; i < 7 * numEdgePoints + 3; ++i)
		data[i] = MatMath::zNORM;
	temp = 7 * numEdgePoints + 3;
	for (int i = 0; i < numEdgePoints; ++i)
		data[i + temp] = elements[i + numEdgePoints + 5];
	temp = 8 * numEdgePoints + 3;
	for (int i = 0; i < numEdgePoints; ++i)
		data[i + temp] = elements[i + 2 * numEdgePoints + 5];

	for (int i = 0; i < numEdgePoints - 1; ++i) {
		indices[3 * i] = numEdgePoints; indices[3 * i + 1] = i; indices[3 * i + 2] = i + 1;
	indices[3 * numEdgePoints - 3] = numEdgePoints;
	indices[3 * numEdgePoints - 2] = numEdgePoints - 1;
	indices[3 * numEdgePoints - 1] = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < numEdgePoints - 1; ++i) {
		indices[3 * (i + numEdgePoints)] = i + 1 + numPoints;
		indices[3 * (i + numEdgePoints) + 1] = i + numPoints;
		indices[3 * (i + numEdgePoints) + 2] = i + numPoints + numEdgePoints;
	indices[6 * numEdgePoints - 3] = numPoints;
	indices[6 * numEdgePoints - 2] = numPoints + numEdgePoints - 1;
	indices[6 * numEdgePoints - 1] = 3 * numEdgePoints;
Esempio n. 13
void keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y) {
	switch (key) {

	//exit on Esc key
	case 033:
		exit( EXIT_SUCCESS );

	//restor to beginning on R
	case 'r': case 'R':
		Global::positMat = Global::initPosit;
		Global::pitchMat = Global::rollMat = Global::yawMat = MatMath::ID;
		Global::animating = true;

	//roll right on E
	case 'e': case 'E':
		Global::rollMat = rZ(M_PI/12.0) * Global::rollMat;

	//roll left on Q
	case 'q': case 'Q':
		Global::rollMat = rZ(-M_PI/12.0) * Global::rollMat;

	//move forward on W
	case 'w': case 'W': Global::positMat[2][3] += Global::SPEED; glutPostRedisplay(); return;

	//move backward on S
	case 's': case 'S': Global::positMat[2][3] -= Global::SPEED; glutPostRedisplay(); return;

	//move left on A
	case 'a': case 'A': Global::positMat[0][3] += Global::SPEED; glutPostRedisplay(); return;

	//move right on D
	case 'd': case 'D': Global::positMat[0][3] -= Global::SPEED; glutPostRedisplay(); return;

	//crouch on C
	case 'c': case 'C':
		if (Global::crouching) {
			Global::positMat[1][3] -= Global::CROUCH_DIST;
			Global::crouching = false;
		} else {
			Global::positMat[1][3] += Global::CROUCH_DIST;
			Global::crouching = true;

	//scale Global::positMat on I (zoom in)
	case 'i': case 'I':
		Global::positMat = scale(Global::ZOOMIN) * Global::positMat;

	//scale down Global::positMat on O (zoom out)
	case 'o': case 'O':
		Global::positMat = scale(Global::ZOOMOUT) * Global::positMat;

	//Pause and play animation on T
	case 't': case 'T': Global::animating = !Global::animating;
