int main (void) { draw_lcd_t lcd; // outputs GPIOSetDir(OLED_SSEL_PORT, OLED_SSEL_PIN, GPIO_OUTPUT); GPIOSetDir(OLED_DC_PORT, OLED_DC_PIN, GPIO_OUTPUT); GPIOSetDir(OLED_RESET_PORT, OLED_RESET_PIN, GPIO_OUTPUT); GPIOSetValue(OLED_SSEL_PORT, OLED_SSEL_PIN, 1); GPIOSetValue(OLED_DC_PORT, OLED_DC_PIN, 1); GPIOSetValue(OLED_RESET_PORT, OLED_RESET_PIN, 1); SSP0Init(6000000); printf("\nInitializing oled driver..."); oled_init(&lcd); rainbow(&lcd); //enter forever loop - while (1) { } return 0; }
//executes 1 command line void execute_command(char * command_line){ if (command_line[0]=='#') return; //=comments if (write_to_thread_buffer){ if (strncmp(command_line, "thread_stop", 11)==0){ if (mode==MODE_TCP){ write_to_thread_buffer=0; if (debug) printf("Thread stop.\n"); if (thread_write_index>0) start_thread=1; //remember to start the thread when client closes the TCP/IP connection } }else{ if (debug) printf("Write to thread buffer: %s\n", command_line); while (*command_line!=0){ write_thread_buffer(*command_line); //for TCP/IP we write to the thread buffer command_line++; } write_thread_buffer(';'); } }else{ char * arg = strchr(command_line, ' '); char * command = strtok(command_line, " \r\n"); if (arg!=NULL) arg++; if (strcmp(command, "render")==0){ render(arg); }else if (strcmp(command, "rotate")==0){ rotate(arg); }else if (strcmp(command, "delay")==0){ if (arg!=NULL) usleep((atoi(arg)+1)*1000); }else if (strcmp(command, "brightness")==0){ brightness(arg); }else if (strcmp(command, "rainbow")==0){ rainbow(arg); }else if (strcmp(command, "fill")==0){ fill(arg); }else if (strcmp(command, "do")==0){ start_loop(arg); }else if (strcmp(command, "loop")==0){ end_loop(arg); }else if (strcmp(command, "thread_start")==0){ //start a new thread that processes code if (thread_running==0 && mode==MODE_TCP) init_thread(arg); }else if (strcmp(command, "setup")==0){ setup_ledstring(arg); }else if (strcmp(command, "settings")==0){ print_settings(); }else if (strcmp(command, "debug")==0){ if (debug) debug=0; else debug=1; }else if (strcmp(command, "exit")==0){ printf("Exiting.\n"); exit_program=1; }else{ printf("Unknown cmd: %s\n", command_line); } } }
void RainbowScreen::animate() { khroma.leds.clear(); anim.animate(); for (int i = -khroma.get_halfsize(); i < khroma.get_halfsize(); ++i) { khroma.leds.set_rgb( i, rainbow(i + anim*1536), rainbow(i + 512 + anim*1536), rainbow(i + 1024 + anim*1536) ); } if (khroma.btn1.touched(true) && khroma.btn2.touched(true)) { game.initscreen(); } }
void loop() { // Some example procedures showing how to display to the pixels colorWipe(Color(255, 0, 0), 50); colorWipe(Color(0, 255, 0), 50); colorWipe(Color(0, 0, 255), 50); rainbow(20); rainbowCycle(20); }
int main(void) { while(1){ rainbow(3, 500000); flash(RED, 3, 500000); flash(GREEN, 3, 500000); flash(BLUE, 3, 500000); flash(CYAN, 3, 500000); flash(PURPLE, 3, 500000); flash(YELLOW, 3, 500000); flash(WHITE, 3, 500000); } }
void staircase() { int x, y, i; // make a grid for (y = -HEIGHT/2; y < HEIGHT/2; y++) { for (x = -WIDTH/2; x < WIDTH/2; x++) add_cube(x, y, 0); } // make an ambiguous staircase unsigned char r, g, b; for (i = 6; i >= 1; i--) { add_cube(i - WIDTH/2, i - HEIGHT/2, i + 1); rainbow(i / 6.0, &r, &g, &b); add_ball_on(r, g, b, cubes); } }
void loop() { if (patternIndex == 0) { strobe(c1, 200); } if (patternIndex == 1) { sprite(PIXEL_COUNT, c1, c2, c3, 90); } if (patternIndex == 2) { snake(c1, c2, 10); } if (patternIndex == 3) { rainbow(20); } if (patternIndex == -1) { stripSet(OFF, 0); } }
void Mandelbrot::generate() { std::complex<double> t1, t2, c; timer.start(); for(unsigned int y = 0; y < m_height; ++y) { for(unsigned int x = 0; x < m_width; ++x) { //t1 = std::complex<double>(0.0,0.0); t1 = std::complex<double>(-0.835,-0.2321); c = plane[y][x]; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) { t1 = t1 * t1 - c; //Julia //t1 = t1 * t1 + c; //Mandel //ship //t2 = std::complex<double>(fabs(t1.real()),fabs(t1.imag())); //t1 = t2*t2 - c; if(abs(t1) > 2.0) { double scale = (i +1-log(log(abs(t1)))/log(2))/36; image[y][x] = rainbow(scale); break; } } if(abs(t1) <= 2.0) { image[y][x] = png::rgb_pixel(0.0,0.0,0.0); } } } timer.stop(); std::cout << timer.elapsed << std::endl; }
void SuccessManager::sRainbow(int type) { if (hardMode && (!bRainbow || !bDoubleRainbow)) { if (succEveryTypeInARow[type]) { for (int i=0; i<8; i++) succEveryTypeInARow[i] = 0; bRainbow = false; } else { succEveryTypeInARow[type] = 1; } if (rainbow(succEveryTypeInARow)) { if (!bRainbow) { if (gameCenterAPI) gameCenterAPI->unlockAchievement(ERainbow); bRainbow = true; } else { if (gameCenterAPI) gameCenterAPI->unlockAchievement(EDoubleRainbow); bDoubleRainbow = true; } } } }
void loop() { // Some example procedures showing how to display to the pixels: // Do not run more than one of these at a time, or the b/g tasks // will be blocked. //-------------------------------------------------------------- //strip.setPixelColor(0, strip.Color(255, 0, 255)); //; //colorWipe(strip.Color(255, 0, 0), 50); // Red //colorWipe(strip.Color(0, 255, 0), 50); // Green //colorWipe(strip.Color(0, 0, 255), 50); // Blue rainbow(20); //rainbowCycle(20); //colorAll(strip.Color(0, 255, 255), 50); // Magenta }
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) { setPixmap(rainbow(width(), height())); }
void showLed3AndHelloServo(int val){ Serial.println("led array was...."); Serial.println(val); Serial.println("ooooooooooooooooooo"); //strip.clear(); switch(val){ case 123://how colorWipe(strip.Color(255, 255, 255), 100); // white colorWipe(strip.Color(0, 0, 0), 100); // black colorWipe(strip.Color(255, 255, 255), 100); // white colorWipe(strip.Color(0, 0, 0), 100); // black colorWipe(strip.Color(255, 255, 255), 100); // white colorWipe(strip.Color(0, 0, 0), 100); // black //TODO Arduinoをリセット wdt_enable(WDTO_15MS); // turn on the WatchDog and don't stroke it. for(;;) { // do nothing and wait for the eventual... } break; case 1://サーボ準備 sv.attach(SERVO_PIN); Serial.println("servo attached...");//サーボの位置確認 break; case 2://サーボ回転 Serial.println(;//サーボの位置確認 moveServoShaft(0, 10); //delay(100);//TODO 不要 delay(1000); break; case 3://サーボ戻す Serial.println(;//サーボの位置確認 moveServoShaft(90, 10); //delay(100);//TODO 不要 delay(1000); break; case 4://サーボ終了 sv.detach(); break; case 0://クリア strip.clear(); break; case 555://白 case 5://白 colorWipe(strip.Color(255, 255, 255), 80); // white delay(3000); colorWipe(strip.Color(0, 0, 0), 100); // black break; case 666://紫 case 6://紫 colorWipe(strip.Color(105, 14, 102), 80); // purple delay(3000); colorWipe(strip.Color(0, 0, 0), 100); // black break; case 777://ピンク case 7://ピンク colorWipe(strip.Color(252, 18, 245), 80); // pink delay(3000); colorWipe(strip.Color(0, 0, 0), 100); // black break; case 888://レインボー? case 8://レインボー? rainbow(20); //rainbowCycle(80); break; case 999://黒 = 消す case 9://黒 = 消す colorWipe(strip.Color(0, 0, 0), 10); // black strip.clear(); break; case 100://予備 break; default: Serial.println("this is for servo"); colorWipe(strip.Color(0, 0, 0), 10); // black strip.clear(); break; } }
void loop() { rainbow(20); }
// ######################################################################### // Draw the meter on the screen, returns x coord of righthand side // ######################################################################### int ringMeter(int value, int vmin, int vmax, int x, int y, int r, char *units, byte scheme) { // Minimum value of r is about 52 before value text intrudes on ring // drawing the text first is an option x += r; y += r; // Calculate coords of centre of ring int w = r / 4; // Width of outer ring is 1/4 of radius int angle = 150; // Half the sweep angle of meter (300 degrees) int text_colour = 0; // To hold the text colour int v = map(value, vmin, vmax, -angle, angle); // Map the value to an angle v byte seg = 5; // Segments are 5 degrees wide = 60 segments for 300 degrees byte inc = 5; // Draw segments every 5 degrees, increase to 10 for segmented ring // Draw colour blocks every inc degrees for (int i = -angle; i < angle; i += inc) { // Choose colour from scheme int colour = 0; switch (scheme) { case 0: colour = ILI9341_RED; break; // Fixed colour case 1: colour = ILI9341_GREEN; break; // Fixed colour case 2: colour = ILI9341_BLUE; break; // Fixed colour case 3: colour = rainbow(map(i, -angle, angle, 0, 127)); break; // Full spectrum blue to red case 4: colour = rainbow(map(i, -angle, angle, 63, 127)); break; // Green to red (high temperature etc) case 5: colour = rainbow(map(i, -angle, angle, 127, 63)); break; // Red to green (low battery etc) default: colour = ILI9341_BLUE; break; // Fixed colour } // Calculate pair of coordinates for segment start float sx = cos((i - 90) * 0.0174532925); float sy = sin((i - 90) * 0.0174532925); uint16_t x0 = sx * (r - w) + x; uint16_t y0 = sy * (r - w) + y; uint16_t x1 = sx * r + x; uint16_t y1 = sy * r + y; // Calculate pair of coordinates for segment end float sx2 = cos((i + seg - 90) * 0.0174532925); float sy2 = sin((i + seg - 90) * 0.0174532925); int x2 = sx2 * (r - w) + x; int y2 = sy2 * (r - w) + y; int x3 = sx2 * r + x; int y3 = sy2 * r + y; if (i < v) { // Fill in coloured segments with 2 triangles tft.fillTriangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, colour); tft.fillTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, colour); text_colour = colour; // Save the last colour drawn } else // Fill in blank segments { tft.fillTriangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, 0x0005); tft.fillTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, 0x0005); } } // Convert value to a string char buf[10]; byte len = 4; if (value > 999) len = 5; dtostrf(value, len, 0, buf); // Set the text colour to default tft.setTextColor(ILI9341_WHITE, ILI9341_BLACK); // Uncomment next line to set the text colour to the last segment value! // tft.setTextColor(text_colour, ILI9341_BLACK); // Print value, if the meter is large then use big font 6, othewise use 4 //if (r > 84) tft.drawCentreString(buf, x - 5, y - 20, 6); // Value in middle // else tft.drawCentreString(buf, x - 5, y - 20, 4); // Value in middle // Print units, if the meter is large then use big font 4, othewise use 2 tft.setTextColor(ILI9341_WHITE, ILI9341_BLACK); //if (r > 84) tft.drawCentreString(units, x, y + 30, 4); // Units display // else tft.drawCentreString(units, x, y + 5, 2); // Units display // Calculate and return right hand side x coordinate return x + r; }
void set_volume() { if (power==1) { rainbow(volume); send_pot_value(volume); } }
void GameScreen::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * event) { if (r >= 255) { r_dir = RANGE_DOWN; g_dir = RANGE_UP; b_dir = RANGE_IDLE; } if (g >= 255) { r_dir = RANGE_IDLE; g_dir = RANGE_DOWN; b_dir = RANGE_UP; } if (b >= 255) { r_dir = RANGE_UP; g_dir = RANGE_IDLE; b_dir = RANGE_DOWN; } if (r_dir == RANGE_UP) { r += 5; } else if (r_dir == RANGE_DOWN){ r -= 5; } if (g_dir == RANGE_UP) { g += 5; } else if (g_dir == RANGE_DOWN){ g -= 5; } if (b_dir == RANGE_UP) { b += 5; } else if (b_dir == RANGE_DOWN) { b -= 5; } QColor white(255, 255, 255); QColor darkWhite(250, 250, 250); QColor pink(255, 192, 203); QColor brown(97, 25, 11); QColor rainbow(r, g, b); QColor neg_rainbow(255 - r, 255 - g, 255 - b); QPainter painter(this); painter.fillRect(0, 0, width(), height(), darkWhite); painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 1)); if (mode == MODE_MENU) { painter.drawText(400, 300, "Press the Space Key to Start"); } else if (mode == MODE_RUNNING) { //draw coffee painter.setPen(QPen(darkWhite, 1)); for (int i = 0; i < coffee_loc.size(); i++) { painter.drawRect(coffee_loc[i].first * sq_s, coffee_loc[i].second * sq_s, sq_s, sq_s); painter.fillRect(coffee_loc[i].first * sq_s + 1, coffee_loc[i].second * sq_s + 1, sq_s - 1, sq_s - 1, rainbow); } //draw fruit painter.setPen(QPen(pink, 1)); painter.setBrush(pink); for (int i = 0; i < fruit_loc.size(); i++) { painter.drawEllipse((fruit_loc[i].first * sq_s), (fruit_loc[i].second * sq_s), sq_s, sq_s); } //draw snake painter.setPen(QPen(darkWhite, 1)); for (int i = 0; i < body.size(); i++) { painter.drawRect(body[i].first * sq_s, body[i].second * sq_s, sq_s, sq_s); painter.fillRect(body[i].first * sq_s + 1, body[i].second * sq_s + 1, sq_s - 1, sq_s - 1,neg_rainbow); } } else if (mode == MODE_GAMEOVER) { painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::lightGray, 1)); for (int i = 0; i < body.size(); i++) { painter.drawRect(body[i].first * sq_s, body[i].second * sq_s, sq_s, sq_s); painter.fillRect(body[i].first * sq_s + 1, body[i].second * sq_s + 1, sq_s - 1, sq_s - 1, Qt::gray); } painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::red, 1)); painter.drawText(400, 300, "GAMEOVER"); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int spi_fd; int effect=EFFECT_RANDOM; if (argc>1) { if ((!strncmp(argv[1],"-h",2)) || (!strncmp(argv[1],"help",4))) { help(argv[0]); return 0; } if (!strncmp(argv[1],"bargraph_mannual",15)) { effect=EFFECT_BARGRAPH_MANUAL; } if (!strncmp(argv[1],"bargraph",8)) { effect=EFFECT_BARGRAPH; } if (!strncmp(argv[1],"disable",7)) { effect=EFFECT_DISABLE; } if (!strncmp(argv[1],"falling",7)) { effect=EFFECT_FALLING; } if (!strncmp(argv[1],"fish",4)) { effect=EFFECT_FISH; } if (!strncmp(argv[1],"gradient",8)) { effect=EFFECT_GRADIENT; } if (!strncmp(argv[1],"noise",5)) { effect=EFFECT_NOISE; } if (!strncmp(argv[1],"pulsar",6)) { effect=EFFECT_PULSAR; } if (!strncmp(argv[1],"rainbow",7)) { effect=EFFECT_RAINBOW; } if (!strncmp(argv[1],"stars",5)) { effect=EFFECT_STARS; } if (!strncmp(argv[1],"red_green",9)) { effect=EFFECT_RED_GREEN; } if (!strncmp(argv[1],"blue_yellow",11)) { effect=EFFECT_BLUE_YELLOW; } if (!strncmp(argv[1],"two_color_scroll",15)) { effect=EFFECT_TWO_COLOR_SCROLL; } if (!strncmp(argv[1],"scanner_blinky",14)) { effect=EFFECT_SCANNER_BLINKY; } else if (!strncmp(argv[1],"scanner_dual",12)) { effect=EFFECT_SCANNER_DUAL; } else if (!strncmp(argv[1],"scanner_random",14)) { effect=EFFECT_SCANNER_RANDOM; } else if (!strncmp(argv[1],"scanner",7)) { effect=EFFECT_SCANNER; } } spi_fd=lpd8806_init(); if (spi_fd<0) { exit(-1); } switch(effect) { case EFFECT_BARGRAPH: bargraph(spi_fd,argc>2?argv[2]:NULL, argc>3?argv[3]:NULL); break; case EFFECT_BARGRAPH_MANUAL: bargraph_manual(spi_fd,argc>2?argv[2]:NULL, argc>3?argv[3]:NULL); break; case EFFECT_DISABLE: disable(spi_fd); break; case EFFECT_FALLING: falling(spi_fd, argc>2?argv[2]:NULL, argc>2?argv[3]:NULL); break; case EFFECT_FISH: fish(spi_fd,argc>2?argv[2]:NULL); break; case EFFECT_GRADIENT: gradient(spi_fd,argc>2?argv[2]:NULL); break; case EFFECT_NOISE: noise(spi_fd); break; case EFFECT_PULSAR: pulsar(spi_fd,argc>2?argv[2]:NULL); break; case EFFECT_RAINBOW: rainbow(spi_fd); break; case EFFECT_STARS: stars(spi_fd,argc>2?argv[2]:NULL, argc>3?argv[3]:NULL); break; case EFFECT_TWO_COLOR_SCROLL: two_color_scroll(spi_fd, argc>2?argv[2]:NULL, argc>3?argv[3]:NULL, argc>4?argv[4]:NULL); break; case EFFECT_RED_GREEN: two_color_scroll(spi_fd, "red", "green", "1"); break; case EFFECT_BLUE_YELLOW: two_color_scroll(spi_fd, "blue", "yellow", "0"); break; case EFFECT_SCANNER: scanner(spi_fd,argc>2?argv[2]:NULL); break; case EFFECT_SCANNER_BLINKY: scanner_blinky(spi_fd); break; case EFFECT_SCANNER_DUAL: scanner_dual(spi_fd, argc>2?argv[2]:NULL, argc>3?argv[3]:NULL); break; case EFFECT_SCANNER_RANDOM: scanner_random(spi_fd); break; } lpd8806_close(spi_fd); return 0; }
void onGMM(const gaussian_mixture_model::GaussianMixture & mix) { visualization_msgs::MarkerArray msg; ROS_INFO("gmm_rviz_converter: Received message."); uint i; for (i = 0; i < mix.gaussians.size(); i++) { visualization_msgs::Marker marker; marker.header.frame_id = m_frame_id; marker.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); marker.ns = m_rviz_namespace; = i; marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::SPHERE; marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; marker.lifetime = ros::Duration(); Eigen::Vector3f coords; for (uint ir = 0; ir < NUM_OUTPUT_COORDINATES; ir++) coords[ir] = m_conversion_mask[ir]->GetMean(m_conversion_mask,mix.gaussians[i]); marker.pose.position.x = coords.x(); marker.pose.position.y = coords.y(); marker.pose.position.z = coords.z(); Eigen::Matrix3f covmat; for (uint ir = 0; ir < NUM_OUTPUT_COORDINATES; ir++) for (uint ic = 0; ic < NUM_OUTPUT_COORDINATES; ic++) covmat(ir,ic) = m_conversion_mask[ir]->GetCov(m_conversion_mask,mix.gaussians[i],ic); Eigen::EigenSolver<Eigen::Matrix3f> evsolver(covmat); Eigen::Matrix3f eigenvectors = evsolver.eigenvectors().real(); if (eigenvectors.determinant() < 0.0) eigenvectors.col(0) = - eigenvectors.col(0); Eigen::Matrix3f rotation = eigenvectors; Eigen::Quaternionf quat = Eigen::Quaternionf(Eigen::AngleAxisf(rotation)); marker.pose.orientation.x = quat.x(); marker.pose.orientation.y = quat.y(); marker.pose.orientation.z = quat.z(); marker.pose.orientation.w = quat.w(); Eigen::Vector3f eigenvalues = evsolver.eigenvalues().real(); Eigen::Vector3f scale = Eigen::Vector3f(eigenvalues.array().abs().sqrt()); if (m_normalize) scale.normalize(); marker.scale.x = mix.weights[i] * scale.x() * m_scale; marker.scale.y = mix.weights[i] * scale.y() * m_scale; marker.scale.z = mix.weights[i] * scale.z() * m_scale; marker.color.a = 1.0; rainbow(float(i) / float(mix.gaussians.size()),marker.color.r,marker.color.g,marker.color.b); msg.markers.push_back(marker); } // this a waste of resources, but we need to delete old markers in some way // someone should add a "clear all" command to rviz // (using expiration time is not an option, here) for ( ; i < m_max_markers; i++) { visualization_msgs::Marker marker; = i; marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::DELETE; marker.lifetime = ros::Duration(); marker.header.frame_id = m_frame_id; marker.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); marker.ns = m_rviz_namespace; msg.markers.push_back(marker); } m_pub.publish(msg); ROS_INFO("gmm_rviz_converter: Sent message."); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int spi_fd; int effect=EFFECT_RANDOM; if (argc>1) { if (!strncmp(argv[1],"-h",2)) { help(argv[0]); return 0; } if (!strncmp(argv[1],"bargraph",8)) { effect=EFFECT_BARGRAPH; } if (!strncmp(argv[1],"rainbow",7)) { effect=EFFECT_RAINBOW; } if (!strncmp(argv[1],"stars",5)) { effect=EFFECT_STARS; } if (!strncmp(argv[1],"red_green",9)) { effect=EFFECT_RED_GREEN; } if (!strncmp(argv[1],"blue_yellow",11)) { effect=EFFECT_BLUE_YELLOW; } if (!strncmp(argv[1],"two_color_scroll",15)) { effect=EFFECT_TWO_COLOR_SCROLL; } } spi_fd=lpd8806_init(); if (spi_fd<0) { exit(-1); } switch(effect) { case EFFECT_BARGRAPH: bargraph(spi_fd,argc>2?argv[2]:NULL, argc>3?argv[3]:NULL); break; case EFFECT_RAINBOW: rainbow(spi_fd); break; case EFFECT_STARS: stars(spi_fd,argc>2?argv[2]:NULL, argc>3?argv[3]:NULL); break; case EFFECT_TWO_COLOR_SCROLL: two_color_scroll(spi_fd, argc>2?argv[2]:NULL, argc>3?argv[3]:NULL, argc>4?argv[4]:NULL); break; case EFFECT_RED_GREEN: two_color_scroll(spi_fd, "red", "green", "1"); break; case EFFECT_BLUE_YELLOW: two_color_scroll(spi_fd, "blue", "yellow", "0"); break; } lpd8806_close(spi_fd); return 0; }