/** * アニメーションを読み込む */ void loadAnimation(ANIME_SET* graphic,ARCHIVE* archive,const char* file_name){ BUF* gfx_file = getFile(archive,file_name); //ヘッダを飛ばす。 seekBuf(gfx_file,(long)strlen(ANIME_HEADER),SEEK_SET); //ファイル名取得 int filename_size; readBuf(gfx_file,&filename_size,sizeof(filename_size)); graphic->filename_size = filename_size; graphic->filename = malloc(filename_size+1); readBuf(gfx_file,graphic->filename,filename_size); graphic->filename[filename_size] = '\0'; //スプライト取得 SDL_RWops* frame_ops = getGraphixFile(archive,graphic->filename); getSpriteFromOPS(&graphic->sprite,frame_ops); frame_ops->close(frame_ops); //メモリ開放は忘れずに //スプライトエリア用スプライト SPRITE* anime_sprite = &graphic->sprite; //モード、フラグ、アニメ数。 readBuf(gfx_file,&graphic->mode,sizeof(graphic->mode)); readBuf(gfx_file,&graphic->flag,sizeof(graphic->flag)); readBuf(gfx_file,&graphic->anime_num,sizeof(graphic->anime_num)); int anime_num = graphic->anime_num; graphic->anime = malloc( sizeof(ANIMATION*) * anime_num ); int i=0; for(;i<anime_num;i++){ //アニメ番号 int num = 0; readBuf(gfx_file,&num,sizeof(num)); if(anime_num < num) raiseError("invalid animation file:",file_name); //メモリ確保。 graphic->anime[num] = malloc(sizeof(ANIMATION)); ANIMATION* anime = graphic->anime[num]; anime->num = num; //フレーム番号取得 int frame_num; readBuf(gfx_file,&frame_num,sizeof(frame_num)); anime->frame_num = frame_num; anime->frame = malloc(sizeof(ANIMATION_FRAME)*frame_num); int j; for(j=0;i<frame_num;j++){ //フレームへのポインタの設定 ANIMATION_FRAME* frame = &anime->frame[j]; //持続時間 readBuf(gfx_file,&frame->frame_time,sizeof(frame->frame_time)); //スプライトの設定 frame->sprite_area.sprite = anime_sprite; readBuf(gfx_file,&frame->sprite_area.x,sizeof(frame->sprite_area.x)); readBuf(gfx_file,&frame->sprite_area.y,sizeof(frame->sprite_area.y)); readBuf(gfx_file,&frame->sprite_area.width,sizeof(frame->sprite_area.width)); readBuf(gfx_file,&frame->sprite_area.height,sizeof(frame->sprite_area.height)); } } deleteBuf(gfx_file); }
void c_init_serial( TermPair *termStorage, const char *devicePath, const int speed, const Bool hw_flow_control ) { if (termStorage == NULL) { raiseError("The storage for the file descriptor must not be NULL"); } termStorage->fd = open(devicePath, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK); c_init_serialFD(termStorage, speed, hw_flow_control); }
/* "warning" assert -- safe to continue, so we don't throw exception. */ void wasserted(const char *msg, const char *file, unsigned line) { problem() << "warning Assertion failure " << msg << ' ' << file << ' ' << dec << line << endl; sayDbContext(); raiseError(0,msg && *msg ? msg : "wassertion failure"); assertionCount.condrollover( ++assertionCount.warning ); #if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DURABLEDEFAULTON) // this is so we notice in buildbot log() << "\n\n***aborting after wassert() failure in a debug/test build\n\n" << endl; abort(); #endif }
static PyObject *isOptionSettable (PyObject * self, PyObject * args) { SANE_Int cap; long lg; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "l", &lg)) raiseError("Invalid arguments"); cap = lg; return PyInt_FromLong (SANE_OPTION_IS_SETTABLE (cap)); }
void GdbResponseWriter::WriteData(GdbResponse const& input) { if (fromUser.HasData()) raiseError(ConcurrencyError("GdbResponseWriter detected new user command came in before response to last command could be printed.")); if (input.prompt) last_prompt = *input.prompt; string result = Write(input.values); sink.WriteData({result, last_prompt}); }
void XSchemaSequence::scanForAttributes(QDomAttr &attribute, void * /*context*/) { QString name = attribute.nodeName(); if(name == IO_GENERIC_ID) { _id = attribute.value() ; } else if(name == IO_GENERIC_MINOCCURS) { if(!_minOccurs.setValueFromAttribute(attribute.value())) { raiseError(this, attribute, false); } } else if(name == IO_GENERIC_MAXOCCURS) { if(!_maxOccurs.setValueFromAttribute(attribute.value())) { raiseError(this, attribute, false); } } else { if(!readOtherAttributes(attribute)) { raiseError(this, attribute, false); } } }
void asserted(const char *msg, const char *file, unsigned line) { problem() << "Assertion failure " << msg << ' ' << file << ' ' << dec << line << endl; sayDbContext(); raiseError(msg && *msg ? msg : "assertion failure"); lastAssert[0].set(msg, getDbContext().c_str(), file, line); stringstream temp; temp << "assertion " << file << ":" << line; AssertionException e; e.msg = temp.str(); throw e; }
PClassifier TLogRegLearner::operator()(PExampleGenerator gen, const int &weight) { int error; PVariable var; PClassifier cl = fitModel(gen, weight, error, var); if (error >= TLogRegFitter::Constant) raiseError("%s in %s", error==TLogRegFitter::Constant ? "constant" : "singularity", var->get_name().c_str()); return cl; }
void QxThreadPool::runServer() { QxServer server(this); server.setMaxPendingConnections(QxConnect::getSingleton()->getThreadCount()); quint16 serverPort = (quint16)(QxConnect::getSingleton()->getPort()); if (! server.listen(QHostAddress::Any, serverPort)) { raiseError(QString("[QxOrm] cannot run server : '") + server.errorString() + QString("'"), QxTransaction_ptr()); return; } Q_EMIT serverIsRunning(true, (& server)); exec(); Q_EMIT serverIsRunning(false, NULL); }
/** * アニメーションを読み込む */ void loadAnimation(ANIME_SET* graphic,ARCHIVE* archive,const char* file_name){ SDL_RWops* gfx_file = getFile(archive,file_name); //ヘッダを飛ばす。 SDL_RWseek(gfx_file,(long)strlen(ANIME_HEADER),SEEK_SET); //ファイル名取得 int filename_size; SDL_RWread(gfx_file,&filename_size,sizeof(filename_size),1); graphic->filename_size = filename_size; graphic->filename = malloc(filename_size+1); SDL_RWread(gfx_file,graphic->filename,filename_size,1); graphic->filename[filename_size] = '\0'; //モード、フラグ、アニメ数、アルファブレンディング SDL_RWread(gfx_file,&graphic->mode,sizeof(graphic->mode),1); SDL_RWread(gfx_file,&graphic->flag,sizeof(graphic->flag),1); SDL_RWread(gfx_file,&graphic->anime_num,sizeof(graphic->anime_num),1); SDL_RWread(gfx_file,&graphic->is_alpha_blending,sizeof(graphic->is_alpha_blending),1); //スプライト取得 getSpriteFromArchive(&graphic->sprite,archive,graphic->filename,graphic->is_alpha_blending,TRUE); //スプライトエリア用スプライト SPRITE* anime_sprite = &graphic->sprite; int anime_num = graphic->anime_num; graphic->anime = malloc( sizeof(ANIMATION*) * anime_num ); int i=0; for(;i<anime_num;i++){ //アニメ番号 int num = 0; SDL_RWread(gfx_file,&num,sizeof(num),1); if(anime_num < num) raiseError("invalid animation file:",file_name); //メモリ確保。 graphic->anime[num] = malloc(sizeof(ANIMATION)); ANIMATION* anime = graphic->anime[num]; anime->num = num; //フレーム番号取得 int frame_num; SDL_RWread(gfx_file,&frame_num,sizeof(frame_num),1); anime->frame_num = frame_num; anime->frame = malloc(sizeof(ANIMATION_FRAME)*frame_num); int j; for(j=0;i<frame_num;j++){ //フレームへのポインタの設定 ANIMATION_FRAME* frame = &anime->frame[j]; //持続時間 SDL_RWread(gfx_file,&frame->frame_time,sizeof(frame->frame_time),1); //スプライトの設定 int x,y,w,h; SDL_RWread(gfx_file,&x,sizeof(x),1); SDL_RWread(gfx_file,&y,sizeof(y),1); SDL_RWread(gfx_file,&w,sizeof(w),1); SDL_RWread(gfx_file,&h,sizeof(h),1); makeSpriteArea(&frame->sprite_area,anime_sprite,x,y,w,h); } } SDL_RWclose(gfx_file); }
CACMWaveFormat::CACMWaveFormat(WORD fmt, DWORD sz) { MMRESULT mmr; m_fmt = NULL; m_size = 0; if (0 == sz) { CACMStruct<ACMFORMATTAGDETAILS> tagD; // WIN95 bug keeps us from using the correct fmt here, // because acmFormatEnum fails later if not tagD->dwFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN; mmr = acmFormatTagDetails(NULL, tagD, ACM_FORMATTAGDETAILSF_LARGESTSIZE ); if (0 != mmr) raiseError(mmr, "Error getting format descriptor size"); sz = tagD->cbFormatSize; } m_fmt = (LPWAVEFORMATEX) GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED|GMEM_ZEROINIT, sz); if (m_fmt) { m_fmt->wFormatTag = fmt; m_size = sz; } else { raiseError(MMSYSERR_NOMEM, "No memory for wave format descriptor"); } }
void QHelpProjectDataPrivate::readProject() { while (!atEnd()) { readNext(); if (isStartElement()) { if (name() == QLatin1String("virtualFolder")) { virtualFolder = readElementText(); if (!hasValidSyntax(QLatin1String("test"), virtualFolder)) raiseError(QCoreApplication::translate("QHelpProject", "Virtual folder has invalid syntax in file: \"%1\"").arg(fileName)); } else if (name() == QLatin1String("namespace")) { namespaceName = readElementText(); if (!hasValidSyntax(namespaceName, QLatin1String("test"))) raiseError(QCoreApplication::translate("QHelpProject", "Namespace \"%1\" has invalid syntax in file: \"%2\"").arg(namespaceName, fileName)); } else if (name() == QLatin1String("customFilter")) { readCustomFilter(); } else if (name() == QLatin1String("filterSection")) { readFilterSection(); } else if (name() == QLatin1String("metaData")) { QString n = attributes().value(QLatin1String("name")).toString(); if (!metaData.contains(n)) metaData[n] = attributes().value(QLatin1String("value")).toString(); else metaData.insert(n, attributes(). value(QLatin1String("value")).toString()); } else { raiseUnknownTokenError(); } } else if (isEndElement() && name() == QLatin1String("QtHelpProject")) { if (namespaceName.isEmpty()) raiseError(QCoreApplication::translate("QHelpProject", "Missing namespace in QtHelpProject file: \"%1\"").arg(fileName)); else if (virtualFolder.isEmpty()) raiseError(QCoreApplication::translate("QHelpProject", "Missing virtual folder in QtHelpProject file: \"%1\"").arg(fileName)); break; } } }
static bool openXmlFile(QDomDocument &doc, const Utils::FileName &fileName) { QFile f(fileName.toString()); if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return false; if (!doc.setContent(f.readAll())) { raiseError(AndroidManager::tr("Cannot parse \"%1\".").arg(fileName.toUserOutput())); return false; } return true; }
static PyObject *cancelScan (_ScanDevice * self, PyObject * args) { if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "")) raiseError("Invalid arguments."); if (self->h == NULL) return raiseDeviceClosedError(); sane_cancel (self->h); Py_INCREF (Py_None); return Py_None; }
bool xbnode::getBool() { if( isBool() ) return (this->getText()=="true"); if( isNumeric() ) return getNumeric()!=0; if( isText() ) return !getText().empty(); raiseError( "getBool() cant convert", __FILE__,__LINE__); return false; }
void QHelpProjectDataPrivate::readData(const QByteArray &contents) { addData(contents); while (!atEnd()) { readNext(); if (isStartElement()) { if (name() == QLatin1String("QtHelpProject") && attributes().value(QLatin1String("version")) == QLatin1String("1.0")) readProject(); else raiseError(QCoreApplication::translate("QHelpProject", "Unknown token. Expected \"QtHelpProject\".")); } } if (hasError()) { raiseError(QCoreApplication::translate("QHelpProject", "Error in line %1: %2").arg(lineNumber()) .arg(errorString())); } }
bool Crypto::testSha256() { QByteArray sha256Test = CryptoHash::hash("abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq", CryptoHash::Sha256); if (sha256Test != QByteArray::fromHex("248D6A61D20638B8E5C026930C3E6039A33CE45964FF2167F6ECEDD419DB06C1")) { raiseError("SHA-256 mismatch."); return false; } return true; }
void OpenCLFramework<T>::addInputBuffer(int argumentCounter, std::vector<T> input) { if (vectorSize != -1 && vectorSize != input.size()) { raiseError("You passed vectors with different lengths to the framework"); } vectorSize = input.size(); cl_mem inputBuffer = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, vectorSize * sizeof(T), (void *)&input[0], NULL); status = clSetKernelArg(kernel, argumentCounter, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&inputBuffer); checkError("clSetKernelArg input"); inputBufferVector.push_back(inputBuffer); }
void asserted(const char *msg, const char *file, unsigned line) { assertionCount.condrollover( ++assertionCount.regular ); problem() << "Assertion failure " << msg << ' ' << file << ' ' << dec << line << endl; sayDbContext(); raiseError(0,msg && *msg ? msg : "assertion failure"); lastAssert[0].set(msg, getDbContext().c_str(), file, line); stringstream temp; temp << "assertion " << file << ":" << line; AssertionException e(temp.str(),0); breakpoint(); throw e; }
/// Start the parsing of the plist. If it isn't a valid plist this method return false. /// (it only checks and reads the existence of <plist>) bool BasePListParser::beginParsing(QIODevice* device) { lastErrorMessage_.clear(); elementStack_.clear(); xml_ = new QXmlStreamReader(device); if( readNextElement("plist" ) ) { return true; } else { raiseError( QObject::tr("Start element not found!")); return false; } }
PClassifier TSimpleTreeLearner::operator()(PExampleGenerator ogen, const int &weight) { struct Example *examples, *ex; struct SimpleTreeNode *tree; struct Args args; int cls_vals; if (!ogen->domain->classVar) raiseError("class-less domain"); if (!ogen->numberOfExamples() > 0) raiseError("no examples"); /* create a tabel with pointers to examples */ ASSERT(examples = (struct Example *)calloc(ogen->numberOfExamples(), sizeof *examples)); ex = examples; PEITERATE(ei, ogen) { ex->example = &(*ei); ex->weight = 1.0; ex++; }
Object cuda_computeCapability(Object self, int nparts, int *argcv, Object *argv, int flags) { cuInit(0); int deviceCount = 0; cuDeviceGetCount(&deviceCount); if (deviceCount == 0) { raiseError("No CUDA devices found"); } CUdevice cuDevice; int major, minor; cuDeviceComputeCapability(&major, &minor, cuDevice); return alloc_Float64(major + minor / 10.0); }
void ActivityLog::expect(ActivityLogLine test_log_entry, bool exact_match) { string expected = test_log_entry.content; // Get the next result that is not part of the ignored labels. ActivityLogLine test_result; do { int counter = 0; while (!test_results.HasData()) { boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(5)); if (++counter > 100) { //string msg = "Timed out waiting on next test result."; //string log_line = test_log_entry.label + ": " + expected; //cerr << msg << " expected " << log_line << endl; //throw boost::enable_current_exception(TestException(msg, log_line, "")); } } test_result = test_results.ReadData(); } while (test_plan.actionType(test_result) == TestActionType::ignore); if (test_result.label != test_log_entry.label) { cerr << "Did not get expected label, expected " << test_log_entry.label << " got " << test_result.label << endl; raiseError(TestException("Did not get expected label", test_log_entry.label, test_result.label)); } else if (exact_match && test_result.content != test_log_entry.content) { string actual = test_result.content; print_error(expected, actual); raiseError(TestException("Did not get expected content", expected, actual)); } }
int main() { scanf ("%d%d%d%d", &N, &a, &b, &M); for (int u = 0; u < N; ++u) for (int v = 0; v < N; ++v) scanf("%d", &distance[u][v]); pingCount = 0; routeLength = 0; current = a; findRoute (N, a, b); if (current != b) raiseError ("Message has not reached its target"); if (routeLength < distance[a-1][b-1] + 1) raiseError ("Unexpected: route is too short"); printf ("OK\n"); return 0; }
Object cuda_deviceName(Object self, int nparts, int *argcv, Object *argv, int flags) { cuInit(0); int deviceCount = 0; cuDeviceGetCount(&deviceCount); if (deviceCount == 0) { raiseError("No CUDA devices found"); } CUdevice cuDevice; cuDeviceGet(&cuDevice, 0); char name[100]; cuDeviceGetName(name, 100, cuDevice); return alloc_String(name); }
void Process::write(const std::string& s) { ssize_t amt = 0; assert(selectpipe(pipes::WRITE_PIPE) != -1); amt = ::write(selectpipe(pipes::WRITE_PIPE), s.c_str(), s.size()); // If we failed to write if (!(amt > 0 || (amt == 0 && s.empty()))) { raiseError("Failed to write"); } }
void EasyOpenCL<T>::setOutputBuffer(uint argumentPosition) { // The program needs to know the length of the buffer - therefore, first pass // an input buffer so the length can be determined if (vectorSize == -1) { raiseError("Please pass the input buffer first"); } // Create and append the actual output buffer cl_mem outputBuffer = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, vectorSize * sizeof(T), NULL, NULL); status = clSetKernelArg(kernel, argumentPosition, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&outputBuffer); checkError("clSetKernelArg outputBuffer " + std::to_string(argumentPosition)); // Add the buffer to the map for later reference - retrieval and cleanup values[argumentPosition] = BoundValue<T>(outputBuffer); }
float TEFMDataDescription::getExampleWeight(const TExample &example) const { if (example.domain != domain) raiseError("example's domain doesn't match the data descriptor's"); float weight=1.0; TVarList::const_iterator vi(domain->attributes->begin()), vie(domain->attributes->end()); TExample::iterator ei(example.begin()); for(; vi!=vie; ei++, vi++) if ((*ei).isDK() && ((*ei).varType == TValue::INTVAR)) weight /= (*vi)->noOfValues(); return weight; }
bool TreatIterator::count( store::Item_t &result, PlanState &planState) const { bool const ret_val = theChild->count( result, planState ); xs_integer const count( result->getIntegerValue() ); switch ( theQuantifier ) { case SequenceType::QUANT_QUESTION: if ( count <= numeric_consts<xs_integer>::one() ) break; // no break; case SequenceType::QUANT_ONE: if ( count > numeric_consts<xs_integer>::one() ) raiseError("sequence of more than one item"); // no break; case SequenceType::QUANT_PLUS: if ( count == numeric_consts<xs_integer>::zero() ) raiseError("empty-sequence()"); break; default: // do nothing break; } return ret_val; }
void CACMStream::Unprepare() { m_mmr = 0; if (m_hdr->fdwStatus & ACMSTREAMHEADER_STATUSF_PREPARED) { m_hdr->cbSrcLength = m_hdr->dwSrcUser; m_mmr = acmStreamUnprepareHeader(m_strm, m_hdr, 0); GlobalFree(m_hdr->pbDst); } if (m_mmr) raiseError(m_mmr, "Error unpreparing stream header"); }