JSValue JSInspectorFrontendHost::search(ExecState* exec, const ArgList& args)
    if (args.size() < 2)
        return jsUndefined();

    Node* node = toNode(args.at(0));
    if (!node)
        return jsUndefined();

    String target = args.at(1).toString(exec);
    if (exec->hadException())
        return jsUndefined();

    MarkedArgumentBuffer result;
    RefPtr<Range> searchRange(rangeOfContents(node));

    ExceptionCode ec = 0;
    do {
        RefPtr<Range> resultRange(findPlainText(searchRange.get(), target, true, false));
        if (resultRange->collapsed(ec))

        // A non-collapsed result range can in some funky whitespace cases still not
        // advance the range's start position (4509328). Break to avoid infinite loop.
        VisiblePosition newStart = endVisiblePosition(resultRange.get(), DOWNSTREAM);
        if (newStart == startVisiblePosition(searchRange.get(), DOWNSTREAM))

        result.append(toJS(exec, resultRange.get()));

        setStart(searchRange.get(), newStart);
    } while (true);

    return constructArray(exec, result);
static bool relinquishesEditingFocus(Node *node)

    Node* root = node->rootEditableElement();
    Frame* frame = node->document()->frame();
    if (!frame || !root)
        return false;

    return frame->editor()->shouldEndEditing(rangeOfContents(root).get());
Esempio n. 3
bool isPositionInNode(Node* node, const Position& position)
    int offset = 0;
    Node* domNodeAtPos = DOMContainerNodeForPosition(position);
    if (domNodeAtPos == position.containerNode())
        offset = position.computeOffsetInContainerNode();

    RefPtr<Range> rangeForNode = rangeOfContents(node);
    int ec;

    return rangeForNode->isPointInRange(domNodeAtPos, offset, ec);
Esempio n. 4
static JSValueRef search(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef /*function*/, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argumentCount, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef* /*exception*/)
    InspectorController* controller = reinterpret_cast<InspectorController*>(JSObjectGetPrivate(thisObject));
    if (!controller)
        return JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx);

    if (argumentCount < 2 || !JSValueIsString(ctx, arguments[1]))
        return JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx);

    Node* node = toNode(toJS(arguments[0]));
    if (!node)
        return JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx);

    JSStringRef string = JSValueToStringCopy(ctx, arguments[1], 0);
    String target(JSStringGetCharactersPtr(string), JSStringGetLength(string));

    JSObjectRef globalObject = JSContextGetGlobalObject(ctx);
    JSStringRef constructorString = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("Array");
    JSObjectRef arrayConstructor = JSValueToObject(ctx, JSObjectGetProperty(ctx, globalObject, constructorString, 0), 0);
    JSObjectRef array = JSObjectCallAsConstructor(ctx, arrayConstructor, 0, 0, 0);

    JSStringRef pushString = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("push");
    JSValueRef pushValue = JSObjectGetProperty(ctx, array, pushString, 0);
    JSObjectRef push = JSValueToObject(ctx, pushValue, 0);

    RefPtr<Range> searchRange(rangeOfContents(node));

    int exception = 0;
    do {
        RefPtr<Range> resultRange(findPlainText(searchRange.get(), target, true, false));
        if (resultRange->collapsed(exception))

        // A non-collapsed result range can in some funky whitespace cases still not
        // advance the range's start position (4509328). Break to avoid infinite loop.
        VisiblePosition newStart = endVisiblePosition(resultRange.get(), DOWNSTREAM);
        if (newStart == startVisiblePosition(searchRange.get(), DOWNSTREAM))

        KJS::JSLock lock;
        JSValueRef arg0 = toRef(toJS(toJS(ctx), resultRange.get()));
        JSObjectCallAsFunction(ctx, push, array, 1, &arg0, 0);

        setStart(searchRange.get(), newStart);
    } while (true);

    return array;
Esempio n. 5
WTF::String inputElementText(Element* element)
    if (!element)
        return WTF::String();

    WTF::String elementText;
    if (element->hasTagName(HTMLNames::inputTag)) {
        const HTMLInputElement* inputElement = static_cast<const HTMLInputElement*>(element);
        elementText = inputElement->value();
    } else if (element->hasTagName(HTMLNames::textareaTag)) {
        const HTMLTextAreaElement* inputElement = static_cast<const HTMLTextAreaElement*>(element);
        elementText = inputElement->value();
    } else if (element->isContentEditable()) {
        RefPtr<Range> rangeForNode = rangeOfContents(element);
        elementText = rangeForNode.get()->text();
    return elementText;
Esempio n. 6
void InPageSearchManager::scopeStringMatches(const String& text, bool reset, bool locateActiveMatchOnly, Frame* scopingFrame)
    if (reset) {
        if (!locateActiveMatchOnly) {
            m_activeMatchCount = 0;
            m_scopingComplete = false;
        m_resumeScopingFromRange = 0;
        m_locatingActiveMatch = true;
        m_activeMatchIndex = 0;
        // New search should always start from mainFrame.
        scopeStringMatchesSoon(m_webPage->mainFrame(), text, false /* reset */, locateActiveMatchOnly);

    if (m_resumeScopingFromRange && scopingFrame != m_resumeScopingFromRange->ownerDocument().frame())
        m_resumeScopingFromRange = 0;

    RefPtr<Range> searchRange(rangeOfContents(scopingFrame->document()));
    Node* originalEndContainer = searchRange->endContainer();
    int originalEndOffset = searchRange->endOffset();
    ExceptionCode ec = 0, ec2 = 0;
    if (m_resumeScopingFromRange) {
        searchRange->setStart(m_resumeScopingFromRange->startContainer(), m_resumeScopingFromRange->startOffset(ec2) + 1, ec);
        if (ec || ec2) {
            m_scopingComplete = true; // We should stop scoping because of some stale data.

    int matchCount = 0;
    bool timeout = false;
    double startTime = currentTime();
    do {
        RefPtr<Range> resultRange(findPlainText(searchRange.get(), text, m_scopingCaseInsensitive ? CaseInsensitive : 0));
        if (resultRange->collapsed(ec)) {
            if (!resultRange->startContainer()->isInShadowTree())
            searchRange->setStartAfter(resultRange->startContainer()->deprecatedShadowAncestorNode(), ec);
            searchRange->setEnd(originalEndContainer, originalEndOffset, ec);

        bool foundActiveMatch = false;
        if (m_locatingActiveMatch && areRangesEqual(resultRange.get(), m_activeMatch.get())) {
            foundActiveMatch = true;
            m_locatingActiveMatch = false;
            if (locateActiveMatchOnly) {
                m_activeMatchIndex += matchCount;
                m_webPage->m_client->updateFindStringResult(m_activeMatchCount, m_activeMatchIndex);
            m_activeMatchIndex = m_activeMatchCount + matchCount;
        if (!locateActiveMatchOnly && m_highlightAllMatches)
            resultRange->ownerDocument().markers().addTextMatchMarker(resultRange.get(), foundActiveMatch);

        searchRange->setStart(resultRange->endContainer(ec), resultRange->endOffset(ec), ec);
        ShadowRoot* shadowTreeRoot = searchRange->shadowRoot();
        if (searchRange->collapsed(ec) && shadowTreeRoot)
            searchRange->setEnd(shadowTreeRoot, shadowTreeRoot->childNodeCount(), ec);
        m_resumeScopingFromRange = resultRange;
        timeout = (currentTime() - startTime) >= MaxScopingDuration;
    } while (!timeout);

    if (matchCount > 0) {
        if (locateActiveMatchOnly) {
            // We have not found it yet.
            // m_activeMatchIndex now temporarily remember where we left over in this time slot.
            m_activeMatchIndex += matchCount;
        } else {
            if (m_highlightAllMatches)
                scopingFrame->editor().setMarkedTextMatchesAreHighlighted(true /* highlight */);
            m_activeMatchCount += matchCount;
            m_webPage->m_client->updateFindStringResult(m_activeMatchCount, m_activeMatchIndex);

    if (timeout)
        scopeStringMatchesSoon(scopingFrame, text, false /* reset */, locateActiveMatchOnly);
    else {
        // Scoping is done for this frame.
        Frame* nextFrame = DOMSupport::incrementFrame(scopingFrame, true /* forward */, false /* wrapFlag */);
        if (!nextFrame) {
            m_scopingComplete = true;
            return; // Scoping is done for all frames;
        scopeStringMatchesSoon(nextFrame, text, false /* reset */, locateActiveMatchOnly);
Esempio n. 7
void SpellChecker::requestTextChecking(const Element& element)
    RefPtr<Range> rangeToCheck = rangeOfContents(const_cast<Element*>(&element));
    m_spellCheckRequester->requestCheckingFor(SpellCheckRequest::create(TextCheckingTypeSpelling | TextCheckingTypeGrammar, TextCheckingProcessBatch, rangeToCheck, rangeToCheck));
Esempio n. 8
void SpellChecker::advanceToNextMisspelling(bool startBeforeSelection)
    // The basic approach is to search in two phases - from the selection end to the end of the doc, and
    // then we wrap and search from the doc start to (approximately) where we started.

    // Start at the end of the selection, search to edge of document. Starting at the selection end makes
    // repeated "check spelling" commands work.
    VisibleSelection selection(m_frame.selection().selection());
    RefPtr<Range> spellingSearchRange(rangeOfContents(m_frame.document()));

    bool startedWithSelection = false;
    if (selection.start().deprecatedNode()) {
        startedWithSelection = true;
        if (startBeforeSelection) {
            VisiblePosition start(selection.visibleStart());
            // We match AppKit's rule: Start 1 character before the selection.
            VisiblePosition oneBeforeStart = start.previous();
            setStart(spellingSearchRange.get(), oneBeforeStart.isNotNull() ? oneBeforeStart : start);
        } else {
            setStart(spellingSearchRange.get(), selection.visibleEnd());

    Position position = spellingSearchRange->startPosition();
    if (!isEditablePosition(position)) {
        // This shouldn't happen in very often because the Spelling menu items aren't enabled unless the
        // selection is editable.
        // This can happen in Mail for a mix of non-editable and editable content (like Stationary),
        // when spell checking the whole document before sending the message.
        // In that case the document might not be editable, but there are editable pockets that need to be spell checked.

        position = firstEditableVisiblePositionAfterPositionInRoot(position, m_frame.document()).deepEquivalent();
        if (position.isNull())

        Position rangeCompliantPosition = position.parentAnchoredEquivalent();
        spellingSearchRange->setStart(rangeCompliantPosition.deprecatedNode(), rangeCompliantPosition.deprecatedEditingOffset(), IGNORE_EXCEPTION);
        startedWithSelection = false; // won't need to wrap

    // topNode defines the whole range we want to operate on
    ContainerNode* topNode = highestEditableRoot(position);
    // FIXME: lastOffsetForEditing() is wrong here if editingIgnoresContent(highestEditableRoot()) returns true (e.g. a <table>)
    spellingSearchRange->setEnd(topNode, lastOffsetForEditing(topNode), IGNORE_EXCEPTION);

    // If spellingSearchRange starts in the middle of a word, advance to the next word so we start checking
    // at a word boundary. Going back by one char and then forward by a word does the trick.
    if (startedWithSelection) {
        VisiblePosition oneBeforeStart = startVisiblePosition(spellingSearchRange.get(), DOWNSTREAM).previous();
        if (oneBeforeStart.isNotNull())
            setStart(spellingSearchRange.get(), endOfWord(oneBeforeStart));
        // else we were already at the start of the editable node

    if (spellingSearchRange->collapsed())
        return; // nothing to search in

    // We go to the end of our first range instead of the start of it, just to be sure
    // we don't get foiled by any word boundary problems at the start. It means we might
    // do a tiny bit more searching.
    Node* searchEndNodeAfterWrap = spellingSearchRange->endContainer();
    int searchEndOffsetAfterWrap = spellingSearchRange->endOffset();

    int misspellingOffset = 0;
    GrammarDetail grammarDetail;
    int grammarPhraseOffset = 0;
    RefPtr<Range> grammarSearchRange = nullptr;
    String badGrammarPhrase;
    String misspelledWord;

    bool isSpelling = true;
    int foundOffset = 0;
    String foundItem;
    RefPtr<Range> firstMisspellingRange = nullptr;
    if (unifiedTextCheckerEnabled()) {
        grammarSearchRange = spellingSearchRange->cloneRange();
        foundItem = TextCheckingHelper(spellCheckerClient(), spellingSearchRange).findFirstMisspellingOrBadGrammar(isGrammarCheckingEnabled(), isSpelling, foundOffset, grammarDetail);
        if (isSpelling) {
            misspelledWord = foundItem;
            misspellingOffset = foundOffset;
        } else {
            badGrammarPhrase = foundItem;
            grammarPhraseOffset = foundOffset;
    } else {
        misspelledWord = TextCheckingHelper(spellCheckerClient(), spellingSearchRange).findFirstMisspelling(misspellingOffset, false, firstMisspellingRange);
        grammarSearchRange = spellingSearchRange->cloneRange();
        if (!misspelledWord.isEmpty()) {
            // Stop looking at start of next misspelled word
            CharacterIterator chars(grammarSearchRange.get());
            grammarSearchRange->setEnd(chars.range()->startContainer(), chars.range()->startOffset(), IGNORE_EXCEPTION);

        if (isGrammarCheckingEnabled())
            badGrammarPhrase = TextCheckingHelper(spellCheckerClient(), grammarSearchRange).findFirstBadGrammar(grammarDetail, grammarPhraseOffset, false);

    // If we found neither bad grammar nor a misspelled word, wrap and try again (but don't bother if we started at the beginning of the
    // block rather than at a selection).
    if (startedWithSelection && !misspelledWord && !badGrammarPhrase) {
        spellingSearchRange->setStart(topNode, 0, IGNORE_EXCEPTION);
        // going until the end of the very first chunk we tested is far enough
        spellingSearchRange->setEnd(searchEndNodeAfterWrap, searchEndOffsetAfterWrap, IGNORE_EXCEPTION);

        if (unifiedTextCheckerEnabled()) {
            grammarSearchRange = spellingSearchRange->cloneRange();
            foundItem = TextCheckingHelper(spellCheckerClient(), spellingSearchRange).findFirstMisspellingOrBadGrammar(isGrammarCheckingEnabled(), isSpelling, foundOffset, grammarDetail);
            if (isSpelling) {
                misspelledWord = foundItem;
                misspellingOffset = foundOffset;
            } else {
                badGrammarPhrase = foundItem;
                grammarPhraseOffset = foundOffset;
        } else {
            misspelledWord = TextCheckingHelper(spellCheckerClient(), spellingSearchRange).findFirstMisspelling(misspellingOffset, false, firstMisspellingRange);
            grammarSearchRange = spellingSearchRange->cloneRange();
            if (!misspelledWord.isEmpty()) {
                // Stop looking at start of next misspelled word
                CharacterIterator chars(grammarSearchRange.get());
                grammarSearchRange->setEnd(chars.range()->startContainer(), chars.range()->startOffset(), IGNORE_EXCEPTION);

            if (isGrammarCheckingEnabled())
                badGrammarPhrase = TextCheckingHelper(spellCheckerClient(), grammarSearchRange).findFirstBadGrammar(grammarDetail, grammarPhraseOffset, false);

    if (!badGrammarPhrase.isEmpty()) {
        // We found bad grammar. Since we only searched for bad grammar up to the first misspelled word, the bad grammar
        // takes precedence and we ignore any potential misspelled word. Select the grammar detail, update the spelling
        // panel, and store a marker so we draw the green squiggle later.

        ASSERT(badGrammarPhrase.length() > 0);
        ASSERT(grammarDetail.location != -1 && grammarDetail.length > 0);

        // FIXME 4859190: This gets confused with doubled punctuation at the end of a paragraph
        RefPtr<Range> badGrammarRange = TextIterator::subrange(grammarSearchRange.get(), grammarPhraseOffset + grammarDetail.location, grammarDetail.length);
        m_frame.selection().setSelection(VisibleSelection(badGrammarRange.get(), SEL_DEFAULT_AFFINITY));

        m_frame.document()->markers().addMarker(badGrammarRange.get(), DocumentMarker::Grammar, grammarDetail.userDescription);
    } else if (!misspelledWord.isEmpty()) {
        // We found a misspelling, but not any earlier bad grammar. Select the misspelling, update the spelling panel, and store
        // a marker so we draw the red squiggle later.

        RefPtr<Range> misspellingRange = TextIterator::subrange(spellingSearchRange.get(), misspellingOffset, misspelledWord.length());
        m_frame.selection().setSelection(VisibleSelection(misspellingRange.get(), DOWNSTREAM));

        m_frame.document()->markers().addMarker(misspellingRange.get(), DocumentMarker::Spelling);
Esempio n. 9
void InPageSearchManager::scopeStringMatches(const String& text, bool reset, Frame* scopingFrame)
    if (reset) {
        m_activeMatchCount = 0;
        m_resumeScopingFromRange = 0;
        m_scopingComplete = false;
        m_locatingActiveMatch = true;
        // New search should always start from mainFrame.
        scopeStringMatchesSoon(m_webPage->mainFrame(), text, false /* reset */);

    if (m_resumeScopingFromRange && scopingFrame != m_resumeScopingFromRange->ownerDocument()->frame())
        m_resumeScopingFromRange = 0;

    RefPtr<Range> searchRange(rangeOfContents(scopingFrame->document()));
    Node* originalEndContainer = searchRange->endContainer();
    int originalEndOffset = searchRange->endOffset();
    ExceptionCode ec = 0, ec2 = 0;
    if (m_resumeScopingFromRange) {
        searchRange->setStart(m_resumeScopingFromRange->startContainer(), m_resumeScopingFromRange->startOffset(ec2) + 1, ec);
        if (ec || ec2) {
            m_scopingComplete = true; // We should stop scoping because of some stale data.

    int matchCount = 0;
    bool timeout = false;
    double startTime = currentTime();
    do {
        RefPtr<Range> resultRange(findPlainText(searchRange.get(), text, CaseInsensitive));
        if (resultRange->collapsed(ec)) {
            if (!resultRange->startContainer()->isInShadowTree())
            searchRange->setStartAfter(resultRange->startContainer()->shadowAncestorNode(), ec);
            searchRange->setEnd(originalEndContainer, originalEndOffset, ec);

        if (scopingFrame->editor()->insideVisibleArea(resultRange.get())) {
            bool foundActiveMatch = false;
            if (m_locatingActiveMatch && areRangesEqual(resultRange.get(), m_activeMatch.get())) {
                foundActiveMatch = true;
                m_locatingActiveMatch = false;
                m_activeMatchIndex = m_activeMatchCount + matchCount;
                // FIXME: We need to notify client with m_activeMatchIndex.
            resultRange->ownerDocument()->markers()->addTextMatchMarker(resultRange.get(), foundActiveMatch);
        searchRange->setStart(resultRange->endContainer(ec), resultRange->endOffset(ec), ec);
        Node* shadowTreeRoot = searchRange->shadowTreeRootNode();
        if (searchRange->collapsed(ec) && shadowTreeRoot)
            searchRange->setEnd(shadowTreeRoot, shadowTreeRoot->childNodeCount(), ec);
        m_resumeScopingFromRange = resultRange;
        timeout = (currentTime() - startTime) >= MaxScopingDuration;
    } while (!timeout);

    if (matchCount > 0) {
        scopingFrame->editor()->setMarkedTextMatchesAreHighlighted(true /* highlight */);
        m_activeMatchCount += matchCount;

    if (timeout)
        scopeStringMatchesSoon(scopingFrame, text, false /* reset */);
    else {
        // Scoping is done for this frame.
        Frame* nextFrame = DOMSupport::incrementFrame(scopingFrame, true /* forward */, false /* wrapFlag */);
        if (!nextFrame) {
            m_scopingComplete = true;
            return; // Scoping is done for all frames;
        scopeStringMatchesSoon(nextFrame, text, false /* reset */);
Esempio n. 10
PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Range> PlainTextRange::createRangeFor(const ContainerNode& scope, GetRangeFor getRangeFor) const

    RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Range> resultRange = scope.document().createRange();

    size_t docTextPosition = 0;
    bool startRangeFound = false;

    Position textRunStartPosition;
    Position textRunEndPosition;

    TextIteratorBehaviorFlags behaviorFlags = TextIteratorEmitsObjectReplacementCharacter;
    if (getRangeFor == ForSelection)
        behaviorFlags |= TextIteratorEmitsCharactersBetweenAllVisiblePositions;
    auto range = rangeOfContents(const_cast<ContainerNode*>(&scope));
    TextIterator it(range->startPosition(), range->endPosition(), behaviorFlags);

    // FIXME: the atEnd() check shouldn't be necessary, workaround for <http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6289>.
    if (!start() && !length() && it.atEnd()) {
        resultRange->setStart(it.currentContainer(), 0, ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
        resultRange->setEnd(it.currentContainer(), 0, ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
        return resultRange.release();

    for (; !it.atEnd(); it.advance()) {
        int len = it.length();

        textRunStartPosition = it.startPositionInCurrentContainer();
        textRunEndPosition = it.endPositionInCurrentContainer();

        bool foundStart = start() >= docTextPosition && start() <= docTextPosition + len;
        bool foundEnd = end() >= docTextPosition && end() <= docTextPosition + len;

        // Fix textRunRange->endPosition(), but only if foundStart || foundEnd, because it is only
        // in those cases that textRunRange is used.
        if (foundEnd) {
            // FIXME: This is a workaround for the fact that the end of a run
            // is often at the wrong position for emitted '\n's or if the
            // renderer of the current node is a replaced element.
            if (len == 1 && (it.characterAt(0) == '\n' || it.isInsideReplacedElement())) {
                if (!it.atEnd()) {
                    textRunEndPosition = it.startPositionInCurrentContainer();
                } else {
                    Position runEnd = VisiblePosition(textRunStartPosition).next().deepEquivalent();
                    if (runEnd.isNotNull())
                        textRunEndPosition = createLegacyEditingPosition(runEnd.containerNode(), runEnd.computeOffsetInContainerNode());

        if (foundStart) {
            startRangeFound = true;
            if (textRunStartPosition.containerNode()->isTextNode()) {
                int offset = start() - docTextPosition;
                resultRange->setStart(textRunStartPosition.containerNode(), offset + textRunStartPosition.offsetInContainerNode(), IGNORE_EXCEPTION);
            } else {
                if (start() == docTextPosition)
                    resultRange->setStart(textRunStartPosition.containerNode(), textRunStartPosition.offsetInContainerNode(), IGNORE_EXCEPTION);
                    resultRange->setStart(textRunEndPosition.containerNode(), textRunEndPosition.offsetInContainerNode(), IGNORE_EXCEPTION);

        if (foundEnd) {
            if (textRunStartPosition.containerNode()->isTextNode()) {
                int offset = end() - docTextPosition;
                resultRange->setEnd(textRunStartPosition.containerNode(), offset + textRunStartPosition.offsetInContainerNode(), IGNORE_EXCEPTION);
            } else {
                if (end() == docTextPosition)
                    resultRange->setEnd(textRunStartPosition.containerNode(), textRunStartPosition.offsetInContainerNode(), IGNORE_EXCEPTION);
                    resultRange->setEnd(textRunEndPosition.containerNode(), textRunEndPosition.offsetInContainerNode(), IGNORE_EXCEPTION);
            docTextPosition += len;
        docTextPosition += len;

    if (!startRangeFound)
        return nullptr;

    if (length() && end() > docTextPosition) { // end() is out of bounds
        resultRange->setEnd(textRunEndPosition.containerNode(), textRunEndPosition.offsetInContainerNode(), IGNORE_EXCEPTION);

    return resultRange.release();