Esempio n. 1
sqlite3* _open_db(range_request* rr)
    char * sqlite_db_path;
    sqlite3* db;
    sqlite3_stmt* stmt;
    libcrange* lr = range_request_lr(rr);
    int err;

    /* open the db */
    if (!(db = libcrange_get_cache(lr, "sqlite:nodes"))) {
        sqlite_db_path = libcrange_getcfg(lr, "sqlitedb");
        if (!sqlite_db_path) sqlite_db_path = DEFAULT_SQLITE_DB;

        err = sqlite3_open(sqlite_db_path, &db);
        if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
            return NULL;
        assert(err == SQLITE_OK);
        /* set mmap pragma */
        err = sqlite3_prepare(db, MMAP_PRAGMA_SQL, strlen(MMAP_PRAGMA_SQL), &stmt, NULL);
        if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
            range_request_warn(rr, "allclusters(): cannot query sqlite db");
            return NULL;
        assert(err == SQLITE_OK);
        while(sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) {
            // do nothing. Is this even necessary for the mmap_size pragma? docs are unclear
        /* end mmap pragma setup */

        libcrange_set_cache(lr, "sqlite:nodes", db);

    return db;
Esempio n. 2
range* range_from_function(range_request* rr,
                           const char* funcname, const range** r)
  range* returned_ret;
  range* passed_ret;
    range* (*f)(range_request*, const range**);
    const char* plugin_module;
    libcrange* lr = range_request_lr(rr);
    // is this a perl function?
    plugin_module = libcrange_get_perl_module(lr, funcname);
    if (plugin_module) {
      return perl_function(rr, funcname, r);
    // or python?
    plugin_module = libcrange_get_python_module(lr, funcname);
    if (plugin_module) {
      returned_ret = python_function(rr, funcname, r, &passed_ret);
      return passed_ret;

    // or C?
    f = libcrange_get_function(lr, funcname);
    if (!f) {
      range_request_warn_type(rr, "NO_FUNCTION", funcname);
      return range_new(rr);

    return (*f)(rr, r);
Esempio n. 3
static range* _expand_cluster(range_request* rr,
                              const char* cluster, const char* section)
    struct stat st;
    const char* res;
    libcrange* lr = range_request_lr(rr);
    set* cache = libcrange_get_cache(lr, "nodescf:cluster_keys");
    apr_pool_t* req_pool = range_request_pool(rr);
    apr_pool_t* lr_pool = range_request_lr_pool(rr);

    const char* cluster_file;
    cache_entry* e;

    if (strcmp(section, "VIPS") == 0)
        return _cluster_vips(rr, cluster);

    if (strcmp(section, "VIPHOSTS") == 0)
        return _cluster_viphosts(rr, cluster);
    cluster_file = apr_psprintf(req_pool, "%s/%s/", nodescf_path, cluster);
    if (!cache) {
        cache = set_new(lr_pool, 0);
        libcrange_set_cache(lr, "nodescf:cluster_keys", cache);

    if (stat(cluster_file, &st) == -1) {
        range_request_warn_type(rr, "NOCLUSTERDEF", cluster);
        return range_new(rr);
    e = set_get_data(cache, cluster_file);
    if (!e) {
        e = apr_palloc(lr_pool, sizeof(struct cache_entry));
        apr_pool_create(&e->pool, lr_pool);
        e->sections = _cluster_keys(rr, e->pool, cluster, cluster_file);
        e->mtime = st.st_mtime;
        set_add(cache, cluster_file, e);
    else {
        time_t cached_mtime = e->mtime;
        if (cached_mtime != st.st_mtime) {
            e->sections = _cluster_keys(rr, e->pool, cluster, cluster_file);
            e->mtime = st.st_mtime;

    res = set_get_data(e->sections, section);

    if (!res) {
        char* cluster_section = apr_psprintf(req_pool,
                                             "%s:%s", cluster, section);
        range_request_warn_type(rr, "NOCLUSTER", cluster_section);
        return range_new(rr);

    return do_range_expand(rr, res);
Esempio n. 4
MDBM * _open_mdbm(range_request* rr)
  const char * mdbm_db_path;
  if (!mdbm_cache) {
    libcrange* lr = range_request_lr(rr);
    mdbm_db_path = libcrange_getcfg(lr, "mdbmdb");
    if (!mdbm_db_path) mdbm_db_path = DEFAULT_MDBM_DB;

    mdbm_cache = mdbm_open(mdbm_db_path, MDBM_O_RDONLY, 0, 0, 0);
    if (!mdbm_cache) { range_request_warn(rr, "cannot open mdbm"); }
  return mdbm_cache;
Esempio n. 5
range* rangefunc_group(range_request* rr, range** r)
    range* ret;
    const char** members;
    int i, err;
    sqlite3* db;
    sqlite3_stmt* tag_stmt;
    sqlite3_stmt* all_nodes_stmt;
    apr_pool_t* pool = range_request_pool(rr);
    libcrange* lr = range_request_lr(rr);
    ret = range_new(rr);
    members = range_get_hostnames(pool, r[0]);

    if (!(db = libcrange_get_cache(lr, "sqlite:nodes"))) {
	const char* sqlite_db_path = libcrange_getcfg(lr, "sqlitedb");
	if (!sqlite_db_path) sqlite_db_path = DEFAULT_SQLITE_DB;

	err = sqlite3_open(sqlite_db_path, &db);
	if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", sqlite_db_path, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
	    return ret;

	libcrange_set_cache(lr, "sqlite:nodes", db);

    /* prepare our selects */
    err = sqlite3_prepare(db, ALL_NODES_SQL, strlen(ALL_NODES_SQL),
                          &all_nodes_stmt, NULL);
    if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", ALL_NODES_SQL, sqlite3_errmsg(db));

    err = sqlite3_prepare(db, RANGE_FROM_TAGS, strlen(RANGE_FROM_TAGS),
                          &tag_stmt, NULL);
    assert(err == SQLITE_OK);

    /* for each group */
    for (i = 0; members[i]; ++i) {
        sqlite3_stmt* stmt;
        if (strcmp(members[i], "ALL") == 0) {
            stmt = all_nodes_stmt;
        } else {
            stmt = tag_stmt;
            /* bind the current group name */
            sqlite3_bind_text(tag_stmt, 1, members[i], strlen(members[i]), SQLITE_STATIC);

        while (sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) {
            range* this_group;
            const char* result = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 0);
            if (stmt == all_nodes_stmt) {
                range_add(ret, result);
            } else {
                this_group = do_range_expand(rr, result);
                set_union_inplace(ret->nodes, this_group->nodes);

    return ret;
Esempio n. 6
static vips* _parse_cluster_vips(range_request* rr, const char* cluster)
    struct stat st;
    int ovector[30];
    char line[32768];
    int line_no;
    FILE* fp;
    apr_pool_t* req_pool = range_request_pool(rr);
    apr_pool_t* lr_pool = range_request_lr_pool(rr);
    libcrange* lr = range_request_lr(rr);
    set* cache = libcrange_get_cache(lr, "nodescf:cluster_vips");
    const char* vips_path = apr_psprintf(req_pool, "%s/%s/",
                                         nodescf_path, cluster);
    vips* v;
    if (!cache) {
        cache = set_new(lr_pool, 0);
        libcrange_set_cache(lr, "nodescf:cluster_vips", cache);

    if (stat(vips_path, &st) == -1) {
        range_request_warn_type(rr, "NOVIPS", cluster);
        return _empty_vips(rr);

    v = set_get_data(cache, vips_path);
    if (!v) {
        v = apr_palloc(lr_pool, sizeof(struct vips));
        apr_pool_create(&v->pool, lr_pool);
        v->vips = set_new(v->pool, 0);
        v->viphosts = set_new(v->pool, 0);
        v->mtime = st.st_mtime;
        set_add(cache, vips_path, v);
    else {
        time_t cached_mtime = v->mtime;
        if (cached_mtime != st.st_mtime) {
            v->vips = set_new(v->pool, 0);
            v->viphosts = set_new(v->pool, 0);
            v->mtime = st.st_mtime;
        else /* current cached copy is good */
            return v;

    /* create / update the current cached copy */
    fp = fopen(vips_path, "r");
    if (!fp) {
        range_request_warn_type(rr, "NOVIPS", cluster);
        return _empty_vips(rr);

    if (!vips_re) {
        const char* error;
        vips_re = pcre_compile("^(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)\\s*$", 0, &error,
                               ovector, NULL);

    line_no = 0;
    while (fgets(line, sizeof line, fp)) {
        int len;
        int count;
        char* p;

        line[sizeof line - 1] = '\0';
        len = strlen(line);
        if (len+1 >= sizeof(line) && line[len - 1] != '\n') {
            /* incomplete line */
            fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d lines > 32767 chars not supported\n", vips_path, line_no);

        line[--len] = '\0'; /* get rid of the \n */
        for (p = line; *p; ++p)
            if (*p == '#') {
                *p = '\0';

        len = strlen(line);
        if (len == 0) continue;

        for (p = &line[len - 1]; isspace(*p); --p) {
            *p = '\0';

        if (!*line) continue;

        /* as301000 eth0:1 */
        count = pcre_exec(vips_re, NULL, line, len, 0, 0, ovector, 30);
        if (count == 4) {
            line[ovector[3]] = '\0';
            line[ovector[5]] = '\0';
            line[ovector[7]] = '\0';

            set_add(v->vips, &line[ovector[2]], 0);
            set_add(v->viphosts, &line[ovector[4]], 0);

    return v;