Esempio n. 1
void SkidderEditor::rateDisplayConvert(float value, char *string, void *temporatestring)
	if ( onOffTest(theTempoSync) )
		strcpy(string, (char*)temporatestring);
		if (strlen(string) <= 3)
			strcat(string, "  cycles/beat");
		sprintf(string, "%.3f  Hz", rateScaled(value));
Esempio n. 2
float SkidderEditor::calculateTheCycleRate()
  float tempoBPS;

	// tempo sync is being used
	if ( onOffTest(effect->getParameter(kTempoSync)) )
		// "auto" mode; get the current tempo from the effect
		if ( effect->getParameter(kTempo) <= 0.0f )
			tempoBPS = ((Skidder*)effect)->currentTempoBPS;
		// otherwise use the user-inputted tempo
			tempoBPS = tempoScaled(effect->getParameter(kTempo)) / 60.0f;
		return ( tempoBPS * (((Skidder*)effect)->tempoRateTable->getScalar(effect->getParameter(kTempoRate))) );

	// tempo sync is not being used so just return the simple "free" rate value
		return rateScaled(effect->getParameter(kRate));
Esempio n. 3
void skidder::processValley(float SAMPLERATE)
  float rateRandFactor = rateRandFactorScaled(fRateRandFactor);	// stores the real value
  float cycleRate;	// the base current skid rate value
  float randFloat, randomRate;	// the current randomized rate value
  float fPulsewidthRandomized;	// stores the latest randomized pulsewidth 0.0 - 1.0 value
  bool barSync = false;	// true if we need to sync up with the next bar start
  long countdown;

	if (useRandomFloor)
		amp = randomFloor;
		amp = floor;


	if (valleySamples <= 0)
		rms = 0.0f;	// reset rms now because valley is over
		// This is where we figure out how many samples long each 
		// envelope section is for the next skid cycle.
		if (onOffTest(fTempoSync))	// the user wants to do tempo sync / beat division rate
			cycleRate = currentTempoBPS * (tempoRateTable->getScalar(fTempoRate));
			// set this true so that we make sure to do the measure syncronisation later on
			cycleRate = rateScaled(fRate);
		if (fRateRandFactor > 0.0f)
			// get a random value from 0.0 to 1.0
			randFloat = (float)rand() * ONE_DIV_RAND_MAX;
			// square-scale the random value & then scale it with the random rate range
			randomRate = ( randFloat * randFloat * 
							((cycleRate*rateRandFactor)-(cycleRate/rateRandFactor)) ) + 
			cycleSamples = (long) (SAMPLERATE / randomRate);
			barSync = false;	// we can't do the bar sync if the skids durations are random
			cycleSamples = (long) (SAMPLERATE / cycleRate);
		if (fPulsewidth > fPulsewidthRandMin)
			fPulsewidthRandomized = ( ((float)rand()*ONE_DIV_RAND_MAX) * (fPulsewidth-fPulsewidthRandMin) ) + fPulsewidthRandMin;
			pulseSamples = (long) ( ((float)cycleSamples) * pulsewidthScaled(fPulsewidthRandomized) );
			pulseSamples = (long) ( ((float)cycleSamples) * pulsewidthScaled(fPulsewidth) );
		valleySamples = cycleSamples - pulseSamples;
		slopeSamples = (long) ((SAMPLERATE/1000.0f)*(fSlope*(SLOPEMAX)));
		slopeDur = slopeSamples;
		slopeStep = 1.0f / (float)slopeDur;	// calculate the fade increment scalar
		plateauSamples = pulseSamples - (slopeSamples * 2);
		if (plateauSamples < 1)	// this shrinks the slope to 1/3 of the pulse if the user sets slope too high
			slopeSamples = (long) (((float)pulseSamples) / 3.0f);
			slopeDur = slopeSamples;
			slopeStep = 1.0f / (float)slopeDur;	// calculate the fade increment scalar
			plateauSamples = pulseSamples - (slopeSamples * 2);

		// go to slopeIn next if slope is not 0.0, otherwise go to plateau
		if (slopeDur > 0)
			state = slopeIn;
			state = plateau;

		// this puts random float values from -1.0 to 1.0 into panRander
		panRander = ( ((float)rand()*ONE_DIV_RAND_MAX) * 2.0f ) - 1.0f;

	} //end of the "valley is over" if-statement