Esempio n. 1
// update IMU delta angle and delta velocity measurements
void NavEKF2_core::readIMUData()
    const AP_InertialSensor &ins = _ahrs->get_ins();

    // average IMU sampling rate
    dtIMUavg = 1.0f/ins.get_sample_rate();

    // the imu sample time is used as a common time reference throughout the filter
    imuSampleTime_ms = hal.scheduler->millis();

    // use the nominated imu or primary if not available
    if (ins.use_accel(imu_index)) {
        readDeltaVelocity(imu_index, imuDataNew.delVel, imuDataNew.delVelDT);
    } else {
        readDeltaVelocity(ins.get_primary_accel(), imuDataNew.delVel, imuDataNew.delVelDT);

    // Get delta angle data from primary gyro or primary if not available
    if (ins.use_gyro(imu_index)) {
        readDeltaAngle(imu_index, imuDataNew.delAng);
    } else {
        readDeltaAngle(ins.get_primary_gyro(), imuDataNew.delAng);
    imuDataNew.delAngDT = max(ins.get_delta_time(),1.0e-4f);

    // get current time stamp
    imuDataNew.time_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;

    // save data in the FIFO buffer

    // extract the oldest available data from the FIFO buffer
    imuDataDelayed = storedIMU[fifoIndexDelayed];

 *  Read IMU delta angle and delta velocity measurements and downsample to 100Hz
 *  for storage in the data buffers used by the EKF. If the IMU data arrives at
 *  lower rate than 100Hz, then no downsampling or upsampling will be performed.
 *  Downsampling is done using a method that does not introduce coning or sculling
 *  errors.
void NavEKF3_core::readIMUData()
    const AP_InertialSensor &ins = _ahrs->get_ins();

    // average IMU sampling rate
    dtIMUavg = ins.get_loop_delta_t();

    // the imu sample time is used as a common time reference throughout the filter
    imuSampleTime_ms = AP_HAL::millis();

    // use the nominated imu or primary if not available
    if (ins.use_accel(imu_index)) {
        readDeltaVelocity(imu_index, imuDataNew.delVel, imuDataNew.delVelDT);
        accelPosOffset = ins.get_imu_pos_offset(imu_index);
    } else {
        readDeltaVelocity(ins.get_primary_accel(), imuDataNew.delVel, imuDataNew.delVelDT);
        accelPosOffset = ins.get_imu_pos_offset(ins.get_primary_accel());

    // Get delta angle data from primary gyro or primary if not available
    if (ins.use_gyro(imu_index)) {
        readDeltaAngle(imu_index, imuDataNew.delAng);
    } else {
        readDeltaAngle(ins.get_primary_gyro(), imuDataNew.delAng);
    imuDataNew.delAngDT = MAX(ins.get_delta_angle_dt(imu_index),1.0e-4f);

    // Get current time stamp
    imuDataNew.time_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;

    // Accumulate the measurement time interval for the delta velocity and angle data
    imuDataDownSampledNew.delAngDT += imuDataNew.delAngDT;
    imuDataDownSampledNew.delVelDT += imuDataNew.delVelDT;

    // Rotate quaternon atitude from previous to new and normalise.
    // Accumulation using quaternions prevents introduction of coning errors due to downsampling

    // Rotate the latest delta velocity into body frame at the start of accumulation
    Matrix3f deltaRotMat;

    // Apply the delta velocity to the delta velocity accumulator
    imuDataDownSampledNew.delVel += deltaRotMat*imuDataNew.delVel;

    // Keep track of the number of IMU frames since the last state prediction

    // If 10msec has elapsed, and the frontend has allowed us to start a new predict cycle, then store the accumulated IMU data
    // to be used by the state prediction, ignoring the frontend permission if more than 20msec has lapsed
    if ((dtIMUavg*(float)framesSincePredict >= EKF_TARGET_DT && startPredictEnabled) || (dtIMUavg*(float)framesSincePredict >= 2.0f*EKF_TARGET_DT)) {

        // convert the accumulated quaternion to an equivalent delta angle

        // Time stamp the data
        imuDataDownSampledNew.time_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;

        // Write data to the FIFO IMU buffer

        // calculate the achieved average time step rate for the EKF
        float dtNow = constrain_float(0.5f*(imuDataDownSampledNew.delAngDT+imuDataDownSampledNew.delVelDT),0.0f,10.0f*EKF_TARGET_DT);
        dtEkfAvg = 0.98f * dtEkfAvg + 0.02f * dtNow;

        // zero the accumulated IMU data and quaternion;;
        imuDataDownSampledNew.delAngDT = 0.0f;
        imuDataDownSampledNew.delVelDT = 0.0f;
        imuQuatDownSampleNew[0] = 1.0f;
        imuQuatDownSampleNew[3] = imuQuatDownSampleNew[2] = imuQuatDownSampleNew[1] = 0.0f;

        // reset the counter used to let the frontend know how many frames have elapsed since we started a new update cycle
        framesSincePredict = 0;

        // set the flag to let the filter know it has new IMU data nad needs to run
        runUpdates = true;

        // extract the oldest available data from the FIFO buffer
        imuDataDelayed = storedIMU.pop_oldest_element();

        // protect against delta time going to zero
        // TODO - check if calculations can tolerate 0
        float minDT = 0.1f*dtEkfAvg;
        imuDataDelayed.delAngDT = MAX(imuDataDelayed.delAngDT,minDT);
        imuDataDelayed.delVelDT = MAX(imuDataDelayed.delVelDT,minDT);

        // correct the extracted IMU data for sensor errors
        delAngCorrected = imuDataDelayed.delAng;
        delVelCorrected = imuDataDelayed.delVel;
        correctDeltaAngle(delAngCorrected, imuDataDelayed.delAngDT);
        correctDeltaVelocity(delVelCorrected, imuDataDelayed.delVelDT);

    } else {
        // we don't have new IMU data in the buffer so don't run filter updates on this time step
        runUpdates = false;
 *  Read IMU delta angle and delta velocity measurements and downsample to 100Hz
 *  for storage in the data buffers used by the EKF. If the IMU data arrives at
 *  lower rate than 100Hz, then no downsampling or upsampling will be performed.
 *  Downsampling is done using a method that does not introduce coning or sculling
 *  errors.
void NavEKF2_core::readIMUData()
    const AP_InertialSensor &ins = _ahrs->get_ins();

    // average IMU sampling rate
    dtIMUavg = 1.0f/ins.get_sample_rate();

    // the imu sample time is used as a common time reference throughout the filter
    imuSampleTime_ms = AP_HAL::millis();

    // use the nominated imu or primary if not available
    if (ins.use_accel(imu_index)) {
        readDeltaVelocity(imu_index, imuDataNew.delVel, imuDataNew.delVelDT);
    } else {
        readDeltaVelocity(ins.get_primary_accel(), imuDataNew.delVel, imuDataNew.delVelDT);

    // Get delta angle data from primary gyro or primary if not available
    if (ins.use_gyro(imu_index)) {
        readDeltaAngle(imu_index, imuDataNew.delAng);
    } else {
        readDeltaAngle(ins.get_primary_gyro(), imuDataNew.delAng);
    imuDataNew.delAngDT = MAX(ins.get_delta_time(),1.0e-4f);

    // Get current time stamp
    imuDataNew.time_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;

    // remove gyro scale factor errors
    imuDataNew.delAng.x = imuDataNew.delAng.x * stateStruct.gyro_scale.x;
    imuDataNew.delAng.y = imuDataNew.delAng.y * stateStruct.gyro_scale.y;
    imuDataNew.delAng.z = imuDataNew.delAng.z * stateStruct.gyro_scale.z;

    // remove sensor bias errors
    imuDataNew.delAng -= stateStruct.gyro_bias;
    imuDataNew.delVel.z -= stateStruct.accel_zbias;

    // Accumulate the measurement time interval for the delta velocity and angle data
    imuDataDownSampledNew.delAngDT += imuDataNew.delAngDT;
    imuDataDownSampledNew.delVelDT += imuDataNew.delVelDT;

    // Rotate quaternon atitude from previous to new and normalise.
    // Accumulation using quaternions prevents introduction of coning errors due to downsampling
    Quaternion deltaQuat;
    imuQuatDownSampleNew = imuQuatDownSampleNew*deltaQuat;

    // Rotate the accumulated delta velocity into the new frame of reference created by the latest delta angle
    // This prevents introduction of sculling errors due to downsampling
    Matrix3f deltaRotMat;
    imuDataDownSampledNew.delVel = deltaRotMat*imuDataDownSampledNew.delVel;

    // accumulate the latest delta velocity
    imuDataDownSampledNew.delVel += imuDataNew.delVel;

    // Keep track of the number of IMU frames since the last state prediction

    // If 10msec has elapsed, and the frontend has allowed us to start a new predict cycle, then store the accumulated IMU data
    // to be used by the state prediction, ignoring the frontend permission if more than 20msec has lapsed
    if ((dtIMUavg*(float)framesSincePredict >= 0.01f && startPredictEnabled) || (dtIMUavg*(float)framesSincePredict >= 0.02f)) {
        // convert the accumulated quaternion to an equivalent delta angle
        // Time stamp the data
        imuDataDownSampledNew.time_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;
        // Write data to the FIFO IMU buffer
        // zero the accumulated IMU data and quaternion;;
        imuDataDownSampledNew.delAngDT = 0.0f;
        imuDataDownSampledNew.delVelDT = 0.0f;
        imuQuatDownSampleNew[0] = 1.0f;
        imuQuatDownSampleNew[3] = imuQuatDownSampleNew[2] = imuQuatDownSampleNew[1] = 0.0f;
        // reset the counter used to let the frontend know how many frames have elapsed since we started a new update cycle
        framesSincePredict = 0;
        // set the flag to let the filter know it has new IMU data nad needs to run
        runUpdates = true;
    } else {
        // we don't have new IMU data in the buffer so don't run filter updates on this time step
        runUpdates = false;

    // extract the oldest available data from the FIFO buffer
    imuDataDelayed = storedIMU.pop_oldest_element();
    float minDT = 0.1f*dtEkfAvg;
    imuDataDelayed.delAngDT = MAX(imuDataDelayed.delAngDT,minDT);
    imuDataDelayed.delVelDT = MAX(imuDataDelayed.delVelDT,minDT);

// update IMU delta angle and delta velocity measurements
void NavEKF2_core::readIMUData()
    const AP_InertialSensor &ins = _ahrs->get_ins();

    // average IMU sampling rate
    dtIMUavg = 1.0f/ins.get_sample_rate();

    // the imu sample time is used as a common time reference throughout the filter
    imuSampleTime_ms = hal.scheduler->millis();

    if (ins.use_accel(0) && ins.use_accel(1)) {
        // dual accel mode
        // delta time from each IMU
        float dtDelVel0 = dtIMUavg;
        float dtDelVel1 = dtIMUavg;
        // delta velocity vector from each IMU
        Vector3f delVel0, delVel1;

        // Get delta velocity and time data from each IMU
        readDeltaVelocity(0, delVel0, dtDelVel0);
        readDeltaVelocity(1, delVel1, dtDelVel1);

        // apply a peak hold 0.2 second time constant decaying envelope filter to the noise length on IMU 0
        float alpha = 1.0f - 5.0f*dtDelVel0;
        imuNoiseFiltState0 = maxf(ins.get_vibration_levels(0).length(), alpha*imuNoiseFiltState0);

        // apply a peak hold 0.2 second time constant decaying envelope filter to the noise length on IMU 1
        alpha = 1.0f - 5.0f*dtDelVel1;
        imuNoiseFiltState1 = maxf(ins.get_vibration_levels(1).length(), alpha*imuNoiseFiltState1);

        // calculate the filtered difference between acceleration vectors from IMU 0 and 1
        // apply a LPF filter with a 1.0 second time constant
        alpha = constrain_float(0.5f*(dtDelVel0 + dtDelVel1),0.0f,1.0f);
        accelDiffFilt = (ins.get_accel(0) - ins.get_accel(1)) * alpha + accelDiffFilt * (1.0f - alpha);
        float accelDiffLength = accelDiffFilt.length();

        // Check the difference for excessive error and use the IMU with less noise
        // Apply hysteresis to prevent rapid switching
        if (accelDiffLength > 1.8f || (accelDiffLength > 1.2f && lastImuSwitchState != IMUSWITCH_MIXED)) {
            if (lastImuSwitchState == IMUSWITCH_MIXED) {
                // no previous fail so switch to the IMU with least noise
                if (imuNoiseFiltState0 < imuNoiseFiltState1) {
                    lastImuSwitchState = IMUSWITCH_IMU0;
                    // Get data from IMU 0
                    imuDataNew.delVel = delVel0;
                    imuDataNew.delVelDT = dtDelVel0;
                } else {
                    lastImuSwitchState = IMUSWITCH_IMU1;
                    // Get data from IMU 1
                    imuDataNew.delVel = delVel1;
                    imuDataNew.delVelDT = dtDelVel1;
            } else if (lastImuSwitchState == IMUSWITCH_IMU0) {
                // IMU 1 previously failed so require 5 m/s/s less noise on IMU 1 to switch
                if (imuNoiseFiltState0 - imuNoiseFiltState1 > 5.0f) {
                    // IMU 1 is significantly less noisy, so switch
                    lastImuSwitchState = IMUSWITCH_IMU1;
                    // Get data from IMU 1
                    imuDataNew.delVel = delVel1;
                    imuDataNew.delVelDT = dtDelVel1;
            } else {
                // IMU 0 previously failed so require 5 m/s/s less noise on IMU 0 to switch across
                if (imuNoiseFiltState1 - imuNoiseFiltState0 > 5.0f) {
                    // IMU 0 is significantly less noisy, so switch
                    lastImuSwitchState = IMUSWITCH_IMU0;
                    // Get data from IMU 0
                    imuDataNew.delVel = delVel0;
                    imuDataNew.delVelDT = dtDelVel0;
        } else {
            lastImuSwitchState = IMUSWITCH_MIXED;
            // Use a blend of both accelerometers
            imuDataNew.delVel = (delVel0 + delVel1)*0.5f;
            imuDataNew.delVelDT = (dtDelVel0 + dtDelVel1)*0.5f;
    } else {
        // single accel mode - one of the first two accelerometers are unhealthy, not available or de-selected by the user
        // set the switch state based on the IMU we are using to make the data source selection visible
        if (ins.use_accel(0)) {
            readDeltaVelocity(0, imuDataNew.delVel, imuDataNew.delVelDT);
            lastImuSwitchState = IMUSWITCH_IMU0;
        } else if (ins.use_accel(1)) {
            readDeltaVelocity(1, imuDataNew.delVel, imuDataNew.delVelDT);
            lastImuSwitchState = IMUSWITCH_IMU1;
        } else {
            readDeltaVelocity(ins.get_primary_accel(), imuDataNew.delVel, imuDataNew.delVelDT);
            switch (ins.get_primary_accel()) {
                case 0:
                    lastImuSwitchState = IMUSWITCH_IMU0;
                case 1:
                    lastImuSwitchState = IMUSWITCH_IMU1;
                    // we must be using an IMU which can't be properly represented so we set to "mixed"
                    lastImuSwitchState = IMUSWITCH_MIXED;

    // Get delta angle data from promary gyro
    readDeltaAngle(ins.get_primary_gyro(), imuDataNew.delAng);
    imuDataNew.delAngDT = max(ins.get_delta_time(),1.0e-4f);

    // get current time stamp
    imuDataNew.time_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;

    // save data in the FIFO buffer

    // extract the oldest available data from the FIFO buffer
    imuDataDelayed = storedIMU[fifoIndexDelayed];
