int main(int argc, char ** argv) { int res; Matrix * A = readFromFile(argv[1]); Matrix * b = readFromFile(argv[2]); Matrix * x; if (A == NULL) return -1; if (b == NULL) return -2; printToScreen(A); printToScreen(b); res = eliminate(A,b); x = createMatrix(b->r, 1); if (x != NULL) { res = backsubst(x,A,b); printToScreen(x); freeMatrix(x); } else { fprintf(stderr,"Błąd! Nie mogłem utworzyć wektora wynikowego x.\n"); } freeMatrix(A); freeMatrix(b); return 0; }
static void android_server_BatteryService_update(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj) { setBooleanField(env, obj, ACO, gFieldIds.mAcOnline); setBooleanField(env, obj, USBO, gFieldIds.mUsbOnline); setBooleanField(env, obj, BPRS, gFieldIds.mBatteryPresent); setPercentageField(env, obj, BCAP, gFieldIds.mBatteryLevel); setVoltageField(env, obj, BVOL, gFieldIds.mBatteryVoltage); setIntField(env, obj, BTMP, gFieldIds.mBatteryTemperature); const int SIZE = 128; char buf[SIZE]; if (readFromFile(BSTS, buf, SIZE) > 0) env->SetIntField(obj, gFieldIds.mBatteryStatus, getBatteryStatus(buf)); else env->SetIntField(obj, gFieldIds.mBatteryStatus, gConstants.statusUnknown); if (readFromFile(BHTH, buf, SIZE) > 0) env->SetIntField(obj, gFieldIds.mBatteryHealth, getBatteryHealth(buf)); if (readFromFile(BTECH, buf, SIZE) > 0) env->SetObjectField(obj, gFieldIds.mBatteryTechnology, env->NewStringUTF(buf)); }
static void android_server_BatteryService_update(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj) { setBooleanField(env, obj, gPaths.acOnlinePath, gFieldIds.mAcOnline); setBooleanField(env, obj, gPaths.usbOnlinePath, gFieldIds.mUsbOnline); setBooleanField(env, obj, gPaths.batteryPresentPath, gFieldIds.mBatteryPresent); setIntField(env, obj, gPaths.batteryCapacityPath, gFieldIds.mBatteryLevel); setVoltageField(env, obj, gPaths.batteryVoltagePath, gFieldIds.mBatteryVoltage); setIntField(env, obj, gPaths.batteryTemperaturePath, gFieldIds.mBatteryTemperature); const int SIZE = 128; char buf[SIZE]; if (readFromFile(gPaths.batteryStatusPath, buf, SIZE) > 0) env->SetIntField(obj, gFieldIds.mBatteryStatus, getBatteryStatus(buf)); else env->SetIntField(obj, gFieldIds.mBatteryStatus, gConstants.statusUnknown); if (readFromFile(gPaths.batteryHealthPath, buf, SIZE) > 0) env->SetIntField(obj, gFieldIds.mBatteryHealth, getBatteryHealth(buf)); if (readFromFile(gPaths.batteryTechnologyPath, buf, SIZE) > 0) env->SetObjectField(obj, gFieldIds.mBatteryTechnology, env->NewStringUTF(buf)); }
void handleESOptions(ES es, std::map<std::string, std::string> config) { if (config.count("setup") > 0) { typename ES::KeyPair p = es.Setup(std::stoi(config["base_security_parameter"])); writeToFile(, config["secret_key_file_name"]); writeToFile(, config["public_key_file_name"]); } if (config.count("encrypt") > 0) { typename ES::PublicKey pk; readFromFile(pk, config["public_key_file_name"]); typename ES::PlainText msg; readFromFile(msg, config["plain_text_file_name"]); typename ES::CipherText ct = es.Encrypt(pk, msg); writeToFile(ct, config["cipher_text_file_name"]); } if (config.count("decrypt") > 0) { typename ES::SecretKey sk; readFromFile(sk, config["secret_key_file_name"]); typename ES::CipherText ct; readFromFile(ct, config["cipher_text_file_name"]); typename ES::PlainText pt = es.Decrypt(sk, ct); writeToFile(pt, config["plain_text_file_name"]); } }
void raedCipherSpec(const char * filePath, const char * userName , char * cipherSpec){ FILE *file = fopen(filePath, "rt"); if(file == NULL || userName == NULL){ perror(filePath); return -1; } char name[512]; char cipherss[20]; int userChar; int exit = 0; do{ userChar = readFromFile(file , name); readFromFile(file , cipherss); if(userChar <= 0) return; name[userChar] = '\0'; if(strncmp(name , userName , strlen(userName)) == 0) { cipherSpec[0] = cipherss[0]; exit = 1; } }while(exit == 0); fclose(file); }
filepoint findLeaf(const KeyType &key){ Tnode<KeyType> tempnode; filepoint nextp,temp; int keyindex; int keynum; if (rootloc != 0){ tempnode = readFromFile(rootloc); temp = rootloc; // std::cout<<"this filepoint"<<temp<<std::endl; // tempnode.printData (); // std::cout<<"_________find______"<<std::endl; // tempnode.printData (); // std::cout<<"___________________"<<std::endl; while (tempnode.getLeaf ()==0){ // std::cout<<"this filepoint"<<temp<<std::endl; // tempnode.printData (); keyindex = tempnode.getKeyIndex (key); keynum = tempnode.getKeyNum (); nextp = tempnode.getChild (keyindex); father[nextp]=temp; tempnode = readFromFile (nextp); temp = nextp; } return temp; } //else std::cout<<"error in index findleaf"<<std::endl; return 0; }
int test_store_restore(TestData* testdata){ MotionDetect md; test_bool(initMotionDetect(&md, &testdata->fi, "test") == VS_OK); test_bool(configureMotionDetect(&md)== VS_OK); LocalMotions lms; int i; for(i=0; i<2; i++){ test_bool(motionDetection(&md, &lms,&testdata->frames[i])== VS_OK); if (i==0) vs_vector_del(&lms); } FILE* f = fopen("lmtest","w"); storeLocalmotions(f,&lms); fclose(f); f = fopen("lmtest","r"); LocalMotions test = restoreLocalmotions(f); fclose(f); storeLocalmotions(stderr,&test); compare_localmotions(&lms,&test); fprintf(stderr,"\n** LM and LMS OKAY\n"); f = fopen("lmstest","w"); md.frameNum=1; prepareFile(&md,f); writeToFile(&md,f,&lms); md.frameNum=2; writeToFile(&md,f,&test); fclose(f); f = fopen("lmstest","r"); test_bool(readFileVersion(f)==1); LocalMotions read1; test_bool(readFromFile(f,&read1)==1); compare_localmotions(&lms,&read1); LocalMotions read2; test_bool(readFromFile(f,&read2)==2); compare_localmotions(&test,&read2); fclose(f); fprintf(stderr,"** Reading file stepwise OKAY\n"); vs_vector_del(&read1); vs_vector_del(&read2); vs_vector_del(&test); vs_vector_del(&lms); f = fopen("lmstest","r"); ManyLocalMotions mlms; test_bool(readLocalMotionsFile(f,&mlms)==VS_OK); test_bool(vs_vector_size(&mlms)==2); fprintf(stderr,"** Entire file routine OKAY\n\n"); for(i=0; i< vs_vector_size(&mlms); i++){ if(MLMGet(&mlms,i)) vs_vector_del(MLMGet(&mlms,i)); } vs_vector_del(&mlms); return 1; }
GIFError CGIFFile::readHeader(void) { GIFError status; /////////////////////////////// // Read the GIF signature. // /////////////////////////////// // Read in the GIF file signature that identifies the file as a GIF // file. This will consist of one of the two 6-byte strings "GIF87a" // or "GIF89a", so an extra entry is required to NULL-terminate the // data to make it a proper string. char signature[7]; status = readFromFile(signature, 6); if (status != GIF_Success) return status; signature[6] = '\0'; strlwr(signature); // If neither of the valid signatures is present, then this is // not a recognized version of a GIF file. if (strcmp(signature, "gif87a") && strcmp(signature, "gif89a")) return GIF_FileIsNotGIF; /////////////////////////////////// // Read the screen descriptor. // /////////////////////////////////// // Read the image property data from the file header. GIFScreenDescriptor screen; status = readFromFile(&screen, sizeof(screen)); if (status != GIF_Success) return status; // Calculate the color resolution of the global color table. // This tells the number of 3-byte entries in that table. int colorResolution = ((screen.PackedFields >> 4) & 0x07) + 1; if (colorResolution < 2) colorResolution = 2; // Check to see if a global color table is present in the file. // If so, then allocate a color table and read the data from // the file. This global table will be used by all images that // do not have a local color table defined. if (screen.PackedFields & GIFGlobalMapPresent) { DWORD bitShift = (screen.PackedFields & 0x07) + 1; m_GlobalColorMapEntryCount = 1 << bitShift; status = readFromFile(m_GlobalColorMap, 3 * m_GlobalColorMapEntryCount); if (status != GIF_Success) return status; } // Record the full dimensions of the images in the file. m_ImageWidth = screen.Width; m_ImageHeight = screen.Height; return GIF_Success; }
void highscores () { FILE *list,*list1; highscore_t *highscores, *highscores1; int input, i=1; int row=25, rowTemp=row+55, columnTemp=22, column=22; backgroundImage (TEXT); positionCursor(43,11); printf (" _ _ _____ _____ _ _ _____ _____ ____ _____ ______ \n"); positionCursor(43,12); printf (" | | | |_ _/ ____| | | | / ____|/ ____/ __ \\| __ \\| ____|\n"); positionCursor(43,13); printf (" | |__| | | || | __| |__| | | (___ | | | | | | |__) | |__ \n"); positionCursor(43,14); printf (" | __ | | || | |_ | __ | \\___ \\| | | | | | _ /| __| \n"); positionCursor(43,15); printf (" | | | |_| || |__| | | | | ____) | |___| |__| | | \\ \\| |____ \n"); positionCursor(43,16); printf (" |_| |_|_____\\_____|_| |_| |_____/ \\_____\\____/|_| \\_\\______|\n"); positionCursor(43,17); printf (" "); positionCursor (35,19); printf ("REAL TIME"); positionCursor (100,19); printf ("POSITIONAL"); list = fopen ("highscore.bin","rb"); highscores = readFromFile (list); list1 = fopen ("highscore1.bin","rb"); highscores1 = readFromFile (list1); while (1) { if((highscores==null)||(highscores1==null)) break; positionCursor (row,column); printf ("%d. %.2f %s | ", i, highscores->score, highscores->name); printf(ctime(&(highscores->date))); positionCursor (rowTemp,column); column+=2; printf ("%d. %.2f %s | ", i++, highscores1->score, highscores1->name); printf(ctime(&(highscores1->date))); highscores=highscores->succ; highscores1=highscores1->succ; } dealocateList(highscores); fclose(list); fclose(list1); while (1) { input=controls(_getch()); if ((input==PAUSE)||(input==EXIT)) break; } }
/** * Create Diffie-Hellman parameters and save them to files. * Compute the shared secret and computed key from the received other public key. * Save shared secret and computed key to file. */ bool replyToFirstMessage() { cout << "Reply To First Message" << endl; // Split received file into separate files vector<string> outputFiles; outputFiles.push_back(OTHER_FIRST_MESSAGE_RANDOM_NUMBER); outputFiles.push_back(OTHER_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE_NAME); vector<int> bytesPerFile; bytesPerFile.push_back(RANDOM_NUMBER_SIZE); splitFile(FIRST_MESSAGE_FILE_NAME, outputFiles, bytesPerFile); // Read in received Diffie-Hellman public key from file SecByteBlock otherPublicKey; readFromFile(OTHER_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE_NAME, otherPublicKey); // Read in received random number from file SecByteBlock otherFirstMessageRandomNumber; readFromFile(OTHER_FIRST_MESSAGE_RANDOM_NUMBER, otherFirstMessageRandomNumber); // Prepare Diffie-Hellman parameters SecByteBlock publicKey; SecByteBlock privateKey; generateDiffieHellmanParameters(publicKey, privateKey); // Write public key and private key to files writeToFile(PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_NAME, privateKey); writeToFile(PUBLIC_KEY_FILE_NAME, publicKey); // Compute shared secret SecByteBlock sharedSecret; if (!diffieHellmanSharedSecretAgreement(sharedSecret, otherPublicKey, privateKey)) { cerr << "Security Error in replyToFirstMessage. Diffie-Hellman shared secret could not be agreed to." << endl; return false; } // Compute key from shared secret SecByteBlock key; generateSymmetricKeyFromSharedSecret(key, sharedSecret); // Write shared secret and computed key to file writeToFile(SHARED_SECRET_FILE_NAME, sharedSecret); writeToFile(COMPUTED_KEY_FILE_NAME, key); // Generate random number SecByteBlock firstMessageRandomNumber; generateRandomNumber(firstMessageRandomNumber, RANDOM_NUMBER_SIZE); // Write random number to file writeToFile(FIRST_MESSAGE_RANDOM_NUMBER_FILE_NAME, firstMessageRandomNumber); vector<string> inputFileNames; inputFileNames.push_back(FIRST_MESSAGE_RANDOM_NUMBER_FILE_NAME); inputFileNames.push_back(PUBLIC_KEY_FILE_NAME); combineFiles(inputFileNames, FIRST_MESSAGE_REPLY_FILE_NAME); return true; }
GIFError CGIFFile::readBlock(BYTE *buffer, BYTE &blockSize) { GIFError status = readFromFile(&blockSize, 1); if (status != GIF_Success) return status; if (blockSize) status = readFromFile(buffer, blockSize); return status; }
// Send List of users from login file to asking client void ServerManager::getListUsers(User *client) { int numOfusers = 0; numOfusers = numOfUsersFromFile(); client->writeCommand(LIST_USERS); client->writeCommand(numOfusers -1); if (client != NULL) readFromFile(client); else readFromFile(NULL); }
int isInCipherSpec(const char * filePath, const char * cipherSpec){ FILE *file = fopen(filePath, "rt"); if(file == NULL){ perror(filePath); return -1; } char cipherss[20]; int exit = 0; do{ int read = readFromFile(file , cipherss); if(read <= 0) return - 1; if(cipherss[0] == cipherSpec[0]) return 1; }while(exit == 0); fclose(file); }
int main() { int N = _5000; char ** content = readFromFile(N); //printContentToConsole(content,N); initHashTable(N); int i, aux; int maxColl = 0; nrOfResize = 0; float avgColl= 1; for (i=0; i<N; i++) { if ((i % 20) ==0) printf("\nElement Collisions FillFactor\n\n"); aux = insertElement(*(content+i)); printf("%7d %10d", i, aux); if (maxColl < aux) maxColl = aux; printf(" %8.2f%% \n", 100*getFillFactor()); avgColl=(float)((((float)(avgColl)*i)+(float)aux)/(float)(i+1)); } printf("\nNumber of resizes: %d\n", nrOfResize); printf("\nMaximal number of collisions: %d\n", maxColl); printf("\nAverage number of collisions: %f\n", avgColl); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int maximumValue = 0, maximumWeight = 0, noOfItems = 0; int binaryString[MAXITEMS], optimalList[MAXITEMS]; int i = 0; item items[MAXITEMS]; //if a file has been specified. if (argc > 1) { readFromFile(argv[1], &maximumWeight, &noOfItems, items); } //no file specified. else { readFromConsole(&maximumWeight, &noOfItems, items); } //call the recursive function to enumerate all possibilities. enumItemSubset(0, binaryString, noOfItems, items, maximumWeight, &maximumValue, optimalList); //Print the output. printf("%d", maximumValue); for (i = 0; i < noOfItems; i++) { if (optimalList[i]) { printf(" %s", items[i].name); } } return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
void ResourceManager::loadResource( string_hash resourceId ) { const uint32_t index = _resources.find( resourceId.hash() ); if( index == ResourceMap::INVALID ) return; const string_hash typeId = _resources.get_value( index )->typeId; intrusive_node<ResourceFilter>* node = _filters.begin(); for( ; node != _filters.end(); node = node->next() ) { if( *(node->parent()) == typeId ) { const string256 filePath = _path + _resources.get_value(index)->filename; const uint32_t resourceSize = crap::fileSize( filePath.c_str() ); file_t* resourceFile = openFile( filePath.c_str(), CRAP_FILE_READBINARY ); CRAP_ASSERT( ASSERT_BREAK, resourceFile != 0, "Resourcefile not found" ); pointer_t<void> memory = _allocator.allocate( resourceSize, 4 ); readFromFile( resourceFile, memory, resourceSize ); node->parent()->import( resourceId, memory, resourceSize, _system ); _allocator.deallocate( memory.as_void ); closeFile( resourceFile ); } } }
/** * Decrypt received facial recognition parameters. * Encrypt facial recognition parameters. */ bool replyToThirdMessage() { cout << "Reply To Third Message" << endl; // Read session key from file SecByteBlock key; readFromFile(COMPUTED_KEY_FILE_NAME, key); // Read in the current initialization vector from file byte curIv[AES::BLOCKSIZE]; // TODO: actually read it in // Set to 0 for now memset(curIv, 0, AES::BLOCKSIZE); // Decrypt received facial recognition params if (!decryptFile(THIRD_MESSAGE_FILE_NAME, RECEIVED_FACIAL_RECOGNITION_FILE_NAME, key, curIv)) { cerr << "Security Error in replyToThirdMessage. MAC could not be verified." << endl; return false; } // Encrypt facial recognition params encryptFile(FACIAL_RECOGNITION_FILE_NAME, THIRD_MESSAGE_REPLY_FILE_NAME, key, curIv); return true; }
int main() { std::vector<measurement> readings, withinOne, notWithinOne; stats out_stats; //Get information from file readFromFile("TestData.txt", readings); out_stats.mean = calculateMean(readings); out_stats.standard_dev = calculateStdDev(readings); out_stats.totalmeasurements = getTotalMeasurements(readings); isWithinOne(readings, withinOne, notWithinOne, out_stats.mean, out_stats.standard_dev); out_stats.totalMeasurements_withinOneStdDev = withinOne.size(); out_stats.totalMeasurements_outsideOneStdDev = notWithinOne.size(); readings.clear(); //no longer need readings sort(withinOne); sort(notWithinOne); print_to_file(withinOne, notWithinOne, out_stats); withinOne.clear(); notWithinOne.clear(); return 0; }
uint ModelData::addOutput( const String& output, const String& diffs_output, const uint dim, const String& colInd, const String& rowPtr ){ Vector colIndV = readFromFile( colInd.getName() ); Vector rowPtrV = readFromFile( rowPtr.getName() ); if( rowPtrV.getDim() != (dim+1) ) { return ACADOERROR( RET_INVALID_OPTION ); } colInd_outputs.push_back( colIndV ); rowPtr_outputs.push_back( rowPtrV ); addOutput( output, diffs_output, dim ); return addOutput( output, diffs_output, dim ); }
MovieCollection::MovieCollection(const MovieCollection &mc) { m_dirty = mc.m_dirty; m_collectionName = mc.m_collectionName; m_xmlFilePath = mc.m_xmlFilePath; readFromFile(); }
std::list<filepoint> findlesseq(const KeyType &key){ Tnode<KeyType> tempnode; filepoint temp; std::list<filepoint> ans; if (firstloc ==0){ return ans; } temp = firstloc; ans.clear(); if (temp==0) return ans; while (temp!=0){ tempnode = readFromFile (temp); if (tempnode.getLeaf ()==0) { //std::cout<<"wrong in findless"<<std::endl; return ans; } int kid = tempnode.getKeyIndex (key); for (int i=0;i<kid;++i) ans.push_back (tempnode.getChild (i)); if (kid>0 && kid == tempnode.getKeyNum ()) temp = tempnode.getChild (kid); else return ans; } return ans; }
BatteryMonitor::PowerSupplyType BatteryMonitor::readPowerSupplyType(const String8& path) { const int SIZE = 128; char buf[SIZE]; int length = readFromFile(path, buf, SIZE); BatteryMonitor::PowerSupplyType ret; struct sysfsStringEnumMap supplyTypeMap[] = { { "Unknown", ANDROID_POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE_UNKNOWN }, { "Battery", ANDROID_POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE_BATTERY }, { "UPS", ANDROID_POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE_AC }, { "Mains", ANDROID_POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE_AC }, { "USB", ANDROID_POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE_USB }, { "USB_DCP", ANDROID_POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE_AC }, { "USB_CDP", ANDROID_POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE_AC }, { "USB_ACA", ANDROID_POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE_AC }, { "Wireless", ANDROID_POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE_WIRELESS }, { NULL, 0 }, }; if (length <= 0) return ANDROID_POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE_UNKNOWN; ret = (BatteryMonitor::PowerSupplyType)mapSysfsString(buf, supplyTypeMap); if (ret < 0) ret = ANDROID_POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE_UNKNOWN; return ret; }
unsigned int GyroscopeAdaptor::interval() const { if (mode() == SysfsAdaptor::IntervalMode) return SysfsAdaptor::interval(); QByteArray byteArray = readFromFile(dataRatePath_); return byteArray.size() > 0 ? byteArray.toInt() : 0; }
void FileStream::read(char* buffer, int length) { ASSERT(!isMainThread()); if (!isHandleValid(m_handle)) { m_client->didFail(NOT_READABLE_ERR); return; } if (m_bytesProcessed >= m_totalBytesToRead) { m_client->didFinish(); return; } long long remaining = m_totalBytesToRead - m_bytesProcessed; int bytesToRead = (remaining < length) ? static_cast<int>(remaining) : length; int bytesRead = readFromFile(m_handle, buffer, bytesToRead); if (bytesRead < 0) { m_client->didFail(NOT_READABLE_ERR); return; } if (!bytesRead) { m_client->didFinish(); return; } m_bytesProcessed += bytesRead; m_client->didRead(buffer, bytesRead); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct person per; = NULL; struct person book; = NULL; head = &book; tail = &book; FILE *file; file = fopen(argv[1], "r"); if (file == NULL){ printf("new file created \n"); file = fopen(argv[1], "w"); }else{ readFromFile(file, &per); } struct person *iter = head; while ((iter->next) != NULL){ printf("%d", iter->id); } char *command; while(1){ scanf("%s", command); if(!strcmp(command, "exit")){ break; } } return 0; }
PlayList::PlayList(Player *player, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::PlayList) { ui->setupUi(this); curIndex = 0; lengthFilter = 0; this->player = player; ui->playListTable->horizontalHeader()->setStretchLastSection(true);//自动设置最后一列宽度 this->setWindowFlags(Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::CustomizeWindowHint); this->setFixedSize(this->width(), this->height()); //“查找”文本框,绑定回车键到“查找”按钮 connect(ui->searchEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(on_searchButton_clicked())); readFromFile(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/PlayList.sdpl"); //搜索功能部分的动画 //搜索条 finderAnimation = new QPropertyAnimation(ui->finderFlame, "geometry"); finderAnimation->setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve::OutCirc); finderAnimation->setDuration(600); finderAnimation->setStartValue(QRect(331, 330, 331, 31)); finderAnimation->setEndValue(QRect(0, 330, 331, 31)); //播放列表 playListAnimation = new QPropertyAnimation(ui->playListTable, "geometry"); playListAnimation->setDuration(600); playListAnimation->setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve::OutCirc); }
//------- void SuperCollider::setup() { buses["bus1"] = new ofxSCBus(); buses["bus2"] = new ofxSCBus(); buses["bus3"] = new ofxSCBus(); buffers["buf1"] = new ofxSCBuffer(); control.setName("Sc3"); string synthFile = "/Users/Gene/Code/openFrameworks/tools/SuperCollider/synths.scd"; readFromFile("buffer", synthFile); readFromFile("event", synthFile); readFromFile("source", synthFile); readFromFile("modifier", synthFile); }
//=================== //======= MAIN ====== //=================== int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { //Create seed for rand() "random" num generation srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); //Calls function to generate new directory, return name of dir char* myDirName = makeMyDir(); //Returns a 'string array' of file names, pass in directory name. char** roomNames= generateRoomFiles(myDirName); //Input game info from file, pass in file names and directory name. readFromFile(roomNames,myDirName); //Main driver of game, after game information extracted middleEarthAdventure(myDirName); //FREE UP ALLOCATED MEMORY int freeIt; for(freeIt=0;freeIt<7; freeIt++) {free(roomNames[freeIt]);} free(roomNames); free(myDirName); //--- return 0; }
BEGIN_NAMESPACE_QPOASES /* * r e a d O q p D i m e n s i o n s */ returnValue readOqpDimensions( const char* path, int_t& nQP, int_t& nV, int_t& nC, int_t& nEC ) { /* 1) Setup file name where dimensions are stored. */ char filename[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; snprintf( filename,MAX_STRING_LENGTH,"%sdims.oqp",path ); /* 2) Load dimensions from file. */ int_t dims[4]; if ( readFromFile( dims,4,filename ) != SUCCESSFUL_RETURN ) return THROWERROR( RET_UNABLE_TO_READ_FILE ); nQP = dims[0]; nV = dims[1]; nC = dims[2]; nEC = dims[3]; /* consistency check */ if ( ( nQP <= 0 ) || ( nV <= 0 ) || ( nC < 0 ) || ( nEC < 0 ) ) return THROWERROR( RET_FILEDATA_INCONSISTENT ); return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN; }
unsigned int Data::GetWord(unsigned int wordPosition) { ifstream readFromFile("../TP3-H13/src - AT/Database.txt",ios::in); // Creating a string variable. std::string temp; int counter = 0; while(!readFromFile.eof()){ // I cant figure out what to add here so that the code will find and store the destination. getline(readFromFile, temp); if(counter == wordPosition) break; else counter++; } if(temp.length() > 0) { wordLength = std::stoi(temp.substr(0, temp.find(" "))); word = temp.substr(temp.find(" ")+1, temp.length()-1); return wordLength; } return 0; }