/** loadPlane **/ void loadPlane(FILE *inFP, entity_t *ent, char *attribute) { char *attributes[] = {"point", "orient1", "orient2", NULL}; int ndx; assert(ent->magic == ENTITY_T); sobj_t *sobj = ent->entDerived; assert(sobj->magic == SCENEOBJ_T); plane_t *plane = sobj->sobjDerived; assert(plane->magic == PLANE_T); ndx = getindex(attribute, attributes); switch (ndx) { case 0: /* point */ plane->point = readTuple(inFP, "Could not read plane point"); break; case 1: /* orient1 */ plane->orient1 = readTuple(inFP, "Could not read plane orient1"); break; case 2: /* orient1 */ plane->orient2 = readTuple(inFP, "Could not read plane orient2"); break; default: loadSceneObj(inFP, ent, attribute); } }
void loadPointLight(FILE *inFP, entity_t *ent, char *token){ char *attributes[] = {"color","brightness","center",NULL}; int ndx; assert(ent->magic == ENTITY_T); pointlight_t *pointlight = ent->entDerived; assert(pointlight->magic == POINTLIGHT_T); ndx = getindex(token,attributes); switch(ndx) { case 0: pointlight->color = readColor(inFP, "Could not read light color"); break; case 1: pointlight->brightness = readDouble(inFP, "Could not read light brightness"); break; case 2: pointlight->center = readTuple(inFP, "Could not read light center"); break; default: loadEntity(inFP, ent, token); break; } }
int NdbIndexOperation::readTuple(NdbOperation::LockMode lm) { switch(lm) { case LM_Read: return readTuple(); break; case LM_Exclusive: return readTupleExclusive(); break; case LM_CommittedRead: return readTuple(); break; case LM_SimpleRead: return readTuple(); break; default: return -1; }; }
Bool_t KernelDensity::readTuple(TTree* tree, const char* var1, UInt_t maxEvents) { UInt_t dim = phaseSpace()->dimensionality(); std::vector<TString> varList(dim); if (dim>=1 && var1!=0) varList[0] = TString(var1); return readTuple(tree, varList, maxEvents); }
const NdbOperation * KeyOperation::prepare(NdbTransaction *tx) { switch(opcode) { case 1: // OP_READ: return readTuple(tx); case 2: // OP_INSERT: return insertTuple(tx); case 4: // OP_UPDATE: return updateTuple(tx); case 8: // OP_WRITE: return writeTuple(tx); case 16: // OP_DELETE: return deleteTuple(tx); default: return NULL; } }
Bool_t KernelDensity::readTuple(TTree* tree, const char* var1, const char* var2, const char* var3, const char* var4, const char* var5, UInt_t maxEvents) { UInt_t dim = phaseSpace()->dimensionality(); std::vector<TString> varList(dim); if (dim>=1 && var1!=0) varList[0] = TString(var1); if (dim>=2 && var2!=0) varList[1] = TString(var2); if (dim>=3 && var3!=0) varList[2] = TString(var3); if (dim>=4 && var4!=0) varList[3] = TString(var4); if (dim>=5 && var5!=0) varList[4] = TString(var5); return readTuple(tree, varList, maxEvents); }
static Obj *readObject( istream& is ) { if( !eat( is ) ) { return NULL; } int ch = is.peek(); if( (ch == '-') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') ) { return readScalar( is ); } else if( ch == '"' ) { return readString( is ); } else if( ch == '(' ) { return readTuple( is ); } else if( ch == '{' ) { return readDict( is ); } else { return readName( is ); } }
extern "C" void* NdbThreadFuncRead(void* pArg) { myRandom48Init((long int)NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond()); unsigned nSucc = 0; unsigned nFail = 0; NdbRecAttr** ppNdbRecAttrDSum = new NdbRecAttr*[g_nDistrictPerWarehouse]; NdbRecAttr** ppNdbRecAttrDCnt = new NdbRecAttr*[g_nDistrictPerWarehouse]; Ndb* pNdb = NULL ; pNdb = new Ndb("TEST_DB"); VerifyMethodInt(pNdb, init()); VerifyMethodInt(pNdb, waitUntilReady()); while(NdbMutex_Trylock(g_pNdbMutex)) { Uint32 nWarehouse = myRandom48(g_nWarehouseCount); NdbConnection* pNdbConnection = NULL ; VerifyMethodPtr(pNdbConnection, pNdb, startTransaction()); CHK_TR(pNdbConnection) ; // epaulsa NdbOperation* pNdbOperationW = NULL ; VerifyMethodPtr(pNdbOperationW, pNdbConnection, getNdbOperation(c_szWarehouse)); VerifyMethodInt(pNdbOperationW, readTuple()); VerifyMethodInt(pNdbOperationW, equal(c_szWarehouseNumber, nWarehouse)); NdbRecAttr* pNdbRecAttrWSum; VerifyMethodPtr(pNdbRecAttrWSum, pNdbOperationW, getValue(c_szWarehouseSum, 0)); NdbRecAttr* pNdbRecAttrWCnt; VerifyMethodPtr(pNdbRecAttrWCnt, pNdbOperationW, getValue(c_szWarehouseCount, 0)); for(Uint32 nDistrict=0; nDistrict<g_nDistrictPerWarehouse; ++nDistrict) { NdbOperation* pNdbOperationD = NULL ; VerifyMethodPtr(pNdbOperationD, pNdbConnection, getNdbOperation(c_szDistrict)); VerifyMethodInt(pNdbOperationD, readTuple()); VerifyMethodInt(pNdbOperationD, equal(c_szDistrictWarehouseNumber, nWarehouse)); VerifyMethodInt(pNdbOperationD, equal(c_szDistrictNumber, nDistrict)); VerifyMethodPtr(ppNdbRecAttrDSum[nDistrict], pNdbOperationD, getValue(c_szDistrictSum, 0)); VerifyMethodPtr(ppNdbRecAttrDCnt[nDistrict], pNdbOperationD, getValue(c_szDistrictCount, 0)); } int iExec = pNdbConnection->execute(Commit); int iError = pNdbConnection->getNdbError().code; if(iExec<0 && iError!=0 && iError!=266 && iError!=626) { ReportMethodInt(iExec, pNdbConnection, "pNdbConnection", "execute(Commit)", __FILE__, __LINE__); } if(iExec==0) { Uint32 nSum = 0; Uint32 nCnt = 0; for(Uint32 nDistrict=0; nDistrict<g_nDistrictPerWarehouse; ++nDistrict) { nSum += ppNdbRecAttrDSum[nDistrict]->u_32_value(); nCnt += ppNdbRecAttrDCnt[nDistrict]->u_32_value(); } if(nSum!=pNdbRecAttrWSum->u_32_value() || nCnt!=g_nDistrictPerWarehouse*pNdbRecAttrWCnt->u_32_value()) { ndbout << "INCONSISTENT!" << endl; ndbout << "iExec==" << iExec << endl; ndbout << "iError==" << iError << endl; ndbout << endl; ndbout << c_szWarehouseSum << "==" << pNdbRecAttrWSum->u_32_value() << ", "; ndbout << c_szWarehouseCount << "==" << pNdbRecAttrWCnt->u_32_value() << endl; ndbout << "nSum==" << nSum << ", nCnt=" << nCnt << endl; for(Uint32 nDistrict=0; nDistrict<g_nDistrictPerWarehouse; ++nDistrict) { ndbout << c_szDistrictSum << "[" << nDistrict << "]==" << ppNdbRecAttrDSum[nDistrict]->u_32_value() << ", "; ndbout << c_szDistrictCount << "[" << nDistrict << "]==" << ppNdbRecAttrDCnt[nDistrict]->u_32_value() << endl; } VerifyMethodVoid(pNdb, closeTransaction(pNdbConnection)); delete pNdb; pNdb = NULL ; delete[] ppNdbRecAttrDSum; ppNdbRecAttrDSum = NULL ; delete[] ppNdbRecAttrDCnt; ppNdbRecAttrDCnt = NULL ; NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_FAILED); } ++nSucc; } else { ++nFail; } VerifyMethodVoid(pNdb, closeTransaction(pNdbConnection)); } ndbout << "read: " << nSucc << " succeeded, " << nFail << " failed " << endl; NdbMutex_Unlock(g_pNdbMutex); delete pNdb; pNdb = NULL ; delete[] ppNdbRecAttrDSum; ppNdbRecAttrDSum = NULL ; delete[] ppNdbRecAttrDCnt; ppNdbRecAttrDCnt = NULL ; return NULL; }
void BaseAtlas::load (const char *current, const char *end) { if (!current) throw invalid_argument("current cannot be null."); if (!end) throw invalid_argument("end cannot be null."); string value; string tuple[4]; BaseAtlasPage *page = 0; while (current != end) { readLine(current, end, value); trim(value); if (value.length() == 0) { page = 0; } else if (!page) { page = newAtlasPage(value); pages.push_back(page); page->name = value; page->format = static_cast<Format>(indexOf(formatNames, 7, readValue(current, end, value))); readTuple(current, end, value, tuple); page->minFilter = static_cast<TextureFilter>(indexOf(textureFilterNames, 7, tuple[0])); page->magFilter = static_cast<TextureFilter>(indexOf(textureFilterNames, 7, tuple[1])); readValue(current, end, value); if (value == "x") { page->uWrap = repeat; page->vWrap = clampToEdge; } else if (value == "y") { page->uWrap = clampToEdge; page->vWrap = repeat; } else if (value == "xy") { page->uWrap = repeat; page->vWrap = repeat; } } else { BaseAtlasRegion *region = newAtlasRegion(page); regions.push_back(region); region->name = value; region->rotate = readValue(current, end, value) == "true"; readTuple(current, end, value, tuple); region->x = atoi(tuple[0].c_str()); region->y = atoi(tuple[1].c_str()); readTuple(current, end, value, tuple); region->width = atoi(tuple[0].c_str()); region->height = atoi(tuple[1].c_str()); if (readTuple(current, end, value, tuple) == 4) { // split is optional region->splits = new int[4]; region->splits[0] = atoi(tuple[0].c_str()); region->splits[1] = atoi(tuple[1].c_str()); region->splits[2] = atoi(tuple[2].c_str()); region->splits[3] = atoi(tuple[3].c_str()); if (readTuple(current, end, value, tuple) == 4) { // pad is optional, but only present with splits region->pads = new int[4]; region->pads[0] = atoi(tuple[0].c_str()); region->pads[1] = atoi(tuple[1].c_str()); region->pads[2] = atoi(tuple[2].c_str()); region->pads[3] = atoi(tuple[3].c_str()); readTuple(current, end, value, tuple); } } region->originalWidth = atoi(tuple[0].c_str()); region->originalHeight = atoi(tuple[1].c_str()); readTuple(current, end, value, tuple); region->offsetX = (float)atoi(tuple[0].c_str()); region->offsetY = (float)atoi(tuple[1].c_str()); region->index = atoi(readValue(current, end, value).c_str()); } } }