Esempio n. 1
TileDef read_tiledef(lua_State *L, int index, u8 drawtype)
	if(index < 0)
		index = lua_gettop(L) + 1 + index;

	TileDef tiledef;

	bool default_tiling = true;
	bool default_culling = true;
	switch (drawtype) {
			default_tiling = false;
			// "break" is omitted here intentionaly, as PLANTLIKE
			// FIRELIKE drawtype both should default to having
			// backface_culling to false.
		case NDT_MESH:
		case NDT_LIQUID:
			default_culling = false;

	// key at index -2 and value at index
	if(lua_isstring(L, index)){
		// "default_lava.png" = lua_tostring(L, index);
		tiledef.tileable_vertical = default_tiling;
		tiledef.tileable_horizontal = default_tiling;
		tiledef.backface_culling = default_culling;
	else if(lua_istable(L, index))
		// name="default_lava.png" = "";
		getstringfield(L, index, "name",;
		getstringfield(L, index, "image",; // MaterialSpec compat.
		tiledef.backface_culling = getboolfield_default(
			L, index, "backface_culling", default_culling);
		tiledef.tileable_horizontal = getboolfield_default(
			L, index, "tileable_horizontal", default_tiling);
		tiledef.tileable_vertical = getboolfield_default(
			L, index, "tileable_vertical", default_tiling);
		// color = ...
		lua_getfield(L, index, "color");
		tiledef.has_color = read_color(L, -1, &tiledef.color);
		lua_pop(L, 1);
		// animation = {}
		lua_getfield(L, index, "animation");
		tiledef.animation = read_animation_definition(L, -1);
		lua_pop(L, 1);

	return tiledef;
Esempio n. 2
// add_particle({pos=, velocity=, acceleration=, expirationtime=,
//     size=, collisiondetection=, collision_removal=, object_collision=,
//     vertical=, texture=, player=})
// pos/velocity/acceleration = {x=num, y=num, z=num}
// expirationtime = num (seconds)
// size = num
// collisiondetection = bool
// collision_removal = bool
// object_collision = bool
// vertical = bool
// texture = e.g."default_wood.png"
// animation = TileAnimation definition
// glow = num
int ModApiParticles::l_add_particle(lua_State *L)

	// Get parameters
	v3f pos, vel, acc;
	float expirationtime, size;
	expirationtime = size = 1;
	bool collisiondetection, vertical, collision_removal, object_collision;
	collisiondetection = vertical = collision_removal = object_collision = false;
	struct TileAnimationParams animation;
	animation.type = TAT_NONE;
	std::string texture;
	std::string playername;
	u8 glow = 0;

	if (lua_gettop(L) > 1) // deprecated
		log_deprecated(L, "Deprecated add_particle call with individual parameters instead of definition");
		pos = check_v3f(L, 1);
		vel = check_v3f(L, 2);
		acc = check_v3f(L, 3);
		expirationtime = luaL_checknumber(L, 4);
		size = luaL_checknumber(L, 5);
		collisiondetection = readParam<bool>(L, 6);
		texture = luaL_checkstring(L, 7);
		if (lua_gettop(L) == 8) // only spawn for a single player
			playername = luaL_checkstring(L, 8);
	else if (lua_istable(L, 1))
		lua_getfield(L, 1, "pos");
		pos = lua_istable(L, -1) ? check_v3f(L, -1) : v3f();
		lua_pop(L, 1);

		lua_getfield(L, 1, "vel");
		if (lua_istable(L, -1)) {
			vel = check_v3f(L, -1);
			log_deprecated(L, "The use of vel is deprecated. "
				"Use velocity instead");
		lua_pop(L, 1);

		lua_getfield(L, 1, "velocity");
		vel = lua_istable(L, -1) ? check_v3f(L, -1) : vel;
		lua_pop(L, 1);

		lua_getfield(L, 1, "acc");
		if (lua_istable(L, -1)) {
			acc = check_v3f(L, -1);
			log_deprecated(L, "The use of acc is deprecated. "
				"Use acceleration instead");
		lua_pop(L, 1);

		lua_getfield(L, 1, "acceleration");
		acc = lua_istable(L, -1) ? check_v3f(L, -1) : acc;
		lua_pop(L, 1);

		expirationtime = getfloatfield_default(L, 1, "expirationtime", 1);
		size = getfloatfield_default(L, 1, "size", 1);
		collisiondetection = getboolfield_default(L, 1,
			"collisiondetection", collisiondetection);
		collision_removal = getboolfield_default(L, 1,
			"collision_removal", collision_removal);
		object_collision = getboolfield_default(L, 1,
			"object_collision", object_collision);
		vertical = getboolfield_default(L, 1, "vertical", vertical);

		lua_getfield(L, 1, "animation");
		animation = read_animation_definition(L, -1);
		lua_pop(L, 1);

		texture = getstringfield_default(L, 1, "texture", "");
		playername = getstringfield_default(L, 1, "playername", "");

		glow = getintfield_default(L, 1, "glow", 0);
	getServer(L)->spawnParticle(playername, pos, vel, acc, expirationtime, size,
			collisiondetection, collision_removal, object_collision, vertical,
			texture, animation, glow);
	return 1;
Esempio n. 3
// add_particlespawner({amount=, time=,
//				minpos=, maxpos=,
//				minvel=, maxvel=,
//				minacc=, maxacc=,
//				minexptime=, maxexptime=,
//				minsize=, maxsize=,
//				collisiondetection=,
//				collision_removal=,
//				object_collision=,
//				vertical=,
//				texture=,
//				player=})
// minpos/maxpos/minvel/maxvel/minacc/maxacc = {x=num, y=num, z=num}
// minexptime/maxexptime = num (seconds)
// minsize/maxsize = num
// collisiondetection = bool
// collision_removal = bool
// object_collision = bool
// vertical = bool
// texture = e.g."default_wood.png"
// animation = TileAnimation definition
// glow = num
int ModApiParticles::l_add_particlespawner(lua_State *L)

	// Get parameters
	u16 amount = 1;
	v3f minpos, maxpos, minvel, maxvel, minacc, maxacc;
	float time, minexptime, maxexptime, minsize, maxsize;
	time = minexptime = maxexptime = minsize = maxsize = 1;
	bool collisiondetection, vertical, collision_removal, object_collision;
	collisiondetection = vertical = collision_removal = object_collision = false;
	struct TileAnimationParams animation;
	animation.type = TAT_NONE;
	ServerActiveObject *attached = NULL;
	std::string texture;
	std::string playername;
	u8 glow = 0;

	if (lua_gettop(L) > 1) //deprecated
		log_deprecated(L,"Deprecated add_particlespawner call with individual parameters instead of definition");
		amount = luaL_checknumber(L, 1);
		time = luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
		minpos = check_v3f(L, 3);
		maxpos = check_v3f(L, 4);
		minvel = check_v3f(L, 5);
		maxvel = check_v3f(L, 6);
		minacc = check_v3f(L, 7);
		maxacc = check_v3f(L, 8);
		minexptime = luaL_checknumber(L, 9);
		maxexptime = luaL_checknumber(L, 10);
		minsize = luaL_checknumber(L, 11);
		maxsize = luaL_checknumber(L, 12);
		collisiondetection = readParam<bool>(L, 13);
		texture = luaL_checkstring(L, 14);
		if (lua_gettop(L) == 15) // only spawn for a single player
			playername = luaL_checkstring(L, 15);
	else if (lua_istable(L, 1))
		amount = getintfield_default(L, 1, "amount", amount);
		time = getfloatfield_default(L, 1, "time", time);

		lua_getfield(L, 1, "minpos");
		minpos = lua_istable(L, -1) ? check_v3f(L, -1) : minpos;
		lua_pop(L, 1);

		lua_getfield(L, 1, "maxpos");
		maxpos = lua_istable(L, -1) ? check_v3f(L, -1) : maxpos;
		lua_pop(L, 1);

		lua_getfield(L, 1, "minvel");
		minvel = lua_istable(L, -1) ? check_v3f(L, -1) : minvel;
		lua_pop(L, 1);

		lua_getfield(L, 1, "maxvel");
		maxvel = lua_istable(L, -1) ? check_v3f(L, -1) : maxvel;
		lua_pop(L, 1);

		lua_getfield(L, 1, "minacc");
		minacc = lua_istable(L, -1) ? check_v3f(L, -1) : minacc;
		lua_pop(L, 1);

		lua_getfield(L, 1, "maxacc");
		maxacc = lua_istable(L, -1) ? check_v3f(L, -1) : maxacc;
		lua_pop(L, 1);

		minexptime = getfloatfield_default(L, 1, "minexptime", minexptime);
		maxexptime = getfloatfield_default(L, 1, "maxexptime", maxexptime);
		minsize = getfloatfield_default(L, 1, "minsize", minsize);
		maxsize = getfloatfield_default(L, 1, "maxsize", maxsize);
		collisiondetection = getboolfield_default(L, 1,
			"collisiondetection", collisiondetection);
		collision_removal = getboolfield_default(L, 1,
			"collision_removal", collision_removal);
		object_collision = getboolfield_default(L, 1,
			"object_collision", object_collision);

		lua_getfield(L, 1, "animation");
		animation = read_animation_definition(L, -1);
		lua_pop(L, 1);

		lua_getfield(L, 1, "attached");
		if (!lua_isnil(L, -1)) {
			ObjectRef *ref = ObjectRef::checkobject(L, -1);
			lua_pop(L, 1);
			attached = ObjectRef::getobject(ref);

		vertical = getboolfield_default(L, 1, "vertical", vertical);
		texture = getstringfield_default(L, 1, "texture", "");
		playername = getstringfield_default(L, 1, "playername", "");
		glow = getintfield_default(L, 1, "glow", 0);

	u32 id = getServer(L)->addParticleSpawner(amount, time,
			minpos, maxpos,
			minvel, maxvel,
			minacc, maxacc,
			minexptime, maxexptime,
			minsize, maxsize,
			texture, playername,
			animation, glow);
	lua_pushnumber(L, id);

	return 1;