Esempio n. 1
static int
pollinbuf_blob_cb(struct pollfd_state *pfd){
	pollinbuf *pibuf = get_pfd_icap(pfd)->pibuf;
	typeof(pibuf->modestate.chunkdata) *chunk;
	blob_read_res res;
	uint32_t remains;

	chunk = &pibuf->modestate.chunkdata;
	remains = chunk->chunklen - chunk->chunkread;
	res = read_blob(pfd->pfd.fd,&pibuf->cr,chunk->okey,&chunk->dumpoff,&remains);
	if(res == BLOB_READ_SYSERR){
		bitch("Error while reading %ub for chunk\n",remains);
		return -1;
	chunk->chunkread += chunk->chunklen - chunk->chunkread - remains;
	if(res == BLOB_READ_NBLOCK){
		return 0;
		return -1;
	// For edge-triggered RX, we want to return 1 until a read() actually
	// returns -1 + EAGAIN. For level-triggered, return 0 on
	return 1;
Esempio n. 2
QcOsmPbfReader::read_file(bool read_nodes, bool read_ways, bool read_relations, bool read_metadatas)
  m_read_nodes = read_nodes;
  m_read_ways = read_ways;
  m_read_relations = read_relations;
  m_read_metadatas = read_metadatas;

  m_number_of_primitive_groups = 0;
  m_number_of_node_primitive_groups = 0;
  m_number_of_dense_node_primitive_groups = 0;
  m_number_of_way_primitive_groups = 0;
  m_number_of_relation_primitive_groups = 0;
  m_number_of_nodes = 0;
  m_number_of_ways = 0;
  m_number_of_relations = 0;

  m_buffer = new char[OSMPBF::max_uncompressed_blob_size];
  m_unpack_buffer = new char[OSMPBF::max_uncompressed_blob_size];

  QFile file(m_pbf_path);
  if (! {
    qCritical() << "can't open file" << m_pbf_path;
    return ;

  // Set network byte-order

  // read while the file has not reached its end
  while (!file.atEnd()) {
    /* A file contains a header followed by a sequence of fileblocks.
     * The design is intended to allow future random-access to the
     * contents of the file and skipping past not-understood or
     * unwanted data.
     * The format is a repeating sequence of:
     *  - int4: length of the BlobHeader message in network byte order
     *  - serialized BlobHeader message
     *  - serialized Blob message (size is given in the header)

  // clean up the protobuf lib

  qDebug() << "File Statistics\n"
           << "Primitive Groups" <<  m_number_of_primitive_groups << "\n"
           << " for Node" <<  m_number_of_node_primitive_groups << "\n"
           << " for Dense Node" <<  m_number_of_dense_node_primitive_groups << "\n"
           << " for Way" <<  m_number_of_way_primitive_groups << "\n"
           << " for Relation" <<  m_number_of_relation_primitive_groups << "\n"
           << "Number of nodes" <<  m_number_of_nodes << "\n"
           << "Number of ways" <<  m_number_of_ways << "\n"
           << "Number of relations" <<  m_number_of_relations;
Esempio n. 3
static VALUE parse_osm_data(VALUE obj)
  FILE *input = DATA_PTR(obj);
  OSMPBF__BlobHeader *header = read_blob_header(input);

  if(header == NULL)
    return Qfalse;

  if(strcmp("OSMData", header->type) != 0)
    rb_raise(rb_eIOError, "OSMData not found");

  void *blob = NULL;
  size_t blob_length = 0, datasize = header->datasize;
  OSMPBF__PrimitiveBlock *primitive_block = NULL;

  osmpbf__blob_header__free_unpacked(header, NULL);

  blob = read_blob(input, datasize, &blob_length);
  primitive_block = osmpbf__primitive_block__unpack(NULL, blob_length, blob);


  if(primitive_block == NULL)
    rb_raise(rb_eIOError, "Unable to unpack the PrimitiveBlock");

  int64_t lat_offset, lon_offset, granularity;
  int32_t ts_granularity;

  lat_offset     = primitive_block->lat_offset;
  lon_offset     = primitive_block->lon_offset;
  granularity    = primitive_block->granularity;
  ts_granularity = primitive_block->date_granularity;

  OSMPBF__StringTable *string_table = primitive_block->stringtable;

  VALUE data      = init_data_arr();
  VALUE nodes     = rb_hash_aref(data, STR2SYM("nodes"));
  VALUE ways      = rb_hash_aref(data, STR2SYM("ways"));
  VALUE relations = rb_hash_aref(data, STR2SYM("relations"));

  size_t i = 0;

  for(i = 0; i < primitive_block->n_primitivegroup; i++)
    OSMPBF__PrimitiveGroup *primitive_group = primitive_block->primitivegroup[i];

      process_nodes(nodes, primitive_group, string_table, lat_offset, lon_offset, granularity, ts_granularity);

      process_dense_nodes(nodes, primitive_group->dense, string_table, lat_offset, lon_offset, granularity, ts_granularity);

      process_ways(ways, primitive_group, string_table, ts_granularity);

      process_relations(relations, primitive_group, string_table, ts_granularity);

  rb_iv_set(obj, "@data", data);

  osmpbf__primitive_block__free_unpacked(primitive_block, NULL);

  // Increment position
  rb_iv_set(obj, "@pos", INT2NUM(NUM2INT(rb_iv_get(obj, "@pos")) + 1));

  return Qtrue;
Esempio n. 4
static int parse_osm_header(VALUE obj, FILE *input)
  OSMPBF__BlobHeader *header = read_blob_header(input);

  // EOF reached
  if(header == NULL)
    rb_raise(rb_eEOFError, "EOF reached without finding data");

  if(strcmp("OSMHeader", header->type) != 0)
    rb_raise(rb_eIOError, "OSMHeader not found, probably the file is corrupt or invalid");

  void *blob = NULL;
  size_t blob_length = 0, datasize = header->datasize;
  OSMPBF__HeaderBlock *header_block = NULL;

  osmpbf__blob_header__free_unpacked(header, NULL);

  blob = read_blob(input, datasize, &blob_length);
  header_block = osmpbf__header_block__unpack(NULL, blob_length, blob);


  if(header_block == NULL)
    rb_raise(rb_eIOError, "Unable to unpack the HeaderBlock");

  VALUE header_hash = rb_hash_new();
  VALUE bbox_hash   = rb_hash_new();

  VALUE required_features = Qnil;
  VALUE optional_features = Qnil;
  VALUE writingprogram    = Qnil;
  VALUE source            = Qnil;

  VALUE osmosis_replication_timestamp       = Qnil;
  VALUE osmosis_replication_sequence_number = Qnil;
  VALUE osmosis_replication_base_url        = Qnil;

  int i = 0;

  if(header_block->n_required_features > 0)
    required_features = rb_ary_new();

    for(i = 0; i < (int)header_block->n_required_features; i++)
      rb_ary_push(required_features, str_new(header_block->required_features[i]));

  if(header_block->n_optional_features > 0)
    optional_features = rb_ary_new();

    for(i = 0; i < (int)header_block->n_optional_features; i++)
      rb_ary_push(optional_features, str_new(header_block->optional_features[i]));

    writingprogram = str_new(header_block->writingprogram);

    source = str_new(header_block->source);

    rb_hash_aset(bbox_hash, STR2SYM("top"),    rb_float_new(header_block->bbox->top * NANO_DEGREE));
    rb_hash_aset(bbox_hash, STR2SYM("right"),  rb_float_new(header_block->bbox->right * NANO_DEGREE));
    rb_hash_aset(bbox_hash, STR2SYM("bottom"), rb_float_new(header_block->bbox->bottom * NANO_DEGREE));
    rb_hash_aset(bbox_hash, STR2SYM("left"),   rb_float_new(header_block->bbox->left * NANO_DEGREE));

    osmosis_replication_timestamp = ULL2NUM(header_block->osmosis_replication_timestamp);

    osmosis_replication_sequence_number = ULL2NUM(header_block->osmosis_replication_sequence_number);

    osmosis_replication_base_url = str_new(header_block->osmosis_replication_base_url);

  rb_hash_aset(header_hash, str_new("bbox"), bbox_hash);
  rb_hash_aset(header_hash, str_new("required_features"), required_features);
  rb_hash_aset(header_hash, str_new("optional_features"), optional_features);
  rb_hash_aset(header_hash, str_new("writing_program"), writingprogram);
  rb_hash_aset(header_hash, str_new("source"), source);
  rb_hash_aset(header_hash, str_new("osmosis_replication_timestamp"), osmosis_replication_timestamp);
  rb_hash_aset(header_hash, str_new("osmosis_replication_sequence_number"), osmosis_replication_sequence_number);
  rb_hash_aset(header_hash, str_new("osmosis_replication_base_url"), osmosis_replication_base_url);

  rb_iv_set(obj, "@header", header_hash);

  osmpbf__header_block__free_unpacked(header_block, NULL);

  return 1;
Esempio n. 5
/* This function converts the database format from version 3 to version 4.
 * This function sets the KMO error string. It returns -1 on failure.
static int maildb_convert_to_version_4(sqlite3 *db) {
    sqlite3_stmt *stmt1 = NULL;
    sqlite3_stmt *stmt2 = NULL;
    kstr kstr_array[10];
    int k;
    for (k = 0; k < 10; k++) kstr_init(kstr_array + k);
    /* Create the new table and update the maildb version. */
    if (sqlite3_exec(db, "CREATE TABLE 'mail_eval_res3' "
                           " 'entry_id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"
			   " 'hash' BLOB (20),"
			   " 'ksn' BLOB (24),"
			   " 'status' INTEGER,"

			   " 'display_pref' TINYINT(1),"
			   " 'sig_msg' VARCHAR,"
                           " 'mid' INTEGER(20),"
                           " 'original_packaging' TINYINT(1),"
                           " 'mua' SMALLINT(3),"

                           " 'field_status' INTEGER(2),"
			   " 'att_plugin_nbr' TINYINT(1),"
                           " 'attachment_nbr' TINYINT(1),"
                           " 'attachment_status' BLOB,"

                           " 'sym_key' BLOB,"

                           " 'encryption_status' TINYINT(1),"
                           " 'decryption_error_msg' VARCHAR,"
                           " 'pod_status' TINYINT(1),"
                           " 'pod_msg' VARCHAR,"

                           " 'otut_status' TINYINT(1),"
			   " 'otut_string' BLOB,"
			   " 'otut_msg' VARCHAR,"
			   " 'kpg_addr' VARCHAR,"
			   " 'kpg_port' INTEGER(5)"
                         "UPDATE maildb_version SET version = 4;", NULL, NULL, NULL)) goto ERR;

    /* Transfer the data from mail_eval_res to mail_eval_res2. */
    if (sqlite3_prepare(db, "SELECT entry_id, hash, ksn, status, display_pref, "
			    "sig_msg, mid, original_packaging, mua, field_status, "
	    	    	    "att_plugin_nbr, attachment_nbr, attachment_status, sym_key, encryption_status, "
			    "decryption_error_msg, pod_status, pod_msg, otut_status, otut_string, "
			    "otut_msg FROM mail_eval_res2;", -1, &stmt1, NULL)) goto ERR;
    while (1) {
    	int i = 0;
	int j = 1;
    	k = 0;
    	int res = sqlite3_step(stmt1);
	if (res == SQLITE_DONE) break;
	if (res != SQLITE_ROW) goto ERR;

	if (sqlite3_prepare(db, "INSERT INTO mail_eval_res3 ("
				"entry_id, hash, ksn, status, display_pref, sig_msg, mid, original_packaging, mua, "
				"field_status, att_plugin_nbr, attachment_nbr, attachment_status, sym_key, "
				"encryption_status, decryption_error_msg, pod_status, pod_msg, otut_status, "
				"otut_string, otut_msg, kpg_addr, kpg_port) "
				"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);",
				-1, &stmt2, NULL)) goto ERR;

	if (sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt2, j++, sqlite3_column_int64(stmt1, i++))) goto ERR;

	read_blob(stmt1, &kstr_array[k], i++); if (write_blob(stmt2, j++, &kstr_array[k])) goto ERR; k++;
	read_blob(stmt1, &kstr_array[k], i++); if (write_blob(stmt2, j++, &kstr_array[k])) goto ERR; k++;
	if (sqlite3_bind_int(stmt2, j++, sqlite3_column_int(stmt1, i++))) goto ERR;

	if (sqlite3_bind_int(stmt2, j++, sqlite3_column_int(stmt1, i++))) goto ERR;
	read_string(stmt1, &kstr_array[k], i++); if (write_string(stmt2, j++, &kstr_array[k])) goto ERR;  k++;
    	if (sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt2, j++, sqlite3_column_int64(stmt1, i++))) goto ERR;
	if (sqlite3_bind_int(stmt2, j++, sqlite3_column_int(stmt1, i++))) goto ERR;
	if (sqlite3_bind_int(stmt2, j++, sqlite3_column_int(stmt1, i++))) goto ERR;

	if (sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt2, j++, sqlite3_column_int64(stmt1, i++))) goto ERR;
	if (sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt2, j++, sqlite3_column_int64(stmt1, i++))) goto ERR;
	if (sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt2, j++, sqlite3_column_int64(stmt1, i++))) goto ERR;
    	read_blob(stmt1, &kstr_array[k], i++); if (write_blob(stmt2, j++, &kstr_array[k])) goto ERR;  k++;

	read_blob(stmt1, &kstr_array[k], i++); if (write_blob(stmt2, j++, &kstr_array[k])) goto ERR;  k++;

	if (sqlite3_bind_int(stmt2, j++, sqlite3_column_int(stmt1, i++))) goto ERR;
	read_string(stmt1, &kstr_array[k], i++); if (write_string(stmt2, j++, &kstr_array[k])) goto ERR;  k++;
	if (sqlite3_bind_int(stmt2, j++, sqlite3_column_int(stmt1, i++))) goto ERR;
	read_string(stmt1, &kstr_array[k], i++); if (write_string(stmt2, j++, &kstr_array[k])) goto ERR;  k++;

	if (sqlite3_bind_int(stmt2, j++, sqlite3_column_int(stmt1, i++))) goto ERR;
    	read_blob(stmt1, &kstr_array[k], i++); if (write_blob(stmt2, j++, &kstr_array[k])) goto ERR;  k++;
	read_string(stmt1, &kstr_array[k], i++); if (write_string(stmt2, j++, &kstr_array[k])) goto ERR;  k++;
	/* Add KPG address and port. */
	kstr_assign_cstr(&kstr_array[k], ""); if (write_string(stmt2, j++, &kstr_array[k])) goto ERR;  k++;
	if (sqlite3_bind_int(stmt2, j++, 0)) goto ERR;
    	if (sqlite3_step(stmt2) != SQLITE_DONE) goto ERR;
	finalize_stmt(db, &stmt2);

    finalize_stmt(db, &stmt1);

    /* Delete the mail_eval_res table and commit. */
    if (sqlite3_exec(db, "DROP TABLE mail_eval_res2; COMMIT;", NULL, NULL, NULL)) goto ERR;

    /* Success. */
    for (k = 0; k < 10; k++) kstr_free(kstr_array + k);
    finalize_stmt(db, &stmt1);
    finalize_stmt(db, &stmt2);
    return 0;

    for (k = 0; k < 10; k++) kstr_free(kstr_array + k);
    finalize_stmt(db, &stmt1);
    finalize_stmt(db, &stmt2);
    return -1;
Esempio n. 6
/* This function returns the mail info having the entry ID specified.
 * This function sets the KMO error string. It returns -1 on general failure,
 * -2 if not found.
static int maildb_sqlite_get_mail_info_from_entry_id(maildb *mdb, maildb_mail_info *mail_info, int64_t entry_id) {
    sqlite3 *db = (sqlite3 *) mdb->db;
    sqlite3_stmt *stmt = NULL;
    int i = 0;

    /* Clear the mail info. */
    /* No such mail. */
    if (entry_id == 0) {
    	return -2;
    /* Not a Kryptiva mail. */
    if (entry_id == -1) {
    	mail_info->status = 3;
	return 0;
    assert(entry_id > 0);
    /* It's a Kryptiva mail. Read the mail_eval_res info. */
    if (sqlite3_prepare (db,
	    	    	 "SELECT hash, ksn, status, display_pref, sig_msg, mid, original_packaging, mua, field_status, "
	    	    	 "att_plugin_nbr, attachment_nbr, attachment_status, sym_key, encryption_status, "
			 "decryption_error_msg, pod_status, pod_msg, otut_status, otut_string, "
			 "otut_msg, kpg_addr, kpg_port "
			 "FROM mail_eval_res3 WHERE mail_eval_res3.entry_id = ?;",
			 -1, &stmt, NULL)) goto ERR;

    if (sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, 1, entry_id)) goto ERR;
    if (sqlite3_step(stmt) != SQLITE_ROW) goto ERR;

    i = 0;
    read_blob(stmt, &mail_info->hash, i++);
    read_blob(stmt, &mail_info->ksn, i++);
    mail_info->status = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, i++);
    mail_info->display_pref = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, i++);
    read_string(stmt, &mail_info->sig_msg, i++);
    mail_info->mid = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, i++);
    mail_info->original_packaging = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, i++);
    mail_info->mua = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, i++);

    mail_info->field_status = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, i++);
    mail_info->att_plugin_nbr = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, i++);
    mail_info->attachment_nbr = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, i++);
    read_blob(stmt, &mail_info->attachment_status, i++);

    read_blob(stmt, &mail_info->sym_key, i++);

    mail_info->encryption_status = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, i++);
    read_string(stmt, &mail_info->decryption_error_msg, i++);
    mail_info->pod_status = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, i++);
    read_string(stmt, &mail_info->pod_msg, i++);

    mail_info->otut_status = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, i++);
    read_blob(stmt, &mail_info->otut_string, i++);
    read_string(stmt, &mail_info->otut_msg, i++);
    read_string(stmt, &mail_info->kpg_addr, i++);
    mail_info->kpg_port = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, i++);

    if (sqlite3_step(stmt) != SQLITE_DONE) goto ERR;

    finalize_stmt(db, &stmt);
    /* Set the entry_id field of the mail_info object. */
    mail_info->entry_id = entry_id;
    return 0;
    finalize_stmt(db, &stmt);
    return -1;
Esempio n. 7
void transform(int deviceNumber, int levels, unsigned w, unsigned h, unsigned bits)
    uint64_t cbinput=uint64_t(w)*bits/8;
    std::vector<uint64_t> input(2*(cbinput/8));
    std::vector<uint64_t> output(2*(cbinput/8));
    std::vector<uint32_t> unpackedInput(2*(cbinput/4));
    std::vector<uint32_t> unpackedOutput(2*(cbinput/4));
    uint64_t* inputWriteptr = &input[0];
    uint64_t* inputReadptr = &input[cbinput/8];
    uint32_t* unpackedInputReadptr = &unpackedInput[cbinput/4];
    uint32_t* unpackedInputWriteptr = &unpackedInput[0];

    uint32_t* unpackedOutputReadptr = &unpackedOutput[cbinput/4];
    uint32_t* unpackedOutputWriteptr = &unpackedOutput[0];
    uint64_t* outputWriteptr = &output[0];
    uint64_t* outputReadptr = &output[cbinput/8];
    std::vector<uint32_t> gpuReadOffsets(2*levels+1,0);
    std::vector<uint32_t> gpuWriteOffsets(2*levels+1,0);
    std::vector<uint32_t> aboveOverrides(2*levels,0);
    std::vector<uint32_t> belowOverrides(2*levels,0);
    int j=0;
    for (int i=0; i<2*levels+1; i++)
        gpuWriteOffsets[i] = j;
        j+= 2;
        j = j - (4 & -(j >= 4));
        j = j + (4 & -(j < 0));
        gpuReadOffsets[i] = j;
    auto cl_instance = init_cl(levels,w,h,bits,"",deviceNumber);
    tbb::task_group group;
    bool finished = false;
    int fullness = 0;
    bool full = false;
    int tailEnd = 4*levels+5;
    int image_line = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<levels; i++) {
            if (image_line == 4 + 2*i) aboveOverrides[i] = 0x0 ^ -(levels < 0);
            else aboveOverrides[i] = 0xFFFFFFFF ^ -(levels < 0);
            if (image_line == 3 + 2*i) belowOverrides[i] = 0x0 ^ -(levels < 0);
            else belowOverrides[i] = 0xFFFFFFFF ^ -(levels < 0);
        for (int i=levels; i<2*levels; i++) {
            if (image_line == 4 + 2*i) aboveOverrides[i] = 0xFFFFFFFF ^ -(levels < 0);
            else aboveOverrides[i] = 0x0 ^ -(levels < 0);
            if (image_line == 3 + 2*i) belowOverrides[i] = 0xFFFFFFFF ^ -(levels < 0);
            else belowOverrides[i] = 0x0 ^ -(levels < 0);
            if(!finished && !read_blob(STDIN_FILENO, cbinput, inputWriteptr)) finished = true;
            unpack_blob_32(cbinput, inputReadptr, unpackedInputWriteptr);
            pack_blob_32(cbinput, unpackedOutputReadptr, outputWriteptr);
            if (fullness >= 4*levels+6 || full)
                full = true;
                write_blob(STDOUT_FILENO, cbinput, outputReadptr);
            process_opencl_packed_line(levels, w, bits, gpuReadOffsets, gpuWriteOffsets, unpackedInputReadptr, unpackedOutputWriteptr, aboveOverrides, belowOverrides, cl_instance);
            for (int i=0; i<2*levels+1; i++)
                int j = gpuWriteOffsets[i];
                j = j - (4 & -(j >= 4));
                gpuWriteOffsets[i] = j;
                j = gpuReadOffsets[i];
                j = j - (4 & -(j >= 4));
                gpuReadOffsets[i] = j;
        if (tailEnd == 0) {
        if (finished) tailEnd--;
        std::swap(inputReadptr, inputWriteptr);
        std::swap(unpackedInputReadptr, unpackedInputWriteptr);
        std::swap(unpackedOutputReadptr, unpackedOutputWriteptr);
        std::swap(outputReadptr, outputWriteptr);
        if (image_line == h) image_line = 0;