Esempio n. 1
 * \param *dc The current DecodingContext.
 * \param mbAddr The current macroblock address.
 * \return 0 if macroblock decoding fail, 1 otherwise.
 * This function extract one macroblock from the bitstream, handle intra/inter
 * prediction for its blocks.
int macroblock_layer(DecodingContext_t *dc, const int mbAddr)
    TRACE_INFO(MB, "<> " BLD_GREEN "macroblock_layer(" CLR_RESET "%i" BLD_GREEN ")\n" CLR_RESET, mbAddr);
    int retcode = FAILURE;

    // Macroblock allocation

    dc->mb_array[mbAddr] = (Macroblock_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(Macroblock_t));

    if (dc->mb_array[mbAddr] == NULL)
        TRACE_ERROR(MB, "Unable to alloc new macroblock!\n");
        // Set macroblock address
        dc->mb_array[mbAddr]->mbAddr = mbAddr;

        // Shortcuts
        pps_t *pps = dc->pps_array[dc->active_slice->pic_parameter_set_id];
        sps_t *sps = dc->sps_array[pps->seq_parameter_set_id];
        slice_t *slice = dc->active_slice;
        Macroblock_t *mb = dc->mb_array[mbAddr];

        // Macroblock decoding

        mb->mbFileAddrStart = bitstream_get_absolute_bit_offset(dc->bitstr);
#endif // ENABLE_DEBUG

        deriv_macroblockneighbours_availability(dc, mbAddr);
        MbPosition(mb, sps);

        if (pps->entropy_coding_mode_flag)
            mb->mb_type = read_ae(dc, SE_mb_type);
            mb->mb_type = read_ue(dc->bitstr);

        mb->MbPartPredMode[0] = MbPartPredMode(mb, slice->slice_type, 0);
        mb->NumMbPart = NumMbPart(slice->slice_type, mb->mb_type);

        if (mb->mb_type == I_PCM)
            TRACE_3(MB, "---- macroblock_layer - I PCM macroblock\n");

            while (bitstream_check_alignment(dc->bitstr) == false)
                if (read_bit(dc->bitstr) != 0) // pcm_alignment_zero_bit
                    TRACE_ERROR(MB, "  Error while reading pcm_alignment_zero_bit: must be 0!\n");
                    return FAILURE;

            // CABAC initialization process //FIXME needed? See 'ITU-T H.264' recommendation

            int i = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                mb->pcm_sample_luma[i] = (uint8_t)read_bits(dc->bitstr, sps->BitDepthY);

            // CABAC initialization process //FIXME needed? See 'ITU-T H.264' recommendation

            for (i = 0; i < 2 * sps->MbWidthC * sps->MbHeightC; i++)
                mb->pcm_sample_chroma[i] = (uint8_t)read_bits(dc->bitstr, sps->BitDepthC);

            // CABAC initialization process //FIXME needed? See 'ITU-T H.264' recommendation
#else // ENABLE_IPCM
            TRACE_ERROR(MB, "I_PCM decoding is currently disabled!\n");
            return UNSUPPORTED;
#endif // ENABLE_IPCM
            bool noSubMbPartSizeLessThan8x8Flag = true;

            if (mb->mb_type != I_NxN &&
                mb->MbPartPredMode[0] != Intra_16x16 &&
                mb->NumMbPart == 4)
                TRACE_3(MB, "---- macroblock_layer - mb partition & related\n");

                int mbPartIdx = 0;
                for (mbPartIdx = 0; mbPartIdx < 4; mbPartIdx++)
                    if (mb->sub_mb_type[mbPartIdx] != B_Direct_8x8)
                        if (NumSubMbPart(slice->slice_type, mb->sub_mb_type[mbPartIdx]) > 1)
                            noSubMbPartSizeLessThan8x8Flag = false;
                    else if (sps->direct_8x8_inference_flag == false)
                        noSubMbPartSizeLessThan8x8Flag = false;

                // Read sub macroblock prediction mode
                sub_mb_pred(dc, mb->mb_type, mb->sub_mb_type);
                TRACE_3(MB, "---- macroblock_layer - transform_size_8x8_flag & prediction modes\n");

                if (pps->transform_8x8_mode_flag == true && mb->mb_type == I_NxN)
                    if (pps->entropy_coding_mode_flag)
                        mb->transform_size_8x8_flag = read_ae(dc, SE_transform_size_8x8_flag);
                        mb->transform_size_8x8_flag = read_bit(dc->bitstr);

                    // Need to update MbPartPredMode in order to detect I_8x8 prediction mode
                    mb->MbPartPredMode[0] = MbPartPredMode(mb, slice->slice_type, 0);

                // Read macroblock prediction mode
                mb_pred(dc, mb);

            if (mb->MbPartPredMode[0] != Intra_16x16)
                TRACE_3(MB, "---- macroblock_layer - coded block pattern & transform_size_8x8_flag\n");

                if (pps->entropy_coding_mode_flag)
                    mb->coded_block_pattern = read_ae(dc, SE_coded_block_pattern);
                    mb->coded_block_pattern = read_me(dc->bitstr, sps->ChromaArrayType, dc->IdrPicFlag);

                mb->CodedBlockPatternLuma = mb->coded_block_pattern % 16;
                mb->CodedBlockPatternChroma = mb->coded_block_pattern / 16;
                if (mb->CodedBlockPatternLuma > 0 &&
                    pps->transform_8x8_mode_flag == true &&
                    mb->mb_type != I_NxN &&
                    noSubMbPartSizeLessThan8x8Flag == true &&
                    (mb->mb_type != B_Direct_16x16 || sps->direct_8x8_inference_flag == true))
                    if (pps->entropy_coding_mode_flag)
                        mb->transform_size_8x8_flag = read_ae(dc, SE_transform_size_8x8_flag);
                        mb->transform_size_8x8_flag = read_bit(dc->bitstr);

                    // Need to update MbPartPredMode in order to account for I_8x8 prediction mode
                    if (transform_size_8x8_flag)
                        mb->MbPartPredMode[0] = MbPartPredMode(mb, slice->slice_type, 0);

            if (mb->CodedBlockPatternLuma > 0 ||
                mb->CodedBlockPatternChroma > 0 ||
                mb->MbPartPredMode[0] == Intra_16x16)
                TRACE_3(MB, "---- macroblock_layer - quantization parameter & residual datas\n");

                // Read QP delta
                if (pps->entropy_coding_mode_flag)
                    mb->mb_qp_delta = read_ae(dc, SE_mb_qp_delta);
                    mb->mb_qp_delta = read_se(dc->bitstr);

                // Parse the residual coefficients

                // Luma levels
                residual_luma(dc, 0, 15);

                // Chroma levels
                residual_chroma(dc, 0, 15);
                TRACE_3(MB, "---- macroblock_layer - No residual datas to decode in this macroblock\n");

            // Compute luma Quantization Parameters
            if (mb->mb_qp_delta)
                mb->QPY = ((slice->QPYprev + mb->mb_qp_delta + 52 + sps->QpBdOffsetY*2) % (52 + sps->QpBdOffsetY)) - sps->QpBdOffsetY;
                mb->QPY = slice->QPYprev;

            mb->QPprimeY = mb->QPY + sps->QpBdOffsetY;
            slice->QPYprev = mb->QPY;

            // Set Transform Bypass Mode
            if (sps->qpprime_y_zero_transform_bypass_flag == true && mb->QPprimeY == 0)
                mb->TransformBypassModeFlag = true;

            // Prediction process (include quantization and transformation stages)

            if (dc->IdrPicFlag)
                retcode = intra_prediction_process(dc, mb);
                retcode = inter_prediction_process(dc, mb);

            // Print macroblock(s) header and block data ?

            mb->mbFileAddrStop = bitstream_get_absolute_bit_offset(dc->bitstr) - 1;

            int frame_debug_range[2] = {-1, -1}; // Range of (idr) frame(s) to debug/analyse
            int mb_debug_range[2] = {-1, -1}; // Range of macroblock(s) to debug/analyse

            if (dc->idrCounter >= frame_debug_range[0] && dc->idrCounter <= frame_debug_range[1])
                if (mb->mbAddr >= mb_debug_range[0] && mb->mbAddr <= mb_debug_range[1])
                    print_macroblock_layer(dc, mb);
#endif // ENABLE_DEBUG

        TRACE_3(MB, "---- macroblock_layer - the end\n\n");

    return retcode;
This function permits to recover the macroblock's data from the vlc
All the parameters decoded will be stored in differents structures or tables.

@param Pps PPS structure of the current video.
@param picture_residu Structure whixh contains information about the macroblock.
@param data The NAL unit.
@param aio_piPosition The current aio_piPosition in the NAL.
@param Slice The Slice structure.
@param block Contains all parameters of the current macroblock.
@param vlc The VLC tables in order to decode the Nal Unit.
@param non_zero_count_cache Specifies the coeff_token of each blocks 4x4 of a macroblock.
@param non_zero_count Specifies the coeff_token of each block of the picture.
@param SliceTable Specifies in which Slice belongs each macroblock of the picture.
@param intra_pred_mod Contains the prediction mode for each macroblock.
@param ai_iMb_x The x position of the macroblock in the picture.
@param ai_iMb_y The y position of the macroblock in the picture.
@param last_QP Give the QP of the last decoded macroblock.
@param iCurrMbAddr Number of the current macroblock.
char macroblock_I_partitionning(const PPS *Pps, RESIDU *picture_residu, const unsigned char *ai_pcData, int *aio_piPosition, 
							   SLICE *Slice, DATA *aio_pstBlock, const VLC_TABLES * Vlc, 
							   unsigned char *NonZeroCountCache, unsigned char *SliceTable, 
							   const short ai_iMb_x, const short ai_iMb_y, unsigned char *last_QP, int iCurrMbAddr)

	short intra4x4_pred_mode_cache[40];

	//Error detection
	if(ErrorsCheckIMbType(picture_residu -> MbType)){
		return 1;

	//Updating the Slice table in order to save in which slice each macroblock belong to
	picture_residu -> SliceNum  = SliceTable [iCurrMbAddr] = Slice -> slice_num ;

	if ( picture_residu -> MbType == INTRA_PCM )   {
		while ( !bytes_aligned(*aio_piPosition) ) {
			getNbits(ai_pcData, aio_piPosition, 1);//pcm_alignment_zero_bit = 
		ParseIPCM(ai_pcData, aio_piPosition, picture_residu, NonZeroCountCache);
	else 	{
		//Updating the parameter in order to decode the VLC
		fill_caches_I( Slice, picture_residu, 0, NonZeroCountCache, aio_pstBlock, SliceTable, 
			intra4x4_pred_mode_cache, ai_iMb_x, ai_iMb_y, Pps -> constrained_intra_pred_flag);

		if ( Pps -> transform_8x8_mode_flag && picture_residu -> MbType == INTRA_4x4 && getNbits(ai_pcData, aio_piPosition, 1)){
			picture_residu -> Transform8x8 = picture_residu -> MbType = aio_pstBlock -> Transform8x8 = INTRA_8x8;

		//Recovery of the prediction mode and the motion vectors for the macroblock 
		if(mb_pred_I(ai_pcData, aio_piPosition, picture_residu, picture_residu -> Intra16x16DCLevel, intra4x4_pred_mode_cache)){
			return 1;

		if ( aio_pstBlock -> MbPartPredMode[0] != INTRA_16x16 ) {
			picture_residu -> Cbp = read_me(ai_pcData, aio_piPosition, aio_pstBlock -> MbPartPredMode[0]);

		if ( picture_residu -> Cbp > 0 ||  (picture_residu -> MbType == INTRA_16x16)){
			int mb_qp_delta = read_se(ai_pcData, aio_piPosition);

#ifdef TI_OPTIM
			*last_QP = picture_residu -> Qp = divide(*last_QP + mb_qp_delta + 52, 52) >> 8 ;
			*last_QP = picture_residu -> Qp = (*last_QP + mb_qp_delta + 52) % 52;

			//Decoding process of the VLC 
			residual(ai_pcData, aio_piPosition, picture_residu, Vlc, NonZeroCountCache);