void EasyP2P::on_message(int sock, string message) { append_buf(sock, message); switch (get_state(sock)) { case EasyP2PState::NICK: { string result; if ( !read_until(message, "\n", result, 0) ) { need_buf(sock, message, true); return; } regex r(R"(^(\w+)\s+)"); smatch m; if (!regex_search(result, m, r)) { string message = "Invalid nickname!"; _scheduler.write_line(sock, message); return; } auto nick = m[1]; if (_n2s.find(nick) != _n2s.end()) { string message = "ALready exist!"; _scheduler.write_line(sock, message); return; } _n2s[nick] = sock; _s2n[sock] = nick; _scheduler.write_line(sock, "Nickname OK!"); _scheduler.write_line(sock, "You can type cmd now!"); set_state(sock, EasyP2PState::CMD); break; } case EasyP2PState::CMD: { string result; regex r(R"(^\w+\s+(\w+))"); while (true) { if ( !read_until(message, "\n", result, 0) ) { need_buf(sock, message, true); return; } if ( result.find("list") == 0 ) { on_list(sock); } else if ( result.find("info ") == 0 ) {
UExpression Map::create(Reader *r) { r->pop_token(); auto without_curly_close = without(closeTypes, TokenType::CurlyClose); std::list<UExpression> l; read_until(r, TokenType::CurlyClose, without_curly_close, l); if (l.size() % 2 == 1) { throw ReaderException("Map entries should be even"); } return make_unique<Map>(l); }
fc::http::reply parse_reply() { fc::http::reply rep; try { fc::vector<char> line(1024*8); int s = read_until( line.data(), line.data()+line.size(), ' ' ); // HTTP/1.1 s = read_until( line.data(), line.data()+line.size(), ' ' ); // CODE rep.status = fc::lexical_cast<int>(fc::string(line.data())); s = read_until( line.data(), line.data()+line.size(), '\n' ); // DESCRIPTION while( (s = read_until( line.data(), line.data()+line.size(), '\n' )) > 1 ) { fc::http::header h; char* end = line.data(); while( *end != ':' )++end; h.key = fc::string(line.data(),end); ++end; // skip ':' ++end; // skip space char* skey = end; while( *end != '\r' ) ++end; h.val = fc::string(skey,end); rep.headers.push_back(h); if( h.key == "Content-Length" ) { rep.body.resize( fc::lexical_cast<int>( fc::string(h.val) ) ); } } if( rep.body.size() ) { //slog( "Reading body size %d", rep.body.size() ); sock.read( rep.body.data(), rep.body.size() ); } return rep; } catch ( ... ) { elog( "%s", fc::except_str().c_str() ); sock.close(); FC_THROW_REPORT( "Error parsing reply" ); rep.status = http::reply::InternalServerError; return rep; } }
char * clienttest(char *host, char *request) { int clientfd; char *port = "80"; char *result; // Open the socket and set it up clientfd = Open_clientfd(host, port); // Write an http request to end-server Rio_writen(clientfd, request, strlen(request)); // Read response from end-server until ending html tag encountered result = read_until(clientfd, "</html>\0"); // Close the connection and return the end-server's response // Fputs(result, stdout); Close(clientfd); return result; }
void ClientParser::send(std::vector<std::string> commands) { if( commands.size() != 2 ) { std::cout << "Error: Bad send params" << std::endl; return; } // Get User auto user = commands.front(); // Get Subject auto subject = commands.at(1); // Get Message std::cout << "- Type your message. End with a blank line -" << std::endl; std::string message; while(true) { std::string buffer; getline(std::cin, buffer); if( buffer.empty() ) { break; } message += buffer += "\n"; } // Send Request auto client = Client::get_instance(); bool status = client->send_request( Request::put(user, subject, message) ); if( !status ) { std::cout << "Error: Request could not send to the server!"; } // Read Request auto response = client->read_until('\n'); if( is_error(response) ) { std::cout << response; return; } }
void servertest(char *port) { char *request, *hostname, *response, *client_ip_address; struct sockaddr_in clientaddr; struct hostent *hp; int clientlen, connfd; // start listening and enter infinite listening loop int listenfd = Open_listenfd(port); while (1) { // accept a connection clientlen = sizeof(clientaddr); connfd = Accept(listenfd, (SA *)&clientaddr, &clientlen); // get some information from the client hp = Gethostbyaddr((const char *)&clientaddr.sin_addr.s_addr, sizeof(clientaddr.sin_addr.s_addr), AF_INET); client_ip_address = inet_ntoa(clientaddr.sin_addr); // read the request from the end-user request = read_until(connfd, "\r\n\r\n\0"); // Store the hostname from the request hostname = parseRequest(request); // printf("S-Parse result:%s", hostname); if (hostname) { // Pass on the client's request response = clienttest(hostname, request); // printf("S-Response result:\n%s\n", response); //check that the response isn't empty (end-server responded) // respond to the end-user Rio_writen(connfd, response, strlen(response)); // writeLogEntry (only if there was a response) if (strcmp(response, "") != 0) { writeLogEntry(client_ip_address, hostname, strlen(response)); // printf("S-Wrote log.\n"); } } // Finished, close connection Close(connfd); // Free the buffers except // client_ip_address is statically managed by inet_ntoa free(request); free(hostname); free(response); } }
void ClientParser::read(std::vector<std::string> commands) { if( commands.size() != 2 ) { std::cout << "Error: Bad read params" << std::endl; return; } // Get User auto user = commands.front(); // Get Index int index = safe_stoi( commands.at(1) ); if( index < 1 ) { std::cout << "Error: Bad read params" << std::endl; return; } // Send Request auto client = Client::get_instance(); bool status = client->send_request( Request::get( user, index ) ); if( !status ) { std::cout << "Error: Request could not send to the server!"; } // Read Request auto response = client->read_until('\n'); if( is_error(response) ) { std::cout << response; return; } std::cout << utils::split( response ).at(1) << std::endl; int byte_count = std::stoi( utils::split( response ).back() ); std::cout << client->read_for( byte_count ) << std::endl; }
void field_type<string>::read ( istream& is, const matrix_separators *ap_matsep ) { char endchar[2]; endchar[1] = '\0'; var().erase(); if (is_followed_by(is,'\"',false)) endchar[0] = '\"'; else endchar[0] = ap_matsep->m_field_sep; read_until(is,endchar,var()); is.putback(endchar[0]); // Feld-Ende-Zeichen nicht entnehmen }
void serialDriver::execute(SDFFHWcommandManager* hwc_manager){ for (size_t i=0; i<hwc_manager->get_command_count(SDFF_CMDclass_SERIAL); i++) { SDFFcommand* hc=hwc_manager->get_command(SDFF_CMDclass_SERIAL, i); if (sequencer::SDFFserialOpenCommand* c=dynamic_cast<sequencer::SDFFserialOpenCommand*>(hc)) { open(c->get_com_port(), c->get_baudrate(), c->get_databits(), c->get_parity(), c->get_stopbits(), c->get_handshaking()); } else if (sequencer::SDFFserialCloseCommand* c=dynamic_cast<sequencer::SDFFserialCloseCommand*>(hc)) { close(c->get_com_port()); } else if (sequencer::SDFFserialSendCommand* c=dynamic_cast<sequencer::SDFFserialSendCommand*>(hc)) { write(c->get_com_port(), c->get_text()); } else if (sequencer::SDFFserialReadCommand* c=dynamic_cast<sequencer::SDFFserialReadCommand*>(hc)) { std::string res=""; if (c->get_byte_count()<=0) { res=read_until(c->get_com_port(), c->get_end_char()); } else { res=read(c->get_com_port(), c->get_byte_count()); } c->set_result(res); } } }
void AdminLogin(void) { char buf[100]; zero(buf, 100); print("Admin Password: "******"[-] Admin access granted\n"); return; } print("[-] Admin access denied\n"); ADMIN_ACCESS = 0; return; }
int TipWaitress(int sock) { char buf[100]; int rnd; sendit(sock, "But it's not all bad. The waitress just showed up with your "); rnd = rand() % MAX_DRINK1; sendit(sock, drink1[rnd]); rnd = rand() % MAX_DRINK2; sendit(sock, drink2[rnd]); sendit(sock, "Would you like to tip $1 (y/n)? "); read_until(sock, buf, 99); if (buf[0] == 'y' || buf[0] == 'Y') { rnd = rand() % MAX_TIPS; sendit(sock, tips[rnd]); return(1); } rnd = rand() % MAX_NOTIPS; sendit(sock, notips[rnd]); return(0); }
void ClientSession::ignoreResponse() { boost::asio::streambuf buffer; boost::system::error_code ec; read_until(socket_, buffer, "\r\n\r\n", ec); if(!ec) { ; } else { commander->insertText("Error - Connection Closed"); output->connected = false; close(); } }
void ReadMessage(void) { char id[4]; int id_val; // read in the ID: zero(id, 4); print("ID: "); if (read_until(id, '\n', 4) == -1) { _terminate(-1); } if (strlen(id) == 0) { return; } if (!isdigits(id)) { return; } id_val = atoi(id); if (id_val > USERS[CURRENT_USER].top_message) { print("[-] Message ID out of range\n"); return; } if (USERS[CURRENT_USER].messages[id_val][0] == '\0') { print("[-] Message ID not found\n"); return; } // print the message print("***********************************\n"); print(id); print(": "); print(USERS[CURRENT_USER].messages[id_val]); print("\n"); print("***********************************\n"); USERS[CURRENT_USER].msg_read[id_val] = 1; return; }
void conn::game_thread(std::shared_ptr<tcp::socket> socket, bool &gameover, bots & bots, bot::team_id &id, boost::mutex & state_mutex, bot::field_size &field_width, bot::field_size &field_height, int &win_width, int &win_height, bool &connected) { superbots superbots(bots); boost::asio::streambuf buf; while(!gameover) { superbots.ejecutar(5); for(auto b : bots.team_bots(id)) { std::stringstream stream; stream << "move " << b->get_x() << " " << b->get_y() << " " << b->get_next_direction(); send(*socket, stream.str()); } read_until(*socket, buf, "\n"); std::string data; std::istream is(&buf); std::getline(is, data); std::istringstream stream(data); std::string command; stream >> command; if(command == "welcome") { stream >> id; superbots.set_team(id); stream >> field_width; stream >> field_height; bots.set_size(field_width, field_height); MYscreen.set_screen(win_width, win_height, field_width, field_height); connected = true; } else if(command == "state") {
void bdecode_recursive(InIt& in, InIt end, entry& ret, bool& err, int depth) { if (depth >= 100) { err = true; return; } if (in == end) { err = true; return; } switch (*in) { // ---------------------------------------------- // integer case 'i': { ++in; // 'i' std::string val = read_until(in, end, 'e', err); if (err) return; BOOST_ASSERT(*in == 'e'); ++in; // 'e' ret = entry(entry::int_t); char* end_pointer; #if defined WIN32 && !defined _MINGW ret.integer() = _strtoi64(val.c_str(), &end_pointer, 10); #else ret.integer() = strtoll(val.c_str(), &end_pointer, 10); #endif if (end_pointer == val.c_str()) { err = true; return; } } break; // ---------------------------------------------- // list case 'l': { ret = entry(entry::list_t); ++in; // 'l' while (*in != 'e') { ret.list().push_back(entry()); entry& e = ret.list().back(); bdecode_recursive(in, end, e, err, depth + 1); if (err) { return; } if (in == end) { err = true; return; } } BOOST_ASSERT(*in == 'e'); ++in; // 'e' } break; // ---------------------------------------------- // dictionary case 'd': { ret = entry(entry::dictionary_t); ++in; // 'd' while (*in != 'e') { entry key; bdecode_recursive(in, end, key, err, depth + 1); if (err || key.type() != entry::string_t) { return; } entry& e = ret[key.string()]; bdecode_recursive(in, end, e, err, depth + 1); if (err) { return; } if (in == end) { err = true; return; } } BOOST_ASSERT(*in == 'e'); ++in; // 'e' } break; // ---------------------------------------------- // string default: if (is_digit((unsigned char)*in)) { std::string len_s = read_until(in, end, ':', err); if (err) { return; } BOOST_ASSERT(*in == ':'); ++in; // ':' int len = std::atoi(len_s.c_str()); ret = entry(entry::string_t); read_string(in, end, len, ret.string(), err); if (err) { return; } } else { err = true; return; } } }
void bdecode_recursive(InIt& in, InIt end, entry& ret) { if (in == end) throw invalid_encoding(); switch (*in) { // ---------------------------------------------- // integer case 'i': { ++in; // 'i' std::string val = read_until(in, end, 'e'); assert(*in == 'e'); ++in; // 'e' ret = entry(entry::int_t); ret.integer() = boost::lexical_cast<entry::integer_type>(val); } break; // ---------------------------------------------- // list case 'l': { ret = entry(entry::list_t); ++in; // 'l' while (*in != 'e') { ret.list().push_back(entry()); entry& e = ret.list().back(); bdecode_recursive(in, end, e); if (in == end) throw invalid_encoding(); } assert(*in == 'e'); ++in; // 'e' } break; // ---------------------------------------------- // dictionary case 'd': { ret = entry(entry::dictionary_t); ++in; // 'd' while (*in != 'e') { entry key; bdecode_recursive(in, end, key); entry& e = ret[key.string()]; bdecode_recursive(in, end, e); if (in == end) throw invalid_encoding(); } assert(*in == 'e'); ++in; // 'e' } break; // ---------------------------------------------- // string default: if (isdigit(*in)) { std::string len_s = read_until(in, end, ':'); assert(*in == ':'); ++in; // ':' int len = std::atoi(len_s.c_str()); ret = entry(entry::string_t); ret.string() = read_string(in, end, len); } else { throw invalid_encoding(); } } }
int wx_bdecode(wxFileInputStream &file, wxDataInputStream &data, entry &ret, int depth) { char myByte; wxString padding(wxT("")); if (depth >= 100) { return 0; } if (file.Eof()) { return 0; } switch(file.Peek()) { case 'i': { if (file.Peek() == 'i') data.Read8(); ret = entry(entry::int_t); std::string val = read_until(file, data, 'e'); ret.integer() = boost::lexical_cast<entry::integer_type>(val); if (file.Peek() == 'e') data.Read8(); wxLogMessage(wxT("num: ")+wxString(val.c_str(), wxConvUTF8)); } break; case 'l': { if (file.Peek() == 'l') data.Read8(); ret = entry(entry::list_t); while (file.Peek() != 'e') { ret.list().push_back(entry()); entry& list = ret.list().back(); wx_bdecode(file, data, list, depth + 1); } if (file.Peek() == 'e') data.Read8(); } break; case 'd': { if (file.Peek() == 'd') data.Read8(); ret = entry(entry::dictionary_t); while (file.Peek() != 'e') { entry key; wx_bdecode(file, data, key, depth + 1); if (key.type() != entry::string_t) { return 0; } entry dict; wx_bdecode(file, data, dict, depth + 1); ret.dict().insert(std::pair<std::string, entry>(key.string(), dict)); } if (file.Peek() == 'e') data.Read8(); } break; default: if(isdigit(file.Peek())) { ret = entry(entry::string_t); std::string len_s = read_until(file, data, ':'); if (file.Peek() == ':') data.Read8(); int len = std::atoi(len_s.c_str()); read_string(file, data, len, ret.string()); } else { return 0; } break; }// switch }
bool AParser::read_quoted_text(std::string& in) { return consume('"') && read_until(in, '"') && consume('"'); }
ssize_t http_parse_request (int fd, Http_request **request_) { Http_request *request; char *data; size_t len; ssize_t n; *request_ = NULL; request = malloc (sizeof (Http_request)); if (request == NULL) { log_error ("http_parse_request: out of memory"); return -1; } request->method = -1; request->uri = NULL; request->major_version = -1; request->minor_version = -1; request->header = NULL; n = read_until (fd, ' ', &data); if (n <= 0) { free (request); return n; } request->method = http_string_to_method (data, n - 1); if (request->method == -1) { log_error ("http_parse_request: expected an HTTP method"); free (data); free (request); return -1; } data[n - 1] = 0; log_verbose ("http_parse_request: method = \"%s\"", data); free (data); len = n; n = read_until (fd, ' ', &data); if (n <= 0) { free (request); return n; } data[n - 1] = 0; request->uri = data; len += n; log_verbose ("http_parse_request: uri = \"%s\"", request->uri); n = read_until (fd, '/', &data); if (n <= 0) { http_destroy_request (request); return n; } else if (n != 5 || memcmp (data, "HTTP", 4) != 0) { log_error ("http_parse_request: expected \"HTTP\""); free (data); http_destroy_request (request); return -1; } free (data); len = n; n = read_until (fd, '.', &data); if (n <= 0) { http_destroy_request (request); return n; } data[n - 1] = 0; request->major_version = atoi (data); log_verbose ("http_parse_request: major version = %d", request->major_version); free (data); len += n; n = read_until (fd, '\r', &data); if (n <= 0) { http_destroy_request (request); return n; } data[n - 1] = 0; request->minor_version = atoi (data); log_verbose ("http_parse_request: minor version = %d", request->minor_version); free (data); len += n; n = read_until (fd, '\n', &data); if (n <= 0) { http_destroy_request (request); return n; } free (data); if (n != 1) { log_error ("http_parse_request: invalid line ending"); http_destroy_request (request); return -1; } len += n; n = parse_header (fd, &request->header); if (n <= 0) { http_destroy_request (request); return n; } len += n; *request_ = request; return len; }
region* read_map_data (char* file_name) { FILE* file = fopen(file_name, "r"); if (file == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading file: %s\n", file_name); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* init global vars */ parens = malloc(sizeof(Stack)); init (parens); line_number = 1; int c; c = skip_blanks(file); ungetc(c, file); if (c == EOF) return NULL; // Initialize the array of regions region* regions = malloc(sizeof(region)*DEFAULT_REGION_SIZE); int region_size = DEFAULT_REGION_SIZE; int region_index = 0; Boolean min_max_set = FALSE; bbox r_box; //Add dummy values to get rid of warning; r_box.min_x = 0; r_box.max_x = 0; r_box.min_y = 0; r_box.max_y = 0; while ((c = getc(file)) != EOF) { if (c == '{') { // Create new region push(parens, '{'); // add to stack c = skip_blanks(file); ungetc(c, file); char* buffer = malloc(sizeof(char)*DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE); if (buffer == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error mallocing buffer\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int name_size = read_until(file, &buffer, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, ','); /* Make sure buffer can hold info */ if (region_index >= region_size) { // Realloc if necessary region* temp_regions = realloc(regions, sizeof(region)*region_size*2); if (temp_regions == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Problem reallocing regions buffer\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } regions = temp_regions; region_size *= 2; } // Store the name in memory, free the buffer regions[region_index].name = malloc(sizeof(char)*(name_size)); if (regions[region_index].name == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error mallocing name in region\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } strcpy(regions[region_index].name, buffer); free (buffer); c = skip_blanks(file); if (!check_parens(c)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); regions[region_index].polygons = malloc(sizeof(polygon)*DEFAULT_POLYGON_SIZE); int polygon_size = DEFAULT_POLYGON_SIZE; // Keeps track of buffer size for polgyons int polygon_index = 0; bbox p_box; // Add dummy values to prevent warning p_box.min_x = 0; p_box.max_x = 0; p_box.min_y = 0; p_box.max_y = 0; Boolean p_min_max_set = FALSE; // Now read all the polygons while (c != '}') { if (c == '[') { push(parens, '['); // Create new polygon to go inside of region c = skip_blanks(file); if (polygon_index >= polygon_size) { // Buffer is out of space, reallocate polygon* temp_polygons = realloc(regions[region_index].polygons, sizeof(polygon)*polygon_size*2); if (temp_polygons == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Problem reallocing polygon buffer\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { regions[region_index].polygons = temp_polygons; polygon_size *= 2; } } regions[region_index].polygons[polygon_index].vertices = malloc(sizeof(point)*DEFAULT_NUM_POINTS); int vertices_size = DEFAULT_NUM_POINTS; int vertices_index = 0; while (c != ']') { if (c == '(') { push(parens, '('); // Create new point to go inside polygon // read until ')' buffer = malloc(sizeof(char)*DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE); if (buffer == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR MALLOCING\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } read_until(file, &buffer, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, ')'); // reached end of point, save it to the polygon if (vertices_index >= vertices_size) { //Buffer is out of space, reallocate point* temp_vertices = realloc(regions[region_index]. polygons[polygon_index].vertices, sizeof(point)*vertices_size*2); if (temp_vertices == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Problem reallocing vertices buffer\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { regions[region_index].polygons[polygon_index].vertices = temp_vertices; vertices_size *= 2; } } // Parse point of format "1.0,1.0" into x and y floats char* pCh = strtok(buffer, ","); char* pEnd; double x = strtod(pCh, &pEnd); pCh = strtok(NULL, ","); double y = strtod(pCh, &pEnd); if (debug) fprintf(debug_file, "Storing point (%.2f,%.2f) in r_%d, p_%d v_%d\n", x,y,region_index,polygon_index,vertices_index); regions[region_index].polygons[polygon_index].vertices[vertices_index].x = x; regions[region_index].polygons[polygon_index].vertices[vertices_index].y = y; if (!min_max_set) { r_box.min_x = x; r_box.max_x = x; r_box.min_y = y; r_box.max_y = y; min_max_set = TRUE; } else { /* Update bounding box max and mins for current region */ if (x < r_box.min_x) r_box.min_x = x; if (x > r_box.max_x) r_box.max_x = x; if (y < r_box.min_y) r_box.min_y = y; if (y > r_box.max_y) r_box.max_y = y; } if (!p_min_max_set) { p_min_max_set = TRUE; p_box.min_x = x; p_box.max_x = x; p_box.min_y = y; p_box.max_y = y; } else { if (x < p_box.min_x) p_box.min_x = x; if (x > p_box.max_x) p_box.max_x = x; if (y < p_box.min_y) p_box.min_y = y; if (y > p_box.max_y) p_box.max_y = y; } free (buffer); vertices_index++; } // end if ( c = getc(file); if (!check_parens(c)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // end while != ] //reached end of polygon, save it now to region regions[region_index].polygons[polygon_index].box.max_x = p_box.max_x; regions[region_index].polygons[polygon_index].box.min_x = p_box.min_x; regions[region_index].polygons[polygon_index].box.max_y = p_box.max_y; regions[region_index].polygons[polygon_index].box.min_y = p_box.min_y; p_min_max_set = FALSE; regions[region_index].polygons[polygon_index].num_vertices = vertices_index; polygon_index++; }// end if [ c = getc(file); if (!check_parens(c)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // end while != // Copy the actual max's and min's to the region regions[region_index].box.max_x = r_box.max_x; regions[region_index].box.min_x = r_box.min_x; regions[region_index].box.max_y = r_box.max_y; regions[region_index].box.min_y = r_box.min_y; min_max_set = FALSE; //reached end of region, save it regions[region_index].num_polygons = polygon_index; region_index++; } // end if if (c == '\n') line_number++; }// end while return regions; }
static ssize_t parse_header (int fd, Http_header **header) { unsigned char buf[2]; char *data; Http_header *h; size_t len; ssize_t n; *header = NULL; n = read_all (fd, buf, 2); if (n <= 0) return n; if (buf[0] == '\r' && buf[1] == '\n') return n; h = malloc (sizeof (Http_header)); if (h == NULL) { log_error ("parse_header: malloc failed"); return -1; } *header = h; h->name = NULL; h->value = NULL; n = read_until (fd, ':', &data); if (n <= 0) return n; data = realloc (data, n + 2); if (data == NULL) { log_error ("parse_header: realloc failed"); return -1; } memmove (data + 2, data, n); memcpy (data, buf, 2); n += 2; data[n - 1] = 0; h->name = data; len = n; n = read_until (fd, '\r', &data); if (n <= 0) return n; data[n - 1] = 0; h->value = data; len += n; n = read_until (fd, '\n', &data); if (n <= 0) return n; free (data); if (n != 1) { log_error ("parse_header: invalid line ending"); return -1; } len += n; log_verbose ("parse_header: %s:%s", h->name, h->value); n = parse_header (fd, &h->next); if (n <= 0) return n; len += n; return len; }
void bdecode_recursive(InIt& in, InIt end, entry& ret, bool& err, int depth) { if (depth >= 100) { err = true; return; } if (in == end) { err = true; return; } switch (*in) { // ---------------------------------------------- // integer case 'i': { ++in; // 'i' std::string val = read_until(in, end, 'e', err); if (err) return; TORRENT_ASSERT(*in == 'e'); ++in; // 'e' ret = entry(entry::int_t); ret.integer() = boost::lexical_cast<entry::integer_type>(val); } break; // ---------------------------------------------- // list case 'l': { ret = entry(entry::list_t); ++in; // 'l' while (*in != 'e') { ret.list().push_back(entry()); entry& e = ret.list().back(); bdecode_recursive(in, end, e, err, depth + 1); if (err) return; if (in == end) { err = true; return; } } TORRENT_ASSERT(*in == 'e'); ++in; // 'e' } break; // ---------------------------------------------- // dictionary case 'd': { ret = entry(entry::dictionary_t); ++in; // 'd' while (*in != 'e') { entry key; bdecode_recursive(in, end, key, err, depth + 1); if (err) return; entry& e = ret[key.string()]; bdecode_recursive(in, end, e, err, depth + 1); if (err) return; if (in == end) { err = true; return; } } TORRENT_ASSERT(*in == 'e'); ++in; // 'e' } break; // ---------------------------------------------- // string default: if (isdigit((unsigned char)*in)) { std::string len_s = read_until(in, end, ':', err); if (err) return; TORRENT_ASSERT(*in == ':'); ++in; // ':' int len = std::atoi(len_s.c_str()); ret = entry(entry::string_t); read_string(in, end, len, ret.string(), err); if (err) return; } else { err = true; return; } } }
void PlayBlackjack(int sock) { int done = 0; char buf[100]; int bet; char dealer[21]; int dealer_hand_value; char player[21]; int player_hand_value; int player_cards; int dealer_cards; while (!done) { // start with empty hands bzero(dealer, 21); bzero(player, 21); // print out current cash snprintf(buf, 99, "You have $%d\n", cash); sendit(sock, buf); // take bets bet = -1; while (bet < 0 || bet > MAX_BET) { sendit(sock, "How much would you like to bet (-1 to exit)? "); read_until(sock, buf, 99); bet = atoi(buf); if (bet == -1) { return; } if (bet < 0 || bet > MAX_BET) { snprintf(buf, 99, "Table limit is $%d. Bet again.\n", MAX_BET); sendit(sock, buf); } if (bet == 0) { sendit(sock, "Well, I suppose we can let a noob blackjack player learn the ropes without risking any money. Don't tell my pit boss.\n"); } if (bet > cash) { snprintf(buf, 99, "No lines of credit in this casino. Bet again.\n", MAX_BET); sendit(sock, buf); bet = -1; } } // deal inital hand player[0] = (rand() % 13)+1; dealer[0] = (rand() % 13)+1; player[1] = (rand() % 13)+1; dealer[1] = (rand() % 13)+1; // calc inital hand values player_hand_value = CalculateHandValue(player); dealer_hand_value = CalculateHandValue(dealer); // print out the hands sendit(sock, "Dealer: "); PrintHand(sock, dealer, 1); sendit(sock, "\n"); sendit(sock, "Player: "); PrintHand(sock, player, 0); sendit(sock, "\n"); player_cards = 2; while (player_cards <= 21) { // hit or stand sendit(sock, "Hit or Stand (H/S)? "); read_until(sock, buf, 99); if (buf[0] == 'H') { player[player_cards++] = (rand() % 13)+1; // print out the hand sendit(sock, "Player: "); PrintHand(sock, player, 0); sendit(sock, "\n"); } else if (buf[0] == 'S') { break; } // see if busted or win player_hand_value = CalculateHandValue(player); if (player_hand_value > 21) { break; } //else if (player_hand_value == 21) { // break; // } } dealer_cards = 2; while (player_hand_value <= 21 && dealer_cards < 21) { // dealer hit or stand if (dealer_hand_value < 17) { sendit(sock, "Dealer hits\n"); dealer[dealer_cards++] = (rand() % 13)+1; // print out the hand sendit(sock, "Dealer: "); PrintHand(sock, dealer, 0); sendit(sock, "\n"); } else { sendit(sock, "Dealer stands\n"); sendit(sock, "Dealer: "); PrintHand(sock, dealer, 0); sendit(sock, "\n"); break; } // see if busted dealer_hand_value = CalculateHandValue(dealer); if (dealer_hand_value > 21) { break; } else if (dealer_hand_value == 21) { break; } } // see who won if (player_hand_value == 21 && dealer_hand_value != 21) { sendit(sock, "You win!\n\n"); cash += bet; winnings[total_bets++] = bet; } else if (dealer_hand_value == 21 && player_hand_value != 21) { sendit(sock, "You lose!\n"); if (bet == 127 && TipWaitress(sock)) { bet++; } cash -= bet; winnings[total_bets++] = 0-bet; } else if (player_hand_value > 21) { sendit(sock, "You lose!\n\n"); if (bet == 127 && TipWaitress(sock)) { bet++; } cash -= bet; winnings[total_bets++] = 0-bet; } else if (dealer_hand_value > 21) { sendit(sock, "You win!\n\n"); cash += bet; winnings[total_bets++] = bet; } else if (player_hand_value > dealer_hand_value) { sendit(sock, "You win!\n\n"); cash += bet; winnings[total_bets++] = bet; } else if (player_hand_value == dealer_hand_value) { sendit(sock, "It's a draw.\n\n"); } else if (player_hand_value < dealer_hand_value) { sendit(sock, "You lose!\n\n"); if (bet == 127 && TipWaitress(sock)) { bet++; } cash -= bet; winnings[total_bets++] = 0-bet; } //PrintWinnings(sock); if (total_bets == MAX_WINNINGS) { sendit(sock, "The pit boss is tired of you flirting with the waitresses...you're outta here\n"); break; } if (cash <= 0) { break; } } }
/* Parse the data section of VCD */ static void parse_contents(FILE *file, const struct sr_dev_inst *sdi, struct context *ctx) { GString *token = g_string_sized_new(32); uint64_t prev_timestamp = 0; uint64_t prev_values = 0; /* Read one space-delimited token at a time. */ while (read_until(file, NULL, 'N') && read_until(file, token, 'W')) { if (token->str[0] == '#' && g_ascii_isdigit(token->str[1])) { /* Numeric value beginning with # is a new timestamp value */ uint64_t timestamp; timestamp = strtoull(token->str + 1, NULL, 10); if (ctx->downsample > 1) timestamp /= ctx->downsample; /* Skip < 0 => skip until first timestamp. * Skip = 0 => don't skip * Skip > 0 => skip until timestamp >= skip. */ if (ctx->skip < 0) { ctx->skip = timestamp; prev_timestamp = timestamp; } else if (ctx->skip > 0 && timestamp < (uint64_t)ctx->skip) { prev_timestamp = ctx->skip; } else if (timestamp == prev_timestamp) { /* Ignore repeated timestamps (e.g. sigrok outputs these) */ } else { if (ctx->compress != 0 && timestamp - prev_timestamp > ctx->compress) { /* Compress long idle periods */ prev_timestamp = timestamp - ctx->compress; } sr_dbg("New timestamp: %" PRIu64, timestamp); /* Generate samples from prev_timestamp up to timestamp - 1. */ send_samples(sdi, prev_values, timestamp - prev_timestamp); prev_timestamp = timestamp; } } else if (token->str[0] == '$' && token->len > 1) { /* This is probably a $dumpvars, $comment or similar. * $dump* contain useful data, but other tags will be skipped until $end. */ if (g_strcmp0(token->str, "$dumpvars") == 0 || g_strcmp0(token->str, "$dumpon") == 0 || g_strcmp0(token->str, "$dumpoff") == 0 || g_strcmp0(token->str, "$end") == 0) { /* Ignore, parse contents as normally. */ } else { /* Skip until $end */ read_until(file, NULL, '$'); } } else if (strchr("bBrR", token->str[0]) != NULL) { /* A vector value. Skip it and also the following identifier. */ read_until(file, NULL, 'N'); read_until(file, NULL, 'W'); } else if (strchr("01xXzZ", token->str[0]) != NULL) { /* A new 1-bit sample value */ int i, bit; GSList *l; struct probe *probe; bit = (token->str[0] == '1'); g_string_erase(token, 0, 1); if (token->len == 0) { /* There was a space between value and identifier. * Read in the rest. */ read_until(file, NULL, 'N'); read_until(file, token, 'W'); } for (i = 0, l = ctx->probes; i < ctx->probecount && l; i++, l = l->next) { probe = l->data; if (g_strcmp0(token->str, probe->identifier) == 0) { sr_dbg("Probe %d new value %d.", i, bit); /* Found our probe */ if (bit) prev_values |= (1 << i); else prev_values &= ~(1 << i); break; } } if (i == ctx->probecount) { sr_dbg("Did not find probe for identifier '%s'.", token->str); } } else { sr_warn("Skipping unknown token '%s'.", token->str); } g_string_truncate(token, 0); } g_string_free(token, TRUE); }
void bdecode_recursive(InIt& in, InIt end, entry& ret, bool& err, int depth) { if (depth >= 100) { err = true; return; } if (in == end) { err = true; #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG ret.m_type_queried = false; #endif return; } switch (*in) { // ---------------------------------------------- // integer case 'i': { ++in; // 'i' std::string val = read_until(in, end, 'e', err); if (err) return; TORRENT_ASSERT(*in == 'e'); ++in; // 'e' ret = entry(entry::int_t); char* end_pointer; ret.integer() = strtoll(val.c_str(), &end_pointer, 10); #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG ret.m_type_queried = false; #endif if (end_pointer == val.c_str()) { err = true; return; } } break; // ---------------------------------------------- // list case 'l': { ret = entry(entry::list_t); ++in; // 'l' while (*in != 'e') { ret.list().push_back(entry()); entry& e = ret.list().back(); bdecode_recursive(in, end, e, err, depth + 1); if (err) { #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG ret.m_type_queried = false; #endif return; } if (in == end) { err = true; #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG ret.m_type_queried = false; #endif return; } } #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG ret.m_type_queried = false; #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(*in == 'e'); ++in; // 'e' } break; // ---------------------------------------------- // dictionary case 'd': { ret = entry(entry::dictionary_t); ++in; // 'd' while (*in != 'e') { entry key; bdecode_recursive(in, end, key, err, depth + 1); if (err || key.type() != entry::string_t) { #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG ret.m_type_queried = false; #endif return; } entry& e = ret[key.string()]; bdecode_recursive(in, end, e, err, depth + 1); if (err) { #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG ret.m_type_queried = false; #endif return; } if (in == end) { err = true; #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG ret.m_type_queried = false; #endif return; } } #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG ret.m_type_queried = false; #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(*in == 'e'); ++in; // 'e' } break; // ---------------------------------------------- // string default: if (is_digit(boost::uint8_t(*in))) { std::string len_s = read_until(in, end, ':', err); if (err) { #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG ret.m_type_queried = false; #endif return; } TORRENT_ASSERT(*in == ':'); ++in; // ':' int len = atoi(len_s.c_str()); ret = entry(entry::string_t); read_string(in, end, len, ret.string(), err); if (err) { #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG ret.m_type_queried = false; #endif return; } } else { err = true; #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG ret.m_type_queried = false; #endif return; } #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG ret.m_type_queried = false; #endif } }
ssize_t http_parse_response (int fd, Http_response **response_) { Http_response *response; char *data; size_t len; ssize_t n; *response_ = NULL; response = malloc (sizeof (Http_response)); if (response == NULL) { log_error ("http_parse_response: out of memory"); return -1; } response->major_version = -1; response->minor_version = -1; response->status_code = -1; response->status_message = NULL; response->header = NULL; n = read_until (fd, '/', &data); if (n <= 0) { free (response); return n; } else if (n != 5 || memcmp (data, "HTTP", 4) != 0) { log_error ("http_parse_response: expected \"HTTP\""); free (data); free (response); return -1; } free (data); len = n; n = read_until (fd, '.', &data); if (n <= 0) { free (response); return n; } data[n - 1] = 0; response->major_version = atoi (data); log_verbose ("http_parse_response: major version = %d", response->major_version); free (data); len += n; n = read_until (fd, ' ', &data); if (n <= 0) { free (response); return n; } data[n - 1] = 0; response->minor_version = atoi (data); log_verbose ("http_parse_response: minor version = %d", response->minor_version); free (data); len += n; n = read_until (fd, ' ', &data); if (n <= 0) { free (response); return n; } data[n - 1] = 0; response->status_code = atoi (data); log_verbose ("http_parse_response: status code = %d", response->status_code); free (data); len += n; n = read_until (fd, '\r', &data); if (n <= 0) { free (response); return n; } data[n - 1] = 0; response->status_message = data; log_verbose ("http_parse_response: status message = \"%s\"", response->status_message); len += n; n = read_until (fd, '\n', &data); if (n <= 0) { http_destroy_response (response); return n; } free (data); if (n != 1) { log_error ("http_parse_request: invalid line ending"); http_destroy_response (response); return -1; } len += n; n = parse_header (fd, &response->header); if (n <= 0) { http_destroy_response (response); return n; } len += n; *response_ = response; return len; }
void do_config(void) { read_until(read_fd, pattern, sizeof(pattern), '\n'); }
int main(void) { users_t users[MAX_USERS]; char buf[100]; int done = 0; // BusyWork(); // set a global pointer for easier function access USERS = users; // init some vars ADMIN_ACCESS = 0; CURRENT_USER = -1; NUM_USERS = 0; zero((char *)USERS, sizeof(users_t)*MAX_USERS); while (!done) { if (ADMIN_ACCESS) { zero(buf, 100); PrintAdminMenu(); if (read_until(buf, '\n', 100) == -1) { _terminate(-1); } if (strlen(buf) > 1) { print("[-] Invalid choice\n"); continue; } switch (buf[0]) { case '1': SendBroadcastMessage(); break; case '2': ADMIN_ACCESS = 0; break; case '3': print("Exiting...\n"); done = 1; break; default: continue; } } else if (CURRENT_USER == -1) { zero(buf, 100); PrintLoggedOutMenu(); if (read_until(buf, '\n', 100) == -1) { _terminate(-1); } if (strlen(buf) > 1) { print("[-] Invalid choice\n"); continue; } switch (buf[0]) { case '1': CreateUser(); break; case '2': Login(); break; case '3': print("Exiting...\n"); _terminate(0); break; default: print("[-] Invalid choice\n"); continue; } } else { zero(buf, 100); PrintNewMessages(); PrintLoggedInMenu(); if (read_until(buf, '\n', 100) == -1) { _terminate(-1); } if (strlen(buf) > 1) { print("[-] Invalid choice\n"); continue; } switch (buf[0]) { case '1': SendMessage(); break; case '2': ReadMessage(); break; case '3': ListMessages(); break; case '4': DeleteMessage(); break; case '5': CURRENT_USER = -1; print("Logging out...\n"); break; case '6': print("Exiting...\n"); _terminate(0); break; case 'a': AdminLogin(); break; default: print("[-] Invalid choice\n"); continue; } } } return(0); }
boost::tuple<int, int> http_parser::incoming( buffer::const_interval recv_buffer, bool& error) { TORRENT_ASSERT(recv_buffer.left() >= m_recv_buffer.left()); boost::tuple<int, int> ret(0, 0); int start_pos = m_recv_buffer.left(); // early exit if there's nothing new in the receive buffer if (start_pos == recv_buffer.left()) return ret; m_recv_buffer = recv_buffer; if (m_state == error_state) { error = true; return ret; } char const* pos = recv_buffer.begin + m_recv_pos; restart_response: if (m_state == read_status) { TORRENT_ASSERT(!m_finished); char const* newline = std::find(pos, recv_buffer.end, '\n'); // if we don't have a full line yet, wait. if (newline == recv_buffer.end) { boost::get<1>(ret) += m_recv_buffer.left() - start_pos; return ret; } if (newline == pos) { m_state = error_state; error = true; return ret; } char const* line_end = newline; if (pos != line_end && *(line_end - 1) == '\r') --line_end; char const* line = pos; ++newline; int incoming = int(newline - pos); m_recv_pos += incoming; boost::get<1>(ret) += newline - (m_recv_buffer.begin + start_pos); pos = newline; m_protocol = read_until(line, ' ', line_end); if (m_protocol.substr(0, 5) == "HTTP/") { m_status_code = atoi(read_until(line, ' ', line_end).c_str()); m_server_message = read_until(line, '\r', line_end); } else { m_method = m_protocol; std::transform(m_method.begin(), m_method.end(), m_method.begin(), &to_lower); // the content length is assumed to be 0 for requests m_content_length = 0; m_protocol.clear(); m_path = read_until(line, ' ', line_end); m_protocol = read_until(line, ' ', line_end); m_status_code = 0; } m_state = read_header; start_pos = pos - recv_buffer.begin; } if (m_state == read_header) { TORRENT_ASSERT(!m_finished); char const* newline = std::find(pos, recv_buffer.end, '\n'); std::string line; while (newline != recv_buffer.end && m_state == read_header) { // if the LF character is preceeded by a CR // charachter, don't copy it into the line string. char const* line_end = newline; if (pos != line_end && *(line_end - 1) == '\r') --line_end; line.assign(pos, line_end); ++newline; m_recv_pos += newline - pos; pos = newline; std::string::size_type separator = line.find(':'); if (separator == std::string::npos) { if (m_status_code == 100) { // for 100 Continue, we need to read another response header // before reading the body m_state = read_status; goto restart_response; } // this means we got a blank line, // the header is finished and the body // starts. m_state = read_body; // if this is a request (not a response) // we're done once we reach the end of the headers // if (!m_method.empty()) m_finished = true; // the HTTP header should always be < 2 GB TORRENT_ASSERT(m_recv_pos < INT_MAX); m_body_start_pos = int(m_recv_pos); break; } std::string name = line.substr(0, separator); std::transform(name.begin(), name.end(), name.begin(), &to_lower); ++separator; // skip whitespace while (separator < line.size() && (line[separator] == ' ' || line[separator] == '\t')) ++separator; std::string value = line.substr(separator, std::string::npos); m_header.insert(std::make_pair(name, value)); if (name == "content-length") { m_content_length = strtoll(value.c_str(), 0, 10); } else if (name == "content-range") { bool success = true; char const* ptr = value.c_str(); // apparently some web servers do not send the "bytes" // in their content-range. Don't treat it as an error // if we can't find it, just assume the byte counters // start immediately if (string_begins_no_case("bytes ", ptr)) ptr += 6; char* end; m_range_start = strtoll(ptr, &end, 10); if (end == ptr) success = false; else if (*end != '-') success = false; else { ptr = end + 1; m_range_end = strtoll(ptr, &end, 10); if (end == ptr) success = false; } if (!success || m_range_end < m_range_start) { m_state = error_state; error = true; return ret; } // the http range is inclusive m_content_length = m_range_end - m_range_start + 1; } else if (name == "transfer-encoding") { m_chunked_encoding = string_begins_no_case("chunked", value.c_str()); } TORRENT_ASSERT(m_recv_pos <= recv_buffer.left()); newline = std::find(pos, recv_buffer.end, '\n'); } boost::get<1>(ret) += newline - (m_recv_buffer.begin + start_pos); } if (m_state == read_body) { int incoming = recv_buffer.end - pos; if (m_chunked_encoding && (m_flags & dont_parse_chunks) == 0) { if (m_cur_chunk_end == -1) m_cur_chunk_end = m_body_start_pos; while (m_cur_chunk_end <= m_recv_pos + incoming && !m_finished && incoming > 0) { size_type payload = m_cur_chunk_end - m_recv_pos; if (payload > 0) { TORRENT_ASSERT(payload < INT_MAX); m_recv_pos += payload; boost::get<0>(ret) += int(payload); incoming -= int(payload); } buffer::const_interval buf(recv_buffer.begin + m_cur_chunk_end, recv_buffer.end); size_type chunk_size; int header_size; if (parse_chunk_header(buf, &chunk_size, &header_size)) { if (chunk_size > 0) { std::pair<size_type, size_type> chunk_range(m_cur_chunk_end + header_size , m_cur_chunk_end + header_size + chunk_size); m_chunked_ranges.push_back(chunk_range); } m_cur_chunk_end += header_size + chunk_size; if (chunk_size == 0) { m_finished = true; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_content_length < 0 || m_recv_pos - m_body_start_pos - m_chunk_header_size == m_content_length); } header_size -= m_partial_chunk_header; m_partial_chunk_header = 0; // fprintf(stderr, "parse_chunk_header(%d, -> %d, -> %d) -> %d\n" // " incoming = %d\n m_recv_pos = %d\n m_cur_chunk_end = %d\n" // " content-length = %d\n" // , buf.left(), int(chunk_size), header_size, 1, incoming, int(m_recv_pos) // , m_cur_chunk_end, int(m_content_length)); } else { m_partial_chunk_header += incoming; header_size = incoming; // fprintf(stderr, "parse_chunk_header(%d, -> %d, -> %d) -> %d\n" // " incoming = %d\n m_recv_pos = %d\n m_cur_chunk_end = %d\n" // " content-length = %d\n" // , buf.left(), int(chunk_size), header_size, 0, incoming, int(m_recv_pos) // , m_cur_chunk_end, int(m_content_length)); } m_chunk_header_size += header_size; m_recv_pos += header_size; boost::get<1>(ret) += header_size; incoming -= header_size; } if (incoming > 0) { m_recv_pos += incoming; boost::get<0>(ret) += incoming; // incoming = 0; } } else { size_type payload_received = m_recv_pos - m_body_start_pos + incoming; if (payload_received > m_content_length && m_content_length >= 0) { TORRENT_ASSERT(m_content_length - m_recv_pos + m_body_start_pos < INT_MAX); incoming = int(m_content_length - m_recv_pos + m_body_start_pos); } TORRENT_ASSERT(incoming >= 0); m_recv_pos += incoming; boost::get<0>(ret) += incoming; } if (m_content_length >= 0 && !m_chunked_encoding && m_recv_pos - m_body_start_pos >= m_content_length) { m_finished = true; } } return ret; }
static struct ebt_mac_wormhash *create_wormhash(const char *arg) { const char *pc = arg; const char *anchor; char *endptr; struct ebt_mac_wormhash *workcopy, *result, *h; unsigned char mac[6]; unsigned char ip[4]; int nmacs = 0; int i; char token[4]; if (!(workcopy = new_wormhash(1024))) { ebt_print_memory(); } while (1) { /* remember current position, we'll need it on error */ anchor = pc; /* collect MAC; all its bytes are followed by ':' (colon), * except for the last one which can be followed by * ',' (comma), '=' or '\0' */ for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (read_until(&pc, ":", token, 2) < 0 || token[0] == 0) { ebt_print_error("MAC parse error: %.20s", anchor); return NULL; } mac[i] = strtol(token, &endptr, 16); if (*endptr) { ebt_print_error("MAC parse error: %.20s", anchor); return NULL; } pc++; } if (read_until(&pc, "=,", token, 2) == -2 || token[0] == 0) { ebt_print_error("MAC parse error: %.20s", anchor); return NULL; } mac[i] = strtol(token, &endptr, 16); if (*endptr) { ebt_print_error("MAC parse error: %.20s", anchor); return NULL; } if (*pc == '=') { /* an IP follows the MAC; collect similarly to MAC */ pc++; anchor = pc; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (read_until(&pc, ".", token, 3) < 0 || token[0] == 0) { ebt_print_error("IP parse error: %.20s", anchor); return NULL; } ip[i] = strtol(token, &endptr, 10); if (*endptr) { ebt_print_error("IP parse error: %.20s", anchor); return NULL; } pc++; } if (read_until(&pc, ",", token, 3) == -2 || token[0] == 0) { ebt_print_error("IP parse error: %.20s", anchor); return NULL; } ip[3] = strtol(token, &endptr, 10); if (*endptr) { ebt_print_error("IP parse error: %.20s", anchor); return NULL; } if (*(uint32_t*)ip == 0) { ebt_print_error("Illegal IP"); return NULL; } } else { /* no IP, we set it to */ memset(ip, 0, 4); } /* we have collected MAC and IP, so we add an entry */ memcpy(((char *) workcopy->pool[nmacs].cmp) + 2, mac, 6); workcopy->pool[nmacs].ip = *(const uint32_t *) ip; nmacs++; /* re-allocate memory if needed */ if (*pc && nmacs >= workcopy->poolsize) { if (!(h = new_wormhash(nmacs * 2))) { ebt_print_memory(); } copy_wormhash(h, workcopy); free(workcopy); workcopy = h; } /* check if end of string was reached */ if (!*pc) { break; } /* now `pc' points to comma if we are here; */ /* increment this to the next char */ /* but first assert :-> */ if (*pc != ',') { ebt_print_error("Something went wrong; no comma...\n"); return NULL; } pc++; /* again check if end of string was reached; */ /* we allow an ending comma */ if (!*pc) { break; } } if (!(result = new_wormhash(nmacs))) { ebt_print_memory(); } copy_wormhash(result, workcopy); free(workcopy); qsort(&result->pool, result->poolsize, sizeof(struct ebt_mac_wormhash_tuple), fcmp); index_table(result); return result; }