int bag(vector< vector< map<int,float> > > & tests, vector<float> & weight){
     vector< map<int,float> > aa(USER_NUM);
     for(int k = 0; k < tests.size(); ++k){
          for(int u = 0; u < tests[k].size(); ++u){
               if(tests[k][u].empty()) continue;
               for(map<int,float>::iterator j = tests[k][u].begin(); j != tests[k][u].end(); ++j){
                    int item = j->first;
                    if(aa[u].find(item) == aa[u].end()) aa[u][item] = 0;
                    aa[u][item] += (float)(j->second) * weight[k];
     ofstream out("result-train.txt");
     for(int i = 0; i < aa.size(); ++i){
          if(aa[i].empty()) continue;
          vector< pair<int,float> > reco(aa[i].begin(), aa[i].end());
          sort(reco.begin(), reco.end(), GreaterSecond<int,float>);
          //if(reco.size() > 20) reco.erase(reco.begin() + 20, reco.end());
          //postProcessByLanguage(i, reco);
          out << i << ":" << reco[0].first;
          for(int k = 1; k < reco.size() && k < 20; ++k)
               out << "," << reco[k].first;
          out << endl;
     return score(aa);
Esempio n. 2
Int_t writeReco(Int_t event1=0, Int_t event2=-1
               , TTree* tree=0
               , const char* dbname="rundb-May2015.dat"
               , const char* tv_calib_fname="TVcalib.txt"
               , const char* wet_calib_fname="wet5calibExp.txt"
               , OutputFiles* outputFiles=0
               , bool debug=false
   bool do_wepl = true;
   if (!tv_calib_fname || !tv_calib_fname[0]) do_wepl = false;
   if (!wet_calib_fname || !wet_calib_fname[0]) do_wepl = false;
   if (!do_wepl) {
       cout<< "There are no TV-correction and/or WET calibration file provided. Nothing to do" <<endl;
       return 0;

   if (!tree) tree = (TTree*) gDirectory->Get("t");                 // DataFormat tree
   if (!tree) {
      cout<< "Could not find tree t" <<endl;
      return 0;

   const PCTEvent* pCTEvent = 0;
   tree->SetBranchAddress("event", &pCTEvent);

   RecoEvent* recoEvent = new RecoEvent();

   RunHeader* runHeader = new RunHeader(*((RunHeader*) tree->GetUserInfo()->First()));  // use copy constructor
   cout<< "runHeader->GetRun() = " << runHeader->GetRun() <<endl;
   time_t start_time = runHeader->GetTime();
   cout<< "run start time: " << std::ctime(&start_time);
   cout<< "program version is " << runHeader->GetVersion() <<endl;
   if (runHeader->GetTimeTag()) cout<< "event time tag was written out" <<endl;
   else cout<< "event time tag was not written out" <<endl;
   cout<< "runHeader->GetAngle() = " << runHeader->GetAngle() <<endl;

   // read the database
   Geometry* geometry = new Geometry(runHeader->GetRun(), dbname);

   // use geometry to fill up outputFiles data and to get u-positions of the layers
   outputFiles->run = runHeader->GetRun();
   //--from-rundb-- outputFiles->angle = geometry->angle_;
   outputFiles->angle = runHeader->GetAngle();                  // take angle from the RunHeader instead of rundb
   //   open temporary output files. The angle will be embedded into the file name

   Double_t uv[4];
   Double_t ut[4];
   for (int ilayer=0; ilayer<4; ++ilayer) {
      uv[ilayer] = geometry->uv_[ilayer];
      ut[ilayer] = geometry->ut_[ilayer];
      if (debug) cout<< "uv[" << ilayer << "] = " << uv[ilayer] << " ut[" << ilayer << "] = " << ut[ilayer] <<endl;

   PCTSensors* pCTSensors = new PCTSensors(geometry);

   //-- Geant4 setup
   //-- Double_t RbeamSpot = 10.;                                            // Geant4
   //-- BeamSpot beamSpotIn(0,0,-3500, RbeamSpot);                           // Geant4
   //-- BeamSpot beamSpotOut(0,0,-3500, RbeamSpot);                          // Geant4

   // Double_t RbeamSpot = 0.5*(14.16 + 17.08);                         // Sep2014 beam test
   // BeamSpot beamSpotIn(35.52,-1.07,-3500, RbeamSpot);                // Sep2014 beam test
   // BeamSpot beamSpotOut(13.76,-6.96,-3500, 140.);                    // Sep2014 beam test

   Double_t RbeamSpot = 10.;                                       // May2015 beam test
   BeamSpot beamSpotIn(-10.5,9.7,-2100, RbeamSpot);                // May2015 beam test
   BeamSpot beamSpotOut(-5.0,13.0,-2100, RbeamSpot);               // May2015 beam test

   // WEPL reconstruction

   // ADC Pedestals

   // Double_t ped[5] = {9.645, -20.484, -201.987, 62.966, -7.747};     // Celeste data
   // Jul2014-- Double_t ped[5] = {121.3, -71.5, -1137, 346.2, -49.};     // New pedestals (x6, reduced data)
   // Double_t ped[5] = {431,-130,-20,224,60};     // Sept. 2014 pedestals (x6, reduced data)
   Double_t ped[5] = {549,92,204,575,385};     // New pedestals, May 2015 (x6, reduced data)

   //   Prepare stuff for TV correction and convertion ADC->energy(MeV)

   Double_t ucal = 216.9 + 40;            // approx position for the calorimeter entrance  
   Float_t par[5];
   Float_t adc;
   Float_t Estage[5];

   CalF* f2cal[5]; 	                     // Calibration functions for 5 stages 

   if (do_wepl) {
      // open TV-correction parameters file
      std::ifstream TVcalfile(tv_calib_fname);
      if (!TVcalfile) {
         cout<< "Could not open TV-correction file " << tv_calib_fname <<endl;
         return 0;

      for (int i=0; i<5; ++i) {            // read fit parameters:
         TVcalfile >> par[0] >> par[1] >> par[2] >> par[3] >> par[4] ;
         f2cal[i]=new CalF(i,par);        // initialize t-v calibration  function  

   // Prepare stuff for WEPL calibration 	

   Float_t wepl_par[45];
   Float_t Wet;

   if (do_wepl) {
      // open text file with WEPL calibration data (parameters of 9 pol4 curves)   
      std::ifstream WEPLcalfile(wet_calib_fname); 
      if (!WEPLcalfile) {
         cout<< "Could not find file " << wet_calib_fname <<endl;
         return 0;

      for (int i=0; i<45; ++i) WEPLcalfile >> wepl_par[i];

   Wepl* WEPL = 0;
   if (do_wepl) {
      WEPL = new Wepl(wepl_par);                // initialize WEPL calibr. 
      WEPL->SetEthresholds(1,.99,1,1,1);        // Set all stage thresholds to 1 MeV

   //----------------- end of WEPL reconstruction stuff -----------------

   Int_t nevents_with_tracks = 0;

   if (event2 < event1) event2 = tree->GetEntries()-1;
   cout<< "event1 = " << event1 << " event2 = " << event2 <<endl;

   EventOutput eventOutput;

   //   event loop over DataFormat tree
   for (int ientry=event1; ientry<=event2; ++ientry)
      if (tree->LoadTree(ientry) < 0) {
         cout<< "Could not load event " << ientry <<endl;

      if (false
          || (ientry < 10)
          || (ientry < 10000 && ientry%1000 == 0)
          || (ientry%100000 == 0)
      ) cout<< "---> processing entry " << ientry <<endl; 

      //-- recoEvent->clear();   // probably we don't need it, the recoEvent->Extract(reco) will do the job

      Reco reco(geometry, pCTSensors, &beamSpotIn, &beamSpotOut, pCTEvent, ientry, debug);

      if (debug) cout<< "call recoEvent->Extract(reco)" <<endl;
      if (recoEvent->track->GetLast()+1 > 0) ++nevents_with_tracks;

      recoEvent->wepl = -2000;
      if (do_wepl) {
         //    calculate WEPL and assign to the recoEvent->wepl
         if (debug) cout<< "calculate WEPL: recoEvent->track->GetLast()+1 = " << recoEvent->track->GetLast()+1 <<endl;
         if (recoEvent->track->GetLast()+1 > 0)
            const SuperTrack* superTrack = (const SuperTrack*) recoEvent->track->At(0);   // take the first reconstructed track

            // angle cut
            if (superTrack->angle > 0.070) continue;

            for (int ical=0; ical<5; ++ical) {
               adc = recoEvent->a[ical];
               adc = adc - ped[ical]; 
               //	if (adc < 100) adc = 0;

               // Apply TV correction and convert ADC channel to E in MeV
               if (debug) cout<< "Apply TV correction and convert ADC channel to E in MeV" <<endl;

            // Get Wet=WEPL from Estage
            if (debug) cout<< "Get Wet=WEPL from Estage" <<endl;
            if (debug) cout<< "Wet = " << Wet <<endl;

            //-- if(Wet>999. || Wet<-999.) continue;
            //--new-- recoEvent->SetWEPL(Wet);
            if (debug) cout<< "assign Wet to recoEvent->wepl" <<endl;
            if(Wet>-999. && Wet<999.) recoEvent->wepl = Wet;
            if (debug) cout<< "   done" <<endl;

            //  writeReco stuff
            eventOutput.good = kTRUE;
            for (int ilayer=0; ilayer<4; ++ilayer) {
                eventOutput.u[ilayer] = ut[ilayer];
                eventOutput.v[ilayer] = superTrack->V(ut[ilayer]);
                eventOutput.t[ilayer] = superTrack->T(ut[ilayer]);
            eventOutput.wepl = Wet;

            for (int ilayer=0; ilayer<4; ilayer++) outputFiles->tfile[ilayer]->write((const char*) &eventOutput.t[ilayer], sizeof(Float_t));
            for (int ilayer=0; ilayer<4; ilayer++) outputFiles->vfile[ilayer]->write((const char*) &eventOutput.v[ilayer], sizeof(Float_t));
            for (int ilayer=0; ilayer<4; ilayer++) outputFiles->ufile[ilayer]->write((const char*) &eventOutput.u[ilayer], sizeof(Float_t));
            outputFiles->wfile->write((const char*) &eventOutput.wepl, sizeof(Float_t));

   cout<< "Wrote " << outputFiles->nevents << " events into temporary files" <<endl;
   return outputFiles->nevents;
Esempio n. 3
static gboolean _frame_handler(GstElement *img, GstBuffer *buffer, gpointer data)
    static gboolean inited = FALSE;
    static gboolean sended = FALSE;

    if (!inited) {
        inited = TRUE;

    if (frame == NULL)
        frame = cvCreateImageHeader(cvSize(640, 480), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);

    switch (recognition_info.reco_state) {
        g_debug("[%s] not start recognizing", __func__);
        if (copy_buffer != NULL)

        if (pure_buffer != NULL)

        copy_buffer = gst_buffer_copy((buffer));
        pure_buffer = gst_buffer_copy((buffer));

        frame->imageData = (char*)GST_BUFFER_DATA(copy_buffer);
        if (recognition_info.detect_is_enabled) {
        } else {
        recognition_info.source_data = (guchar*)(frame->imageData);
        recognition_info.length = GST_BUFFER_SIZE(copy_buffer);
        recognition_info.has_data = TRUE;
        g_debug("[%s] start recognizing", __func__);
        recognition_info.source_data = (guchar*)GST_BUFFER_DATA(pure_buffer);
        recognition_info.length = GST_BUFFER_SIZE(pure_buffer);
        GdkPixbuf* pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data(recognition_info.source_data,
                                                     GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB,  // color space
                                                     FALSE,  // has alpha
                                                     8,  // bits per sample
                                                     CAMERA_WIDTH,  // width
                                                     CAMERA_HEIGHT,  // height
                                                     3*CAMERA_WIDTH,  // row stride
                                                     NULL,  // destroy function
                                                     NULL  // destroy function data
        GError* error = NULL;
        gdk_pixbuf_save(pixbuf, "/tmp/deepin_user_face.png", "png", &error, NULL);
        if (error != NULL) {
            g_debug("[%s] %s", __func__, error->message);

        recognition_info.has_data = TRUE;

        recognition_info.reco_state = RECOGNIZING;
        sended = FALSE;
    case RECOGNIZED:
        g_debug("[%s] recognized", __func__);
        if (!sended) {
            g_timeout_add(ANIMATION_TIME, recognized_handler, NULL);
            sended = TRUE;
        g_debug("[%s] not recognized", __func__);
        if (!sended) {
            g_timeout_add(ANIMATION_TIME, not_recognize_handler, NULL);
            sended = TRUE;
        g_debug("[%s] recognizing finish", __func__);
        if (copy_buffer != NULL)
        copy_buffer = gst_buffer_copy((buffer));
        recognition_info.source_data = (guchar*)GST_BUFFER_DATA(copy_buffer);
        recognition_info.length = GST_BUFFER_SIZE(pure_buffer);
        recognition_info.has_data = TRUE;

    return TRUE;