Esempio n. 1
 * @brief CompareWorkspaces::processGroups
 * @param groupOne
 * @param groupTwo
void CompareWorkspaces::processGroups(
    boost::shared_ptr<const API::WorkspaceGroup> groupOne,
    boost::shared_ptr<const API::WorkspaceGroup> groupTwo) {

  // Check their sizes
  const size_t totalNum = static_cast<size_t>(groupOne->getNumberOfEntries());
  if (groupOne->getNumberOfEntries() != groupTwo->getNumberOfEntries()) {
    recordMismatch("GroupWorkspaces size mismatch.");

  // See if there are any other properties that require setting
  const std::vector<Property *> &allProps = this->getProperties();
  std::vector<Property *> nonDefaultProps;
  for (auto p : allProps) {
    const std::string &propName = p->name();
    // Skip those not set and the input workspaces
    if (p->isDefault() || propName == "Workspace1" || propName == "Workspace2")
  const size_t numNonDefault = nonDefaultProps.size();

  const double progressFraction = 1.0 / static_cast<double>(totalNum);
  std::vector<std::string> namesOne = groupOne->getNames();
  std::vector<std::string> namesTwo = groupTwo->getNames();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < totalNum; ++i) {
    // We should use an algorithm for each so that the output properties are
    // reset properly
    Algorithm_sptr checker = this->createChildAlgorithm(
        this->name(), progressFraction * static_cast<double>(i),
        progressFraction * static_cast<double>(i + 1), false, this->version());
    checker->setPropertyValue("Workspace1", namesOne[i]);
    checker->setPropertyValue("Workspace2", namesTwo[i]);
    for (size_t j = 0; j < numNonDefault; ++j) {
      Property *p = nonDefaultProps[j];
      checker->setPropertyValue(p->name(), p->value());

    bool success = checker->getProperty("Result");
    if (!success) {
      ITableWorkspace_sptr table = checker->getProperty("Messages");
      recordMismatch(table->cell<std::string>(0, 0), namesOne[i], namesTwo[i]);
Esempio n. 2
 * Process two groups and ensure the Result string is set properly on the final
 * algorithm.
 * @return A boolean true if execution was sucessful, false otherwise
bool CompareWorkspaces::processGroups() {
  m_Result = true;
  m_Messages->setRowCount(0); // Clear table

  // Get workspaces
  Workspace_const_sptr w1 = getProperty("Workspace1");
  Workspace_const_sptr w2 = getProperty("Workspace2");

  // Attempt to cast to WorkspaceGroups (will be nullptr on failure)
  WorkspaceGroup_const_sptr ws1 =
      boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const WorkspaceGroup>(w1);
  WorkspaceGroup_const_sptr ws2 =
      boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const WorkspaceGroup>(w2);

  if (ws1 && ws2) { // Both are groups
    processGroups(ws1, ws2);
  } else if (!ws1 && !ws2) { // Neither are groups (shouldn't happen)
    m_Result = false;
    throw std::runtime_error("CompareWorkspaces::processGroups - Neither "
                             "input is a WorkspaceGroup. This is a logical "
                             "error in the code.");
  } else if (!ws1 || !ws2) {
        "Type mismatch. One workspace is a group, the other is not.");

  if (m_Result && ws1 && ws2) {
    g_log.notice() << "All workspaces in workspace groups \"" << ws1->name()
                   << "\" and \"" << ws2->name() << "\" matched!" << std::endl;

  setProperty("Result", m_Result);
  setProperty("Messages", m_Messages);

  // Store output workspace in AnalysisDataService
  if (!isChild())

      new FinishedNotification(this, this->isExecuted()));

  return true;
Esempio n. 3
 * Process two groups and ensure the Result string is set properly on the final
 * algorithm.
 * @return A boolean true if execution was sucessful, false otherwise
bool CompareWorkspaces::processGroups() {
  m_result = true;
  m_messages->setRowCount(0); // Clear table

  // Get workspaces
  Workspace_const_sptr w1 = getProperty("Workspace1");
  Workspace_const_sptr w2 = getProperty("Workspace2");

  // Attempt to cast to WorkspaceGroups (will be nullptr on failure)
  WorkspaceGroup_const_sptr ws1 =
      boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const WorkspaceGroup>(w1);
  WorkspaceGroup_const_sptr ws2 =
      boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const WorkspaceGroup>(w2);

  if (ws1 && ws2) { // Both are groups
    processGroups(ws1, ws2);
  } else if (!ws1 && !ws2) { // Neither are groups (shouldn't happen)
    m_result = false;
    throw std::runtime_error("CompareWorkspaces::processGroups - Neither "
                             "input is a WorkspaceGroup. This is a logical "
                             "error in the code.");
  } else if (!ws1 || !ws2) {
        "Type mismatch. One workspace is a group, the other is not.");

  if (m_result && ws1 && ws2) {
    g_log.notice() << "All workspaces in workspace groups \"" << ws1->getName()
                   << "\" and \"" << ws2->getName() << "\" matched!\n";

  setProperty("Result", m_result);
  setProperty("Messages", m_messages);

  return true;
Esempio n. 4
/** Check whether 2 event lists are identical
bool CompareWorkspaces::compareEventWorkspaces(
    DataObjects::EventWorkspace_const_sptr ews1,
    DataObjects::EventWorkspace_const_sptr ews2) {
  bool checkallspectra = getProperty("CheckAllData");
  int numspec2print = getProperty("NumberMismatchedSpectraToPrint");
  int wsindex2print = getProperty("DetailedPrintIndex");

  // Compare number of spectra
  if (ews1->getNumberHistograms() != ews2->getNumberHistograms()) {
    recordMismatch("Mismatched number of histograms.");
    return false;

  if (ews1->getEventType() != ews2->getEventType()) {
    recordMismatch("Mismatched type of events in the EventWorkspaces.");
    return false;

  // Both will end up sorted anyway
  ews1->sortAll(PULSETIMETOF_SORT, m_Prog);
  ews2->sortAll(PULSETIMETOF_SORT, m_Prog);

  // Determine the tolerance for "tof" attribute and "weight" of events
  double toleranceWeight = Tolerance; // Standard tolerance
  int64_t tolerancePulse = 1;
  double toleranceTOF = 0.05;
  if ((ews1->getAxis(0)->unit()->label().ascii() != "microsecond") ||
      (ews2->getAxis(0)->unit()->label().ascii() != "microsecond")) {
    g_log.warning() << "Event workspace has unit as "
                    << ews1->getAxis(0)->unit()->label().ascii() << " and "
                    << ews2->getAxis(0)->unit()->label().ascii()
                    << ".  Tolerance of TOF is set to 0.05 still. "
                    << "\n";
    toleranceTOF = 0.05;
  g_log.notice() << "TOF Tolerance = " << toleranceTOF << "\n";

  bool mismatchedEvent = false;
  int mismatchedEventWI = 0;

  size_t numUnequalNumEventsSpectra = 0;
  size_t numUnequalEvents = 0;
  size_t numUnequalTOFEvents = 0;
  size_t numUnequalPulseEvents = 0;
  size_t numUnequalBothEvents = 0;

  std::vector<int> vec_mismatchedwsindex;
  PARALLEL_FOR_IF(m_ParallelComparison && ews1->threadSafe() &&
  for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(ews1->getNumberHistograms()); ++i) {
    if (!mismatchedEvent ||
        checkallspectra) // This guard will avoid checking unnecessarily
      const EventList &el1 = ews1->getEventList(i);
      const EventList &el2 = ews2->getEventList(i);
      bool printdetail = (i == wsindex2print);
      if (printdetail) {
        g_log.information() << "Spectrum " << i
                            << " is set to print out in details. "
                            << "\n";

      if (!el1.equals(el2, toleranceTOF, toleranceWeight, tolerancePulse)) {
        size_t tempNumTof = 0;
        size_t tempNumPulses = 0;
        size_t tempNumBoth = 0;

        int tempNumUnequal = 0;

        if (el1.getNumberEvents() != el2.getNumberEvents()) {
          // Number of events are different
          tempNumUnequal = -1;
        } else {
          tempNumUnequal = compareEventsListInDetails(
              el1, el2, toleranceTOF, toleranceWeight, tolerancePulse,
              printdetail, tempNumPulses, tempNumTof, tempNumBoth);

        mismatchedEvent = true;
        mismatchedEventWI = i;
        PARALLEL_CRITICAL(CompareWorkspaces) {
          if (tempNumUnequal == -1) {
            // 2 spectra have different number of events
          } else {
            // 2 spectra have some events different to each other
            numUnequalEvents += static_cast<size_t>(tempNumUnequal);
            numUnequalTOFEvents += tempNumTof;
            numUnequalPulseEvents += tempNumPulses;
            numUnequalBothEvents += tempNumBoth;

        } // Parallel critical region

      } // If elist 1 is not equal to elist 2
Esempio n. 5
 * @brief CompareWorkspaces::doComparison
void CompareWorkspaces::doComparison() {
  Workspace_sptr w1 = getProperty("Workspace1");
  Workspace_sptr w2 = getProperty("Workspace2");

  // ==============================================================================
  // Peaks workspaces
  // ==============================================================================

  // Check that both workspaces are the same type
  IPeaksWorkspace_sptr pws1 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<IPeaksWorkspace>(w1);
  IPeaksWorkspace_sptr pws2 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<IPeaksWorkspace>(w2);
  if ((pws1 && !pws2) || (!pws1 && pws2)) {
    recordMismatch("One workspace is a PeaksWorkspace and the other is not.");
  // Check some peak-based stuff
  if (pws1 && pws2) {
    doPeaksComparison(pws1, pws2);

  // ==============================================================================
  // Table workspaces
  // ==============================================================================

  // Check that both workspaces are the same type
  auto tws1 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const ITableWorkspace>(w1);
  auto tws2 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const ITableWorkspace>(w2);
  if ((tws1 && !tws2) || (!tws1 && tws2)) {
    recordMismatch("One workspace is a TableWorkspace and the other is not.");
  if (tws1 && tws2) {
    doTableComparison(tws1, tws2);

  // ==============================================================================
  // MD workspaces
  // ==============================================================================

  // Check things for IMDEventWorkspaces
  IMDEventWorkspace_const_sptr mdews1 =
      boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const IMDEventWorkspace>(w1);
  IMDEventWorkspace_const_sptr mdews2 =
      boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const IMDEventWorkspace>(w2);
  if ((mdews1 && !mdews2) || (!mdews1 && mdews2)) {
        "One workspace is an IMDEventWorkspace and the other is not.");
  // Check things for IMDHistoWorkspaces
  IMDHistoWorkspace_const_sptr mdhws1 =
      boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const IMDHistoWorkspace>(w1);
  IMDHistoWorkspace_const_sptr mdhws2 =
      boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const IMDHistoWorkspace>(w2);
  if ((mdhws1 && !mdhws2) || (!mdhws1 && mdhws2)) {
        "One workspace is an IMDHistoWorkspace and the other is not.");

  if (mdhws1 ||
      mdews1) // The '2' workspaces must match because of the checks above
    this->doMDComparison(w1, w2);

  // ==============================================================================
  // Event workspaces
  // ==============================================================================

  // These casts must succeed or there's a logical problem in the code
  MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr ws1 =
      boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const MatrixWorkspace>(w1);
  MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr ws2 =
      boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const MatrixWorkspace>(w2);

  EventWorkspace_const_sptr ews1 =
      boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const EventWorkspace>(ws1);
  EventWorkspace_const_sptr ews2 =
      boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const EventWorkspace>(ws2);
  if (getProperty("CheckType")) {
    if ((ews1 && !ews2) || (!ews1 && ews2)) {
          "One workspace is an EventWorkspace and the other is not.");

  size_t numhist = ws1->getNumberHistograms();

  if (ews1 && ews2) {
    m_Prog = new Progress(this, 0.0, 1.0, numhist * 5);

    // Compare event lists to see whether 2 event workspaces match each other
    if (!compareEventWorkspaces(ews1, ews2))
  } else {
    // Fewer steps if not events
    m_Prog = new Progress(this, 0.0, 1.0, numhist * 2);

  // ==============================================================================
  // Matrix workspaces (Event & 2D)
  // ==============================================================================

  // First check the data - always do this
  if (!checkData(ws1, ws2))

  // Now do the other ones if requested. Bail out as soon as we see a failure.
  m_Prog->reportIncrement(numhist / 5, "Axes");
  if (static_cast<bool>(getProperty("CheckAxes")) && !checkAxes(ws1, ws2))
  m_Prog->reportIncrement(numhist / 5, "SpectraMap");
  if (static_cast<bool>(getProperty("CheckSpectraMap")) &&
      !checkSpectraMap(ws1, ws2))
  m_Prog->reportIncrement(numhist / 5, "Instrument");
  if (static_cast<bool>(getProperty("CheckInstrument")) &&
      !checkInstrument(ws1, ws2))
  m_Prog->reportIncrement(numhist / 5, "Masking");
  if (static_cast<bool>(getProperty("CheckMasking")) && !checkMasking(ws1, ws2))
  m_Prog->reportIncrement(numhist / 5, "Sample");
  if (static_cast<bool>(getProperty("CheckSample"))) {
    if (!checkSample(ws1->sample(), ws2->sample()))
    if (!checkRunProperties(ws1->run(), ws2->run()))