size_t getImportList(
   const PartitioningSolution<SolutionAdapter> &solution,
   const DataAdapter * const data,
   ArrayRCP<typename DataAdapter::zgid_t> &imports // output
  typedef typename PartitioningSolution<SolutionAdapter>::part_t part_t;
  typedef typename PartitioningSolution<SolutionAdapter>::gno_t gno_t;
  typedef typename DataAdapter::zgid_t zgid_t;

  size_t numParts = solution.getActualGlobalNumberOfParts();
  int numProcs = solution.getCommunicator()->getSize();

  if (numParts > size_t(numProcs)) {
    char msg[256];
    sprintf(msg, "Number of parts %lu exceeds number of ranks %d; "
                 "%s requires a MappingSolution for this case\n",
                  numParts, numProcs, __func__);
    throw std::logic_error(msg);

  size_t localNumIds = data->getLocalNumIDs();
  const zgid_t *gids = NULL;

  const part_t *parts = solution.getPartListView();

  // How many ids to each process?
  Array<int> counts(numProcs, 0);
  for (size_t i=0; i < localNumIds; i++)

  Array<gno_t> offsets(numProcs+1, 0);
  for (int i=1; i <= numProcs; i++){
    offsets[i] = offsets[i-1] + counts[i-1];

  Array<typename DataAdapter::zgid_t> gidList(localNumIds);
  for (size_t i=0; i < localNumIds; i++) {
    gno_t idx = offsets[parts[i]];
    gidList[idx] = gids[i];
    offsets[parts[i]] = idx + 1;

  Array<int> recvCounts(numProcs, 0);
  try {
                      gidList(), counts(), imports, recvCounts());

  return imports.size();
Esempio n. 2
inline void
( DistMatrix<F>& A, 
  const std::vector<int>& image,
  const std::vector<int>& preimage )
    const int b = image.size();
#ifndef RELEASE
    if( A.Width() < b || b != preimage.size() )
        throw std::logic_error
        ("image and preimage must be vectors of equal length that are not "
         "wider than A.");
    const int localHeight = A.LocalHeight();
    if( A.Height() == 0 || A.Width() == 0 )
#ifndef RELEASE

    // Extract the relevant process grid information
    const Grid& g = A.Grid();
    const int c = g.Width();
    const int rowAlignment = A.RowAlignment();
    const int rowShift = A.RowShift();
    const int myCol = g.Col();

    // Extract the send and recv counts from the image and preimage.
    // This process's sends may be logically partitioned into two sets:
    //   (a) sends from rows [0,...,b-1]
    //   (b) sends from rows [b,...]
    // The latter is analyzed with image, the former deduced with preimage.
    std::vector<int> sendCounts(c,0), recvCounts(c,0);
    for( int j=rowShift; j<b; j+=c )
        const int sendCol = preimage[j];         
        const int sendTo = (rowAlignment+sendCol) % c; 
        sendCounts[sendTo] += localHeight;

        const int recvCol = image[j];
        const int recvFrom = (rowAlignment+recvCol) % c;
        recvCounts[recvFrom] += localHeight;
    for( int j=0; j<b; ++j )
        const int sendCol = preimage[j];
        if( sendCol >= b )
            const int sendTo = (rowAlignment+sendCol) % c;
            if( sendTo == myCol )
                const int sendFrom = (rowAlignment+j) % c;
                recvCounts[sendFrom] += localHeight;

        const int recvCol = image[j];
        if( recvCol >= b )
            const int recvFrom = (rowAlignment+recvCol) % c;
            if( recvFrom == myCol )
                const int recvTo = (rowAlignment+j) % c;
                sendCounts[recvTo] += localHeight;

    // Construct the send and recv displacements from the counts
    std::vector<int> sendDispls(c), recvDispls(c);
    int totalSend=0, totalRecv=0;
    for( int i=0; i<c; ++i )
        sendDispls[i] = totalSend;
        recvDispls[i] = totalRecv;
        totalSend += sendCounts[i];
        totalRecv += recvCounts[i];
#ifndef RELEASE
    if( totalSend != totalRecv )
        std::ostringstream msg;
        msg << "Send and recv counts do not match: (send,recv)=" 
             << totalSend << "," << totalRecv;
        throw std::logic_error( msg.str().c_str() );

    // Fill vectors with the send data
    std::vector<F> sendData(std::max(1,totalSend));
    std::vector<int> offsets(c,0);
    const int localWidth = LocalLength( b, rowShift, c );
    for( int jLocal=0; jLocal<localWidth; ++jLocal )
        const int sendCol = preimage[rowShift+jLocal*c];
        const int sendTo = (rowAlignment+sendCol) % c;
        const int offset = sendDispls[sendTo]+offsets[sendTo];
        MemCopy( &sendData[offset], A.LocalBuffer(0,jLocal), localHeight );
        offsets[sendTo] += localHeight;
    for( int j=0; j<b; ++j )
        const int recvCol = image[j];
        if( recvCol >= b )
            const int recvFrom = (rowAlignment+recvCol) % c; 
            if( recvFrom == myCol )
                const int recvTo = (rowAlignment+j) % c;
                const int jLocal = (recvCol-rowShift) / c;
                const int offset = sendDispls[recvTo]+offsets[recvTo];
                ( &sendData[offset], A.LocalBuffer(0,jLocal), localHeight );
                offsets[recvTo] += localHeight;

    // Communicate all pivot rows
    std::vector<F> recvData(std::max(1,totalRecv));
    ( &sendData[0], &sendCounts[0], &sendDispls[0],
      &recvData[0], &recvCounts[0], &recvDispls[0], g.RowComm() );

    // Unpack the recv data
    for( int k=0; k<c; ++k )
        offsets[k] = 0;
        int thisRowShift = Shift( k, rowAlignment, c );
        for( int j=thisRowShift; j<b; j+=c )
            const int sendCol = preimage[j];
            const int sendTo = (rowAlignment+sendCol) % c;
            if( sendTo == myCol )
                const int offset = recvDispls[k]+offsets[k];
                const int jLocal = (sendCol-rowShift) / c;
                ( A.LocalBuffer(0,jLocal), &recvData[offset], localHeight );
                offsets[k] += localHeight;
    for( int j=0; j<b; ++j )
        const int recvCol = image[j];
        if( recvCol >= b )
            const int recvTo = (rowAlignment+j) % c;
            if( recvTo == myCol )
                const int recvFrom = (rowAlignment+recvCol) % c; 
                const int jLocal = (j-rowShift) / c;
                const int offset = recvDispls[recvFrom]+offsets[recvFrom];
                ( A.LocalBuffer(0,jLocal), &recvData[offset], localHeight );
                offsets[recvFrom] += localHeight;
#ifndef RELEASE
Esempio n. 3
inline void
( DistMatrix<F>& A, 
  const std::vector<int>& image,
  const std::vector<int>& preimage )
    const int b = image.size();
#ifndef RELEASE
    if( A.Height() < b || b != (int)preimage.size() )
        throw std::logic_error
        ("image and preimage must be vectors of equal length that are not "
         "taller than A.");
    const int localWidth = A.LocalWidth();
    if( A.Height() == 0 || A.Width() == 0 )
#ifndef RELEASE
    // Extract the relevant process grid information
    const Grid& g = A.Grid();
    const int r = g.Height();
    const int colAlignment = A.ColAlignment();
    const int colShift = A.ColShift();
    const int myRow = g.Row();

    // Extract the send and recv counts from the image and preimage.
    // This process's sends may be logically partitioned into two sets:
    //   (a) sends from rows [0,...,b-1]
    //   (b) sends from rows [b,...]
    // The latter is analyzed with image, the former deduced with preimage.
    std::vector<int> sendCounts(r,0), recvCounts(r,0);
    for( int i=colShift; i<b; i+=r )
        const int sendRow = preimage[i];         
        const int sendTo = (colAlignment+sendRow) % r; 
        sendCounts[sendTo] += localWidth;

        const int recvRow = image[i];
        const int recvFrom = (colAlignment+recvRow) % r;
        recvCounts[recvFrom] += localWidth;
    for( int i=0; i<b; ++i )
        const int sendRow = preimage[i];
        if( sendRow >= b )
            const int sendTo = (colAlignment+sendRow) % r;
            if( sendTo == myRow )
                const int sendFrom = (colAlignment+i) % r;
                recvCounts[sendFrom] += localWidth;

        const int recvRow = image[i];
        if( recvRow >= b )
            const int recvFrom = (colAlignment+recvRow) % r;
            if( recvFrom == myRow )
                const int recvTo = (colAlignment+i) % r;
                sendCounts[recvTo] += localWidth;

    // Construct the send and recv displacements from the counts
    std::vector<int> sendDispls(r), recvDispls(r);
    int totalSend=0, totalRecv=0;
    for( int i=0; i<r; ++i )
        sendDispls[i] = totalSend;
        recvDispls[i] = totalRecv;
        totalSend += sendCounts[i];
        totalRecv += recvCounts[i];
#ifndef RELEASE
    if( totalSend != totalRecv )
        std::ostringstream msg;
        msg << "Send and recv counts do not match: (send,recv)=" 
             << totalSend << "," << totalRecv;
        throw std::logic_error( msg.str().c_str() );

    // Fill vectors with the send data
    const int ALDim = A.LocalLDim();
    std::vector<F> sendData(std::max(1,totalSend));
    std::vector<int> offsets(r,0);
    const int localHeight = LocalLength( b, colShift, r );
    for( int iLocal=0; iLocal<localHeight; ++iLocal )
        const int sendRow = preimage[colShift+iLocal*r];
        const int sendTo = (colAlignment+sendRow) % r;
        const int offset = sendDispls[sendTo]+offsets[sendTo];
        const F* ABuffer = A.LocalBuffer(iLocal,0);
        for( int jLocal=0; jLocal<localWidth; ++jLocal )
            sendData[offset+jLocal] = ABuffer[jLocal*ALDim];
        offsets[sendTo] += localWidth;
    for( int i=0; i<b; ++i )
        const int recvRow = image[i];
        if( recvRow >= b )
            const int recvFrom = (colAlignment+recvRow) % r; 
            if( recvFrom == myRow )
                const int recvTo = (colAlignment+i) % r;
                const int iLocal = (recvRow-colShift) / r;
                const int offset = sendDispls[recvTo]+offsets[recvTo];
                const F* ABuffer = A.LocalBuffer(iLocal,0);
                for( int jLocal=0; jLocal<localWidth; ++jLocal )
                    sendData[offset+jLocal] = ABuffer[jLocal*ALDim];
                offsets[recvTo] += localWidth;

    // Communicate all pivot rows
    std::vector<F> recvData(std::max(1,totalRecv));
    ( &sendData[0], &sendCounts[0], &sendDispls[0],
      &recvData[0], &recvCounts[0], &recvDispls[0], g.ColComm() );

    // Unpack the recv data
    for( int k=0; k<r; ++k )
        offsets[k] = 0;
        int thisColShift = Shift( k, colAlignment, r );
        for( int i=thisColShift; i<b; i+=r )
            const int sendRow = preimage[i];
            const int sendTo = (colAlignment+sendRow) % r;
            if( sendTo == myRow )
                const int offset = recvDispls[k]+offsets[k];
                const int iLocal = (sendRow-colShift) / r;
                F* ABuffer = A.LocalBuffer(iLocal,0);
                for( int jLocal=0; jLocal<localWidth; ++jLocal )
                    ABuffer[jLocal*ALDim] = recvData[offset+jLocal];
                offsets[k] += localWidth;
    for( int i=0; i<b; ++i )
        const int recvRow = image[i];
        if( recvRow >= b )
            const int recvTo = (colAlignment+i) % r;
            if( recvTo == myRow )
                const int recvFrom = (colAlignment+recvRow) % r; 
                const int iLocal = (i-colShift) / r;
                const int offset = recvDispls[recvFrom]+offsets[recvFrom];
                F* ABuffer = A.LocalBuffer(iLocal,0);
                for( int jLocal=0; jLocal<localWidth; ++jLocal )
                    ABuffer[jLocal*ALDim] = recvData[offset+jLocal];
                offsets[recvFrom] += localWidth;
#ifndef RELEASE