static void xact_out(usb_addr_t addr, usb_endp_t endpoint, uint8_t *data, uint16_t len)
     send_token(PID_OUT, addr, endpoint);
     send_data(next_data(), data, len);
Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	if(argc<2) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Usage: ./hw4 <torrent file>\n");

	// create a global peer_id for this session. Every peer_id should include -OBCS342-.
	for(int i=strlen(peer_id);i<20;i++)
		peer_id[i]='0'+random()%('Z'-'0'); // random numbers/letters between 0 and Z
	// make sure the torrent file exists
	struct stat file_stat;
	if(stat(argv[1],&file_stat)) {
		perror("Error opening file.");

	// map .torrent file into memory, and parse contents
	int fd = open(argv[1],O_RDONLY);
	char *buf = mmap(0,file_stat.st_size,PROT_READ,MAP_SHARED,fd,0);
	if(buf==(void*)-1) {
		perror("couldn't mmap file");
	size_t off = 0;
	int error = 0;
	torrent = (struct bencode_dict*)ben_decode2(buf,file_stat.st_size,&off,&error);
	if(!torrent) {
		printf("Got error %d, perhaps a malformed torrent file?\n",error);

	// pull out the .info part, which has stuff about the file we're downloading
	info = (struct bencode*)ben_dict_get_by_str((struct bencode*)torrent,"info");
	struct bencode_list* files = (struct bencode_list*)ben_dict_get_by_str(info,"files");
	// multi-file case
	if(files) {
		for(int i=0;i<files->n;i++) {
			struct bencode* file = files->values[i];
			struct bencode_list* path = (struct bencode_list*)ben_dict_get_by_str(file,"path");
			printf("Filename %s/%s\n",((struct bencode_str*)ben_dict_get_by_str(info,"name"))->s,((struct bencode_str*)path->values[0])->s);

			// accumulate a total length so we know how many pieces there are 
			file_length+=((struct bencode_int*)ben_dict_get_by_str(file,"length"))->ll; 
	// single-file case
	else {
		struct bencode_str* name = (struct bencode_str*)ben_dict_get_by_str(info,"name");
		if(name) {
			file_length = ((struct bencode_int*)ben_dict_get_by_str(info,"length"))->ll;			
	piece_length = ((struct bencode_int*)ben_dict_get_by_str(info,"piece length"))->ll;

	// create our output file, and set up a piece_status array
	piece_status = calloc(1,sizeof(int)*(int)(file_length/piece_length+1)); //start with an empty bitfield

	/* compute the message digest and info_hash from the "info" field in the torrent */
	size_t len;
	char info_hash[100];  
	char* encoded = ben_encode(&len,(struct bencode*)info);
	SHA1(encoded,len,digest); // digest is a global that holds the raw 20 bytes
	// info_hash is a stringified version of the digest, for use in the announce URL
	for(int i=0;i<20;i++)

	// compile a suitable announce URL for our document
	sprintf(announce_url,"%s?info_hash=%s&peer_id=%s&port=6881&left=%d",((struct bencode_str*)ben_dict_get_by_str((struct bencode*)torrent,"announce"))->s,info_hash,peer_id,file_length);
	printf("Announce URL: %s\n",announce_url);


	// now benPeers has the peers list from handle_announcement; let's handle this
	// handle the binary case
	FD_ZERO(&writeset); // zero out the sets before adding things to them
	if(benPeers->type == BENCODE_STR) {
		printf("Got binary list of peers\n");
		// replace all occurrences of pa with peerlist[i]
		struct peer_addr *peerlist = (struct peer_addr*)((struct bencode_str*)benPeers)->s;
		for(int i=0;i<((struct bencode_str*)benPeers)->len/6;i++) {				
			struct in_addr a;
			a.s_addr = peerlist[i].addr;
			printf("Found peer %s:%d\n",inet_ntoa(a),ntohs(peerlist[i].port));	
			struct peer_addr* peeraddr = (struct peer_addr*)&peerlist[i];

	 		if(peer_connected(peeraddr->addr)) {
		 		fprintf(stderr,"Already connected\n");
	    	} else {
	    	 	// open the socket
	    	 	int s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM,0);
	    	 	if(s < 0){
	    	 		perror("Error creating socket: ");
	    	 	struct sockaddr_in addr;
	    	 	addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
	    	 	addr.sin_addr.s_addr = peeraddr->addr;
	    	 	addr.sin_port = peeraddr->port;

	    	 	// set up the timeout
	    	 	struct timeval tv;
	    	 	tv.tv_sec = 60;
	    	 	if(setsockopt(s,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVTIMEO, (char *)&tv, sizeof tv))
	    	 	int res = connect(s, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr));
	    	 	if(res == -1) {
	    	 		fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't connect to %d \n", peeraddr->port);
	    	 		perror("Error while connecting: ");
	    	 	} else {
	    	 		printf("Connected!\n"); // for debugging purposes
		    	 	// register the new peer in our list of peers
		    	 	struct peer_state* peer = calloc(1,sizeof(struct peer_state));
		    	 	peer->socket = s; // socket is current socket
		    	 	peer->ip= peeraddr->addr; // address is the address of the current peer
		    	 	peer->next = peers; // stick it at the front of the linked list
		    	 	peer->connected = 0; // we're not connected until we've done handshaking
		    	 	peer->choked = 1;
		    	 	peer->incoming = malloc(BUFSIZE);
		    	 	peer->bitfield = calloc(1,file_length/piece_length/8+1); // start with an empty bitfield
		    	 	peers = peer; 	// make me the head of the LL

		    	 	char protocol[] = "BitTorrent protocol";
		    	 	unsigned char pstrlen = strlen(protocol);
		    	 	unsigned char msg[pstrlen+49];
		    	 	msg[0] = pstrlen;

		    	 	// put handshaking msg into all peers' outgoing
		    	 	peer->outgoing_count = 0;
		    	 	peer->outgoing = malloc(BUFSIZE);
		    	 	memcpy(peer->outgoing+peer->outgoing_count, msg, sizeof msg);
		    	 	peer->outgoing_count += sizeof msg;

		    	 	FD_SET(s, &readset); // add s (fd of peer's socket) to the read and write sets
		    	 	FD_SET(s, &writeset); 
	// handle the bencoded case
	else {
		for(int i=0;i<benPeers->n;i++) {
			printf("Got bencoded list of peers\n");
			struct bencode *peer = benPeers->values[i];
			char *address = ((struct bencode_str*)ben_dict_get_by_str(peer,"ip"))->s;
			unsigned short port = ((struct bencode_int*)ben_dict_get_by_str(peer,"port"))->ll;
			printf("Found peer %s:%d\n",address,port);

			struct peer_addr *peeraddr = malloc(sizeof(struct peer_addr));

	 		if(peer_connected(peeraddr->addr)) {
		 		fprintf(stderr,"Already connected\n");
	    	} else {
	    	 	// open the socket
	    	 	int s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM,0);
	    	 	if(s < 0){
	    	 		perror("Error creating socket: ");
	    	 	struct sockaddr_in addr;
	    	 	addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
	    	 	addr.sin_addr.s_addr = peeraddr->addr;
	    	 	addr.sin_port = peeraddr->port;

	    	 	// set up the timeout
	    	 	struct timeval tv;
	    	 	tv.tv_sec = 60;
	    	 	if(setsockopt(s,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVTIMEO, (char *)&tv, sizeof tv))
	    	 	// in a more ideal world, this would break out of the current iteration of the loop
	    	 	int res = connect(s, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr));
	    	 	if(res == -1) {
	    	 		fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't connect to %d \n", peeraddr->port);
	    	 		perror("Error while connecting: ");
	    	 	} else {
	    	 		printf("Connected!\n"); // for debugging purposes
		    	 	// register the new peer in our list of peers
		    	 	struct peer_state* peer = calloc(1,sizeof(struct peer_state));
		    	 	peer->socket = s; // socket is current socket
		    	 	peer->ip= peeraddr->addr; // address is the address of the current peer
    		    	 	peer->next = peers; // stick it at the front of the linked list
		    	 	peer->connected = 0; // we're not connected until we've done handshaking
		    	 	peer->choked = 1;
		    	 	peer->incoming = malloc(BUFSIZE);
		    	 	peer->bitfield = calloc(1,file_length/piece_length/8+1); // start with an empty bitfield
		    	 	peers = peer; 	// make me the head of the LL

		    	 	char protocol[] = "BitTorrent protocol";
		    	 	unsigned char pstrlen = strlen(protocol);
		    	 	unsigned char msg[pstrlen+49];
		    	 	msg[0] = pstrlen;

		    	 	// put handshaking msg into all peers' outgoing
		    	 	peer->outgoing_count = 0;
		    	 	peer->outgoing = malloc(BUFSIZE);
		    	 	memcpy(peer->outgoing+peer->outgoing_count, msg, sizeof msg);
		    	 	peer->outgoing_count += sizeof msg;

		    	 	FD_SET(s, &readset); // add s (fd of peer's socket) to the read and write sets
		    	 	FD_SET(s, &writeset); 

while(1) {
		fd_set rtemp, wtemp; 
		FD_ZERO(&wtemp);	// zero out the temp sets
		memcpy(&rtemp, &readset, sizeof readset);
		memcpy(&wtemp, &writeset, sizeof writeset); 

		// timeout for the select call? probably too high
		struct timeval tv;
		tv.tv_sec = 0;

		int selected = select(FD_SETSIZE, &rtemp, &wtemp, NULL, &tv);
		struct peer_state* peerTemp = peers;

		while(peerTemp) {
		  //printf("Current peer name is %s\n", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&peerTemp->ip));
			if(FD_ISSET(peerTemp->socket,&rtemp)) {		// if we're reading
				if(!peerTemp->connected) {
					recv_handshake(peerTemp);			// can all receive at once? or not?
					FD_SET(peerTemp->socket, &readset);
				} else {
					int ret = receive_message(peerTemp); // we can just use the current receive_message fcn
					if(ret == 2) {
					} // else just keep on chuggin
				//FD_SET(peerTemp->socket, &readset);		// then add it to the readset, always
			if(FD_ISSET(peerTemp->socket,&wtemp)) {		// if we're writing
			peerTemp = peerTemp->next;
		// if we don't have any missing blocks, breeaaaakk
		if(missing_blocks() == 0) 